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Here, we describe a case study of the application of schematic maps for indoor ... mobile.aspx), are also developing ind
Schematic maps for indoor environments: a case study Luciene Stamato Delazari

Suchith Anand, Roberto Santos, Jeremy Morley

Geodetic Science Program Federal University of Paraná Curitiba, Brazil [email protected]; [email protected]

Nottingham Geospatial Institute University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK {suchith.anand, isxros , jeremy.morley}

Abstract— In this paper, we present a theoretical framework for creating schematic maps for indoor environments using the IndoorGML specification. Schematic maps are an effective means of generalizing large-scale datasets (especially network data such as transportation maps) and are aimed at enhancing visualization, making maps more user friendly in terms of interpretation. Although there has been lot of research on schematic maps for outdoor navigation, there has been very little research on the use of schematic maps for indoor navigation. Here, we describe a case study of the application of schematic maps for indoor navigation. This study considers the characteristics of indoor environments described in IndoorGML, such as geometry, semantics, and topology, to establish rules for obtaining schematic maps. Keywords—Schematic Navigation.







A major part of our lives is spent in indoor environments, even during leisure time, e.g., in shopping malls or museums. The growth in the size and complexity of public buildings, such as universities, airports and shopping malls has made it necessary to have efficient indoor navigation. Examples of indoor navigation tools are “You Are Here” (YAH) maps, which are reference maps that are typically large scale and placed within the surrounding area that they depict. There is generally a symbol indicating the location of the person viewing the map. The main objective of a YAH map is to aid in the navigation process, but there are some issues concerning its use, such as those related to misalignment [1], object rotation, and self-location [2]. In addition to YAH maps, indoor environments are represented using floor plans, mainly for emergency maps, which have a high level of detail and can be difficult to use in terms of understanding the whole building. Three-dimensional models (depending on the application) can also be used to represent these environments; however, complex interfaces are needed to enable users to manipulate the model. Recently, an indoor tube map, inspired by Beck’s metro map design of the London Underground has been proposed [3]. Some companies such as Google ( or Bing ( Sponsor: CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior) - Brazilian Funding Agency - Process 18284-12-4

08/03/new-airport-maps-for-bing-and-mall-maps-come-tomobile.aspx), are also developing indoor maps to help navigation, and these are very similar to floor plans. Problems can arise when the buildings are complex and the task of navigating from one point to another becomes a real challenge. However, there is not a consensus as to which of these different ways of representing indoor environments is best for the user, or which is most helpful in navigation tasks. Schematic maps are helpful in spatial problem-solving tasks such as way-finding in outdoor environments, or for representing underground railways, surface railways, and tram and bus routes. Except in the case of buses, these transportation systems do not change frequently, which makes schematic maps very suitable for their representation. In fact, schematic maps are not used to represent dynamic routes, not only because it is difficult to design a schematic map automatically, but also because the process by which such maps are produced has not been totally codified in cartography [4]. Recently, the Open Geospatial Consortium - (OGC) started a discussion to specify a standard called IndoorGML, which specifies an open data model and XML schema of indoor spatial information. According to the OGC [5], IndoorGML intentionally focuses on modeling indoor spaces for navigation purposes. Considering the lack of methodologies in indoor mapping research and the possibilities for schematic maps in supporting way-finding tasks, we aim to establish a theoretical framework that allows the creation of a schematic map from a floor plan, using some of the elements described in IndoorGML. The research is in its early stages, and the first task was to understand an indoor environment in order to model it. In this paper, we present a schematic map designed for a floor of the Nottingham Geospatial Building at the University of Nottingham. After the map was designed, it was possible to propose some rules for obtaining this kind of map from floor plans. II.


This research deals with two different types of map: schematic and indoor maps. The study of schematic maps is mainly used to transport networks, and there has been significant research on methods for obtaining a schematic representation from a topological structure [4], [6], [7], [8].

Research on indoor maps is more recent, and has focused on positioning techniques rather than the representation of such spaces [9]. Schematic maps are diagrammatic representations based on highly generalized lines, and are generally used for showing routes of transportation systems, such as subways, trams, and buses [10]. Also in [10] was developed a schematic map on demand for a transport network. The approach used a network that was simplified using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm, and developed a method for preserving topological relations among linear features. The schematization process modifies the original road network based on common-sense manual displacement constraints used in many existing schematic maps. Other relevant research in schematization was developed by [6] who proposed an algorithm that automates the production of schematic maps for mobile GIS applications. The algorithm uses the simulated annealing optimization technique. Authors described a prototype software and the experimental results showed that the algorithm successfully produced schematic maps that meet user-defined constraints within a reasonable time. In [11] the existing metro map design was adapted for use by air traffic controllers. The authors defined specific mathematical cost functions that measure the quality of schematic map of flight routes in order to assist air traffic controllers. The simulated annealing algorithm, with these adapted cost functions and optimizations, produces visualizations that fulfill the defined constraints. A method was also proposed for generating colors for representing the different flight routes which takes into account their semantics and perceptual distances with respect to other colors. In traditional cartography the development of new representation methods mostly considers outdoor spaces. The focus has only recently changed to indoors, as a result of the growth of such environments. Indoor environments have some characteristics that make them different from outdoors environments: orientation and navigation are different and landmarks change frequently. The main challenge, however, according to [3], is the added dimension introduced by multistorey buildings. This remains a problem, with no convergent solution, and in recent studies different approaches have been taken to this question [3], [12], [13], [14]. A review of several types of representation of indoor spaces is made in [3] and three available solutions are highlighted: architectural style floor plans, abstract floor plans, and augmented reality systems. Architectural floor plans are rich in detail and are available for most buildings for the purposes of emergency plans. However, the level of detail can be too high, making such maps aesthetically unsuitable as consumer products. Abstract floor plans are normally less detailed and the use of colors and symbols is aimed at the consumer market. Augmented reality systems are relatively new in the consumer market [3] and are still mostly found in research projects. In [3], a new design for an indoor map, called an IndoorTube Map, the design which is inspired by Beck’s metro map of the London Underground is proposed. In this proposed

design, corridors correspond to metro lines, rooms to stations, and elevators/stairs to connected stations where metro lines cross. This design was applied to a hospital and some user tests were conducted to verify if this map is better than floor plans for way-finding tasks. The preliminary results do not confirm that IndoorTube maps are significantly better at supporting way-finding than floor plan maps [15]. At this stage, the design follows the traditional map design approach and is completely manual. According to [16], schematic maps are helpful in spatial problem-solving tasks such as way-finding. This author states that one of the challenges in constructing schematic maps is establishing clear relationships between the detailed information found in the environment and the abstract/conceptual structures contained in the map. Also, an important aim of any schematic way-finding map is to support information for finding a destination efficiently. III.


A. Initial Considerations Schematization involves reducing the complexity of map details, while at the same time preserving the important characteristics (especially topology). In this research, the final goal is to produce a schematic map from floor plans, using a semi-automatic process. In order to understand not only how floor plans can be generalized to a schematic map, but also what the relevant information to be represented in the schematic map is, the first step was to design and produce a schematic map manually. It was equally important at this time to define a set of rules to maintain the topological relationships that exist in the floor plan, which are fundamental to the navigating process. Finally, based on the results of previous steps, we proposed a model for transforming floor plans represented in IndoorGML into indoor schematic maps. The structure of these activities is presented in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Methodology Steps

A floor of the Nottingham Geospatial Institute at the University of Nottingham was used as a case study.

B. Map Design The map design considered a general user, whose main needs are to learn about an indoor environment and to know about specific points. The spatial analysis that could be performed with the maps are as follows: recognize objects (What is there?), identify objects (At a given place, what is there?), navigate from one point to another, and identify proximity/connectivity of objects. The information represented in the final map must enable the user to obtain the answers to the stated questions. Based on this consideration, the base map includes the building external walls and possible subclasses; the thematic data and their classification are as follow: 

corridor (linear symbols, change in colour and shape) o access allowed o access restricted o traverse room rooms (point symbols, change in colour) o access allowed o access restricted o others (function of building, e.g., shopping mall) interest points (point symbols, pictorial) o bathrooms o lifts o stairs o emergency exits o others (function of building, e.g., shopping mall)

C. Schematization Rules The schematization rules were developed considering two main points: (1) the map will be used to support navigation and (2) it is important to preserve topology in the final map. The three classes of objects defined in the map design have specific rules. Thus, rooms are generalized to points, which are linked to paths by lines at the door positions. Points representing rooms at the same line height are adjacent rooms. All interest points are represented by pictorial symbols resembling the original objects. Furthermore, all interest points must be placed as close as possible to their original positions. The proximities and relative positions of these points to others features, such as rooms, or even other interest points, are important elements when people are navigating. Paths are lines between entrance and exit points, connecting all rooms and interest points between these two places. Lines connecting adjacent rooms are represented by solid lines, and lines connecting rooms inside other rooms are represented by dashed lines. IV.


