for Governance of Higher Payment Programmes. I. PREAMBLE: The system of ...
THE MAHARAJA SAYAJIRAO UNIVERSITY OF BARODA Scheme for Governance of Higher Payment Programmes
PREAMBLE: The system of higher education in the grant-in-aid institutions and Universities demands a number of reforms owing to an increase in competition both from the foreign institutions and from the growing number of private sector institutions. The University Grants Commission has been conscious of this fact and has sought to introduce various career-oriented courses which are financially self supportive. Increasing financial crunch caused by the reduced per capita grant by the government and meager efforts to raise funds from unconventional sources forced Universities to think of starting courses which fully or partly cover the cost of the higher education and at the same time meet the societal need for education in emerging areas with professional tampering. The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, a leading educational institution in the country, has been offering a number of bachelors’ and masters’ degree, diploma and certificate programmes on full-time or part-time basis. In order to bridge the gap between the academia and the society at large and meet the growing demand for education, the University has also pioneered introduction of degree, diploma or certificate programmes on higher payment basis. The year 1996 heralded a turning point in the educational annals of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda when it started a three years’ MBA evening programme and a BBA programme under a scheme of higher payment. However, all these programmes started with different fees structures, remunerations, administrative norms etc. This called for laying down of uniform and rational rules for the governance, functional operation and delivery of these programmes, particularly keeping in view the introduction of several programmes that are of different academic and professional nature and that require differently focused administrative and financial consideration. Building further upon the previously approved draft policies on higher payment programme, this document proposes a new scheme of governance of higher payment programmes for the better governance and effective management of all such programmes in the University.
OBJECTIVES OF THE HIGHER PAYMENT PROGRAMME: The higher payment programme must have specific objectives and deliverable goals which should be laid down very clearly so that a niche to be catered to is clearly identified. This will avoid duplication of the academic efforts and waste of scarce human and financial resources. Hence, the objective of the programme should be to Page 1 of 15
provide opportunity in new areas of professional and academic engagement in the university. Specifically, such programmes shall endeavor: To impart new knowledge and training in emerging areas which are not being served by the conventional programmes To cultivate relevant skills and attitudes among programme participants to equip them to face challenges of the fast changing world To provide opportunities for multi-disciplinary learning To cultivate practical insight among students using modern pedagogy and methods of practical training to enhance their capability to operate in a current world of business To offer opportunities for human resource development by providing facilities for learning to know and do III.
HIGHER PAYMENT PROGRAMME PROPOSAL: The programme offered under the higher payment system would be executed under the umbrella of the relevant Faculty of the University. Hence, a proposal for higher payment programme shall be submitted to the relevant Faculty board by a Department or a Board of Studies under the University, with or without the involvement of an outside agency (industry or an established professional body) with academic and professional linkages with the referent programme. A group of experts belonging to different Departments or Faculties of the University may also initiate a programme proposal. The programme offered would be first screened, discussed and decided by the Faculty Level Higher Payment Advisory Committee. Subsequently, the final draft shall be prepared in two parts (i) Academic Part (syllabi, methods of imparting knowledge, practicum, suggested books and readings etc.), and (ii) Administrative Part (including financial matters, admission rules and procedures, examination and other operational aspects for the smooth running and conduct of the programme). The Faculty board will decide about the academic contents (first part) of the proposal whereas administrative and financial aspects (second part) of the programme along with the first part shall be decided by the University Higher Payment Advisory Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Level Higher Payment Advisory Committee. University Higher Payment Advisory Board shall constantly monitor the basic academic standards and other financial and administrative matters either on its own will or on the recommendation of the Faculty Level Higher Payment Advisory Committee.
UNIVERSITY HIGHER PAYMENT ADVISORY BOARD: The Vice Chancellor shall appoint an apex body called the University Higher Payment Advisory Board. It will be responsible for the overall direction and Page 2 of 15
supervision of all higher payment programmes conducted by The M. S. University of Baroda. The Board shall consist of the following members: 1. Vice Chancellor – (Chairperson) 2. Pro-Vice Chancellor - (Convener) 3. Two Teacher Syndicate Members other than Deans. 4. Two Syndicate members other than teachers to be nominated by the ViceChancellor. 5. Dean/s of the Faculties, Principal/s of Colleges, Head of Institutions running the higher payment programmes 6. Three external experts to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor. 7. Registrar (Member-Secretary) The Vice Chancellor may invite special experts to the meeting of the Board as per the requirements of different programmes. The Board shall have tenure of three years. V.
THE FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF UNIVERSITY HIGHER PAYMENT ADVISORY BOARD: The University Higher Payment Advisory Board, being the catalyst of change, shall be responsible for providing strategic thinking and direction to the new and existing programmes. The board shall: 1. Prepare policies relating to the governance and administration of higher payment programmes and deal with financial policies of such programmes both at Faculty and the University levels. 2. Submit proposals for the new programmes to the Syndicate for approval along with its recommendations. 3. Review and evaluate from time to time the relevance and viability of different higher payment programmes in accordance with the criteria determined by the board well in advance. 4. Suggest to the Faculty Higher Payment Advisory Committee new programmes for introduction. 5. Submit all the decisions relating to the Higher Payment programmes to the Syndicate for the final approval. 6. Review and communicate to the Syndicate every year the budget and audited financial statement prepared by each higher payment programme. 7. Suggest and review from time to time the norms of the payment of honorarium, remuneration, salary structure etc for all higher payment programmes. 8. Make recommendation for the growth and development of infrastructure as well as academic scope of the higher payment programmes in the University.
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9. Decide about the number of programmes permissible as per staff availability and students’ demand. 10. Ensure that funds are being mobilized as per the approved policy of higher payment programmes. VI.
FACULTY LEVEL HIGHER PAYMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE: All the Faculties in the M. S. University of Baroda are not similar in shape and size. Some of them (such as Commerce, Arts, Science, Technology and Engineering) are very large while others consist of a single Department and are small such as Law, Management, Journalism and Communication and Social Work. Therefore, the structure and size of the Faculty Level Higher Payment Advisory Committee must be in consonance with the size of the Faculty. However, it should be sufficiently broad to bring in expertise and experience to bear upon the decision making. The Faculty Level Higher Payment Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Dean / Principal / Head of the Institute with the following members from amongst the staff of the Faculty, University as well as outside professionals: 1. Dean / Principal / Head of the Institution (Chairperson) 2. One Senate member of the Faculty and one Syndicate member to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. 3. Heads of the Departments offering higher payment programmes. 4. Chairpersons of the Board of Studies offering higher payment programmes. 5. All Programme Coordinators of higher payment programmes of the Faculty. 6. Two external experts representing professions, industry and business. 7. Two teachers from the Faculty / College / Institution nominated by the Dean / Principal / Head of the Institution. 8. Dy. Registrar / Asst. Registrar (Academic Section) The Dean / Principal / Head of Institution may invite special experts to the meeting as per the requirement of particular programmes. Note: The Faculty Level Higher Payment Advisory Committee will be formed on the line suggested above except in the case of a small Faculty where, if it is not feasible to form such committee, the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor shall decide about its formation and membership.
FUNCTIONS OF THE FACULTY LEVEL HIGHER PAYMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE: 1. To submit proposals on higher payment programmes to the University Higher Payment Advisory Board and take steps for the effective implementation of all higher payment programmes of the Faculty. 2. To review and evaluate from time to time the viability of higher payment programmes and also to suggest new areas of development. Page 4 of 15
3. To decide about the modalities of admission procedures for higher payment programmes, which may include written test, group discussion and personal interview. 4. To advice on the syllabus, modes of teaching, practicum etc. which is to be approved by the Board of Studies / Faculty Board / Academic Programme Committee. 5. To recommend the fee structure to the University Higher Payment Advisory Board for approval by the Syndicate. 6. To approve the requirement of full time and visiting faculty for higher payment programmes. VIII.
ACADEMIC PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Each higher payment programme shall have an Academic Programme Committee which shall consist of 1. Dean / Principal / Head of the Institution (Chairperson) 2. Heads of the Department offering higher payment programme 3. Programme Coordinator. 4. Three subject experts to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
PROGRAMME DIRECTOR: Dean / Principal / Head of Institution shall be the ex-officio Director of all Higher Payment Programmes in his/her Faculty/College/Institution irrespective of the fact whether it is a full-time or a part-time programme, a degree (undergraduate or postgraduate), diploma or certificate programme. The Programme Director shall be vested with the administrative and financial powers that would be equivalent to that assigned to the Dean / Principal / Head of the Institution. The Programme Coordinator(s) and Assistant Programme Coordinator(s), as the case may be, shall assist the Director in running and managing the programme. The programme coordinator and assistant programme coordinator shall be the fulltime permanent teachers of the University.
PROGRAM COORDINATOR: The Programme Coordinator will be appointed by the Vice Chancellor on the recommendation of the Programme Director. He/she shall be a full time permanent teacher from amongst the Professors / Associate Professors / Lecturers (Selection Grade) with at least three years’ teaching experience as an Associate Professor / Lecturer (Selection Grade) and shall be appointed for a period of three years. However, his/her total term shall not be for more than 6 years. The Programme Coordinator shall be in charge of the academic and general administration of the Page 5 of 15
programme and shall work under the supervision and direction of the Programme Director. XI.
ASSISTANT PROGRAMME COORDINATOR: The Assistant Programme Coordinator may be appointed, if required, from amongst the permanent teachers by the Vice Chancellor on the recommendation of the Programme Director in consultation with the Programme Coordinator. He / she shall be appointed for a period of three years. However, the total term shall not be for more than six years. Not more than two Assistant Programme Coordinators shall be appointed for any programme depending upon the size of the programme. The Assistant Programme Coordinator shall work under supervision and direction of the Programme Coordinator.
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF: Every programme shall have a reasonable number of administrative and supportive staff. The number and size of such staff shall be determined by the principle of requirement, leanness and affordability by the Vice Chancellor. As far as possible, staff should be regular as per guidelines of the higher payment programmes with graded salary of Govt. of Gujarat with the following limits. Category I (Programme with Annual intake : 60% to 80% of more than or equal to 60 students) Category II (Programme with annual intake : 30% to 80% of more than or equal to 30 students and less than 60 students) Category III (Programme with annual intake : 10% to 50% of less than 30 students) Category IV (Evening Programme)
No Limits
The qualification and selection procedure of such administrative staff shall be as per University and Govt. of Gujarat norms. XIII.
TEACHING STAFF: There shall be regular teaching staff as per guidelines of the higher payment programmes with graded salary of Govt. of Gujarat with the following limits:
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Category I (Programme with Annual intake : 40% to 80% of more than or equal to 60 students) Category II (Programme with annual intake : 20% to 60% of more than or equal to 30 students and less than 60 students) Category III (Programme with annual intake : 10% to 50% of less than 30 students) Category IV (Evening Programme)
No Limits
The qualifications and other conditions of such teachers shall be as per the applicable UGC / AICTE guidelines. The selection process shall be similar to the process followed for the appointment of permanent teachers in grant-in-aid programmes. Visiting faculties may also be engaged from within the University and outside as per the expertise and requirement. The payment to visiting faculty may be kept on full course / half course / per lecture basis. The amount shall be paid as per the approved guidelines for higher payment programmes. The University Higher Payment Advisory Board shall decide such payment on the recommendation of the Faculty Level Higher Payment Advisory Committee. A University visiting faculty shall teach at the most 6 to 8 credits courses per semester. Where a course is offered concurrently with the regular course, no honorarium shall be paid to the permanent teaching faculty of the University if his or her workload in the regular course is less than the prescribed workload to such extent that classes in higher payment compensates for the deficiency in the regular workload. Further, if any teacher is taking more than the required workload, excess of the extra periods over the normal workload shall be compensated at the prescribed rates. XIV.
RATES OF HONORARIUM TO THE VISITING FACULTY: Rates and structure of the teaching faculty at the higher payment programme shall be uniformly decided and implemented by the University Higher Payment Advisory Board. The rates may be reviewed and revised by the Board from time to time. Initially, the rates for the visiting faculty shall be applicable as per Appendix-I of this proposal.
ADMISSION PROCESS: A student shall be admitted to a programme on the basis of merit to be determined by the marks/grades obtained by the candidate in the previous qualifying examination or merit determined by a specially designed test process by the respective Faculty Level
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Higher Payment Advisory Committee and duly approved by University Higher Payment Advisory Board. XVI.
SEATS FOR UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES: The University Higher Payment Advisory Board may decide to sponsor any two of the University employees to any of the programmes run under this scheme provided such sponsorships is for programmes conducted after the office hours and it does not infringe upon the official working hours of the employee. However, this concession does not imply any relaxation in the academic criteria fixed for the admission in the programme. These seats shall not affect the regular approved intake and shall be treated as supernumerary seats. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, these benefits shall not be extended to any ward of relative of any employee dependent or otherwise, past or present.
ADMISSION TO THE SECOND YEAR OF THE PROGRAMME: In case some seats become available due to failure and / or drop-out in the first year of undergraduate programme, such seats may be offered to those students of other Universities / Institutions who have completed their first year successfully. However, policy regarding such admissions shall be determined by the admission committee of the programmes within the framework of the policy of the respective Faculty with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO STUDENTS: The University has instituted Economically Disadvantaged Students’ Support Fund for granting financial support to the extent waiving off entire fee / partial fee payable by a student whose parental income is less than one lakh per annum on the recommendation of a committee constituted for the purpose. This financial assistance shall continue till the student shall maintain CGPA or equivalent of more than 6.00 in the examinations of the preceding semesters / academic years.
FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATIVE POWERS AND DECISIONS: Notwithstanding anything contained in this proposal, in all the decisions related to appointments, financial and other administrative decisions, the norms, rules and procedures prevalent in the University from time to time shall be followed.
BUDGET (FINANCIAL ESTIMATES): Every programme shall prepare and submit well in advance (but not later than 1st March of the year) the budget stating estimates of financial receipts and expenses for the duration of one financial year to be approved by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor. In case of a new programme, the budget shall be prepared keeping in view the life cycle of the programme i.e. one year, two-years or three years duration, so as to account for all the receipts and expenditures over the one cycle of the programme. In case of new Page 8 of 15
programme, budget shall be approved by University Higher Payment Advisory Board. The budget shall be prepared keeping in view the following principles: 1. Every programme shall be self-sufficient to meet all its operating expenses and shall have some surplus to meet the requirements of additional infrastructure and replacement/renewal of the existing infrastructure and to meet the committed expenses in future. 2. Based on the past experience or future projections maximum permissible intake and lowest number of candidates remaining in the programme in the last semester of the programme, average number of the students should be worked out so as to ascertain the average collection of fees from the students. 3. Keeping in view the above principles in mind and the past experience of expenses incurred in certain programme the fee structure shall be decided. These categories are applicable where specific rules by government are not in force. XXI.
BANK ACCOUNTS: A separate bank account shall be opened in the name of the programme with permission of the University which will be jointly operated by the Director and the Programme Coordinator / Asst Programme coordinator at a nationalized bank in the city of Vadodara. All amount received shall be deposited to this account and expenditures shall be paid from the same account after getting it pre-audited, except honorarium to visiting faculty, by the University audit section. Any expenditure not pre-audited shall be posted as “on account” till it is audited by the Audit section of the University. The balance of the account along with the university share shall be transferred to the M&C Fund maintained for each programme at the University. Any amount payable by the Programme Director to the University, and/or Faculty and/or any authority or any party shall be paid by an accounts payee cheque drawn on this account.
ACCOUNTS: Books of accounts for the higher payment programme shall be maintained at the Faculty following double entry book keeping system. All the receipts payments and other transaction related to higher payment programme shall be recorded properly.
AUDIT: All the payments shall be made only after the pre-audit of the bills, except honorarium to the visiting faculty, by the University Auditor, who shall be responsible for periodic audit and test check. The honorarium to visiting faculty shall be post audited. All the accounts shall be audited by a professional and independent auditors duly appointed by the Vice-Chancellor. The Audit report of each Higher Payment Page 9 of 15
Programme for the financial year shall be submitted by the Director to the University Higher payment board for approval. The remuneration of the aforesaid professional auditor shall be paid from the budget of the concerned higher payment programme. After completion of the audit, the audit report along with the audited financial statements shall be completed within four months from the completion of the financial year. The higher payment annual accounts shall be submitted to the Syndicate through University Higher Payment Advisory Board.
