Don't forget to wear your Orange or Pink in support of breast cancer. and anti-bullying for the month of October on Tues
HSAWH EVENT‘S AND HAPPENINGS SCHOOL WEEK 9 October 12, 2015 to October 16, 2015 Monday October 12, 2015: • • • • •
No School due to staff development day School gym will be opened to host basketball tryouts. 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm HS Boys Basketball Tryouts 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm MS Boys Basketball Tryouts 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm MS / HS Girls Basketball Tryouts
Tuesday October 13th: 5:30 pm - MS Girls Volleyball Game HSAWH vs Calvin Nelms (Home Game) 6:30 pm - HS Girls Volleyball Game HSAWH vs YES Prep North Central (Home Game) Last Volleyball Home games. The ticket price is $2 for all individuals sixth grade and older with free entry for everyone in 5th grade and below. Please come out and support our school teams ***CONCESSIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE*** !!!GO WILDCATS!!! Don't forget to wear your Orange or Pink in support of breast cancer and anti-bullying for the month of October on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Only $1 per day. Money will be collected in the mornings as students walk into school. PRE-ORDER your “FALL FESTIVAL” tickets TODAY til Wednesday October 28th!! Simply click on the school website
HSAWH EVENT‘S AND HAPPENINGS SCHOOL WEEK 9 October 12, 2015 to October 16, 2015 which will direct you to the order form. Once you complete your order please finalize your order by sending a check (with driver licence number and made out to HSAWH) with your student. Your student can drop off the check at the front office, receipt will be provided. On the day of FALL FESTIVAL Oct. 30th, you can avoid the ticket line by pre-ordering your tickers.
Wednesday October 14th: 8:00 am – 8:30 am 4A Mrs. Chen Class breakfast All 4A parents are invited to have breakfast with their student, teacher, and administrators at cafeteria A. For details contact Mrs. Chen
[email protected] (all parents are required to bring a valid identification card and sign in at the front reception desk) Parents may park at the court house across the school. Please use the parking facing the street. 3:20 pm - 4:20 pm 4th & 5th Grade Sports Dance Club in cafeteria B Don't forget to wear your Orange or Pink in support of breast cancer and anti-bullying for the month of October on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Only $1 per day. Money will be collected in the mornings as students walk into school.
PSAT for 8th – 11th Grade Students: Parents of 8th – 11th grade students please have your student get a good night sleep the night
HSAWH EVENT‘S AND HAPPENINGS SCHOOL WEEK 9 October 12, 2015 to October 16, 2015 prior and have student eat a wholesome breakfast and arrive to school om time the day of testing. ***ALL PSAT TESTING STUDENTS MUST BRING A GRAPHIC OR SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR IF POSSIBLE*** Thursday October 15th: 8:00 am – 8:30 am 4B Ms. Mumphrey Class Breakfast. All 4B parents are invited to have breakfast with their student, teacher, and administrators at cafeteria A. For details contact Ms. Mumphrey
[email protected] all parents are required to bring a valid identification card and sign in at the front reception desk) Parents may park at the court house across the school. Please use the parking facing the street. Friday October 16th: 8:30 am Senior’s Graduation Picture Day: All Seniors please dress in “Professional Attire” for your picture. Send NO money on picture day! About two weeks after the pictures are taken, we will send home a proof and order envelope for your approval. A variety of packages will be available. Kinder – 12th Grade Report Cards to be mailed home. Save the Date • Monday November 9th: "Picture Retakes Day"!!
HSAWH EVENT‘S AND HAPPENINGS SCHOOL WEEK 9 October 12, 2015 to October 16, 2015 • Monday October 19th: "Read Across the Globe" HSAWH students along with other Harmony School will attempt to break the Guinness World Record by all reading at the same time the same book. • Friday October 30th: Fall Festival Pre-Order your Tickets today. GO to
HSAWH Stars off the week by celebrating “National School Lunch Week” Please read the following nutritional facts: TUESDAY: “Discover the Great Plate of Texas with a Healthy
Lunch” during National School Lunch Week. A serving of milk on your lunch tray is a sign that you have a healthy lunch. Milk is good for bones. Did you know the smallest bones in your body are inside your ears and you cannot see them? You need these tiny bones to hear. The biggest bone is in your leg and you need it to stand up. Every bone in your body needs what is found in milk to make them strong. Milk is a dairy product and it is used to make cheese and yogurt. Each year Texas dairies produce enough milk to fill the Dallas Cowboys’ stadium 1 ½ times. WEDNESDAY: For National School Lunch Week we are going to get on the road to healthy muscles as we “Discover the Great Plate of Texas with a Healthy Lunch.” Muscles do more than help you lift heavy books or run around the gym. Did you know your heart is a muscle that works all the time? Also, one of your strongest muscles is in your jaw and it helps you bite into a healthy lunch and chew it up. When you chew things like meat,
HSAWH EVENT‘S AND HAPPENINGS SCHOOL WEEK 9 October 12, 2015 to October 16, 2015 eggs and beans you get protein you need to build healthy muscles. Beef is an excellent source of protein and Texas ranchers produce enough beef each year to make more than 17 billion hamburger patties which, when laid side by side, would stretch to the moon and back two times. THURSDAY: Our trip to “Discover the Great Plate of Texas with a Healthy Lunch” goes on today. Did you know healthy foods are good for your skin? That is important because skin is amazing. It is a waterproof barrier protecting your insides. It lets you feel things with touch like heat and cold. Skin sweats so you don’t over heat on a summer day. Fruit has a skin too, that you can call a peel. Texas farmers grow lots of fruit, such as grapefruits and oranges that are rich in vitamin C which helps your skin to stay strong and smooth. National School Lunch Week is almost over but there is still more to discover about healthy foods. FRIDAY: We have “Discovered the Great Plate of Texas” for National School Lunch Week. We found that a healthy plate has fruits, vegetables, grains, protein and dairy. Remember the fab five works together to help us have hard bones, strong muscles, healthy skin and thinking brains. Eating just one and not the others does not give us the energy we need. Eat Texas grapefruit and whole grains for breakfast or Texas spinach and beef for lunch. Getting three servings of dairy during the day is best. All these foods have different nutrients and when we mix healthy Texas foods you can be your best. Working together to “Discover the Great Plate of Texas with a Healthy Lunch” this week has been fun. Now we can build a strong and healthy you by using the
HSAWH EVENT‘S AND HAPPENINGS SCHOOL WEEK 9 October 12, 2015 to October 16, 2015 discoveries we made this week to fill our plates with a healthy lunch each and every day.