Scanfish II Flight Course PPT - Software download - Eiva

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The Training & Documentation site contains all documentation and training material associated with the EIVA Soft- and Hard- ware. It is therefore recommen- .
General EIVA Flight Course

with NaviPac

NaviPac/Flight Relationship

Flight Installation To install the latest version of ScanFish, insert the CD in the drive. An auto-run window with the Software Installer pops up, listing the EIVA software packages in two columns. For Flight, the recommended sequence in installation is: 1.

WIBU Key (software protection driver must be installed even when simulating all instruments)


ScanFish Flight (latest version)


Training and Documentation Site (not compulsory)

Upon installation, Flight is ready to be used.

Flight Installation File structure in the EIVA folder It is recommended that Flight, as any other EIVA software package, is installed in the default location (C:\EIVA\Scanfish). NaviPac, in turn, is installed in the C:\EIVA\NaviPac folder

Filestructure in the EIVA/Scanfish folder

Training & Documentation Site The Training & Documentation site contains all documentation and training material associated with the EIVA Soft- and Hardware. It is therefore recommended to install it whenever installing one or more of the software packages. The documentation includes a full compilation of whatever on-line help, manuals, powerpoints, reports, papers, training documents etc. that is available for the EIVA software packages as well as for the EIVA hardware. The site is designed to be installed in off-line mode (with no connection to the Internet), however some of the items will only provide optimum functionality if an Internet connection has been established. Observe that the site can also be reached at the EIVA Website Note that installing the Training and Documentation site is not a requirement for the proper functioning of the associated software.

EIVA Software - NaviPac

NaviPac Installation The Software Installer lists, in general terms, the software packages in the left column and the patches in the right column. The recommended sequence in installation is: 1.

WIBU Key (software protection driver must be installed even when simulating all instruments)


NaviPac 3.5

Note that re-booting of the computer must be done between the installation of NaviPac and of the NaviPac advanced add-ons and -patch in order for the initial registry settings to take effect prior to the installation of the patch: 3.


NaviPac Advanced Add-ons (Optional) a)

.NET modules (EIVAStat, Report Generator)




Online 3D


3rd Party Redistributables

Latest NaviPac Patch (35-22)

NaviPac Installation File structure (EIVAHOME) and Location of Files When installing NaviPac, an environment variable, EIVAHOME is generated. This environment variable is used in connection with the execution of NaviPac. By default the environment variable is: C:\EIVA\NaviPac




Sensor interpreters (DLL’s)


Gensetup and onlsetup DB files


Various ASCII Setup files


NAVIPAC.INI (or \Windows)


Geodesy definition files


Debug logging directory


Copy of most recent manuals

Release notes Application release notes Help

Various help files


Runlines Folder


Waypoints Folder


Displaylines Folder


DTMs (Digital Terrain Models), USBL calibration files etc.


Various default data catalogues

Filestructure in $EIVAHOME

Flight Software When the Flight program first starts, it appears as shown to the left. This view constitutes the user interface of the Flight software.

Flight Software - Windows

The Flight program has a flexible layout with a series of dockable displays/views. Together with the various menus, toolbars/information bars and the statusbar, they constitute the overall user interface. The layout and size of the windows can be controlled and they may be moved outside the main window. This can prove handy in connection with a dual screen solution

Flight - File Menu Standard Windows facilities for file handling. In this case it is the Flight project file *.sfp that can be created, saved and opened Connect to the Scanfish and download setup via this option. The correct COM port must have been setup prior to the operation. When connecting to the ScanFish, the following will take place: • Obtain the id of the fish and the PowCOM unit • Load the channel calibration constants from each unit • (ScanFish II) Initialize the Scanfish controller board The ScanFish will initially be in standby mode (depth regulation disabled), ready for deployment This will stop all communication with the ScanFish. It will be left in its current state, but will, however, go into parking mode after approximately 9 seconds With this functionality, it is possible to playback a previously logged file (.sfl files). The playback speed will be accelerated relative to the acquisition speed

This action will exit the Flight program

Flight - View Menu I Will open the Roll Panel window that is used to visualize the roll of the Scanfish. Red indicator marks the current roll value of the ScanFish. Green indicator marks target roll. If the ScanFish is operating properly the markers should line up most of the time

Will open the Pitch Panel window that is used to visualize the pitch of the Scanfish. The red indicator marks the current pitch value of the ScanFish whereas the green indicator marks target pitch. If the SF is operating properly the markers should line up most of the time The action will open the Tow Properties window as a dockable window. Here it is possible to alter the various operational parameters while towing the ScanFish. In particular note that the ‘Cable count’ value shows how much cable has been payed out. If communication to the Cable Counter has been lost, a value of -1 is shown will be shown

Flight - View Menu II This will open the dockable messages window that displays warnings and messaged issued by the system This chart display time series of the various oceanographic parameters available in the current session. Each series can be toggled for display by clicking the checkboxes in the legend area at the top of the window

Flight - View Menu III The dockable Numeric panel can be used to displays current online parameters alfanumerically. An available- and selection list can be displayed by right-clicking on the panel and enabling the items to display

Use the Roll Trim Panel to adjust the target roll value of the Scanfish. This functionality can be used to steer the ScanFish in a desired direction. A positive roll value guides the SF to the starboard whereas a negative value will guide the SF to the port side. Note that the effect will be reduced with shorter cable lengths and that keeping a nonzero roll will decrease the dynamic range of the flaps which in turn diminishes the depth regulation capabilities

Flight - View Menu IV This can toggle the toolbars on and off Also the visibility of the Command bar can be toggled The Winch bar can be toggled on and off. This bar is active and can thus be used if a winch has been selected, as follows: Automatic Winch: This button can be used if ‘Enable undulation support’ is marked in the menu-item ‘Settings – Options – Winch’. Activating ‘Automatic Winch’ (button turns green) will make Flight use the winch to help undulate during flight if needed Manual Winch: Winch in/out buttons must be held down for the duration the winch is to pull in or pay out cable. The ‘Stop’ button will turn yellow when activated Facility to toggle the Status Bar on and off. On this bar online help/tool tips are displayed

Flight - Log Menu This will start a new log file (*.sfl file). Note that the functionality is not active unless logging is not actually taking place. Start logging can also be activated from the Command bar icon Stop logging is activated from this menu item or from the icon of the Command bar. The functionality is not active unless logging is presently taking place

Flight - Flight Menu This instructs the ScanFish to perform the Roll control maneuver. This command will flip the SF over to an upright position, had it been turned upside down during deployment Initiates the depth-regulation mode of the ScanFish. The functionality can also be invoked by pressing the space bar

This will stop the depth regulation. The action will however not park the SF Shifts the undulation direction to the upwards direction (when undulating downwards). Only valid while in undulation mode. Functionality can also be activated from the icon in the toolbar

Shifts the undulation direction to the downwards direction (when undulating upwards). Can also be activated by pressing the icon Sends the SF to the parking depth This will enable the winch functionalities. Only valid if a winch has been selected in Settings>Options...->Winch This command should be activated prior to deployment to accommodate for the change in atmospheric pressure. As a consequence the depth reading becomes 0 at the water surface. The command should not be activated while the SF is submerged

Flight - Settings Menu I This action facilitates change of the constants used for calculating engineering values from AD converter counts in the menu shown below. The ScanFish needs to be connected for this operation. Note that changes made to these values are written to the SF and might corrupt the calibration values

Flight - Settings Menu II This action will open the settings dialogue from where the configuration of the session can be performed

Flight Configuration The menu-item ‘Settings – Options’ first appears as shown left: • When enabled, debug information is dumped onto the Windows/temp folder • Here the time to wait for acknowledge when communicating with the ScanFish is defined. The value should be increased when operating at low baud rates • Defines the period between Scanfish polling • Here the location of logged files is defined

Flight Configuration The Flight settings can be defined as follows:

• Three flight modes: ‘Undulating’, ‘Fixed height’ and ‘Fixed depth’ • The Parking depth can be defined during flight • The Undulating Depth (min. and max.) can be changed during flight • Controls the rate of depth change • This will stop the use of the winch when the depth is within this range of the target depth (SF MK1) • Minimum allowed distance to the seabed. Values lower than 1 m will be overridden by the SF MK2 controller • Preset for fixed height flight. Can be changed during flight • Determines how often to regulate the depth of the SF in 'fixed height' mode. Lower the value to regulate more often • Discard altimeter values outside this window when determining the depth approximation for 'fixed height' mode

Flight Configuration Here the incoming navigation string can be defined with the following parameters: • This defines the navigation input port along with the communication parameters • The input sensor type is defined here (NMEA 0183 is typically selected when linking to NaviPac or to a GPS) • When this item is enabled, Flight will calculate an Easting/Northing position (based on the incoming lat./lon. Values of the NMEA string), Course Made Good (CMG) and Speed Made Good (SMG) based on the Geodesy settings common for all EIVA software installed on the computer. If the Easting/Northing position is received from an external source, only the CMG and SMG values are calculated. Note that the Flight program cannot modify the geodesy settings itself It is therefore depending on other EIVA software to do so

Flight Configuration Here Echo-sounder input settings can be defined:

• This defines the E/S input port along with the associated communication parameters • The input sensor type is defined here (NMEA 0183 is typically selected when linking to a standard E/S or when the data is originating from NaviPac)

Flight Configuration Press the ‘Scanfish’ entry to define the I/O settings.

• Scanfish MK I or MK II • Facilitates the definition of the ScanFish input port • Enables/disables the use of an altimeter for bottom avoidance • Defines from which depth the altimeter should be used • Must be enabled to facilitate the ‘Force Manual Roll’ functionality that lets the ScanFish roll to either port or starboard side

• Instead of using the altimeter on the fish to avoid bottom collision it is possible to use the ships E/S • Enable this option if the FSI conductivity sensor is used

Flight Configuration Press the ‘Scanfish’ entry to define the I/O settings. Highlight ‘Port’ and press the browse button to facilitate the port settings functionalities

Flight Configuration Cable Counter settings can be defined as follows:

• Here the Cable Counter input port along with the associated communication parameters can be defined • Here the cable counter sensor type is defined • This defines the period between pollings • Here the time for Flight to wait for an answer from the cable counter is defined • Wheel radius and counts/revolution is only used with the sensor type Tcount TX2

• KC-Denmark Cable Counter with option for built-in winch control. Connected through a serial port. (communicates using Modbus protocol) • TGO Reader ASCII string input received over UDP/IP from NaviPacs "TGO Reader" module (format: "L=")

Flight Configuration Here various winch control settings can be defined:

• Here the winch input port is defined. Note that the selected port is only used if a winch is selected that is not integrated with one of the other peripherals • Choose between ‘No winch’ or ‘Integrated in Cable Counter’ (see above)

• Defines the amount of wire the Flight software is allowed to give the ScanFish. The value should be smaller than the amount of cable on the winch • Defines the minimum amount of cable that must be given to the ScanFish. Used to avoid that the probe is pulled too close to the ship • Timeout definition between Flight and the winch • If checked and supported by the probe, the winch will be used to help undulating during flight • The option is only used when undulation support is enabled. For safety reasons, most winches require periodically re-transmission of ‘Wire out/Wire in’ commands. The value should be defined according to how often the winch requires re-transmissions

Flight Configuration Winch control setting definitions (continued). Note that the three settings on this page are only used when ‘undulation support ‘ has been enabled: • The winch will pull in cable in an attempt to help the probe rise in the water when all the following requirements are fulfilled: • I) Pitch Cmd is positive, II)Pitch Cmd is greater than the actual pitch of the ScanFish probe and III) the difference between Pitch Cmd and the actual pitch of the ScanFish probe is greater than this value (Pos. Activation Pitch) • The winch will give more cable, in an attempt to help the probe go deeper down when all the following requirements are fulfilled: • The setting dictates how fast the winch undulation support functionality reacts on pitch changes: • A higher value makes the winch undulation react faster to pitch changes, but also makes the system more vulnerable to outside interference. A lower value makes the winch undulation react slower to pitch changes, but makes the system less vulnerable to outside interference. Value range: 0.01 - 0.99, recommended value: 0.05

• I) Pitch Cmd is negative, II) Pitch Cmd is more negative than the actual pitch of the ScanFish probe and III) the difference between Pitch Cmd and the actual pitch of the ScanFish probe is more negative than this value (Neg. Activation Pitch)

Flight Configuration The ‘User Interface’ settings allow the user to define the appearance of the user interface with the following parameters: • Depth Axis (Fixed depth, user defined depth max., depth min. values) • Left Axis (Fixed left axis, user defined left scale max., user defined left scale min. values) • Right Axis (Fixed right axis, user defined right scale max., user defined right scale min. values)

Flight Configuration From this Settings menu-item, it is possible to define export (to file) of various data-acquisition information as follows: • Here the Export port along with the associated communication parameters can be defined

• It is possible to choose between three formats: NaviPac, TGO and ‘No export’ • When exporting to a (TGO)-file, the file- and folder name must be defined here

Flight Configuration Flight can be configured to export SVP-data with the following parameters: • The SVP Export port along with the associated communication parameters is defined here • Two different formats (No export and NaviScan (sva)). The latter is used in connection with sending online SVP information to EIVAs multi-beam acquisition module, NaviScan • The option should be enabled in order to apply special filters on the data in order to reduce the amount sent to NaviScan • Defines the angle to test for error/change. The should match the opening angle in use for the multibeam system • When the Eeg option is on, a series (three) of comparisons are performed for each new SVProfile. If the depth calculation related to the maximum opening angle, in in any of the three intervals exceed the maximum allowed error value, a new SVProfile is sent, otherwise the old profile is maintained.

Flight Configuration Flight can export cable count data with the following settings: • The Cable Count Export port along with the associated communication parameters is defined here • Flight can generate cable counter data in the NaviPac format

ASCII text-string containing three items: • Horizontal length (L) to the Scanfish • Length of the cable (C) pulling the Scanfish • Current depth (D) of the Scanfish All values are in meters. Format: L= C= D=

Note that NaviPac is only using the horizontal length value

Flight - Settings Menu III This action will open the Trim Scanfish regulators dialogue as shown below.

Flight - Settings Menu IV This action will open the Trip Controls dialogue. It displays the number of hours that the fish has spent in the water. Note that only the ‘Trip Control’ value can be manipulated. Also observe that a)

the fish is not considered to be deployed unless it is 1.15 meters (or more) below the surface


´the values are stored locally on the Scanfish Flight client computer

Flight – Help Menu I This action will open the ScanFish Flight Help functionality The ‘About Flight’ opens the window below in which is possible to check the Flight version and data as well as the dongle status

Flight – Playback Functionality The Playback functionality is activated from the file menu ‘File – Playback..’. With this functionality, it is possible to playback a previously logged file (.sfl files). The playback speed will be accelerated relative to the acquisition speed. All views will be identical to the views during the acquisition phase.

Flight – Force Manual Roll The ‘Force Manual Roll’ feature allows the user to force the fish to roll towards either Port or Starboard side. To activate ‘Force Manual Roll’, the feature must be enabled in the menu-item ‘Settings - Options – Scanfish’ as shown below: The next time a connection to the SF is established, the 2 buttons in the upper right corner become active. Note: the buttons must be held down for the entire duration in which the fish is supposed to roll. When a button is released the fish will attempt to level out as during normal operations

Also observe that the Roll towards xx side function is only possible to use when the Scanfish is stopped from any Flightmode (SCF status bar show ‘Ready’) or when the SF has been put in Parking (SCF status bar show ‘Parked’).

Flight – Ship’s E/S as Altimeter As an alternative to using the altimeter on the fish to avoid bottom collision, the Ship’s echo-sounder can be used. This can be useful to compensate for misreadings caused by turbulent water around the SF. For instance in situations where the survey is to be executed at very high speeds near the water surface. The function is activated from the menu-item ‘Settings - Options – Scanfish’ as shown below:

The mode can only be activated whenever running in either ‘Fixed Depth’ or ‘Undulating’ modes. Observe also the warning given above, saying ‘ATTENTION: This is NOT recommended!’. This is flashing the fact that the feature should not be used unless surveying in a known area where the nature of the seabed is relatively flat and where there are no distinct features protruding from the seabed.

NaviPac Config I

The Config program serves a dual purpose: • It is used in off-line mode to configure NaviPac • It is used to enter and to exit on-line mode (data-acquisition/navigation mode)

NaviPac Config II

Above the various Config items are displayed and labeled. Note in particular the Explorer Panel and the corresponding properties displayed in the properties panel

NaviPac Config III Explorer Panel – Instruments The Instrument item displays and controls editing of all instruments included in the list. Instruments are ordered in a predefined order, relative to their type: • Surface navigation: Any instrument used for surface navigation such as GPS or tracking system • Gyro: Gyro and compass for vessel and dynamic objects • Motion sensor: Roll/pitch heave sensors for vessel and dynamic objects • Doppler log: Doppler velocity log for positioning improvement • Dynamic positioning: Positioning of remote or UW vehicles – USBL, LBL, remote GPS, tracking system, telemetry etc • Special input: Dedicated drivers for time-tagging, waypoints, targets etc • Data output: Output to external systems and instruments • Data acquisition: Echo-sounders, magnetometers etc • Offsets: User defined offset on vessels or dynamic objects

NaviPac Config IV Explorer Panel – Adding an Instrument

NaviPac Config V Explorer Panel – Defining the I/O Type

NaviPac supports a series of different I/O types: • Serial • LAN-based (UDP/IP and TCP/IP) • AD (Analogue formats) • Timebox: is a UDP/IP based protocol that supports output from the EIVA Timebox

