10 Oct 2013 ... Leadership: ¸In SDM»s monthlong January session, we worked in ..... from Dr.
Donna H. Rhodes, senior lecturer, MIT Engineering ..... technology in the MIT
labs, propose to your sponsoring company to invest in it, and write.
The newsletter of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology System Design and Management program vol. 8, no. 2
summer 2013
sdmpulse SDM Alum Designs and Promotes Ford Liftgate
in this issue 1 SDM Alum and Ford Liftgate 2 Publisher’s Welcome New SDM Career Development and Recruiting Director 3 SDM Fellow and the Sports Analytics Super Bowl 4 Transforming a Healthcare Enterprise
A self-described “car guy,” Vince Mahé, SDM ’06, is a lead design engineer at Ford Motor Company. He refers to himself as a “crossover” who has traversed many disparate terrains: growing up as a child in France and relocating to the United States at age 10 where he went “from 0 to 60 mph” to learn a new language and culture; transitioning from volunteering as
! Ford’s “Go Further” campaign in recognition of his contributions designing its innovative liftgate technology. The challenge:" # $% % incorporating new features that would “wow” customers.
6 Women in SDM (WiSDM) 8 2013 Tech Trek 10 ESD Ph.D./SDM Alums 12 SDM Calendar
on the web
Hands-free liftgate technology automatically opens after # the bumper.
> SDM Webinar Series Celebrates Milestone > Systems Thinking for a Travel Startup > SDM Fellows Create MIT Big Data Club
Photo courtesy of Ford Motor Company
Applying SDM learnings: > Visit sdm.mit.edu
Watch for the red dot indicating expanded stories online sdm.mit.edu
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% to represent diversity of thought, expertise, and culture. Members of my SDM group included high-achieving professionals from NASA, Boeing, Ford, and others. We learned $
#2 + #
##$ time to express their feelings openly so that we could all understand each other and # %34 2
2 and follow in order to lead.” Mahé applied these techniques when leading his global design team.
Innovation: The liftgate’s innovative design consists of two sensors and a control module. The sensors detect the presence of a foot and a shin—as well as the presence of the %5 # # 2 power liftgate, which opens automatically. continued on page 11
sdmpulse summer 2013 sdm.mit.edu
Welcome T
his edition showcases how systems thinking can be applied in a wide range of domains, including:
sdmpulse Vol. 8, No. 2 Summer 2013 © MIT 2013. All rights reserved
designing an innovative product feature for the Ford Escape;
developing a new framework for transforming a complex, multilevel healthcare enterprise for the US Department of Defense;
calculating technical debt when determining how to move forward in designing a new generation of product features; and
using big data analytics in professional sports to gain a competitive edge.
We hope these articles spark ideas for how you can apply systems thinking in your organization. We also hope that you will join us on October 10, 2013, for the annual MIT SDM Conference on Systems Thinking for Contemporary Challenges. This year’s one-day event will be specially designed as a back-to-the-classroom experiential program where you will have the opportunity to practice applying systems thinking. More details are available at sdm. mit.edu/systemsthinkingconference/2013/.
Publisher: Joan S. Rubin, MIT SDM Industry Codirector Editor: Lois Slavin, MIT SDM Communications Director Contributors: Sarah Foote, Rudy Smaling, Elizabeth Cilley Southerlan, Daniel Sturtevant, Melissa Rosen
Lastly, please join me in welcoming Jonathan Pratt, SDM’s new director of career development and recruiting and learn about him below. We are thrilled to have him on board! Sincerely,
Layout: Dave Schultz Copy editor and proofreader: Kathryn O’Neill
Joan S. Rubin Industry Codirector MIT System Design and Management
[email protected]
Printer: Arlington Lithograph MIT’s SDM program is jointly offered by the MIT Sloan School of Management and the MIT School of Engineering. SDM resides within the MIT Engineering Systems Division. For further information on MIT’s System Design and Management program, visit sdm.mit.edu.
Pratt Joins SDM for Recruiting and Career Development The MIT System Design and Management (SDM) program is pleased to announce that Jonathan Pratt recently joined SDM as director of career development and recruiting.
Learn more about Pratt: sdm.mit.edu
Pat Hale, director of the SDM Fellows Program said, “Jon’s expertise and superb track record in career development and recruiting for the MIT Supply Chain Management program; his industry background and knowledge; and his knowledge of MIT and the Engineering Systems Division will enable him to
community it serves.” Companies interested in learning about recruiting SDM fellows may contact Pratt at
[email protected].
Big Data, Sports Analytics, and an SDM Fellow )*+7" 2 % # 8% 9 2 % % *(
Monday Morning Quarterback: The in-game coaching panel used video and audience interactivity to encourage the panelists and the audience to explore the use of analytics in all aspects of play calling. The panelists, a collection of the NFL’s best coaches and managers, included: •
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Thomas Dimitroff, general manager, Atlanta Falcons
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" * Management event held with keynote speaker Bettina Hein, Pixability. *+$ Value in Your Organization Using Systems Engineering” held at MIT. Speakers— including Zoe Finch Totten, The Full Yield; Heidi Grenek, Xerox Corporation; and Ellen Ferraro, Raytheon—discuss the application of systems thinking and systems engineering in their organizations.
2013 "
SDM ’13 cohort. From left to right: Marianna Novellino, SDM ’13, Melissa Rosen Ceruolo, SDM ’11, Melissa Parrillo, SDM staff, Tina P. Srivastava, SDM ’11, Kathleen Voelbel, SDM ’12, Elizabeth Cilley Southerlan, SDM ’12, Leena Ratnam, SDM ’11.
4 )* = *( Learn more about
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Vince Mahé and the
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Ford foot-activated
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liftgate: sdm.mit.edu/vince.mahe
The results: