Feb 4, 2011 - tri-county area to attend accredited 4 year college or university in the state of Florida. 1. Be a minorit
ORLANDO MAGIC OFFERS THREE SCHOLARSHIPS PER YEAR TO DESERVING HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS. BELOW IS THE CRITERIA FOR BOTH SCHOLARSHIPS. YOU MAY APPLY FOR ONE OR BOTH SCHOLARSHIPS IF YOU MEET EACH OF THE CRITERIA LISTED. Please answer all questions carefully and accurately. Only clearly printed applications will be accepted. Fully completed applications must be returned to your school’s guidance department by February 4, 2011. The Magic ActionTeam will appoint a scholarship committee, which have full responsibility for selecting the winner. All information contained in this application will be held confidential by the Magic Action Team Community Fund. Relatives or immediate family members of the Orlando Magic employees are not eligible to apply for Magic Action Team Community Fund Scholarships.
Our commitment is to provide two (2) $10,000 scholarships ($2,500 annTually) to two (2) minority high school seniors in the specified tri-county area to attend the University of Central Florida.
Our commitment is to provide a $10,000 scholarship ($2,500 annually) to a high school senior in the specified tri-county area to attend accredited 4 year college or university in the state of Florida.
1. Be a minority student including but not limited to AfricanAmerican, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander, American-Indian, or Alaskan Native (Must be a U.S. Citizen or visa-holding permanent resident). 2. Demonstrate financial need. 3. Be a senior enrolled in a high school in Orange, Seminole, or Osceola counties. 4. Attend the University of Central Florida beginning the fall term of 2011. 5. Have a minimum 1010 SAT or 21 ACT score. 6. Have a weighted cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale. 7. Provide information detailing your extracurricular school activities and honors. 8. Secure two (2) letters of recommendation referencing academic and community status. 9. Write a 500 word essay describing WHO HAS BEEN THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSON IN YOUR LIFE TO DATE AND WHY?
1. Demonstrate financial need. 2. Be a senior enrolled in a high school in Orange, Seminole, or Osceola counties. 3. Attend an accredited four year college or university in the state of Florida beginning the fall term of 2011. 4. Have a minimum 1010 SAT or 21 ACT score. 5. Have a weighted cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale. 6. Provide information detailing your extracurricular school activities and honors. 7. Secure two (2) letters of recommendation referencing academic and community status. 8. Write a 500 word essay describing WHO HAS BEEN THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSON IN YOUR LIFE TO DATE AND WHY?
*The scholarship winner will be required to perform 30 hours of community service per semester. *The scholarship winner will be required to attend the annual scholarship retreat in June or July while enrolled. *If any piece of this application is left incomplete it will be automatically disqualified.
APPLICATION Please complete fully and return to your school’s guidance department by February 4, 2011. This application must be clearly printed.
1. Personal Information Student name Mr./Ms. ( circle one ): Student mailing address: City:
Resident’s Address ( if different ): City: Home Phone Number:
E-mail Address:
Cell Phone Number Age:
Social Security #
Date of Birth:
Do you work in addition to your studies?
Hours per week:
If so, where?
2. Income Profile Parent/Guardian Marital status ( please circle one ) Mother:
Mother/Legal Guardian(s): Occupation(s): Mother/Legal Guardian Work Telephone: Mother/Legal Guardian Home Telephone: Father/Legal Guardian(s): Occupation(s): Father/Legal Guardian Work Telephone: Father/Legal Guardian Home Telephone:
2. Income Profile Continued... Annual Income Please show proof of financial need through the questions below. Include a copy of parent or guardian’s 2009 or most recent federal income tax return and most recent W-2. Where the word “parent” (mother or father) is used, it also means “step-parent” or “guardian”.
Family Income Verification: A.
Father’s 2010 annual income (earned from work): $
Mother’s 2010 annual income (earned from work): $
Other taxable income (1040) : $
Other non-taxable income (including pensions, IRA/Keogh, Social Security/disability benefits, child support, rent-free housing, etc): $
Gross Annual Income: $
* For Social Security Only - Report benefit for parent(s) and other siblings. Do not include benfits received by the applicant.
Family Size: Include parent(s), student applicant, other dependent children (with ages) and other family members if applicant’s parents are providing more than half of their support.
