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first name initial last name. Home mailing address. Home phone number. High school. Father's name (or legal guardian). A
Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative 2017-2018 Student Scholarships The Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative will award a limited number of need-based scholarships for the Marine Biology Honduras trip. If you receive a scholarship, the amount awarded will be reflected on the final payments. Students must maintain a minimum of 85% average and must provide evidence of financial need. Marine Biology Program Scholarship Consideration for scholarship assistance request will be based on the following criteria: • • • • •

remained on pace with segment one of Marine Biology current average of 85% or higher in segment one of Marine Biology the impact of the program and trip on your future goals as outlined in your essay special circumstances or financial burdens (as outlined on page 3) amount requested to make the trip affordable for your family

To apply for this scholarship, a student must: •

Complete the VTVLC Student Scholarship Application Form (Pages 2 & 3)

Write a brief essay (no more than one page) describing the impact the program would have on your educational and future plans and how your experience with Marine Biology will influence those plans.

Submit all forms and letters to VTVLC office by Thursday, February 15, 2018.

Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative 2017-2018 Student Scholarships Application Form PERSONAL INFORMATION Student name first name


last name

Home mailing address

Home phone number High school Father’s name (or legal guardian) Address (if different) Father’s employer Mother’s name (or legal guardian) Address (if different) Mother’s employer Number of dependents on family income (including parents)

Parental Permission I, the undersigned, give my permission to the Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative director and members of the Scholarship Committee to use the information on this application and related information for the purpose of considering my son/daughter for VTVLC scholarships. student’s name

Parent’s signature


Financial Information

Was the course fee covered by your school?


If No, who paid? _____________________________________ How much was paid on your behalf? _____________________

Requested scholarship amount:

$ ______________

Affordable family contribution towards trip:

+ $ ______________

Total Cost of Marine Biology Trip (not including the course fee):


SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES If there have been any unusual financial burdens on your family, please explain below: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________