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8a,b,c Constructive Accounting. Household Arts. Any year-course totalling not less than nine term hours, and the following sequences: 31 Textiles with 11-12 ...






1925-1926 .


UNIVERSITY New Series, August, 1925



BULLETIN Volume 22, No.9

Published monthly by the University of Oregon and entered at the poStoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter.






FALL TERM September 21, Monday -Septemhcr 22, Tuesday September 23~ Septemher 23, September 24, September 28,

Wednesday Wednesday 25, Thursday, Friday Monday

October 9, Friday November 4, Wednesday November 11, Wednesday November 13, 14, Friday, Saturday November 26 to 29, Thursday to Sunday December 2, Wednesday December 16,17,18, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ~ _ _ ;

Physical examinations for entering students. Freshman English examinations. Other entrance examinations. Registration material released. Faculty meeting. RegiAtration days. University classes begin. Late filing fees begin. Last day for filing graduate cards. Faculty meeting. Armistice Day, a holiday. Homecoming. Thanksgiving vacation. Faculty meeting. Examinations.

WINTER TERM January 4, Monday

Registration day for new students. Attendance cards filed. University classes begin. Faculty meeting. Faculty meeting. Washington's birthday, a holiday. Faculty meeting.

January 5, Tuesday January 6, Wednesday February 3, Wednesday February 22, Monday March 3, Wednesday March 17,18,19, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

_ _..Term examinations.

SPRING TERM March 29, J\Ionday March 30, Tuesday April 7, Wednesday May 5, Wednesday May 31, Monday June 2, Wednesday June 9, 10, 11, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday June 12. Saturda.y June 13, Sunday

_ _

June 14, J\londay


_ .

Registration day for new students. Attendance cards filed. University classes begin. Faculty meeting. Faculty meeting. Holiday for Memorial Day. Faculty meeting.

Term examinations. . Alumni Day, Flower and Fern procession, Failing and Beekman orations. Bacc alaureate sermon, School of Music concert. Commencement exercises.

SUMMER SESSION, 1926 June 21, Monday July 30, F'riday





Summer session opens, Eugene and Portland. Summer session clos~.


G. T. Gerlinger, Dallas C. C. Colt, Portland Henry McKinney, Baker Herbert Gordon, Portland C. E. Woodson, Heppner

Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon.

Vernon H. Vawter, Medford William S. Gilbert, Portland Phillip L. Jackson, Portland Fred Fisk, Eugene James W. Hamilton, Roseburg

EX-OFFICIO MEMB:ElRS Hon. Walter M. Pierce. Governor Hon. Sam A. Kozer, Secretary of State Hon. J. A. Churchill, Superintendent of Public Instruction

Salem Salem Salem

OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE Henry D. Sheldon, Chairman Karl W. Onthank Louis H. Johnson !Yame Title Office Allen, Eric W., Dean of the School of Journalism 3 Journalism Bovard, John F .. DeaI) of the School of Physical Education Administration Annex Douglass, M. L.. Librarian ..__ .__ _., _. __ _ Library, basement Esterly, Virginia Judy, Dean of Women 107 Johnson Hall Fitch, Clara Lynn, Secretary of Administrative Offices J ohnson Hall, second floor Gilbe;·t, James H., Acting Dean of the College J ohnson Hall, second floor Hale, William G., Dean of the School of Law Oregon Hall, upper floor Johnson, Louis H.) Comptroller of the University Business Office, Johnson Hall, second floor Kilpatrick. Earl. Dean of the Extension Division __ Extension Building LandsbuI"J, John J., Dean of the School of Music Music Building Lawrence, Ellis F., De"n of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts Architecture Building Onthank, Karl W., Executive Secretary of the University Johnson Hall, second floor Rebec, George, Dean of the Graduate School II2 Johnson Hall Robbins. E. C., Dean of the School of Business Adminis.tration _ _. __.__ __ _ 204 Commerce Building Sheldon, Hen", D.. Dean of the Schoo] of Education Education Building Spencer, Carlton E., Registrar of the University Johnson Hall, second floor


Walker, Dean H., Dean of Men and Director of Loan Funds Young, Frederick G.• Dean of the School of Sociology DEPARTMENT HEIADS

Johnson Hall, second floor 201 Sociology

Arts, Fine Alfred H. Schroff Art, Normal .Maude Kerns Botany ,........................................................................................................... Albert R. Sweetser Chemistry Orin F. Stafford Economics James H. Gilbert English .Administrative Committee Rudolf Ernst, W. F. G. Thacher, Mary Watson Barnes Geology Warren D. Smith German F. G. G. Schmidt Greek John Straub History : ,R. C. Clark Household Arts .-............................................................................. Lilian E. Tingle Latin Frederic S. Dunn Mathematics . E. E. DeCou Mechanics and Astronomy E. H. McAlister Military Science .Lieutenant Colonel W. S. Sinclair Philosophy George Rebec Physics W. P. Boynton Political Science James D. Barnett

~~~~~~~gyL,;:;.;~;:;,;:g~~···::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~ltlRa~ s..r. CB~~I~~ Zoology




Harry B. Yocom,. Acting Chair'man


C01\fMITTEES OF THE FACULTY Advisory Council (elective) -Deans Sheldon, Hale, Robbins, Allen; Professors Gilbert, Packard, Barnett. Academic Requirements-Spencer, Folts, Boynton, Stafford, H. R. Douglass. Administratior.. of H'JTIors--Howe, Boynton, Conklin, Barnett. Appointment ,Bureau-Rainey. Howe, DeCou, Cloran, Bovard, Tingle, Walter Barnes. Athletics-Howe, Bovard, Earl. Awards-Turnbull, Caswell, Can"eron, Thacher, Hoover. Catalogue and Schedule-Boynton, Hall, Onthank, Stillman, Stetson, Mrs. Fitch, sec'retary. Colloquium-Decker, Smith, Onthank. Commencement and Assembly-Straub, Gilbert.. Dunn, Evans, Kerns. Foreign Scholarships-Rebec, Smith, Walter Barnes, Mrs. Fitch, 8ecretary. Free Intellectual Activities-Smith, Rebec, Allen, Ernst, Mrs. McClain. Gerlinger Cup-Esterly, Straub, Mrs. E. E. DeCou, Mrs. A. C. Dixon, Mrs. W. F. Jewett, Mrs. F. M. Wilkins, Mrs. P. L. Campbell, President of Associated Students, President of Women's League. Graduate Council-Rebec, Conklin, Young, Sheldon, Ernst, Larsell, Schmidt, Boynton, Packard, Mr. Spencer, secretary. Intra-l\Jural Sports-DeCou, Scott. Alden, Decker, Ernst, Donald Barnes, "yocom, Hempy. Library-Douglas3, Sheldon, Allen, Rebec, Yocom, Hodge, K. Young. Medical School Scholarship-·Yocom, Shinn, Crosland. Military Credits-Howe, Allen, Boynton. Publications-Allen, Young, Sheldon, Kilpatrick, Hale, Casey, Packard, Douglass, Robbins. Religious and Sheldon.


Activities-Douglass, DeCou, Sweetser, Evans, Williams, Smith,

Research-Packard, Milne, Stafford, Sheldon, Barnett, Donald Barnes, Caswell. Seholarship-Gilbert, Bovard, Sheldon, Milne, Esterly, Mr. Spencer, 8ecretary. Student Advisory-Onthank, Esterly, Gilbert, Folts, Walker, Earl, Hale. Student Affairs-Esterly, Straub, Walker, Stupp, DeBusk, Lomax, Osborne. Student Living and Health-Walker, Bovard, Miller, Sweetser, Decker, Esterly, Kelly.

7 CAMPUS DIRECTORY Alumni Secretary Architecture Arts, Fine

Administration Annex Architecture Building, Sociology Building Architecture Building, Arts Building (sculpture) Art, Normal Arts Building Associated Student Office Friendly Hall, north door Botany Deady Hall Business Administration Commerce Hall Chemistry , MeClure Hall, Journalism Building Correspondence-Study Department Extension Building, second floor Economics : Commerce Hall (for some classes in other huildings. see schedule of courses I Education . Education Building, University High School Emerald Office Journalism Building English ...•.................................................................. Villard Hall, Sociology Building (for classes in other buildings, see schedule of courses)

Extension Division Geology German Graduate Manager Greek Health


Household Arts Journalism Latin Law Mathematics Mechanics and Astronomy Military Science Music Philosophy Physical Education

Physics Political Science Psychology Romance Languages Sociology Zoology


Extension Building, second floor Condon Hall (Science Building) __ Oregon Hall, main floor Friendly Hall, north door Johnson Hall (Administration Building), Sociology Building Health Service Building (Old Journalism Shack) Household Arts Building Journalism Building Oregon Hall, main floor: Sociology Building Oregon Hall, upper floor Johnson Hall, basement, Oregon Hall, main floor Architecture Building R. O. T. C. Building Music Building Johnson Hall Men's Gymnasium (men), Women's Gymna:sium (women) , Administration Annex (headquarters and office of the dean), Health Service Building (dispensary) Deady Hall Oregon Hall Condon Hall (Science Building) Oregon Hall, basement; Johnson Hall __..Sociology Building (for some classes in other buildings, see schedule of courses) Deady Hall, Research Building

8 UNIVERSITY REG"CLATIONS In order to remain in the Uniyersity, a freshman must pass in at least five hours, and all other students must pass in at least seven hours. All students must pass in at least nine hours or be placed on probation. The program filed by the student in the fall must be followed throughout the year and no credit is given for work done unless it is on the program filed in the Registrar's office. Courses may be added during the first two weeks of any term, upon the payment of certain change of course fees. Courses may be dropped at any time by direction of a student's adviser, provided that the program is not reduced to less than twelve hours. Also, the required subjects of English A, Military Scien~e, and Physical Education may not be dropped. Stndents are expected to carry fifteen or sixteen hours a week. No student can carry more or less than this number without the consent of his adyiser. No student will be allowed under any circumstances to carry more than nin'eteen' hours and no student can get credit for more than sixteen hours unless his grade is better than III. No student may carry less than tiVelw hours.

9 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS All candidates for undergraduate degrees must fulfill the requirements listed below. In addition, each candidate must comply with the prescribed curriculum of his school or department. CTeclit. Credit for work comple~d in the University is figured in term-nours by which is meant the work covered in one recitation, or one laboratory period per ~eek for one term, or equivalent. A term hour is assumed to represent three hours a week for twelve weeks of a student's time, which may be assigned to work in the cIass~room, laboratory, or ouwide preparation. Quantity of Work. In order t(l be graduated, a student must have earned not less than 186 term-hours of credit in the University. Quality of Work. Of the 186 hours required for graduation, at least 140 must have been earned with a grade above V. The grading system used by the University, groups students in the following- classes: All students who pass are assigned to one of the first five classifications. 1. Unusual excellence. II. High quality. ,Classes I and II together constitute approximately the highest fourth or fifth of the class. III. Satisfactory. IV. Fair. Grades III and IV constitute from 55 to 65 percent of the class. V. Passing. Approximately from 15 to 20 per cent of the class. Inc., incomplete. Quality of work satisfactory, but unfinished for reasons acceptable to the instructor, and additional. time granted. Group Require'tnents. Each student n1ust complete in the lower division (during the freshman and sophomore years) at least one year-course ,of not less than three hours each term in any three of the following four groups: I. a. English (except prescribed work). b. Languages. Foreign language, ancient or modern. II. Social Science. Including histpry. economics, political science. philosophy, soci... ology. €ducation. III. a. Mathematics. any three courses of lower division work. b. Science, including botany. chemi8try. g·eology. physics. psychology and zoology. Each of these sciences shall include not less than one credit hour a week of laboratory time. IV. Arts and Technical Training. a. A,,.ts. Fine arts, normal art and household arts. each including not less than one credit hour a week of laboratory or practice time b. Architec'ture. In the school of architecture and allied arts, year courses, totalling ttine hours. c. Music. d. Ar-counting. Major Require'ment. Each student m:Jst satisfy the requirements of his major department by taking courses in that department as prescribed by his adviser amounting to not less than 36 term hours of which not less than 24 term hours shall be advanced courses of the type described as "upper division," or junior and senior work. Degree Requ,ire'ments. Two yeal'-courses (or 24 term-hours) in a foreign language, in addition to that offered for entrance. are required for the degree of B.A.. and 36 term·hours in either (1) mathematics and science. or (2) social sciences for the B.S. Residence. At least 45 term-hours must be (larned in residence at the University of Oregon. The remainder of the requisite work is l30metimes done through the Extension Division by correspondence, subject to the rule which applies to all students. that not more than 60 term· hours earned by corresppndence may be applied toward a de/{ree. The 45 term-hours immediately preceding graduation mu~t be earned with the University of Oregon (except in the department of pre~el1gineering). although not necessarily in residence. Required Subjects: Phv,ical Education. All students must take physical education throughout the freshman and sophomore years. 'Military Training must be tal M 1-4 __ ._________________________________________________________________________ 7 Deady Bacteriology (4) Tu Th 9 105 Deady Lab Tu Th or W F 1-4 305 Deady Botany Pedagogy (3) M W F 9 . . -----------------------------Deady Deady Plant Histology Lab Tu 1-4 Algae (3) Tu Th(3)10 Tu LabThTu101-4 --__ Deady Deady Sanitation (3) M W F 10 Paleobotany (2) W F 1-4 ------------Deady Deady Advanced Bacteriology (4) -Deady Botanical Problem (2) Deady Seminar (1) •• --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Deady Bacteriological Problem ** Botallical Problem *~.. . _ _ __ __.__ ..----..------..---..Deady Bacteriological Problem ** . __.._.. ._.. --- ------.--.----.-------- . Deady Graduate Seminar .~: . .__ .-.-.---------.-----..-..-------..-. __.. _._.__ ---. . Deady Deady Thesis ••


Instructor Sweetser __ Taylor Sweetser Sweetser Sweetser Sanborn Sweetser Sanborn Sanborn Sweetser Sanborn Sweetser Sweetser S,,,,reetser Sweetser Sweetser Sweetser Sweetser Sweetser

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Majors in tbe School of Business Administration pay a departme ntal fee of $5.00 per term instead of courSe (laboratory) fees. All others pay COUlse (laboratory) fees listed below. Constructive Accounting I (4) M W F 8 • 206 Gommerce _____________ .____ Stillman 1b Ie 3.00 1a Lab Tu 1-3 . 206 Commerce Constructive Accounting III (4) M W F 8 106 Commerce 1b Stillman1a Ie 3.00 Lab Th 1-3 206 Commerce Hempy Constructive Accounting V (4) M WF 8 8 Commerce __________________ Himbert 1b 1a Ie 3.00 Lab F 3-5 . 206 Commerce Constructive Accounting VII (4) M W F 8 107 C-ommerce __________________ Johnston 1a 1b Ie 3.00 Lab F 1-3 ._ 206 Commerce Constructive Accounting IX (4) M W F 8 .____________ 7 Commerce .__ Stillman1a Ib Ie 3.00 Lab M 1-3 . 206 Commerce Kelso Constructive Accounting X (4) Tu Th S 8 : 107 Commerce Stillman1a 1b Ie 3.00 Lab W 1-3 . . 206 Commerce Kelso 116 117 118 170a 192a 21

170b 192b 22


3.00 3.00 3.00 119 3.00 120 3.00 171 3.00 192c 3.00 23 3.00

........ .. __ ....

....... -

114 113 180a

153 180b


3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00

Law of Contracts (4) M T W F 8 . Law of Agency (2) W F 8 Law of Bills & Notes (2) M Tu 8 . Law of Credit Tra-"sactions (2; W F 8 Law of ComI1etition (2) M Tu 8 . Business Advertising (3) 1\1 W F 8 Advanced Accounting Theory & Auditing (3) M W F 8 Elementary Business Administration I (3) M W F 9

103 Johnson 103 Johnson 103 Johnson 103 Johnson 103 Johnson . 101 Commerce 10 Commerce 106 Commerce

Personnel Management (4) M Tu W Th 9 Sales Management (4) M Tu W Th 9 Finance Management (4) M Tu W Th 9

107 7 107

Commerce Commerce Commerce

Decker Rosson Rosson Rosson Carpenter Faville . . Myers ._ HimbertStillman-Folts , Robbins Himbert . Folts

~~~~~:~s .fr"~~~e~e~~~i~eT('3;VlV; W:--:F---i;--:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 107 8 CCr::=e~~e ---:::::::::::::::___ ~~~~~s

191a· 220 21

191b 221 22



191c 222 23

3.00 3.00 3.00

154 183 194


177 185

207 1a

195a 208 1b

195b 209 lc

3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00













160 ........



169 1a lc







178· 179 203


201a 204 223

201b 205 224

240 260

241 260

210 201c 206 225 159 242 260







F 10

Managers' Use of Accounting (3) M W F 10


3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00

Life' Insurance (3) M W F 1 Property Insurance (3) M W !" 1 Management Technique (5) M Tu W Th F l Pedagogy of Commerce (3) M W Th 1 Accounting Technique for the Manager (5) M Tu W Th F.2 Advanced Commercial Research (2) Tu Th 2 Accounting Systems (3) M W F 2 Senior Thesis (3) ••.................... Graduate Semi!">ar (2) •• Graduate Thesis (3) ••

6.00 6.00

CHEMISTRY Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3~ M W F 8 Continuation Chemistry (4) Tu Th S 9 Lab M 01" 'I'u 1-4 Organic Chemistry for Medical Students (4) Tu Th S 9 Lab M or Tu 1-4 (Continued on Next Page)

3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00

206 ·········· ···· .. 101 ·············.· 106

Commel"ce Commerce Commerce


Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commel"ce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commel"ce Commerce Commel"ce Commel"ce Commerce Commerce

ti w'i"io":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':::::::'::::.:::::::.::::::: ~g~7 10

Foreign Trade (3) M W F Income Tax Procedure (3) M W F 10 Cost Accounting for Industrial" (3) M W F 10 Graduate Management (3) Tu Th S 10 Constructive Accounting VIII (4) M W F 11 Lab M 3-5 Constructive Accounting XI (4) M W F 11 Lab Tu 3-5 Constructive Accounting XII (4) M W F 11 La!> Th 3-5 Traffic Management (3) M W F 11 Bank Management (4) M Tn W F 11 Investments (3) M W !" 11 0>............................... . International Finance (3) M W F 11 Real Estate (3) M W F 11 Advanced Statistics (3) M W F 11 Constructive Accounting II (4) M W Fl........... ··· Lab Tu 8-10 Constrnctive Accounting IV (4) M W Fl..... Lab W. 3-5 : Constructive Accounting VI (4) M W Fl Lab Tu 10-12 Elementary Business Administration III (3) M W F l

3.00 23

Accounting Theory & Practke (3) M W F 9 C. P. A. Problem, (5) M Tu W Th F 9 Element,:,ry Business Adminibtration II (3) M


····················101 101 ·······101 ··107 ······206 206 ··.·206 7 206 8 101 101 8 10 . 10 101 206 8 206 107 206 106 7 7 101 101 106 101 101

104 101 101 .

Myers ........................ Kelly ............ HimbertStillman-Folts Stillman __ _.... Faville __ Faville .__ . __ Hawkins .. .__ Myers Myer-; Johnston __ Stillman __ Fowler __ Stillman_.............. Wl"ight Stillman. .__ ._._....... Elkinton .; _ _.. Hawkins Folts __ Folts __ Hawkins ._ Johnston Johnston Stillman 4


. Stillman Hempy . Himbert

............ HimbertStillman-Folts Commerce Kelly Kelly Commerce Commerce .................. Folts Commerce ................ Johnston Commel"ce ........................ Myers Commerce Johnston Cq,e.nmerce ........................ Kelly Robbins ............................................... Kelly Robbins McClure McClure McClure Chern Lab

Tanner Shinn Williams .

Subject, Credit, [Jays and FIours

Room, Bldg.

Chemistry ond It, Relationships (2) Tu Th 9 Physical Chemistry (~) M W F 9 Lab Tu 1-4 General Chemist~y (5) M Tu W F.I0 Lab M Tu W or Th 1-4 Physical Chemistry for Medical Students (4) M W F 10 Lab M Elementary Chemistry (4) M W F 11 Lab M Tu W or Th 1-4 Organic Chemistry (4) M W F 11 Lab Th 1·4 __ Analytieal Chemist~y (3) M W Th 1-4 Advanced Inorganic Laborato~y (l) •• Advanced Analytieal Chemistry •• Advanced Organic, Sec. ]I (3) •• Advanced Physical ** Electr.o-Chemistry ** _ Advanced Organic Laboratory >;:* Thesis :111>11 .••••••..••••••..•...••••••••....••••.•••••....•••••..•..••••.••••••••••••...••••••.••••••_•..••••••••••• 106 History of English Literature ** _ _ _ . WRITTEN


52 59b 120b 57b 50b 50b 59b 50b 55 57b 50b 50b 50b 110b· 103b I07b 1I5b 199b

50c 53 59c 120c 57c 50c 50c 59c 50c 56 57c 50c 50c 50c UOc 103c 107c 115c 199c

.50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50


Report Writing (2) 'Tu Th 8 Magazine Writing (2) Tu Th 8 .. Practical Writing (3) M W F 8 Criticism (2) Tu Th 9 .. Short Story Writi,,!l' I (2) M W 9 .. Report Writing (2) Tu Th 9 Report Writing (2) Tu Th 9 Practical Writing (3) M W F 9 Report Writing' (2) Tu Th 10 Narration, Description, and Exposition (3) M W F 10 Short Story Writing II (2) Tu Th 10 Report Writing (2) M WI Report Writin~ (2) Tu Th 2 Report Writing (2) M W 2 Playwriting (3) Tu 2 Th 2-4 Advanced Short Story Writing (2) Tu Th 3 Authorship (2) Til Th 3 Technique of Versification (2) 'I'u W 3 Advanced Playwriting (2) ••

NOT'E: No c01,.1rael? in thi g division are open to


~ 0 ..

. :

Villard Villard Education Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard· Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard Villard

Hawes Smith Hawes-Whitfield Barnes Ernst Howe Hawes-Buck Erns1 ,.. Ernst Barnes Hawes ,.. Burgess-Riley Ernst Hawes Burgess Burgess Smith Burgess Howe Howe Howe Burgess Smith Burgess Howe Ernst

101 Sociology............ Horn 103 Villard Snyder 101 Villard Hoover, Mrs. 108 Villard Smith 104 Journalism 'fhacher 101 Villard ...... Snyder-Morrissette 107 Villard .:........ Snyder-Lapham 102 Sociology.......................... Rowe 101 Sociology.......................... Horn 102 Sociology........................ Rowe 10C, .Journalism ,Thacher 103 Villard Rowe 101 Villard Snyder-Morrissette 101 Villard Horn 103 Villard Ernst, Mrs. 104 Journalism Thacher 104 Journalism ' Thacher 103 Villard Ernst, MI". Ernst, Mrs.