Custodial Parent - If your parents are divorced or separated, answer the questions for the parent you lived with the most in the last 12 months. For example, if you lived with your mother more than your father, you would count your mother. If you lived with your father instead of your mother, you would count your father. If you lived with both parents equal number of days in the past 12 months, you would count the parent who provided you with the greatest amount of support. Support would include material as well as financial help. Material things would include cars, clothing, medical and dental payments, etc. If that parent has remarried you must also include the step-parent’s information. Number of dependent children attending college during the 2011 - 2012 academic year on a full time basis (including applicant) Total market value of home this year: $ Amount of unpaid mortgage: $ Home equity: $ Do you own a farm or business?:
if yes, please list % of ownership:
Value of bank accounts: $ Value of other investments (CD’s, stock, bond, etc.): $ Total value of net assets: $
Father/Stepfather/Guardian Signature
Mother/Stepmother/Guardian Signature
3. Qualifying Data Grade Point Average: What is your weighted G.P.A.? (minimum 3.0) (You must include a copy of your most recent report card)
SAT score (Minimum 1010):
ACT score (minimum 21):
(You must include a copy of your most recent test score)
Florida Residency: Have you been a Florida resident for at least the last 12 months?
Student Status: Are you a graduating senior?
Student Ethnicity: African American Pacific Islander
American Indian
College Plans: Please list all colleges and/or universities you have applied to: Have you applied to attend the University of Central Florida? ..Yes No _______________________________________ Accepted? Yes No Have you been accepted? ..Yes No _______________________________________ Accepted? Yes No Have you applied to attend an accredited four year Accepted? college or university in _______________________________________ Yes Nothe state of Florida?.....Yes _______________________________________ Accepted? Yes Noyou been accepted? Yes List schools Have
_______________________________________ Where do you plan to attend?
Accepted? Yes
No Have you been accepted? ______________________________________________ Have you been accepted?
What field toto study? What fielddo doyou youplan plan study?______________________________________________
Please specify which scholarship you are applying for:
(Please Note: U.C.F. Minority Scholarship may only be used at U.C.F.)
Other Awards: Please list below the name and amount of any grants or scholarships that you have been awarded for the coming year.
Name of Award
4. Activities and Honors (List) Describe your involvement in extracurricular school activities and community service. Provide an overview of special awards received for academic, philanthropic, athletic or other achievements.
5. Personal Essay Submit an essay of no more than 500 words describing WHO HAS BEEN THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSON IN YOUR LIFE TO DATE AND WHY? Include any other information you would like the committee to consider, and attach any newspaper or magazine clippings which provide additional information to assist the committee in the selection process.
6. Certification
application is left incomplete it will be automatically disqualified.
no later than February 4, 2011. If any piece of this
I hereby certify that all statements contained in this application are true and correct.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Indicate which scholarships you will be applying for. I am applying for:
I am applying for:
MAGIC ACHIEVERS I am applying for:
7. Reference Please attach two (2) letters of recommendation along with the guidance counselor’s report. This recommendation may be provided by a school faculty member (include references to applicant’s academic and community status).
Guidance Counselor’s Report has applied for the Orlando Magic Scholarship Program. In that regard, please provide in the space below a brief synopsis of the applicant’s character, giving special consideration to his/her intelligence, ability to deal with others, ambition and chances of success in college and life in general. Any information provided will be considered confidential and used by the members of Magic Action Team Scholarship Committee in reviewing the candidate’s application.
Counselor’s Comments:
Name of School:
Phone Number:
Address of School:
Guidance Counselor’s Name (Print):
8. Counselor’s Checklist Application Completed Transcript Attached Copy of SAT or ACT Scores Personal Essay Two (2) Letters of Recommendation 2010 IRS W-2 Form(s) 2009 or Most Recent Income Tax Returns Attached Student, Parent, and Guidance Counselor’s Signature
Counselors, please mail all completed applications by February 11 , 2011 to: Orlando Magic Orlando Magic Youth Foundation 8701 Maitland Summit Blvd. Orlando, FL 32810 407.916.2493 or
[email protected] For questions please contact Tim Groth at
[email protected]
Scholarship Provided by the Magic Action Team Community Fund