programs see and / or the. Specialty Catalogue web page of Office
Scholarship Announcement 1. As one of the leading universities directly under the Ministry of Education of China, Tongji University has been granted funding from the Chinese Government scholarship program to support up to 5 candidates to pursue Masters or Doctorate degrees in Marine Science. (For programs see and / or the Specialty Catalogue web page of Office of the International Students General Admission Requirements 1.
International students studying in China are not eligible, and
International students from joint‐programs between China (Tongji University) and overseas organizations are not eligible, either.
Applicants must be non‐Chinese nationals and in good health.
the applicants must complete the Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarships (Download from under “Studying in China/Download Application Forms”) and the Application Form for International Students Wishing to Study at Tongji University (Download from, and provide the following materials (in duplicate).
Masters degree candidates Requirement: A Bachelor’s degree, and must be under the age of 35. Documentation required of applicant: 1. Bachelor’s Diploma (notarized photocopy), 2. Original or notarized photocopies of transcripts of undergraduate courses, 3. A study or research plan (no less than 800 words) in Chinese or in English, 4. Letters of recommendation by two professors, 5. Photocopies of valid passport, and 6. Abstracts of published or unpublished academic papers.
Doctoral degree candidates Requirements: Masters Degree, and under the age of 40. Documentation required of applicant: 1. Masters Degree (notarized copy), 2. Original or notarized photocopies of transcripts of all courses taken towards the Master’s Degree. 3. A study or research plan (no less than 800 words) in Chinese or in English, 4. Letters of recommendation from two professors, 5. A photocopy of a valid passport 6. Copy of Masters degree thesis or copy of a published article (as equivalent to the Masters degree thesis) or an abstract of either of them. NOTES: 1. The first academic year for both masters and doctorial candidates is a probation year. Candidates will qualify to prepare a dissertation only after passing all the degree exams in the first academic year and after passing the interim evaluation. Credits scored on probation will be included in the total credits. 2. Notarized diploma and transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English. 3. Application materials to China Scholarship Council (CSC) shall append a letter on written agreement by relevant professor of the University authorities (For the letter please contact Professor Zhou Huaiyang of School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University at
[email protected]). 4. Application materials will not be returned regardless of the result of application. Documents such as original diploma must be kept by applicants. 5. If the courses for doctoral or master‐degree candidates are conducted in Chinese, applicants must provide HSK (Chinese language proficiency) certificate, at least Band III; applicants without any Chinese language knowledge are compulsorily required to take it for one to two years; if the courses are conducted in English, the provision of HSK is not required.
The status of scholarship students during stay in China 1. Waiver of fees on registration, tuition, laboratory experiment, internship, basic learning materials and accommodations; 2. Criteria of living allowance: Masters degree candidates: RMB 1700 Yuan/month, approximately US$248/month; doctoral degree candidates: RMB 2,000 Yuan/month, approximately US$293/month. New students who will study in China for one academic year or longer will get a one‐off settlement subsidy of RMB 1,500 Yuan, approximately US$220 upon their arrival. 3. Waiver of fees for outpatient medical service, comprehensive medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China; Note: For details, please consult Chinese Government Scholarship Council Webpage at Categories of Applicants and Duration of Scholarship Categories of Applicants
Duration of Major Studies
Duration of Remedial Chinese Language Studies
Duration of Scholarship
Academic Years Master Degree Students
Doctoral Degree Students
Application Procedures: 1. Get relative information from the item of “Study in China/Chinese Government Scholarship” on the homepage of the China Scholarship Council (, download and complete the Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (from the item “Studying in China/Download Application Forms”). 2. Download and complete Application Form for International Students Wishing to Study at Tongji University ( 3. Log on and the Specialty Catalogue web page of Office of the International Students for further information about majors, then you must demand a letter on agreement by professor(s) involved at Tongji University by contacting Professor Zhou Huaiyang of the School of Ocean and Earth Science of Tongji University at
[email protected].
4. All application materials should be marked with “Applying for the Chinese Government Scholarship” and submitted to either professor(s) involved at Tongji University or the International Student Office of Tongji University before 15 December 2009. Contact us: International Student Office Tongji University 1239 Siping Road Shanghai The People’s Republic of China Postcode: 200092 Tel: 0086‐21‐65983611 Fax: 0086‐21‐65987933 Email:
[email protected] Homepage: