Feb 23, 2012 - Various scholarships for women in accounting, at both undergrad and graduate ... students from sophomore
Scholarships for Minorities and Women
Thursday, February 23, 2012
AAAS Minority Science Writers Internship
http://www.aaas.org/careercenter/intern Paid 10-week summer internship program for minority students ships/scienceminority.shtml interested in journalism as a career and who want to learn about science writing.
AARP Women's Scholarship Program http://www.aarp.org/aarpfoundation/info-2010/scholarshipopportunities.html
3:28:04 PM
Early March
$500-$5000 for to women 40 and older who have limited financial resources and who are seeking new job skills, training and educational opportunities.
Late Mar.
AAUW American Fellowship
http://www.aauw.org/learn/fellowships $20,000 for dissertation work (in science, technology, engineering, _grants/american.cfm math or gender studies) & $30,000 for 1-year post-doc research (in arts and humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences) undertaken by women scholars.
AAUW Career Development Grant
http://www.aauw.org/learn/fellowships $2,000 - $12,000 for women with bachelor's degrees preparing to _grants/career_development.cfm advance careers, change careers, or re-enter the workforce. Priority: women of color and those pursuing 1st advanced degree or credentials in nontraditional fields.
AAUW International Fellowship
http://www.aauw.org/learn/fellowships $18,000 - $30,000 for female international grad students and post_grants/international.cfm docs pursuing full-time study or research in U.S. Cannot be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Some fellowships for study outside the U.S.
Early Dec.
AAUW Muncie Branch
http://www.bsu.edu/web/aauw/muncie $1,500 for non-traditional students who live in Delaware Co. branch.htm - scholarship Contact Dee Moser (
[email protected]) for information.
AAUW Selected Professions Fellowships
http://www.aauw.org/learn/fellowships $5,000 - $18,000 for women pursuing master's or professional _grants/selected.cfm degrees in fields with low female populations (architecture, engineering, mathematics, & computer science). Fellowships for women of color in business administration, law, & medicine).
Accenture Scholarship Program for Minorities
http://sms.scholarshipamerica.org/accent $2,500 to junior or senior minority students in the fields of ure/ engineering (electrical, industrial, mechanical, or systems are preferred), computer science, information systems (accounting, business, computer, management and related), decision or management sciences, or other programs whose curricula are equivalent to the above.
Late Jan
AIA/AAF Minority/Disadvantaged Scholarship
http://www.aia.org/education/AIAB081 881
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$500 - $2,500 for high school seniors & college freshmen from minority and/or financially disadvantaged background who plan to study architecture.
Alcatel-Lucent student opportunities
http://www.alcatellucent.com/careers/startyourjourneywith us.html
Internships, apprenticeships, research experience, and other professional opportunities for undergraduates in science, computer science, engineering, business, finance and other fields. Many international opportunities.
Amelia Earhart Fellowships (Zonta International Foundation)
http://www.zonta.org/WhatWeDo/Inter $10,000 fellowship for women pursuing PhD in aerospace-related nationalPrograms/AmeliaEarhartFellows studies. hip.aspx
American Bar Association Legal Opportunity Scholarship
http://www.americanbar.org/groups/di $5,000 renewable scholarship for minority students in law school. versity/diversity_pipeline/projects_initiat ives/legal_opportunity_scholarship.html
Early Mar.
American Geological Institute Minority Participation Program
Awards for ethnic minorities majoring in geological science; includes professional mentorship for career development.
American Hotel and Lodging Educational Foundation (AH&LEF) Academic Scholarships
http://www.ahlef.org/content.aspx?id=1 9468
A variety of scholarships ranging from $500-$5000 for students in hospitality-related degree programs.
Early May
American Indian Fellowship in Business Scholarship Program
http://www.ncaied.org/scholarships.php Scholarships for American Indian undergrad or graduate students majoring in business.
Early Aug.
American Indian Graduate Center
4 graduate fellowship programs for Native Americans.
Varies– see website
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Scholarships
http://www.aicpa.org/BecomeACPA/Sc holarships/Pages/default.aspx
Renewable $5,000 award for graduating seniors applying to graduate programs in accounting. Applicants must intend to pursue CPA certificate.
Varies - see website
American Meteorological Society
http://www.ametsoc.org/amsstudentinfo Variety of undergrad and graduate scholarships and fellowships /scholfeldocs/ for students pursuing careers in atmospheric and related oceanic or hydrologic sciences.
Early Feb.
