Feb 20, 2014 - Please note pre-registration for the Ontario Agriculture Base Map and Crop Budgeting sessions in the Comp
SCHEDULE The Eastern Ontario Crop Conference is designed to give you the opportunity to select your favourite topics from the 27 offered. To accommodate those that wish to take in a topic over the noon hour, a box lunch will be provided with your pre-registration. Please note pre-registration for the Ontario Agriculture Base Map and Crop Budgeting sessions in the Computer Lab is required at time of registration. Schedule
W. B. George
8:30 a.m.
Conference Room 1
Glyphosate Resistant Weeds 2
10:00 – 10:50
Weed Management 3
11:00 – 11:50
Invaluable Earthworm 4
12:0012:50 Lunch
Soybeans Strategies 17
2:00 – 2:50 3:00 – 3:50 4:00 – 4:50
Parish Hall Room 116
Computer Lab
Registration and Displays at the W.B. George Centre
9:00 – 9:50
1:00 – 1:50
Parish Hall Room 114
Market Outlook 1
Precision Ag6
Fungicides and the Works15 Latest & Greatest in Corn Production5
Building Corn Ready Soil 9
Next Generation Social Media13
Cover Crop Panel10
Ag Apps Central 14
Rotational Grazing27
Phosphorus Clean-up Story 22
Corn Silage Fungicides and Mycotoxins 25
Building Corn Ready Soil 9
Manure Basics 12
Forage Fundamentals8
Farm Safety
Glyphosate Resistant Weeds 2
Bee Aware11
Invaluable Earthworm 4
Edible Beans24
Soybeans Strategies 17
Cereal Madness 7
Ontario Agriculture Base Maps 16
Unmanned Air Vehicles
Crop Budgeting
Cereal Madness 7
Ontario Agriculture Base Maps 16
Bee Aware
Crop Budgeting 26
Next Generation Social Media 13
Human Resources (HR) Farm Input 19
HR Expert
Unmanned Air Vehicles23
Growing Forward II21 Phosphorus Clean-up Story 22 Growing Forward II21
Manure Basics 12
1. Market Outlook – Grains and oilseeds outlook and marketing strategies for 2014. Victor O. Aideyan, HISGRAIIN Commodities Inc., London 2. Update of Glyphosate Resistant Weeds in Ontario – What to look for and what to do. Peter Sikkema, University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus 3. Weed Management in Field Crops: Grower Questions – What are the best options for weed control. Ask the Expert! Peter Sikkema, University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus 4. The Invaluable Earthworm – Building organic matter and nutrient recycling. Odette Menard, MAPAQ 5. The Latest and Greatest in Corn Production – Greg Stewart, OMAF & MRA 6. Moving Forward with Precision Ag – What works in variable rate planting and nitrogen applications? Greg Stewart, OMAF & MRA 7. “Cereal Madness” – Is there any way to make that funny stuff on top of my straw pay? Peter Johnson, OMAF & MRA
PRE-REGISTRATION FORM REGISTER BY FEBRUARY 7TH AND SAVE. Pre-Registration Fees are: $55.00; $50.00 for OSCIA members; $25.00 for students. OSCIA Member
County_______ Student
The registration fee includes a box lunch, refreshments and conference proceedings. Late Registration after February 7th is $65.00 per person. For advanced registration, mail the Registration Form along with your cheque. Walk-in Registration is $70.00 per person and does not include lunch. Receipts will be issued on the day of the conference. Make cheques payable to: EASTERN ONTARIO CROP ADVISORY COMMITTEE (EOCAC)
8. Forage Fundamentals – Forage establishment, fertility, rotation, yield, economics and pest management. Joel Bagg & Gilles Quesnel, OMAF & MRA
(Please print clearly)
9. Building 300 Bushel Corn Ready Soil – Creating healthy, productive, weather proof soil. Adam Hayes, OMAF & MRA, Scott Banks, OMAF & MRA
Company: ________________________________
10. Cover Crop – Farmer Panel – Where do cover crops fit on my farm? The tried and true cover crops! Shawn McCrae, Max Kaiser, Jocelyn Michon 11. Bee Aware – The latest research and steps to reduce the risk of neonicotinoid exposure to bees. Tracey Baute, OMAF & MRA 12. Manure Basics – Can new technology improve manure nutrient utilization? Chris Brown, OMAF & MRA 13. Next Generation Social Media – How do you make twitter, you tube, etc. work for your business. Wayne Black, Devolder Farms 14. Ag Apps Central – Smartphones, tablets, apps and other tools I use: Panel Discussion. Wayne Black, Devolder Farms & Ian McDonald, OMAF & MRA 15. Fungicides and the Works! – Corn and Soybean fungicides – timing, resistance management and other disease issues. Dave Hooker, University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus & Albert Tenuta, OMAF & MRA 16. Ontario Agriculture Base Maps – Hands-on computer lab demonstration and imagery acquisition strategy (need to sign up at pre-registration time). Nicole Rabe, OMAF & MRA, Mike Robertson, MNR
Name: ____________________________________
Address: __________________________________ Town: ____________________________________ Postal Code______________ County___________ Phone #: ________________Fax #: ____________ Certified Crop Advisor Credits will be Available Check the appropriate boxes I would prefer a cafeteria ticket for the noon hour session instead of a box lunch: I WANT TO REGISTER FOR: (REGISTER EARLY – SPACE IS LIMITED) Ontario Agriculture Base Maps Crop Budgeting Ontario Agriculture Base Maps Crop Budgeting
9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 am
Registration Process
Pre-registration (before February 7th) please mail your registration form along with your cheque for $55.00; $50.00 OSCIA member; or Student $25.00 After February 7th please mail your cheque along with $65.00 Eastern Ontario Crop Conference C/O OMAF & MRA Box 2004, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
For More Information Please Call: 613-258-8295 Collection Notice: Any personal information collected on this form is necessary to administer the Eastern Ontario Crop Conference offered by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Ministry of Rural Affairs (OMAF and MRA) and the Eastern Ontario Crop Advisory Committee. It will be used to register you at the conference and to notify you of related events in the future. Payment will be forwarded to and processed by the Eastern Ontario Crop Advisory Committee. Questions about the collection of information can be directed to a Client Service Representative, Kemptville Resource Centre, OMAF & MRA, 59 Ministry Rd, Kemptville ON K0G 1J0, phone 613-258-8295. I would like to be notified of future related events that OMAF and MRA may organize: By signing this form I acknowledge that I have read the statement above and I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my information as described above.
-CONTINUED17. Soybean Strategies – Do’s and don’ts of high yield soybeans after 6 years of intensive research. Horst Bohner, OMAF & MRA, Dave Hooker, U of G, Ridgetown Campus
Eastern Ontario Crop Conference at the
18. Farm Safety – Sheila James, Workplace Safety and Prevention Services 19. Human Resources (HR) on the Farm – HR right can reduce costs associated with non-compliance, employee departure and retraining, and overall safety risk. Peter Sykanda, OFA & Gary Mawhiney, HR Consultant
W. B. GEORGE CENTRE Kemptville Campus University of Guelph
20. Ask the HR Expert! – An in-depth look at the Human Resources on the Farm. Peter Sykanda, OFA & Gary Mawhiney, HR Consultant 21. Growing Forward II - What is in the Growing Forward II program for producers? Anne Marie Diotte, OMAF & MRA
Thursday, February 20, 2014 Directions to W.B. George Centre
8:30 am to 5:00 pm
22. Phosphorus Clean-up Story – into the crop or down the drain? Bonnie Ball, OMAF, David Lapen, AAFC 23. Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV’s) – what can UAV’s do for crop production? Trevor Crowe, Crowe Productions 24. Edible Beans Opportunities – Edible bean opportunities & soil & fertility research. Brian Hall, OMAF & MRA 25. Corn Silage Fungicides and Mycotoxins – What, why where and when are mycotoxins a problem in corn silage and what can be done about them? Ron Lackey, OMAF & MRA, Scott Banks, OMAF & MRA 26. Crop Budgeting – Making sense of the dollars – work through cost of production estimates for your 2014 crops, compare different scenarios to arrive at profitable decisions. A hands-on workshop in the computer lab (need to sign up at pre-registration time). John Molenhuis, OMAF & MRA
27. Rotational Grazing – How to get more from your land, not just more land. Jack Kyle, OMAF & MRA
A co-operative effort between:
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Eastern Ontario Crop Advisory Committee