school break day camp 2017-2018 - Rogue Valley YMCA

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The YMCA Day Camp experience gives youth a chance to explore the community that is around them while learning about crea
SCHOOL BREAK DAY CAMP 2017-2018 The YMCA Day Camp experience gives youth a chance to explore the community that is around them while learning about creativity, teamwork and leadership in a physically active environment. Campers go on weekly field trips, enjoy Friday swim days at the YMCA, eat two snacks daily, create arts & crafts, sing camp songs, explore science, appreciate nature, play group games and perform skits. A detailed weekly schedule is distributed on the Friday before each week. Even though camp is filled with many things that keep campers busy, it is really Campers will be divided into two smaller groups, about making new friends, learning teamwork, and the depending on the camper’s grade, to help tailor values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. their camp experience to meet their needs.

The Ospreys (Kindergarten to 3rd grade) Osprey campers will work with staff that were selected for their skills in meeting the needs of this age group. Weekly field trip on Wednesday. Staffing ratio of 1 adult to 10 campers.

To make sure that your camper is properly prepared for each day they should come dressed for the weather and ready to get dirty with a backpack filled with the required five: lunch, water bottle, sunscreen, swimsuit and towel. Location will be announced before each week but most days of camp will be at Medford’s Central High School, just blocks from the YMCA!

The Eagles (4th to 6th grade) - Eagle campers will enjoy more camp activities and experiences appropriate for this older age group. Weekly Field Trips on Tuesdays and Fridays. Staffing ratio of 1 adult to 15 campers.


7:30am to 6:00pm, campers must arrive by 8:45am each day to be guaranteed a spot at camp, arrival after 8:45am is based on availability and is not guaranteed.

Thanksgiving Break November 20-22

Winter Break December 18-29, Monday-Friday

Spring Break March 19-30, Monday-Friday

Fee: $30 per day, pay only for the days you use, 3-day minimum (must pay for three days at the time of registration, these three days are non-refundable)

Scholarships available: Food Assistance Pre-Qualified Scholarships pay $20 per day with award letter. Apply for additional help if needed.

Rogue Valley Family YMCA

522 West Sixth Street, Medford, OR 97501 541-772-6295; [email protected]

Day Camp School Year 2017-2018 Camper Name: _______________________________________________ Gender: ______ DOB: _______________________ Age: ___________ Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________ Home Address: ________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ School Break Day Camps Offered: Sign-up once and pay for only the days you use! 2017 Thanksgiving Break (Nov 20 – 22, NO Program on Nov 23 &24)

2017 Winter Break (Dec 18–22) (Dec 26–29)

2018 Spring Break (Mar 19–23) (Mar 26–30)

Please Check Only One Box:  School Break Day Camp (Kindergarten – 6th grade): $30 per day*, pay only for the days you use, 3 day minimum. *Must pay for at least three days at the time of registration, these three days are non-refundable.

 Current Afterschool Option 1 or 2: $30 per day pay only for the days you use, will be billed on your regular childcare monthly bill

Current Afterschool Option 3: No need to register as these days are already included in your billing option BRING YOUR CAMPER PREPARED: You must bring your camper to camp prepared to enjoy the activities. Please know that campers should have a backpack filled with the Required five – lunch, water bottle, swimsuit, towel, and sunscreen. You must arrive at camp each day by 8:45am, or you maybe turned away from the prorgam based on available space. HEALTH FORMS: You must bring a completed original health form with you on the first day of the camp program, unless currently registered in the afterschool program. PAYMENT: At the time of registration you must pay for a minimum of three days or be registered in the YMCA Afterschool Program Option 1, 2 or 3. Day Camp will be billed for each day that you attend and billing statements will be mailed out after each break day camp. If the balance is not paid, child(ren) will be locked out of all programs and will not be able to attend until the balance is paid. ARRIVAL & LATE PICK-UP: You must arrive by 8:45am each day to be guaranteed a spot at camp. Arrival after 8:45am is based on availability and is not guaranteed. The YMCA program ends at 6:00pm. Late fees will be charged for each child picked up after the scheduled closing time. Failure to pay may result in termination of care. Late fees are assessed as follows: 1-15 minutes = $15 per child. Each minute following the first 15 minutes, is $1 per minute, per child. 15 minutes following the scheduled closure time all emergency contacts will be called by staff. If no one can be reached one hour after program ends, the police will be called to escort your child(ren) to Protective Services for child abandonment. THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS: The YMCA welcomes third party payments, i.e. DHS, JOBS, CSD, etc., once written verification is received from third party. Fees accrued prior to effective date, as well as unpaid portions and vouchers not signed in a timely manner, are the responsibility of the parent or guardian. Co-payments are due on the 1st of each month. RELEASE, WAIVER & INDEMNITY AGREEMENT: I hereby agree for myself, my child, our respective heirs and legal representatives, to release, indemnify, and hold the YMCA and its officers, directors, board members, employees, volunteers and agents (“releasees”) harmless from any and all claims and causes of action of any nature, whether caused by the alleged negligence of the releasees or otherwise, which I or my child may now or hereafter have against the releasees which may at any time arise as a result of any act or thing occurring in or arising out of my or my child’s participation. By signing below you are agreeing to the above statements:

Signature: ___________________________________________________________________

Rogue Valley Family YMCA 522 West Sixth Street, Medford, OR 97501 ▪ [email protected] 541-772-6295 ext. 111

Date: ____________________

For Office Use:

Cash Staff:________________ Amount Paid:__________ Credit

Date:_________________ FA $________per day

Check #: _____________