International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences IJCMS ISSN 2347 – 8527 Volume 2, issue 1 January 2014
Search Engine Optimization based on Effective Factors of Ranking in Web Sites: A Review Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh Department of Computer Engineering, Hacettepe University, Turkey
[email protected]
Marjan Mahmoodi Tabrizi
Isa Maleki
Department of Computer Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, West Azerbaijan, Iran
Department of Computer Engineering, Dehdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehdasht, Iran
[email protected]
ABSTRACT Nowadays, Search Engines have made progress lately and the number of the pages of web sites increases every days. The Search Engines the most common search systems are for meeting the needs of the users in searching the information in web sites and web pages. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a suitable strategy for increasing the ranking of the web pages and also increasing the organic traffic of the web sites in Search Engines. By means of Search Engines, Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) in web based on keyword indexing is done. This cause the SEO for searching the information in web sites take place by the ranking. So, in this paper, we tried to review and evaluation the SEO and increasing the ranking of web sites in Search Engines.
Keywords Search Engines, Search Engines Optimization, Web Site, Ranking
INTRODUCTION The important and effective web technology is a revolution in information world which increases daily. Making new web sites and developing the present web sites, increases the volume of the information. Nowadays the information volume in web world has increased so much and accessing the information is a more serious problem than the lack of the access. So, the more web world is developed, the more the need for searching the information is felt. In fact it is not possible to access the web sites information and meet the research, education, business and news needs without the use of Search Engines. The Search Engines the web sites which are implemented to contribute the users to find the information in the web sites [1, 2]. In Search Engines system, a list of web sites is shown inserting the key words by the userswhich are of the interest of the user. The Search Engines the information among the web pages and give the information to the users in a very short time. Before the Search Engines, when a web site was created on internet, just the users who knew the address of the web page could access that page. But, by the use of the Search Engines, it is possible to view many sites and use their information. The Search Engines store and process the existing data in web sites pages and create an information database of what is needed [1]. So, when the usersmine a specific subject, the Search Engines are
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refer to their information database and suggest the web sites which are similar in content to the keyword(s) [2]. Developing the Search Engines, the use of information search techniques has been more important for the users. Usually the users use the Search Engines to find the texts and services. Nowadays most of the users find diverse sites by the Search Engines. Usersthink that high rank of the webs sites in Search Engines lead to the more fame of them in internet. SEO is not to use the complex techniques of implementation, but it is to use the effective optimization techniques in web sites which cause increasing the ranking of the web sites in Search Engines [3]. Ranking the web sites means being present in important Search Engines is having its information be archived in web sites of data base and be present in SERPs [2, 3]. So, SEO is done to optimize and increase the ranking of the web sites in Search Engines [3, 4]. One operation of the SEO is to follow the changes in the content of the web sites and this causes Search Engines to find the sites according to these changes. The most important specification is that the sites of higher grade have the higher grade in Search Engines results. Then, the main goal of optimization is to study the technical methods like suitable page title, Meta Tags, Keywords and Key-sentences and suitable contents of the web pages [5]. So, the SEO is a method to improve the web sites to increase the number of the viewers for search in the business texts. This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, the Search Engines will describe; in Section 3, SEO is studied; in Section 4, we will discuss the field of SEO and finally in Section 5, discuss conclusion and future works.
SEARCH ENGINES Search Engines are one of the most important and the strongest technologies are of web environment. The Search Engines are the sites which search the keywords in the web sites and return the most related information to the words searches in the results pages [5, 6]. They also make the ranking according to the value of the web sites content and optimization of the Search Engines. Ranking of the web sites is a system which is done first by the most famous search engine of the world, Google [3]. In ranking system the sites
International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences IJCMS ISSN 2347 – 8527 Volume 2, issue 1 January 2014 which are more efficient are shown in the first pages of the search results pages. The operation of the Search Engines for presenting the search results and ranking in SERPs contain the followings [7, 8]: Spider: It is software which collects the information needed for a search engine. This software identifies all the links of the web sites and reviews all the inked web sites and collects the information needed and give them to the other sections of the search engine [9, 6]. This software reviews different pages and mines the HTML codes and collects the keywords in the codes. Spider is also used to refer to different web sites and study the activeness of the links or maybe they could search the e mail addresses. Google uses spider to collect the information from different web pages. Crawler: Crawler is software which commands the spider which links to search. In fact crawler decides which links of web sites to be mined by the spider [6]. So, it is possible to mine all or some of the links or maybe none of them. Crawler may give a specific site address to the spider to make it mine that specific site. Also mining the links of the web sites depends on that how much the search engine is able to store information in its database, and also it is possible that the Search Engines limit the access to some web sites. Indexer: All information gathered by the spider is given to the indexer. In this section the sent information are analyzed and divided into different section [10]. Analyzing means identification of the send point of the information, repetition of the keywords in the web sites contents and the placement of the keywords in the web sites. So, indexer gathers the information in the web sites and mines the web site page by page and creates a graph of the information. Database: All of the analyzed information in the indexer is sent to the database. In this part the data are grouped, encrypted and stored [10]. The data are compressed before being stored to fill lower space. A search engine must have a wide database and must develop its volume continuously and it also must be able to update the information. These two specifications make the search engine become more favorite. One of the main differences between Search Engines are in the database size and the method of storing data in the database. Ranking: In Search Engines, the user inserts the word in the search box and the related information is shown. To reply the command of the users, first all of the web sites of the database which are related to the subject are shown. And then ranking system starts operating and sorts the web sites from the lowest relation to the most related one and the results are returned to the user. In fact, ranking system is a search engine and the main difference of the Search Engines lay in this part [5, 11]. Search Engines uses the specific algorithms for mining the information in web sites, classification and sorting them. In Fig. 1, the operation of the Search Engines elements is shown.