American Political Science Association Minority Fellows Program (APSA)
http://www.apsanet.org/content_3284.cf m
Early Oct.
American Psychological Association Database
http://www.apa.org/about/awards/inde Wide range of grants, scholarships, awards for students in x.aspx psychology.
Varies by program - see website
American Sociological Association (ASA) Minority Fellowship Program
http://www.asanet.org/funding/mfp.cf m
Late Jan.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation
http://www.ashfoundation.org/grants/d Supports graduate students for research and study in efault.htm communication sciences and disorders. Page 2 of 11
Funding for minority students with financial need who are entering doctoral program in political science.
$15,000 for minority doctoral candidates in sociology or related fields.
Varies – see website
American Water Works Association Scholarships
http://www.awwa.org/Conferences/cont Various scholarships (most at least $5,000) for graduate students ent going into water-related fields.
Varies– see website
American Women for International Understanding (AWIU) Grant Program
http://www.awiu.org/index.php?option $2,500 - $5,000 for international English-speaking women of other =com_content&view=article&id=11&Itemi nations to study or intern in U.S. For ambitious, enterprising d=5 women who will be future leaders in their communities.
Anna N. Dosen Serbian Educational Fund
http://www.pittsburghfoundation.org/n ode/1543
Early Mar.
Appraisal Institute Scholarships
http://www.appraisalinstitute.org/educa Several scholarships for undergraduate students in real estate tion/scholarship.aspx appraisal, land economics, real estate or allied fields.
APS/IBM Research Internship for Undergraduate Women
http://www.aps.org/programs/women/ Paid internships for female sophomores or juniors, typically lasting Early Feb. scholarships/ibm/index.cfm 10 weeks, at one of three IBM research locations.
Arena Stage Allen Lee Hughes Fellowship
http://www.arenastage.org/education/e ducation-programs/internshipsfellowships/
Modest stipend for students interested in artistic and technical production, arts, administration and community engagement.
Asian Pacific Islander Queer Women and Transgender Community Scholarship
$400 scholarships for Asian Pacific Islander lesbian, bisexual, or queer women or transgender individuals pursuing technical/professional training or higher education.
Scholarships for undergrad students of Serbian background majoring in science fields (including health sciences).
Varies - see website
Early Apr.
ASLA Council of Fellows Scholarship http://lafoundation.org/scholarship/lead Up to $4,000 and other benefits for 3rd-, 4th-, or 5th-year ership-in-landscape/awardsundergrads in landscape architecture. available/asla-council-of-fellowsscholarships/
AT&T Fellowships and Internships
http://www.research.att.com/evergreen/ 3-year fellowships for minorities and women pursuing PhDs in working_with_us/internships.html computer and communications-related fields. Paid 10-week summer internships also offered.
Late Jan.
Barbara Jordan Health Policy Scholars Program
http://www.kff.org/minorityhealth/bjsc holars/index.cfm
Be An Actuary scholarship opportunities
http://www.beanactuary.org/study/?fa= Variety of scholarships for students in actuarial science. scholarship
Varies - see website
Bee Winkler Weinstein Fund
http://www.stonewallfoundation.org/gr antprograms_scholarships
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
http://www.iie.org/en/Programs/Gilma Up to $5,000 for study abroad for undergraduates who receive Pell n-Scholarship-Program Grants. Additional $3,000 available for critical language study.
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9-week internship at Howard University for minority student seniors or recent graduates.
Grants for lesbians whose families have withdrawn emotional and/or financial support because of their sexual and/or gender identity.
Early Oct. & early March
Bill and Ann Shepherd Legal Scholarship
http://www.equityfoundation.org/schola For students enrolled at an accredited law school who are rships committed to equal rights and justice for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered persons.
Early Mar.
Blinks Research Fellowship Program
http://depts.washington.edu/fhl/REU.ht 8-12 weeks at Friday Harbor Laboratories (Uni. of Washington) for ml hands-on marine biology research. Open to undergraduate and grad students; minorities encouraged to apply.
Late Jan.
BSU Women's Club Scholarships
$1,000 for non-traditional students with demonstrated financial need. Must have completed 24 credit hours (15 at BSU) by end of previous spring semester and be enrolled at least half-time.
Bullitt Environmental Fellowship
Two-year, $50,000/year fellowship for graduate students interested in pursuing leadership positions within the environmental field at a university in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, western Montana, southern Alaska, and British Columbia.
Early Apr.
Canadian Federation of University Women
http://www.cfuw.org/fellowships_4.htm Grad study funding for Canadian women. l
Early Nov.
