Jan 12, 2005 ... All psychological and spiritual concerns addressed. Insurance ..... brakes. Low
mileage. Clean inside/out- side. No accidents. Buy me. I will run.
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International School of the Peninsula
ENROLL TODAY! Call (650) 251-8519 for information
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• Year long program for children and fall session for adults start in September. • After school classes for children ages 3-12. • Evening classes for adults • Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish and more. • Also offering CNED for French Speaking children.
Page 30 • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Palo Alto Weekly
(650) 328-7305 New phone number PSYD, MFT 20219
MaryEllen Wolfers, MFT (650)361-0346
Free 1/2 hour introduction
by Diabetes Specialist J. Joseph Prendergast, MD
Give yourself the gift of health; a gentle, hands-on therapy that activates the body’s innate healing abilities. Advanced training with Dr. John Upledger, developer of CranioSacral therapy.
Based on his Diabetes research published in the official
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Susan Hall,
805 Veterans Blvd., Suite 100, Redwood City 650.368.1411 • www.endocrinemetabolic.com
[email protected]
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Meditation in Action Motion, Magic and the Matters of Daily Life with Gary Sherman
Thriving Through a Divorce The art of managing a stressful and painful transition Individual and Group Counseling Free Consultation Sara Bunce, MA, MFTI #60425 650-261-6702
The Creative Awareness Project is a non-profit dedicated to cultivating inner wisdom and providing personal skills that make a practical difference in everyday live.
299 California Ave, Palo Alto, CA
supervised by Ariella Goodwine, LMFT #37564
Surya Sati Joncas-Carrell, Ph.D.
French Lessons
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Free Consultation - Insurance Billing
C.M.T. with a Healing Touch
CALL 650-906-7000
Learn this sensuous art form while building strength and flexibility. Day & evening classes in the Palo Alto area.
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de Polo Photography©
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Therapeutic Massage • Swedish • Deep Tissue • Myofascial Release • Body Logic
Introductory special Gift certificates The Centering Touch (650) 321-6622
Forever Fit
A D U LT E X E R C I S E C L A S S “The right kind of exercise is the closest available anti-aging remedy we have.” Fall Session 9/13 -12/4 Instructor Sue Chiappone For more information
Call Sue 925-376-6214 or City of Menlo Park 650-330-220 “Broadway Tap for Adults” Classes for beginner or intermediate levels. Aerobic, great exercise and loads of fun!
FENG SHUI Need More... • ENERGY? • BALANCE? • ROMANCE? Call Jane Millman (650) 322-4749
[email protected]
To advertise in Mind & Body Please contact Evie Marquez (650) 326-8210 ext. 216
[email protected]
Gift certificates available!
Palo Alto Weekly • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Page 31
Marketplace PLACE AN AD ONLINE fogster.com
[email protected]
PHONE 650/326-8216 Fogster.com is a unique web site offering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area and an opportunity for your ad to appear in the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and the Mountain View Voice. Now you can log on to Fogster.com, day or night, and get your ad started immediately (and free of charge) online. You autmoatically get a one-line free print ad in our Peninsula newspapers with the option of photos and additional lines. So, the next time you have an item to sell, barter, give away or buy, get the perfect combination: print ads in your local newspapers, reaching more than 150,000 readers, and unlimited free web postings reaching hundreds of thousands additional people!
The publisher waives any and all claims or consequential damages due to errors. Embarcadero Publishing Co. cannot assume responsibility for the claims or performance of its advertisers. Embarcadero Publishing Co. reserves the right to refuse, edit or reclassify any ad solely at its discretion without prior notice.
fogster.com THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEB SITE Combining the reach of the Web with print ads reaching over 150,000 readers!
Bulletin Board 115 Announcements Antique Dealers New SOFA-Palo Alto Antique Collective opening early spring. Interested dealers with quality merchandise, please email:
[email protected] Artist Development What happens when you combine a multiple Grammy winning producer with unparalleled artist development? YOU GET HEARD. (615)783-1635. www.grooveproductions.net (AAN CAN) Cash - Cash Now for Structured Settlements, Annuities, and Insurance Payouts. (800)794-7310. J.G. Wentworth.... J.G. Wentworth Means Cash Now For Structured Settlements. (AAN CAN) Cellist Needed MUSIC IN THE NEW YEAR Violinist & pianist seek cellist for trios. Decent players, good readers. 650-814-3397 Copy Editing/proofreading Diversity In Journalism The Academy for Alternative Journalism, established by papers like this one to promote diversity in the alternative press, seeks talented journalists and students (college seniors and up) for a paid summer writing program at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. The eight-week program (June 19 - August 14, 2005) aims to recruit talented candidates from diverse backgrounds and train them in magazine-style feature writing. Ten participants will be chosen and paid $3,000 plus housing and travel allowances. For information visit the Web site at http://aan.org/aaj or write for an application: Academy for Alternative Journalism, Northwestern University, Medill School of Journalism, 1845 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208. Email
[email protected]. Application deadline February 11, 2005. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity educator and employer. (AAN CAN) Driver, drive regional DRIVER - DRIVE REGIONAL! Over-theRoad - lots of miles. Great company & benefits. www.primeinc.com 1-800-7716318. (Cal-SCAN)
New Mozart Music LESSONS ON ALL INSTRMENTS New Winter Group Classes in Voice & G u i t a r www.newmozartschool.com 3242373 or 906-9134 PIANO INSTRUCTION Christina Conti, B.M. PA, MV, LA & Woodside (650)493-6950 Piano Lessons Taught in your home Member MTAC & NGPT Karen (650)233-9689
140 Lost & Found FOUND: CAT Large orange, adult, very friendly.Good health. Near Coleman Ave @ Coleman Place, Menlo Park. To claim, call 328 4633 LOST CAT Black/white, short-hair, M lost around Hawthorne/S. Clack/ El Monte, since 11/24 in Los Altos. 650-948-0164,
[email protected] LOST CAT Long haired black male cat w/ yellow eyes. Last seen 11/15 in MP in The Willows area. May be disoriented, new to area. REWARD! 650-321-4491 LOST Dog Yorkie, adult male. Black & tan. “Babaloo.” No collar. MV, near California & Shoreline, 11/18. Reward! (650)9675400 Lost: Man’s gold bracelet. Reward! Unique style, solid style with look of gold nuggets on top. Lost first week in Jan. Please call: 650-969-5385
145 Non-Profits Needs UHURU FURNITURE We pick up furniture, vehicles, pianos, hot tubs, misc. items to fund economic development programs for the African community. Tax deductible. (510)7633342
