one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin,
but by the content of their character.” -Martin Luther King, Jr. Savage Elementary.
Savage Elementary Jeffrey Moore, Principal February Edition
Mr. Moore’s Monthly Message It is that time of year, when cold, flu & other “bugs” hit our homes and infect our bodies. This often leads parents to ask the question, “Should I keep my child home from school today?” While being at school can be a very enjoyable experience, it is also a lot of hard work! Children who are feeling miserable are often unable to participate and engage in learning. Here are some tips to consider when determining if a child should stay home: *If If your child is running a fever, or has run a fever in the past 24 hours, it is recommended he or she remain home. (The CDC states that children are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine prior to return to school). *If your child has vomited in the past 24 hours, hours or is very nauseous, it is recommended he or she remain home. *According to Wayne County Health Guidelines. If your child has any type of infectious disease (i.e. pink eye, strep throat, head lice, influenza, etc) he/she should remain home until under treatment As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
We will enjoy a special assembly in the morning and King Pancake will be here serving lunch. Adult lunches are $3.25. Advanced lunch tickets will be available for purchase the week of Feb. 6th. Lunch includes turkey sausage, applesauce, fruit juice, milk and all-you-can-eat pancakes. Lunch Schedule Gr. 2 & 3 11:35-12:05, Gr. K & 1 12:10-12:40, Gr. 4 & 5 12:45-1:15 All Savage parents and guardians are welcome to
come out and enjoy the day with your child!!
Sponsored by: NAAPID Day Parent Committee and the Savage Elementary PTO
Interested in the Gifted and Talented Program? All forms must be completed and returned by Friday, February 24 to your school principal or mailed to Tyler Elementary School.
Mr. Moore
Worth Quoting “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Nominations forms for students to be screened for the Van Buren Public Schools Gifted and Talented Program for the 2012/2013 school year are available. Eligible students must be in grades pre-K through 7. Forms are available in all elementary and middle schools, the Administration Building, and online at The VBPS Gifted and Talented Program services students in grades K - 8. This program is designed for academically gifted and highly motivated students. The G/T Program stresses a combination of acceleration and enrichment. There is a high level of academic work, a rapid instructional pace, and many opportunities to delve more deeply into subject matter.
Savage Elementary Jeffrey Moore, Principal February Edition
Motor Moms and Dads Needed! If you have an hour a week to donate to our school and enjoy working with small groups of children, please consider becoming a Motor Parent.
These volunteers work with groups of 3-4 students at a time from kindergarten, first, and second grade classes. Interested parents will be trained in a series of activities designed to help children improve their ability to use both sides of their bodies in balancing, catching a ball, skipping etc. A complete class can rotate through the activities in about 45-60 minutes. You may contact your child’s teacher or call the Savage School office if you are interested.
Illnesses and Recess If your child has asthma and you wish him/her to stay inside during recess, you must have an Asthma Plan with a physician’s stamp/signature on file in the office with specific activity restrictions listed. For other illnesses, a doctor’s note is necessary if a child is to stay in for recess for a specified period of time. When your son or daughter returns from an illness, he or she may stay inside at recess for ONE DAY ONLY unless he/she has a doctor’s note to stay in longer.
Piskorski 02/15
Tyheem Coleman 02/18
Rambus Jr. 02/08
Brendon Gibbings 02/25
Brennan Kelly
Savage Elementary Jeffrey Moore, Principal February Edition
Gleaner’s Food Bank The partnership between Gleaner’s Food Bank and Van Buren partnership continues. On a monthly basis, Gleaner’s distributes food to families in need. Each qualifying family receives approximately forty pounds of food which include nonperishable items, frozen chicken, fresh vegetables, and/ or fresh fruit. To qualify for this program, the following criteria must be met:
• • •
Have a student attending Van Buren Public Schools Qualify to receive “free or reduced price” meals. Commit to pick up the food on the day of distribution.
An application will go out with this month’s newsletter. For any additional questions or information, please contact the Community Resource Center at 734-796-6843.
Pennies for Patients Savage Elementary is currently participating in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) community service program called “Pennies for Patients.” Our goal is to raise $500 through donations of small change brought in by our students. The classroom donating the most money will win a special reward! Money raised by LLS supports blood cancer research and provides patient services for individuals and their families who are affected by blood cancer. Pennies for Patients provides an opportunity for children to support LLS in finding cures for blood cancers: leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma.
Are You Tired of Waiting for the School Closing List to Roll to Van Buren Schools? Sign up with Honeywell Instant Alert and you will receive a phone call, text message and/or an email from the Honeywell System when school is closed, there is an early dismissal, and as a reminder for some school happenings.
Honeywell Instant Alert System Instant Alert for Schools is an essential tool for notification and communication. Within minutes of an emergency, school officials can use Instant Alert to deliver a single, clear message to the students’ parents or guardians by telephone, cell phone, e-mail, pager, or PDA in any combination. Instant Alert can also be used to notify you of a school closing due to inclement weather. It’s an equally effective way to keep you informed of everyday activities, such as event times and locations as well as schedule changes. Instant Alert is Internet based, allowing each family to maintain a secure, password protected online profile. The alert system is now operational, but we need your help. On this page you will find a link to an instruction sheet for accessing the system and creating your profile. We ask that you log into your profile as soon as possible to update your contact information and alert configuration. Maintaining the accuracy of your profile will increase the ability of the school to keep you informed. Please keep in mind that the Honeywell system and the district’s student information system are not connected and do not share information. When you update contacts in Honeywell, you still will need to update your information with your child’s school.