Scalable Robust Covariance and Correlation Estimates for Data Mining Fatemah A. Alqallaf
Kjell P. Konis
R. Douglas Martin
Ruben H. Zamar
Dept. of Mathematics Univ. of British Columbia Vancouver, BC Canada
Insightful Corp. Seattle, WA USA
Dept. of Statistics Univ. of Washington Seattle, WA USA
Dept. of Statistics Univ. of British Columbia Vancouver, BC Canada
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.7
Covariance and correlation estimates have important applications in data mining. In the presence of outliers, classical estimates of covariance and correlation matrices are not reliable. A small fraction of outliers, in some cases even a single outlier, can distort the classical covariance and correlation estimates making them virtually useless. That is, correlations for the vast majority of the data can be very erroneously reported; principal components transformations can be misleading; and multidimensional outlier detection via Mahalanobis distances can fail to detect outliers. There is plenty of statistical literature on robust covariance and correlation matrix estimates with an emphasis on affineequivariant estimators that possess high breakdown points and small worst case biases. All such estimators have unacceptable exponential complexity in the number of variables and quadratic complexity in the number of observations. In this paper we focus on several variants of robust covariance and correlation matrix estimates with quadratic complexity in the number of variables and linear complexity in the number of observations. These estimators are based on several forms of pairwise robust covariance and correlation estimates. The estimators studied include two fast estimators based on coordinate-wise robust transformations embedded in an overall procedure recently proposed by [14]. We show that the estimators have attractive robustness properties, and give an example that uses one of the estimators in the new Insightful Miner data mining product.
Keywords Data Mining, Outliers, Robust Statistics, Robust Estimators, Scalable Algorithm
Covariance and correlation matrices estimated from possibly very large data tables are used for a variety of purposes
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0.6 V1 0.5 0.4 0.16 0.14
0.12 0.10 0.60 0.55 V3
0.50 0.45 0.40
0.60 0.55 V4
0.50 0.45 0.40
1.00 0.95 V5
0.90 0.85 0.80
0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60
0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
Figure 1: Woodmod 5-D Data with Outliers. in data mining. For example, pairwise sample correlation coefficients are often examined in an exploratory data analysis (EDA) stage of data mining to determine which variables are highly correlated with one another. Estimated covariance matrices are used as the basis for computing principal components for both general principal components analysis (PCA), and for manual or automatic dimensionality reduction and variable selection. Estimated covariance matrices are also the basis for detecting multidimensional outliers through computation of the so-called Mahalanobis distances of the rows of a data table. Unfortunately the classical sample covariance and correlation matrix estimates, motivated by either Gaussian maximum likelihood or simple method of moments principles, are very sensitive to the presence of multidimensional outliers. Even a small fraction of outliers can distort these classical estimates to the extent that the estimates are very misleading, and virtually useless in any of the above data mining applications. To cope with the problem of outliers, statisticians have invented robust methods that are not much influenced by outliers for a wide range of problems, including estimation of covariance and correlation matrices. We illustrate the extent to which outliers can distort classical correlation matrix estimates and the value of having a robust correlation matrix estimate with the small five-dimensional data set example illustrated in Figures 1-3. Figure 1 shows all pairwise scatter plots of the 5-dimensional data set called “Woodmod”. This data clearly has at least several multidimensional outliers that show up as a cluster in several of the scatterplots. Note that while these outliers are clearly outliers in two-dimensional space they are
Square Root of Mahalanobis Distance
0.8532 V2 -0.1447
0.3867 0.6115
0.7078 -0.2461
V4 -0.1097 0.4704
-0.0443 -0.6039
-0.2006 0.3885
-0.3095 V5 -0.5999
0.0204 0.5275
0.0823 -0.498
8 6 15
0.6514 -0.2401
Robust Classical 5
Figure 2: Classical and Robust Correlations for Woodmod Data.