ACADEMIC YEAR: Semester System (Two semesters per academic year).
FEES: Faculty Level Higher Payment Advisory Committee shall recommend the fee structure in prescribed format to the University Higher Payment Advisory Board. This fee structure shall be approved by the Syndicate on the recommendation of University Higher Payment Advisory Board.
EXAMINATION FEES: Examination Fees shall be at par with the regular courses as per University Rules. However, in extraordinary circumstances, the Vice-Chancellor may decide higher payment examination fee. All Semester-end-examinations shall be conducted by the University.
ALLOCATION OF FEE RECEIPTS: The receipts from the fees of a higher payment programme shall be allocated in the following manner: No. Type of Fee
To be Managed by and Allocated to
Tuition Fee
Faculty/College Development & Maintenance Fund University Development & Maintenance Fund Library & Learning Resources Fees Internal Assessment Fees Facilities and Services Charges Academic Activities Fees
15% of the tuition fee shall be deposited to University as Management Charges. 10% of the tuition fee shall be deposited to the Faculty / Institution in a separate account maintained for this purpose by the Dean. The balance 75% shall be used for the expenses of the programme. Faculty/College
3 4 5 6 7
University Uni. Library Committee Faculty Level Higher Payment Advisory Committee. University Faculty Level Higher Payment Advisory Committee.
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No. Type of Fee
To be Managed by and Allocated to
8 9
MSU Union Faculty / College Students’ Association. 75% by Dept. of Phy. Edu. under approval of Board of Sports & 25% by Faculty University
10 11
MSU Union Membership Faculty/College Students’ Asso. Fees Sports & Physical Education Activities Fees
Economically Disadvantaged Students’ Support Fund Miscellaneous Charges (Anything which is not covered in above heads).
Faculty / College
All the above fees shall be revised at the rate of 10% every alternate year. The remaining surplus shall be used by the Faculty / Programme for additional infrastructural development, repairs, renewals, maintenance and replacement of equipments, machinery, spare parts and software. Interest of such corpus fund shall be utilized by the Faculty / Department / Programme concerned for the development of the academic and infrastructural facilities. XXVIII.
APPOINTMENT OF EXAMINERS & EXAM REMUNERATION: Academic Advisory Committee shall prepare panel of experts for semester end examinations and submit to respective Board of Studies, if applicable. If there is no board of studies for a programme, the Academic Advisory Committee shall execute all the responsibilities of Board of Studies. The honorarium and other payments for exam related activities shall be given as per prevalent University rules. The Higher Payment programme shall be the part and parcel of the Faculty / College / Institution and may use any facility / infrastructure of the Faculty as decided by the Dean of the Faculty / Principal of College / Head of Institution. The Vice-Chancellor shall take all actions required from time to time to ensure effective running of the programme and shall have all powers to ensure proper academic and administrative functioning.
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THE HONORARIUM (A) The monthly honorarium payable to Director, Programme Coordinator, Assistant Coordinator, Assistant Programme Coordinator for the full time Programme is as under : Director
Rs 2000/-
Programme Coordinator
Rs 3000/-
Assistant Programme Coordinator
Rs 2500/-
(B) The honorarium payable to Director, Programme Coordinator, Assistant Programme Coordinator for the part time ( having less than four contact hour and less than two years duration ) Programme is as under.
Rs 1000/-
Programme Coordinator:
Rs 1500/-
Assistant Programme Coordinator:
Rs 1250/-
Certificate Course : Programme Coordinator:
Rs.1000 (Lump Sum)
Asst. Programme Coordinator:
Rs.800 (Lump Sum)
However, a Director shall take a maximum Honorarium of Rs 7500=00 per month. Honorarium to the Visiting Faculty:
For University Teachers ( One Hour Lecture) : Professor:
Associate Professor:
Assistant Professor /Lecturer:
Rs.500/Page 12 of 15
A University teacher shall at the most earn Rs 50,000/- per Semester for teaching higher payment programmes.
For Outside Experts:
Rs 500/- to Rs 1000/- as decided by the Faculty Level Higher Payment Advisory Committee.
Regular faculty as per prescribed limits should be appointed from the income of the programme till programme is feasible as per the graded salary of Govt of Gujarat.