Catching the Dream Scholarship
http://www.catchingthedream.org/Schol 3 scholarship programs for undergrad or graduate Native arship.htm American students in math, engineering, science (including medicine), business, education, computers; education, counseling, school administration; or business, finance, management, economics, banking, hotel management, related fields.
Mid-Mar., mid-Apr., Mid-Sept.
Christophers Video Contest
http://www.christophers.org/Page.aspx? Up to $2,000 for undergrad and graduate students who best pid=273 interpret the Christopher message and mission in short (5-min.) films.
Early June
Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) FreeApp Program
http://www.cic.net/Home/Students/Fre eApp/Introduction.aspx
Fee waiver for underrepresented students in PhD or MFA programs at CIC institutions.
See website
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. Scholarships
Various scholarships for students in education, health-related majors, performing arts, and visual arts. Applicants must reside or attend college in a congressional district represented by a CBC Member.
Lat Apr. to mid-July
Consortium for Graduate Study in Management Fellowship
http://www.cgsm.org/students/benefits ofapplying.asp
Funds 2 years of graduate school in management-related fields. All ethnicities and races welcomed; African, Hispanic, and Native American students preferred.
Late Nov. and mid-Dec.
Courtland Paul Scholarship
http://lafoundation.org/scholarship/lead $5,000 for undergrad students in final 2 years of landscape ership-in-landscape/awardsarchitecture study. available/courtland-paul-scholarship/
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Dalmas A. Taylor Memorial Summer Minority Policy Fellowship
http://www.spssi.org/index.cfm?fuseacti Paid summer internship for grad student of color to work on on=page.viewpage&pageid=743 public policy issues in Washington.
Late Apr.
Drum Majors Institute for Public Policy
http://www.drummajorinstitute.com/dm 2-week, no-fee summer institute for sophomores and juniors who ischolars/ want to change the world through activitism; must have strong communication skills and progressive values.
Early Feb.
Edmund S. Muskie Ph.D. Fellowship
Contact foundn.
EDSA Minority Scholarship
http://lafoundation.org/scholarship/lead $3,500 for minority students in final 2 years of undergraduate ership-in-landscape/awardslandscape architecture study. available/edsa-scholarship/
Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting
Various scholarships for women in accounting, at both undergrad and graduate levels.
Varies – see website
List of scholarships specific to various ethnic origins.
Ethnic Scholarships by NextStudent's http://www.nextstudent.com/directoryScholarship Search Engine of-scholarships/Ethnic/Ethnicscholarships.aspx
Fellowships for Eurasian citizens to study in the U.S. for master's degree in business administration, economics, environmental management and policy, international affairs, law, library and information science, journalism and mass communications, public administration, public health, and public policy.
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships
http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/ Support for doctoral study, dissertation research, or post-doc study Early Nov. FordFellowships/ & research for individuals committed to teaching & research at college level. Program aims to increase ethnic and racial diversity of nation’s college and university faculties.
Friends in Art Scholarship
http://www.ucp.org/ucp_channeldoc.cf m/1/12/70/70-70/4534
$1,000 awarded to a blind or visually impaired student majoring in music, art, drama, or creative writing.
Fund for Women Artists
http://www.womenarts.org/fund/Sourc esforIndividualArtists.htm
Fellowships and grants for female artists.
Varies – see website
Gates Millennium Scholars
www.gmsp.org/publicweb/Scholarships. aspx
Scholarships for low-income minority students entering college. Grad school funding available for continuing Gates Scholars.
Late Dec.
Gene and John Athletic Scholarship
http://stonewallfoundation.org/grantpro $2,500 - $5,000 for gay and lesbian athletes. grams_scholarships
Late July
General Motors Minority Dealers Association Scholarship Program
Glamour's Top 10 College Women Competition
http://www.glamour.com/about/top-10- $3,000 cash award, trip to NYC, and other perks for female juniors college-women who demonstrate excellence in leadership, campus involvement, and academics. Page 5 of 11
$2,500 scholarships for minority students who are entering or are already attending college.
Late Nov.
Graduate Women in Science Fellowships (Sigma Delta Epsilon)
http://gwis.org/programs.html guidelines
Various fellowships of $3,000 or more for female science researchers at graduate or post-doc level.
Harriet Jenkins Predoctoral Fellowship Program
Graduate funding for women, ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities pursuing careers in NASA-related fields (science, technology, engineering, math). Seniors and grad students are eligible.
Early Feb.
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students
http://www.hrsa.gov/loanscholarships/s Funding for financially needy students from disadvantaged cholarships/disadvantaged.html backgrounds who are pursuing health-related degrees (including medicine, clinical psychology, and pharmacy). Students should apply at medical institution where they will be enrolled.
Contact school's financial aid office
Hispanic Dental Association
http://www.hdassoc.org/site/epage/835 Five different scholarships for students pursuing dental 1_351.htm professions. For Hispanic students and those interested in the welfare of the Hispanic community.
Varies – see website
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Varies – see website
Human Rights Campaign List of Scholarships for LGBT & Allied Students
http://www.hrc.org/issues/youth_and_c Scholarship list for GLBT and Allied students. ampus_activism/8644.htm
IIPP (Institute for International Public Policy) Fellows Program
Indian Health Service Scholarships
http://www.ihs.gov/JobsCareerDevelop/ Range of scholarships for American Indian and Alaska Native DHPS/Scholarships/ undergrad and graduate students in health professions.
Late Mar.
Indiana Architectural Foundation Scholarships
http://www.indianaarchitecturalfoundati $1,000 - $5,000 for Indiana residents in 3rd, 4th, or 5th year of on.org/scholarships/ undergrad architecture program or in graduate-level program. Also offers up to $4,000 for minority or disadvantaged students.
Indiana CPA Society Diversity Summit Scholarship
http://incpas.org/Public/Diversity/Schol Range of scholarships, $500-$1,000, to accounting undergraduates. arship.aspx Students must be a minority, have an interest in accounting/business, and be a student leader.
Early Aug.
Indiana Minority Teacher/Special Education Services Scholarship
Early Aug.
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Wide range of undergraduate and graduate scholarships for Hispanic students.
Multi-year education and training program that prepares minority students from sophomore year through master’s degree in international affairs. Must apply sophomore year.
Minority students demonstrating financial need may receive up to $4,000 annually; for non-minority students the maximum award is $1,000.
Indy Pride Scholarship Program
http://www.indyprideinc.org/communit y/scholarship.htm
For students attending an Indiana-based university or college who are making significant contributions to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered (GLBT) community. Also for those who identify as members of the GLBT community who have demonstrated a lack of support to attend an institute of higher education.
Early Oct.
INROADS Internships
http://www.inroads.org/students/whats Paid multi-year internship & other benefits for minority freshmen -in-it-for-you and sophomores in business, engineering, applied sciences, computer science, or liberal arts, to prepare them for corporate & community leadership.
International Federation of University Women Fellowships and Grants
http://www.ifuw.org/fellowships/intern 16 to 25 international fellowships and grants for up to $8,800 to Aug.-Mid Sep. ational.shtml women grads for postgrad research, study and training in any country outside of their own and in any branch of learning. Must be members of IFUW's national federations and associations and to IFUW Independent Members.
Jeanette Rankin Foundation
Scholarships for low-income women, age 35 and older, pursuing college in order to benefit self, family, and community.
Early Mar.
La Unidad Latina Foundation
Scholarships ranging from $250-$1,000 for Latino undergrad and grad students with GPA between 2.8 & 3.6.
Varies – see website
LAGRANT Foundation (TLF) Scholarships
http://www.lagrantfoundation.org/Schol Scholarships for minority undergrad and grad students in public arship%20Program relations, marketing, or advertising, with minor in communications.
Late Feb.
LULAC National Scholarship
Late Mar.
MALDEF Law School Scholarship Program
http://www.maldef.org/leadership/scho Up to $7,000 for full-time study for Hispanic students in or about larships/law_school_scholarship_progra to enter law school. m/
Early Oct.
MANAA Media Scholarship
http://www.manaa.org/2009scholarship. html
$1,000 for Asian-American undergrad and grad students pursuing careers in filmmaking and television production (not broadcast journalism).
Late Oct.
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund http://www.mmmf-grants.org/
App. $11,000 for women from developing countries engage in graduate studies in US or Canada. Must be older than 25, demonstrate financial need and plan to return to native country within 2 years of receiving grant.
Early Jan.
McKnight Doctoral Fellowships
Stipend and tuition for African-American and Hispanic PhD students in various fields at specified Florida universities.
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$250 - $2,000 for Hispanic undergrad and graduate students.
Varies with placement
Midwestern Region Soroptimist Educational Grants for Women and Girls
$500 - $3,000 for women at undergrad or graduate level who have made notable effort to attend college or grad school.
Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship
http://www.gfoa.org/index.php?option= $5,000 for outstanding performance by minority junior, senior or com_content&task=view&id=96&Itemid= grad student preparing for a career in state or local government 107 finance.
Early Mar.
Nation Institute Journalism Internship Program
http://www.nationinstitute.org/internshi Partially funded NYC internship in magazine journalism and ps/1000/ publishing for undergrads and recent graduates. Also internship for Hispanic and Latino students.
Mid-Nov. & mid-Mar.
National Association of Black Journalists
http://www.nabj.org/?page=SEEDSchola Up to $5,000 for African-American students pursuing journalism rships career. Must be member of NABJ.
Early Mar.
National Association of Hispanic Journalists
http://www.nahj.org/2009/01/scholarshi Up to $5,000 for Hispanic students pursuing careers in journalism pseligibility and TV broadcasting.
Early Apr.
National Black MBA Association scholarships
http://www.nbmbaa.org/index.aspx?Pag $1,000 for undergrad and graduate minority business majors eID=789&Scholarship+Programs identified through NBMBAA chapters.
Varies by chapter – contact local club
National Black Nurses Association (NBNA) Scholarships
http://www.nbna.org/index.php?option $500-$2000 to students currently enrolled in a nursing program. =com_content&view=article&id=74&Itemi d=71
National Federation of the Blind Scholarship Program
http://www.nfb.org/nfb/scholarship_pr ogram.asp
$3,000 - $12,000 for legally blind students at undergrad or graduate Late Mar. level.
National GEM Center Fellowship Programs
Full tuition, stipend, & paid summer internship for minority students in master's or Ph.D. programs at GEM-member universities.
Early Nov.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship
Up to $20,000/yr, renewable for 4 years, for students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research. Mandatory paid research internship and employment at an NIH laboratory.
Late Mar.
National Physical Science Consortium Graduate Fellowships for Minorities and Women (NPSC)
Up to $16,000 for grad students in physical sciences, biochemistry, computer science, or related fields of science and engineering.
Early Nov.
National Society of Hispanic MBAs
http://www.nshmba.org/Page.aspx?pid= $2,500 - $10,000 to master's-level Hispanic students in management Late Apr. 320 or business. Must be NSHMBA member. Page 8 of 11
National Women's Studies Association
http://www.nwsa.org/content.asp?pl=16 Scholarships up to $1,000 for grad students in women's studies. &contentid=16 Some aimed at conference attendance, thesis/dissertation writing (including Lesbian Caucus award), and women of color.
Varies – see website
Native American Journalists Association Scholarship
http://www.naja.com/index.php/resourc $500 - $5,000 for Native American students pursuing careers in es/students/scholarships/ journalism.
Early June
NCAA Ethnic Minority & Women's Enhancement Postgraduate Scholarship for Careers in Athletics
http://www.ncaa.org/wps/portal/ncaah $6,000 postgraduate scholarships awarded to 13 women and 13 ome minority students. Applicants must plan to pursue career in intercollegiate athletics but do not need to be athletes.
Early Dec.
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
Supports up to 2 years graduate study for immigrants and children Early Nov. of immigrants. Contact Dr. Stedman: 285-5086,
[email protected].
PEO International Peace Scholarship
Scholarships for international women to pursue full-time graduate study in U.S. or Canada.
PEO Program for Continuing Education
Up to $3000 to women in the United States and Canada whose education has been interrupted and who find it necessary to return to school to support themselves and/or their families.
At least 10 weeks prior to the term for which the application is to be considered
Point Scholarships
http://www.pointfoundation.org/scholar Up to $34,000/year for LGBT students; especially supportive of ships.html students who have been abandoned by family or other sources of financial support.
Early Feb.
Predoctoral Fellowship in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (MHSAS)
http://www.apa.org/pi/mfp/psychology Up to three years of support for the training of practitioners in /predoctoral/index.aspx behavioral health services and prevention.
Mid Jan
Project Red Flag Academic Scholarship for Women with Bleeding Disorders
http://www.projectredflag.org/scholarsh $2,500 for undergrad or graduate female students with bleeding ip.htm disorders.
Puerto Rican Bar Association Law Scholarship
Sallie Mae Fund
www.thesalliemaefund.org/smfnew/scho $500 - $5,000 for undergraduates who are African-American or larship/ Hispanic or have signficant financial need.
Varies – see website
Saul T. Wilson, Jr., Scholarship Program in Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
http://www.aphis.usda.gov/publications Up to $5,000/yr for undergrad students & up to $10,000/yr for grad students in pre-veterinary medicine or other biomedical science. Includes real-world career experience.
Early Mar.
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$2,000 for Hispanic students entering or enrolled in law school.
SIT Study Abroad Programs
http://www.sit.edu/studyabroad/721.ht m
In-house study abroad scholarships for SIT program participants.
Varies – see website
Society of Women Engineers
Variety of scholarships for female undergrad and grad students preparing for careers in engineering, engineering technology and computer science.
Varies – see website
Talbots Women's Scholarship Fund
https://www.scholarshipamerica.org/tal botswomen/instructions.php
$1,000 and $10,000 awards to nontraditional female students who earned high school diploma or GED 10+ years ago and who have at least 2 semesters remaining for undergrad degree. Only first 1,000 applications are processed.
Early Jan.
Thurgood Marshall College Fund Wachovia Scholarship to Leadership Program
http://www.thurgoodmarshallfund.net/s $5,000/year for African-American undergad sophomores to tudent/scholarshipprograms participate in TMCF's Annual Leadership Institute in New York. Some scholars may be invited to intern with Wachovia over the summer. Preference will be given to finance or business related majors, although all majors are encouraged to apply.
See website
Thurgood Marshall College Fund WNBA Scholarship Program
http://www.thurgoodmarshallfund.net/s Two scholarships for undergrad and grad students. Must be at tudent/scholarshipprograms least twenty-one years of age at the time of application and demonstrate leadership qualities and service experience.
See website
Traub-Dicker Rainbow Scholarship
http://www.stonewallfoundation.org/gr antprograms_scholarships
$3,000 for lesbian high school seniors and undergraduate students.
Udall Native American Congressional Internship
http://www.udall.gov/OurPrograms/N ACInternship/NACInternship.aspx
Paid internships for Native American students interested in tribal public policy or healthcare.
Late Jan.
Udall Scholarships
$5,000 for sophomores or juniors pursuing careers related to the environment, Native American health care, or tribal public policy. Applicants for latter two categories must be Native American. Contact Dr. Stedman: 285-5086,
[email protected].
Early Mar. (campus: early Feb.)
United Methodist Church scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students
http://www.gbhem.org/site/c.lsKSL3PO Wide range of scholarships for United Methodist undergrad and LvF/b.3501657/k.9196/Scholarships.htm grad students.
Early Jan. mid-Apr. (varies by scholarship)
United Negro College Fund
http://www.uncf.org/forstudents/schola Wide range of scholarships and internships (often with attached rship.asp scholarships) for minority students.
Varies by program
Wake Forest University Corporate Fellowships for Minority Students
http://business.wfu.edu/default.aspx?id =1999
Mid Mar.
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Fellows receive full tuition plus living expenses, personal mentoring from a high-level executive at a major corporation, and a Fellowship Practicum, which provides hands-on experience to enhance the classroom education.
Wellstone Fellowship for Social Justice
1-year salaried ($38,000) fellowship at Families USA in Washington, focusing on healthcare advocacy. For low-income minority students, ideally graduating seniors or those who have completed college.
Early Feb.
Women in Defence HORIZONS Foundation Scholarship Program
http://wid.ndia.org/horizon/Pages/defa Varying amounts for women--at junior, senior or graduate level-ult.aspx pursuing careers related to national security & defense. Preferred fields: security studies, military history, government relations, engineering, computer science, physics, math, business, law, international relations, political science, economics.
Early Nov.
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Scholarships
Mid-Dec through MidFeb
Women’s Wildlife Management/ Conservation Scholarship
http://www.nrahq.org/women/awards/ $1,000 for female college juniors and seniors in a field of wildlife wmc-scholarship.asp management or conservation.
Mid Nov.
Women's Independence Scholarship Program (WISP)
http://www.wispinc.org/Programs/WIS P/tabid/62/Default.aspx
College funding for survivors of partner abuse who have been separated from partner for 1-5 years, have small children, and are in financial crisis.
At least 2 mos. before start of program
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Several funds for PhD candidates in humanistic or women studies.
Worldstudio AIGA Scholarship
http://scholarships.worldstudioinc.com/ worldstudio/
Up to $6,000 for minority students with financial need who are studying design/art.
Early Apr.
XEROX Technical Minority Scholars Program
$1,000 - $10,000 for minority undergrad and grad students in technical degree program (includes chemistry, information management, computing & software systems, material science, printing management science, laser optics, physics, and engineering).
Late Sept.
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Up to $1,200 for Lutheran minority female undergrad or grad student.