WRl'fTI;57c .50 .50 58 195 3.00 3.00 122 3.00 121 32 3.00 31 161 162 3.00 E103b E103c .50 E107b E107c .50 106c 1.00 106b

131 131 31 31 51 54 E57b 184 >;57b 58 194

108 127 164 200b

109 128 165 200c



21a 22a 2a lOla

52b 21b 22b 2b 101b

52c 21c 22c 2c

130 1a 102a

131 1b 102b



163 200a

1.00 LOO 3.00 LOO



'I'll Th S 8 1~eporting (3) M W !~ ·S ~ Elemeplary Newswriting (2) Tu Th 9 Elementary Newswriting (2) Tu Th 9 Publishing (2) M W 9 Printing (2) F 9 Lab Short StorY I (2) M W 9 Newspaper and Shop Management (Seniors) (1) Th 9 Short StOl'y II (2) Tu Th 10 __ Proofreading (1) Tu 10 Editing (5) IVl Tu W Th F 10 __ Law of the Pre.;s (3) M W F 11 The S!lecialized Press (4) M Tn W F 11 Newswritin2 (2) M W ! Advertising (with laboratory) (3) M W J< 2 .\dvanced Short StOry (2) Tu Th 3 Authorship (2) Tu fh 3 Copyreading (1) ••


. .

105 105 105 104 105 ..... 104 105 7 104 104 104 105 104 104 104 8

Advanced Copyreading (1) •• Home Economics Journalisln Typography (1-2) •• Graduate Seminar- **


Journalism Journalism __ Journalism Journalism Journalism Shop Journalism Press Office Journalism Journalism Journalism Journalism Journalism Journalism Journalism Journalism Journalism Journalism Journalism Shop Office

Turnbull .__. ... _Casey Turnbull .:_.. Casey Allen Hall :. Thacher Allen-Hall Thacher Turnbull Allen __.__ __ __.. Hale Casey _._ _ Lawrence Thacher Thacher Thacher TurnbullLawrence __ Turnbull Tingle-Allen HaJJ Allen

LATIN 51a 52a

101c 132 Ie 102c 193

Latin Elegy and Drama (3) M W F 8 Latin Prose Composition (3) Tu Th S 8 Ovid, Catullus, Caesar (3) Tu Th S 8 Horace, VergiJ. and Livy (3) M W F 1Q Plau!us, Terence, Lucl'e.tius (3) M W F 11 Cicero's Orations and Vergi! (4) M W Th F 1 Cicero's Selected . Letters (3) M W F 1 Latin Prose ComDosition (3) M W F 1 Latin Authors (2) Tu 'fh 1 Beginning Latin and Caesar (4) M WTh F 2 Horace and Juvenal (3) M W F 2 Tacitus' Annals (3) M W F 2 Seminar (2) Tu Th 2


, __

107 107 107 107 203 203 107 107 107 203 107 107 107

Oregon __._ _ __ __ Dunn Oregon _ _. __ _ _ Dunn Oregon ._.._ _ __ __ Dunn Oregon _ __ .. Dunn Sociology.................. Johnstone Sociology _..... Johnstone Oregon .._ __.._ _ __ .. Dunn Oregon Dunn Oregon _._ _ __ __ . Dunn Sociology.................. Johnstone Oregon __ Dunn Oregon .. _.. __ ,_ .. Dunn Oregon ._ _ _ __.. Dunn

LAW Law School registration fee $10.00 per term. For schedule of professional courseS in the SchOOl of Law, apply to the dean of the school. Law c')urses are li.ot open to freshmen or sophomores.


3 115

.- ..... ... --

Intermediate Alg-ebra .( ~; 1>1 Tu W F 8 ..... c••••••...•.•........•.. ............... ~ ................... 10I ........................ 101 AdvaTlced AIlJ:ebra (4 ) M Tu W F 8 ........................................ Plane Tl'igonOluetl'Y (.1) M Tu W '." 8 ................................................................... 101 Mathelnatics of Fina'lce (4) M Tu W F 8 .............................................................. 108 --.-.---- .... --- .......................... Unified Matherne-tics (4) MTuWfhy (3-4) M W F 2 __ Contemporary Civilization (3-4) Tu Th F 3

1l1 Johnson 11l Johnson 11l Johnson 111 Johnson 1l1 Johnson 11l Johnson 111 Johnson 111 Johnson Johnson


Muller Muller Muller Muller Muller Muller Muller Rebec Rebec

PHYSICAL EDUCATION For Men 140a 51 51 54 54

HOb 52 52 55 55

53 53 56 56

Physiology of Exercise (3) M W F 8 Elementary Physical Educaticn I (1) M W F 9 Elementary Physica.l Education II (1) Tu Th S 9 Advanced Physical Education I (1) M W F 9 Advanced Physical Education II (1 ) 'l'u Th S 9


.. .. .. .


Johnson Men's Gym Men's Gym Men's Gym Men's Gym

Bovard Staff Staff Staff Staff

Introduction to Physical Education (2) MW 9 Fundamentals of Physical Education (2) Tu Th 9

. 121

Playground am! Community Recreation (2) Tu Th 9 __ Elementary Physical Edu.cation III (1) M W F 10 E'lementary Physical Education IV (1) Tu Th S 10 Advanced Physical Eiiucation III (1) M W .F 10 Advanced Physical Education IV (1) Tu Th S 10· Restricted Exercise I (1) Tu Th S 10 Elementary Physical Education (major course) (1) S 10-12, Tu 2 Advanced Physical Education (major course) (1) Tu 10 S 10-12 Technique of Teaching Physical Education (2) Tu 10 S 10-12 Elementary Physical Education V (1) M W F 11 -Advanced Physical Education V (1) M W F 11 Restricted Exercise II (1) M W F 11 Kinesiology (4) M T W 11 Theory and Practice of Individual Gymnastics (2) M 11, 1 hour Principles of Physical Education (2) M WI ...... Elementary Physical Education VI (l) M W F 2 Elementary I:'hysical Education VII (1) M W F Advanced Physical Educa1:ion VI (1) M W F 2 Advanced PhY3ical Education vn (1) M W F 2 Coaching of Football (2) Tu Th 2 . Coaching of Basketball (2) Tu Th 2 Coaching of Baseball (2) Tu Th 2 Coaching of Track (2) Tu Th 2 __ Physical Education Elective •• (1) •• Thesis (1) ••

. . . . . . . . . .

.. ..

Men's Gym Woman's Bldg


OberteufferWaterman Woman's Bldg Alden Men's Gym Staff Men's Gym Staff Men's Gym Staff Men's Gym Staff Men's Gym Scott Men's Gym __ ..__ .__. Abercrombie Men's Gym ..._...... Abercrombie Men's Gym . .. __ Widmer Men's Gym Staff Men's Gym Staff Men's Gym Scott Woman's Bldg. .... Oberteuffer Woman's Bldg. Thompson. Men's Gym Scott Men's Gym Staff Men's Gym Stafl' Men's Gym Staff Men's Gym Staff Men's Gym Reinhart Men's Gym Reinhart Men's Gym Reinhart Men's Gym Hayward Scott Scott

PHYSICAL EDUCATION For Women F. i.ndicates freshman standing; So, sophomore; J, junior; S, se nior. 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4

4 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 140a 11a 21a

2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 140b 11b 21b

3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 9 9


9 9 9 9

11c 21c

Elementary Physical Education I (1) M Tu Th 9 F Elementary Physical Education II (1) Tu Th F 10 F Elementary Physical Education HI (1) M W F 11 F Elementary Physical Education IV. (1) M Tu Th 2 F Elementary Physical Education V (1) M W F 3 F Elementary Physical Education VI (1) M Tu Th 4 Advanced Physical Education I (1) M W F 10 So Advanced Physical Education II (1) Tu Th F 3 So Advanced Physical Education III (1) Tu Th F 4 So Individual Gymnastics I (1) Tu Th F 9 Individual Gymnastics II (1) M W F 10 Individual Gymnastics III (1) M W F 11 Individual Gymnastics IV (1) ;vI W F 2 Individual Gymnastics V (1) M W F 3 Individual Gymnastics VI (1) M Tn Th 3 Individual Gymnastic, VII (1) M W F 4 Physiology of Exercise' (3) MW F 8 Introduction to Physical Education (2) Tu Th 8 Fundamentals of Physical Education (2) Tu Th 9 (Continued on Next Page)

. . . . . 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 121 121 121

Women's Gym ............ Troemel Women's Gym ................ Stupp WOlnen's Gym. .............. Shelly Women's Gym ._._.... . Troemel Women's Gym .............. Shelly Women's Gym ................ Stupp Women's Gym T'roemel Women's Gym ................ Stupp Women's Gym Stephens Woman's Stephens Woman's Thomson Woman's Stephens Woman's Thomson Woman's Thomson Woman's Thomson Woman's Thomson Woman's ...................... Bovard Woman's Alden-Sheliy Woman's Oberteuffer, Waterman

Course Number Fee Fnll W'in.ter Spri'ny

;Room, Bldg.

S'u.bjeci, C'redit, Days and Honrs PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WOM'EIN

133 106



Piaygronnd ami Community Recreation (2-3) Tu Th 9 Lab S 9-11 Gymnastics and Coaching of Sports (majors) (1) M W F 9 J Advanced Theory and Practice of Individual Gymnastics (elective) Th 9 L"!l M Advanced In(erpretative Dancing ('-'leetive) (1) M W F 9 Physical Education (majo,.) (1) M W F 10 W 8 :!.1' .. ._ __ . .. _ _ Personal Hygiene (l) Tu or Th 1 Quiz ., Kinesiology (4) M Tu W F 11 Principles and Technique of Teaching (2) W F 11 Principles of Physical Education (3) M W F 11 Theory and Practice of Individual Gymnastics (2) MIl Lab M W F 3 M W F ;i Theory of Dancin,:>; (3) M W F 11 Gymnastics and Coaching of Sports (major) (1) M W F 2 S

131a 23a

131b 23b

131c 23c

Elementary Interpl'etative Dancing (1) M Tu F 2 Physical Eciucation (major! (1) M W F 4 Th 10 So




Thesis il) •• S .. Voluntary Physical .Education-open to all classes: Team SlJorts M Tu W Th F 5 Lif~ Saving Cor:!.ls Tu 7-9 __.. ._ _..__ _ Advanced Interpretative Dancing ** 7 ;30 ,.,""_""''''''''.'' .. _. (Registration by election)




103 125a

104 125b

105 125c

132a 13a

132b 13b

132c 13t




101b 111 121b

10c 75 101c






207 .. .. Tu207

Woman's Women's Gym Women's Gym Woman"s .....

Alden : Alden , Waterman .__ ._.___ Thomsoll


.. . . 121 121 Lib 207 206 Lib .. . ..

__ _

.. . _

Women's Gym Stupp Women's Gym ._ Waterman Women's Gym _ __ Stupp Villard Assembly Osborne Woman's OberteutIer Woman's Waterman Woman's Alden Woman's _.. _ _ Thomson Woman's __..__ . Woman's Stupp Women's Gym Waterman, Shelly Women's Gym Stupp Women's Gym Troemel. Waterman .............................................. StafJ Women's Gym Women's.Gym


PHYSICS 124 111 114

121 130 230 4 101 11 100 120 2iiO

Electron Theory (3) M W F 8 3 Deady Caswell 126 125 Advanced General Physics (3), Tu Th 9 107 Deady Caswell 113 4.00 11,2 Lab Tu or Th 1-4 8 Deady Electrical Measurements (3) M W 9 107 Deady Boynton 4.00 116 115 Lab Tu or Th 1-4 2 Deady General Physics (4) M W ~' 10 Quiz Tu Th or S 10 Lab any pm 1-4 or 105 Deady 4.00 Caswell 6 S 9-12 . Thermodynamics (3) M W F 10 . 3 Deady Boynton 122 123 Journal Club ( •• ) Th 10 3 Deady Staff 130 130 Seminar ( •• ) Th 10 3 Deady ................................ Staff 230 230 General Physics (4) M W F 11 Quiz Tu or S 11 Lab any pm 1-4 or S 9-12 107 Deady Caswell 6 4.00 5 Histols and Teaching; of Physics (3) M W F 11 3 Deady Boynton Meteorology (3) M W F 11 3 Deady Boynton 105 Photography (3) M W 11 Lab M or W 1-4 3 Deady Boynton 106 6.00 Lower Division Laboratory (1) any ~m 1-4 101 Deady ............................... Staff 3.00 13 12 Laboratvry Arts (") •• 1-4 Deady 4.00 1~0 100 Caswell Advanced Laboratory (":') •• Deady 4.00 120 120 Staff Research Laboratory (*(') ¥»: .. _.•.....•.•.. ..•.......•. ._ .•..•.. _.••..•.•.•.•... _ _.•••... __ •. Deady 200 4.00 Staff 200 NOT:I: COU1"SeS luO. 120, 130, 200 :·md 230 may be registered repeatedly, as the work assigned varies each t~rm.

POLITICAL SCIENCE Political Parties and Election Problems (4) M Tu W F 8 208 City Goverr.ment (4) M Tu W F 8 , 208 Political Theory (4) M Tu W F 8 208 Modern Governments (4) M Tu W F 10 105 Moder!, Governments (4) M Tu W F 10 105 Modern Governments (4) M Tu W F 10 : 105 Constitutional Law (4) M Tu W F 11. .......•...•..•.....•.............•..••...•............•....•..•.....•.. 208 International Law (4) M Tu W F 11 208 Foreign Relations (4) M W Tit F 1 105 Modern Governments (1) M W Th F 2 . .105 Modern Governments (4) M W Th F 2 .. 105 International Politics (4) M Tu W F 3 . .. .105 Research in Political Science **

Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon

Barnett Barnett Barnett Barnett Barnett Maddox Barnett Barnett Maddox Maddox Barnett Maddox Barnett

PSYCHOLOGY Adolescence (3) M W F 8 . . . . .__. .__. . .301 Abnormal (3) M W F 8 . . .. . . . . .. 301 Comparative Psychology (2) Tu Th 8 ....__. . .__ .... 301 Psychology of Learning (2) Tu Th 8 ------------------..--------..-----------------. .301 Applied Psycholo,,-y (2) Tu Th 8 . ..__. 301 Beginners (4) M W F 9 Lab M Tu W Th 1-4 Th S 9-12 .. .. ... 105 Beg-inners (wit.hout lab) (3) M W F 9 . . ..__. .. ..__.. .101 Advanced EX!lerimental (3) M W F 9 . . .. ... __ .... . 302 Character und Perconality (3) M W Ie 10 ..__. -------. 301 Advanced Social P8ychology (3) M W F 10 -----------. . . .301 Beginners (without lal') (3) M W F 11 .. . . ..__....__. 3 Beginners (without lab) (3) M W F 11 . . . ------. __ 105 Statistical Methods in Psychology (3) M W F 11 .. . .. ..... 302 Menial Measurements (3) M W F 11 __. . . .__. ... . 302 :Employment Psycholwy (3) M W F 11 . .. .__. ..__. 302 Psychology for Medical Students (3) M W F 11 __. . .. .__ .301 Laboratory for Medica! Students (1) ]e 1-4 . . . .. __ Beginners (without lab) (3) 1\1 W F 2 ... . .__. .101 Seminar in Genetic Psychology (2-3) Tu 4-6 __ __ _ . .__ _ 324 Seminar in Abnormal Psychology (2-3) Tu 4-6 --. . . .__.. . .324 Research and Thesis (1-3) ..' Research and Thesis (1-3) *', Attention and Per~e:)tion (2) Memory and the lma~e (2) .. .l\ssociation (2) >:c.(: . . _ _._.• Problems in Social Psycholop;y 0-3) ••

Condon Conklin Condon . . Conklin Condon Taylor Condon .__.__. Taylor Condon __.... . Taylor Oregon Conklin. Cutsforth McClure .__.________________ Taylor Condon . . Crosland Condon . . .__. K. Young Condon . . K. Young Education Crosland Oregon . .Phares Condon Taylor Condon __.. Taylor Condon __ Taylor Condon __ __ __ Crosland Psych Lab __ Crosland McClure __.__ 'Phares Condon Conklin Condon __ __ Conklin Conklin Crosland Crosland Crosland . __ Crosland .. -K. Young 0): Direction of Dr. Conklin.

Room, Bldg,

Subject, Credit, Da.ys and Hours



First Year French (4) M Tu W F 8 Second Year French (4) M Tu W F French Literature (4th year) (2) Tu Th 8 First Year French (4) M Tu W F 8 First Year French (4) M Tu W F 9 --First Year French (4) M Tu W F 9 Second Year French (4) M Tu W F 9 First Year French (4) M Tu W F 1.0 Second Year French (4) M Tu W F 10 'French Literature in the Nineteenth Century (3) M W F 10 19th Century French Literature (3) Tu Th S 10 First Year French (4) M Tu W F 11 Second Year French (4) M Tu W F 11 _ French Literature (3rd year) (3) M W F 11 Old (l) Tu 11 . -----_ French Conversation and Composition (3rd year) (3) M W F 1 French Conversation and Composition (3rd year) (3) M W F 1 French Pronunciation (3rd (1) Th 1 French Historians (3) M W F 1 French Conver3ation and Composition (4th year) (2) Tu Th 2 First Year (4) M Tu W F 2 Second Year French (4) M W Th F 2 _ French Conversation and Composition (3rd year) (3) M W F 2 French Literature (3rd year) (3) M W F 2 Classical Drama (3) M W F 3 ,





_ 4 _ 5

Johnson __________________________ Pellion Oregon



. . _ Fir.t Year French ( 4) (1) M W French Pronunciation Tn Th 3 F 3 ------------------- ---------------------------------------------...-----. .__.. Third Term French (first year) (5) M W Th F 3 Tu 4 _ Second French (short course) continuation of Ie (5) M W Th F 3_ Tu Year 4 : Second Year French (short course) continuation of 31' (4) M W Th F 3 Beginning French (5) M W Th F 3 Tu 4 . * Required of all senior majors.

_-_-_:-_-_ : : -_ ::-_-_-_-_-_-_:-:::_.5°G';,~;

2 2 4 4


4 2 _ 4 . 3 _ 2 4 6 6 _ 4 4 _ _ 4 . 2 _


6 4 2 4


Oregon .___________________________ Cloran Johnson _ Oregon ---. Gouy Johnson Pellion Oregon . Cornier Johnson ._________________________ Pellion Oregon . .__ GraY Oregon . Bowen Oregon _.__________________________ Bowen Oregon . .___ Gray Oregon Cornier Oregon . ..__.. .______ Cloran Oregon Cloran Oregon Corniel" Johnson Pellion Johnson Pellion Oregon Gouy Oregon Gouy Johnson , . Pellion Oregon Gray Oregon Gouy Oregon Bowen Oregon _.. . .______ Bowen Oregon Gray Oregon Cornier Johnson Pellion Johnson Pellion

. _ _ _ _


4 5 2 4 4


First Year Italian (3) M W F 9 Second Year Italian (2) Tu Th " Thinl Year Italian (1) Til 10



Oregon ______..__..______..______.. Cloran Oregon ______..__..__..___________. Cloran 6 Oregon __________•_______..______:. Cloran 6 6


First Year Spanish (4) M Tu W F 8 . Second Year Spanish (4) M Tu W F 8 . Spanish Literature (3) M W F 8 . First Year Spanish (4) .M Tu W F 9 .. Second Year Spanish (4) M Tu W F 9 First Year Spanish (4) M Tu W F 10 . Second Year Spanish (4) M Tu W F 10 . First Year Spanish (4) M Tu W F 11 ···· ·.· ··· c••..••••...••••••••.....••••• Second Year Sr>anish (4) M Tu W F 11 . Commercial Spanish (3rd year) (3) M W F 11 . Spanish Composition and Conversation (3rd year) (3) M W Fl . Spanish Composition and Conversation (4th year) (2) Tu Th 1 . First Year Spanish (4) M Tu W F 1 Second Year Spanish (4) M W Th· F First Year Spanish (4) M W Th F 2 . Spanish Composition and Conversation (3rd year) (3) M W F 2 Latin America (in Spanish) (4th year) (2) Tu Th 2 Spanish Composition (3rd year) (2) Tu Th 3 . First Year Spanish (Beginning) (5) M W Th F 3 Tu 4 Third Term Spanish (first year) (5) M Tu W F 3 Th 4 . Second Year Spanish (short course) continuation of 11c (5) M Tn W F 3 Th 4 . Second Year Spanish (short course) continuation of 13a (4) M Tu W F 3 .


Espinosa Oregon Thompson Oregon Cloran Oregon . Thompson Oregon Espinosa Oregon Espinosa Oregon Thompson Oregon Thompson Oregon Cuevas Oregon Dallera Johnson Cuevas Oregon Cuevas Oregon ...................... Dallera Oregon Espinosa Oregon Cuevas Oregon Dallera Oregon .......................... Dallera Oregon Thompson Oregon Cuevas Oregon Dallera Oregon Dallera Oregon



1 5 6

5 1 1 5 5 1 4 1 1 6

5 1 6 6 4 1



NOTE: Students wh·) have credit for two years of high school French or Spanish take second year in college. Students who have credit for one year of high school French or Spamsh take Ie, 3a, 3b, or l1c, 13a, 13b, in college. Students who have credit for three years of high .school French or Spanish take third year in college. SOCIOLOGY Ia 152




153 202a 136a 10'a 104a 203

202b p134 136b l"'b 104b

154 202c p135 140 151c 104c

204 155a 109 214a

155b 110 214b

205 155c 111 214c


Social Origins, Primitive Society, Psychological Foundations (3) M W F 9 101 McClure K. Young Social Unrest (2) Tu Th 9 103 Johnson _ __ Parsons Criminology (2) Tu Th 9 103 Johnson Parsons Matrimonial Institutions (2) Tu Th 9 103 Johnson Parsons Sociological Systems (3) M W F 9 201 Sociology F. G. Young Advanced Social Psychology (3) M W F 10 301 Condon K. Young Theory of Social Prozress (3) M W F 10 101 Sociology F. G. Young Community Organization and Development (3) M W F 10 101 Sociology F. G. Young Introduction to Social Problems (2) Tu Th 10 102 Sociology Parsons Principles of Sociology (3) M W F 11 105 Commerce K. Young Scientific Study of Society (Social Research) (3) M W F 11 201 Sociology F. G. Young Social Statistics (3) M W F 11 201 Sociology F. G. Young Town, City, and Regional Planning (3) M W F 11 201 Sociology F. G. Young Sociological Aspects of Religion (2) M 1-3 c•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 101 Sociology...................... Parsons Social Work Seminar (1-4) ••........................................................................................ 101 Sociology Parsons fleminar, Special Problems in Sociology. and Social Psychology (l-3) ** 101 Sociology K. Young'

SUQject, Credi,t, Days and 11 OU1'!;

Room, Bldg.


ZOOLOGY Richards Gencr"l Physio]oITY (4) M W ~ 107 Deady Richards Lab I M W, IT Tu Th 1-4 206 DeadY Huestis Comparative Anatomy (1) Tu Th 8 107 DeadY Lab I M' Th 1-4, 1I Tu F 1-4, HI W 1-4 S 9-12 208 Deady Huestis Mammalian Anatomy (3) Th 8 107 Deady Huestis Lab I M Th 1-4, 1I Tu F 1-4, III W 1-4 .'3 9-12 208 Deady Human Physiology (4) M W F 8 107 Deady Richards Richards Lab I Tu, I! W, III Th 1-4 206 DeadY ~'ield Zoolo;