Second Language Writing Bibliographies

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These bibliographies are provided by TESOL's Second Language Writing Interest ... Controversies in second language writing: Dilemmas and decisions in  ...
Second Language Writing Bibliographies


Second Language Writing Bibliographies Compiled in 2007 by Talinn Phillips, Ohio University, and Charles Nelson, Kean University These bibliographies are provided by TESOL’s Second Language Writing Interest Section. We are heavily indebted to Paul Matsuda, whose online bibliographies formed the foundation for the ones you see here. Thanks also to Gyl Mattioli, Donald Weasenforth, Margaret Redus, Nancy Megarity, Gigi Taylor, and Lynn Goldstein for their contributions. Citations with an * denote sources which are especially classroom-oriented and/or are particularly accessible for newcomers to the field. Learn more about the SLWIS at our website:

An Overview of the Field *Casanave, C. P. (2004). Controversies in second language writing: Dilemmas and decisions in research and instruction. In D. Belcher & J. Liu (Eds.), Michigan Series on Teaching Multilingual Writers. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P. *CCCC Committee on Second Language Writing. (2001). CCCC statement on second language writing and writers. College Composition and Communication, 52(4), 669-674. Hyland, K. (2002). Teaching and researching writing. Applied Linguistics in Action Series. London: Pearson. Leki, I. (2000). Writing, literacy, and applied linguistics. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 20, 99-115. Matsuda, P. K. (1998). Situating ESL writing in a cross-disciplinary context. Written Communication, 15(1), 99-121. *Matsuda, P. K. (1999). Composition studies and ESL writing: A disciplinary division of labor. College Composition and Communication, 50(4), 699–721. Matsuda, P. K. (2003). Second language writing in the twentieth century: A situated historical perspective. In B. Kroll (Ed.), Exploring the dynamics of second language writing (pp. 15-34). New York: Cambridge UP. Matsuda, P. K., Canagarajah, A. S., Harklau, L., Hyland, K., & Warschauer, M. (2003). Changing currents in second language writing research: A colloquium. Journal of Second Language Writing, 12(2), 151-179. Matsuda, P. K., Ortmeier-Hooper, C., & You, X. (Eds.). (2006). The politics of second language writing: In search of the promised land. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press. *Matsuda, P. K., & Silva, T. (Eds.). (2005). Second language writing research: Perspectives on the process of knowledge construction. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. *Santos, T., Atkinson, D., Erickson, M., Matsuda, P. K., & Silva, T. (2000). On the future of second language writing: A colloquium. Journal of Second Language Writing, 9(1), 1-20. *Silva, T. (1993). Toward an understanding of the distinct nature of L2 writing: The ESL research and its implications. TESOL Quarterly, 24, 657-677. *Silva, T., & Matsuda, P. K. (Eds.). (2001). On second language writing. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Contrastive Rhetoric *Casanave, C. P. (2004). Contrastive rhetoric. In Controversies in second language writing: Dilemmas and decisions in research and instruction (pp. 26-62). In D. Belcher & J. Liu (Eds.). Michigan Series on Teaching Multilingual Writers. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P. Connor, U. (1996). Contrastive rhetoric: Cross-cultural aspects of second-language writing. In M. H. Long & J. C. Richards (Eds.), Cambridge Applied Linguistics Series. New York: Cambridge UP. Connor, U. (2002). New directions in contrastive rhetoric. TESOL Quarterly, 36(4), 493-510. Grabe, W., & Kaplan, R. (1989). Writing in a second language: Contrastive rhetoric. In D. Johnson & D. Roen (Eds.), Richness in writing: Empowering ESL students (pp. 263-283). New York: Longman. Hinds, J. (1987). Reader versus writer responsibility: A new typology. In U. M. Connor & R. B. Kaplan (Eds.), Writing across languages: Analysis of L2 texts (pp. 141-152). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. [Reprinted in Silva, T., & Matsuda, P. K. (Eds.). (2001). Landmark essays on ESL writing. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.] Hinds, J. (1990). Inductive, deductive, quasi-inductive: Expository writing in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and Thai. In U. M. Connor & A. Johns (Eds.), Coherence in writing: Research and pedagogical perspectives (pp. 87-109). Alexandria, VA: TESOL. Kaplan, R. B. (1966). Cultural thought patterns in intercultural education. Language Learning, 16(1), 1-20. [Reprinted in Silva, T., & Matsuda, P. K. (Eds.). (2001). Landmark essays on ESL writing. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.] Kaplan, R. B. (1987). Cultural thought patterns revisited. In U. M. Connor & R. B. Kaplan (Eds.), Writing across languages: Analysis of L2 texts (pp. 9-21). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Kaplan, R. B. (1988). Contrastive rhetoric and second language learning: Notes towards a theory of contrastive rhetoric. In A. Purves (Ed.), Writing across languages and cultures: Issues in contrastive rhetoric (pp. 275-304). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Land, R., & Whitley, C. (1989). Evaluating second language essays in regular composition classes: Toward a pluralistic U.S. rhetoric. In D. Johnson & D. Roen (Eds.), Richness in writing: Empowering ESL students (pp. 284-294). New York: Longman. Leki, I. (1991). Twenty-five years of contrastive rhetoric. TESOL Quarterly, 25(1), 123-143. Matsuda, P. K. (1997). Contrastive rhetoric in context: A dynamic model of L2 writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 6(1), 45-60. [Reprinted in Silva, T., & Matsuda, P. K. (Eds.). (2001). Landmark essays on ESL writing. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.] Matsuda, P. K. (2001). On the origin of contrastive rhetoric. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 11(2), 257-260.

Second Language Writing Bibliographies


The Role of the First Language in Composing *Bean, J., Cucchihara, M., Eddy, R., Elbow, P., Grego, R., Kutz, E., Haswell, R., Irvine, P., Kennedy, E., Lehner, A., & Matsuda, P. K. (2003). Should we invite students to write in home dialects or languages? Complicating the yes/no debate. Composition Studies, 31(1), 25-42. Hu, J. (2003). Thinking languages in L2 writing: Research findings and pedagogical implications. TESL Canada Journal, 21(1), 39-63. Kobayashi, H., & Rinnert, C. (1992). Effects of first language on second language writing: Translation versus direct composition. Language Learning, 42(2), 183-215. Kobayashi, H., & Rinnert, C. (2002). High school student perceptions of first language literacy instruction: Implications for second language writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 11(2), 91-116. Lay, N. (1988). The comforts of the first language in learning to write. Kaleidoscope, 4, 15-18. Uzawa, K. (1994). Translation, L1 writing, and L2 writing of Japanese ESL learners. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 16(2), 119-134. Uzawa, K. (1996). Second language learners' process of L1 writing, L2 writing, and translation from L1 into L2. Journal of Second Language Writing, 5(3), 271-294. Wang, W., & Wen, Q. (2002). L1 use in the L2 composing process: An exploratory study of 16 Chinese EFL writers. Journal of Second Language Writing, 11(3), 225-246. Woodall, B. R. (2002). Language-switching: Using the first language while writing in a second language. Journal of Second Language Writing, 11(1), 7-28.

The Place of Grammar Instruction *Byrd, P., & Reid, J. (1998). Grammar in the composition classroom: Essays on teaching ESL for college-bound students. New York: Heinle & Heinle. Fazio, L. L. (2001). The effect of corrections and commentaries on the journal writing accuracy of minority- and majoritylanguage students. Journal of Second Language Writing, 10(4), 235-249. Ferris, D. (1995). Can advanced ESL students become effective self-editors? The CATESOL Journal, 8(1), 41-62. Ferris, D. (1999). The case for grammar correction in L2 writing classes: A response to Truscott (1996). Journal of Second Language Writing, 8(1), 1-11. *Ferris, D. (2002). Treatment of error in second language student writing. In D. Belcher & J. Liu (Eds.), Michigan Series on Teaching Multilingual Writers. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P. *Ferris, D. (2003). Response to student writing: Implications for second language students. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. *Ferris, D., & Hedgcock, J. S. (2005). Teaching ESL composition: Purpose, process, and practice (2 ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Frodesen, J., & Holten, C. (2003). Grammar and the ESL writing class. In B. Kroll (Ed.), Exploring the dynamics of second language writing. (pp. 141-161). New York: Cambridge UP. Hinkel, E. (2002). Second language writers’ text: Linguistic and rhetorical features. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), ESL and Applied Linguistics Professional Series. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. *Hinkel, E. (2004). Teaching academic ESL writing: Practical techniques in vocabulary and grammar. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), ESL and Applied Linguistics Professional Series. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Madraso, J. (1993). Proofreading: The skill we’ve neglected to teach. The English Journal, 82(2), 32-41. Porter, P. & vanDommelen, D. (2005). Integrating assessment with grammar-for-writing instruction. Proceedings of the CATESOL State Conference. [Available:] Truscott, J. (1999). The case for "The case against grammar correction in L2 writing classes": A response to Ferris. Journal of Second Language Writing, 8(2), 111-122. nd

The Role of Teacher Feedback Conrad, S M. & Goldstein, L. (1999). Student revision after teacher written comments: text, contexts and individuals. Journal of Second Language Writing, 8(2), 147-180. Ferris, D. (2003). Response to student writing. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Ferris, D. (1997). The influence of teacher commentary on student revision. TESOL Quarterly, 31(2), 315-339. Goldstein, L. (2001). For Kyla: What does the research say about responding to ESL writers. In T. Silva & P. K. Matsuda (Eds.), On second language writing. (pp. 73-90). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Goldstein, L. (2004). Questions and answers about teacher written commentary and student revision: Teachers and students working together. Journal of Second Language Writing, 13(1), 63-80. Goldstein, L. (2005). Teacher written commentary in second language writing classrooms. In D. Belcher & J. Liu (Eds.), Michigan Series on Teaching Multilingual Writers. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P. Hyland, F. (1998). The impact of teacher written feedback on individual writers. Journal of Second Language Writing, 7(3), 255-286. Hyland, F. (2000). ESL writers and feedback: Giving more autonomy to students. Language Teaching Research, 4(1), 33-54. Hyland, F. & Hyland, K. (2001). Sugaring the pill: Praise and criticism in written feedback. Journal of Second Language Writing, 10(3), 185-212. Hyland, K. & Hyland, F. (Eds.). (2006). Feedback in second language writing: Contexts and issues. New York: Cambridge UP.

Second Language Writing Bibliographies


The Use & Implications of Peer Review Berg, E. C. (1999). The effects of trained peer response on ESL students' revision types and writing quality. Journal of Second Language Writing, 8(3), 215-241. *Liu, J., & Hansen, J. (2002). Peer response in second language writing classrooms. In D. Belcher & J. Liu (Eds.), Michigan Series on Teaching Multilingual Writers. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P. *Paulus, T. M. (1999). The effect of peer and teacher feedback on student writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 8(3), 265-289. *Tsui, A. B. M., & Ng, M. (2000). Do secondary L2 writers benefit from peer comments? Journal of Second Language Writing, 9(2), 147-170. Villamil, O., & de Guerrero, M. (1996). Peer revision in the L2 classroom: Social-cognitive activities, mediating strategies, and aspects of social behavior. Journal of Second Language Writing, 5(1), 51-75. Zhang, S. (1999). Thoughts on some recent evidence concerning the affective advantage of peer feedback. Journal of Second Language Writing, 8(3), 321-326. Zhu, W. (2001). Interaction and feedback in mixed peer response groups. Journal of Second Language Writing, 10(4), 251276.

The Place of the Personal *Hirvela, A., & Belcher, D. (2001). Coming back to voice: The multiple voices and identities of mature multilingual writers. Journal of Second Language Writing, 10(1-2), 83-106. Ivanic, R., & Camps, D. (2001). I am how I sound: Voice as self-representation in L2 writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 10(1-2), 3-33. Matsuda, P. K. (2001). Voice in Japanese written discourse: Implications for second language writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 10(1-2), 35-53. Prior, P. (2001). Voices in text, mind, and society: Sociohistoric accounts of discourse acquisition and use. Journal of Second Language Writing, 10(1-2), 55-81. Stapleton, P. (2002). Critiquing voice as a viable pedagogical tool in L2 writing: Returning the spotlight to ideas. Journal of Second Language Writing, 11(3), 177-190.

Second Language Writing & Technology Bloch, J. (2007). L2 writing and technology. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P. *Braine. G. (2004). Teaching second and foreign language writing on LANs. In S. Fotos & C. Browne (Eds.), New perspectives on CALL for Second Language Classrooms. (pp. 93-108). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. *Brooks, K., Nichols, C. & Priebe, S. (2004). Remediation, genre, and motivation: Key concepts for teaching with weblogs. Into the blogosphere: Rhetoric, community, and the culture of weblogs. [Available]. *Campbell, A. P. (2003). Weblogs for use with ESL classes. The Internet TESL Journal, 10(2). [Available:]. Chapelle, C. (2003). English language learning and technology. Philadelphia: Benjamins. *Ducate, L. & Lomicka, L. (2005). Exploring the blogsphere: Use of web logs in the foreign language classroom. Foreign Language Annals, 38(3), 410-421. *Godwin-Jones, R. (2003). Emerging technologies: Blogs and wikis: Environments for on-line collaboration. Language Learning & Technology, 7(2), 12-16. *Johnson, A. (2004). Creating a writing course utilizing class and student blogs. The Internet TESL Journal, 10(8). [Available:]. Pennington, M. (1996). The computer and the non-native writer: A natural partnership. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton. Pennington, M. C. (2003). The impact of the computer in second language writing. In B. Kroll (Ed.), Exploring the dynamics of second language writing. (pp. 287-310). New York: Cambridge University Press. *Pennington, M. (2004). Electronic media in second language writing: An overview of tools and research findings. In S. Fotos & C. Browne (Eds.), New perspectives on CALL for second language classrooms. (pp. 69-92). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Shin, D. (2006). “ESL students’ computer-mediated communication practices: context configuration.” Language Learning and Technology, 10(3), 65-84. Stiliotopoulos, V. (2003). “Developing multiliteracies in adult ESL learners using on-line forums.” International Journal of the Humanities, 1, 1291-1304. Thatcher, B. (2005). “Situating L2 writing in global communication technologies.” Computers and Composition 22(3), 279295. Ward, J. (2004). Blog assisted language learning (BALL): Push button publishing for the pupils. TEFL Web Journal, 3(1), 1-


Second Language Writing Bibliographies


Second Language Writing Task Design & Assessment Beach, R. (1982). The pragmatics of self-assessing. In R. Sudol (Ed.), Revising: New essays for teachers of writing. (pp. 71-83). Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. Hamp-Lyons, L. (1996). The challenges of second-language writing assessment. In M. White, W. Lutz & S. Kamusikiri (Eds.), Assessment of writing: Politics, policies, and practices. (pp. 226-240). New York: Modern Language Association. Hamp-Lyons, L., & Kroll, B. (1996). Issues in ESL writing assessment: An overview. College ESL, 6(1), 52-72. Hamp-Lyons, L., & Mathias, S. (1994). Examining expert judgments of task difficulty on essay tests. Journal of Second Language Writing, 3(1), 49-68. *Kroll, B., & Reid, J. (1994). Guidelines for designing writing prompts: Clarifications, caveats, and cautions. Journal of Second Language Writing, 3(3), 231-255. Osburne, A. G., & Mulling, S. (1994). Essay prompts and the ESOL student. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 5(1), 103-114. Peyton, J. K., Staton, J., Richardson, G., & Wolfram, W. (1993). The influence of writing task on ESL students' written production. In J. K. Peyton & J. Staton (Eds.), Dialogue journals in the multilingual classroom: Building fluency and writing skills through written interaction (pp. 196-221). Norwood, NJ: Ablex. *Reid, J., & Kroll, B. (1994). Designing and assessing effective classroom assignments for NES and ESL students. Journal of Second Language Writing, 4(1), 17-41. Robinson, P. (1995). Task complexity and second language narrative discourse. Language Learning, 45(1), 99-140. Way, D. P. (1998). Writing in the secondary foreign language classroom: The effects of prompts and tasks on the writing samples of novice learners of French as a foreign language. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59(5), 1552A. Weigle, S. C. (2002). Assessing writing. New York: Cambridge UP.

Integrating Second Language Perspectives into Writing Program Administration *CCCC Committee on Second Language Writing. (2001). CCCC statement on second language writing and writers. College Composition and Communication, 52(4), 669-674. [Available:] *Matsuda, P. K., Burton, T. & Fruit, M. (Eds.). (2006). Bridging the disciplinary divide: Integrating a second-language perspective into writing programs. [Special issue]. Writing Program Administration 30(1-2). *Matsuda, P. K., & Silva, T. (1999). Cross-cultural composition: Mediated integration of US and international students. Composition Studies, 27(1), 15-30. [Available:] *Silva, T. (1994). An examination of writing program administrators' options for the placement of ESL students in first year writing classes. Writing Program Administration, 18(1-2), 398-428. *Silva, T. (1997). On the ethical treatment of ESL writers. TESOL Quarterly, 31(2), 359-363. Williams, J. (1995). ESL composition program administration in the United States. Journal of Second Language Writing, 4(2), 157-179.

Second Language Writers in the Writing Center *Blau, S., & Hall, J. (2002). Guilt-free tutoring: Rethinking how we tutor non-native-English-speaking students. Writing Center Journal, 23, 23-44. *Bruce, S., & Rafoth, B. (Eds.). (2004). ESL writers: A guide for writing center tutors. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/CookHeinemann. *Harris, M. (1997). Cultural conflicts in the writing center: Expectations and assumptions of ESL students. In C. Severino, J. C. Guerra, & J. E. Butler (Eds.), Writing in multicultural settings (pp. 220-233). New York: Modern Language Association. *Harris, M. & Silva, T. (1993). Tutoring ESL students: Issues and options. College Composition and Communication, 44(4), 525-537. Myers, S. A. (2003). Reassessing the ‘proofreading trap’: ESL tutoring and writing instruction. Writing Center Journal, 24, 5167. *Powers, J. K. (1993). Rethinking writing center conferencing strategies for the ESL writer. Writing Center Journal, 13, 39-47. Severino, C. & Williams, J. (Eds.). (2004). Writing Centers. [Special issue]. Journal of Second Language Writing, 13(3). *Williams, J. (2002). Undergraduate second language writers in the writing center. Journal of Basic Writing, 21(2), 73-91.

For Faculty Across the Curriculum *Leki, I. (1992). Understanding ESL writers: A guide for teachers. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton-Cook/Heinemann. *Matsuda, P. K., Cox, M., Jordan, J., & Ortmeier-Hooper, C. (Eds.). (2006). Second language writing in the composition classroom. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s. *Ohio State University Writing Intensive Curriculum & Ohio State University Center for Writing and Learning (Producer) & Robertson, W. (Writer/Director). (2005). Writing across borders [Motion picture]. United States: Oregon State University. *Zamel, V. & Spack, R. (Eds.). (2004). Crossing the curriculum: Multilingual learners in college classrooms. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.