Dicofol 18.5 EC (108 ml) or. Summer spray oil (750 ml). 12-15 days after V spray. Dodine 65 WP (60 g) or. Metiram 55% +
Plant Protection Schedule (2017) for the management of Pests & Diseases of Apple, Walnut and Almond
Plant Protection Schedule for the management of Insects and Diseases of Apple (Session 2017) Spray
Tree stage
Insecticide/Acaricide/ Oils per Fungicide /100 lit of water 100 lit of water
Delayed Dormancy1
Horticulture Mineral Oil (2 Lit)
Green Tip
Pink bud
Dimethoate 30 EC (100 ml)3 or (Need based for Blossom Thrips) Apply when 2 thrips/flower are observed Thiocloprid 21.7 SC (40 ml)
10-14 days after II spray Mancozeb 75 WP (300 g) or Propineb 70 WP (300 g) or Captan 50 WP (300 g) or Ziram 80 WP (200 g) or Dodine 65 WP (60 g)4 or Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% 75 WP (250 g)4 or Captan 70% + Hexaconazole 5% 75 WP (50 g)4
Petal fall
(Need based for SJS) Apply insecticides when 6-12 crawlers/cm2 of SJS are observed Dimethoate 30 EC (100 ml) or Quinalphos 25 EC (100 ml)
12-15 days after III spray Difenoconazole 25EC (30 ml) or Flusilazole 40 EC (20 ml) or Bitertanol 25 WP (50 g) or Penconazole 10 EC (50 ml)
(Need based for ERM) Apply acaricide when 4-5 mites are observed/leaf Hexythiazox 5.45 EC (40 ml) or Spiromesifen 22.9 SC (40 ml) or Fenpyroximate 5 SC (100 ml)
X Mancozeb 75 WP (300 g) or Propineb 70 WP (300 g) or Zineb 75 WP (300 g) or Captan 50 WP (300 g)2
Fruit let (Pea size)
Chlorpyriphos 20 EC (100 ml) or 10-14 days after IV spray Dimethoate 30 EC (100 ml) Mancozeb 75 WP (300 g) or Propineb 70 WP (300 g) or Zineb 75 WP (300 g) or (Need based for ERM) Apply acaricide when more than Captan 50 WP (300 g) or Ziram 80 WP (200 g) or 5 mites/leaf are observed Captan 70% + Hexaconazole 5% Hexythiazox 5.45 EC (40 ml) or Fenazaquin 10 EC (40 ml) or 75 WP (50 g) or Trifloxystrobin 25% + Spiromesifen 22.9 SC (40 ml) Tebuconazole 50% 75 WG (40 g)
Fruit development-I
(Need based) When Bark and June beetles are observed in the field or trapped under light Chlorpyriphos 20 EC (100 ml) or Quinalphos 25 EC (100 ml) (Need based for ERM) When ERM population is more than 10 mites/leaf Propargite 57 EC (100 ml) or Fenpyroximate 5 SC (100 ml)or Dicofol 18.5 EC (108 ml) or Summer spray oil (750 ml)
Fruit development-II
Dimethoate 30 EC (100 ml) or 12-15 days after VI spray Thiocloprid 21.7 SC (40 ml) Flusilazole 40 EC (20 ml) or (For ERM) Captan 70% + Hexaconazole 5% Hexythiazox 5.45 EC (40 ml) or 75 WP (50 g) or Fenazaquin 10 EC (40 ml) or Myclobutanil 10WP (50 g) or Spiromesifen 22.9 SC (40 ml) Penconazole 10EC (50 ml)
Fruit (Need Based) development-III If more than 13 crawlers/cm2 of SJS or colonies of WAA on terminal shoots are observed Dimethoate 30 EC (100 ml) or Summer spray oil (750 ml) (Need based for ERM) If population is more than 15 mites/leaf Propargite 57 EC (100 ml) or Fenazaquin 10 EC (40 ml)
12-15 days after V spray Dodine 65 WP (60 g) or Metiram 55% + Pyraclostrobin 5% 60 WG (100 g) or Kresoxim-methyl 44.3 SC (40 ml)
12-15 days after VII spray Mancozeb 75 WP (300 g) or Ziram 27 SC (600 ml) or Zineb 75 WP (300 g) or Ziram 80 WP (200 g) or Chlorothalonil 75 WP (150 g) In case rainy weather hampers VII spray Difenoconazole 25 EC (30 ml) or Trifloxystrobin 25% + Tebuconazole 50% 75 WG (40 g)
Fruit development-IV
Post- harvest
(Need based) : a) when leaf spotting incidence is more than 20% 12-18 days after VIII spray Metiram 55% + Pyraclostrobin 5% 60 WG (100 g) or Captan 70% + Hexaconazole 5% 75 WP (50 g)or Hexaconazole 5 EC (50 ml) or Myclobutanill 10 WP (50 g) or Bitertanol 25 WP (50 g) (Need based) : b) For Marssonina / Sooty blotch / Flyspeck Mancozeb 75WP (300 g) or Ziram 27 SC (600 ml) or Propineb 70 WP (300 g) or Ziram 80 WP (200 g) (Need based): For long term Storage
25 days before harvest Mancozeb 75 WP (300 g) or Ziram 27 SC (600 ml) or Zineb 75 WP (300 g) or Ziram 80 WP (200 g)
(Need based) If more than 13 crawlers/cm2 of SJS or colonies of WAA on terminal shoots are observed Dimethoate 30 EC (100 ml) or Ethion 50 EC (100 ml) (Need based for ERM) If population is more than 20 mites/leaf Propargite 57 EC (100 ml) or Fenazaquin 10 EC (40 ml)
SJS- San Jose Scale; ERM- European Red Mite; WAA-Woolly Apple Aphid 1. Delayed Dormancy spray should not go beyond green tip stage. 2. Spray Captan at least 10 days after Oil Spray 3. Use against insect pests. 4. Give preference in case rainy weather hampers green tip spray
Note: 1)
Use and sale of the products recommended in the schedule are subject to production of registration and label claim from CIB & RC, GoI.
