... Italian, German-Austrian, Russian, Scandinavian, French- Canadian, Spanish-Hispanic and Jewish). ... WAR DAY! ... lo
PROGRAMS FOR SCHOOLS Stanley-Whitman House
September 2017
History in the Digital Age It’s More Exciting Than Ever! “We can’t thank you
Teachers and their students can explore history like never before! Touch, smell, and feel the tools, textures and foods of the past. Listen to and debate with a person whose viewpoint is centuries-old. Discover antique treasures with stories to tell.
enough for the best fieldtrip we’ve taken this year! Our ‘Colonial Day’ was filled with
At Stanley-Whitman House, students explore, discover and question. They connect with the past in a critical way so they can envision their own futures. That is what we do best! Give us a call to talk about how our programs can inspire your students and assist you in reaching your classroom and curriculum goals.
excitement, learning and wonderful treats!” St. Bridget’s School, Cheshire
Contact Joann Zeisner, Education Coordinator, at
[email protected] or 860-677-9222 x 304.
Programs for Students in Pre K-12
New Trunk Shows Come to Your Classroom!
What Do You Need? Let Us Help!
How to Book a Program
Our most popular Revolutionary War Program! From Our Point of View
PROGRAMS AT THE MUSEUM Keep in mind that all programs can be modified to fit your students’ needs—give us a call! Chaperones are free. Programs can be combined to create a full-day experience for students. A FARMINGTON HARVEST PK-Grade 3 (2 hours) Available in October-November Only. $8 a student Wool, Linen, Leather & Fur: Touch the materials used to make clothing, see what boys & girls w ore, & try a piece on yourself! The Three Sisters: Discover the crops planted by Colonists & Native Americans and plant a corn seed! Harvest in the Kitchen: Visit the 1720 house kitchen to learn about food and how it was preserved for the long winter. COLONIAL LIFE K-Grade 4 (2 hours) For a maximum of up to 30 students. $8 a student Become a child in the 18th century! Tour the 1720 Historic House, play with Colonial toys & games, learn about cloth & clothing ,and discover how food was grown, stored and cooked. LISTEN TO THE GRAVESTONES Grades 4-8 (1.5 hours) For a maximum of 30 students. $7 a student Discover the changing art on early historic headstones & decipher the meanings of the symbols. Investigate the types of stone & listen to stories about the real people who lived in Farmington. Make rubbings of headstone replicas. Indoor program. OPEN HEARTH COOKING Grades 6-12 (3 hours) For a maximum of 15 students. $20 a student Students create a meal while learning the essential elements of hearth cooking. Choose a Traditional Colonial Menu or an Immigrant Influences Menu highlighting four immigrant groups from Connecticut’s diverse cultural history (African, Irish, Polish, Italian, German-Austrian, Russian, Scandinavian, FrenchCanadian, Spanish-Hispanic and Jewish).
Grades 4-8 (2 hours) A maximum of 35 students. Experience the year 1774 through 4 people who made different choices. Debate with Loyalist Matthias Leaming; Assist Patriot Sarah Gridley; Learn about Pharoah’s fight for liberty; Decode a secret message carried by soldier Amos Wasdworth! Create a REVOLUTIONARY WAR DAY! (5 Hours) $16 a student Includes: *Open Hearth Cooking *Colonial Garden Activity *Colonial Clothing *From Our Point of View (description above)
We are dedicated to... Fostering student appreciation of the role their community played in local American history. Inspiring students through highly interactive and exciting hands-on experiences. Sparking critical thought, analysis and inquiry. Modifying learning strategies to engage students of all ages and developmental levels. Engaging students using authentic research methods, artifacts and primary source materials.
COMING SOON — NEWLY REVISED! Farmington’s Tribe: The Tunxis
PROGRAMS AT THE MUSEUM Exploring Primary Resources - Grades 7-12 (2 hours) For a maximum of 30 students. $9 a student Students explore the 1720 house in small groups and learn how to research primary sources to create their own family histories. Decoding History: The Civil War—Grades 7-12 (2 hours) For a maximum of 30 students. $9 a student Dressing a Woman & Man: An entertaining approach to understanding the era’s social culture from the inside-out. The Unfortunate 16th CT: A riveting story comes alive through authentic research, artifacts and period images. The Civil War & Photography: Analyze Matthew Brady’s war photographs & examine how this new technology affected the war. Civics Review (with a Colonial twist!) Grades 9-Adult (1.5 hours) For a maximum of 25 students. $8 a student Meet Patriot Sarah Gridley, who will review Early American history, covering topics typically included on a naturalization exam. Great preparatory & excellent for ESL adult learners! The Underground Railroad Grades 7-12 (1 hour) For a maximum of 20 students $7 a student Small group collaborative activity using secret codes to guide a fugitive’s safe passage through Farmington.
For Grades 3-8
Examine the prehistoric and historic peoples who were Farmington’s original settlers, using archaeological material & primary research presented by experts.
Herb Garden [seasonal] with Historic House Discovery Grades 5-9 (1.5 hours) For maximum of 30 students. $8 a student Small group collaborative activities focused on herbs & their uses, and exploration of the historic house through essential questions. The Farmington River: YOUR Natural Resource Grades 3-7 (2.5 hours) For a maximum of 25 students. $14 a student How healthy is the river? Students sample the river onsite, analyze these in a “lab,” then study how the river was used over time. Using this information, students develop a plan for assuring the river’s future health. A unique program combining science & history! See next page for Trunk Programs
New Trunk Shows! In your classroom Two Options Based on Class Size: (1) For ONE class up to 30 students with 1 museum educator = $75 plus round-trip mileage (50 cents a mile) (2) For TWO classes up to 60 students with 2 museum educators = $100 plus round-trip mileage (50 cents a mile) Colonial Clothing & Toys Grades K-4 (1 hour) Students learn about Colonial children’s clothing & view examples (30 min). Demonstrations of games & toys played by Colonial children with time to play with toys themselves (30 min.). What is It? Grades 2-6 (1 hour) Students discover objects from the Colonial period by viewing reproductions: a woman’s pocket, a haversack & a hornbook. (30 min.). The important fiber, wool, is explored by handling wool fleece, learning how to card, and using a drop spindle to create yarn (30 min.).
Contact Us Contact us for more information, to book a program, ideas on modifying for your students & to create a full-day experience. Stanley-Whitman House 37 High Street Farmington, CT 06032 (860) 677-9222 x304 Joann Zeisner Education Coordinator
[email protected] www.stanleywhitman.org Find Us On Facebook & Instagram
Where History Lives!
Stanley-Whitman House 37 High Street Farmington, CT 06032