This course builds on an elementary knowledge of chemistry (equivalent to one
year of ... Hess' Law, free energy, and its relationship to equilibrium position, and
to the potential of ... laboratory experiments, the treatment of data and report
preparation. ... diagrams; cell notation; cell potential; Batteries, Nernst equation;
cell ...
Table of Contents 1. Information about the Course ..................................................................................................... 2 2. Staff Involved in the Course ....................................................................................................... 2 3. Course Details ............................................................................................................................ 3 4. Rationale and Strategies Underpinning the Course ................................................................... 5 5. Course Schedule ....................................................................................................................... 6 6. Assessment Tasks and Feedback ............................................................................................. 7 7. Additional Resources and Support ............................................................................................. 8 8. Required Equipment, Training and Enabling Skills .................................................................... 8 9. Course Evaluation and Development ......................................................................................... 9 10. Administration Matters ............................................................................................................ 10 10. UNSW Academic Honesty and Plagiarism ............................................................................ 11
Faculty of Science - Course Outline 1. Information about the Course NB: Some of this information is available on the UNSW Handbook1
Year of Delivery
Course Code
Chemistry A
Course Name
School of Chemistry
Academic Unit
Level 1
Level of Course
Units of Credit
S1 & S2
Session(s) Offered Assumed Knowledge, Prerequisites or Corequisites
Assumed knowledge: chemistry to year 11 HSC, or equivalent. 6 HPW
Hours per Week
12 weeks in 13 week pattern.
Number of Weeks
Commencement Date
Week 1, Monday 3 March 2014
Summary of Course Structure (for details see 'Course Schedule') Component
Lectures Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Laboratory Tutorials
2 1
11am 3pm 1pm As enrolled As enrolled
Tue Wed Fri As enrolled As enrolled
Clancy Auditorium Clancy Auditorium Clancy Auditorium As enrolled As enrolled
Individual lecturers will present an overview of the course, and will give more specific solutions to selected problems in class. Students are expected to attempt tutorial questions before each class. Tutors will cover selected tut questions, with regard to students’ difficulties. Some examination questions may be drawn from tutorial questions.
Special Details
2. Staff Involved in the Course Staff Course Convenor
Name Dr Luke Hunter
Contact Details
[email protected]
Consultation Times By appointment
Additional Teaching Staff
Lecturers & Facilitators
Dr Graham Ball Dr Alex Donald A/Prof Steve Colbran To be allocated.
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Contact in tutorials, labs.
By appointment By appointment By appointment
Mr Michael McMahon
ChemSci 133, Tel. 9385 4686 Dalton 104
[email protected]
By appointment
Tutors & Demonstrators Technical & Laboratory Staff Student Support Manager
Mr Steve Yannoulatos
By appointment
UNSW Online Handbook:
3. Course Details 2
Course Description (Handbook Entry)
Course Aims
Student Learning 4 Outcomes
This course builds on an elementary knowledge of chemistry (equivalent to one year of high school chemistry, such as Year 11 chemistry, or CHEM1001 at UNSW) to explore the quantum mechanical structure of atoms leading to an understanding of the periodic trends in the properties of the elements. This knowledge is applied to understanding chemical bonding and intermolecular forces which together are responsible for determining the properties of materials. General principles of chemical equilibrium are developed and applied to chemical reactions involving acids and bases. The applications of the laws of Thermodynamics to chemical processes are described and ultimately linked to chemical equilibrium. The course concludes with an overview of chemical reactions involving electron transfer, including their applications in biology, corrosion and energy storage for portable electronic devices.
CHEM1011, Chemistry A, aims to give a basic understanding of the principles of chemistry that underlie the behaviour of matter. It builds on the chemical knowledge gained at High School , the Chemistry Bridging Course, or in CHEM1001. The course seeks to provide a basic understanding of atoms and molecules, introduces chemical naming, introduces the mole concept and ideas of solution concentrations, explores the basic types of chemical reactions and provides some models for understanding structures of molecules, and how structure relates to bonding and bulk properties. The course also treats phases and solution behaviour, equilibrium and redox reactions. Thermochemistry is also important, examining heat, enthalpy, entropy, Hess’ Law, free energy, and its relationship to equilibrium position, and to the potential of electrochemical and electrolytic cells.
At a successful completion of this course the student should have: • A strong grounding in the language of chemistry, including symbols, formulae, equations, solution concentrations and mole calculations. • An understanding of the properties of gases and ability to perform calculations for gas reactions and manipulations. • an understanding of the origins and characteristics of the types of chemical bonding, and the molecular and non-molecular structures that arise from bonding. • an understanding of how molecular structure determines the types and strengths of intermolecular forces, and the resultant bulk physical properties. • Wide-ranging methods of understanding and quantifying chemical species in chemical equilibria: for acids, bases, buffers, salts, solutes, and metal complexes - including interactions between these types of equilibria. • A comprehensive thermochemical knowledge, by examining enthalpy, entropy, free energy, and their relationships to equilibrium position, and to the potential of electrochemical and electrolytic cells. • an understanding of electrochemical cells, redox reactions and their importance to corrosion, batteries and electrochemical industry. • From the lab component, the student should have gained experience in the conduct of laboratory experiments, the treatment of data and report preparation.
Graduate Attributes Developed in this Course
Science Graduate 5 Attributes
Select the level of FOCUS
Activities / Assessment
Research, inquiry and analytical thinking abilities
Emphasised throughout course, particularly through means of practical skills gained during the Laboratory work. Critical assessment of practical reports
Capability and motivation for intellectual development
Students are encouraged to be enquiring in Lecture, Tutorial and Laboratory classes.
UNSW Handbook: Learning and Teaching Unit: Course Outlines 4 Learning and Teaching Unit: Learning Outcomes 5 Contextualised Science Graduate Attributes 3
Ethical, social and professional understanding
Emphasised throughout course, particularly at each submission of a laboratory report.
Discussion of lab techniques with demonstrator. Write-up of practicals and constructive assessment of practical reports.
3 Laboratory work is directed mainly to the development of individual skills, although some experiments develop teamwork skills.
Teamwork, collaborative and management skills 1 Information literacy
Attention is drawn to instances of relevant chemistry-related articles in the news media.
Major Topics (Syllabus Outline)
Atoms and their structure. Nomenclature of simple organic and inorganic ions. Stoichiometry and balancing equations Mole Concept. Solution Stoichiometry Empirical vs Molecular formula; Percentage composition by mass. Common reagents and their reactions (acids, bases (Bronsted), oxides, carbonates). Gases: properties, diffusion. Ideal gas law; determination of molar mass; density. Gas mixtures: partial pressures, Dalton's law. Atomic spectroscopy, Hydrogen spectrum, Rydberg equation. Quantum mechanical principles and the quantum mechanical model of the atom. Orbitals and quantum numbers from the Schrödinger equation. Electronic configurations of atoms; Pauli exclusion principle, Hund's rule. Electronic configurations and the periodic table. Configurations of ions. Diamagnetic and paramagnetic species. Isoelectronic species. Periodicity of atomic and ionic sizes, ionization energies and electron affinities. Introduction to bonding: electronegativity and bond polarity. Bond types (metallic, ionic, covalent). Lewis diagrams; electron deficient & expanded valence shell species Lewis Structures Resonance structures; formal charges. VSEPR theory and molecular shape; polarity of molecules. Valence bond theory, hydridized orbitals. Sigma and pi bonds, multiple bonds. Delocalisation. Intermolecular forces: dipole–dipole, dispersion forces, hydrogen bonds. Deviations from ideal gas laws; van der Waals equation; a and b constants. States of matter: Comparison of properties of solids, liquids and gases; Solids - types (atomic, molecular, ionic, metallic, network); crystalline vs amorphous.Liquids - general description; viscosity and surface tension. Properties of solutions: energy changes on dissolution, solubility, 'like dissolves like', Raoult's law, ideal and non ideal solutions; positive and negative deviations from Raoult's law. Distillation. Equilibrium: Definition of K; K for combinations of reactions. Le Chatelier’s principle. General calculations using K; use of approximations to simplify algebra; Acid/base (definitions; Lewis, Bronsted), pH, pOH, Kw, pKw; strong acid and base solutions; Ka, Kb; pKa, pKb pH of weak acid and base solutions, hydrolysis of salts, buffers. Acid-base titrations. Thermodynamics: System and surroundings. Heat and heat capacity; endothermic and exothermic processes. Internal energy, work and the First law. Enthalpy, qp, and qv; internal energy change and enthalpy change. Calorimetry. Standard enthalpies of sublimation, fusion, vaporization. Hess’ law, enthalpies of formation, enthalpy changes for chemical reactions, enthalpy of combustion. Enthalpy of atomization, ionization enthalpy; electron affinity; bond energy; lattice enthalpy; Entropy. Entropy changes for phase transitions and chemical reactions. Definition of Gibbs energy, Gibbs energy changes for chemical reactions, relation to equilibrium, temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant K. Redox reactions and electrochemistry: Definitions (oxidation, reduction, oxidising agent, reducing agent) oxidation numbers, balancing ion-electron half equations. Standard potentials; galvanic cells, types of electrodes; hydrogen electrode; electrochemical cells; cell diagrams; cell notation; cell potential; Batteries, Nernst equation; cell potentials and equilibrium constants; Electrolysis; corrosion and corrosion prevention.
Relationship to Other Courses within the Program
This Course develops the knowledge of physical & general chemistry at first year level. It is a prerequisite for CHEM1021 Chemistry B.
4. Rationale and Strategies Underpinning the Course Teaching Strategies
Examples from chemical practice allow “Contextualising” 6. Students become more engaged in the learning process if they can see the relevance of their studies to professional, disciplinary and/or personal contexts. We also have undertaken “Designing” to 10. Clearly articulated expectations, goals, learning outcomes, and course requirements increase student motivation and improve learning. 12. Graduate attributes - the qualities and skills the university hopes its students will develop as a result of their university studies — are most effectively acquired in a disciplinary context. “Teaching” in the use of laboratory groups supports 14. Learning cooperatively with peers — rather than in an individualistic or competitive way — may help students to develop interpersonal, professional, and cognitive skills to a higher level.
Rationale for learning and 6 teaching in this course ,
Chemistry is an experimental science, requiring the development of both practical skills in the Laboratory and an intellectual understanding. The integration of lectures, tutorials and laboratories supports “Engaging” 1. Effective learning is supported when students are actively engaged in the learning process. 2. Effective learning is supported by a climate of inquiry where students feel appropriately challenged and activities are linked to research and scholarship.
Reflecting on your teaching
5. Course Schedule †
Some of this information is available on the Online Handbook and the UNSW Timetable .
Lectures (day), Topics & Lecturers
Tutorials (day), Topics & Lecturers
Practical (day), Topics & Lecturers
Week 1
Introduction, Dr Ball
Week 2
Introduction & Gases Dr Ball
Set 1
Experiment 1
Week 3
Atomic Spectroscopy Dr Ball
Set 2
Experiment 2
Week 4
Bonding, Dr Donald
Set 3
Experiment 3
Week 5
Bonding, Dr Donald
Set 4
Experiment 4
Week 6 *
Bonding, Dr Donald
Set 5
Experiment 5
Week 7
Bonding, Dr Donald
Set 6
None (makeup lab)
Assignment 6
Week 8
Equilibrium, A/Prof Colbran
Set 7
Experiment 6
Assignment 7
Week 9
Equilibrium, A/Prof Colbran
Set 8
Experiment 7
Set 9
Experiment 8
Set 10
Experiment 9
Week 10 Week 11
Thermodynamics, A/Prof Colbran Thermodynamics, A/Prof Colbran
Week 12
Redox, A/Prof Colbran
Set 11
Experiment 10
Week 13
Redox, A/Prof Colbran
Set 12
None (makeup lab)
Other (computer assignment)
Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Assignment 5
Assignment 8 Assignment 9 Assignment 10 Assignment 11 Assignment 12
Assignment and Submission dates (see also 'Assessment Tasks & Feedback')
In-lab feedback by demonstrator, and marked lab report returned to student. Diagnostic Test feedback. In-lab feedback by demonstrator, and marked lab reports returned to student. In-lab feedback by demonstrator, and marked lab report returned to student. In-lab feedback by demonstrator, and marked lab report returned to student. In-lab feedback by demonstrator, and marked lab report returned to student.
