SCTE 2016 awardS

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these can be done online via the SCTE website at www. ... dinner and the winners plus their partners will, of course, ..
The Society for Broadband Professionals

S C T E 2 0 1 6 a wa r d s

A N N U A L I N D I V I D U A L A C H I E V E M E N T AWA R D S Nominations are now being sought for the 2016 SCTE Individual Achievement Awards. The 2016 Awards will be presented at the SCTE Annual Dinner which is being held on 9 April 2016 at the Lincolns Inn in London. The 2016 Individual Awards will be in the following categories:(i) Engineer of the Year (not necessarily an SCTE Member). (ii) SCTE Member of the Year. The nominations for the above Awards are being requested from all grades of Society Members and these should be forwarded to the SCTE office no later than 31 January 2016. Nominations can be made on the form below. Alternatively, these can be done online via the SCTE website at

After the closing date, the Executive Committee will then adjudicate the responses and decide whether, and to whom, the Awards should be given. As mentioned previously, the 2016 Awards will be presented at Lincoln’s Inn in London on the occasion of our Annual Dinner and the winners plus their partners will, of course, be the Society’s guests at this prestigious event; an added bonus prize to the honour of receiving the award itself. In order to assist the Executive Committee and panel in their deliberations, please give as much background information as possible for your choice of nomination in each category. Please remember that these are YOUR awards, so make sure that your views count by completing the nomination form TODAY!

SCTE 2016 Awards N O M I N AT I O N F O R M Name of Proposer: SCTE Membership Number: Company Name (where appropriate): (i) SCTE 2016 ENGINEER OF THE YEAR I nominate the following Engineer:

(name of individual), employed by

(company) as SCTE 2016 Technician of the Year for the following reasons:

NOTE: This individual does not necessarily have to be a member of the SCTE. (ii) THE RICHARD HARRIS SCTE 2016 MEMBER OF THE YEAR I nominate the following Engineer: (name of individual member) as the SCTE 2016 Member of the Year for the following reasons:

Please fax this form to the SCTE office at +44(0)1923 803203 or email it to [email protected] by 31 January 2016.