Scleractinian Coral Taxonomy

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Coral Colony Morphology found on modern reefs .... Coenosteum: rough, covered with small intercorallite pillars protrudes b/w calices; Septa: 6x2 septa, their ...
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Scleractinian Coral Taxonomy Pierre MADL in cooperation with Robert SCHABETSBERGER & Cetka LIPOVNIK Web-References: or or

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Position of Scleractinia within the phylum Cnidaria

Mather & Benett (1994)

Global diversity of Scleractinian Coral Species

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Coral Colony Morphology found on modern reefs

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Corallite Arrangement

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Key features of Corallite Morphology

Left: extratentacular budding

Patterns of asexual reproduction among stony corals used for taxonomic indentification (e.g. Faviidae)

Right: Intratentacular budding

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Selected extant skeletal specimens from the Class Anthozoa – Order Scleractinia & few from the Class Octocorallia Family Acroporidae: (Gk. akron, extremity, summit; L. porous, pore)....relating to the presence of a corallite at the tip of each branch. Indo-Pacific genera:----------------------------Anacropora (Gk. an-, without; akron, extremity; L. porus, pore), Astreopora (Gk. aster, star; L. porus, pore) Circum-tropical genera:------------------------Montipora (L. mons, mountain; porus, pore), Acropora (Gk. akron, extremity; L. porus, pore)

Key to the family Acroporidae No axial corallite Corallites 2mm), columella present: Genus Astreopora Axial corallites on branch ends: Genus Acropora

Montipora sp. oder M.corbettensis Growth form: leafy, encrusting, semi-massive, rarely branched; Corallite wall: no projections; Corallite arrangement: randomly distributed, sometimes crowded; Coenosteum: porous with prominent tubercles; Verrucae: none; Septa: rudimentary, if visible in 2 cycles; Skeleton: perforate, spongy; Columella: absent

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Acropora valida Growth form: branching (caespitose, bottlebrush, aborescent), encrusting or sub-massive; Corallite: bimodal (dominant axial & secondary radial); 0.5-4 mm in diameter (dominant apical corallites), rarely superficial, generally exsert by 2-5 mm, porous walls; Corallite arrangement: well spaced, about 1-5 mm in range; Coenosteum: porous; Verrucae: none; Septa: often poorly developed but usually 12 or less; septal margins smooth or granular, occasionally with irregular small teeth; Skeleton: porous; Columella: absent s/t very minute)

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Acropora palmata Growth form: branching, aborescent, bifacial; Corallite: 1-3 mm diameter, porous with distinct wall; Corallite arrangement: randomly scattered; Coenosteum: porous; Verrucae: none; Septa: rudimentary

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Family Astrocoeniidae: (Gk. aster, star; koinos, shared)…. most likely relating to the shared walls of each calice. Indo-Pacific genera:----------------------------Stylocoeniella (Gk. stylos, pillar; koinos, shared; L. –ellus, diminuitive suffix) , Palauastrea (Island of Palau, location first found; Gk. aster, star) Circum-tropic genus:----------------------------Madracis (madre, mother; Gk. akis, point) Atlantic genus:------------------------------------Stephanocoenia (Gk. stephos, crown; koinos, shared)

Key to the family Astrocoeniidae Colonies encrusting, corallites inconspicuous Coenosteum style present: Genus Stylocoeniella No coenosteum style: Genus Stephanocoenia Colonies becoming branching, corallites conspicuous Septa with free margins: Genus Palauastrea Septa fused with columella: Genus Madracis

Stylocoeniella sp. possibly S.guentheri Growth form: small encrusting or knobby; Corallite: immersed, circular & 1 mm in diameter; Corallite arrangement: well spaced; Coenosteum: rough, covered with small intercorallite pillars protrudes b/w calices; Septa: 6x2 septa, their margins beaded, septocostae absent; Skeleton: imperforate; Columella: small & styliform

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Family Pocilloporidae: (L. pocillum, cup, bowl; L. porous, pore)…. Presumably relating to the appearance of the callices, which look like tiny, little shallow cups. Indo-Pacific genera only:----------------------Pocillopora (L. pocillum, cup or bowl; porus, pore), Seriatopora (L. seriatus, arranged in series; porus, pore), Stylophora (Gk. stylus, pillar; Gk. phero, to bear)

Key to the family Pocilloporidae Colonies have verrucae: Genus Pocillopora Colonies do not have verrucae Branches fine (10mm diameter): Genus Stylophora

Pocillopora damicornis Growth form: sturdy branched colony w/ fine & irregular tips; Corallite wall: no projections; Corallite arrangement: immersed, crowded & hollow; Coenosteum: granulous; Verrucae: present, s/t very dominant & branch-like; Septa: if present then 12 poorly developed; Skeleton: imperforate; Columella: tiny & styliform

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Pocillopora sp. Growth form: sub-massive to branched colony w/ stout tips; Corallite wall: no projections; Calice arrangement: crowded & hollow; Coenosteum: granulous; Verrucae: present, s/t very dominant & branch-like; Septa: if then 12 poorly developed; Skeleton: imperforate; Columella: tiny & styliform

Seriatopora hystrix Growth form: slender, up to 150 mm long anastomosing (fusing) branches, few mm thick; Corallite wall: rare, w/ small hoods; Corallite arrangement: in rows & well spaced; Coenosteum: w/ small tubercules; Verrucae: none; Septa: if , 1x6 poorly developed; Skeleton: n.a.; Columella: well-expressed & platelike

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Seriatopora sp. Growth form: slender branches, few mm thick; Corallite wall: rare, w/ small hoods; Corallite arrangement: in rows & well spaced; Coenosteum: w/ small tubercules; Verrucae: none; Septa: if, 1x6 poorly developed; Skeleton: n.a.; Columella: well-expressed & platelike

Stylophora sp. possibly S.danae Growth form: sub-massive to knobby w/ sturdy, s/t anastomosing branches; Corallite wall: arched w/ hoods on distal part of branch; Corallite arrangement: immersed on proximal part of branch, plocoid to loosely distributed; Coenosteum: dotted w/ spiculi; Verrucae: none; Septa: typically 12 with only 6 well developed; Skeleton: imperforate; Columella: styliform

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Stylophora sp. possibly S.subseriata Growth form: sturdy, s/t anastomosing branches about 5 mm thick; Corallite wall: crowned w/ spiculi, some quote dominant as stylus; Corallite arrangement: plocoid; Coenosteum: dotted w/ spiculi; Verrucae: none; Septa: typically 24 dominat primary cycle; Skeleton: imperforate; Columella: distinct & styliform

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Family Euphyllidae: (Gk. eu-, true; Gk. phyllon, leaf)…. possibly relating to the prominent leafy septa. Indo-Pacific genera only:---------------------Euphyllia (Gk. ei-, true; phyllon, leaf), Catalaphyllia (named after R. Catala; Gk. phyllon, leaf), Nemenzophyllia (?; Gk phyllon, leaf), Plerogyra (Gk. pleres, full; gyrus, circle), Physogyra (Gk. physa, air bubble; gyrus, circle)

Key to the family Euphyllidae Colonies do not have vesicles extended during daytime Colonies have V-shaped valleys: Genus Catalaphyllia Colonies do not have V-shaped valleys Colonies have tentacles: Genus Euphyllia Colonies have mantles: Genus Nemenzophyllia Colonies have vesicles or mantles extended during daytime Colonies not massive: Genus Plerogyra Colonies massive: Genus Plysogyra

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Family Oculinidae: (L. oculus, eye; L. –ina, like) …. presumably relating to the eye-like appearance of the calices. Altlantic genera:----------------------------------Oculina (L. oculus, eye; -ina, suffix denoting likeness) Schizoculina (Gk. schizos, split; L. oculus, eye) Indo-Pacific genera: Simplastrea (L. epten, simple; Gk. aster, star), Schizoculina (Gk. schizos, split; L. oculus, eye), Galaxea (Gk. galaxaios, milky)

Key to the family Oculinidae Septa 2mm exsert: Genus Galaxea

Galaxea sp. probably G.fascicularis Growth form: usually massive, s/t columnar to cushion-shaped, occasionally branched; Corallite wall: well spaced, generally tall and thinwalled; Corallite arrangement: plocoid & exsert, usually about 3-5 mm in diameter (G.fascicularis: 10 mm); Coenosteum: cellular; Septa: prominent and exsert, leafy but delicate, numerous reach the center, margins smooth; Skeleton: perforate; Columella: absent or weak; Budding: extratentacular

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Galaxea sp. probably G.cryptoramosa Growth form: phaceloid, columnar, occasionally branched; Corallite wall: well spaced, generally tall and thin-walled; Corallite arrangement: plocoid & exsert, usually about 3-8 mm in diameter; Coenosteum: smooth; Septa: prominent and exsert, numerous reach the center, margins smooth; Skeleton: perforate; Columella: absent or weak; Budding: extratentacular

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Family Meandrinidae: (Gk. maiandros, windig; L. ina, like)…. a reference to the winding valleys. Indo-Pacific genera:----------------------------Ctenella (Gk. ktenos, comb; L. –ella, relating to the septa), Gyrosmilia (Gk. gyros, round; smilion, knife), Montigyra (L. mons, mountain; Gk. gyros, round) Altlantic genera:----------------------------------Meandrina (Gk. meandros, winding; L. –ina, denoting likeness), Dichocoenia (Gk. dicha, divided into two; koinos, to share), Dendrogyra (Gk. dendron, tree; gyros, round), Eusmilia (Gk. eu, true; smilion, knife),

Key to the family Meandrinidae Colony not phaceloid Colony meandroid Valleys convoluted Colony hemispherical: Genus Ctenella Colony columnar: Genus Dendrogyra Valleys not convoluted Columella present: Genus Meandrina Columellae absent: Genus Gyrosmilia Colony not meandroid Colony plocoid: Genus Dichocoenia Colony not plocoid: Genus Montigyra Colony phaceloid: Genus Caryophylliidae

Gyrosmilia interrupta Growth form: sub-massive to laminar; Corallite wall: characteristic radiating valleys with mid-ridge to mid-ridge distance approx. 6-10 mm; Corallite arrangement: meandering, joined laterally throughout the colony (ridges shared with its neighbors); Coenosteum: cellular; Septa: uniformly spaced, approx. 10 septa per cm, exsert, margins non-dentate & smooth; Skeleton: imperforate; Columella: none;

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Dichocoenia stokesi Growth form: massive to sub-massive; Corallite wall: distinct; Corallite arrangement: plocoid, 3-8 mm in diameter, distinctly separated; Coenosteum:; Septa: 2 alternating cycles, margins smooth, no paliform lobes; Skeleton: solid; Columella: plate-like; Budding: intratentacular

Dendrogyra cylindrus Growth form: cylindriform; Corallite wall:; Corallite arrangement: corallites fuse to meanders, width mid-ridge to mid-ridge 5-6 mm; Coenosteum: septo-costae very thick; Septa: 6-7 septa/cm in 2 cycles, leafy, margins very smooth; Skeleton:; Columella:;

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Eusmilia fastigiata Growth form: flabellate, attached; Corallite wall: thin; Corallite arrangement: several meandering that are laterally free; i.e. each ridge separated from its neighbour by deep and distinctive groove; Coenosteum: rough; Septa: exsert, margins smooth, costae rudimentary; Skeleton: imperforate; Columella: spongy;

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Family Siderastreidae: (L. sideris, star; Gk. aster, star)….relating to the regular star-like arrangement of the calices and septa. Circumtropical genus:--------------------Siderastrea (Gk. sideriss, star; aster, star), Indo-Pacific genera:-----------------------------------Pseudosiderastrea (Gk. pseudo, false; sideris, star; aster, star), Psammocora (Gk. psammos, sand; kore, pupil of the eye), Coscinaraea (Gk. koskinos, sieve; araios, thin, porous) Indian Ocean genera:--------------------------Horastrea (Malagasy word hora, coral; Gk. aster, star) Anomastraea (Gk. anomos, irregular, unequal; aster, star)

Key to the family Siderastreidae Corallite walls well defined Colony plocoid: Genus Horastrea Colony not plocoid Colony cerioid Septal teeth saw-like: Genus Pseudosiderastrea Septal teeth not saw-like: Genus Siderastrea Colony not cerioid: Genus Anomastraea Corallite walls not well defined Corallites < 3 mm diameter: Genus Psammocora Corallites > 3 mm diameter: Genus Coscinaraea

Siderastrea sp. possibly S.savignyana Growth form: small massive (boulder) to encrusting colonies; Corallite wall: shared walls, wide & often with midline; Corallite arrangement: cerioid, 2-4 mm regular, rounded to cerioid (polygonal); Coenosteum: -; Septa: in 2 cycles, approx. 30 for a 3mm calice w/ every other fused at center, septa perforated, margins dentate, synapticulae present; Skeleton: solid; Columella: few pinules

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Siderastrea sp. S.siderea Growth form: small massive (boulder) to encrusting colonies; Corallite wall: shared walls, wide & often with midline; Corallite arrangement: cerioid, 2-4 mm regular, rounded to cerioid (polygonal); Coenosteum: -; Septa: in 2 cycles, approx. 30 for a 3mm calice w/ every other fused at center, septa perforated, margins dentate, synapticulae present; Skeleton: solid; Columella: few pinules

Psammocora sp. possibly P.nierstraszi Growth form: massive, sub-massive, encrusting; Corallite wall: steep, often several calices grouped together forming almost meandering valleys; Corallite arrangement: 2 mm rounded with indistinct outline; Coenosteum: -; Septa: branch & ramify, petaloid, non-fusing, seldom >10 reach columella, synapticular rings well developed; Skeleton: -; Columella: groups of pinnules,

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Psammocora contigua Growth form: sub-massive w/ flattened branches, nodular, columnar; Corallite wall: none; Calice arrangement: shallow, 0.5-0.8 mm with indistinct outline; Coenosteum: -; Septa: 2mm in diameter; Corallite arrangement: rounded to polygonal & densly packed, s/t to sieries; Coenosteum: costae run uninterrupted b/w centers; minutely dentated; Septa: 2 cycles; Skeleton: solid; Columella: solid to tongue-like; Budding: intratentacular

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Family Fungiidae: (L. fungus, mushroom)…. describing the mushroom-like appearance of many young specimens. Indo-Pacific genera:----------------------------Cycloseris (Gk. kyklos, circle; seris, lettuce), Diaseris (Gk. dias-, across, through; seris, lettuce), Cantharellus (Gk. cantharus, amphora), Heliofungia (Gk. helios, sun; L. fungus, mushroom), Fungia (L. fungus, mushroom), Ctenactis (Gk. ktenos, comb), Herpolitha (Gk. herpo, to creep; litha, stone), Polyphyllia (Gk. polys, many; phyllon, leaf), Sandalolitha (Gk. sandalon, flat-fish; lithos,stone), Halomitra (Gk. halos, sea; mitra, cap), Zoopilus (Gk. zoos, animal; L. pileus, cap), Lithophyllon (Gk. lithos, stone; phyllon, leaf), Podabacia (Gk. podos, foot; L. baca, berry-like)

Key to the family Fungiidae Not colonial Free living Central mouth dominant Disc small, costae inconspicuous Disc entire: Genus Cycloseris Disc partitioned in segments: Genus Diaseris Disc not small, costae conspicuous Septal teeth w/ small lobes: Genus Fungia Septal teeth w/ large lobes: Genus Heliofungia Axial furrow dominant: Genus Ctenactis Attached to substrate: Genus Cantharellus Colonial Colony free living Axial furrow indistinct: Genus Herpolitha Axial furrow indistinct or absent Septo-costae petaloid: Genus Polyphyllia Septo-costae not petaloid Corallites robust & crowded: Genus Sandalolitha Corallites not robust or crowded Colonies form delicate domes: Gen. Zoopilus Colonies not delicate domes: Gen. Halomitra Colony attached to substrate Colony mostly encrusting: Genus Lithophyllon Colony mostly explanate: Genus Podabacia

Cycloseris sp (juvenile w/ broken stylus) Growth form: disc-like, flattened & solitary; Calice arrangement: spherical to oval; Coenosteum: -; Septa: alternating in 4 cycles and smooth and radiate from center of corallum to its outer perimeter; Costae: dentated; Skeleton: perforated; Columella: spongy

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Fungia klunzingeri evtl. F.scabra Growth form: disc-like, domed & solitary, 2-50 cm or more in diameter or length; Calice arrangement: spherical to oval; Coenosteum: -; Septa: alternating in 3 cycles and finely dentaded, radiate from center to perimeter of corallum; Costae: finely granulated; Columella: spongy

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Family Rhizangiidae: (Gk. rhizon, root)…. probably relating to the polyps that are linked to neighboring polyps by rootles Atlantic genus:------------------------------Astrangia (?. ?, ?)

Key to the family Rhizangiidae Genus Astrangia Genus Colangia Genus Culicia

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Family Pectiniidae: (Gk. pectinis, comb)…. probably relating to the comb-like appearance of the walls, which are often tall, thin and striated. Indo-Pacific genera:----------------------------Echinophyllia (Gk. echinos, hedgehog, spiny; phyllon, leaf), Echinomorpha (Gk. echinos, hedgehog, spiny; morphus, figure, shape), Oxypora (Gk. ox, sharp; porous, pore), Mycedium (Gk. mykes, knobbed; -idion, diminutive suffix), Pectinia (Gk. pectinis, comb)

Key to the family Pectiniidae Corallites are more conspicuous than coenostial structures Non-colonial: Genus Echinomorpha Colonial genera Coenostial pits present: Genus Oxypora Coenostial pits absent Corallites not inclined: Genus Echinophyllia Corallites inclined: Genus Mycedium Coenostial structures very conspicuous: Genus Pectinia

Echinophyllia aspera Growth form: usually unifacial-foliaceous or encrusting, occasionally semi-massive; central part hillocky and sub-massive, periphery s/t contorted and whorl-like; Corallite wall: protruding with vertical walls; Corallite arrangement: calice diameter 5-10 mm (range 3-20 mm), loosely scattered & well spaced; Coenosteum: perforated next to calices, costae toothed; Septa: widely spaced, margins with irregular sharp teeth; Skeleton: without pores or slits; Columella: twisted trabeculae

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Mycedium elephantotus Growth form: usually unifacial-foliaceous or encrusting, occasionally partially branched fronds; Corallite wall: protruding with vertical walls; Corallite arrangement: calice diameter 5-10 mm (range 3-20 mm), loosely scattered, well spaced, protruding & inclined towards perimeter; Coenosteum: septo-costae interconnect calices & never pitted; Septa: widely spaced, margins with irregular sharp teeth; Skeleton: without pores or slits; Columella: few twisted trabeculae

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Family Merulinidae: (L. merus, pure; L. linea, line)…. outlining the entirely line-like appearance of the valleys. Indo-Pacific genera:----------------------------Hydnophora (Gk. hydnon, tuber; phero, to bear), Paraclavarina (Gk. para, beside; L. clavarius, clublike), Merulina (L. merus, pure; linea, line), Boninastrea (Japanes island of Bonin; Gk. aster, star), Scaphophyllia (L. scapus, stalk, shaft; Gk.phyllon, leaf)

Key to the family Merulinidae Monticules developed: Genus Hydnophora Monticules not developed Colony consists of branches and/or laminae No basal laminae: Genus Paraclavarina With basal laminae: Genus Merulina Colony massive: Genus Boninastrea Colony columnar: Genus Scapophyllia

Hydnophora microconos Growth form: massive & rounded, s/t branched columns; Corallite wall: shared & projecting to discontinuous cones 2-3 mm in diameter (hydnophorid); Calice arrangement: in branching and looping series 0.5 mm in diameter; Coenosteum: none; Septa: fused with columella; Skeleton: imperforate; Columella: narrow, solid ridge

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Family Dendrophylliidae: (Gk. dendron, tree; Gk. phyllon, leaf)…. presumably relating to the branched, tree-like growth form of some species. Indo-Pacific genera:----------------------------Turbinaria (L. turbinatus, cone-shaped; -aria, suffix denoting resemblance), Duncanopsammia (?. ?, ?; Gk. psammon, sand), Rhizopsammia (Gk, rhiza, root; psammon, sand), Balanophyllia (Gk. balanos, acorn; phyllon, leaf), Heteropsammia (Gk. heteros, unlike, different; psammon, sand), Circum-tropical genera:--------------------------Tubastraea (L. tubus, tube; Gk. aster, star), Dendrophyllia (Gk. dendron, tree; Gk. phyllon>, leaf)

Key to the family Dendrophylliidae Colony attached to substrate Colony with fronds or encrusting: Genus Turbinaria Colony composed of branches Branches subdivide: Genus Duncanopsammmia Branches do not subdivide: Genus Balanophyllia Colony not attached to substrate: Genus Heteropsammia

Tubastraea micranthus Growth form: branched in dendroid manner, tufts or tree-like growth; Corallite wall: exsert, s/t cup-shaped & porous; Calice arrangement: corallites well spaced, with deep fossa & typically 5-10 mm in diameter; Coenosteum: porous w/ distinctly granulated structures that are parallel oriented; Septa: visible even in living coral but seldomly united, i.e. fuse according to Pourtalès pattern; Skeleton: porous; Columella: spongy

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Family Caryophylliidae: (Gk. karyon, nucleus; Gk. phyllon, leaf)…. presumably relating to the knob-like appearance of the polyp and the leafy septa. Indo-Pacific genera:----------------------------Heterocyathus (Gk. heteros, different; khyatos, bowl), Phyllangia (Gk. phyllon, leaf; angeion, vessel) Key to the family Caryophylliidae Genus Heteropyathus Genus Phyllangia

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Family Mussidae: (L. mus, mouse) Indo-Pacific genera:----------------------------Blastomussa (Gk. blastos, bud; mussa, a coral genus), Micromussa (Gk. micros, small; mussa, a coral genus), Acanthastrea (Gk. akantha, thorn, prickle; aster, star), Lobophyllia (Gk. lobos, lobe; phyllon, leaf), Symphyllia (Gk. syn-, together; phyllon, leaf), Indophyllia (first recorded in Indonesia; Gk. phyllon, leaf), Australomussa (L. australis, Australia; Gk. mussa, a coral genus), Cynarina (Gk. kinara, an artichoke; L. –ina, suffix denoting likeness) Circum-tropical genus:-------------------------Scolymia (Gk. skolymos, an artichoke) Atlantic genera:----------------------------------Mussa (L. mus, mouse), Mussismilia (L. mus, mouse; epten , equal), sometimes termed Protomussa, Isophyllia (G. isos, equal; phyllon, leaf), Mycetophyllia (Gk. mycetos, knobbed; phyllon, leaf)

Key to the family Mussidae Colonial Corallites 12mm diameter Colony cerioid to subplocoid Septal teeth pointed: Genus Acanthastrea Septal teeth beaded: Genus Mussismilia Colony subplocoid to submeandroid: Genus Isophyllia Colony phaceloid to flabello-meandroid Corallites numerous: Genus Lobophyllia Corallites not numerous: Genus Mussa Colony meandroid Septal teeth very prominent: Genus Symphyllia Septal teeth not very prominent Valleys mostly radiate: Genus Mycetophyllia Valleys concentric: Genus Australomussa Non Colonial Septal teeth pointed: Genus Scolymia Septal teeth lobed Septal teeth very large: Genus Cynarina Septal teeth not very large: Genus Indophyllia

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Blastomussa sp possibly B.merleti Growth form: sub-plocoid but not distinctly phaceloid; Corallite wall: several mm tall; Calice arrangement: corallites 5 -15 mm in diameter, may form clumps, corallites less than 1 cm tall; Coenosteum: smooth and also distinctly perforated; Septa: in 2 cycles, first prominent fusing w/ columella, blunt septal lobes & dentated; Skeleton: arranged in interconnected tubes; Columella: solid; in situ: tentacles extended during day

Acanthastrea sp. oder A.brevis Growth form: sub-massive to encrustin; Corallite wall: seldom fused basally; Corallite arrangement: cerioid to sub-plocoid corallites, crowded and 15 mm (range 10-25) in diameter; Coenosteum: present or reduced; Septa: widely spaced, margins with long, mussid teeth, costae usually present, may be discontinuous; Columella: spongy

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Lobophyllia hemprichii Growth form: extensively phaceloid, hemispherical w/ polycentric, s/t meandering branches; Corallite wall: distinctly exsert and often shared at base of colony; Corallite arrangement: few encircle individual calices, majority form longitudinal ridges between groups or series; Septa: alternating, exsert, margins with long, sharp spines; septa taper in thickness from wall to calice center; Columella: spongy

Lobophyllia corymbosa Growth form: sturdy phaceloid, hemispherical w/ 1/3 centers per branch; Corallite wall: distinctly exsert and often shared at base of colony; Corallite arrangement: few encircle individual calices, majority form longitudinal ridges between groups or series; Septa: alternating, exsert, margins with long, sharp spines; Columella: spongy

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Mycetophyllia sp. probably M.danaana Growth form: attached, circular encrusting; Corallite wall: discontionously meandering, shared with neighbouring corallites; Corallite arrangement: laterally fused (ridge shared with neighbouring corallites); Septa: continuous over corallites, stout, margins with long, sharp spines, mid-ridge toi mid-ridge distance >5mm; Columella: inconspicious

Isophyllia rigida Growth form: massive; Corallite wall: shared, forming continous ridges; Corallite arrangement: cerioid, some fused, over 10mm in diameter; Septa: in 2 cycles, rather thin & stout, margins w/ long & sharp spines; Columella: spongy

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Family Faviidae-1: (L. favus, honeycomb)…. relating to the regular appearance of the corallites. Genera exhibiting predominantly extratentacular budding: Indo-Pacific genera:----------------------------Plesiastrea (Gk. plesios, recent; Gk. aster, star), Oulastrea (Gk. oulos, curly; Gk. aster, star), Diploastrea (Gk. diploos, double; aster, star), Leptastrea (Gk. leptos, slender; aster, star), Cyphastrea (Gk. kyphos, humped; aster, star), Moseleya (named after H.N. Moseley) Arabic region genus:---------------------------Parasimplastrea (Gk.para, besides; L. epten, simple) Circum-tropical genus.-------------------------Montastrea (L. montis, mountain; Gk. aster, star) Atlantic genus:-----------------------------------Solenastrea (Gk. solen, channel; aster, star)

Key to the family Faviidae Colonies phaceloid Corallites small (5mm diameter): Genus Caulastrea Colonies flabello-meandroid: Genus Erythrastrea Colonies massive or derived from massive Budding intratentacular or meandroid Colonies plocoid Coraliites not exsert: Genus Favia Corallites exsert: Genus Barabattoia Colonies cerioid to secondarily meandroid Paliform lobes present Paliform lobes not prominent: Genus Favites Paliform lobes prominent Valleys 10mm across Ambulacral groove present Colonies large: Genus Colpophyllia Colonies small: Genus Manicina Ambulacral groove absent: Genus Oulophyllia Paliform lobes absent or weakly developed Paliform lobes spongy Ambulacral groove absent: Genus Platygyra Ambulacral groove present: Genus Diploria Paliform lobes wall-like: Genus Leptoria Colonies branching: Genus Australogyra Budding extratentacular Corallites small (4mm, 15mm diameter) Corallites cerioid: Genus Moseleya Corallites plocoid: Genus Diploastrea Colonies explanate to branching: Genus Echinopora

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Leptastrea sp possibly L.purpurea Growth form: flat but massive to encrusting; Corallite wall: fused basally and separated by a fine furrow (ambulacral groove); Corallite arrangement: cerioid, s/t even polycentric & slightly immersed corallites w/ fossa, often 3-4 mm (range 2 to 10 mm) in diameter; Coenosteum: absent, sublime ambulacral goove; Septa: in 2 cycles; Columella: small & solid; Budding: extratentacular

Chyphastrea microphthalma Growth form: usually massive and rounded, may be encrusting, s/t plate-like; Corallite wall: indistinct; Corallite arrangement: plocoid, calices separated by several mm, corallites exsert, rounded, diameter usually 1-2.5 mm in diameter; Coenosteum: noncostate either blistered or with fine pinules; Septa: 2x10 cycles w/ only the primary well developed; Columella: spongy; Budding: extratentacular

Coral lecture (@ PLUS SS 2014)


Montastrea sp. possibly M.annuligera Growth form: massive, dome-shaped, occasionally encrusting; Corallite wall: distinct; Corallite arrangement: cerioid, monocentric & circular, crowded, diameter about 7 (s/t 15) mm; Coenosteum: costae continous with dentate margins (amblulacral-like appearance); Septa: in 3 cycles, primary exsert, paliform lobes usually present; Columella: spongy; Budding: extratentacular;

Montastrea sp. possibly M.annularis Growth form: massive, dome-shaped, occasionally encrusting; Corallite wall: distinct; Corallite arrangement: cerioid, monocentric & circular, crowded, diameter about 7 (s/t 15) mm; Coenosteum: costae marginal (amblulacral-like appearance); Septa: in 3 cycles, primary exsert, paliform lobes marginal; Columella: spongy; Budding: extratentacular …. shown here intratentacular;

Coral lecture (@ PLUS SS 2014)


Montastrea cavernosa Growth form: massive; Corallite wall: present; Corallite arrangement: plocoid, approx. 10mm in diameter, calices round; Coenosteum: costae distinctly dentated; Septa: margins dentated; Columella: spongy; Budding: extratentacular;

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Family Faviidae-2: Genera exhibiting predominantly intratentacular budding: Indo-Pacific genera:----------------------------Caulastrea (L. kaulis, stalk; Gk. aster, star), Barabattoia (?. ?, ?; ?. ?, ?), Favites (Gk. favus, honeycomb; -ites, like), Goniastrea (Gk. gonia, corner; aster, star), Platygyra (Gk. platys, wide; gyros, round), Australogyra (L. australis, Australia; Gk. gyros, round), Oulophyllia (Gk. oulos, curly, twisted; phyllon, leaf), Leptoria (Gk. leptos, slender; seris, lettuce), Echinopora (Gk. echinos, hedgehog, prickly; L. porus, pore), Circum-tropical genus.-------------------------Favia (L. favus, honeycomb) Arabic region genus:----------------------------------Erythrastrea (Gk. erythros, ?; aster, star) Atlantic genera:----------------------------------Cladocora (Gk. klados, branch; keras, horn) – (also Mediterranean), Manicina (Gk. manos, wide, loose; kineo, to move), Diploria (Gk. diplon, fold; oros, mountain), Colpophyllia (Gk. colpodes, sinuous; phyllon, leaf)

Favites abdita Growth form: massive, rounded, hillocky; Corallite wall: prominent shared walls and ridge-like; Corallite arrangement: cerioid, monocentric, polygonal but equal in size, 5-20 mm in diameter ; Coenosteum: costae present; Skeleton: imperforate; Septa: granulated, exsert spines on septal margins, sometimes ragged, paliform lobes s/t present; Columella: spongy; Budding: intratentacular

Coral lecture (@ PLUS SS 2014)


Goniastrea sp. possibly G.peresi Growth form: encrusting, s/t plate-like; Corallite wall: prominent, exsert shared walls and ridge-like; Corallite arrangement: cerioid, polygonal, equal in size, 4-10 mm in diameter, fossa deep; Coenosteum: costae present; Skeleton: imperforate; Septa: granulated, spines on septal margins closely set, sometimes ragged, paliform lobes well developed; Columella: spongy; Budding: intratentacular

Platygyra daedalea Growth form: massive, ; Corallite wall: dominant, linked in series (mid-ridge to mid-ridge between 3-10 mm); Corallite arrangement: cerioid to indistinct meandroid; Septa: well spaced, often slightly exsert, margins distinctly serrated; fused walls, margins coarsely toothed; Columella: weakly developed, centers indistinct, trabecular, spongy; Budding: intratentacular

Coral lecture (@ PLUS SS 2014)


Echinopora gemmacea Growth form: bifacial-foliaceous, s/t encrusting or branched; Corallite wall: slightly exsert; Calice arrangement: plocoid, calices separated by several mm, corallite diameter usually 2-7 mm; Coenosteum: usually with rows of small teeth sometimes with smooth edged or dentate costae; Septa: in 3 cycles, primary exsert; Columella: spongy w/ weakly expressed paliform lobes; Budding: intratentacular

Echinopora irregularis Growth form: foliaceous, encrusting or short-branched; Corallite wall: thick & exsert, forming interlocking clumps; Calice arrangement: calices separated by several mm, corallite diameter up to 10 mm; Coenosteum: usually with rows of prominent dentated costae; Septa: in 3 cycles, primary exsert; Columella: spongy; Budding: intratentacular

Coral lecture (@ PLUS SS 2014)


Manicina sp. possibly M.aerolata. Growth form: encrusting, sub-massive, s/t unattached; Corallite wall: fused &; Corallite arrangement: meandering valleys; Coenosteum: none; Septa: septa in 2 cycles, approx. 25 septa /cm; margins w/ sharp, sometimes ragged teeth, sides sharp, small paliform lobes; Columella: fused & twisted; Budding: intratentacular

Favia sp. possibly Favia laxa Growth form: massive, hemispherical, occasionally encrusting; Corallite wall: ringlike distinct; Corallite arrangement: plocoid, monocentric, calices circular to oval, not too crowded, corallite diameter 5-8 mm; Coenosteum: costate, with dentated margins; Septa: in 2 cycles, paliform lobes form a crown; Columella: spongy; Budding: extra-, and intratentacular

Coral lecture (@ PLUS SS 2014)


Diploria strigosa Growth form: massive, hemispherical, occasionally encrusting; Corallite wall: shared with neighbours, smoothly meandering; mid-ridge to mid-ridge distance approx. 8 mm; Corallite arrangement:; Coenosteum: none; Septa: approx. 15 septa / cm; in series and 2 cycles, paliform lobes present; Columella: laminar & spongy; Budding: intratentacular

Diploria clivosa Growth form: massive, hemispherical, occasionally encrusting; Corallite wall: shared with neighbours, knobby meanders; mid-ridge to midridge distance approx. 5-8 mm; Corallite arrangement:; Coenosteum: none; Septa: approx. 13 septa / cm; in series and rudimentary 2 cycles, paliform lobes present; Columella: spongy; Budding: intratentacular

Coral lecture (@ PLUS SS 2014)


Family Trachyphylliidae: (Gk. trachys, rough; Gk. phyllon, leaf)…. possibly relating to the intended form of the corallum that resembles a large and uneven leaf. Indo-Pacific genus:-----------------------------Trachyphyllia (Gk. trachys, rough; phyllon, leaf)

Coral lecture (@ PLUS SS 2014)


Family Poritidae: (L. porous, pore; Gk. –ites, like)…. relating to the porous nature of the corallum. Indo-Pacific genera:----------------------------Stylaraea (Gk. stylos, pillar), Poritipora (L. porus, pore; Gk. –ites, suffix denoting likeness; L. porus, pore), Goniopora (Gk. gonia, an angle; L. porus, pore), Alveopora (L. alveolus, small, hollow; porus, pore), Curcum-tropical genus:-------------------------Porites (L. porus, pore; Gk. –ites, suffix denoting likeness)

Key to the family Poritidae Corallites 2mm diameter Skeleton robust, not very porous: Genus Goniapora Skeleton delicate, very porous: Genus Alveopora

Goniopora minor Growth form: hemispherical; Corallite wall: rather thick; Corallite arrangement: cerioid, calices circular crowded, 1-3 mm in diameter; Coenosteum: costae absent; Septa: usually 24 with their margins smooth or granular; Skeleton: porous; Columella: small; in situ: tentacles extended during day (polyps usually over 10 mm long)

Coral lecture (@ PLUS SS 2014)


Goniopora sp. Growth form: hemispherical; Corallite wall: rather thick; Calice arrangement: cerioid, 1-3 mm in diameter; Coenosteum: costae absent; Septa: usually 24 with their margins smooth or granular, usually 6 pali present; Skeleton: porous; Columella: small; in situ: tentacles extended during day (polyps usually over 10 mm long)

Alveopora sp. possibly A.daedalea Growth form: hemispherical to encrusting, s/t thick plates; Corallite wall: highly porous; Calice arrangement: cerioid, about 0.5-3 mm in diameter; Coenosteum: smooth, costae absent; Septa: 12 septa, reduced to tiny spines; Skeleton: very porous (extremely light-weight); Columella: small, sometimes absent; in situ: small tentacles extended during day (polyps usually over 10 mm long)

Coral lecture (@ PLUS SS 2014)


Porites solida Growth form: massive, encrusting to digitate yielding an undulating appearance; Corallite wall: shared walls, not ridge-like; Corallite arrangement: cerioid, polygonal, rather large (1.5 mm in diameter); Coenosteum: costae absent; Septa: 12; Skeleton: imperforate, dense; Columella: paliform crown present

Porites sp. possibly P.lobata (the specimen shown is non sessile) Growth form: massive, encrusting to digitate; Corallite wall: shared walls, not ridge-like; Corallite arrangement: cerioid, polygonal, 1 mm in diameter; Coenosteum: costae absent; Septa: 12; Skeleton: imperforate, dense; Columella: paliform crown present

Coral lecture (@ PLUS SS 2014)


Porites furcata Growth form: compact branches, digitate; Corallite wall: shared walls; Corallite arrangement: cerioid, rounded, 1.6-2 mm in diameter; Coenosteum: costae absent; Septa: 12; Skeleton: porous; Columella: paliform crown w/ styliform center

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Non-Scleractinian families: Indo-Pacific genera:----------------------------Helioporidae (Gk. helios, sun; L. porus, pore), Tubiporidae (L. tubus, tube; porus, pore), Circum-tropical genera:------------------------Milleporidae (L. mille, thousand; porus, pore), Stylasteridae (Gk. stylos, style; aster, star) Heliopora coerulea Growth form: large, platelike, vertical; Corallite wall: not visible; Calice arrangement: polyp-bearing chambers