Telephone comments should be made to 251-208-. 6293. Email comments should be sent to
. The Draf
Second Program Year Action Plan AMENDED PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF MOBILE PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO PY 2009-2010 ACTION PLAN The City of Mobile intends to amend its PY 2009 Action Plan to reallocate the following unspent HOME funds from the 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 PY Action Plans, in the amount of $2,211,002.19for acquisition, demolition, rehabilitation, and/or construction of affordable housing units. Program Year
Housing Security Deposits Emergency Needs Grants Homeowner Rehab Rental Rehab CPT Drug Free Coalition Down payment assistance Homeowner Rehab Tenant Based Rental Assistance Down payment assistance Down payment assistance HOPE VI Phase I HOPE VI Phase III Renaissance Gardens Down payment assistance
2002 2003 2004 2004 2005 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008
City of Mobile
Amount to be reallocated $ 51,431.00 $150,000.00 $120,612.00 $ 31,127.00 $150,000.00 $ 66,100.00 $ 63,142.00 $523,897.00 $ 44,668.83 $197,087.00 $ 63,784.34 $345,359.02 $394,224.00 $ 9,570.00
HUD Action Plan for 2011-2012 Appendix B
The City also intends to de-obligate $1,193,421.11 previously obligated to HOME local match funds for Hope VI projects. Copies of the Proposed Amendment are available for public review and comment at the City of Mobile Community Planning and Development Department, 5th Floor, South Tower, 205 Government Street, Mobile, AL 36602. Citizens are urged to review and comment on the Amendment. The comment period runs from June 29, 2011 to July 29, 2011. All comments, whether written or verbal, will be documented and a response will be provided. Written or comments made in person should be made to Alex Ikefuna, Director of the Community Planning and Development Department, at the address above. Telephone comments should be made to 251-2086293. Email comments should be sent to
[email protected] The Draft Amendment may also be viewed on the City of Mobile’s website: The Mobile City Council will conduct a public hearing to discuss adoption of the Proposed Amendment to the 2009-2010 Action Plan. The hearing will be held at the Government Plaza Auditorium, 205 Government Street. All interested citizens are encouraged to attend the hearing scheduled for Friday, July 29, 2011 starting at 10:30 a.m. The full City Council will be present to consider citizen comments prior to adoption of the Proposed Amendment to the FY 2009-2010 Action Plan. Persons with hearing or speech impairments should notify the City for accommodation. Contact person: Alex Ikefuna, 5th Floor, South Tower, 205 Government Plaza, Mobile, AL 36602 (251) 208-6293.
City of Mobile
HUD Action Plan for 2011-2012 Appendix B