Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms - a ...

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K Craig Kent, Robert M Zwolak, Michael R Jaff, Scott T Hollenbeck, Robert W Thompson, Marc L Schermerhorn,. Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms - a ...
Vascular Medicine

Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms - a consensus statement K Craig Kent, Robert M Zwolak, Michael R Jaff, Scott T Hollenbeck, Robert W Thompson, Marc L Schermerhorn, Gregorio A Sicard, Thomas S Riles and Jack L Cronenwett Vasc Med 2004 9: 87 DOI: 10.1191/1358863x04vm528xx The online version of this article can be found at:

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V ascular M edicine 2004; 9: 87¡89

Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms ¡ a consensus statement K Craig Kenta , Robert M Zwolakb , Michael R Jaffc , Scott T Hollenbecka , Robert W Thompsond , Marc L Schermerhornb , Gregorio A Sicardd , Thomas S Rilese and Jack L Cronenwettb

The problem The treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) with minimally invasive techniques has recently gained tremendous national and international attention. H owever, enthusiasm for this new technique has diverted attention from an equally important issue, that of early detection or screening for aneurysms. Over the past 20 years, despite advances in diagnostic imaging and in the general medical care of patients, there has been essentially no change in the number of patients presenting to US hospitals with ruptured AAA.1 Approximately 15 000 people are known to die from ruptured AAA each year.2 However, this may be the tip of the iceberg. It is estimated that 300 000 people per year die suddenly without receiving medical care.3 F urthermore, studies have shown that the incidence of ruptured AAA in cases of sudden death ranges from 4% to 5%.4¡6 Thus, the yearly death rate from ruptured AAA could be as high as 30 000. This is comparable with a yearly mortality of 32 000 and 42 000 for prostate and breast cancer, respectively.2 The forgoing data strongly emphasize the increasingly recognized7 need for a strategy that will allow early detection of aneurysms.

Cost and efŽ cacy of screening When evaluating the cost and effectiveness of screening programs, there are four important issues that must be considered: (1) cost, invasiveness and accuracy of the screening test; (2) prevalence of disease; (3) efŽ cacy of


Division of Vascular Surgery, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Weill M edical College of Cornell University and Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, U SA; bSection of Vascular Surgery, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, NH , U SA; cLenox Hill Heart and Vascular Institute of N ew York, Lenox Hill Hospital, N ew York, NY, USA; d Department of Surgery, Washington U niversity School of Medicine, St Louis, M O, USA; eD ivision of Vascu lar Surgery, N ew York University M edical Center, New York, N Y, U SA Address for correspondence: K Craig K ent, Columbia=Weill Cornell Division of Vascu lar Surgery at N ew York Presbyterian Hospital, 525 East 68th Street, Room P-707, New York, NY 10021, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Co-sponsored by the Society for Vascu lar Surgery, the American Association of Vascu lar Surgery and the Society for Vascu lar M edicine and Biology R eprinted from Kent KC, Zwolak RM , Jaff MR et al. Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm: a consensus statement. J V asc S urg 2004; 39: 267¡69, with permission from The Society for Vascular Surgery and The American Association for Vascular Surgery.

interventions to treat the disease; and (4) the cost of these interventions. Screening for AAA can be performed by a simple non-invasive ultrasound. It is well documented that both a standard and ‘quick screen’ ultrasound exam of the abdominal aorta are extremely accurate in identifying the presence of an AAA. 8 The prevalence of AAA is quite high if selected populations are screened. F or example, the incidence of an AAA > 3 cm in all males over 60 is 4¡8%.9¡14 If patients have cardiovascular risk factors (such as smoking, hypertension or a history of peripheral arterial disease) the incidence of AAA increases two- to Ž vefold.15 The prevalence of an AAA > 3 cm in females over 60 is only 1.5%.9,16¡19 H owever, females with a family history or those with multiple cardiovascular risk factors also have an incidence of AAA that is two to three times higher than those without.20 The efŽ cacy of treatment of patients with large aneurysms is profound. The yearly incidence of rupture and death of patients with an AAA > 5.5 cm is 16% compared with a perioperative mortality of 2¡6% for open repair.1,10,13,14,19,21¡24 Moreover, recent data suggests that the mortality of endovascular AAA repair may be as low as 1% (SPAR CS ‘New York State Database’; personal communication). Thus, patients with large aneurysms clearly beneŽ t from repair. As yet, there is no deŽ nitive treatment for ‘small’ aneurysms, and a screening program will identify many of these. Nevertheless, small AAA grow at a relatively predictable rate. With appropriate surveillance, early identiŽ cation of small aneurysms is quite beneŽ cial for those patients whose aneurysms enlarge and reach treatment thresholds. In addition, emerging data suggests that medicines such as doxycycline, and risk factor modiŽ cation may retard aneurysm expansion.25¡28 The early identiŽ cation of aneurysms will allow application of these treatments and analysis of their efŽ cacy. Although AAA repair by open or endovascular techniques is expensive, the cost more than doubles if the repair is performed as an emergency.1 When these various factors were incorporated into a M arkov decision analysis model, AAA screening was found to be cost-effective. T he cost per quality-adjusted life-year saved for screening males above the age of 60 was $11 285 using a standard abdominal ultrasound and $6850 using a ‘quick screen’ ultrasound.8 Furthermore, a recent prospective analysis of AAA screening revealed a cost of $1107 per life-year gained as a consequence of screening.29 These numbers compare favorably with the cost-effectiveness of other well-accepted interventions such as coronary artery bypass grafting ($26 117)30 or hemodialysis ($54 400).31 Interestingly, the cost-effectiveness of AAA screening appears to be similar to that of screening mammography ($16¡20 000).32 As may be

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© Arnold 2004

10.1191/ 1358863x04vm528xx


KC Kent et al

anticipated, AAA screening is not cost-effective in patients above the age of 848 years.

· all males aged 60¡85 years · females aged 60¡85 years with cardiovascular risk factors · males or females > age 50 years with a family history of


Prospective studies The beneŽ t of screening for AAA has been demonstrated in six prospective, randomized studies.10,11,13,14,19,21¡23 Despite the fact that these studies were performed in multiple countries using variable patient cohorts, the Ž ndings have been surprisingly similar. Males of varying age were invited to participate in ultrasound screening and subsequently aneurysm-related mortalities in the screened and unscreened populations were compared. Patient response to the request for screening was high (74¡84%) and patients found to have an AAA 5.5 cm were advised to undergo elective repair.10,13,14,19,21¡23 At 4¡10 years follow-up the authors observed in screened patients a remarkable 45¡49% reduction in the incidence of ruptured AAA 10,13 and a decrease in aneurysm-related mortality that ranged from 21% to 68%.10,13,14,19,21 The largest of these studies was a recently published randomized trial in the United Kingdom that involved 70 495 men aged 65¡74 years old.10 Eighty per cent of patients responded to the request for screening. Mortality associated with elective AAA repair was 6%. At 4 years the authors found a 42% reduction in mortality from AAA in the invited group. M oreover, the mortality curves for screened and unscreened patients in this trial continue to diverge beyond 4 years.

Controversial issues Several concerns have been raised about the utility of population-based screening for AAA. It has been proposed that patients who are found to have ‘small’ aneurysms will experience a diminished quality of life related to concern over rupture.33¡35 Levels of anxiety, however, appear to diminish when a prudent plan of treatment is provided.35,36 As with any screening program, there will be patients who do not participate. H owever, similar screening programs within and outside the U SA enjoy acceptance rates that range from 75% to 88%.10,14,37,38 Moreover, very little cost is incurred for patients who do not participate in screening. Aortic aneurysm disease is one of the least well-known killers in American society. Initiation of an educational program to inform seniors and their physicians of this disease will increase the rate of response to screening and constitute an important step in a strategy to prevent death from rupture. Lastly, critics have suggested that screening may identify a large number of individuals that are unŽ t for surgery.33 H owever, Irvine et al found that patients identiŽ ed through screening were healthier than those whose aneurysms were discovered incidentally.23 Moreover, endovascular techniques will also likely reduce the percentage of patients who are unŽ t for aneurysm repair.

Recommendations Based upon available data, we recommend baseline ultrasound screening for AAA in the following patient cohorts:

Patients who appear unŽ t for any intervention should not be screened. Based upon available data, we recommend subsequent surveillance of screened patients as follows: · · · ·

aortic diameter (< 3 cm) no further testing AAA (3¡4 cm) yearly ultrasound AAA (4¡4.5 cm) ultrasound every 6 months AAA (> 4.5 cm) referral to a vascular specialist.

Some patients, particularly those who are young and at high risk for aneurysmal disease, may beneŽ t from an additional ultrasound 5 years following the initial screen.

Conclusions There are compelling data that in appropriately selected patient cohorts, identiŽ cation of AAA can save lives at a cost to society that compares favorably to other wellaccepted interventions. Since reimbursement currently remains the major impediment to acceptance of aneurysm screening, we strongly encourage that insurers adopt a policy that allows payment for this life-saving test.

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V ascular M edicine 2004; 9: 87–89