Seasonal English A1 Englisch

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Seasonal English A1. Englisch. Ideas for English for Diwali for A1 classes. Autorin: Nicole Tomberg Seite 1 von 4.
Seasonal English A1


Ideas for English for Diwali for A1 classes

Teacher’s notes Aims – To present information and vocabulary about India, a former British colony, and about Diwali, an important Indian holiday (in 2009: on 17th October)

© 2009 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Tasks – To match photos with information about India – To read a text about Diwali – To do a crossword puzzle – To discuss some questions concerning food at different occasions Preparation Make enough copies of the worksheets. Timing 25+ mins for all activities Procedure 1. State that you would like to do a lesson on India and an important Indian holiday called Diwali (write the word on the whiteboard). First explain that India was an important British colony and only became independent in 1947. Then do a brainstorming session about India. Ask for places, holiday destinations, religion, has anyone ever been there on holiday, food, etc. Hand out first worksheet and, in ex. 1, ask students to match the pictures with the information given. Collect in class. Answers 1F, 2D, 3B, 4C, 5E, 6G, 7A As a second step, you can ask students the names of the people, places or things depicted. Answers A Mahatma Gandhi, B Taj Mahal, C Silk sari, D Mumbai (formerly Bombay), E Goa, F Indira Gandhi, G Jain Temple, Ranakpur 2. Hand out second worksheet and ask students to read the text in ex. 2 out loud. Make sure it is understood. 3. Ask students to do the crossword puzzle (ex. 3). Answers Across: 3 light, 6 new, 7 clothes, 8 lamp Down: 1 bath, 2 fireworks, 4 festival, 5 exchange 4. Hand out final worksheet and ask students to discuss questions in ex. 4 and write down one or two answers. Collect answers in open class and guide students along carefully, not correcting but merely helping out with words. Answer Traditionally, for a housewarming, you take salt and bread in Germany, hoping that the person visited will never run out of either.

Autorin: Nicole Tomberg

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Seasonal English A1


Ideas for English for Diwali for A1 classes

1. What do you know about India? Match the pictures with the descriptions. (Suchen Sie die richtigen Beschreibungen zu den Bildern.)


© 2009 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

This politician* was the Prime Minister of India from 1966-77 and 1980-84. This town was called Bombay. It now has a different name. It is in the west of India. This is a famous grave** of a princess, but it looks like a palace. India is the second largest producer of this in the world. This area in India has lots of beautiful beaches. This is a famous temple in India. This man fought against British colonialism in India.

_____ *politican: Politikerin

**grave: Grab

Autorin: Nicole Tomberg

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Seasonal English A1


Ideas for English for Diwali for A1 classes

© 2009 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

2. Diwali – Festival of lights Diwali is a very important festival in India. It celebrates the victory* of good over evil**. Over one million Indians living in the UK and Indians all over the world also celebrate Diwali. Diwali is in autumn, but the date changes every year because of the lunar calendar. Diwali means “Festival of lights”. People light a lot of lamps and candles inside their homes and out on the streets and you can see beautiful illuminations everywhere. People celebrate Diwali with firecrackers*** and fireworks. People have a bath and then wear new clothes. Women and girls wear colourful**** clothes and paint their hands with henna. It is a day to visit family and friends and to exchange presents such as sweets and food. _____ *victory: Sieg **evil: böse ***firecrackers: Feuerwerkskörper ****colourful: bunt

3. Diwali crossword puzzle Across 3. Licht 6. neu 7. Kleidung 8. Lampe Down 1. Bad 2. Feuerwerk 4. Fest 5. austauschen

Autorin: Nicole Tomberg

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Seasonal English A1


Ideas for English for Diwali for A1 classes

4. Over to you Food is an important part of Diwali.

Almond Seera What kind of food do you eat ... ... at Christmas?

potato salad, tortilla, sausages, turkey, fish?

... at Easter?

chocolate, pizza, cake, Easter eggs?

© 2009 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

... on your birthday?

birthday cake, pizza, salad, meatballs? th

... on St. Nicholas’ Day (6 Dec)?

pasta, chips, oranges, bananas, nuts, tangerines?

– Do you usually take food or drink if you are invited to a party? If so, what do you take? – What kind of food do you take to a housewarming party*? – What is your favourite dish and what do you need to make it? Make a list. My favourite dish:

– What is your favourite drink?

_____ *housewarming party: Einweihungsparty

Autorin: Nicole Tomberg

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