4. English. Reading: Comprehension passage. Writing: Letter (Formal.
SCHEDULED TEST SYLLABUS FOR CLASS VIII ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 Reading: Reading : Reading: Comprehension passage Comprehension Comprehension Writing: Letter (Formal Passage Passage and Informal) Writing: E-Mail Writing: Report Grammar : Tenses Grammar: Adverbs Grammar :Compound words Workbook Exercises Workbook Exercises Workbook Exercises Literature: : M.C.B Literature:M C B Unit: Literature: M.C.B Unit: A Unit: My Financial An Insult That created Rose For the Queen, career , The Way an empire, The People Ozymandias , Nimai Through Woods, The Next door, Television , Tree Glove and the Lions, Tiger. Owens Pierced a Myth. ०६ /० ५ / २०१३ म ने ईवर को दे खा,पाठ – २ – दो शक ु शावक
ST 4 Reading: Comprehension Passage Writing: Letter &Diary Grammar: Determiners , Finite – non Finites. Workbook Exercises Literature: M C B Unit: The Feeling Of Power , A Basket Full of Sea Trout , The Chimney Sweeper , The Ark`s Anniversary
१२ /०८ / २०१३
२५ /११ / २०१३
२० /०१ / २०१४
पाठ ३- भगत (संह का
पाठ ११ – कैसे- कैसे
पाठ १२ – गणेश शंकर
पाठ १४- एक अंतहAन
पाठ ४ – व7म पाठ ५ – जरु माना
च7यह ू
याकरण: वलोम श"द,
याकरण: वशेषण,
पया#यवाची श"द ,
अप/ठत ग1यांश,
याकरण: सव#नाम, वचन,
वा&यांश के (लए एक
याकरण: अनेकाथ9
अप/ठत प1यांश,
शC ु करो, D7या, अप/ठत
श"द, मह ु ावरे तथा
श"द, (भ:नाथ#क श"द,
अन< ु छे द, पया#यवाची
ग1यांश, अप/ठत प1यांश,
लोकोि&तयां , अप/ठत
मह ु ावरे , (लंग बदलो,
श"द , वा&यांश के (लए
अन< ु छे द, लोकोि&तयाँ
ग1यांश, प/ठत प1यांश
अप/ठत ग1यांश,
एक श"द, लोकोि&तयाँ
अप/ठत प1यांश, अन< ु छे द, Maths
Chapter1:Rational Numbers Chapter2:Linear Equations in One Variable Chapter3:Understanding Quadrilaterals
Chapter4:Practical Geometry Chapter6:Squares and Square Roots Chapter7:Cubes and Cube Roots
Chapter5:Data Handling Chapter9:Algebraic Expressions and Identities
Chapter11:Mensuration Chapter12:Exponents and Powers
Ch1: Crop production and management
Ch4: Materials :metals and nonmetals Ch3: Synthetic fibres and plastics
Ch2:Microorganisms and viruses Ch9: Reproduction in animals
Ch16: Light Ch6: Combustion and flame
Social Science
Chapter 2 :The Establishment of the
Chapter 5: The Revolt of 1857
Chapter 10 : Caste and Reforms
Chapter 12 :The National movement 1885-1919
company power Chapter15 :The Resources
ikB&1 o 2 ‘kCn :Ik & e/kq ] ;q”en~ /kkrq :i& LFkk ] lso ikapks ydkjksa esa fp=k/kkfjr okD;] vO;; ‘kCn
Chapter 16 : Natural Resources
Chapter 18: Agriculture Chapter 28:understand ding Laws
ikB& 9 o 11 ‘kCn :Ik & efr ] vLen~ /kkrq :Ik& vl~] ue~] ikapks ydkj fp=k/kkfjr okD;] DRok vkSj rqequ~ izR;;
Chapter 23 :Human Resources
SUMMATIVE ASSESMENT SYLLABUS FOR CLASS VIII SA1 SA2 Reading: Comprehension passage Reading: Comprehension Passage Writing : letter, E-Mail ,Report, Message Writing: Letter, Report, Diary. Grammar: Prepositions, Tenses, Verbs, Grammar: Suffix-Prefix, Adverbs ,Determiners , Compound Words. Work book (All lessons Finite –Non finite Verbs covered in SA1) Work book (All lessons covered in SA2) Literature: M CB -A Rose for the Queen Literature: MCB- An insult that created an empire, ,Ozymandias, Nimai Tree ,The Way Through Those People Next door, The Chimney Sweeper, Woods, My Financial Career, The Ark`s Anniversary, Tiger Poems ,A basketful of The Glove and The Lions ,Owens Pierced A Myth, Sea Trout,, Television, The Feeling of power. Water Watch. पाठ १- हाँ, म ने ईवर को दे खा,पाठ – २ – दो शक ु
पाठ १०- बातY और बातY , पाठ ११- कैसे- कैसे साहसी,
शावक, पाठ ३- भगत (संह का पE पता के नाम,
पाठ १२- गणेश शंकर व1याथ9, पाठ १३- भि&त के
पाठ ४ – व7म साराभाई, पाठ ५ – जरु माना, पाठ
पद, पाठ १४- एक अंतहAन च7यह ू , पाठ १५-
६ – वषा# वण#न, पाठ ७- (मEता, पाठ ८- वव का
गल ु ाम, पाठ १६- &या Rनराश हुआ जाए, पाठ १७-
महान आशचय#- नायाHा Iपात, पाठ 9- नीम का
आकाश मY सरु ाख, पाठ १८- बसंती हवा
याकरण: वलोम श"द, पया#यवाची श"द , वा&यांश
याकरण: वलोम श"द (55), पया#यवाची श"द (46) ,
के (लए एक श"द, मह ु ावरे तथा लोकोि&तयां ,
वा&यांश के (लए एक श"द (63), मह ु ावरे तथा
अनेकाथ9 श"द, (भ:नाथ#क श"द, वशेषण, D7या,
लोकोि&तयां , अन< ु छे द , पE (औपचाNरक व
सव#नाम, वचन, सZम< ु [बोधक, व]ZयादAबोधक, शC ु
अनौपचाNरक), समान QवRन वाले श"द (59),
करो, D7या वशेषण , अन< ु छे द, पE, अप/ठत ग1यांश
उपसग#, ITयय(71,72), संUा, (लंग,वचन, D7या, वत#नी शC ु करो (पWृ ठ सं. ३२,३३,३४,३५), अप/ठत ग1यांश, Maths
प/ठत ग1यांश , पदयांश
Chapter1:Rational Numbers Chapter2:Linear Equations in One Variable Chapter3:Understanding Quadrilaterals Chapter4:Practical Geometry Chapter6:Squares and Square Roots Chapter7:Cubes and Cube Roots Chapter8:Comparing Quantities Chapter10:Visualising Solid Shapes Chapter 13: Direct and Inverse Proportion Ch1: Crop production and management Ch3: Synthetic fibres and plastics Ch4: Materials :metals and non-metals Ch5: Coal and petroleum Ch7: Conservation of plants and animals Ch8: Cell: structure and function Ch11:Force and pressure Ch12: Friction Ch15: Some natural phenomena
Chapter5:Data Handling Chapter9:Algebraic Expressions and Identities Chapter11:Mensuration Chapter12:Exponents and Powers Chapter13:Direct and Inverse Proportions Chapter14:Factorisation Chapter15:Introduction to Graphs Chapter16:Playing with Numbers Ch2:Microorganisms and viruses Ch6: Combustion and flame Ch9: Reproduction in animals Ch10: Reaching the age of adolescence Ch13: Sound Ch14: Chemical effects of electric current Ch16: Light Ch17: Stars and solar system Ch18: Pollution of air and water
Social Science
Chapter -2 – The Establishment of company power (From Trade to Territory) Chapter -15 – Resources – Their Types Chapter – 24 – The constitution: Its Chief Characteristics/Features Disasters (Project) Chapter -5 – The Revolt of 1857 Chapter -16 – Natural Resources – Land and Soil Resources Chapter -25 – Understanding Secularism Chapter -8 – Educating and Civilising the People Chapter -17 – Water Resources Chapter – 27 – The Indian Parliament: Need and Functions Chapter – 18 – Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
Chapter -21 Industries Chapter -10 Caste and Reforms Chapter-33 Public Facilities Chapter -20-Agriculture Chapter -34 - Law and Social Justice Chapter -12 – The National Movement Chapter -28 – Understanding Laws Chapter -23- Human resources Chapter -13 – Fight for India Freedom
ikB 1 ls 8 O;kdj.k ‘kCn :i& e/kq ] ;q”en~ ] jktu~] Okkfj ‘kCn] bne~ ‘kCn rhuksa fyaxksa es] /kkrq :i& LFkk ] lso /kkr qyV~]y`V~ ydkj] izPN~ n``’k~ ] vO;; ‘kCn ] izR;; &DRok] rqequ~ ] i= ys[kue~] fp=k/kkfjr okD;] vifBr xn~;ka’k] Lak[;k 1 ls 50] Loj lfU/k ¼nh?kZ] xq.k½] dgkuh ys[ku] okrkZyki&laokn
ikB 9]11]12]13]14]15]16 O;kdj.k ‘kCn :i& efr ‘kCn] vLen~ ‘kCn] ,rr~ ‘kCn rFkk fde~ rhuksa fyaxksa es] /kkrq :i& lso /kkrq yksV~ yax rFkk fof/kfyax] j{k~ vl~] ue~] vO;; ‘kCn ,o ls ‘o% ] izR;; &DRok] rqequ~ ] i= ys[kue~] fp=k/kkfjr okD;] vifBr xn~;ka’k] Lak[;k 51 ls 100] Loj lfU/k ¼;.k] v;kfn xq.k½] dgkuh ys[ku] okrkZyki&laokn] miin foHkfDr& 5 ls 7] le; ys[kue~
Computer About Networking Wireless technologies Microsoft office access Forms, Quarries and Report Starting visual basic
Programmes using controls and their properties Learning core draw Special effects and more Basic of C++