School Supply List

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From school to the world: All students prepared for productive futures. Hodge Elementary School Supply List ... Writing
From school to the world: All students prepared for productive futures

Hodge Elementary School Supply List Pre-Kindergarten 2 boxes ziplock bags 2 boxes Kleenex 3 rolls paper towels 2 bottles liquid soap 1 bottle hand sanitizer

3 containers baby wipes 1 folder w/inside pockets 1 box tall kitchen trash bags 1 towel for naptime a change of clothes

clear/mesh book bag (no rolling book bags please)

Kindergarten 2 boxes fat pencils 4 boxes crayons 4 boxes tissues 5 glue sticks 1 pencil box

2 pocket folders 1 pair safety scissors 1 clear/mesh book bag 5 bottles hand sanitizer 2 composition notebooks

Grade One pencils ruler: cm and inches Eraser crayons supply box clear/mesh book bag

tissues eraser hand sanitizer white glue or stick safety scissors

Grade Two pencils ruler: cm and inches crayons supply box clear/mesh book bag

tissues zippered pouch hand sanitizer white glue or stick safety scissors

composition notebook pocket folders loose leaf paper 3 one subject notebooks index cards

index cards 5 tab dividers

Grade Three 3-prong folders (3 for each subject) Reading/Language Arts Note: Please do not get loose leaf binders or 5-subject notebooks. Writing they do fit inside the desks. Math Science Social Studies loose leaf paper crayons pencils rulers markers

colored pencils 1 pack index cards clear tape pencil box crayon box

scissors glue erasers multiplication flash cards division flash cards

2 rolls paper towels 2 boxes tissue 2 bottles hand sanitizer 3 display boards (for projects)

crayons glue composition notebook supply box index cards

white glue or sticks highlighters tissues clear/mesh book bag

Grade Four sixteen folders w/ prongs and pockets loose leaf paper red/black or blue ink pens 12” ruler inches and centimeters Safety scissors

Grade Five 1 composition book for each subject Language Arts Math Science Social Studies

3 packs of pencils 2 pens (black or blue only) colored pencils or markers mesh or clear backpack 3 ring binders

4 packs lined paper Pre-Algebra 1 ruler 2 packs pencils 2 pocket folders 4 packs paper 1 ruler 1” gray binder