NaviPac Config VI Properties Panel

To change the parameters of an instrument in the Explorer Panel, highlight the instrument in question. The Properties Panel will visualise the associated configuration parameters. The parameter field that can be modified is shown with a white background. The contents of the Properties Panel depends highly on the entry type as well as of the instrument and of the specific driver in question

NaviPac Online I NaviPac Software Environment NaviPac online is organised in a number of windows/programs, that constitute the user-interface, such as: • Online Window • Base Position Window • Object Position Window • GPS Status Window • Alarm Monitor Window • Helmsman’s Window • Attitudes Window • Raw Data Window • Data Logging View • Data Acquisition Window

In addition some processes are executed in the background: • Data I/O • QC/Kernel • Data Distributor

NaviPac Online II Entering online mode

NaviPac can enter online mode in two different ways: • Automatically • Manually Pressing the ‘Start’ icon will make NaviPac decide whether or not to conduct a manual or an automatic start In some situations, the user should force a manual start. This is accomplished by right-clicking the DBentry in the ‘File-header’ of the Explorer Panel and choosing the ‘Manual Start’ option

NaviPac Online III Manual Start

When doing a manual start, NaviPac first shows the picture to the left, with a possibility to select between the surface positioning systems and the remote/UW systems defined Select the systems to use and define whether to make an automatically prioritized positioning. Press ‘OK’

NaviPac Online IV

NaviPac Online V

General fmt: All data Trace and documentation Survey fmt: Dedicated for NaviEdit Custom fmt: User defined simple ASCII format

NaviPac Online VI

Will open the Helmsman’s Display for line-planning, navigation, steering control, vessel tracking, logging control etc.

Helmsman’s Display I The user can open a new Runline Control view or edit settings for the focused. It is possible to have more than one of these views simultaneously to control an active runline each. Managing runlines and waypoints is also possible from this menu

Use ’Manually Start/Stop’ option when survey conditions and runline do not fully correlate Use ’Automatically Start/Stop’ option when dealing with straight forward surveys. The runline has to be in selected state

Helmsman’s Display II The user can change the settings of a view in different tabs. Below is the settings to be defined for the Runline & Interior control described. Other tabs of particular interest are the ‘Reference Object’ tab (previous slide) and the ‘Data Items’ tab. The latter is used in all HD views

Invert runline automatically (heading based (default) or position based) Switch segment automatically (distance based is default)

Split runline automatically (default is off)

Helmsman’s Display III Lists dedicated data items available for the Runline Control view only. The order of the listed checked data items determines the display order in the runline control view. This applies for all other data views as well Indicator of Manual Start/Stop on Surveybar that can be detached from the view Manual selection of runline

Helmsman’s Display IV The user can open a new Offline Indicator view or edit settings for the focused one. It is possible to have more than one of these views simultaneously relative to an active runline each

Select Left/Right Indicator type for a normal survey (default setting) Same DOL as displayed in Runline Control view.

Helmsman’s Display V Managing Runlines To create a single segment runline by manual coordinate entry, follow the steps illustrated here

Rick-click on the Mapview window and choose the menu-item as shown above

Enter coordinates manually and press ‘OK’ when finished

Helmsman’s Display VI Managing Runlines II To create a continuous runline by the cursor, follow the steps illustrated here. Cursor created runlines are particularly useful, if background information, like C-map or a displaylines file with coastline and contours is available.

The cursor will turn into a cross. Double click to start the runline. Move to next turning point and register this with a single click. For each single click, an endpoint of a new segment is created. When the cursor is moved to a new location, press the spacebar to toggle between line types (straight, arc, tangential straight). Double-click to end the line.

Now save the runline and press ‘OK’. As a consequense of this, the runline will appear in the Helmsman’s Display.

