8 – % students scoring Meets/Exceeds grade 5 writing assessment. 70.0% ...
Daily 6 Trait Writing strategies will be ... writing and commentary will be displayed
2013 - 2014 CCSS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Elementary School Name: Jefferson Parkway PART ONE: CONTENT MASTERY Column I: Use data from the May, 2013 release of CCRPI. Column II: Use current data that is available now. When FALL CCRPI is released, adjust and review with SBLT. Make goal adjustments if needed. Column III: Use subgroup targets for 2013 – 2014. Column IV: Your school’s goals for each subgroup. Measurable Goals: CRCT
CCRPI 11-12
CCRPI 12-13
1 - ELA
93.7% NA NA 92.6% 92.3% NA 96.4% 93.1% 75.0%
94.0% NA NA 93.0% 96.0% NA 92.0% 93.0% 78.0% 91.0%
89.3% NA NA 84.0% 96.2% NA 91.1% 88.1% 67.9%
86.0% NA NA 83.0% 93.0% NA 90.0% 86.0% 39.0% 83.0%
85.4% NA NA 84.0% 82.7% NA 89.3% 87.5% 57.1%
81.0% NA NA 76.0% 84.0% NA 92.0% 81.0% 55.0% 70.0%
All Am. Ind./Alaskan Asian/Pac. Islander Black Hispanic Multi Racial White Econ. Dis. SWD EL 3 - MATH All Am. Ind./Alaskan Asian/Pac. Islander Black Hispanic Multi Racial White Econ. Dis. SWD EL 5 – SOC. STUDIES All Am. Ind./Alaskan Asian/Pac. Islander Black Hispanic Multi Racial White Econ. Dis. SWD EL
Coweta County School System
CCRPI 13-14
CCRPI 13-14
GA Targets % Meets/Exceeds 93.0% NA NA 89.9% 92.1% NA 95.7% 90.1% 78.0% 85.7% GA Targets % Meets/Exceeds 88.1% NA NA 81.9% 87.8% NA 92.8% 83.5% 72.9% 81.2% GA Targets % Meets/Exceeds 81.3% NA NA 72.1% 78.4% NA 88.8% 74.1% 62.2% 69.5%
GOALS % Meets/Exceeds 95.0% NA NA 94.0% 96.5% NA 96.0% 93.5% 78.0% 91.5% GOALS % Meets/Exceeds 88.1% NA NA 84.0% 93.5% NA 92.8% 86.5% 72.9% 83.5% GOALS % Meets/Exceeds 81.5% NA NA 76.5% 84.5% NA 92.5% 81.5% 62.2% 70.5%
Measurable Goals: CRCT
CCRPI 11-12
CCRPI 12-13
95.6% NA NA 97.5% 94.2% NA 94.6% 96.3% 75.0%
95.0% NA NA 93.0% 94.0% NA 98.0% 94.0% 83.0% 87.0%
81.6% NA NA 74.1% 78.8% NA 94.6% 81.9% 46.4%
83.0% NA NA 79.0% 87.0% NA 86.0% 83.0% 64.0% 79.0%
All Am. Ind./Alaskan Asian/Pac. Islander Black Hispanic Multi Racial White Econ. Dis. SWD EL 4 - SCIENCE All Am. Ind./Alaskan Asian/Pac. Islander Black Hispanic Multi Racial White Econ. Dis. SWD EL
CCRPI 13-14
CCRPI 13-14
GA Targets % Meets/Exceeds 94.6% NA NA 91.5% 94.0% NA 97.2% 92.2% 81.6% 88.6% GA Targets % Meets/Exceeds 82.3% NA NA 72.3% 79.7% NA 90.4% 75.5% 64.4% 71.0%
GOALS % Meets/Exceeds 95.5% NA NA 93.5% 94.5% NA 98.5% 94.5% 83.5% 88.6% GOALS % Meets/Exceeds 83.5% NA NA 80.0% 87.5% NA 90.4% 83.5% 64.4% 79.5%
Click here for the Elementary School CCRPI Calculator.
Revised June 2, 2013
PART TWO: POST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL READINESS Column I: Use data from the May, 2013 release of CCRPI. Column II: Use any data that is available now. When FALL CCRPI is released, adjust and review with SBLT. Make goal adjustments if needed. Column III: Your school’s goals for each indicator from Part Two. PART TWO: Post Elementary School Readiness INDICATORS:
CCRPI % 2011 - 2012
CCRPI % 2012 – 2013
CCRPI % GOAL 2013 – 2014
6 – % English Learners with next highest Performance Band on ACCESS. 7 – % SWD students served in general education +80% of the school day.
8 – % students scoring Meets/Exceeds grade 5 writing assessment. 9 – % students grade 3 with Lexile 650 or greater.
70.0% 73.1%
80.0% 80.0%
10 – % students grade 5 with Lexile 850 or greater. 11 – % students grades 1-5 completing the identified number of grade specific career awareness lessons aligned to GA’s 17 Career Clusters. 12 – Student Attendance Rate (%).
NA 96.5%
PART THREE: PREDICTOR FOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION: Column I: Use data from the May, 2013 release of CCRPI. Column II: Use any data that is available now. When FALL CCRPI is released, adjust and review with SBLT. Make goal adjustments if needed. Column III: Your school’s goals for each indicator from Part Three. PART THREE: Graduation
CCRPI % 2011 - 2012
13 - % students Grade 5 passing at least 4 content area courses. 14 - % students scoring Exceeds on CRCT.
CCRPI % 2012 – 2013
CCRPI % GOAL 2013 – 2014
98.6% 28.4%
100% 45.0%
CCRPI SUMMARY CHART FOR 2013 – 2014: Column I: Use data from the May, 2013 release of CCRPI. Column II: Use any data that is available now. When FALL CCRPI is released, adjust and review with SBLT. Make goal adjustments if needed. Column III: Your school’s goals for each CCRPI section. SUMMARYPOINTS Achievement Points Progress Points Achievement Gap Points
Challenge Points:ED/ ELL/SWD
CCRPI % 2011 - 2012
CCRPI % 2012 – 2013
CCRPI % GOAL 2013 – 2014
Coweta County School System
CCRPI % 2011 - 2012
Challenge Points: Exceeding Bar
Financial Efficiency Rating School Climate Rating
CCRPI % 2012 – 2013
CCRPI % GOAL 2013 – 2014 1.0
To Be Released 2013 To Be Released 2013
Revised June 2, 2013
GOAL 1: To increase CONTENT MASTERY (CCRPI Part I) for all students: Research-Based Strategies
Utilization of Technological Resources
Advanced Content Class (3rd – 5th grades) This class was created to allow our students who exceeded on the CRCT to have an opportunity to be accelerated in their core content areas. EIP model to assist students in remediation and develop strategies for content mastery.
Benchmarks, GRASP, IXL, iPads, Promethean Flipcharts, Responders
Increase in differentiation strategies and use of technology in each classroom.
iPads, Responders, IXL, Promethean Board
Benchmarks, GRASP, IXL, iPads, Promethean Flipcharts, Responders
Evaluation and Assessment Data Benchmarks, GRASP, STAR Reader/Math Growth Reports, Diagnostic, Formative and Summative Assessments, differentiation, student work, observations/walk-through data. Benchmarks, GRASP, STAR Reader/Math Growth Reports, Diagnostic, Formative and Summative Assessments, differentiation, student work, observations/walk-through data. Student work and products created from differentiation.
Professional Development Utilization of student data to support growth of students and to show acceleration of content knowledge. TAPS Utilization of student data to support growth of students and to show development of content knowledge. TAPS
GOAL 2: To increase POST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL READINESS (CCRPI Part II) for all students: Research-Based Strategies
Utilization of Technological Resources
Evaluation and Assessment Data
Professional Development
Daily 6 Trait Writing strategies will be provided daily to students in grades 1–5 for practice and instruction on trait-based writing skills.
Writing will be evaluated through our school-wide writing initiative. Student writing and commentary will be displayed.
In-house training provided for all teachers by Writing Committee.
Write Score
Write Score will score the writing samples and provide detailed, specific data individualized for each student.
Write Score will conduct a webinar for teachers with one of their representatives.
Coweta County School System
Revised June 2, 2013
GOAL 3: To increase probability of HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION (CCRPI Part III) for all students: Research-Based Strategies Implementation of H.O.T.S. in all classrooms to increase student thought processes.
Coweta County School System
Utilization of Technological Resources iPads, Responders, IXL, Promethean Board
Evaluation and Assessment Data
Professional Development
Grade level meetings, TAPS, Vertical Teams
Revised June 2, 2013