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Fig 1: The Elements of the Search Engines As it is seen in Fig. 1, the Search Engines uses the spider software to search the information in the web sites. Spider mining takes place using the links of the web sites and finds all indices of the web sites according to the identification of the words or sentences using the links of the web sites. The processed web sites are stored in the search engine database. So, when a command is sent from user, the search engine processes it and takes into consideration the highest dependency of the web sites to the keywords of the users and then returns the ranking of search engine results pages.
SEARCH ENGINES OPTIMIZATION SEO is a process of developing or increasing the quality of traffic of a web site by the Search Engines through organic or algorithmic search results [9]. SEO means creating web sites which are interesting for the Search Engines and have more viewers. SEO was used by the web masters and large site managers in 1990s [9]. First, tall web masters must have registered all of their web pages in the database of the Search Engines to make the web pages be shown by the search results. But now the optimized use of the Search Engines cause web sites which are designed well have the highest rank in Search Engines results pages. So, to make the rank of a web site higher, the web site optimization must be executed. Optimization not only makes the rank of a web site higher in the search engine, but also causes the users view the high ranked sites more. In this field one of the effective techniques of SEO in growth and development of the rank of a web site is to take into consideration the parameters of designing the web
International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences IJCMS ISSN 2347 – 8527 Volume 2, issue 1 January 2014 sites and the link of the sites to the Search Engines using the optimization strategies for web sites. This takes place using the analysis of the key words and editing the text of the web sites contents. As the web sites are designed for specific users, to heighten the rank of a web site the web sites optimization must be used in design and the content of the web sites. In fact all these struggles and the optimization processes take place to make the web sites go higher in rank and become at the first place of the results according to the keywords [5]. A. Kumar [12] believes that to optimize the web sites and to make the rank of a web site the highest, cleaning the HTML codes, selection of the right keywords according to the activity field of the web site, selection of the right title for the web sites, creation of the internal and external links to the web sites, selection of the right URL for the web sites and the identification of the web sites are of the effective factors. In fact, the Search Engines also pays attention to the number of the links of the web sites. So the web sites which are more linked are placed at the first pages of the search results. If we optimize the web sites for the Search Engines, the rank of the web site will be higher and the users will use their favorite web sites efficiently. To follow the links of a web site depends on the keywords and the ability of the search engine in storing the information of the web sites in the databases. Optimization of the Search Engines is one of the most important parameters in designing the web sites and the better relation with the search engine in internet and higher ranking. All stages inside the web site for optimization of the pages are called On-Page SEO and for the increasing the ranking of the web page is called Off-Page SEO [9]. If the web pages do not have high rank, users will not be able to find them and use their services. So, optimizing the Search Engines, the content management and the framework of the pages of the web sites is very important both internally and externally. In Fig. 2 the effective factors in optimization of search engine for the web sites are shown.
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Fig 2: The Effective Factors in SEO in Increasing the Ranking of the Web Sites The other important point is SEO from ranking point of view for the web sites for which three factors are effective. The first factor is the content of the web sites in their page. The second factor is the links which the web sites refer to each other by them. The third one is the refer rate of the users to the web sites. The Search Engines uses the crawler software to pay attention to the indexed pages of the web sites while searching. One of the methods of heightening the ranking of a web site in search results and optimization of the web sites for the Search Engines are editing the suitable structure to make all pages of the web sites accessible and to create relations among all of the pages of the web site [9]. Also, researchers [3] have studied the SEO using Google. Page Rank discussion of Google which is based on the web sites ranking is suggested. Page Rank uses the links to the pages are of the web sites to identify the rank and score of the web pages. So, optimization using the Google Page Rank makes web sites have better relation with the Google search engine and the rank of the web sites go higher in SERPs. Also the methods used in Search Engines for evaluating the content of the web sites are developing all days. So some of the elements like main content, high density of the key words and being linked to the valid sites, always play role in high ranking. The other important point is the right structure of the web sites. If the pages of the web pages have no good relation with each other or the inside link of them are not matched well, spiders will not be able to read them and they will not be clear for the Search Engines. The spiders use keywords to understand the content of the web sites. So, the spiders evaluate the web sites comparing the keywords to the content of the web sites and then send the information for the information database of Google. Designing and implementation of the SEO according to Page Rank is a very important point and it is said that
International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences IJCMS ISSN 2347 – 8527 Volume 2, issue 1 January 2014 Google search engine shows the title of the web sites and also the keywords in search results pages. This method can affect the increase of the web sites ranking and the web sites which are ranked higher are places top in the results. When the web sites use Google search engine for evaluation of the web pages, the factors like links, keywords, page title and links context are taken into consideration. According to the results and the studies it could be said that Google search engine is highly efficient in finding the web sites related to the question of the usersand ranking of the web sites [2]. SEO does not mean using the complex tools in implementation of the web sites, but it means to use and make little changes in the web site which can affect the ranking of the web site on the Search Engines. The following methods for increasing the ranking the web sites are pointed in [13][14].
Links: is one of the factors in the ranking of the web sites and is the number of the links referred to the web sites. The ranking will be better using this method [15].
Valuable Content: one of the best methods of making the rank of a web page higher is free services which are valuable in the web sites contents.
Suitable Domain: the short and key domain name is very affective in recognizing the name of the web site. So, selection of the suitable domain name for the web sites makes the users refer more to them and this affect the ranking positively.
Keywords: the keywords must be selected in a way that they will affect the web sites ranking in the Search Engines. Using the most important keywords in the title of the web page, positively affects the ranking of the web page.
Updating: the best method to increase the rank of the web site is updating. Updating makes the valuable sites go high in rank in analyzing the web sites using the Search Engines.
The SEO includes analysis of the keywords, the content of the web site and the efficient links inside the web site [16]. These makes web sites to become into the SERPs and go higher in rank [17]. SEO is an important and effective technique in web environment and plays important role in increasing the value of the web pages. So to make the web sites be high in rank by the Search Engines, we must optimize the web pages for Search Engines. Also, to increase the rank of the web sites in Search Engines and increasing the number of the users, the use of the special scripts in web pages contents for guiding the users to the web sites, play important role [2].SEO techniques for web sites emphasize on the optimization strategies for increasing the ranking of the web sites. To be optimized from
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Search Engines point of view, the web sites must use the keywords and the related sentences in whole pages of themselves. Another factor affecting the ranking is selection of the suitable name for the domain of the web sites [10]. The value of SEO in E-Commerce web sites is clearer because the users access them via the Search Engines. The web sites must be designed in a way that could be ranked from content point of view in SERPs. They have also studied MSN and Yahoo and tried to understand have they find the related web sites and have cited that the search engine plays important role in evaluation of the web sites. It could be said that Yahoo search engine is more efficient than MSN. So search optimization is very important in web sites ranking [18].
DISCUSSION Nowadays web is an important resource for the information and as the use of internet is increasing, taking into consideration the large volume of the information on the web sites, there must be criteria for ranking the valid web sites and analyzing the present information. One of the methods of evaluating the web sites and the information of them is SEO. Search Engines process the most related and updated information while mining. Search Engines ability in information search takes place by taking into consideration the content of the web pages and the links inside them. So, to increase the ranking of the web sites there are important factors taken into consideration. First, the useful links must be used for valuing the web site. In web world links play effective role in favor of the web sites. When the web sites hold links to each other, they hold more important for Search Engines point of view. Links are the main and sometimes the only factor for valuing the web sites. So, more the number of the links to a web site, higher the rank of that web site. And also, more the site linking the other is valid; more valid is the site receiving the link. Second, for a web site to go higher in rank it is effective to use the keywords for SEO. The web sites must select limited number of the keywords and focus on them to go higher in rank among the high number of the existing web sites. The keywords must effectively be used in title and the links of the web sites. The Search Engines usually study the role of the keywords in the web sites and recognizing the key words, focus on them. So, the key words are more important when used in the title and the links of the web sites. Also, the most important keywords must be used in the title of the web site. Third, the optimized codes use is a factor in ranking of the web sites. One of the most important methods in ranking the web sites in Search Engines is the optimized code in the pages of the web sites. The optimized code use makes spider return better results from the search and the more important web sites place higher than the others. We suggest powerful servers for web sites to go higher in rank. The powerful servers make the web sites be accessible all times and to be viewed by the more speedy Search Engines. The powerful server's makes the web sites go higher in rank of the Search Engines and also they cause to be shown
International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences IJCMS ISSN 2347 – 8527 Volume 2, issue 1 January 2014 in first pages of the search because they contribute diagnosis of related content to the favored words of the users.
[8] [9]
CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS Today by the development of the web sites and the number of the internet users, the identification of the web sites for the users is of high challenge. So, the high number of the web sites on internet makes the ranking of the web sites by the use of the Search Engines very important. As we cited in this paper, the Search Engines use many different ways to make better the ranking of the web sites. The SEO is one of the methods of increasing the rank of the web sites. One of the methods of increasing the rank of the web site in SEO technique is the use of the keywords and the information content of the web sites. As the Search Engines use the URL addresses to search and show the information of the pages of the web sites the users demand, the right URL selection is very effective in ranking the web sites. Also the role of the databases of the Search Engines in ranking the web sites and the rapid access of the users in continuous search is very clear. We hope to be able to design and implement optimized search engine techniques using this paper in future which will return the sites higher in rank and which will be optimized from identification of the continuous pages.
[13] [14] [15]
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