Helmsman’s Display VII Start/stop Runlines/Recording When a runline first appears on the Helmsman’s display, it will show as a green line, without any steering information associated. To select the runline and make it directly available for surveying, choose the ‘Select’ button on the ‘Survey’ toolbar. The cursor will turn into a cross. Move the cursor close to the runline in question and double-click to select the runline. It will turn yellow to indicate that it is active. All steering information relative to the runline/segment in the ‘Runline Control’ view will furthermore be available now. The ‘Survey’ bar will also change its appearance to indicate that surveying/logging is possible

Helmsman’s Display VIII Start/stop Runlines/Recording II Press the ‘Start’ button on the ‘Survey’ bar to start logging. The runline will turn red to indicate that logging has been initiated. This can be observed on the Helmsman’s Display: • The logging icon will turn active • The Survey bar changes appearance (the ‘Stop’ button becomes active) • To the far right on the Status bar, the names of the files logged will be displayed

Helmsman’s Display IX Start/stop Runlines/Recording III No logging will take place in NP if the Log Data program is not running. Below the Log data window during logging is shown. Note that the Logging toolbar has changed its appearance (the stop-icon has become active) and that logging information is displayed on the Information window. Once logging has been initiated from the Survey bar of the HD, it should never be stopped from the Logging toolbar of the Log Data window

To stop recording/logging of data, press the ‘Stop’ button on the Survey bar. The runline colour will turn grey on the HD to indicate that the runline has been surveyed. The ‘Stop’ button now has become inactive

NaviPac & Flight I For a typical NaviPac and ScanFish operation NaviPac is normally used for navigation of the vessel and of the ScanFish. The minimum requirement would be to have a positioning system (a GPS) and a gyro as well as some kind of definition of the payed out cable (cable counter or similar). The GPS can be defined as shown to the right here provided a system that can output a NMEA telegram (GGA or similar) is available. Remember to enter the antenna position (XYZ) as well as the appropriate communication parameters (port number, baud rate etc.) Finally the user must make ensure that the ‘Send command file’ option has been disabled

NaviPac & Flight II If the gyro available onboard can output a NMEA telegram (HDT or similar), it can be defined in NaviPac as shown to the right here. If no gyro is available, the I/O mode can be set to ‘Calculated’ (as opposed to ‘On’). The system then uses the CMG value, based on the GPS readings to supply a calculated gyro as a useable alternative.

Once both a surface navigation system and a gyro is available, the configuration file (c:\eiva\navipac\db\gensetup.db) can be saved and NaviPac can consequently be operated in online mode with all standard tools for navigation and data-acquisition being available, including those associated with the Helmsman’s Display

NaviPac & Flight III The layback of the ScanFish can be used to position the fish in two different ways: a. Manual positioning b. Dynamic positioning For the manual positioning, two user defined offsets must be used, one for the towpoint and one for the ScanFish itself. The towpoint position must be defined as shown to the right here. Observe that the offsets from reference point to the tow point are entered here (with X being positive to starboard and Y being positive to the front/bow). Enter a practical name, and make sure that the ‘Gyro’ type is selected and that ‘Relative to’ is set to Vessel

NaviPac & Flight IV Now the ScanFish offset must be defined as shown here. Set X and Z values to zero and defined the Y value to the negative value of the default cable out (may be changed online). Enter a logical name, select ‘Drag’ type and make sure that ‘Relative to’ is set to the Towpoint.

The two objects will be available during online navigation. The cable out value may be changed in NaviPac online using the menu-item ‘Edit - User defined offsets’. The dialogue below will appear to facilitate this

NaviPac & Flight V The accuracy/validity of the manual layback is depending highly on the correct and adequate human interaction. A more efficient (and accurate) solution can be obtained by interfacing a cable counter directly into NaviPac. For this NaviPac is equipped with a series of different cable counters via the ‘Generic Cable Counter’ driver. First select the ‘Generic Cable Counter’ driver under the ‘Dynamic positioning’ entry. The correct I/O settings must be specified together with the appropriate string prefix (the various possibilities are listed in the help text). The offset must be given as the offset from the vessel’s reference point (CRP) to the cable reference point (tow point). Also remember to define the ‘Location’ as the ‘Scanfish’ object, that must be defined under objects as shown here

NaviPac & Flight VI Once the Vessel as well as the Scanfish are positioned to our satisfaction, the next thing to do would be to send the ScanFish position to the Flight program. This is done in NaviPac via a NMEA output as shown to the right. Note how the IP-address is the local (, indicating that NaviPac and Flight are executed on the same computer. Is this not the case then the IP-address of the computer where Flight is executed, must be specified. For the port number, this must be identically defined in NaviPac as well as in Flight. Also make sure that the ScanFish object has been chosen as ‘Location’ and that the string prefix is GP

NaviPac & Flight VII The ScanFish software includes a dedicated data-recording format . An alternative (and simpler way) can be obtained by using NaviPac as the general recording system. To do so, the ScanFish software must be configures to output the collected data on either serial or LAN interface. The data will be output with one string per measurement, with the general layout being:
