School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences

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Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark. 01/2000 – 01/ .... sedentary people”, Routledge Handbook of Biomechanics and Human Movement.
School of Human Kinetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa

CURRICULUM VITAE a) NAME: LI, Jing Xian, Associate Professor, tenured b) DEGREES: Ph. D. Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1998 MSc. Exercise Physiology, Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, China, 1990 MB

Medicine, Medical School of Inner-Mongolia, China, 1982

c) EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 07/04 – onward

Associate Professor, School of Human Kinetics, University of Ottawa

01/2002 – 06/2004

Scientific Officer, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

09/2003 – 12/2003

Research Fellow, Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

01/2000 – 01/2002

Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

10/2000 – 11/2000

Visiting scholar, Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Ottawa, Canada

06/1998 – 01/2000

Visiting Sports Scientist, Hong Kong Sports Institute, Hong Kong

03/1998 – 06/1998

Research Associate, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

09/1997 – 03/1998

Visiting Scholar, WHO Collaborating Centre for Sports Medicine and Health Promotion, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

12/1992 – 10/1993

Visiting Sports Scientist, Department of Sports Science/Medicine, Hong Kong Sports Institute, Hong Kong

07/1990 – 08/1994

Assistant Professor/Associate Professor, Sports Physician, and Vice Director, Tianjin Research Institute of Sports Medicine, China

12/1982 – 09/1987

Assistant Lecture, Department of Physiology, The Medical School of Inner – Mongolia/Physician, the Hospital of Medical School of InnerMongolia, China

11/1981 - 12/1982

Resident, Hospital of Inner-Mongolia, Hohhot, China 1


Fellow, International Society of Biomechanics in Sports

08/2003 - onward

Honorary Research Fellow, Clinical Biomechanics Group, WHO Collaborating Centre for Sports Medicine and Health Promotion, Hong Kong

04/1994 - onward

Honorary Professor/Adjunct Professor, Tianjin University of Sports, Tianjin, China

e) SCHOLARLY AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (past 7 years): 2010 – 2012 Vice president for research and projects, International Society of Biomechanics in Sports 2007–onward Associate Editor, Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal, Taylor & Francis, orialboard 2010

Member of Scientific Committee, 28th International Conference of Biomechanics in Sports, USA, July 19-23, 2010


Member of Scientific Committee, 27th International Conference of Biomechanics in Sports, Ireland, Aug 17-21, 2009


Member of Scientific Committee, 26th International Symposium of Biomechanics in Sports, Korea, July 13-18, 2008


Keynote lecture in 25th International Symposium of Biomechanics in Sports, Brazil, August 23-27, 2007


Member of Scientific Committee, 25thInternational Symposium of Biomechanics in Sports, Brazil, Aug 23-27, 2007

2006 – 2011 Board member, International Society of Biomechanics in Sports 2007

Proposal review for CIHR in 1 application(s) submitted to the 'International Opportunities Program - Development/Planning Grant'


Member of Scientific Committee, 23rd International Symposium of Biomechanics in Sports, Beijing, China, Aug 22-27, 2005


Member of Scientific Committee, 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion in conjunction with 2nd International Conference on Tai Chi Chuan, Hong Kong, Nov 5-6, 2005


Member of Scientific Committee, 22nd International Symposium of Biomechanics in Sports, Ottawa, Canada, 2004


Reviewer of the Journals, Obesity Review, Clinical Biomechanics, Sports Biomechanics, Applied Ergonomics, Gait and Posture, Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, 2

Arthroscopy, British Journal of Sports Medicine 2004 f)

External examiner of PhD candidate, University College Worcester, UK


Completed: 10 master students, 4 PhD students g) GRADUATE COURSES: 2009, 2010 Critical Appraisal in Biophysical Literature (Course for Master students) 2007

Advanced Topics in Biomechanics (Course for PhD and Master Students)


Sports Medicine


Selected topics in Biomechanics




Year i.



Amount (CA$)



20092011 20082009




O Li, JX, Biomechanical evaluation of badminton shoes, Li-Ning Sportswear Company, China C Li, JX Impact of long-term regular Tai Chi exercise, jogging, and cycling on postural stability and associated physiological factors in different age groups of people, Initiative Grant for National Natural Science Foundation of China O Li, JX, Biomechanical study on aging properties of polyurethane for conventional shoe soling, BASF the Chemical Company, Germany, C Lamontagne Mario & Li, JX, et al., Mobility assessment of patients with total hip replacement: joint mechanics and rehabilitation, Canadian Institutes of Health Research









Li, JX, & Lu, C. L., Chinese-Canadians' perspectives on health and fitness in Public Health. (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Sport Canada Joint Initiative Grant) Li, JX, & Hong , Y., et al., Design athletic and casual footwear based on functional testing and computer simulation, Innovation and Technology Commission, The Government of the Hong Kong








Li, JX, & Hong , Y., et al.,, Design athletic and casual footwear based on functional testing and computer simulation, Industry sponsorship





Li, JX, & Hong , Y., et al., Biomechanics study on prevention of occupational slip and falls in Hong Kong, Occupational Safety & Health Council, Hong Kong













Amount (CA$) $10,000

20092010 20092010

Li, JX, Locomotion performance in old obese people Li, JX & Lamontagne Mario, Locomotion performance in old obese people





LI, JX, & Hoshizaki B., Proprioception of ankle joint complex in healthy man and woman, University Research Committee, University of Ottawa





LI, JX & Hoshizaki, B., Proprioception of ankle joint complex in healthy man and woman, Grants of Faculty of Health Science, University of Ottawa





LI, JX Proprioception of ankle and knee in young healthy males and females, University Research Committee, University of Ottawa





* Type: C-Granting councils; G-Government; F-Foundations; O-Other **Purpose: research, travel, publication, etc.

i) PUBLICATIONS: 1) Life-time summary Total number of publications: Full-length papers in refereed journals Abstracts & short papers in refereed journals Papers in refereed proceedings Book chapters Technical reports

46 6 44 8 3

2) Details for past 7 years Chapters in books (past 7 years): 1) Li, J.X., Xu, D.Q, Hong, Y. “Tai Chi exercise and proprioceptive behaviour in older people”, International research in Tai Chi. (S. Karger Publishers of Switzerland, 2008), pp77-96. 2) Xu, D.Q, Hong, Y., Li, J.X. “Tai Chi exercise and muscle strength and endurance in older people”, International research in Tai Chi. (S. Karger Publishers of Switzerland, 5

2008), pp 20-29 3) Hong, Y., Mao, D.W, Li, J.X., “Temporal characteristics of foot movement in Tai Chi Exercise”, International research in Tai Chi. (S. Karger Publishers of Switzerland, 2008), pp 1-11 4) Li, J.X., Hong, Y., “Ankle proprioception in young ice hokey players, runners, and sedentary people”, Routledge Handbook of Biomechanics and Human Movement Science. (London: Taylor & Frances Group, 2008), pp472-480 5) Hong, Y., Li, J.X., Brüggemann, G. P., “Influence of backpack weight on biomechanical and physiological responses of children during treadmill walking“,Routledge Handbook of Biomechanics and Human Movement Science. (London: Taylor & Frances Group, 2008), pp459-471

Papers in refereed journals (past 7 years): 1. Li, J.X. Xu, D.Q., Hoshizaki B. Proprioception of Foot and Ankle Complex in Young Regular Practitioners of Ice Hockey, Ballet Dancing and Running, Research in Sports Medicine: an International Journal. 17: 205-216, 2009 2. Fong DTP, Hong Y, Li JX. Human walks carefully when the ground dynamic coefficient of friction drops below 0.41. Safety Science.47: 1429-1433, 2009 3. Li, J.X., Xu, D.Q., Hong, Y., Changes in muscle strength, endurance and reaction of the lower extremity with Tai Chi intervention. Journal of Biomechanics, 42, 967-971, 2009 4. Li, J.X., Xu, D.Q., Hong, Y., Effects of 16-week Tai Chi intervention on proprioception and postural stability in older people. Age and Aging, 37(5):575-8, 2008 5. Wang, L., Li.JX, Xu DQ, Hong, Y, Proprioception of ankle and knee joints in obese bo ys and nonobese boys, Medical Science Monitoring, 14 (3): 129-135, 2008 6. Fong DTP, Hong Y, Li J.X (in press). Lower extremity preventive measures to slips – joint moments and myoeletric analysis. Ergonomics, 51(12): 1830-1846, 2008 7. Fong DTP, Mao DW, Li J.X, Hong Y. Greater toe grip and gentler heel strike are the st rategies to adapt to slippery surface. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(4):838-44., 2008 8. Lu, C., Sylvestre, J., Melnychuk, N., & Li, J.X., East meets West: Chinese-Canadians’ perspectives on health and fitness. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 99(1), 22-25, 2008 9. Hong, Y., Li, J.X, Fong, D.T.P. Effect of prolonged walking with backpack loads on tru nk muscle activity and fatigue in children. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiolog 6

y 18(6): 990-996, 2008 10. Li, J.X., Hong, Y., Kinematic and Electromyographic Analysis of the Trunk and Lower Limbs during Walking in Negative-Heeled Shoes, Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 97 (6), 447-456, 2007 11. Hong, Y. & Li, J.X. Biomechanics of Tai Chi: A Review. Sports Biomechanics, 6(3): 45 3-464, 2007 12. Fong DTP, Hong Y, Li JX, Chan KM. Cushioning and lateral stability functions of cloth sport shoes. Sports Biomechanics, (6)3: 407-417, 2007 13. Mao, D.W., Li, J.X., Hong, Y., Plantar pressure distribution during Tai Chi exercise, Ac hieves of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 87(6): 814-820, 2006 14. Mao, D.W., Li, J.X., Hong, Y., The duration and plantar pressure distribution during one-leg stance in Tai Chi exercise, Clinical Biomechanics. 21: 640-645, 2006 15. Xu, D.Q., Hong, Y., Li, J.X., Effects of long-term Tai Chi practice and jogging exercise on muscle strength and endurance in older people, British journal of Sports Medicine. 40: 50-54, 2006 16. Mao, D.W., Li, J.X., Hong, Y., The characteristics of foot movement in Tai Chi exercise. Physical Therapy. 86: 215-222, 2006 17. Fong, D.T.P., Hong, Y., Li, J.X., Lower extremity gait kinematics on slippery surfaces in construction worksite, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 37: 447-454, 2005 18. Hong, Y., Li, J.X., Influence of load and carrying methods on gait phase and ground reactions in children’s stair walking, Gait & Posture. 22: 63-68, 2005 19. Xu, D.Q., Hong, Y., Li, J.X., Effect of regular Tai Chi and jogging exercise on neuromuscular reaction in old people, Age and Ageing. 34: 439-444, 2005 20. Liu, M., Li, J.X., Qin, L., Lee, K.M., Chan, K.M., Oxidative stress status during single hindlimb immobilization and remobilization in rabbit. Clinical Orthopaedic and Related Research. 434: 246-250, 2005 21. Xu, D.Q., Hong, Y., Li, J.X., Chan, K.M., Effect of Tai Chi Exercise on Proprioception of Ankle and Knee Joints in Old People, British Journal of Sports Medicine. 38: 50-54, 2004 22. Li, J.X., Hong, Y., Age difference in trunk kinematics during walking with different backpack weights in 6- to 12-year-old children. Research in Sports Medicine: an International Journal. 135-142, 2004 7