annually to a currently enrolled student of Florida State College at Jacksonville who has taken action to expand the opp
Built on the Love of Family and Community
The Leadership in Action Award is an annual scholarship funded by the Scheidel family. The Leadership in Action award was established to continue the legacy of Herbert W. Scheidel by recognizing and encouraging emerging leaders within the Jacksonville community who go above and beyond to positively impact the lives of others. This recognition is awarded annually to a currently enrolled student of Florida State College at Jacksonville who has taken action to expand the opportunities of others by volunteering with exceptional service to a single community nonprofit agency in the FSCJ service area. Candidates are selected through a nomination process and self-‐nomination is allowed. To be considered for the Leadership in Action Award nominees must have been enrolled in FSCJ and seeking a degree or certificate during the time in which the volunteer service was performed. Nomination Due Date: February 8, 2017 Student’s name:
Student’s email and phone number: ____________________________________________________________ Program of study:
Total volunteer hours completed per year: ______________________________________________________ Name of nonprofit agency served by the student: _________________________________________________
Agency contact person name, title, and phone no.:
Agency address:
Nominee Requirements: 1. A one-‐page description of yourself and the volunteer work that you’ve completed along with agency and why you believe you are deserving of the award.* 2. A letter of support / recommendation from the nonprofit agency where the volunteer hours were completed. 3. An unofficial Florida State College at Jacksonville transcript.
Nominator’s Name:
Send nomination package to
[email protected] or mail to:
Scheidel Scholarship, Florida State College at Jacksonville 101 West State Street, A-‐1093 Jacksonville, FL 32202