Rental/Maintenance Form. Dear Band Students and Families,. The Rice Lake School District charges an instrument rental fe
School Instrument Rental/Maintenance
Rice Lake Warrior Band
Rice Lake Warrior Bands School Instrument Rental/Maintenance Form
Dear Band Students and Families, The Rice Lake School District charges an instrument rental fee to all students not owning their own instrument and using a school owned instrument to off-set the cost of repair and maintenance. Due to the high cost of cleaning and repairing our school instruments, we charge a maintenance fee each year for these instruments. Annually it costs the school approximately $100 to clean and repair each of our instruments. We will be charging $100.00 per year to help cover that cost. Our fee is comparable to what other schools our size are charging for the use of school instruments. This fee may be paid once a year by making a one time payment of $100.00 or once each semester by making two payments of $50.00 per year. Any damage beyond normal wear and tear due to mishandling or catastrophic accident will be paid for by the student responsible for the damage. This includes damage to school drum heads and mallets. RLMS Percussionists Beginning percussionists will purchase a stick bag with 5A and 2B drumsticks, xylophone/bell mallets, marimba mallets, and timpani mallets. Middle School percussionists should have these mallets with them at all rehearsals and performances and should replace them if they are lost or damaged. RLHS Percussionists High School percussion students will need to pay an annual fee of $50.00 or $25.00 a semester in order to help replace battered heads, broken sticks and mallets, and other repairs/maintenance of school percussion equipment. Each set of mallets or sticks for quads, bass drum, marimba, xylophone, and bells costs us between $45.00-$90.00 depending on the instrument. High School percussionists should own their own marching band and concert band snare sticks. Attached, you will find a rental/maintenance form for to fill out and return to Mrs. Sommerfeld (RLMS) or Ms. Einum (RLHS) with payment. Thank you for your help in maintaining our instruments, so we can continue to have a strong band program. Sincerely, Kim Graff and Adam Bever, Middle School Band Directors Aimee Pashby, High School Band Director
Rental/Maintenance Form for School-Owned Instruments Name: _________________________________________________________________ Date issued: ____________________________________________________________ Instrument and Brand: ____________________________________________________ Serial Number: __________________________________________________________ Condition: Please check your preferred payment option: _______ $50.00 each semester (RLHS Percussion, $25.00) _______ $100.00 per year (RLHS Percussion, $50.00) Checks payable to: Rice Lake Middle School or Rice Lake High School I, _________________________________ , agree to clean this instrument each time I play and to do my best to return the instrument in the same condition it was in when I checked it out. _____________________________________ ___________________ Student Signature Date ______________________________________ ___________________ Parent Signature Date Date of Return__________________________________________________________ Returned Condition: