opinion on scientific and technological development [Treise and Weigold, 2002]. ..... of The Lancet and Nature as sources of information for journalists in Spain.
Aug 18, 2008 - Scientist(A), JSPS Fellows, and Global COE Program "The Next Generation of Physics, ... CDMS[9] and KIMS[10] ) are shown for compari- son.
Even though the gauge potential ansatz of 't Hooft Polyakov monopole has a finite action in YM3, it is not ..... 20 (1974) 194. [4] K. Bardakci and S. Samuel, Phys.
Jul 26, 2009 - plus 64 graphic cards with Nvidia GTX285 (total 128 GPUs with 128 ... has been undergoing a dramatic change during the last 9 months. With.
Thomas [18] and of Fermi [19], who treated electrons in an atom as a gas of ... where N is the total electron number, which equals the atomic number Z for a ..... of the two electrons in a hydrogen molecule H2 in terms of the wave-functions ... In an
What Children Do in Spite of What They Know T. G. Bever, J. Mehler and J. Epstein
Copyright@1968 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science
What Children'Do in Spite of What They Know Ab~tr:tct. New studies support th(' tr).'pnthesis that young children have baric cognitil'e capacities hilt utilize them inefficiently; older childrell aid the.fc capacities with generally valid cognitive heuri.rtics which produce poor performance on critical prohlem.r.
In a prcv;olls study of cognitive development we found that children of 2 years 6 months can successfully rec-' ognizc a numerical equality and its transformation into an inequality whereas older children temporarily lose this capacity. We interpreted our results as demonstrating that the capacity to con~erve relations between stimuli in the fac(~ of transformations is present in the 2-year-old; the older child loses this capacity temporarily due to an overdcpendence on perceptual generalizations (for example. "if a row looks longer, it has more components in it"). This ihterprctation conflicts with the positir.1 that the ability to conserve numerical relations between stimuli first appears at ahout 5 to 6 years (I). Bei!in--, critique of our previous study contains three general points: (i) ,nlr stlldy \\'a~ not a direct test of the .::hild's capacity to conserve: (ii) his exp,'rimental evidence indicate