changes in procedures, policies, calendars, requirements, programs, courses,
and fees. ... for professional continuing education, job training, and personal
enrichment. These are .... Audio/Video Historian. Who was .... ESL) for
pronouncing with an American accent by using the methods of ..... Knowledge (
PMBOK® Guide).
Taught by Green River College Biology Instructor Danny Najera
CONTINUING AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION Classes offered throughout the quarter
Look Inside For Fun
Summer Kids’ Camps
Pages 8-9
Summer Special
Sit back, relax, and learn some new computer skills! Take advantage of our Summer Special, where you can take six classes for one low price! page 6
Summer Kids’ Camps
Check out our summer camps for kids. We have something for everyone, including several digital arts camps, a crime scene investigation camp and a babysitting responsibly course!
Green River College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and Procurement Technical Assistance Program (PTAC) leads any business, at any stage, in any industry, to get to the next level of success.
pages 8-9
Writing for Children and Getting Published
Learn how to turn your storytelling ideas into books for children! page 14
w Ne
The Art of Drawing Faces
Learn basic facial structure and create portraits using illustrations and family photos. page 11
Seattle Football 101: The Basics
Jump on the bandwagon! Join this fun, interactive class as we use our home team as a model for learning the basics of football. page 13
Darrell Sundell PTAC Advisor
Parteek Singh SBDC Advisor
Kirk J. Davis SBDC Advisor
No-Cost Business Advising Government Contracting International Export Business Start Up Business Funding Business Expansion Business Management Marketing Assistance Buying or Selling a Business See page 5 for more information and classes
Table of Contents For off campus locations, see page 15.
Education is a Lifelong Process
Continuing and Community Education non-credit courses are for professional continuing education, job training, and personal enrichment. These are self-supporting courses, not supported by tax funds. Classes are held on campus and at a variety of other locations. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for most classes.
Easy Ways To Register: Register and Pay Online
Phone Auburn (253) 833-9111, ext. 2535
(253) 856-9595, ext. 5000
Prime Time Program (for Mature Learners)............4 Business and Professional Development..............5
Project Management.........................................5
Small Business Development............................5
Computers............................................... 6-7
Summer Special................................................6
Microsoft...........................................................6 QuickBooks.......................................................7
Mail or Visit Send or bring your registration form with payment to:
Green River College Continuing and Community Education WT Building 12401 SE 320th Street Auburn, WA 98092-3622
Work Related............................................. 10
Kent Campus 417 Ramsay Way, Suite 112 Kent, WA 98032-4501
Web and Graphic Production............................7
Online Learning............................................7 Summer Kids' Camps.................................. 8-9
Real Estate......................................................10
Vocational.......................................................10 Lifelong Learning ................................... 11-14
Creative Arts and Crafts...................................11
Dance and Fitness...........................................12
Use your Visa, MasterCard, AmEx or Discover card for phone, mail and online registration.
Home and Garden..................................... 12-13
In a Class By Itself...........................................13
Money Matters................................................14
Monday-Thursday, 9:00a-7:00p Friday and breaks, 9:00a-5p
Kent Campus: Monday-Thursday, 7:30a-6:30p Friday and breaks, 7:30a-5p
Outdoors.........................................................14 Writing............................................................14
Green River College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, disability, genetic information or on any other unlawful basis. The college is committed to preventing and stopping discrimination, including harassment of any kind and any associated retaliatory behavior. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Vice President of Human Resources, 12401 SE 320th Street, Auburn, WA 98092-3622, (253) 288-3320. To receive this information in an alternate format, please contact Disability Support Services at (253) 833-9111, ext. 2631; TTY (253) 288-3359. Green River College has made reasonable efforts to provide information that is accurate at the time of publication. However, the college reserves the right to make appropriate changes in procedures, policies, calendars, requirements, programs, courses, and fees. When feasible, changes will be announced prior to their effective dates, but the college assumes no responsibility for giving any particular notice of such changes. Nothing herein shall be construed to create any offer to contract or contractual rights. Limitation of Liability: The college’s total liability for claims arising from a contractual relationship with the student in any way related to classes or programs shall be limited to the tuition and expenses paid by the student to the college for those classes or programs. In no event shall the college be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to, loss of earnings or profits.
Volume 14, No. 1 Continuing and Community Education schedule is published quarterly by Green River College, 12401 SE 320th Street Auburn, WA 98092. Periodicals postage paid at Auburn, WA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Green River College, 12401 SE 320th Street Auburn, WA 98092. • (253) 833-9111 Ext. 2535
PrimeTime For off campus locations, see page 15.
Prime Time Institute is a program for active adult learners. Members enjoy stimulating, intellectual learning through short non-credit courses, discussion groups, social activities, and educational tours. With college administrative support, the members are the driving force behind the program and participate in providing suggestions for future classes, instructors, topics of interest, and educational tours.
Membership is open to adults ages 55 and older. Yearly membership fee is $45 per person and entitles you to a discount on Prime Time classes and other benefits. If you are not a member, you are still welcome to attend at the non-member class fee.
Prime Time Membership Benefits
l Interesting short-term classes and educational tours at a lower cost than non-members l Membership socials, luncheons, and guest lectures l Special invitations to campus lectures and programs at no charge l 10% discount on most Continuing Education courses
Bellevue Arts Museum
Featured Exhibit: Atoms + Bytes: Redefining Craft in the Digital Age Tuesday, June 21 • 10:15a – 2:00p Location: Meet bus at Family of Grace Lutheran Church 31317 124th Ave. S.E., Auburn
Today's makers have access to a wider array of tools, materials, and processes than ever before. Digital methods such as scanning and imaging, coding, CNC-milling, and rapid prototyping not only influence the way objects are designed, manufactured, and distributed, but also change the terms of our relationships with them. This docent-led tour of the “Atoms + Bytes” exhibit showcases works by 30 artists, craftspeople, and designers using cutting edge digital tools to develop innovative ways of making and defining “hand-made.” Bottled water provided. Bring a snack to eat on the drive back.
Member Fee: $35 Non-Member Fee: $45
(Register for P310) (Register for P315)
Science Dome and Planetarium at Pierce College Tuesday, July 12 • 9:15a-1:15p Location: Meet bus at Family of Grace Lutheran Church 31317 124th Ave. S.E., Auburn
Reach for the stars at the South Sound’s premier digital planetarium. This 58-seat facility has a 38 foot dome-shaped screen that allows visitors to view the night sky. We will be viewing 3 different productions: experience the Aurora Borealis as you’ve never seen it before, going inside NASA where we’ll feel the excitement of space missions, and a simulated flight to a super-massive black hole lurking at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. Bottled water provided.
Member Fee: $45 Non-Member Fee: $55
(Register for P320) (Register for P325)
This docent-led bus and walking tour will allow us to explore Washington Park Arboretum’s Pacific Connections Garden. In this garden you will find amazing plants from five countries connected by the Pacific Ocean: Australia, Chile, East Asia, Himalayas, and New Zealand. These and many more native plants are found in the meadow, garden vignettes, and forests that make up this twelve-acre garden. Bottled water provided. Bring a snack to eat on the drive back.
Member Fee: $35 Non-Member Fee: $45 4
(Register for P330) (Register for P335)
The Political Mind
Tuesday, August 9 • 9:00-11:00a Location: Kent Campus, 417 Ramsay Way Instructor: Rich Elfers
Why do voters vote the way they do, and what does this mean for the November election? Learn what drives the voter’s decision-making process. We’ll discuss the Reagan Narrative, its strengths and weaknesses, and how it has motivated the Republican Party since the 1980s and why the Democrats have no competing narrative.
Member Fee: $20 Non-Member Fee: $30
(Register for P340) (Register for P345)
Venezuela in Crisis
Thusday, August 25 • 9:00-11:00a Location: Kent Campus, 417 Ramsay Way Instructor: Rich Elfers
Venezuela is in crisis on many fronts: politically, economically, and socially. Falling oil prices coupled with 141% inflation is setting the stage for massive social upheaval. Oil prices have plummeted, crippling the government’s ability to pay its debts and to avoid financial default. Opposition parties now control the legislature and oppose the current President. Learn how all this could impact Venezuela and Latin America.
UW Botanic Gardens
Thursday, July 28 • 9:15a-2:00p Location: Meet bus at Family of Grace Lutheran Church 31317 124th Ave. S.E., Auburn
In memory of our friend, Jeanne Rasmussen
Member Fee: $20 Non-Member Fee: $30
(Register for P350) (Register for P355)
For a full class description or to register: (253) 833-9111, ext. 2535
Business and Professional Development For off campus locations, see page 15.
Business And Professional Development
How To Start A Small Business
Project Management
PMP® And CAPM® Exam Prep
Project management certification is in great demand. Certified project managers have more job options, are paid well, and turn great ideas into reality. This course will prepare you to take the Project Management Professional (PMP®) or Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM®) tests and pass them! Our classes are informative, interactive, and filled with test taking tips and techniques created to ensure your success. See website for prerequisites and required textbook. CEUs: 2.1. PDUs: 21 • Fee $599
D. Yeomans
Tu, Th
Tuesday, July 26 Tuesday, August 30 Tuesday, September 27
Kent Campus Covington Kent Campus
3 - 5 p.m. 3 - 5 p.m. 3 - 5 p.m.
No cost to attend. Advance registration required. Call to register: (253) 520-6261
Small Business classes are partially funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Class begins 6/21/2016 and ends 7/12/2016. No class 7/5/16.
Small Business Development Start A Successful Business (4 Class Series)
Take the series of four small business start-up classes listed below for a savings of $67. Instructor provides an overview of the essential components for starting a profitable small business. CEUs: 1.2 • Fee $169
K. Davis
Class begins 7/6/2016 and ends 7/27/2016
Project Management Certificate Level 1
Fall Quarter
HR Generalist Certificate
Fall Quarter
This class will help you plan the start-up of a new business. Learn strategic and tactical keys to success such as assessing your resources, identifying your business personality, developing your concept, protecting your assets through proper business structure, and understanding the necessary licenses and taxes. The entire process is built into a start-up map that you can follow step-by-step. CEUs: .3 • Fee $59
K. Davis
Class begins 7/6/2016 and ends 7/6/2016
3-Day Workshop 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. July 6,7,8 or August 16,17,18 24 hours – 2.4 CEUs
Business Start-Up And Management
Managing Conflict In The Classroom
Business Marketing
Learn the basics of making strategic marketing decisions and building an integrated marketing plan. Utilizing a practical and repeatable process, you’ll learn about important concepts such as pricing, distribution, messaging, and message delivery--and how to base all of those decisions on your customer profile, product advantages, and competition. CEUs: .3 • Fee $59
K. Davis
Class begins 7/13/2016 and ends 7/13/2016
Business Financial Mangement
This workshop is designed for K-12 teachers who want to improve classroom management skills, find better options for managing disruptive students, and learn new ways to handle conflict while utilizing “restorative dialogue”. For a complete description, or to register: Online: Phone: (253) 288-3437 Sponsored by The Peace Institute at Green River College
Effective financial management is your key to small business success. Learn to read basic financial statements and concentrate on your key financial priorities. Understand how to use the cash-flow cycle to your business’ advantage and utilize important benchmarks for maximizing your daily results. This class is crucial to your small business education. CEUs: .3 • Fee $59
K. Davis
Class begins 7/20/2016 and ends 7/20/2016
Developing A Business Plan
This hands-on session is designed to help you create a working business plan for starting or managing your business. Through engaging writing exercises and group brainstorming, you’ll take your business ideas further than you thought possible. While traditional business plan formats will be discussed, the focus of this class is to help you develop and sharpen your own business ideas to give you the greatest chance of success. CEUs: .3 • Fee $59
K. Davis
Class begins 7/27/2016 and ends 7/27/2016 • (253) 833-9111 Ext. 2535
Computers For off campus locations, see page 15.
