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Scientific Informal (Poster) Presentations

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Nov 1, 2013 - Curved Multiplanar Reconstructions for the Evaluation of the Aorta in Multisystem Trauma Patients by Using Ultra-. High Pitch CT. Wednesday.
11/ 01/ 13

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Scientific Informal (Poster) Presentations CODE: LL-ERS-WE1C SESSION: LL-ERS-WEPM Curved Multiplanar Reconstructions for the Evaluation of the Aorta in Multisystem Trauma Patients by Using UltraHigh Pitch CT Date/Times DATE: TIME: LOCATION:

Wednesday 05:00-05:30 PM

PARTICIPANTS Alessandro Lemos MD - Nothing to disclose. James Sternberg MD - Nothing to disclose. Ugo Cioffi MD - Nothing to disclose. Roberto Brambilla PhD - Nothing to disclose. Pietro Biondetti MD - Nothing to disclose. SUBSPECIALTY CONTENT Emergency Radiology CITE THIS ABSTRACT

PURPOSE The purpose of our study was to investigate on the applicability of Curved Multiplanar Reconstructions (CMR) for the evaluation of the aorta in multi-system trauma patients by using Ultra-High Pitch CT , the so called FLASH acquisition. METHOD AND MATERIALS From October 2011 to February 2012, 32 patients (43-72 years old, mean age, 58 years old ) underwent 34 wholebody CT examinations by using a SOMATOM Definition Flash (Siemens Medical Solutions , Forchheim, Germany).The arterial phase was acquired by using bolous tracking technique, following a venous phase at 60 sec. delay from the initiation of contrast material injection (1.3 mL/kg patient body weight at 400mgmL iodine concentration ; flow 4mL/s, followed by a saline chaser bolous of 50 ml).Post- processing images were automatically generated by SyngoVIA (Siemens Medical Solutions , Forchheim, Germany) workstation. Two experienced emergency radiologists analyzed the arterial phase using Ultra High-Pitch acquisition technique. Image quality was assessed in 2D and CMR algorithms using a 4 degree scale: 1) not diagnostic, 2) fairly diagnostic 3) good, 4) optimal. Statistical analysis was performed by using the Wilcoxon test. RESULTS CMR was useful in determining the presence, extension and characterization of aortic injuries in 4 out of 12 cases(33%) not visualized in 2D images .Twenty-eight out of 32 (87.5%) of the arterial phase examinations were classified as optimal, whereas the remaining 4 (12.5%) were classified as good. Two CT examinations were repeated because of artifacts mimicking aortic injuries. None of the CT examinations were considered nondiagnostic. CONCLUSION Curved Multiplanar Reconstructions are useful in addition to 3D multiplanar reconstructions algorithms in the evaluation of post-traumatic aortic injuries. CLINICAL RELEVANCE/APPLICATION CMR can demostrate eloquent areas of aortic injury and is recommended as part of post-proccesing in the study of the aorta.


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