Science 10 Course Outline Science 10 Course Outline - NKEC

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Science 10 Course Outline. Mr. B. Barton. Mr. B. Barton [email protected]. ca. Room # 208. Welcome to Science 10! I am really looking forward to our year ...
Science 10 Course Outline Mr. B. Barton [email protected] Room # 208

Welcome to Science 10! I am really looking forward to our year together! The aim of science education in the Atlantic provinces is to develop scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is an evolving combination of the science related attitudes, skills and knowledge students need to develop inquiry, problem solving, and decision making abilities to become life-long learners and to maintain a sense of wonder about the world. Throughout the year we will be working towards an understanding of the processes involved in scientific inquiry while relating science to technology, society, and the environment. Science 10 includes the following units: (1) Sustainability of Ecosystems (SOE), (2) Chemical Reactions, (3) Motion, and (4) Weather Dynamics. Throughout these four units, there will be many opportunities for you to explore, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, appreciate, and understand the interrelationships among science, technology, society, and the environment that will affect your personal life, your possible choice of career, and definitely your future. Guidelines for Success: o Classroom Protocol 1. Attend all classes and make efficient use of class time to complete the required activities, assignments, and projects. 2. If materials, instruction, or assignments are missed due to absence, get extra help with and complete the missed work as soon as you return. This may only take one or two noon hours but is much better than being perpetually behind in class. Make it your responsibility to ask about missed work. 3. Have respect for others and their property. 4. No food or drinks (pop, tea, coffee) in the classroom. I do permit water. 5. Do not leave the room without permission and do not ask to leave early. 6. Lab time is to be used wisely and is not for socializing or recreation. 7. Listen carefully to instructions and focus on the work at hand. 8. I expect an atmosphere of mutual respect and consideration in this room. This means that when you ask a question or otherwise communicate with me, I will give you my full attention. I expect the same in return. 9. Work quietly interacting with others only if the activity requires collaboration. Copying another student’s work is prohibited and will be monitored closely.

10. Come prepared with notes, pens/pencils, paper, etc. 11. Treat the resources used in the classroom/lab properly. Any problems with the computer hardware/software, lab equipment, etc need to be reported to the staff member present. Do not attempt to fix it yourself! o Homework, projects, and assignments: 12. Due dates are to be observed. Marks are lost on a daily basis for 2 days, and after that a zero will be assigned. Copied work is not acceptable. 13. Test dates will be given usually a week before the test date. 14. It is recommended that you spend 10-15 minutes a day reviewing concepts covered regardless of whether or not you have been assigned homework. 15. Assignments are given regularly. Some assignments involve group work, while others are done independently. Assignments may be given a mark or given a check for completion. All work must be legible and clearly identified. 16. Pass your work in at the beginning of class. Do not do late work during class time as new work is being covered and you will fall further behind. Home work must be done at home or during free time outside of class. Work passed in after class has formally started will lose one mark. 17. Extra help sessions will be scheduled by appointment and will take place in the classroom at noon hour. If you are unable to keep an appointment, notify your teacher as soon as possible. 18. Extra help is not a magic solution to problems. It is your day-to-day efforts that promote successful learning. Keep on top of your responsibilities for your own learning and ask questions as they occur! Evaluation Scheme: Term 1: 40% Term 2: 40% Final Exam: 20% _______________ Total: 100% The breakdown of the mark in each term will be as follows: Binder………………………………………………….......15% Submitted assignments, labs, quizzes………………….55% Tests………………………………………………………..30% Please feel free to approach me at any time with your problems and/or concerns regarding this course and we will set a convenient time to discuss possible solutions to your problems. Best of luck with the course!!