150 Volunteers Test Prep Instructors Needed Theatreworks seeks energetic theatrelovers for a host of exciting special events. Lobby receptions, behind-the scenes workdays, & an annual costume ball are just some of the ways to help. Enjoy guest speakers and other insider benefits. (650)-463-7116
155 Pets
For Sale 201 Autos/Trucks 1988 Toyota MR-2 T-Top / Red / 270K miles 1 Owner ~ Great Sports Car! $750 Call 925-2168037 or 200-5884 Alfa Romeo Quad ‘87: Convert + hardtop. 87K, silver w/gray lthr, excellent, clean body. Needs some mech. work. $5000. (408)268-5294 Audi TT Quattro Roadster Audi TT Quattro Roadster Cnvrt 1.8L HO Turbo 225 HP. Silver/blk lthr int. Loaded. Excel. cond, an absolute blast to drive. $23,000. (650)438-9656, Bmw 1997 328i - $11,000
for contact information
Viagra- $2.40/dose - Cilis available Lowest price refills Guaranteed! Call PBG we can help! Non Profit Organization Toll free: 1-866-579-8545. (AAN CAN)
130 Classes & Instruction A PIANO TEACHER Children & Adults EMA CURRIER 650493-4797 Jazz & Pop Piano Lessons Voice chords like a pro. Bill Susman, M.A., Stanford (650) 906-7529
Page 32 • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Palo Alto Weekly
Peter Max Art - $$3,900 Vintage hand crochetted items Tablecloth, natural, 60x72; Linen-crochetted double bedspread. Both gorgeous and in mint condition. Call for info. (650)965-0887
220 Computers/Electroni cs Free Directv Up to 4 rooms free plus 3 free months of HBO + Cinemax for $36.99 per month. 1-888-777-7115. (AAN CAN) Imac G4 800mhz, 17” Flatpanel - $$850 MACINTOSH & PC Set-ups, installation, instruction, DSL, networking, data recovery & repairs in the convenience of home or office. Day & evening hours. 7 days/week. (650)528-9300
230 Freebies Awning 10’ x 16’ excellent steel tube frame with marginal fabric Mounting brackets on all 4 corners. Paul (650)245-2490. Baby food jars Clean & hundreds of. Didn’t have the heart to recycle. Call 650-493-6275 BED Gently used guest bed, double size, with frame and linens. 328-3472
Dodge Grand Caravan SE ‘98 New brakes, tires & transmission. 156k, AM/FM/CD, power windows & locks, rear A/C. Original owner. All Records. $4,500/obo (510)587-7051
Range Rover 1996 Se - $8500
SoloFlex Weight Machine You Haul. (650)322-9078
Subaru 1984 GL 1984 Subaru GL 4WD 4S 170K 408446-1660 $1383.00
235 Wanted to Buy
Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer ‘98: 72k mi. All power, leather inter., third row seat, AM/FM/6 CD changer. Running boards. Great condition. Original owner. $11,200 (650)329-0332 Ford Explorer XLT ‘97 101k mi. Green, gray leather int., V8, AWD, 7 seats, roofrack, sunroof. Great cond. $6500 (650)321-8594
Ford Thunderbird LX ‘97 Loaded, all power, A/C, 5 CD changer, New tires, new battery. Original owner. Recently serviced. Excellent condition. $4,000/obo (650)327-1819 Ford Thunderbird ‘03: Only 12k mi! Rare Mtn shadow grey. All options: incl. heated seats, prem. sound, chrome whls. Two tops. Extended warranties! $31,500/obo. (650)851-4949
Lost Golden Retriever, Black Lab
Honda Accord LX ‘03 Excellent condition. 29k mi. Silver, w/blk inter. CD, power windows/locks/doors. Original owner. $14,095 (650)868-2374
MV: Lost: Chocolate point, long haired Siamese cat. Near Miramonte and Cuesta. Male, blue eyes, answers to Frankie. Please help 650-254-1429
Honda Accord V6 ‘00: 50k mi. Automatic. Fully loaded. Black coupe. Lthr, CD player. Excel. cond. Clean title. Orig. owner. $14,000 650938-5498
Puppies. 2 German Shepard mix & 1 Lab mix. Mike, Dogland (650)631.9735
Infiniti Qx4 1999 78K Gold, 4x4, air bags, ABS, AC, PS, lthr, power seats & mirrors, sun roof, 6 CD. Well kept. (510)299-5976
Rescue: Bengals Needing A Home California Bengal Cat Rescue: 2 girl Bengals need home together. Houdini: 8 months, Precious: 22 months. Adoption fees, interview. please contact Marilyn: 6503631210
215 Collectibles & Antiques
Porshe 924 ‘80 2 dr h-back, 5 spd, air, power, moon roof, body good, $795 ‘78 Ford Fairmont: 4 dr, inline 6 cyl, good engine, clean int/ext, $495. Are as is/need TLC, bo. (650)321-9042
Ford LimiTeD 1987 Beige, 4 dr. PW, PD, AT, A/C. New brakes. Low mileage. Clean inside/outside. No accidents. Buy me. I will run great. $$BEST OFFER$$ (650)8561610
Soccer Tryouts Class 1 U15 Girls Sunday, January 16th. 3pm Greer Park Field #5. Stanford Blizzard Contact: G. Kaiser 650-3278319
Porsche Carrera 2 Cabriolet ‘91 Midnight blue, black leather inter. 51k, 5 spd, CD, cruise control, A/C. Original owner. Service records. Excellent condition. $26,500 (650)851-2112
Quick Garage Sale Premium site for Garage, Moving, Yard and other home related sales. www.quickgaragesale.com
Chevy Impala ‘68 4 door sedan, no posts. V27 engine. Turbo 400 trans. Original owner, 120k. White w/black interior. All original! Clean! $3500/obo, (650)366-0368 or (650)218-7572
Cat adoption GOT RATS? GET CATS! Give an outdoor rescued cat a home. Indoor cats & kittens also avail. www.humanimalconnection.com 948-1003
German Shepherd pups 9 wks old. Bred in Germany show line, AKC/SV registered, 1st shots, warmed and tattooed. $1,200. Call (408)5926363
Mercedes E320 Wagon ‘95 93k mi. Exc cond. Loaded, premium Nakamichi sound system w/CD changer. New Tires. $11,500 (650)854-3783
Government Lot Sale SURPLUS HOSPITAL EQUIPT. FURNITURE, BEDS ETC. DAILY 11:00am 2:00pm FOR APPT. & INFO CONTACT JOHN KAAY or ROBIN DIXON (650)493 5000 Ext. 22671 or 22674
Piano, Recorder Lessons Children, adults. Individual approach. 30 years experience. Marion Rubinstein, (408)773-0375
Mercedes C320 ‘02 Gold. Excellent cond. No accidents, 37k mi. Dealer serviced. New tires, moon roof, leather, Premium sound, 6 disc CD, chrome wheels. $27,500/obo. (650)851-7144
Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme 1981 New engine, brakes and battery. Low mileage, runs good. Call (650)494-8514
Animal Rescue Is Your Cat Safe? Cats outdoors get injured, diseased, killed. Keep cats safe & healthy. FREE “How to” info. Wildlife Rescue (650)321-4857
Found: Cat White with black & gray tabby patches. Neutered male. Very friendly & vocal Near Page Mill & 280.
Mercedes 500SL ‘92 Roadster: White, w/brown lthr inter.& ragtop, 6 CD changer, ABS, 100k. Good cond., CLASSY! $17,900/obo (650)9060640
Nissan Maxima SE ‘02 Loaded! Very clean. 21k miles, pwr everything. Htd seats, Bose 6 disc cd, cc, sunroof & more. $18,750. James 650-799-3818
Drugs & Toxins Drugs & toxins destroy your life, get rid of them! Buy & read “Clear body Clear mind” Buy a copy: $14.95. 424-1990 www.scientology-paloalto.org
FOUND-Black & white cat Found-Black & white cat. Mainly white with black spots and black tail. Found on Perry Ave in Menlo Park. Call 650-5619681
Mazda Protege5 ‘02 14,700 mi. Black. Original owner. Factory warranty. 100k service contract. Moonroof, roof rack, 6 CD changer, AT, A/C, cruise, tilt/telescope, side airbags, ABS, polished alloys. Blue book $15k; asking $13,995. (650)594-0588
No phone number in the ad? GO TO
Ford Galaxie 500 ‘62 Ford Galaxie 500 ‘62: Shines at night! Beautiful, 4-door, Baby-Blue Hardtop. All original! 81k original miles! 352 engine. Very clean. $2900/obo. Must See! 650330-1774
IQ TESTED The Palo Alto Test Center offers free IQ & personality tests for a limited time. Your IQ and personality determine your future. 650-424-1990.
Mazda 626 ES ‘98 V-6. 73k mi, 5-spd manual. Leather + power/luxury features. CD/MP3 player. Alarm w/remote. 2nd owner. Maint history avail. Good Condition. $6,000 (650)320-8977
Lexus SC400 ‘97 Excellent condition. 59k mi. Fully loaded! Leather inter, moonroof, 12 CD changer. $15,095 (650)868-2374
Toyota Rav4 ‘98 4 door, 100k mi. Black exterior, tinted windows, grill. AT. A/C, cruise, 13 CD changer, roof rack. Perfect condition!! $8,500. (650)771-0298 bilingual VW Jetta GLS VR6 ‘00 69k mi automatic,silver w/grey leather inter. Alloy wheels, pwr wndws, remote keyless entry, moon roof, 6-CD changer, AM/FM/cassette. $10k 650-814-1018 VW PASSAT V-6 ‘03: Grey inside & out, leather interior, no dings, mint condition. 15,000 miles. 408-527-8583,
[email protected]
Donate your car AAA RATED DONATION - Donate your car, boat or real estate. IRS tax deductible. Free pick-up/tow. Any model/condition. Help underprivileged Children 1-800-598-9211 Outreachcenter.org (Cal-SCAN)
202 Vehicles Wanted
SEND YOUR CAR TO COLLEGE! Make a difference in the lives of 45,000 students. Donate your used car, boat or motorcycle. Tax deductible. Foothill-De Anza Foundation, 650-949-6230,
[email protected]
210 Garage/Estate Sales MP: 20 Politzer Drive Sat 1/15, 8-2. Amazing multi-family sale. Great selection of adult/children’s clothes, bikes, Barbie collection/house, toys, videos, video games, jogger, sporting goods, furn. & much more. MV: 640 Palo Alto Ave. Jan. 15, 9-3pm, Furniture, collectibles, kitchen, garage, 1940’s 7 piece bdrm set, much more. All must go. PA: Rummage Sale Benefiting Packard Children’s Hospotal Fri., Jan. 14th, 2pm-5pm Sat., Jan. 15th, 9am-1pm Outdoor Sales open at 8:30 on Sat Featuring Three Months Of New Donations From Sand Hill Rd., turn on Stock Farm Rd. Go one block to 472 Oak Rd. (at corner) CASH ONLY 650497-8591
Free Leather Laptop Case - FREE Refrigerator-freezer - FREE
I love old toys & dolls. Do you have any playthings from the 40’s or earlier that you’d like to sell? Any kind. (650)851-5660 Used drum Set in good condition for 14-year-old boy just starting to play. Call Terri at 650269-2047
240 Furnishings/Househo ld items 19” Tv - $$45 2, Hospital Beds $600 for both or $400/each. (650)4937661 7 piece beautiful twin bedroom set. Like new. Antique white color. Pd $1699/sell $850/obo 650-364-2810 A-1 George’s Firewood Featuring Almond And Oak. 22 Year Member Of BBB & Chamber Open 9am7pm. (650)273-1414 Antique Gas Engines Stover Horiz. hit-and-miss in orig. condition $675; Homemade small vertical $175; phone 650-941-0627 evenings Beautiful German-made PAIDI baby/child furn. Changing table, crib/jr bed, drawers/shelves, table/chairs in beech/bright yellow melamine. Excellent condition, fabulous quality, Paid $2500, asking $750/obo (650)856-8519 BEDS Twins/Fulls, $79. Queens, $119. Kings, $149. Bunkbeds, daybeds, $99. Dresser, mirror, headbrd, nitestand $199. Bedframe, $19/up. We deliver. Visit or phone order 510-745-0900 Best Wound Care Mattress!!! Volkner Low Air Loss, turns patient details at www.volkner.com New $6000+ yours for $3000 (650)2610678 Double Bed With wood headboard & foot, box spring & mattress. Excellent Condition. $150. Eden @ 650-325-5921
MARKETPLACE the printed version of
Futon Sofa Full Size Futon Frame and Mattress. No Arms or Legs. Rarely Used; Smoke Free 650 610 0762 or
[email protected] Great bargains! Oak side board, 1940’s, $400. Bedside lamp table with drawers, $10. (650)2698055 HO trains for the Holidays 4 x 8 ft. table, 12 powered segments and switches, turntable, 3 engines, 12 cars, power supply tools spares. Some landscaping $450 or lease (650) 2690033 Hot Tub 2004 Model. Neck jets, therapy seat. Never used. Warranty. Can deliver. Sell $1850. Worth $5700. Call 408-7321062 Kenmore side x side fridge With filtered ice/water & warranty, $800; 18” dish washer, $150; GE range, $100. (650)867-2773 Kitchen remodel. Dishwasher, $75. Trash compactor, $75. 650-279-5777.
Projector for home theater, Sharp XVS96U $895/obo. 600 lumens brightness. computer inputs, full multi-media capability, 4 ft-40 ft screen. Ceiling mounts avail. (650)530-9018 Queen size bed In great condition (incl. metal bed frame and bedding), $150. White washed chest of drawers in good condition, $100. (650)326-5542 Ragazzi Funiture Full nursery, white. Crib, changing table, dresser, bookcase. New toddler bed/mattress, $100. Ask for more! (650)473-0303 Techline furniture Twin bed frame w/2 drawers, $150/obo. Twin headboard w/storage, $50/obo. Dresser/cabinet w/4 drawers, $200/obo. (650)493-3785 White leather living room set. Sofa, loveseat, chair & ottoman, $1200/obo; Glass marble table, $200; Antique sewing machine, $100; Hardwood school desk, $100. Comfy loveseat, $100; Computer desk, $75. All items in excel cond. (650)856-4226
Massage table 29” W x 72” L. Separate face cradle, adjustable height, folds in two for easy carrying. $230. Call (650)324-9524
Wood futon/sofa bed Full size, $120/obo. (650)494-6932
New. Thick Turkish wool area rug Never used, approx. 5? x 3?. Rose & beigh colored. Paid $595, will sacrifice @ $350 (650)851-0333
Adhd Self Help System - $$125
New. White leather 3/4 length coat Never worn, w/luxurious white fur collar running full length, $1200; Paid $1895. Lt. colored jacket of fox belly skin, $125. (650)851-0333
245 Miscellaneous Building Sale! “Rock Bottom Prices!” Final Clearance. Beat next price increase. Go direct/save. 20x26, 25x30, 30x40, 35x50, 40x60, 45x90, 50x100, 60x180. Others. Pioneer 1-800-6685422. (Cal-SCAN)
Oak, mission style, Bassett couch, Good condition $300; rocking chair $75; 650-328-5287
Cemetery plots 2 adjoining, near a Birch tree in the old section of Alta Mesa Memorial Park Cemetery, in Palo Alto. $4,800/each. Call (650)493-7314.
Persian Nain rug, 4 x 2.8 ft. Dark green, excel. cond., $1800/obo. Sheraton-style D-end, drop leaf/2 section dining table, 4’ W x 7 1/2’ L, $1500. (650)326-1239
Cemetery plots: Side by side. Lot 118/119, subdivision 10, section Central. Alta Mesa Memorial Park. Exc. for pre-need. $7000/pair (510)8872116
Double Cremation Lot at Alta Mesa Memorial Park, Palo Alto. Prime location in old area. Lot 151-9Wildwood. $3500 neg. Call: Maggie 650-213-9248
Free 4-room DirectTV FREE 4-ROOM DIRECTV System includes standard installation. 3 Months Free HBO & Cinemax! Access to over 225 channels! Limited time offer. S&H, restrictions apply. 1-800-360-4039. (Cal-SCAN)
Free 4-Room Directv System includes standard installation. 3 MONTHS FREE HBO AND CINEMAX. Access to over 225 channels! Limited time offer, S&H, restrictions apply. 1800-877-1251 (AAN CAN)
Free Cash Grants Never Repay! Gov’t Grants for Personal Bills, School, Business, etc. $47 billion left unclaimed. Call for Listings. 1-800574-1804 ext. 555. (Cal-SCAN)
Now hiring ANNOUNCEMENT: for 2005 Postal Jobs. $17.50-$59.00/hr. Paid Training. Full Benefits. No Experience Necessary. Green Card OK. For listings call 1-866895-3696 Ext. 4000. (Cal-SCAN)
Now hiring for 2005 Postal Jobs. $16.90-$59.00/hr. Paid Training. Full Benefits. No Experience Necessary. Green Card OK. For listings call 1-866-399-5718 ext 3000. (CalSCAN)
Seasoned oak & mixed firewood. Free delivery. (650)400-1697
THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM Spa! Overstocked! New 7 person spa - LOADED! Includes cover, delivery, and warranty. $2999, was $5999. 1-888-397-3529. (AAN CAN)
No phone number in the ad? GO TO
FOGSTER.COM for contact information Undelivered Buildings. 25x36, 30x42, 40x50, 60x120x16, 70x140. Will sell for balance owed. Brand new. Never erected. Take your pick we’ll cover freight. Toll free 866660-2221. (Cal-SCAN) Wheelchairs and Scooters ABSOLUTELY NO COST to you!! Brand New Power Wheelchairs and Scooters. Call toll free 1-800-843-9199 24 hours a day to see if you qualify. (Cal-SCAN)
250 Musical Instruments Piano - Spinet - Howard built by Baldwin 1961 with bench. Good condition $700/obo Call 925-462-7331 Wanted: Drum Set
JUST LISTED! Find the most recent rental properties in the Palo Alto Weekly
Shadows And Shades - $$25
Part time child care needed! Los Altos family with children ages 6, 5, and 3 years is in need of part time help with childcare, 2-3 evenings during the week, and every Sunday. Friendly english speaking, loving and patient, energetic,great pay, 650-269-3850. $
350 Preschools/Schools/ Camps • Gymnastics • Gardening • Montessori Curriculum •
Casa dei Bambini
330 Child Care Offered Loving nanny available Looking for FT/PT. Reliable honest, driver lic, clean DMV, own car, refs. (650)387-7136, (650322-6811 Loving Nanny Available Loving nanny w/10-years⤙ experience avail. to care for your newborn/infant. Own car. References available. (650) 823-2463 or 493-3655. Nanny Available FT/PT. Mon-Fri. Loving & reliable. Own car. Experienced w/ newborns & all ages. Excellent references. (650)3685832 Venus’ Little Stars Home Day Care A multi-cultural, bilingual & developmentally appropriate environment. Venus’ Little Stars Family Day Care offers songs, finger paints & hugs. ECE degree. NAEYC guidelines. Lic. 434406585 (650)858-1213
340 Child Care Wanted After school care For 3 kids ages 3.5 & 10. M-F 12:305:30 pick up& activities. Car, DMV rec. & local Refs. Call 408-221-8140. Child Care/Housekeeping Mon.-Fri., 2-7pm. Light housekeeping, cooking, school/afterschool activities pick-up, valid CDL, flexible. Ages 4, 8 & 10. Call after 5pm, (650)327-9306.
Childcare Needed Responsible person needed to care for toddler M-F 8-5:30 in my home. Experience with / knowledge of asthma a plus. Call 650-291-0625 or e-mail
[email protected]. Childcare needed Palo Alto family needs warm, responsible person for help with childcare (first grader) and light housekeeping. Please call 650-853-0247.
your dream , , Find NANNY JOB!
• Afternoons Only! Stanford family needs a Nanny for their three school age kids. M-F: 2-7pm. $17-18/hr. • Two Little Ones! Hillsborough family needs a FT live-in Nanny for their 2 & 5 yr. old boys. $2000/mo. plus room & board. W W W. TA N D C R . C O M
650.326.8570 Mother’s helper needed refs., must drive, flex., kids: 3,6,11, light housekeeping. M-Th; 3:30-6, 10hrs/wk. Contact: Britta (650)493-2267.
Palo Alto - Dr. Mom seeks 4 days care for 3 kids $18/hours San Jose - 2 engineers w/baby girl seek care 30 hrs/wk. $18-$20/hr for best exp/refs
650-462-4580 www.spnannies.com
345 Tutoring/Lessons English Teacher/Tutor Experienced teacher available for Language Arts tutorial grades 6-12. Help your child improve their reading comprehension and writing fluency. (650) 9961581 Ms. P (California Credentialed) Experienced Writing Tutor INSTRUCTION FOR HEBREW BAR & BAT MITZVAH INSTRUCTION FOR AFFILIATED & UNAFFILATED George Rubin, M.A. Hebrew/Jewish Education. Call (650)424-1940 SINGING FOR THE NON-SINGER 6 Week Class Begins Jan. 11th. Also offering private vocal, cello & woodwind lessons. Barton-Holding Music Studio. Call (650)965-0139. Tutor Wanted Tutor Wanted Female college student to tutor HS sophomore. Daily 3:30-6:30pm. $10/hr. Contact Paul at 650-225-2396 days
Education for the 21st Century • AMI (member) Montessori Program (2yrs-K) • Emotionally & Academically stimulating program • Rich, nurturing, safe environment • Highly Qualified Teachers • Specially designed Montessori Program for 2 yr olds • Proudly NAEYC accredited 650-473-9401
PA-MP Mothers’s Club The Palo Alto-Menlo Park Mother’s Club offers: * Support and fellowship for parents of 0-5 year olds. * Parent education programs * Kids activities, outings, and crafts * Nanny referrals, preschool recommendations, daycare leads * Playgroups, baby-sitting co-ops, community service activities, monthly newsletters & much more. www.pampmothersclub.org 650-306-8182 PALO ALTO PRESCHOOL Openings for 2-5 yrs. olds. Low studentteacher ratio. Meals provided. (650)8570655. http://growingtreepreschool.com
Small class for 3 & 4 yr. olds Information meetings Jan 20th at 7:30pm, Feb. 2nd & 17th at 10am. Contact Heather McClelland, Christ Episcopal Church 1040 Border Rd., Los Altos.
[email protected] (650) 948-2151 ext. 14
Ventana School
Nurturing Minds and Hearts
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Now Hiring
Jobs 500 Help Wanted ACCOMPANIST The Peninsula Clef Hangers women’s singing group seeks an exp’d accompanist. Our nonprofit group performs a Winter & a Spring concert season; each season has 10 rehearsals & 15-17 performances. Compensation commensurate w/church choir accompanist’s pay. Call Teri Waldman, (650)964-9127 Associate Systems Administrator AUDITORS $9/hour. RGIS Inventory Specialists now hiring Inventory Counters. Must be 18 yrs or older. Must have access to reliable transportation. No experience necessary. Apply in person between 9am3pm, Mon-Fri. at 555 Price Ave. #209, Redwood City. Call (650)780-0472. EOE. BARTENDER For established Mountain View area sports bar. Experience and excellent knowledge of sports required. Call (650) 961-9104 or (415)661-9362. Bookkeeper/Admin. Assistant The Friends of Huddart & Wunderlich Parks, Woodside. www.parksupport.org Seeking bookkeeper/admin. assistant with strong computer skills, proficiency in QuickBooks and fund raising databases (prefer Exceed). Responsibilities incl: accts. payable/receivable, generating P&L statements, balance sheets & reconciling bank statements, managing fund raising database, data entry, report generation, mailings & website communications. Must be detail-oriented with strong organizational skills. Salary range $20-$25/hr. 30-40 hrs/week. Submit cover letter/ resume to:
[email protected]
The Cheesecake Factory, one of the busiest restaurants in Palo Alto has Full & Part Time positions available for:
•Servers •Line &
Prep Cooks Top $$$ Potential & More! APPLY IN PERSON AT:. 375 University Avenue in Palo Alto
Equal opportunity employer, m/f
Need a job? Look in the Employment section of the Palo Alto Weekly
SWIM LESSONS FOR YOUR CHILD MAKE IT YOUR #1 PRIORITY REGISTER NOW! • A safe and positive water environment • Progressive and fun lessons • Water safety skills • Lifeguard, CPR and first aid certified staff Register Today • Warm-water 92o indoor pool 650-618-3366 • Open year-round Wright Swim School 3864 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto CA 94306
WOODSIDE SCHOOL DISTRICT Woodside Preschool Registration From February 1st through February 11th, 2005, Woodside School will be accepting applations for the FALL 2005 PRESCHOOL. The Woodside Preschool is a half-day, fee-based program running from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Your child must be at least 2 years, 9 months old as of September 2, 2005 to apply. Preschool students are placed in either the 2-day, 3-day or 5-day program based on age. Priority is given to students who live within the Woodside School District boundaries. Interested families may pick up an application at the school office between February 1st and February 11th, 2005. For more information about the preschool program, call Cathy at 851-1571 ext. 294.
C•A•R MILESTONES PRESCHOOL A World of Opportunity • A developmentally focused program for children 2 to 5 years of age • Low Teacher to Student ratio, maximum of 1:5 • Individual attention ensured in classrooms of 20 or fewer children • Consultations in motor development, language development, behavior and education • Access to Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapists • Serves children with/without risk factors or developmental delays
For more information, or to enroll, contact: 650-618-3325
[email protected] 525 East Charleston Road • Palo Alto, CA 94306
Palo Alto Weekly • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Page 33
MARKETPLACE the printed version of
Associate Director Fund Development Want to make a difference in the community? Looking for a great opportunity to lead you to the next level? Want to join a dynamic, excited and innovative team? If so, then the Community Association for Rehabilitation (C.A.R) is the perfect agency for you!!! C.A.R is a well known and respected non-profit in Palo Alto serving people with disabilities. You are the perfect fit if you can be: • Passionate about our agency's mission • Inspired by our clients •Able to demonstrate a proven track record of successful & extensive grant writing • Energetic and excited to work with others; a REAL team player • Committed to meeting challenges head on and getting great results, nothing can stop you! Qualifications: • Education: BA / BS in related field • Experience: 2 - 5 years fund development Compensation Package: Competitive salary & excellent benefits package that includes medical, dental, vision, and paid time off. Resumes and cover letter to
[email protected] or fax (650) 855-9710 www.c-a-r.org C.A.R is an EOE Cook F/T for family of 6. Emphasis on veg & non-veg Indian cooking. Hrs: 3-10p & some weekends. English spking, flex hrs, travel with family, separate housing avail., light housekping, CDL reqd. 408977-7092 or send resume to tot
[email protected] Detention officer Phoenix, Arizona, Maricopa County Sheriffs Office. $14.99 per hour. Excellent benefits. No experience necessary. Contact 602-307-5245. 1-877352-6276, or www.mcso.org 1,000+ vacancies, including civilian. (Cal-SCAN) Dog Care Person Rescue facil. Blmnt. M-F, 1-4:30. Need reliable, mature high energy. Mike, Dogland (650)631-9735 Driver Covenant Transport Excellent Pay & Benefits for Experienced Drivers, O/O, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses Paid Weekly. Equal Opportunity Employer. 1-888-MORE PAY (1-888-667-3729) (Cal-SCAN) Drivers - Bank on it DRIVERS - BANK ON It! All the Miles you want! Many Regional Run Options, New Big Pay Increases, Low cost CDL training. Swift Transportation 1-866-3338801 www.swifttruckingjobs.com (CalSCAN)
Classified Deadlines: FRIDAY PAPER: noon, Wednesday WEDNESDAY PAPER: noon, Monday
Hospitality Jobs Positions for General managers, executive chefs, admin assistants, front office, controllers, maintenance engineers, IT specialists, head housekeepers. Visit our website, free registration. www.theprivateclubsearch.com. Employers: search our website for high quality employees. Housekeeper Needed Experienced, trustworthy housekeeper wanted 1 day/wk. References a must. Details negotiable. Call or leave message: 328-4918 Housekeeper wanted For busy family. Refs. & DMV req’d. Must be energetic & able to multitask. $100 for one day/week (7-8 hours). (650)2611111 or email,
[email protected] Jet Aircraft Mechanics Openings for mechanics, fuelers, & handlers. Paid training & benefits. Max age 34. H.S. Grads call 1-800-345-6289. (CalSCAN)
OFFICE MANAGER F/T Office Manager for design/build practice in PA. Need 2 yrs exp in office mgmt, be familiar with standard office software & systems, be articulate on the phone & have good written communication skills. Hrs: 8:30am - 5:30pm. Fax resume to: 650-618-1963. Email to:
[email protected] OFFICE/CLERICAL ASSISTANT Realtor based in Los Altos needs perm. part-time Assistant. 15-20 hours per week, AMs. Organized, good computer & typing skills, personable with good phone skills, reliable & trustworthy necessary. Own car required for errands. Call Enis Hall, (650)917-8265 Recreation Work in fun, beautiful environment. Ladera Recreation District is seeking candidates for Head & Assistant Swim Team Coaches, Head Lifeguard, Certified Lifeguards, Camp Director & Counselors & Office Asst. P/T positions. Qualified applicants, please send resume to: 150 Andeta Way, PV 94028. Fax (650)854-3413. Email:
[email protected]
No phone number in the ad? GO TO
RESTAURANT CAFE BORRONE now hiring energetic, hard-working friendly people. F/T & P/T positions available. We will work with your school schedule. Apply in person, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park.
RESTAURANT FUKI SUSHI Servers wanted for established Japanese restaurant in Palo Alto. Part or full time. We train. 650-4949383
for contact information Last Career Change SALES $2,000 SIGNING Bonus. Yours truly, Last Career Change. Are you a selfmotivated, positive person? Looking for unlimited sales potential? Are you presently earning $1,000/week? If your answer was “yes” and “no”, and sales is what you do Best, we offer... *$1,0002,500/week possible from day one. *23 Pre-set, qualified, confirmed leads per day. *Insurance benefits. *Management opportunities. *$75,000/yr. + potential income (Limited only by your motivation and ability). *No slow or off season. *Recession-proof. *Immediate delivery. *No hold backs. *Solid Financing. *Nationally advertised brand-name product. Quality leads make quality sales. Our expertise is generating leads. Even a newcomer has the potential to earn $50,000-$75,000 their first year... We will show you documented proof that $5,526.90 can be earned in one week (individual results will vary). Some people will read this ad. Those who call can go on to make a fortune and a home for life... Where do you stand? A car is required for this Full Time position. If you have what it takes, and can start ASAP, call now. Catherine McFarland 1(888) 543-1788 (Cal-SCAN) Medical Assistant Ravenswood Family Health Center seeks Back Office M.A. Skills: rooming, vitals, phlebotomy, immunizations. Certification reqd; 2 years exp. & Spanish required. Excel. benefits, salary range $20K$34K/year. Resume to
[email protected] or fax (650)321-4552. Nursing CNA/HHA and Homemaker positions available in northern Santa Clara & southern San Mateo counties. Hourly, overnight, LIVE IN. Call Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, 1-800-631-5550.
Sales Rep needed NATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY looking for sales representative in California. Willing to travel Monday-Friday. Commission position. Company average pay $720/week. Call 1-800-225-6368 ext. 333. (Cal-SCAN) Tutor Wanted Female college student to tutor HS sophomore. Daily 3:30-6:30pm. $10/hr. Contact Paul at 650-225-2396 days Warehouse/Driver Pure Food Hydroponics a specialty gardening store in Mtn. View is hiring for Warehouse Person/ Driver. Clean DMV. Shipping & receiving experience helpful. Fax resume to (650)968-4051.
530 Adult Care Offered Care giver/Care taker/Gardener Services provided in exchange for room. Avail. immediately. Live-in. References. Please call: Charlie 650-369-1263 Companion Reliable, loving personality. Caregiver, live-in/live-out. Light housekeeping. Flexible hours. (650)771-0127 Elderly care, live-in or out. Day or night. 25 years experience. Excellent References. Call 650-2713370 or 650-322-5129 High Experienced Adult Care Companion Nurse/caregiver looking for position for elderly care, stroke & Alzheimer’s. excel. refs. (650)328-1286; (650)483-0677 Home Care Assistance We specialize in 24/7 live-in care. Offering the exclusive “We Will Be There Guarantee” Never again worry about being left alone. All care givers are experienced, have background checks and are tested for honesty. Call Kathy 650-462-6900 www.homecareassistance.com Looking for a facility for your loved one? There⤙s no place like home. I can offer care in my home. 25 years experience. Excellent Refs. (650)271-3370
540 Domestic Help Offered
LOS ALTOS VILLAGE Now Accepting Applications For ✱ LUNCH & DINNER SERVERS ✱
Please Apply in Person Monday-Friday 2-4 p.m. 233 3rd Street (at San Antonio), Los Altos Or call (650)948-3524 for Interview Appointment Page 34 • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Palo Alto Weekly
Seeking live-in position as Nanny or Caregiver. Many yrs exper. in Wdsd & PV area. Local refs. For resume call (650)5150666 or
[email protected]
550 Business Opportunities A Cash Now Offer Turn future money from lawsuit settlements, lottery awards, and annuity payments into cash now. Free Quotes 1800-815-3503 www.ppicash.com (AAN CAN) All Cash Candy Route! Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 30 Machines and Candy. All for $9,995. 1-800-8076525. (AAN CAN)
THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM All cash vending routes ARE YOU MAKING $1,710 per week? All cash vending routes with prime locations available now! Under $9,000 investment required. Call Toll Free (24-7) 888-3332254. (Cal-SCAN) Bartenders -up to $1200/week Tips + wages. No Experience Required. Multiple FT/PT positions available. Call 1800-806-0083 ext. 202. (AAN CAN) Earn $3500 Weekly! Answering Surveys Online! $25-$75 Per Survey! Guaranteed Paychecks. Process E-mails Online $25.00 Per E-mail. Mystery Shoppers Earn $57.00/Hour Shopping! www.RealCa Exciting New Business OPPORTUNITY for 2005!!!! Home based business. For more information, log onto w w w. m y i n c o m e b u i l d e r. c o m / a s h i www.myincomebuilder.com/jan (AAN CAN) Get paid to shop GET PAID TO Shop! (Pay No Fees) As an Independent Contractor evaluate customer service for restaurants and retail. www.applyshopnchek.com;
[email protected], Spanish/English bilingual a plus! (Cal-SCAN) Get Paid To Shop! Mystery Shoppers Needed to Pose as Customers! Training Provided. FT/PT. CALL NOW!! 1-800-690-1273 (AAN CAN)
Hire Your Boss! Realistic $15K/month potential from home. Proven system for success. FT/PT EXECUTIVE TRAINING INCLUDED. 1-800-359-8336 ext 5018. (AAN CAN) Host a Home Party your friends will never forget! It⤙s not candles, and it⤙s not cookware... it⤙s TEMPTATIONS PARTIES America⤙s leading adult novelty home party!! www.temptationsparties.info (AAN CAN) Mystery shoppers needed MYSTERY SHOPPERS NEEDED! Earn while you shop! Call now Toll Free 1-888255-6040 ext. 13381. (Cal-SCAN) Vending machines #1 CASH COW!!. 90 Vending Machines in 30 locations - $10,670. Call now! 1-800836-3464. (Cal-SCAN) Wetzel’s Pretzels Stanford Shopping Center. Immediate Franchise Opportunity 480-391-2532 Work at home WORK AT HOME and Love it. National Co. Expanding-Unlimited Income. www.fundglobal.com 1 (888) 804-0626 (Cal-SCAN)
560 Employment Information $525 Weekly Income possible mailing sales letters from home. Genuine opportunity to work with our wellness company. Supplies provided. No Selling. FT/PT. Call 1-708-536-7040 (24 Hours). (AAN CAN) Actors/Actresses: Fantastic opportunity to meet twenty top Hollywood Casting Directors, Agents, and Managers with our ⤜Weekend Intensives� program. Call Melissa 818-788-2075/818-939-1608. www.TheNetworkStudio.com/intensives.html (AAN CAN) Casting TV series seeks people with painful addictions especially danger, videogames, steroids, promiscuity, plastic surgery. Also seeking troubled teens, desperate housewives and groupies. www.habitstv.com (AAN CAN) Government Jobs Earn $12-$48.00/HOUR. Available with full medical/ dental benefits, and paid training on clerical, administrative, law enforcement, homeland security, wildlife, more! 1-800-320-9353 x2001. (AAN CAN) Now hiring (18-24 positions). A COOL TRAVEL job. Guys/gals to work and travel entire USA. Paid training, transportation, lodging furnished. Call today, start today. 1-877-646-5050. (AAN CAN)
Real Estate 801 Apartments/Condos for Rent 1 Block from downtown MP: Townhomes. 2BR/2.5BA, 2-story, $2250/mo.; 2BR/1BA $1700/mo. Both with yard, W/D, fireplace. Cats OK. (415)297-1226 1/2 off first month ! 2BR/2BA. Large apts with LOTS of closet space! Covered parking, pool, D/W, microwave 650-938-6511 1BR, 1st floor apt Near pool with private yard, $1075 mo. Laundry and covered parking. $500 Rent Bonus! Agent 650-867-0732.
[email protected] 1BR, nice complex 24 unit complex near downtown Mtn. View. $995 mo., $500 Move in Bonus! Pool, Laundry & Covered Parking. Resident Manager, 650-279-7208. Email:
[email protected] 2BR/1BA Small quiet complex, balcony, pool, laundry, covered parking & free storage. N/P/S. $1050 + deposit. Avail. 01/26. Call (650)967-8982 2BR/1BA. Totally upgraded. 1580 San Antonio Rd. & 475 Encinal. Laundry & carport, 1st mo. 1/2 off. Call (650)462-1349 PA: 2 Charming 2BR/1.5BA townhouses, nr Stanford & CalTrain, pvt fenced patio, spac. living & dining areas, walk in closet, full BA, gar., add’l storage, onsite laundry. $1650/mo. REMI ® Co. 650-596-1840 Best Value! 1 & 2BR Just Renovated! Like New! Curtner Avenue Apts. All amenities. $1040$1090. (650)941-5579 or (650)2483425 Cheerful 1BR garden apt. Westside. New paint, new appliances. Excel. location. Walk to town, train/transportation. N/S, N/P. $900/mo. Year lease. Avail. now. Call (650)854-6966 Cypress Points Lakes Condo $925/mo. 1BR/1BA, private balcony, beautiful grounds, pool, spa, tennis courts, redwood trees. Premier Properties, 408-995-5900 ext. 5 Downtown, 2BR/1BA Best location, excellent condition, hardwood floors. $1725/mo. (650)3214398
LA: Extra large 2BR/2BA Townhouse. All new. Recessed lighting, granite countertops, jet fireplace, private patio. Walk to town. Pool access. 2 car covered parking, laundry, storage. N/S/P. $1850 mo., lease negot. (650)948-2974 LAH: Grand Estate Pool, private yet close to Village. 5BR/4.5BA. $15,000/mo. Call Mansell & Co. (650)948-0811 Mountain View, 3 bedrooms/2 baths Bright and clean 2-story, 3 Bedroom 2.5 bath Mountain View townhome with fireplace, double-paned windows, master bedroom with balcony, private patio, detached garage in pleasant quiet neighborhood. No smoking, no pets. $1650/mo. 1 year lease. Call Diana at (650)968-6838. $1650.00/m Mountain View, 3 Bedrooms/2 Baths $2,350 MP: 1BR West of 101. Yard, gar, laundry, hdwd. flrs. Quiet, small complex N/P/S. $795. (650)327-4331 MP: 1BR/1BA Newly remodeled, frplc, pvt, garage, W/D, patio. Rent incl. gas, electric, water, & gardener. $1200/mo. (650)328-8011 MP: 1BR/1BA Lindfield Oaks. Charming and quiet. Sunny and roomy on cul de sac. New carpet and paint. $1200/mo. Cat ok. Call (415)699-4169 MP: 2BR Townhouse 1300 sqft. Frplc, patio, W/D, D/W, garage. Recent upgrade, carpet & paint, kit. Gas heat, central air. Avail. after 1/15. Pets case by case. $1900/mo. (650)248-8161 MP: 2BR/1BA Downtown. Spacious & sunny. Near library, park & train. All amenities + pool. Cats OK. Avail. now. Call (650)3212701. 1010 Noel Drive. MP: 2BR/2BA Like new. Premier building. Phone entry. Gated garage. N/P.$1275-1500/mo. BONUS! (650)325-7863 MP: Downtown, large 1BR upper level MP: Downtown, large 1BR upper level, view of trees, hardwood floor, great storage, coin laundry, carport. Relax in garden courtyard. Cat ok. $1200/mo. 650854-2700 MP: Furnished condo Lovely patios. 3BR/2BA. Updated kitchen and baths. $2600/mo. Call Mansell & Co. (650)948-0811 MP: Large studio 600 sq ft. Like new. Premier building. Phone entry. Gated garage. N/P. BONUS. $900/mo. Call (650)325-7863
EPA: 1BR Wonderful, spacious 1BR vaulted ceiling, fenced patio, full kitch & BA, lots of storage. Move-in bonus. Ready now! From $795. Barbara, 650-533-1413
MP: Sharon Heights Deluxe 2BR/2BA. Remodeled. Gardens, patio, cvrd parking. Close to Stanford. $1495/mo. (650)854-3661
EPA: 1BR & 2BR Pool, patio or balcony. Average rent after lease bonus. 315 E. O’Keefe. $750 & $1004. (650) 473-9983. A Better Property Management Co.