Save 42%
Take six of our most popular Microsoft Office courses, this summer, for a phenomenal price. Completion of these courses will also qualify you for our Microsoft Office 2013 Essentials Certificate. You can’t beat this price, but there is a catch: This offer is non-transferable, and there are no refunds or substitutions. CEUs: 4.2 • Fee $499. Item Y906. Courses include:
Microsoft Word 2013 Level 6 Microsoft Outlook 6 Microsoft PowerPoint 6 Microsoft Excel 2013 Level 6 Microsoft Publisher 6 Microsoft Access 2013 Level 6 Microsoft Word 2013 Level 1
Create professional looking documents, and have fun doing it! Topics include identifying components of the Word interface; creating new documents; finding, selecting and modifying text; formatting text and paragraphs; adding tables; managing lists; inserting graphic objects; applying design and layout options to pages; using proofreading tools; and customizing the Word environment. Prerequisite: basic computer skills, including Microsoft Windows proficiency. Text included. CEUs: .7 • Fee $139
W. Berkley
Class begins 6/24/2016 and ends 6/24/2016
Microsoft Outlook 2013
Utilize Outlook 2013 to manage your email communications, calendar events, contact information, tasks, and notes. Topics include composing email messages; attaching files; reading and responding to email; managing and organizing email; scheduling appointments and meetings; creating, managing and updating contact information; scheduling tasks; creating notes; and customizing the Outlook environment. Prerequisite: basic computer skills, including Microsoft Windows proficiency. Text included. CEUs: .7 • Fee $139
G. Larson
Class begins 6/28/2016 and ends 6/30/2016
Tu, Th
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
Capture your audience's attention by using the vast array of features in PowerPoint 2013! In this course, you will gain the ability to organize your content, enhance it with high-impact visuals, and deliver it with a punch. Topics include developing a PowerPoint presentation; performing advanced text editing; adding graphical elements; modifying objects; adding tables and charts; and delivering your presentation. Prerequisite: basic computer skills, including Microsoft Windows proficiency. Text included. CEUs: .7 • Fee $139
G. Larson
Class begins 7/8/2016 and ends 7/8/2016
Get the most out of your class! Bring your USB flash drive to computer classes, so you can save your files for review outside of class. Not all classes have downloadable files.
Microsoft Excel 2013 (3 Class Series) Capture the power of Excel 2013 by taking the Excel Series. Series includes Levels 1, 2 and 3 at a discounted price! Prerequisite: basic computer skills, including Microsoft Windows proficiency. Text included. CEUs: 2.1 • Fee $369
G. Larson
Class begins 7/12/2016 and ends 7/28/2016
Tu, Th
Microsoft Excel 2013 Level 1
Gain the foundational understanding of Microsoft Excel 2013 that's necessary to create and work with electronic spreadsheets. Topics include navigating a worksheet; entering and editing data, including formulas; entering functions and modifying and formatting worksheets. You will also learn how to create and format charts, add graphics, work with conditional formatting, create templates and print worksheets. Prerequisite: basic computer skills, including Microsoft Windows proficiency. Text included. CEUs: .7 • Fee $149
G. Larson
Class begins 7/12/2016 and ends 7/14/2016
Tu, Th
Microsoft Excel 2013 Level 2
Build upon your foundational knowledge of Microsoft Excel, and learn how to extract actionable data. Topics include viewing and printing large worksheets; linking worksheets and workbooks; constructing 3-D formulas; advanced formatting; sorting and filtering data; working with tables; outlining and consolidating data; saving workbooks as web pages; using hyperlinks; auditing and protecting data; using templates and much more! Prerequisite: Microsoft Excel Level 1 or equivalent experience. Text included. CEUs: .7 • Fee $149
G. Larson
Class begins 7/19/2016 and ends 7/21/2016
Tu, Th
Microsoft Excel 2013 Level 3
Get the most from your Excel experience and unleash your power! Topics include constructing advanced functions and formulas; using lookup functions; validating cell entries and advanced filtering; creating data tables; advanced charting; working with PivotTables and PivotCharts; exporting and importing data; utilizing analytical tools, including creating scenarios and using Goal Seek; running and recording macros; and much more! Prerequisite: Microsoft Excel Level 2 or equivalent experience. Text included. CEUs: .7 • Fee $149
G. Larson
Class begins 7/26/2016 and ends 7/28/2016
Tu, Th
Microsoft Publisher 2013
Learn how to create, format, edit and share publications utilizing Publisher 2013. Whether you're designing newsletters, certificates or marketing materials, Publisher makes it easy! Topics include creating a publication; adding content; organizing text boxes and picture placeholders; applying building blocks; formatting text; applying themes; editing text; adding graphics; and saving, printing and sharing a publication. Prerequisite: basic computer skills, including Microsoft Windows proficiency. Text included. CEUs: .7 • Fee $139
J. Minnis
Class begins 7/22/2016 and ends 7/22/2016
Microsoft Access 2013 Level 1
Establish a foundational understanding of Access 2013 in this Level 1 course. Topics include creating a simple database; organizing and managing data stored within Access tables; using queries to join, sort and filter data from different tables; creating advanced queries; creating and formatting custom reports; and customizing Access configuration options. Prerequisite: basic computer skills, including Microsoft Windows proficiency. Text included. CEUs: .7 • Fee $149
J. Minnis
Class begins 7/29/2016 and ends 7/29/2016
Computers/Online Learning For off campus locations, see page 15.
Computers Web & Graphic Production
Photoshop Level 1
QuickBooks For Small Business Level 1
Learn about the tasks necessary for mastering the essentials of QuickBooks. Topics: setting up a company and chart of accounts; differences between balance sheets and profit and loss statements; creating customer invoices, credit card transactions and sales tax; exploring vendor bill payment methods; QuickBooks banking, transaction types and reports; and discussion of Washington State case studies. Prerequisite: Students should know basic business practices and have Microsoft Windows proficiency. Text included. CEUs: 1.2 • Fee $249
In this introduction to Adobe Photoshop, you will learn the fundamentals of this powerful image editing program. Topics include menu basics; tools; palettes; resolution; graphic types; working with selections; layers; enhancing images with paint and filters; image modes; and color adjustments. By the end of class, you will have mastered the basics and be ready to take your Photoshop skills to the next level. Prerequisite: basic computer skills and proficiency using Windows 7. Text included. CEUs: .9 • Fee $239
Class begins 7/18/2016 and ends 7/27/2016
Class begins 8/1/2016 and ends 8/8/2016
M. Bagocius
M, W
J. Minnis
M, W
Something for Everyone at To view courses for educators, select Teaching & Education. (Please consult your Professional Development Coordinator for continuing education approval.) To view courses in business, technology & personal interest, select a catagory listed below.
COMPLETE YOUR CONTINUING EDUCATION HOURS ONLINE! 24-Hour Access Discussion Areas 6 Week Format (most courses) Our instructor-led courses are informative, fun, convenient, and highly interactive. Courses may be completed from any location with internet access, day or night.
Prices start as low as
Accounting/Finance Business Career Exploration Computer Applications Design & Composition Health Care & Medical
Language & Arts Law & Legal Personal Development Real Estate Technology Writing & Publishing
Select from these start dates:
JUNE 15 • JULY 13 • AUGUST 17 (253) 833-9111 Ext. 2535 • (253) 833-9111 Ext. 2535
Summer Kids' Camps For off campus locations, see page 15.
Green River’s 2016 Summer Kids’ Camps REGISTER AT
Kent: (253) 856-9595 Ext. 5000 Enumclaw: (253) 288-3400
Item #
C918 C919 C920 C921 C922 C923 C924 C925 C926 C927 C928 C929 C930 C931 C932 C933 C934 Y788 Y782 Y780 Y786 Y784
Babysitting Responsibly Code Breakers Code Breakers Minecraft Designers Minecraft Designers Minecraft Modders Minecraft Modders Make Your First 3D Video Game! Make Your First 3D Video Game! App Attack! App Attack! LEGO Video Games LEGO Video Games Minecraft Animators Minecraft Animators Crime Scene Investigation Crime Scene Investigation Babysitting Responsibly Make Your First 3D Video Game! App Attack! Minecraft Modders Minecraft Animators
Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Enumclaw Enumclaw Enumclaw Enumclaw Enumclaw
9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 - 4 p.m. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 - 4 p.m. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 - 4 p.m. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 - 4 p.m. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 - 4 p.m. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 - 4 p.m. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 - 4 p.m. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 - 4 p.m. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 - 4 p.m. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 - 4 p.m.
6/21/2016 7/11 - 7/14/2016 7/11 - 7/14/2016 7/11 - 7/14/2016 7/11 - 7/14/2016 7/18 - 7/21/2016 7/18 - 7/21/2016 7/18 - 7/21/2016 7/18 - 7/21/2016 7/25 - 7/28/2016 7/25 - 7/28/2016 7/25 - 7/28/2016 7/25 - 7/28/2016 8/1 - 8/4/2016 8/1 - 8/4/2016 8/8 - 8/11/2016 8/8 - 8/11/2016 6/23/2016 8/1 - 8/4/2016 8/1 - 8/4/2016 8/8 - 8/11/2016 8/8 - 8/11/2016
11 - 16 8 - 10 11 - 14 11 - 14 8 - 10 8 - 10 11 - 14 11 - 14 8 - 10 8 - 10 11 - 14 11 - 14 8 - 10 11 - 14 8 - 10 11 - 14 11 - 14 11 - 16 8 - 14 8 - 14 8 - 14 8 - 14
$35 $179 $179 $179 $179 $179 $179 $179 $179 $179 $179 $179 $179 $179 $179 $179 $179 $35 $179 $179 $179 $179
Summer Kids' Camps For off campus locations, see page 15.
Green River’s 2016 Summer Kids’ Camps REGISTER AT OR CALL
Kent: (253) 856-9595 Ext. 5000 Enumclaw: (253) 288-3400
App Attack! Take the first steps into the world of mobile app design and customize your own game app! In this exciting class, you’ll explore the world of web-based apps, learn the basics of mobile app design and game development, and see firsthand how the world of app publishing functions. See website for camp details. Two age groups: 8-10 and 11-14.
Babysitting Responsibly Designed for the 11-16 year old, this class will provide an opportunity to learn the basics of how to care for and entertain children in a babysitting situation. Topics include: home and child safety, what to do in an emergency, how to get babysitting jobs, and great ideas to keep the kids busy. Please bring pencil/pen and a snack/lunch to class.
NEW! Code Breakers Calling all future coders, programmers and designers! Learn the basics of coding languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS through a series of web projects and design challenges. Whether you want to be the next Mark Zuckerberg or the high school student who made millions programming in your basement, this course has the essentials you need to begin your journey! See website for camp details. Two age groups: 8-10 and 11-14.
NEW! Crime Scene Investigation Camp Calling all amateur detectives and sleuths! Join us at our new Crime Scene Investigation Camp and learn the basics of crime scene investigation and protocol. You’ll investigate a (faux) crime scene and interview first responders and witnesses; examine the layout; document the evidence; and process the scene, including collecting and analyzing fingerprints, blood evidence, and hair and fibers. If you’re lucky, you may even solve the crime! Ages11-14.
NEW! Minecraft Animators Bring your favorite Minecraft characters to life in an animated short film! Learn how studios like Pixar and Disney make movies like Inside Out and Frozen through techniques like keyframing, tweening, texturing, and animating rigged 3D models! See website for camp details. Two age groups: 8-10 and 11-14.
Minecraft Designers If you love the game Minecraft, but always wanted to design your own characters and buildings, this class is for you! Learn the basics of creating 3-D models, designing your own objects, creating skins for characters and importing them into your favorite Minecraft games. See website for camp details. Two age groups: 8-10 and 11-14.
Minecraft Modders Use your favorite game to learn the basics of modding and foundations of programming. Learn scripting and logic statements as you create your first mod! Introductory coding will also be taught through a simulated environment inspired by Minecraft. See website for camp details. Two age groups: 8-10 and 11-14.
NEW! LEGO Video Games Combine your two favorite activities: LEGOs and video games! You will create your own LEGO characters and adventures in an interactive 2D video game. At the end of the program, you will have a finished LEGO video game that can be shared with friends and family. See website for camp details. Two age groups: 8-10 and 11-14.
NEW! Make Your First 3D Video Game! Try this new version of a Black Rocket classic! This class allows you to develop a game concept that goes well beyond the limitations of the traditional 2D game design classes. You will learn the physics behind 3D games, explore beginner event scripting, level design, controlling flow of gameplay, and storytelling. See website for camp details. Two age groups: 8-10 and 11-14. • (253) 833-9111 Ext. 2535
Work Related For off campus locations, see page 15.
Work Related
Forklift Operator Certification (Weekday Class)
Real Estate
Real Estate Licensing Requirement – 3 Class Series (Online)
The Washington State Department of Licensing requires 90 clock hours: Fundamentals 1, Fundamentals 2, and Sales Practices--register for item #6007. All three online classes must be taken in consecutive order. Textbooks and practice exams included. Call Continuing Education at ext. 2535 for more information. Fee $529
This 1-day course with Bottom Line Training Services (BLTS)includes a classroom session, written test, operational training time, and one drive test on one of the following five types of forklifts: sit-down, counter balance, stand-up, stock picker, rider electric pallet jack, and walkie-stacker electric pallet jack. Additional drive tests to certify on more than one type of forklift are an additional $99 per type. Forklift recertification(BLTS) available for $99. Held at NW Handling. Fee $189
NW Handling W
NW Handling W
NW Handling W
Class begins 6/22/2016 and ends 6/22/2016 Class begins 7/27/2016 and ends 7/27/2016
Online Package Includes: R EST 101
Real Estate Fundamentals 1
R EST 102
Real Estate Fundamentals 2
R EST 140
Real Estate Sales Practices 3
Online Courses
Call Continuing Education at ext. 2535 for more information. Fee: $179 each course
R EST 120
Real Estate Law 6031
R EST 130 Residential Appraisal 6035
R EST 150 Real Estate Finance 6043
R EST 170 Real Estate Property Management 6047
Class begins 8/24/2016 and ends 8/24/2016
Flagger Training
Training consists of classroom instruction and state certification in flagging, traffic control and safety. Upon successful completion, participants receive a picture ID card with certification valid for three years. Fee includes textbook. Must be at least 18 years of age. Bring lunch. Special arrangements can also be made for group training at your business location. Fee $60
S. Smith
S. Smith
S. Smith
S. Smith
Class begins 6/17/2016 and ends 6/17/2016. Class begins 7/13/2016 and ends 7/13/2016 Class begins 8/6/2016 and ends 8/6/2016
Class begins 8/26/2016 and ends 8/26/2016
HIV/AIDS Certification
This ONLINE program meets the HIV/AIDS education requirement mandated for certification by the Washington State Department of Health. Reference notebook available to check out at time of registration. Please call (253) 833-9111 ext. 2535 to register in order to receive your log-in information and important course information at the time of registration. CEUs: .7 • Fee $59
Vocational Forklift - Truck Operator Certification (Saturday Class)
This course is designed to train operators for certification in sit-down, counter-balanced forklift trucks--light, medium and heavy duty. Students will complete written and hands-on testing to meet OSHA, WISHA and L&I requirements. Class meets Department of Labor certification standards. Additional classes will be held on demand or at business locations. Forklift recertification (IVES) available for $99 - call Continuing Education for more information. Fee $189
E. Levin
E. Levin
Class begins 7/16/2016 and ends 7/16/2016 Class begins 8/20/2016 and ends 8/20/2016
Some classes fill quickly. Please enroll early to reserve your space. 10
Lifelong Learning For off campus locations, see page 15.
Lifelong Learning
Veil Painting: Light, Color And Darkness
Creative Arts & Crafts
Calligraphy: Monoline Lettering
Learn contemporary lettering styles that can be done with just a gel pen. These fun fonts have many uses and make anything you create uniquely beautiful and creative. All supplies included. For all skill levels; minimum age 12-14 (registered with an adult). CEUs: .2 • Fee $25
N. Anderson
Class begins 7/12/2016 and ends 7/12/2016
6:30-8:30PM w
Elegant Embossing
Embossing is the shaping or carving of letters and patterns so that they are raised above the surrounding surface. In this class you will learn how to create various raised designs on paper. Minimum age 14 (registered with an adult). Bring an X-Acto knife with a new #11 blade; all other supplies provided. CEUs: .35 • Fee $35
N. Anderson
Class begins 7/9/2016 and ends 7/9/2016
9:00AM-12:30PM w
Intricate Pop-Up Cards
Learn how to create those amazing hand-cut 3-D structures, animals, flowers, and other designs that “pop-up.” They are fun to make and people will want to keep them! Make several and come away with patterns you can make on your own. Minimum age 14 (registered with an adult). Bring an X-Acto knife with a new #11 blade; all other supplies provided. CEUs: .25 • Fee $29
N. Anderson
Class begins 7/16/2016 and ends 7/16/2016
Chillin’ With Pencils
Turn off the stress and troubles for a couple hours as you learn to scribble and sketch with meditative intention using a variety of drawing media. Artist Phil Jensen will help you tap into your creative process in this “don’t chillin’”workshop. No prior art experience required, all supplies provided. Just come and relax! CEUs: .25 • Fee $35
P. Jensen
Class begins 7/30/2016 and ends 7/30/2016
9:30AM-12:00PM w
The Art Of Drawing Faces
Enjoy drawing? Find faces interesting? Come join this fun class! Learn the basic facial structure and how a little movement can alter the look and mood. Focus on 3 key areas of the face: the forehead and brows, the eyes, and the chin and mouth. Create lively and pleasing portraits using illustrations and family photos. We will use charcoal, graphite, and other basic materials. CEUs: .6 • Fee $75
C. Parker
Class begins 8/3/2016 and ends 8/17/2016
Experience a painting style that’s more about the process than it is about the end outcome. Veil painting is a technique for painting from the unconscious. It’s often abstract, but beautiful in the subtle shapes and hues that arises out of the color itself. Create artwork that progresses and develops spontaneously and organically as you add layers of colors. No previous painting experience required. Materials included. Bring a hair dryer for speed drying as you add each veil of color. CEUs: .3 • Fee $39
P. Jensen
Class begins 7/23/2016 and ends 7/23/2016
9:00AM-12:00PM w
Exploring Water-Soluble Oil Painting
This versatile and comfortable medium offers approaches in exploring iits beauty and fun while eliminating harmful and hazardous volatile solvents. Get to know the brush and medium as you learn about color step-by-step in your painting expression. Materials list provided upon registration. CEUs: 1.4 • Fee $125
P. Jensen
Class begins 7/11/2016 and ends 8/22/2016
Handcrafted Jewelry-Making
Amaze your friends with gorgeous creations! Taught by an award-winning jewelry designer, you’ll receive hands-on instruction and demonstration of basic techniques that will teach you about tools and types of materials, beads, gemstones, crimping, findings, and color theory to produce designs you will love. Each week covers a particular skill and produces a finished product. CEUs: 1.0 • Fee $99
H. Poortvliet
Class begins 8/2/2016 and ends 8/30/2016
Introduction To The Art Of Metal Sculpture