The molecules have been evaluated by SKUAST-K for bio-efficacy against apple Insects and Diseases, and the advisory/ information has been compiled for guidance. Caution:
This schedule is devised for Kashmir Valley under normal weather conditions. For location specific decisions and under abnormal weather conditions, contact concerned Horticulture Development Officers/ KVK scientists for advice. For effective disease and pest management, ensure orchard sanitation through collection and destruction of fallen leaves, pruned/diseased/infected twigs and fallen/mummified fruits.
Note: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi.
xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. xx.
Maintain a gap of 3-4 days between insecticide and fungicide spray. Avoid mixing of fungicides, insecticide and spray suspensions other than those recommended by SKUAST-K. Chemicals in the recommendations at a given stage are shown in order of their efficacy/increasing cost. Adjuvants/Stickers may be added for better efficacy of fungicides especially during rainy days. Sticker like Sandovit @ 50-75 ml/100 litre of suspension. Stickers should not be used with Dodine. Keep 60 cm of soil around trunks undisturbed. Do not spray pesticides during bloom. All insecticides/fungicides should be sprayed 3-4 weeks before harvesting of fruit. Same pesticide should not be repeated continuously in two sprays. Use balanced nutrition (N:P:K + FYM as per Package of Practices recommended by SKUAST-K). Under drought like conditions, 2-3 sprays of calcium chloride (dehydrated) @ 0.30.4% (3-4 g/lit) after pea size stage along with 0.15% boric acid (1.5 g/lit) at an interval of 10-15 days may be conducted after the first fungicide spray (Mid April to end April). After fruit-let stage, ensure periodical destruction of weeds beyond 60 cm around tree trunks. Avoid spraying during high temperatures/rainy weather. All sprays should be conducted during early morning or evening hours to avoid phytotoxicity. Ensure removal of borer infested twigs/branches and their subsequent destruction by burning. Close monitoring of pests and diseases through field functionaries is important for effective management. In case of heavy rains within 12 hours of spray the spray is to be repeated immediately. (when adjuvants/stickers are not used). For the safety of pollinators spraying should be done in the morning and evening hours. Before conducting the spray inform the beekeepers in the vicinity of the orchard about spraying time. Bee colonies should be kept preferably away from spraying area. No spray should be done during full bloom period.
Annexure-I Pesticide Formulations Evaluated and Recommended for Spray Schedule for apple (2017) (A) Fungicide S.No 1. 2.
Name of the Company M/S Bayer Crop Science Ltd. M/S Rallis India Ltd. M/S Coromandel Agrico Pvt. Ltd. M/S FIL Industries Ltd. M/S Jai Chemicals Ltd. M/S Jai Chemicals Ltd. M/S India Pesticide Ltd. M/S HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. M/S Adama India Pvt. Ltd M/S Indofil Industries Ltd. M/S Krishi Rasayan Exports Pvt. Ltd. M/S FIL Industries Ltd. M/S Anu Products Ltd. M/S Cheminova India Ltd. M/S Bonageri Crop Science Ltd. M/S India Pesticides M/S FIL Industries Ltd. M/S Cheminova India Ltd. M/S Rallis India Ltd. M/S Syngenta India Ltd. M/S FIL Industries Ltd. M/S Agro Life Science Corporation M/S FIL Industries Ltd. M/S FIL Industries Ltd. M/S Indofil Industries Ltd. M/S FIL Industries Ltd. M/S DhanukaAgritech Ltd. M/S Tata Rallis India Ltd. M/S Syngenta India Ltd. M/S Maghmani Industries, Chandigarh M/S Sudarshan Chemical Ltd. M/S FIL Industries Ltd. M/S Adama India Pvt. Ltd. M/S KrishiRasayan Exports Pvt. Ltd. M/S Indofil Industries Ltd. M/S Rallis India Ltd.
M/S Indofil Industries Ltd. M/S FIL Industries Ltd. M/S Jai Chemicals Ltd. M/S Dow Agro Science Mumbai M/S Indofil Industries Ltd. M/S Hindustan Pulverising Mills Ltd. M/S Adama India Pvt. Ltd. M/S Bharat Insecticides Ltd. M/S Cheminova India Ltd. M/S BASF India Ltd. M/S Cheminova India Ltd.
M/S FIL Industries Ltd. M/S Indofil Industries Ltd. M/S NagarjunaAgri- Chemicals Ltd. M/S Dow Agro Science Mumbai Ltd. M/S Adama India Pvt. Ltd. M/S Godrej Agrovet Ltd. M/S Biostadt India Ltd. M/S Cheminova India Ltd. M/S Bharat Insecticides Ltd. M/S Syngenta India Ltd. M/S Bayer Crop Science Ltd. M/S Adama India Pvt. Ltd. M/S KrishiRasayan Exports Pvt. Ltd. M/S FIL Industries Ltd. M/S Cheminova India Ltd.
Trifloxystrobin 25% Tebuconcazole 50% Ziram
Nativo (75 WG)
M/S Bayer Crop Science Ltd.
Cuman-L (27 W/V) Zed-78 (80 WP)
M/S Syngenta India Ltd. M/S FIL Industries Ltd.
Zirex-L (27 SC)
M/S FIL Industries Ltd.
Indofil Z-78 (75 WP)
M/S Indofil Industries Ltd.
(B) Insecticide 1.
Horticulture Mineral Oils i. for Delayed Dormant ii. Spray iii. iv.
MAK All Season HMO
Horticulture Mineral Oils i. Arbofine Extra for Summer Spray ii. HP HMO iii. iv. v.
ORCHOL-13 ORCHOL-TSO Arbofine Extra HP Tree Spray Oil
ORCHOL-13 MAK All Season HMO
Name of the Company M/S R.G. Industries M/S R.G. Industries M/STotal oil India Ltd M/S Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd M/S Bharat Petroleum Corp. India Ltd. M/S Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. M/S Total oil India Ltd. M/S Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd M/S R.G. Industries M/S Bharat Petroleum Corp. India Ltd. M/S Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Servo Formulations
Coroban (20 EC)
M/S Coromandel Agrico Pvt. Ltd.
Kohiban (20 EC) Dursban (20 EC)
M/S FIL Industries Ltd. M/S Dow Agro Science Mumbai Ltd.
**Insecticide/acaricide per 100 lits of water 1Horticulture Mineral Oil (2 Lit)
20 EC @ 100 ml Or Dimethoate 30 EC @ 100 ml (Need based)3 Drenching of soil with Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 200 ml Or Application of Carbofuran 3G @ 100 gm /tree under the canopy. For the management of mealy bug, slippery bands of alkathene sheets of 25-30 cm wide on grease for adhering at 0.5 to 1.0 meter height on the trunk above ground level be applied. 4Spray Dimethoate 30 EC @ 100 ml (Need based)5 Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 100 ml Or
Dithianon (75 ml) VII
10-15 days after VI spray --------
Dimethoate 30 EC @ 100 ml Burlapping of tree trunks with gunny bags dipped in Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 100 ml and collection and destruction of Gypsy moth larvae for the management of hairy caterpillar.
* The fungicidal sprays in the schedule shall take care of the major diseases (leaf spot, twig blight, blossom blight) of Almond ** Insecticides/ acaricides should be sprayed only when the pest population warrants control measures. 1For the management of San Jose Scale 2For the management of aphids/mites/ San Jose scale 3For the management white grub and mealy bug 4If infestation/ migration of mealy bugs from soil to trunk is observed 5When attack of hairy caterpillar and chafer beetle is noticed 6When twig blight is serious
Spray Schedule for the Management of Major Pests of Walnut During 2017 season Spray I
* Insecticide/Acaricide per 100 lits of water
Delayed Dormancy 1Horticulture Mineral Oil (2 Lit) (15th March to Ending March) Bud burst (Need based)2 Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 100 ml Or Dimethoate 30 EC @ 100 ml 3Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 100 ml Ending April Or Dimethoate 30 EC @ 100 ml Mid May (Need based)4. Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 100 ml Dimethoate 30 EC @ 100 ml Burlapping of trees with gunny bags dipped in Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 100ml. Collection and destruction of Gypsy moth larvae for the management of hairy caterpillar. Mid June (Need based)5 Fenazaquin 10 EC @ 40 ml or Dicofol 18.5 EC @ 108 ml Cleaning of stem borer infested holes and then inserting soaked cotton wicks impregnated with Dichlorvos 76 EC @ 3 ml/liter of water and then plastering holes with mud.
*Insecticides/Acaricides should be sprayed only when the pest population warrant control measures. the management of San Jose Scale 2 only in case spray 1st is missed; for the management of aphids/mites/San Jose scale/ Chaetoprocta. 3For the management of stem borer and pin hole borer 4For the management of hairy caterpillar/chafer beetle/walnut weevil/walnut husk fly 5 For the management of blister mite, when 5 mites per leaf are observed. 1For