Mid-semester test. In-lab feedback by demonstrator, and marked lab report returned to student. Mid-semester test feedback. In-lab feedback by demonstrator, and marked lab report returned to student. In-lab feedback by demonstrator, and marked lab report returned to student. In-lab feedback by demonstrator, and marked lab report returned to student. In-lab feedback by demonstrator, and marked lab report returned to student. -
The changeover form one lecture/tutorial topic to the next may vary from the timing shown. *NB: As stated in the UNSW Assessment Policy: ‘one or more tasks should be set, submitted, marked and returned to students by the mid-point of a course, or no later than the end of Week 6 of a 12-week session'
7 8
UNSW Virtual Handbook: UNSW Timetable:
6. Assessment Tasks and Feedback Task
Knowledge & abilities assessed
Assessment Criteria
% of total mark
Date of
Laboratory work: individual practical reports
Ability to use practical Laboratory knowledge and to develop skills
Marks for experimental results as presented. Additional marks for answering the specific Task questions for each experiment.
Week 2-13
Work is either marked in lab, or a report is submitted for marking.
Assigned lab demonstrator
During and at end of lab for in-lab marking; according to schedule in lab manual for submitted reports.
Comments and marks, written on report, and verbal advice
Weekly computer assignment
Knowledge gained in previous week’s lectures; abilities to calculate & reason
Three attempts per test, awarded one mark for at least one perfect score
Week 2-13
Automated computer response
After each attempt
Score and comments are returned
Mid-semester test
Ability to use lecture and tutorial material in problem solving
Marks for problem solving as presented
Week 9
Week 8
Dr Luke Hunter
Week following the test
Mark returned via Moodle
Final examination
Overall level of attainment of knowledge and problemsolving skills in the whole Course
Graded marking for solution method, and for final answer. Multiplechoice section marked right or wrong. A mark of at least 21 out of 60 is required to be eligible to pass the course.
UNSW Exams Branch
Final mark for Course is awarded
7. Additional Resources and Support nd
Text Books
Blackman, Bottle, Schmid, Mocerino and Wille, “Chemistry,” 2 Ed, Wiley 2012. Aylward, G.H. and Findlay, T.J.V. SI Chemical Data, (6th ed., or later). Available from the UNSW Bookshop or from Wiley Direct online; also UNSW library (closed reserve).
Course Manual
A printed copy of the CHEM1011/CHEM1031/CHEM1051 Course Pack (2014) is required. Electronic version available on Moodle.
Required Readings
Additional Readings
Recommended Internet Sites
CHEM1011 Moodle site for course information, assessment schedule, syllabus, lecture notes and course materials, Lectopia recorded lectures, past tests and exams and solutions, revision exercises, reaction summary etc. The UNSW School of Chemistry website contains direct links to many important chemistry-related websites and databases.
UNSW Students of Chemistry Society (SOCS) UNSW) UNSW Chemical Society Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Computer Laboratories or Study Spaces
Laboratory – Chemical Sciences Building 133 or 165, as enrolled Chemistry Study Area – Ground floor, Dalton Building
8. Required Equipment, Training and Enabling Skills Laboratory coat, ASAapproved safety eyewear, sensible clothing, and enclosed footwear, are required in all School of Chemistry laboratories.
Laboratory coat, ASA-approved safety eyewear, sensible clothing, and enclosed footwear, are required in all School of Chemistry laboratories.
Compulsory computerdelivered Safety & Ethics exercise completed in Gibson Computer laboratory before the first Laboratory Session. All students must complete a chemical safety pre-lab exercise before each lab.
Compulsory computer-delivered Safety & Ethics exercise completed in Gibson Computer laboratory before the first Laboratory Session. All students must complete a chemical safety pre-lab exercise before each lab.
9. Course Evaluation and Development Student feedback is gathered periodically by various means. Such feedback is considered carefully with a view to acting on it constructively wherever possible. This course outline conveys how feedback has helped to shape and develop this course.
Mechanisms of Review
Last Review Date
Comments or Changes Resulting from Reviews
Major Course Review
Major reorganisation of content distribution between CHEM1011/CHEM1021 and CHEM1031/CHEM1041 pairs, and content alignment of CHEM1011 with CHEM1031 enhanced to facilitate movement between these courses on basis of the Diagnostic Test in Week 3.
CATEI process
10. Administration Matters Expectations of Students
Students are required to achieve an end of semester examination mark of at least 21 out of 60 to be eligible to pass the course. Supplementary examinations may be offered for academic or other reasons. Students are expected to make themselves available for these should they require them. For a Semester 1 course, these are typically held in the week preceding Semester 2. Students are expected to attend all lectures; the UNSW requirement is at least 80%. Attendance at Laboratory Classes is compulsory and a roll is kept. Students who miss labs need to register for makeup labs. See the laboratory manual for full details. Pre-laboratory reading and work is expected to take 30-60 minutes per week (including safety matters) and post-laboratory write-up is expected to take 1-2 hours per week.