Figure 3: Classical and Robust Distances with 95% Chi-Squared Threshold.
not univariate outliers, i.e., they do not show up as well detached outliers in any of the variables. Figure 2 shows the result of computing all pairwise classical correlations by both the classical method (sample correlation coefficients) and a particular robust method known as the Fast MCD. The lower left triangle of values shows both the classical and robust correlation coefficient estimates, while the upper right triangle of ellipses visually represent the contours of a bivariate Gaussian density with zero means, unity variances, and correlation coefficients given by the classical and robust correlation coeffient estimates. A nearly circular ellipse indicates an estimated correlation coefficient of nearly zero. A narrow ellipse with its major axis oriented along the +45 degree (-45 degree) direction indicates a large positive (negative) estimated correlation coefficient. From the visual representation you immediately see differences between the classical and robust correlations, sometimes very substantial differences, including changes of sign. For example the classical correlation between V4 and V5 is -.24 whereas the robust correlation is +.65. The latter is quite consistent with what you might expect if you deleted the small cluster of outliers occurring in the scatterplot of V4 versus V5 in Figure 1. A common way of detecting multidimensional outliers is to use the classical squared Mahalanobis distance:
ˆ so much that it does not produce reliable Maclassical C halanobis distances. On the other hand the left-hand panel ˆ (and a robust µ of Figure 3, based on a robust C ˆ ) results in detection of not only the cluster of four very large outliers evident on the scatterplots of Figure 1, but also three additional moderate sized outliers. The above example serves to vividly illustrate the inadequacy of classical correlation and covariance matrices in the presence of outliers and the valuable role of robust alternatives. Indeed the statistical literature contains a substantial number of papers proposing and studying the properties of robust covariance matrix estimation. An important early approach was that of M-estimates [11]. These estimates are positive definite, affine equivariant and relatively easy to compute, but have as a substantial limitation the fact that their breakdown point (BP) — i.e., the maximum proportion of outliers that the estimate can safely tolerate — is at most 1/p where p is the dimension of the data. Subsequently there has been considerable emphasis on obtaining positive definite, affine equivariant estimators with a high breakdown point, namely a breakdown point of onehalf. The best known such estimators are the Minimum Volume Ellipsoid (MVE) and Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) estimates [16, 17], which are special cases of S estimates [2]. Another important class of affine equivariant high-breakdown point estimates are those based on projections: the Stahel-Donoho estimate (SDE) proposed by [20] and [4] and studied by [13] ; and P-estimates [12]. All known affine equivariant high-breakdown point estimates are solutions to a highly non-convex optimization problem and as such pose a serious computational challenge. The main challenge is to find good initial estimates from which to search for a nearest optimum in hopes that it produces a global optimum. The initial estimates are invariably obtained by using some form of repeated random sub-sampling of Ns rows of the original data table, with the number of samples Ns determined in order to achieve a high-breakdown with high probability, e.g., with probability .99 or .999 (see for example [19]). It turns out that achieving this latter condition results in computational algorithms that have exponential complexity of order 2p in terms of the dimension p of the data. This rules out the use of such estimates for many data mining applications where one has in excess of 20 - 30 variables. In addition, the robust covariance matrix based on projections has a computational complexity n2 in the number of observations if implemented in a naive manner. Empirical evidence indicates that a clever
ˆ −1 (xi − µ d2 (xi ) = (xi − µ ˆ)0 C ˆ)
In the above expression xi is the i-th data vector of dimension p (the transpose of the i-th row of your data table), µ ˆ is the vector of sample means of the columns of your data ˆ is the usual sample covariance matrix estimate. table, and C Under the assumption that the data is multivariate normal and that you use known values µ and C in place of the above estimates, the d2 (xi ) would have chi-squared distribution with p degrees of freedom. With reasonably large sample sizes the sample mean vector and sample covariance matrix will be close to their true values, and it is common practice to use the square root of chi-square (with p degrees of freedom) percent point such as .95 or .99 as a threshold to compare d(xi ) with, and declare xi to be an outlier if it exceeds this threshold. If you follow this classical approach for the Woodmod data of Figure 1, you get the results in the right-hand panel of Figure 3. The horizontal dashed line is the square-root of the 95% point of a chi-squared distribution with 5 degrees of freedom. Clearly no points are declared outliers by the classical Mahalanobis distance approach. This is because the outliers have distorted the
implementation can reduce this to approximately n ∗ log(n) [10]. Since many data mining applications involve hundreds of thousands if not millions of rows, the current projection estimators are not feasible for data mining. In order to deal with such severe scalability limitations [18] recently proposed a “Fast MCD” (FMCD) method that is much more effective than naive subsampling for minimizing the objective function of the MCD. The FMCD seems capable of yielding “good” solutions without requiring huge values of Ns . But FMCD still requires substantial running times for large p, and it no longer retains a high breakdown point with high probability when n is large. Much faster estimates with high breakdown points can be computed if one is willing to drop the requirements of positive definiteness and affine equivariance of the resulting covariance or correlation matrix. The simplest such methods are based on pairwise robust correlation or covariance estimates such as (i) classical rank based methods, such as the Spearman’s ρ and Kendall’s τ (see for example [1]); (ii) classical correlations applied after coordinate-wise outlier insensitive transformations, such as the quadrant correlation (QC) and 1-D “Huberized” data (see [7], p. 204); and (iii) bivariate outlier resistant methods such the method proposed by [5] and studied by [3]. The pairwise approach is appealing in that one can achieve high breakdown point on a pairwise basis that results in a high breakdown point for the overall covariance or correlation matrix, and at the same time reduces the computational complexity in the data dimension p from exponential to quadratic (from 2p to p2 ). This greatly increases the range of data mining problems to which robust covariance and correlation estimates can be applied, e.g., 200-300 variables becomes quite feasible. In recognition of this opportunity, [14] recently proposed a new method based on a modification of approach (iii) that preserves positive definiteness and has an “almost affine equivariant” property. However, the particular pairwise estimator they used is not particularly transparent to data miners and is not nearly as fast as one might like. In the present paper we follow in a similar spirit to that of [14], but focus on the following: • Use of the quadrant correlation and Huberized estimates of approach (ii) above, which are very transparent in the way they work, and enable fast scalable computation for data mining applications, with complexity O(n) · O(p2 ) for the resulting p × p covariance or correlation matrix. • Computation of attractive maximum bias and breakdown points for the component robust pairwise correlation and covariance estimates. • Monte Carlo comparison of FMCD and QC using a new class of contamination models appropriate for data mining applications. • Use of the [14] method of obtaining positive definiteness. • Introduction of a new way of computing reliable thresholds for detecting multidimensional outliers with robust Mahalanobis distances, based on robust fitting of gamma distributions to the distances.
• Implementation of the quadrant correlation version of [14] in the new Insightful Miner data mining pipeline architecture for dealing with arbitrarily large data sets. In Section 2 we describe the quadrant correlation and Huberized estimates, introduce the new contamination model and calculate maximum biases and breakdown points of the estimates, and compare their performance. This section also describes how to insure that the resulting covariance or correlation matrix is positive definite. Section 3 briefly discusses the setting of thresholds for outlier detection with robust Mahalanobis distances, including the new method based on robust fitting of a gamma distribution to the distances. Section 4 describes the Insightful Miner pipeline implementation of the new robust covariance and outlier detection method, and Section 5 gives two examples.
2. PAIRWISE ROBUST COVARIANCES AND CORRELATIONS Statisticians use contamination or mixture models to study the performance of robust alternatives to classical statistical procedures when these procedures are applied to messy data sets that contain outliers. Most multivariate contamination models for numeric data proposed to date (see for example [6]) assume that the majority of the observations (rows in your data table) come from a nominal distribution such as a multivariate normal distribution, while the remainder come from another multivariate distribution that generates outliers. Specifically it is assumed that a p-dimensional row vector y of your data table has a multivariate mixture distribution of the form: F = (1 − ) · Fo + · H
0 < < 1/2
where for example Fo is a multivariate normal distribution with mean µ and scatter matrix Σ, i.e., Fo = N (µ, Σ), and H is an arbitrary multivariate distribution. Under this model a fraction (1 − ) of the rows on average are distributed according to Fo and are therefore the majority or “core” data, while a fraction of the rows are from H and generate outliers that deviate from the core behavior of the data. We stress that such outliers could be “bad” data due to recording errors of all kinds, or they could be a highly informative subset of the data that leads to new scientific discovery or improved business operation. There is a need for more realistic contamination models for applications in data mining. We note that the above mixture model may be equivalently represented as a very special case of the following replacement model y = (I − B)x + B˜ x
where x represents the core data, x ˜ is an arbitrary random vector representing outliers, and B = Diag(B1 , B2 , ..., Bp ) is a p×p diagonal matrix such that B, B2 , . . . , Bp are Bernoulli random variables with marginal probabilities P (Bi = 1) = 1 − P (Bi = 0) = i . Specifically, if x has distribution Fo and x ˜ has distribution H, and in addition the diagonal matrix B of Bernoulli random variables has the special completely dependent structure P (B1 = B2 = · · · = Bp ) = 1,
then y generated by the replacement model has the classical multivariate mixture distribution (2) above.
p Percentage
1 95
2 90
5 77
10 60
15 46
20 36
25 28
50 8
100 1
Table 1: Percentage of Perfectly Observed Cases (Rows) as a Function of the Number of Variables in the Data Set. Unfortunately model (2) does not adequately model reality for many kinds of large multivariate data sets that arise in data mining applications. It may often happen in data mining applications that outliers occur in each of the variables independently of the other variables, or in special dependency patterns other than the complete dependency pattern (4). Different values of i and different dependence structures among the Bi0 s generate different contamination neighborhoods. We focus in this paper on the former situation, which we call the “independent outliers in variables (IOIV)”, with equal probabilities of an outlier occurring in each variable (and reserve treatment of unequal probabilities of outliers and special dependency patterns for a subsequent study). This amounts to assuming that the Bi (i = 1, . . . , p) are independent with constant i = . This leads to a completely different situation than with the classical outlier generating mixture model (2). For example, if observations in each column of the data table are spoiled on average 5% of the time, independently from column to column, the probability of a perfectly observed row becomes exceedingly small when the number of columns increases (see Table 1). We have learned from our study of the new IOIV model above that robust affine equivariant methods may not be very reliable in the case of large data sets because the operations needed to compute affine equivariant robust estimates tend to “propagate” the effect of the outliers. We illustrate this fact by comparing the performance of the affine equivariant Fast Minimum Covariance Determinant (FMCD) with that of the simple non-affine equivariant robust covariance estimate based on pairwise quadrant correlation coefficient (QC) estimates, defined below, under the new contamination model. The results are shown in Figure 4, which displays the distance between the two robust estimates and the true covariance matrix (the ratio of condition numbers as proposed by [13] versus the fraction of contamination ). The QC based estimate clearly out-performs the FMCD for p = 20 and 30. We can see that as p increases FMCD performs very poorly and practically breaks down at = 0.10 for p = 20 and at = .05 for p = 30. Based on Table 1 and Figure 4 we conjecture that the maximum BP of any affine equivariant scatter estimates under the new contamination model is very small for large p. In the least favorable dependence configuration the maximum BP may be bounded above by 1 − 0.51/p (e.g. 0.03 for p = 20). Pairwise methods like QC are much cheaper to compute and more reliable in these situations. The following theorem illustrates the type of results that one obtains when using IOIV models: you do best using the smallest possible number of columns at a time. More precisely it shows that for calculating the multivariate location we do better off processing each column of the data table separately, in that we minimize the maximum bias by using the coordinate-wise median. The family of multivariate distribution functions F generated by (3) is a contamination neighborhood of Fo and will be denoted by F. Theorem 1. Suppose that Fo = N (µ, σ 2 I). The coordi-
natewise median minimizes maxbias (worst case bias over F) among all translation equivariant estimates of multivariate location. Proof: Available from the authors upon request.
2.1 Pairwise scatter Estimates The discussion above motivates the construction of robust covariance and correlation matrices by using pairwise robust correlation coefficients (or covariances) as basic building blocks. Several such methods have been around for many year, but they have been mostly ignored because: (i) the lack of affine equivariance, and (ii) the resulting covariance matrix built up from the pairwise estimates lacks positive definiteness. We are motivated to re-examine the pairwise approach because: (i) the lack of affine equivariance is not necessarily important in data mining applications, and (ii) there now exists a good method for obtaining positive definiteness, recently introduced by [14]. We will concentrate on a class of estimates originally introduced by [7], who defined robust correlation coefficient estimates as follows. Let sj (j = 1, ..., p) be some robust scale estimates and let tj (j = 1, ..., p) be location M-estimates defined by the equations X ψ ((xij − tj ) /sj ) = 0 (j = 1, ..., p) where ψ(x) is an appropriate score function. The following two cases are of primary interest: Huber’s Function: ψc (x) = min {max {−c, x} , c} , c > 0 “Sign” Function: ψ(x) = SGN (x) where SGN (x) has the values +1 for x > 0, -1 for x < 0, and 0 for x = 0. The