MP: Studios & 1BR West. Studio $795. 1BR, $995$1050/mo. Large 1BR + office $1295/mo. Spotless, remodeled units in small complex w/beautiful garden courtyard. Carport, extra storage, bike storage, laundry, sun deck on property. Close to Stanford, Hiway 280 & shops. N/P, N/S. (650)854-0237
Excellent Midtown Location Pvt. deck, gardens, pool, cov. parking. Utilities incl. N/S/P. (650)207-9335. 1BR/1BA, from $1,195 mo. 2BR from $1,495/mo. Fabulous studio in garden complex Walk in closet, deck, carport parking. Nr. sm. park. Avail. now. Move in bonus. Teri, (650)207-2202 Great Neighborhood Near Stanford. Spacious, sunny 1BR & 2BR apts. Lg. patio, pool, secluded garden, laundry, parking. $1100 to $1295/mo. (650)493-8198. www.bayareaapts.com LA: 1BR/1BA 1BR/1BA w/kitchen in part of detached garage in residential area. $700 incl. all utils. 948-2644. LA: 1BR/1BA apt. with pool. A/C. Small complex, private yard & patio. Walk to town, covered parking, storage, laundry. $1195 mo., lease negot. N/S/P. (650)948-2974 LA: 2BR/2BA Downtown. Fireplace $1500 Negotiable Lease Terms Garden Courtyard with Pool Carport, Laundry, Storage Call (650)245-1093 LA: Extra large 2BR/1BA, newly refurbished. Small complex. Indoor storage, covered parking. Pool access. Walk to town. $1450 mo., lease negot. N/S, N/P. (650)948-2974
MV: 1 & 2BR Free Dish TV & 1/2 month free! Quiet, secure complex. Pool/spa, great loc. near park, shopping & transportation. Irina, (650)969-3300. MV: 1BR The best on PA border! Beautiful, remodeled building in excellent location. Close to shops, CalTrain, Hwy 280 and 101. Bike to Stanford. Amenities include pool, spa, covered parking, laundry & extra, priv. storage. Bright & sparkling clean. Control entry building. N/S/P. (650)9413299 MV: 2BR/1BA duplex. 61-B Murlagan Ave. Private yard, w/covered patio. Garage. No pets. No smoking. Avail. now. $1125/mo (650)9495321, Agent MV: 2BR/2BA. 2 story condo. Lots of closets. New paint, wood floors. Pool. Quiet. Small pets OK. Cov. parking. Lots of guest parking + sep storage. $1395/mo. 408309-3505 MV: 3BR/2BA & 1BR $1325 & $875. Sparkling Kentwood Apts, laundry, pool, paid water & garb., carport & storage. A must see! Davis & Davis. (650)361-1977 www.wbdavis.com
MARKETPLACE the printed version of
MV: 40 Sherland Avenue. 3BR/1.5BA. MV: 40 Sherland Avenue. 3BR/1.5BA. Garage, large private yard. Available now, $1850/mo. 650-941-442
PA: 1BR, Duplex Rustic setting. Hardwood floors, gardener included. $825/mo. Lease. No Pets. Contact Michael E. Fox, Agent (650) 330-5053
MV: Comstock Apartment Homes MV: The Arbors At Mountain View. Wonderful 1BR/1BA $895 & 2BR/2BA Apts. $1195+ $200 off 1st month. Available! Great Location, Beautiful Community!! $199 Deposit Special! 2290 California St., MV. (650)965-8290
PA: 1BR. Dntn. $1350 mo. A/C, pool, jacuzzi, saunas. Cats ok. Quiet. N/S. 275 Hawthorne. (650) 321-6633
MV: Condo with 2 master suite layout, 2BA, A/C, W/D in unit, frplc, balcony overlooking waterfall, undergrnd prkg, secure bldg, new flooring-must see! $1650/mo. Tina, 650-248-5370 MV: Cozy 1BR/1BA Downtstairs unit Near shops, easy access to HWY 101. $975/mo. w/$199 deposit. Free utilities. For information, please contact . 650-964-8601 MV: Junior 1 & 2BR PA/LA/MV border spacious newly remodeled junior, 1 & 2BR w/newer appliances (gas range), large private balconies & patios, bike to Stanford & Los Altos School Dist. , “Move-In Bonus” Starting at $895. Del Medio Park (650) 941-2244 WWW.VRENT.COM MV: Quiet, secluded 1BR Near PA. New appliances, carpet, large closets. Carport. N/P. $845 w/$600 move in bonus. (650)559-0415 or (408)295-7094. Newly renovated 1 & 2BR apts. Spacious, open floor plans, new paint & flooring throughout. MUST SEE! Quiet neighborhood. Close to 101, downtown PA & Stanford. Call (866)391-6929 PA, EPA, MV: Move in special! Pool, lndry, cov prkng, stor. MV: Quiet single story bldng. Remod. (650)9651122. PA & EPA: Resort setting, gated 2 story. (650)324-2231. Studios & 1BR’s. $745-$1145/mo. (650)964-1146 PA: 2 & 3BR apts. Remodeled. $1195-$1395 + $199 security dep. Ask about move-in bonus. Remodeled kitchen with D/W, garbage disposal, built-in microwave. Corner unit, vaulted ceilings, extra storage, laundry, carport parking. Near Midtown & Loma Verde. Also ask about our 2BR townhome on Ramona. Call Laura 650-8131369 to schedule tour. PA: 3BR/2.5BA townhouse New charming craftsman style in quiet cul-de-sac. Close to Stanford, shopping, & transportation. W/D, frplc, tall ceilings, garage, N/S/P. 650-814-1582 PA: 1 & 2BR apartments. AEK, lots of closets & storage, pool. From $900. 220 Curtner. Call (650) 320-8112 or (650) 400-9666. PA: 1BR $850/mo. Near Stanford. Nicely up kept, quiet & clean. Friendly complex. W/D on premises, covered carport with storage space. Water & garbage paid. (650)424-1024 PA: 1BR PA: Please call Boardwalk Apartments at 650-493-6248 to schedule a tour of our large 1BR. $975/mo. with $99 sec. dep. $350 move-in bonus w/a 6, 9 or 12 mo. lease. Boardwalk is located in a beautiful neighborhood, fully gated community, w/2 pools, 2 laundry rooms + fitness center, bike storage, covered parking & guest parking. PA: 1BR $1095. Balcony, D/W, forced air heating, covered carport, laundry rooms, attractive courtyard, pool. Convenient to Stanford. N/S/P. Move-in bonus! Call (650)493-8670 PA: 1BR Downtown, kitchen nook. No garage, laundry nearby, $1000/mo. 650-3483329 PA: 1BR - MIDTOWN Cottage style apt. w/fireplace. Patio/yard, beamed ceilings, skylights. Carport, storage, laundry and pool. $1400/mo. (650)328-5612 PA: 1BR apt. Hardwood floors, garage, front yard. Close to Stanford. Quiet neighborhood $1150/mo. Call (650)565-8792 PA: 1BR available now. $1150 w/bonnus PA: 1BR available now. $1150 w/bonnus. AEK, balcony, great closet space, laundry on-site, pool. Near Stanford. N/P, N/S. (650)493-8577 PA: 1BR from $995/mo. 2BR from $1150/mo PA: 1BR from $995/mo. 2BR from $1150/mo. New paint, new carpet, sparkling clean, bike to Stanford, pool, laundry. N/P. Call Maria, (650)493-9576
PA: 1BR. Apt. Midtown. Remod. Maple cabinets, granite-like counters. D/W, disp., tile floors, skylights, new carpets, priv. patio & yard. Cats OK. 1 yr lease, $500 dep. $1175/mo. (650)325-5730 PA: 2 Charming 2BR/1.5BA townhouses PA: 2BR/1BA PA: College Terrace. Charming 2BR/1BA. 1400 sq. ft. Large LR, DR & kitchen, lndry rm, crown molding, HWF,. W/D, D/W, 2 car detached gar. $1800/mo. (650)279-7794 PA: 2BR/1BA DOWNTOWN Fruit trees, flowers, park view. Large pvt patio, DSL, garden, hdwd flrs, carport, water, garbage, laundry paid. D/W, N/P/S, quiet 4-plex. $1800/mo. Call (650)322-9309 PA: 2BR/1BA Town house style apt. In small complex. Remodel. kitchen. Hrdwd flrs, beamed ceilings Patio. Covered prkng. Indoor cat ok $1350 (650)218-0045 /
