Scenario Planning - Participants.pdf - Pathways 2020

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Woodland Mayor. Elizabeth Hale. Lower Columbia Community AClian Council. Tom Harris. Shee! Metal Workers Local 66. Brian Hatfield. Slate Representalive.
Scenario Planning for Workforce Development Planning fo r the Future - Cowlitz Couoty 2010 and Beyond

Facilitator Sandra Barnes Copper Rise Cons ulting


Interviewers B. Jo Brewer

Erin Chambers

Scott Davis

Brewer and Associates

Cowlitz-Wahkiakum WortSource East

Precision Sheet Metal

Kayrene Gilbertsen

Ro bin Hague

Vince Hughes

Cowlitz ComllTUnity Network

Lower Columbia Community Action CQlJ.ncil

Columbia Bank

Debra Norton

Judy Sloan

Susan Stockard

Lower Columbia SAFE KIDS Coalition

Lower Columbia Community Action Council

wngview City COlmcil

Stella Wilson

MaryAnn Wainwright

Paul Youmans

Achieve Professional Development

Port of Longview

Pathways 2020

Merlene York Lower Columbia College Foundation

Reviewers Peter Ellis

Joan Lemieux

Dr. James McLaughl in

The Daily New


Lower Columbia College

James Meskew

Karen Pickett

George Raiter

PeaceHeall h


Cowlitz County Commissioner

Ted Sprague

Steve Vincent

Cowlitz EDC

Columbia Analyticai Services

Sponsors Columbia Analytical Service

Cowlitz Economic Development Council

Cowlitz/ Wahkiakum Labor Council

Cowlitz/ Wahkiakum WorkSource East

JH Kelly

Kaiser Permanente

Longview School District

Lower Columbia College

Lower Columbia Community Action Council



Scenario Planning for Workforce Development in Cowlitz County

Community Participants Roger Allen

Craig Anneberg

Corey Balkan

Windermere Allen and Associales


CowlilZ EDC

Debby Barry

Del Berg

Karen Bergquist

WorkSource Wesl


longview Mayor

Tyler Bloomfeldt

Cheryl! Borgaard

Tina Bregengerd

Kelso High School SlUdenl

The Daily News

/Ya. Siale Division of Vocational Rehabili/alion

B. Jo Brewer

Cheryl Britt

Scott Buchanan

Brewer of Associales

CAP Job Club

Kelso High School Student

Lanny Cawley

Erin Chambers

Carmen Chase

Pori of Kalama

WorkSource East

WorkSource East

Nancy Chennault

Ruth Clark

Marian Clark MD

All Season Nursery



Tina Clemens

Father Scott Connley

Curt Copenhagen

The Daily News

SI Rose Church

Longview Fiber

Larry Cowan

Diane Craft

Scott Davis

Boord of ReallOfs

Koelsch Senior Commillees

Peiformance Sheet Metals

Sharon DeVida

Lesa Ekman

Peter Ellis

Wa. Stale Division af Vocational Rehabililalion

Private Citizen

The Daily News

Erin Esche

Dan Evans

Matt Evered

Mark Morris High School Student

JH Kelly

EthniC Support Council

Mylene Evered

Jerry Flaskerud

Kyle Fraister

Ethnic Supporl Council

Flaslrerud Real Eslate

Kelso High Schoof Siudent

Bill Freemel

Or. Robert Gaubatz

Maureen Gentry




Bud Gish

Matthew Goodbla

IVIlama Mayor

RA w ng High School Student

Scott Gragenhorst Toutl~

lAke School Dislrict

Jim Graham

Esther Gregg

Claire Hague

Woodland Mayor

Wahklakum County

CowlilZ County OFM

Elizabeth Hale

Bob Hanks

Linda Hansen

Lower Columbia Community AClian Council

I.B'£' W. Local 970

WorkSource Vancouver Town Plaza

Tom Harris

Elaine Harumbasic

Steve Harvey

Shee! Metal Workers Local 66

WorkSource East of West

Council ofGallernments

Brian Hatfield

Dr. Glenys Hill

Ed Holloway

Slate Representalive

Kelso Schools

Columbia Bank

Mija Hubert

Kelsey Hudson

Vince Hughes

RA wng High School Studenl

RA Long Hig h School Studenl

Columbia Bank

Will iam Hundley

Odine Husemoen

Peter Isaacson

Woodland Schools

Allom ey at Law

LG. Issacson Company

Darlene Johnson

Kathleen Johnson

Mike Johnson

Woadland Truck Lines

Lowe, Columbia CoI[~


Bob Johnson

Dawn Johnson-Deal

Marianne Jones

Cowlitz United Way

The Doily News

WorkSou,ce Vancouver Town Plf1Zf1

Mike Kamofski

Ron Kawamoto

Pam Kedenburg


Norris. Beggs & Simpson

Work Source £SO

Beverly Kimble

Aaron Koelsch

John Krause

WorkSource Vancouver Town Plaza

Koelsch Senior Communilies

Lower Colum bia College



Scenario Planning for Workforce Development in Cowlitz County

Marcus LaChine

Calvin Lantz

Keith Lawrence

RA Long High School Student



Mackenzie Leggen

Bill Lehning

Gary Lindstrom

RA Long High School SlUtient

CUWlilZ COWlty


Ann Li ttle

Sh irley Little

Cindy Lopez

CAP Job Club

As:!ist2Sell. Buyer:! d: Sellers Realty NW Inc.

Ethnic Support COll1lcil

Roger Lucas

Steve Madison

Jean Marshall


Allorney at Low

Lower Culumbia Community Actian Co uncil

Reed Martin

Brenda McCorkJe

Karen McGaughy

WorkSource East

1M Daily New:!

CAP Job Club

Jim McLaughlin

Terry Mclaughlin

Carol McNair

Lower Columbia Col/egt

Cowlitz Co unty GIS

Lower Columbia Coffege

Bob McNanny

Jerry Merly

Marl is Miller

f'riva tt Citizen

Kelw High School Student

EduCQtional Senicl! District /I 112

Julie Miller

Maxine Mitchell

Faye Murphy

CAPJob Club

Clar. CommWlity College


RW Myers

Ken O' Halloren

Mike Olinger

Pionter Propertie:!

Port o/Longview

The Kt lly GrauplJH Kelly

Richard Omdahl

Po Chi Ostergren

Faith Pacheco

Local 791

WorkSource East

Columbia Bank

Clint Page

Rachel Patten

Christina Pegg


IU Long High Schoof Studtnl

Longvp Houjing Authority

Patrick Perrin

Denise Peterson

George Raiter

LDngv" Goodwif/ Industries

Job Corp:!

Cawfia County

Jeff Rasmussen

Barbara Reed

David Ripp

Co wlitz County

WorASouree Vancoflller Town Plaza

Port o/Woodland

Kathryn Robbins

Diana Rojo

Randall Ross

Parl$h Nur:!ing

WorkSourct £tnt


Al ice Saldana

Nick Seaver

Donna Sellers

CAPJob Club

Longview Schools

l.tJn~ Ho ... ;ng Alliioorlly

Rosmary Siipola

Bob Silva

Judy Sloan

Co uncil o/Government:!

Ktlly Gro up. IT Department

Lower Columbia Community Action Counelf

Jeff Smith

Andre Stepankowski

Paula Stoppler


1M Daily New:!


Kyla Sullivent

Kipp Susick

Deborah Sweetles

MOnlfcello Middle School

WorkSource Wn t VancOfllltr


Kate Tale

Beth Taylor

Ken Terhaar


Workforce Development Council

Kauer Permanente

Keith Terry

Sherrie Tinoco

Fran Torres


Ethnic S upport Council

CA PJobClub

Brian Tsugawa

Steve Vincent

Maryanne Wainwright