robust correlation coefficients rˆjk is now defined as the Pearson correlation coefficient computed on the outlier-free transformed data yij = ψ ((xij − tj ) /sj ) (j = 1, ..., k j = 1, ..., p) : i qX hX X 2 2 rˆjk = yij yik / yij yik . Notice that y¯j = y¯k = 0 by definition of tj and tk . To save computing time (and possibly gain robustness) we will use tj = median{xij } and therefore our robust correlation coefficient has the form P [ (yij − y¯j ) (yik − y¯k )] . rˆjk = q P 2P 2 (yij − y¯j ) (yik − y¯k ) When ψ is the Huber function, we call this the Huberized correlation coefficient, and when ψ is the “sign” function the estimator is the so-called quadrant correlation coefficient (QC). Bias Properties: We need to distinguish between two kinds of bias for the above estimators. The first is intrinsic bias that occurs at the nominal model Fo because of the structure of the estimator. Specifically, when xij and xik are jointly normal with correlation ρjk , the value rjk of rˆjk in large samples (which we have in data mining) satisfies |rjk | ≤ |ρjk | , with strict inequality except in the trivial cases |ρjk | = 0, 1. To remove bias at a Gaussian model Fo you
10 8 Distance
Performance of FMCD and QC, P = 10
Performance of FMCD and QC, P = 20
Performance of FMCD and QC, P = 30
2 QC
Figure 4: Comparing QC with FMCD Estimates. use an appropriate transformation r˜jk = gc (ˆ rjk ). For the QC estimator this transformation turns out to be gQC (r) = sin ((π/2) r), and for general c > 0, gc can be obtained by numerical means (see [7]). ˆ = (ˆ A main drawback of r˜jk is that unlike R rjk )j,k=1,...,p ˜ = (˜ the correlation matrix R rjk )j,k=1,...,p is not positive definite. However, [14] introduced an intuitively appealing method of adjusting the resulting correlation matrix so that it is positive definite. Let X 0 ˆia ˆ = C λ ˆi ˆ ai (5) ˆ1 < λ ˆ2 < · · · < λ ˆ p are eigenvalues of C ˆ and ˆ where λ ai (i = 1, ..., p) are the corresponding eigen vectors. One noˆ 0i s are the ˆ is the sample correlation, the λ tices that when C variances of the projected data on the direction of the corresponding eigen vectors. This suggest that in order to get rid ˆ 0i s in of possibly negative eigenvalues one can replace the λ (5) by the square of a robust scale estimate (e.g. the median absolute deviation) for the projected data. Fortunately, for values of c typically used for the Huber score function, e.g., c ≈ 1.5 or so, the intrinsic bias is very small (below 0.01) and therefore rˆjk ≈ rˆjk . In such cases we recommend using rˆjk to preserve positive definiteness. One important consideration to guide the choice of the tuning constant c is the maximum bias over contamination neighborhoods, which we would like to make as small as possible. For simplicity we will assume that the location and scale parameters of the two variables are known and we wish to estimate their correlation. Since in this case there are only two variables involved we can use the classical n o ˜ , contamination model Fε (ρ) = H : H = (1 − ) H0 + H ˜ is as a good approximation. Here H0 = N (0, I) and H arbitrary and unspecified. Theorem 2. (Worst Case Bias): The maximum bias B (, ρ) under classical contamination neighborhoods of size , supH∈Fε (ρ) |ˆ rc (H) − ρ| is given by rˆc (H0 ) + β rˆc (H0 ) − β − ρ , gc − ρ , max gc 1+β 1+β where β = [/(1 − )] ψc2 (∞) /Eψc2 (Z) , with Z ∼ N (0, 1). Proof: Assume without loss of generality that ψ (∞) = 1. Let A = EH0 ψ(X)ψ(Y ), B = EH0 ψ 2 (X), a = EH1 ψ 2 (X), b = EH1 ψ 2 (Y ), and EH ψ(X)ψ(Y ) . r(H) = p EH ψ 2 (X)EH ψ 2 (Y )
c 0.00 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00
ρ = .1 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.12 0.17
ρ = .5 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.14 0.17 0.20 0.28
ρ = .9 0.07 0.08 0.10 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.35
Table 2: Maximum Bias Calculations for Different Values of c and ρ, Under the Classical Contamination Model of Size = 0.05. By the Cauchy-Shwartz inequality √ (1 − )A + ab p . r(H) ≤ p (1 − )B + a (1 − )B + b
Differenciating the right hand side with respect to a and using the Cauchy-Shwartz inequality again we can verify that this derivative is non-negative for all a ≤ b. Therefore, letting (/ (1 − )) /b = β and noticing that r(H0 ) = A/B we can write r(H) ≤
(1 − )A + b (1 − )A + r(H0 ) + β ≤ = . (1 − )B + b (1 − )B + 1+β
The second inequality follows because [(1 − )A + b] / [(1 − )B + b] is increasing in b. An analogous reasoning gives r(H) ≥
r(H0 ) − η . 1+β
[7] stated inequalities (6) and (7) without providing a proof. The result follows now because the function ρ = g (r) is nondecreasing. Table 2 shows maxbias calculations for different values of c, and ρ using the result from Theorem 2. The table exhibits that the QC (c = 0) is a very attractive alternative.
3. THRESHOLD DETERMINATION OF OUTLIER DETECTION Consider the robust Mahalanobis squared distances (1) where the p-dimensional vector µ ˆ is a robust estimate of ˆ is a robust the mean of the observation vectors xi and C covariance matrix estimate based on one of the pairwise methods described in the previous section. The example in the introduction indicated that use of such robust distances can lead to reliable detection of multidimensional outliers, whereas use of the classical Mahalanobis distances based on the Gaussian maximum likelihood estimates of mean and covariance can completely fail to find such outliers. In that
example we used the 95% quantile of the chi-squared distribution with p degrees of freedom as a “guideline” threshold for flagging potential outliers. Use of such a guideline preˆ accurately represent the sumes that the estimates µ ˆ and C true mean and covariance of the majority (or core) of the data, and that the distribution of this majority are well approximated by a multivariate normal distribution. These are idealized assumptions, and it has been found in practice that this chi-squared distribution tends to be inadequate, particularly for large p [15]. Thus some improved alternative is sometimes needed in order to determine a threshold for flagging outliers. We very briefly mention two possible approaches. The first approach is to recognize that the chi-squared distribution is a special case of a gamma distribution, and that the gamma distribution provides a flexible form for modeling deviations of the distribution of the d2 (xi ) from the ideal chi-squared distribution. Furthermore it is well known how to estimate the parameters of the gamma distribution by maximum likelihood. However, the maximum likelihood estimates of the gamma distribution can be very adversely influenced by outliers as has been vividly shown by [9], who has developed methods of robustly fitting a gamma distribution. These methods are available in the S-PLUS Robust Library. We are in the process of thoroughly investigating this intuitively attractive approach, and hope to report on the results in a final revision of this paper. The second approach is very simple and practical, namely you visually inspect a histogram estimate or kernel density estimate of the true density of the squared distances d2 (xi ). We have found that often the data are such that these estimates will exhibit multi-modality with one or more modes in the tails of the density representing clustering of the outlying d2 (xi ) into one or more well distinguished groups. In such cases visual inspection will allow the user to immediately specify one or more thresholds for clustering the data into the central majority and one or more outlying groups. We provide such an example in Section 5.
We have implemented the QC based robust covariance matrix estimation, and outlier detection via robust Mahalanobis distances, in the new Insightful Miner (I-Miner) data mining product. I-Miner has a pipeline processing architecture that supports implementation of data mining algorithms designed to work on arbitrarily large sets of data by processing a block of rows of a data table at a time, with block sizes small enough to fit in memory. Our implementation is a three-pass algorithm, which operates as follows on the arbitrarily large data matrix
x11 x21 .. . xn1
x12 x22 .. . xn2
··· ··· ···
x1p x2p .. . xnp
PASS 1: Compute Simple Robust Location and Scale Estimates for Each Column First we compute the median (MED) and scaled inter-
quartile distance (IQD) of each column: mj sj
= M EDi (xij ) = .7413 · IQDi (xij )
The scaling in the IQD is such that sj is an unbiased estimate of the standard deviation when the column variables are normally distributed. The above computation amounts to finding three order statistics for the 25%, 50% and 75% quantiles of the data respectively. In order to do this in the pipeline architecture, processing a block at a time we have implemented the algorithm recently introduced by [8] that does not require knowledge of n ahead of time, and which computes the order statistics with an accuracy of at least .001 · n with probability at least 1 − 10−5 . Specifically, we have implemented the algorithm as described in Section 3 of their paper using six buffers of size 11914. PASS 2: Compute Bias-Adjusted QC Estimates and Initial Robust Covariance Matrix
SGN(yil ) SGN(yik ) nlk,o
where yij = xij − mj and nlk,o is the number of rows i such that neither yil or yik are zero (which can happen because of ties some data values are equal to a column median). This computation is carried out in C++ with a simple bucket sort algorithm that counts the number of observations that fall (strictly) in each of the four quadrants defined by a coordinate axis centered at the column medians (ml , mk ). Next we compute the “bias-corrected”quadrant correlations ρlk
π 2
rlk ,
l 6= k
and then compute the pairwise robust covariance estimates clk = sl sk ρlk . From the clk we form the the initial robust covariance matrix estimate ˆ o = {clk } . C This initial covariance matrix is not necessarily positive definite. PASS 3: Form the Final Positive Definite Robust Covariance Matrix Compute the spectral decomposition of Co : ˆ o = QΛQ0 C where Λ is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues, not all of which are guaranteed to be positive, and Q is the p × p orthogonal matrix of eigenvectors. We have used the subroutine rs in S-PLUS library to obtain Λ and Q. Transform the data matrix X, a row at a time, as you pass over the data: x ˜i x0i
= Q · xi
where is the i-th row of X and x ˜0i is the i-th row of the ˜ transformed data matrix X. At the same time as we pass
1000 600
N = 80000
Time in Seconds
N = 100000
N = 60000 N = 40000
N = 20000
Number of Columns
Figure 6: I-Miner Outlier Detection Visual Flow Map.
Figure 5: Some Timing Results. over the data we use the order statistic algorithm of PASS 1 to compute the robust scale estimate of the columns of the ˜ transformed X: s˜j = .7413 · IQDi (˜ xij ) These estimates are positive in all but special non-degenerate situations (which we discuss briefly below), and as such their squared values serve as robust non-negative estimates of the ˜ be the diagonal matrix whose eigenvalues of of Co . Let D ˜ 11 is elements are s˜2j ordered from largest to smallest, i.e., D ˜ pp the smallest of the s˜2j , respectively. The the largest and D final positive definite robust covariance matrix is: ˆ = QDQ ˜ 0. C Computational Complexity and Computing Times. The resulting robust positive definite covariance matrix estimate has computation complexity O(n) · O(p2 ). We have carried out some timing experiments for a range of n and p, and the results are displayed in Figure 5. The timing results confirm the above complexity claim, and are such as to support computation on very large data sets in bearable amounts of time. The memory required for the I-Miner outlier detection node is roughly p ∗ 600KB where p is the number of columns used to estimate the covariance matrix. When p = 80 this works out to be 48M B. Our test computer has only 128MB of memory total so some virtual memory was used. We suspect that this paging explains the slower than quadratic performance for = 80 in these timing results. The Choice of Robust Scale Estimate. The IQD scale estimate used has a breakdown point of 1/4. We used it in the current implementation instead of the median absolute deviation about the median (MAD) scale estimate, which has a breakdown point of 1/2, because the use of MAD would require another pass over the data. However, for some data sets the additional pass may be worth the extra computation effort to achieve a breakdown point of one-half, as this may be useful for special highly structured data sets having a fraction greater than 1/4 of outliers. The Robust Mahalanobis Distance. The above robust covariance matrix estimate is now used, along with the coordinate-wise medians as a robust location estimate, to compute a robust Mahalanobis distance. The computation of these distances requires another pass over the data.
5. AN INSIGHTFUL-MINER OUTLIER DETECTION EXAMPLE 5.1 Glass Example The data set glass is a small 241 × 10 table consisting of 9 numeric variables and one categorical variable. The 9 numeric variables are the percentages of various chemical constituents of the glass. We computed the QC based robust covariance matrix and robust Mahalanobis distances for the sub-table consisting of the first five columns of the above table, using the Insightful Miner Outlier Detection node. Figure 6 shows an I-Miner visual data and compuation flow diagram that accomplishes the following: the Read Text File node reads a user-specified text file; the Filter Columns node lets the user select particular variables/columns (in this example the first five variables); the Outlier Detection node implements the algorithm described in Section 4; the Table View provides a table of values of the variables with each vector observation in a row, along with a column containing the robust Mahalanobis distances and a column containing “Yes” or “No” indicating whether or not a table row was declared an outlier. The Chart node computes the histogram of the robust distances, as shown in Figure 7. Upon running the outlier detection computations in IMiner, the outlier detection algorithm generated the following output in a report window: • Outlier Detection (12): number vars=5, threshold=0.99, chi square distance threshold=15.0863 • Outlier Detection (12): found 61 outlier rows, 153 non-outlier rows, 0 NA rows Note that the 99% chi-squared threshold point of 15.09 results in declaring that approximately 29% of the data points are outliers, while the remaining 71% of the data represents a central core. The histogram in Figure 7 clearly shows a cluster of large distances around 850 to 900 which are much larger than the automatic 99% chi-squared (with 5 degrees of freedom) threshold of 15.1 used above. A visualization of the data by means of all pairwise scatter plots in Figure 8 reveals an interesting aspect of the multivariate structure that is reasonably consistent with these observations. One sees that the data appears to have a central core that is roughly elliptical in the pairwise views, along with broadly scattered outliers and the distinctive rod-like structure. The latter is due to the fact that 41 of the observations of the Mg variable have value zero. This was evidently because the data values were not recorded or were
5.2 KDD-CUP-98 PVA Donations Data This data set, which we will refer to as the “PVA” data, represents a much more substantial data mining challenge. The original KDD-CUP-98 PVA data set consisted of 95, 412 records and 479 variables. For purposes of this example we have used 16 of the numeric variables. The result of running the I-Miner version of our scalable robust covariance matrix and outlier detection method, as in Figure 6, consists of the following report window output, • Outlier Detection (1): number var= 16, threshold= 0.99, chi square distance threshold= 31.9999 • Outlier Detection (1): found 17903 outlier rows, 44284 non-outlier rows, 33225 NA rows Figure 7: Histogram of the Robust Mahalanobis Distances.
3 1.535 1.530 1.525
1.520 1.515 1.510
18 16 Na
14 12 10
4 3 Mg
2 1 0
3 2
1 0 75 73
71 69 1.5101.5151.5201.5251.5301.535
Figure 8: Pairwise Plots for the Data Set Glass. misplaced, and zero values were substituted for the missing values. Although these zero’s could be detected by a simple algorithm applied to each column, it is interesting and fortunate that if this step has not been taken the robust outlier detection method will typically detect rows containing unsuspected zero’s (or other unsual coding values) for further examination by the data miner. Inspection of the scatterplots in Figure 8 reveals that there are roughly an addition 20 diffuse outliers well separated from the elliptical core. So what the automatic outlier detection algorithm with a 99% chi-squared threshold of 15.1 does is identify the diffuse outliers as well as the extreme outlying rod caused by the zero Mg. In other words the outlier detection algorithm is behaving quite as anticipated. What the histogram is identifying with its bimodal character is the separation of the pure rod outlier as the most extreme set of distances, distances that are well beyond those of the diffuse outliers closer to central bulk of the data. If you use a threshold of 200 to set aside outliers you will set aside the pure rod, and this is not an unreasonable first step. In a second step you will find the remainder of the diffuse outliers. These observations suggest that one might well use robust covariance matrix based robust distances to iteratively cluster multivariate data by iterative removal of outlier groups, monitored by histograms or density estimates of the robust distances, and subsequent iteration on the sub-clusters. This possibility bears further investigation.
the histogram of robust distances shown in Figure 9 (in which we have filtered out a few very extreme outlier distances for purposes of a more detailed display), and the plot in Figure 10 of ordered absolute differences between the classical and robust correlation coeffients obtained from the robust correlation matrix. Figure 10 shows that while the vast majority of the absolute differences between the classical and robust correlation coefficients are less than .05, a few differences are fairly large (three are larger than .2 and ten are larger than .1). In order to more fully test the capabilities of the robust outlier detection method, we modified a subset of the PVA data as follows. We took a subset of 10,000 records from the PVA data set. Then we added 1,000 rows – each identical to the second row except that the value for the variable “minramnt” was changed to 1 and the value of the variable “avggift” was changed to 50. While this does not result in very extreme outliers, it does result in outliers that are well detached from the bulk of the data. The results for this modified data set are shown in the I-Miner report window output provided below, and in Figure 11 (in which we have filtered out a few very extreme outlier distances for purposes of a more detailed display) and in Figure 12. • Outlier Detection (1): number vars= 16, threshold= 0.99, chi square distance threshold= 31.9999 • Outlier Detection (1): found 3618 outlier rows, 7382 non-outlier rows, 0 NA rows In this case the outliers show up as a clear bump in the histogram bar located near 225. This suggests further investigation of the data by deleting all outliers with robust distances greater than 175–200. The over-all shape in Figure 12 is similar to that of Figure 10, except now the largest difference is .5 rather than .35, and several more in the .2–.3 range, reflecting the impact of the added outliers.
0.0 0
Figure 12: Differences between Classical and Robust Correlations for Modified PVA Data.
6. REFERENCES Figure 9: Histogram of Robust Distances for the PVA Data.
0.0 0
Figure 10: Differences between Classical and Robust Correlations for PVA Data.
Figure 11: Histogram of Robust Distances for Modified PVA Data with Outliers.
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