Assignment Submissions
Laboratory reports designated to be submitted should be submitted to in the pigeonhole mailboxes, according to the schedule in the laboratory manual. A signed cover sheet must be attached to the front of each lab report submitted. Cover sheets are supplied printed in the lab manual, as the first page of each lab report to be submitted.
Occupational Health and 10 Safety
Information on relevant Occupational Health and Safety policies and expectations at UNSW: To be admitted to a laboratory, you must wear ASA-approved safety eyewear, a lab. coat and covered shoes (no thongs, open sandals or clogs). You must also complete all safety pre-lab. work, or other prescribed preparation relating to carrying out safe laboratory work. Visitors are not allowed to undergraduate laboratories without the permission of the laboratory supervisor.
Assessment Procedures UNSW Assessment 11 Policy
Equity and Diversity
A mark of at least 21 out of 60 is required for the final exam to be eligible to pass the course. If late or non-submissions of work are due to health problems they must be documented with a medical certificate. A makeup lab needs to be done to replace a lab absence; provision of a medical certificate does not cancel a lab absence.
Those students who have a disability that requires some adjustment in their teaching or learning environment are encouraged to discuss their study needs with the course Convenor prior to, or at the commencement of, their course, or with the Equity Officer (Disability) in the Equity and Diversity Unit (9385 4734 or ). Issues to be discussed may include access to materials, signers or note-takers, the provision of services and additional exam and assessment arrangements. Early notification is essential to enable any necessary adjustments to be made. Information on designing courses and course outlines that take into account the needs of students with disabilities can be found at:
Student Complaint 12 Procedure
School Contact
Faculty Contact
University Contact
Dr Gavin Edwards Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) g.edwards@unsw.
A/Prof Julian Cox Associate Dean (Education)
[email protected] Tel: 9385 8574
Student Conduct and Appeals Officer (SCAO) within the Office of the Pro-ViceChancellor (Students) and Registrar.
Tel: 9385 4652
Dr Gavin Edwards Associate Dean (Undergrad)
[email protected] Tel: 9385 4652
Telephone 02 9385 8515, email
[email protected] University Counselling and Psychological 13 Services; Tel: 9385 5418
UNSW OHS Home page UNSW Assessment Policy 12 UNSW Student Complaint Procedure 13 University Counselling and Psychological Services 11
11. UNSW Academic Honesty and Plagiarism
What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is the presentation of the thoughts or work of another as one’s own. *Examples include: direct duplication of the thoughts or work of another, including by copying material, ideas or concepts from a book, article, report or other written document (whether published or unpublished), composition, artwork, design, drawing, circuitry, computer program or software, web site, Internet, other electronic resource, or another person’s assignment without appropriate acknowledgement; paraphrasing another person’s work with very minor changes keeping the meaning, form and/or progression of ideas of the original; piecing together sections of the work of others into a new whole; presenting an assessment item as independent work when it has been produced in whole or part in collusion with other people, for example, another student or a tutor; and claiming credit for a proportion a work contributed to a group assessment item that is greater than that actually contributed.† For the purposes of this policy, submitting an assessment item that has already been submitted for academic credit elsewhere may be considered plagiarism. Knowingly permitting your work to be copied by another student may also be considered to be plagiarism. Note that an assessment item produced in oral, not written, form, or involving live presentation, may similarly contain plagiarised material. The inclusion of the thoughts or work of another with attribution appropriate to the academic discipline does not amount to plagiarism. The Learning Centre website is main repository for resources for staff and students on plagiarism and academic honesty. These resources can be located via: The Learning Centre also provides substantial educational written materials, workshops, and tutorials to aid students, for example, in: correct referencing practices; paraphrasing, summarising, essay writing, and time management; appropriate use of, and attribution for, a range of materials including text, images, formulae and concepts. Individual assistance is available on request from The Learning Centre. Students are also reminded that careful time management is an important part of study and one of the identified causes of plagiarism is poor time management. Students should allow sufficient time for research, drafting, and the proper referencing of sources in preparing all assessment items. * Based on that proposed to the University of Newcastle by the St James Ethics Centre. Used with kind permission from the University of Newcastle † Adapted with kind permission from the University of Melbourne