KINDERGARTEN.. 6 boxes of 24 count CRAYOLA brand crayons (NOT. JUMBO).. 6 small glue sticks.. 2 boxes of Kleenex.. 1 box
6 boxes of 24 count CRAYOLA brand crayons (NOT JUMBO) 6 small glue sticks 2 boxes of Kleenex 1 box of Ticonderoga #2 pencils regular size (no designs please) Disinfectant wipes (any brand) Paper/folder fee $4.00
Please send your child with a large size backpack that DOES NOT have wheels. BOYS:
1 box of GALLON size Ziploc bags 1 package of cap erasers
1 box of Quart size bags 1 package of washable Crayola markers
OPTIONAL SUPPLIES: (These are not required, but donations would be greatly appreciated.)
Baby wipes Paper towels Post-it Notes Package of black (pen style) Expo Markers Treasure Chest reward items: Dollar Tree has great items – bouncy balls, bubbles, rings, toy cars, coloring books, and McDonald’s or Chick-Fil-A kids meal toys.
$20.00 School Fee – payable at “Back to School” night or beginning of school
4 boxes of crayons (16 or 24 count) 1 box of colored pencils 1 pallet of watercolors 6 Elmer’s glue sticks 4 packages of pre-sharpened pencils (NO MECHANICAL PENCILS) 1 large box of pencil top erasers 1 pair Fiskar brand scissors 2 large boxes of Kleenex 1 Mead Composition Notebook 1 ream of white copy paper (8 ½ x 11) 1 zipper pencil pouch (NO BOXES) 1 bottle hand sanitizer (MUST BE ALCOHOL FREE) 1 blue 2 pocket folder 1 red 2 pocket folder 1 pair of earbuds or headphones
4 spiral, one subject notebooks 1 pair Fiskar brand scissors 6 glue sticks 1 pencil pouch (NO BOXES) 1 pack of pencil top erasers Dry erase markers (4 pack – black or multicolored) 1 clipboard 2 packs Ticonderoga #2 pencils, 24ct (NO MECHANICAL PENCILS) 1 ream of white copy paper 2 boxes of Kleenex 1 pack of loose leaf, wide ruled notebook paper 4 boxes of crayons Plastic folders, hole punched: red, blue, green Band-aids Headphones or Earbuds
1 box of Ziploc quart size baggies
1 box of Ziploc gallon size bags
1 box of Ziploc gallon size baggies
1 box of Ziploc quart size bags
Reams of white copy paper Baby wipes/Lysol wipes Paper towels
$20.00 School Fee – payable at “Back to School” night or beginning of school
1 binder (1 to 1 ½ inch)
$20.00 School Fee – payable at “Back to School” night or beginning of school
The items with (**) are used most often and extras are always greatly appreciated.
1 composition notebook 2 spiral notebooks 3 packages of Ticonderoga pencils (NO MECHANICAL PENCILS) 2 large boxes of Kleenex 1 pack of pencil top erasers 4 plastic pocket folders (1 of each color – red, blue, green, orange) 1 zipper pencil pouch (NO BOXES) 4 boxes of 24 count CRAYOLA brand crayons 4 glue sticks 1 pack of four fine tip black dry erase markers 1 zipper pencil pouch (NO BOXES) Hand sanitizer (MUST BE ALCOHOL FREE) Ear buds $3.00 for Agenda book
OPTIONAL: Extra supplies are always appreciated
Clorox wipes Post-it notes Dry erase markers Band-aids Crayola markers Colored pencils Fiskar scissors Wide ruled notebook paper
Tennis Shoes are required for P.E., BACKPACKS are required and MUST fit in the locker (NO WHEELS) Please write your child’s name on their folders, notebooks, pencil pouch, boxes of crayons $20.00 School Fee – payable at “Back to School” night or beginning of school
2 boxes of CRAYOLA crayons (24 pack) 1 (10 pack) of CRAYOLA markers 1 pair of scissors with sharp point 2 packs of pencil top erasers 1 zipper pencil pouch (NO BOXES) 3 packs of Ticonderoga #2 pencils 4 Mead Composition Notebooks 4 large boxes of Kleenex 4 glue sticks 1 small package of highlighters 2 packs of loose leaf wide ruled notebook paper 5 plastic pocket folders (plastic lasts longer) 1 of each color – red, blue, green, yellow, and purple $3.00 for Agenda book
1 box of crayons (24 count) ** 2 packs Expo markers (at least 4 in a pack) 1 pair of scissors with sharp point 4 packs of pencil top erasers 1 large zipper pencil pouch (NO BOXES) ** 5 packs of Ticonderoga or Dixon brand #2 pencils (NO MECHANICAL PENCILS) 3 Mead Composition Notebooks ** 3 large boxes of Kleenex 2 Elmer’s glue sticks 3 packs of loose leaf paper 4 plastic folders (red, blue, green, yellow) 1 pack of highlighters $3.00 for Agenda book ** 2 boxes of Band-aids ** Clorox wipes ** Hand sanitizer (MUST BE ALCOHOL FREE)
Tennis Shoes are required for P.E., BACKPACKS are required and MUST fit in the locker (NO WHEELS)
Lysol/Clorox disinfecting wipes 6-8 pack of black Expo markers
Pump bottle of hand sanitizer (ALCOHOL FREE) 4 pack of square Post-it notes (any color)
OPTIONAL: Extra supplies are always appreciated
Quart size bags, Band-aids, Prizes for treasure chest: bouncy balls, fun pencils, stickers, etc.
Tennis Shoes are required for P.E., BACKPACKS are required and MUST fit in the locker (NO WHEELS) ***NO BINDERS, NO MECHANICAL PENCILS, DO NOT BRING FIDGET SPINNERS TO SCHOOL!!*** Please do NOT write your child’s name on the supplies! $20.00 School Fee – payable at “Back to School” night or beginning of school
Please do NOT write your child’s name on the supplies! $20.00 School Fee – payable at “Back to School” night or beginning of school