In extraordinary circumstances few temporary teaching assistants may be appointed as per rules and norms of the University on consolidated salary as decided by the University. Honorarium to Non-Teaching Staff: (A) Regular non teaching staff should be appointed within prescribed limits and as per graded salary of Govt of Gujarat till the programme is feasible. However, staff on contract basis may also be engaged as per details given below. (I) Remuneration to Staff of Full-Time Programme: Designation Superintendent Asst Accountant Head Clerk Clerks Accounts Clerk Library Clerk Computer Operator Computer Lab Assistant Sweeper Cum Peon Audio Visual Operator cum Clerk Lab Attendant
Honorarium per month Rs 8000 Rs 7000 Rs 6000 Rs 6000 Rs 6000 Rs 3025 Rs 3025 Rs 5000 Rs 2550 Rs 3025 Rs 3025
No remuneration shall be less than the rates of daily wages prescribed by the Government of Gujarat from time to time for Class III, Class IV persons. Page 13 of 15
(II) Remuneration / Honorarium to the ministerial staff of the part time (having less than four contact hour and less than two years’ duration) program as under : Accounts Clerk Clerks Peon / Lab. Attendant Technical Assistant
: : : :
Rs 1500/Rs 1500/Rs 1200/Rs 1200/-
(III) Remuneration / Honorarium to the technical support staff appointed on contingency basis on hourly rates if Staff is not required on daily basis. Maintenance Mistry Wiremen Lab. Assistant and Lab. Attendant Instructor Gas Mechanical Hamal / Cleaner / Peon
: Rs 60/: Rs 60/: Rs 50/: Rs 60/: Rs 50/: Rs 40/-
The above rates mentioned at (i), (ii) and (iii) will be enhanced by 5% every year.
Administrative Office and Staff: Faculty offering higher payment programmes shall have reasonable number of administrative and supportive staff. The number and size of such staff shall be determined by the principle of requirement, leanness and affordability. Faculty offering higher payment programmes shall either create a separate higher payment office under the director or merge with regular office for the administration of the programmes. All the higher payment programmes shall be operated and administered by this office under the Director. Faculty offering more number of regular as well as evening programmes may think of separate evening programme office common for all the evening programmes. Following staff structure is recommended for the office of the higher payment programmes. Following positions are the maximum permissible and not minimum implying thereby that number of persons to be appointed shall be solely governed by the availability of funds for the entire duration of the programmes. Designation Head Clerk Accounts Clerk Senior Clerk Clerks Library Clerk
Number 01 01 01 03 02 Page 14 of 15
Computer Lab Assistant 01 Peon / Lab. Attendant 06 Technical Assistant (maximum three as per requirement). Other technical positions as per course / programme specific For such appointments, a person who is not a University employee shall only be appointed purely on a contractual basis and on a consolidated salary. The Vice Chancellor shall constitute a selection committee including Director, Programme Coordinator, Assistant Programme Coordinator, two Syndicate members nominated by the Vice Chancellor and subject experts if required for the appointment of such administrative staff. The qualifications of the staff to be appointed shall be same as applicable to the regular appointment of such staff in the University according to the rules in force from time to time. Following staff structure is recommended for part-time programmes. The positions are maximum permissible and not minimum implying thereby that number of persons to be appointed shall be solely governed by the availability of funds for the entire duration of the programme. Designation Accounts Clerk Clerks Peon / Lab Attendant Technical Assistant (*if specifically required by the programme)
Number 01 03 03 01 01
Other technical positions may be provided for according to the specific needs of a particular course / programme. The part time non-teaching staff be appointed from amongst only the present employees of the university. This is because of the requirement of the staff which is acquainted with university rules, regulations and procedure. The staff appointed for the evening programme shall work during programme hours and hence shall be appointed only if their working hours are not clashing with the regular programme. In no case, retired or superannuated persons or outsiders shall be appointed in such programmes in any of the administrative positions. Regular staff appointed on graded salary as per Govt of Gujarat (GOG) should be provided with some social security measures and annuity plan for a defined amount on the basis of the defined contribution of both employees and employer for which uniform policy with necessary details should be worked out by a separate committee and submit its report to University Level Higher Payment Board for its recommendation and to be subsequently approved by Syndicate.
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