The basic concept is presented in Fig. 2 and the elements in this figure will be described in sequence.

Fig. 2. Proposed framework for creating schematic maps from IndoorGML

In this proposal, we adopted the terminology used in the IndoorGML specification [5]. According to [5], an indoor space is defined as a space within one or multiple buildings consisting of architectural components such as entrances, corridors, rooms, doors, and stairs. In addition, in IndoorGML, an indoor space is a set of cells, which are defined as the smallest organizational or structural units of an indoor space. A cellular space S is defined as follows: S = {c1, c2, … , cn }, where ci is ith cell. (1) A cellular space has three important properties. First, every cell has an identifier such as a room number. Secondly, each cell may have a common boundary with other cells, but does not overlap with them. Thirdly, a position in a cellular space can be specified by a cell identifier, although we may employ (x, y, z) coordinates to specify a position more precisely. A set of cells is the minimum information needed to determine a cellular space, but additional information on the cellular space can also be included: semantics, e.g., classification and interpretation of cells; geometry, e.g., three-dimensional solids or two-dimensional surfaces; or topology, e.g., adjacency or connectivity. Based on the above concepts, we propose a framework that consists of the IndoorGML specification, Graph Representation and Cartographic Representation, and two transformations, T1 and T2, respectively called Geometric/Semantic Transformation and Cartographic Transformation. In the IndoorGML specification [5], the indoor space is composed of constraints such as corridors, doors, stairs, and elevators, and these constraints are considered in terms of the following aspects: cellular space, semantic representation (for example, in an indoor environment it is possible to have “room”, “door”, “window”, or, in a WiFi application, “wifi point A”, “wifi point B”), geometric representation (every cell of an indoor space, such as a room or corridor, has a form,

extension, and position that can be collected and modeled), and topological representation (this can be implemented as a graph representing the adjacency or connectivity relationships) [5]. The Graph Representation in this approach is an intermediate step between the IndoorGML and the schematic map. To obtain a Graph Representation, the first set of transformations (T1) is applied to the elements of IndoorGML. First, the elements of IndoorGML that correspond to, for example, “entrance”, “lifts”, “emergency exits”, “stairs”, “bathrooms”, “rooms”, and “corridors” are selected and an adjacency graph is created. This graph stores the topology of the indoor space, as shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3(A) we show a floor plan, composed of two rooms (R1 and R2), two doors (D1 and D2), and nine walls (W1, ..., W9), and Fig. 3(B) is the adjacency graph for the floor plan. However, this graph does not preserves the positions of the elements, i.e., the positions of these elements are not related to a coordinate system. So, the second step is to associate a spatial reference with this graph in order to create the schematic representation. In addition, the rules described in the previous section provide coherence between the original indoor space and the graphical representation.

Fig. 3. (A) Floor plan and (B) Adjacency graph

Finally, the Cartographic Representation is obtained by applying the second set of transformations, T2 – Cartographic Transformations. The objective of these transformations is to define the graphical appearance of the map. In this stage, not only the graphical aspects will be considered, but also some generalization operators will be necessary to achieve the representation, for example, the use of a displacement operator

to prevent symbols overlapping, and simplification, such as the use of straight lines instead of complex lines to represent paths. V.


The results achieved to date comprise the manual development of a schematic map. We have designed two different maps of the same indoor environment in order to perform user tests and evaluate which symbology is more effective when considering a navigation task. The two versions of the indoor maps are presented in Figs. 4 and 5. We also designed the theoretical framework, which is based on IndoorGML classes and will enable a schematic map for an indoor environment to be obtained using the proposed transformations. The next steps in this research are implementation of the proposed framework, using Python and libraries of geospatial data and graphs. We will use the same floor plan as that used to design the schematic map presented, considering the results obtained in the tests. There are many differences between schematic maps and other types of maps, mainly with regard to accuracy and symbolization. In terms of the cartographic aspects, there are several open questions to be investigated: What types of symbols are best for user recognition of indoor elements? How will the adopted symbolization influence acquisition of knowledge about the environment? Which elements should be used as landmarks in an indoor environment and how should they be represented?

Fig. 4. Proposed indoor schematic map

Fig. 5. Second schematic map proposed [2]


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