Small Blanket Book bag 2 containers disinfecting wipes 1 baby wipes 2 large boxes of tissues 2 hand sanitizer 2 liquid soap 1 roll of paper towels 1 box Ziploc bags (sandwich size) An extra change of clothes in a labeled bag A small family photo 1 composition book (wide ruled) 2 folders without prongs Kindergarten
Large clear or mesh book bag (no rolling book bags, please) 1 box tissues 1 large bottle hand sanitizer 1 bottle liquid soap 1 box of 16 or 24 Crayola crayons (skinny) #2 pencils, Ticonderoga 1 bottle Elmer’s glue (4 oz.) 2-pocket poly (plastic) folder with prongs Primary journal composition book Headphones (for computer labno earbuds please) 1 ream of white copier paper Girls – Quart Ziploc Bags Boys – Ziploc Gallon Bags Clorox wipes
Second Grade
2 boxes of 24 #2 pencils 2 large boxes of tissues 1 box of 24-count crayons 2 bottles of hand sanitizer glue sticks 5 composition notebooks Zippered pouch Ruler (cm & inches) Safety scissors 1 pk. of wide ruled notebook paper 4 3-pronged pocket folders (red, green, yellow and blue) Long pink eraser (optional) 2 boxes Ziploc bags (1 sandwich, 1 gallon) 1 container disinfecting wipes Headphones – No earbuds 1 black Sharpie marker 1 ream copy paper $5.00 for Scholastic News
2 boxes of Kleenex 1 bottle hand sanitizer 4 large glue stick 3 packs of 3x5 index cards 3 packs of 3x5 sticky notes 1 box of quart size baggies 2 3-subject notebooks 1 ream of copy paper 6 plastic folders with pockets and prongs (red, yellow, orange, blue, green & purple) 1 pack of Crayola crayons 1 ruler 1 safety scissor 1 box washable markers Several packs #2 pencils Several packs wide-ruled loose leaf paper 1 clear/mesh book bag 1 pair earbuds/earphones 1 large container Clorox wipes 1 protractor
For students to keep in book bag:
Third Grade 2 packs of 24 count pencils (Ticonderoga preferred) 2 large box of tissues 1 box of 24 count Crayola crayons 4 big erasers (pink or white) 1 bottle of liquid soap (12 oz.) 1 4 oz. Elmer’s glue 1 safety scissor 4 3-prong plastic folders 5 composition notebooks 2 primary lined composition notebooks Headphones – in a plastic bag labeled with your child’s name 1 disinfecting wipes 1 plastic supply box 1 box colored pencils 1 3-ring pencil pouch 2 packs index cards
Fifth Grade
First Grade
Fourth Grade
pencil pouch Pencils (20) Sharpener with “catcher” Glue sticks (4) Crayons Ruler Scissors Gum eraser 6 composition books Folders with pockets (2 green, 2 blue & 2 yellow) 2 packs wide ruled paper Ear phones 4 bottles hand sanitizer 4 boxes tissues Girls: 4 dry eraser markers Boys: Ziploc bags (Quart or Gallon) 1 container Lysol wipes 1 pack index cards
2 packs of notebook paper 1 pack of 24 #2 pencils 6 composition books 4 folders (vinyl/plastic 3 prongs w/2 pockets) To be collected: headphones 1 jump drive 1 pair safety scissors 3 box tissues 2 packs Clorox wipes 2 reams of paper 3 boxes of tissues 2 bottles hand sanitizer 1 box of snack size Ziploc bags