Impress your friends and family with your unique artwork! Explore the basics of constructing beautiful metal sculptures for hanging or displaying. You will learn how to use welding and fabrication processes, heat coloring on metal, and techniques for using different types of abrasives. You may choose a project from ideas provided by the instructor or use your own design (by instructor permission). Bring safety glasses and leather work gloves to class. Materials included. CEUs: .9 • Fee $145
J. Olsen
Class begins 7/9/2016 and ends 7/23/2016
Digital Photography: Level 1
Move beyond the “auto” mode of your digital camera and take great photos in any situation! Through this basic hands-on course, you will explore modern photography in simple, real-world terms. You will learn about exposure, shutter speed, focus, flash, aperture, depth of field, ISO, and much more. Class requirements include a digital camera (and user guide) that is capable of full manual control. CEUs: 1.4 • Fee $129
G. McCutcheon
Class begins 7/12/2016 and ends 8/23/2016
Digital Photography: Level 2
Go beyond the basics! This class includes how to work with RAW images, advanced camera controls (exposure lock, spot meter, exposure compensation, advanced flash), when to use manual controls, shooting for HDR, retouching images in Lightroom or Photoshop, and composition. Outdoor shooting labs included. CEUs: 1.4 • Fee $129
Class begins 7/14/2016 and ends 8/25/2016
Fused Glass Tiles Watercolor Painting Techniques
The enjoyment of watercolor begins with learning how to handle the medium–the paint, the paper, and the brush. We’ll explore traditional and experimental watercolor techniques. Class includes discussion, evaluation of works in progress, and the fundamental aspects of recognizing shape, value and contrast. All levels welcome. CEUs: 1.4 • Fee $125
P. Jensen
Class begins 7/13/2016 and ends 8/24/2016
This lively 4-hour class is a fun way to learn the basics of glass fusing. Students will learn to cut, design, and fire up to 4 colorful glass tiles or coasters. A $125 material/firing fee paid to instructor. Project pick-up on Sunday. Classes held off-campus at Blue Dog Art Studio. CEUs: .4 • Fee $79
D. Wendt
Blue Dog
Class begins 7/23/16 and ends 7/23/16
6:30-8:30PM • (253) 833-9111 Ext. 2535
Lifelong Learning For off campus locations, see page 15.
Lifelong Learning
Dance & Fitness
1. Online Register and pay online at
East Coast Swing For Beginners
If you learn just one dance, this is it! It’s a fun and easy dance to learn and to begin partner dancing. Known world-wide as American dance, it’s the most versatile dance done to the greatest variety of music including Big Band, Rock and Roll, Rhythm and Blues, Country, and Top 40. Singles and couples of all ages welcome. Held at Covington City Hall. CEUs: .5 • Fee $59
A. Morrow
Covington CH M
Class begins 7/11/2016 and ends 8/8/2016
Country 2-Step: Basics And Beyond
For all two-steppers out there! Move quickly through the basics and extend your instruction with some impressive moves and lots of turns. Learn how to lead and follow beyond the basics of the most popular of Country dances. Singles and couples welcome. Held at Covington City Hall. CEUs: .5 • Fee $59
A. Morrow
Covington CH M
Class begins 7/11/2016 and ends 8/8/2016
7:45-8:45PM w
Stress Relief Yoga
Studies show that yoga and mindfulness practices can help reduce stress and anxiety while improving resiliency. It can also enhance your mood and provide an overall sense of well-being. We’ll explore various techniques to manage stressors as they arise: yoga, mindfulness and breathing practices. Each class will finish with restorative yoga (passive poses designed to repair frazzled nervous systems). Open to all levels--no previous yoga experience or flexibility required. Bring a mat and wear comfortable clothing. CEUs: .3 • Fee $39
S. Green
Class begins 6/30/2016 and ends 7/7/2016
6:00-7:30PM w
Yoga For The Flexibility Challenged
Has it been a while since you’ve touched your knees, let alone your ankles? Have you noticed increased stiffness, body aches, and pains? Yoga can help! Research has shown that yoga increases muscle tone, lowers heart rate variability, drops blood pressure and cortisol levels, helps decrease stress, and improves quality of life. Come and learn tools that you can use for improved health and vitality. Bring a mat and wear comfortable clothing. CEUs: .75 • Fee $89
S. Green
Class begins 7/14/2016 and ends 8/18/2016
2. Phone Auburn (253) 833-9111, ext. 2535 Kent (253) 856-9595, ext. 5000 3. Visit Go the CCE Office on any campus. Green River now accepts Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress and Discover. Check or cash accepted in person or by mail.
HIV/AIDS Certification
This ONLINE program meets the HIV/AIDS education requirement mandated for certification by the Washington State Department of Health. Reference notebook available to check out at time of registration. Please call (253) 833-9111 ext. 2535 to register in order to receive your log-in information and important course information at the time of registration. CEUs: .7 • Fee $59
Inflammation And The Aging Process
Inflammation is a reaction in the body caused by infection or allergies and is aggravated by lifestyle factors like smoking, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, and sun exposure. Inflammation has been linked to many things that we associate with aging including autoimmune conditions, arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer. Learn how inflammation can be reduced or prevented by changing your habits and environment, following an inflammation-reducing diet, and supporting your body’s systems. CEUs: .25 • Fee $35
S. Blake
Class begins 7/13/2016 and ends 7/13/2016
Whole Body Health: More Than Eating The Right Food
Learn about the mind and body connection: how food affects our brain which affects what we THINK and then influences HOW, WHY, and WHAT we eat. In this class, we’ll discuss how to address and change eating habits, addictive tendencies with food, and how what we think affects our body. CEUs: .25 • Fee $29
S. Blake
Class begins 7/27/2016 and ends 7/27/2016
Home & Garden Basic Pruning
Learn the basics of pruning so you can do it the right way! The instructor (an experienced Arborist and Horticulturist) will explain the reasons to prune, how pruning affects plant growth, and the influence it has on flowering and fruiting. Learn how to use the tools of the trade to prune evergreens, rose bushes, and deciduous and fruit trees. CEUs: .25 • Fee $35
A. Haywood
Class begins 6/14/2016 and ends 6/14/2016
Fruit Growing In Your Backyard
Harvest your own fruit! Learn the basics of fruit culture in the Pacific Northwest climate. Avoid the common frustration and disappointment of poor quality crops and unhealthy plants. Learn to properly plant and care for your trees, which varieties do best in our area, and how to avoid or deal with common insect and diseases. Whether you are just getting started or are working with existing plants, this class has something to offer you. CEUs: .25 • Fee $35
A. Haywood
Class begins 6/21/2016 and ends 6/21/2016
Lifelong Learning For off campus locations, see page 15.
Community Access Card To Holman Library
How To Get Started In Beekeeping
Want to learn how to keep honeybees but need a little bit of guidance? Danny Najera, Green River biology instructor and avid beekeeper, will discuss the needs of the bees and the beekeeper. We will cover topics including the wooden boxes, frames, choosing the location, and getting your bees; we’ll also look at the pros and cons of the various options. A mock hive will be used to illustrate the hands-on aspects of beekeeping. CEUs: .4 • Fee $59
D. Najera D. Najera
SC-238 SC-238
Class begins 7/14/2016 and ends 7/16/2016
Th 6:30-8:30PM Sa 10:00AM-12:00PM
In A Class By Itself Seattle Football 101: The Basics
Have you recently jumped on the football bandwagon? If so, you may want to understand or review basic football rules, positions, terms, and scoring. As most ardent football fans can agree, the best time to ask questions about football may NOT be during the game! Join this fun, interactive class as we use our home team as a model for learning the basics of football which will help you enjoy the game even more. CEUs: .3 • Fee $39
D. Baxmann
Class begins 8/27/2016 and ends 8/27/2016
Provides access privileges to the Holman Library’s Information Commons for one quarter. Includes access to over 100 computers containing Internet, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, and check-out privileges. An introductory information session provided by the library staff. Register at the Continuing Education Office. • Fee $40
Genealogy And Family History (2 Class Workshop) w
Genealogy is the number one hobby in America. Learn how to research for information from an experienced genealogist as she shares her knowledge of how to build your family tree through research. Each class will include one-hour of class and one-hour of computer lab. Save by taking both classes! CEUs: .4 • Fee $49
W. Laird
Class begins 7/16/2016 and ends 7/23/2016
9:00-11:00AM w
Research Techniques For Genealogists
A good research plan is a way to stay focused and keep your genealogy goals in sight. Discussion will include helpful hints for unpuzzling your family tree such as recording common surnames, nicknames, and spelling variations. Multiple research options will be shared! CEUs: .2 • Fee $29
W. Laird
Class begins 7/16/2016 and ends 7/16/2016
9:00-11:00AM w
Researching Genealogy Websites
There are more resources out there than just! Learn about many other genealogy websites and basic search tricks and shortcuts. We’ll also locate information by using the advanced search features of a website which might include genealogy software programs, books, journals, newspapers, maps, surname sites, Wikipedia, and much more. CUEs: .2 • Fee $29
W. Laird
Class begins 7/23/2016 and ends 7/23/2016
Interested in TEACHING? Share your knowledge and expertise
Bicycle Maintenance And Repair Basics
Got a rusty chain? Are your gears skipping? Do your brakes squeak? It’s time to learn how to maintain and repair your bike. This handson beginning bicycle workshop will provide troubleshooting tips and include topics such as flat tire removal and repair, tire inflation, derailleur adjustments, basic repair tools, emergency road repair, wheel truing, brake adjustments, and much more! Joe “The Bicycle Fixer” will give you tips and techniques to become a self-sufficient cyclist. You’re welcome to bring your own bike to class! CEUs: .3 • Fee $35
J. Sandschulte
Class begins 7/9/2016 and ends 7/9/2016
The Continuing Education department is looking for instructors to teach vocational programs and lifelong learning courses. Submit your application and course proposal to
[email protected]. Applications can be found at
An Introduction To Voiceovers (Getting Started In Voice Acting)
This fun and empowering 2-hour introductory workshop covers different types of voiceovers and what tools are needed to find success. You’ll be coached as you read a script and recorded so you can receive a professional voiceover evaluation later. You’ll obtain the knowledge necessary to help you decide if this is something you’d like to pursue. Taught by a professional voice actor from Voices For All, a voice acting training company. CEUs: .2 • Fee $39
Class begins 8/9/2016 and ends 8/9/2016
6:00-8:00PM • (253) 833-9111 Ext. 2535
Lifelong Learning For off campus locations, see page 15.
Money Matters
Waterside Fly Fishing Workshops
How To Be An Executor Of A Will
Have you been named as an estate executor of a relative or friend? Learn about your liabilities and responsibilities. This presentation is taught by an experienced lawyer who will provide an overview of the legal rights and responsibilities of an executor and explain the gathering of estate assets, paying the debts, distributing the funds to beneficiaries, and administration of the estate. CEUs .25 • Fee $39
O. Gabrielson
Class begins 7/20/2016 and ends 7/20/2016
Wills & Legal Documents We All Need
Wills, Power Of Attorney, Health Care Directives, Appointing Guardians for your children--what are these and why are they important to you? While not always pleasant to think about, having a will or a legal plan can save your family heartache and pain. Whether you plan to work with an attorney or use one of the do-it-yourself software programs available, having knowledge of what to include, how to prepare, and what the legalese means will make the process easier. We’ll also cover making changes, revocations, and more. CEUs: .25 • Fee $39
M. Farr
Class begins 7/27/2016 and ends 7/27/2016
Each of these one-session hands-on instructional outings are designed to focus on one specific set of skills in fly fishing. Equipment can be provided. w
Personal Watercraft Fly Fishing
Float tubes and pontoon boats have revolutionized fly fishing access for anglers. In this class you will have an opportunity to try a variety of personal fishing craft while fishing for trout. Class will be held at Rattlesnake Lake in North Bend. CEUs: .3 • Fee $49
J. Fiskum
Class begins 6/15/2016 and ends 6/15/2016
6:00-9:00PM w
Nymph Fishing Strategies For Trout
The underwater stage of an aquatic inset or "nymph" makes up over 80% of the trout's diet. Anglers who learn to master nymph fishing strategies will consistently catch trout in all seasons. This one evening crash course in nymph fishing will be held on the Cedar River; several different indicator nymphing techniques will be covered. CEUs: .3 • Fee $49
J. Fiskum
Class begins 7/11/2016 and ends 7/11/2016
Dry Fly Strategies For Trout
Outdoors For outdoor trips, cancellations are required 48 hours prior to the first day of class. Call (253) 833-9111, ext. 2535.
Fly-Fishing Puget Sound Beaches
Sea-run cutthroat, silver salmon, blackmouth, and migrating salmon in season are available year-round and are all taken on flies from beaches all over Puget Sound. In session one, we’ll discuss tackle, equipment, flylines, tides, and productive beach locations. Second session will be held on a local beach (TBA in class). Bring your own equipment or reserve from instructor. CEUs: .6
J. Fiskum
J. Fiskum
Classroom session, 6/21/2016. CEUs: .2 • Fee $35 Optional outing, 6/25/2016. CEUs: .4 • Fee $59
Join us on the water for a one-evening crash course in fishing dry flies on rivers and streams. Class will be held on the south fork of the Snoqualmie River. One of the most exciting moments in fly fishing is when a trout comes to the surface to take a well presented dry fly. Learn how to present dry flies upstream, downstream and across stream in live fishing situations on a local river. CEUs: .3 • Fee $49
J. Fiskum
Class begins 7/25/2016 and ends 7/25/2016
Summer Steelhead Gear Fishing Tactics
You don't have to stand in icy cold water freezing to death to catch the Northwest's premier sport fish. Summer Steelhead opportunities are alive and well both locally and regionally. In the classroom session learn about tackle and equipment, essential lures and baits, and where to go for success. Class includes a resource guide loaded with information about summer steelhead and fishing opportunities. Optional outing to a local river for hands-on instruction and fishing. Rod, reel, and line set ups can be rented from instructor for $10.
J. Fiskum
J. Fiskum
Classroom session, 7/7/2016. CEUs: .2 • Fee $35 Optional outing, 7/9/2016. CEUs: .4 • Fee $59
Writing For Children And Getting Published
If you’ve ever thought about writing children’s books, this class will help you get started. As a beginning writer, you’ll learn how to get ideas and turn them into stories as we discuss plot and character development, story structure, view point, dialogue, where and how to market your work, and how to get published. You’ll walk away with tips and tools to start your hobby or career as a writer for children. Short writing exercises included. CEUs: .5 • Fee $59
A. Rubeck
Class begins 7/9/2016 and ends 7/16/2016
Crafting The Story: Short Story And Novel Writing
Do you know why we are drawn to books like The Hunger Games, The Kite Runner or The Da Vinci Code? It’s more than the storyline. Learn what it takes to craft a compelling story by building strong characters, a unique voice, a sense of place, and a fully-drawn, conflict-driven story arc. CEUs: 1.0 • Fee $115
L. Bohart
Class begins 7/20/2016 and ends 8/17/2016
More Fun and Informative Classes
Campus Locations Green River College
Continuing and Community Education (WT Building) 12401 SE 320th St., Auburn, WA 98092-3622 (253) 833-9111, ext. 2535
Green River Enumclaw Campus
1414 Griffin Avenue, Enumclaw, WA 98022-3008 (253) 288-3400
Green River Kent Campus
417 Ramsay Way, Suite 112, Kent, WA 98032-4501 (253) 856-9595, ext. 5000
Small Business Assistance Centers (SBAC)
417 Ramsay Way, Suite 112, Kent, WA 98032-4501 1414 Griffin Ave, Enumclaw, WA 98022 (253) 520-6260
Off-Campus Locations Blue Dog Glass Art – 29304 168th Ave. SE, Kent Covington City Hall – 16720 SE 271st St, Covington Northwest Handling – 1100 SW 7th St, Renton
Easy Ways To Register:
Register and Pay Online
Phone Auburn (253) 833-9111 ext 2535
Green River College Continuing and Community Education 12401 SE 320th St., Auburn, WA 98092-3622
Student ID Number: _________ - ______ - ________
Birth Date:
Mail or Visit Send or bring your registration form with payment to:
Email Address
Use your Visa, MasterCard, AmEx or Discover card for phone, mail and online registration.
Kent (253) 856-9595 ext 5000
Kent Campus 417 Ramsay Way, Suite 112 Kent, WA 98032-4501
• Art & 11 • Dance & 12 • 13 • Wills & Legal Documents................. page 14 • Creative 14
Registration Form — Non-credit Classes
Green River College Continuing and Community Education WT Building 12401 SE 320th Street Auburn, WA 98092-3622
Bicycle Maintenance and Repair Basics page 13
Telephone (day) Y/Item No.
Gender: Male
Registration Date:
Course Title
Start Date
TOTAL Cash (exact amount only)
Check (payable to GRC)
Visa, MC, AmEx, Discover
Credit Card No. ______________________________________ Exp. Date _____________
Company PO/Voucher (copy required)
All Continuing and Community Education classes must be paid for at the time of registration. Refund Policy for Continuing and Community Education Non-credit Classes Class fees for Continuing and Community Education classes are not refundable unless student cancels 24 business hours prior to the start of class. Full refunds will be made if the college cancels a class. Unless you’re notified otherwise, your registration is confirmed upon receipt of payment for class.
Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Seattle, WA Permit No. 1627
Continuing and Community Education 12401 SE 320th Street Auburn, WA 98092-3622
Current Resident or
Green River’s 2016 Summer Kids’ Camps Minecraft Animators Crime Scene Investigation
Babysitting Responsibly
Practice your sleuthing skills, investigate a crime scene, and solve a crime! Page 8
Code Breakers
Learn the basics of coding languages through a series of web projects and design challenges. Page 8
Bring your favorite Minecraft characters to life in an animated short film! Page 8
Learn how to care for and entertain children in a babysitting situation. Page 8 w
REGISTER NOW! (253) 833- 9111 ext. 2535