[email protected] PA: College Terrace 1BR/1BA Spacious, quiet. On cul de sac. nr Stanford & Calif Ave. shops. New appl. & BA. Lrg closets & storage, laundry rm, covered parking. N/S/P. 1 yr lease. 2051 Wellesley St. #E. $1275. Open Sun. 12-2. (650)279-8936 PA: Downtown Ramona St. 2BR/2BA Charming, single family, great location. Walk to dwntwn. Hrdwd flrs, front porch. Large kitchen w/ breakfast nook. Rear deck. Large yard. Garage, gardener incl. $2600/mo. Avail. 2/3. Call Candace 650-322-2288 x-100, days. Call Tony, 650-455-7575, wk ends & eves. PA: Furnished 1BR condo, avail. short term. Downtown. Secure, sunny, & quiet. Swimming pool, garage. Avail. 01/1803/16. Possible rent to own. $1500/mo. (650)804-5826
Huge 1BR/1BA $1200 nr. California Ave. or beautiful 1BR/1BA $1695 & 2BR/2BA $2295 W/D in unit, air conditioning, Gunn H.S. near Page Mill
650.320.8500 PA: Greenhouse II Condo 765 San Antonio Rd. 2BR/2BA, like new W/D in unit, walk-in closet, garage, clubhouse, pool, quiet location. N/S. $1750/mo. 408-268-3046. PA: Los Altos border near El Camino PA: Los Altos border near El Camino. Spacious 2BR/2BA, refrigerator, W/D, ground floor, pool. secure buliding & 2 car secured parking, N/P, N/S.. $1900/mo. (650)948-4846
ore Than An Address... A Lifestyle Oak Creek Luxury Apts. starting from $1395 ● Spacious studios, 1 & 2 BRS ● 27 Beautifully landscaped acres along San Francisquito Creek ● High speed internet access ● State of the art Health Club ● Walking distance to Stanford Shopping Center ● 5 Pools and 3 Tennis Courts ● Cardio, Aqua Aerobic & Yoga Classes ● 10 minutes from Downtown Palo Alto ● Fully furnished and accessorized units ● All newly remodeled interiors Open daily 9 to 5:30 1600 Sandhill Road, P. A. 650 321-1701 Prices subject to change/ select units only
PA: Prime location 1 block from El Camino. Casa Carolina, 3820 Park Blvd. Remodeled large 2BR/2BA apts. $1250. AND 1BR/1BA, $1050/mo. Gated, quiet complex w/parking, pool and laundry. Call (650)493-2424 PA: Stanford Research Park area. PA: Stanford Research Park area. Super Bowl Move-in Bonus Free Big Screen TV! 2BR/2BA - $1750. 1BR/1BA - $1350 • Quiet residential area. • Patio. • Pool in park-like setting. • Laundry. • DSL/cable. (650)248-4167 or (650)967-7437 PA: Studio Completely furnished. Light, quiet, pvt. entry, garden. Utils, cleaning service, near transportation, services. N/S/P/Firearms. $975/ mo. + dep. (650)852-0492. PA: Sunny, clean 1BR w/balcony & view of foothills. AEK, carport, storage. In small quiet garden court complex w/pool. Midtown area. N/P $1000. Month-month or lease. 650-494-7116 PA: Walk downtown, bike to campus PA: Walk downtown, bike to campus. Extra lg. 1BR, AEK, fireplace, garage w/storage, laundry. Quiet, pvt, not a complex. N/S/P. $1550/mo. incl. utils. Avail. now on lease. 326-3103 Palo Alto, 1 Bedroom/1 Bath - $$238 RWC: Cul de sac 1BR CLOSETS $829/mo. spacious, quiet, lease, balcony. 1530 Ebener (650)473-9983. A Better Property Management Co. RWC: West of ECR, 1BR UPPER UNIT. $802/mo. Average rent after lease bonus 919 Clinton. (650)473-9983. A Better Property Management Co. RWC: 1BR. Triplex near Kaiser. $895. HW floors, upper unit, storage 720 Elm. (650)4739983. A Better Property Management Co. RWC: 1BR/1BA Newly remodeled. Near El Camino, shops, & transportation. $975/mo. 650652-9456 RWC: 2BR/2BA, approx 1150 sq ft. RWC: 2BR/2BA, approx 1150 sq ft. AEK, pool, laundry facilities. N/P/S. $1300/mo. + $500 sec. deposit. 650364-4997 or 650-363-8048 RWC: Duplex Near Kaiser 2BR, $1187 Garage, cozy, small yard. Average rent with lease. 518 Spring. (650)473-9983. A Better Property Management Co RWC: Large 2BR/1BA apt. Carport, pool, water, garbage & cable TV paid. $1300/mo. + $800 security deposit. (650) 369-8261 or (650)3682467 RWC: Like new! 2BR/1BA, Garage, large yard, W/D hookups. $1550/mo. + $900 deposit. (650)3698261 RWC: West of El Camino Real 1BR Closets! $788 . 2BR NU DECOR $1095 Dishwasher. Avg. rent with lease 50 REDWOOD. (650)361-1200. A Better Property Management Co. RWC: West. 2BR/2BA Townhome 2-story, sunny, near new Whole Foods. W/D, 2 car garage, fenced yard. Ideal for roommate share. N/S, N/P. Avail. now. $1600/mo. (650)596-0885 Sharon Heights Stunning 3BR/2.5BA MP: Brown shingled tri-level townhouse in small complex, living rm w/fireplace & expansive deck, formal dining room, sunny/bright eat-in kitchen w/deck, master suite w/private BA, wardrobe closet, plantation shutters/white carpet, pool, 2 car gar. N/S/P. Classic Property Services, (650)329-9022 Single story 1BR apt. Hardwood floors, cable TV, DSL ready. Small complex, end unit, excellent. location. Very quiet street. Laundry rm. $900/mo. 650-964-2754 Skyline Condo Charming 1400 sf condo. 2BR + loft, 1BA. 2 frplc., vaulted ceilings, custom woodwork. Views of ocean/woods. N/S. Quiet. $2400. + dep. Avail March. (650)851-5180 msg Spacious 1BR/1BA Garden complex, great storage, D/W, new carpet. $850/mo. + move-in bonus. Available now. Call Teri 650-207-2202 Spacious 1BR/1BA and 2BR/2BA Convenient Westside location near downtown and Stanford. Carport & lndry facilities. No pets. Agent, (650)688-6113
THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM Spacious downtown studio Move-in bonus. Close to Stanford and train station. Carport & storage. 650325-7114 Studio & cottage - move in bonus! 1BR cottage $975, Studio $850. Clean & bright. Move-in bonus! Quiet, nice neighborhood. Garden, pool, W/D, covered parking & storage. Near Stanford. N/S/P. Call (650)269-8209 SV: 1BR Near 280. Easy PA/Stanford commute. $780/mo. Average rent after lease bonus 731 E. Homestead Rd. (408)7359076. A Better Property Management Co. West of Bayshore EPA: Spacious 1BR & 2BRs. Walk-in closets, balcony, appliances, carpets. 3 laundry rooms & free cable. Avail. now. From $750/mo. (650)325-7419. Westside. 2BR/2BA condo. Secure complex. Many other amenities. $1250 mo. (650) 327-8905; (650)4737531 or (650)369-1158
805 Homes for Rent Charming 2BR/2BA West. Large kitchen & LR. 2 car gar. $2100 mo. Avail. now. No pets. Linwood Realty, (650) 851-0919 2064 Rialto. 3BR/2.5BA townhouse $2100. DR/kitchen. Davis & Davis 650361-1977 http://www.wbdavis.com 3BR/2BA $1695. 2561 Mardell, 3BR/ 2BA, 2 car gar. Davis & Davis (650)361-1977. www.wbdavis.com
No phone number in the ad? GO TO
FOGSTER.COM for contact information
It’s a
HUMMER Residential Property Management
650 851-7054 ITSAHUMMER.COM La Honda:1BR/1BA+lg den Sunny, 1100 sq.ft. Jacuzzi rm. New kit & BA, D/W, W/D, hdwd flrs, skylights, wood stove. Pkng, 1/2 acre, yard, Koi pond. $1475. Jim (831)588-9576 LA: Fabulous 1st Time Rental 564 Casita. 3BR/2BA executive home with pool. New gourmet kitchen with Viking range, Bosch dishwasher, wine refrigerator & breakfast bar with sun drenched family room. Beautiful gardens, expansive deck, patio & pool. Furnished or unfurnished. $6000 per month. IT’S A HUMMER PROPERTIES (650)851-7054 see photos and more: ITSAHUMMER.COM Large 4+BR/7BA. Large (5900 sf) home avail. now! Pool, 4 acres & incredible lawn area. PV schools. $5900 mo. Short term pref. Call Lisa, Red Hawk Realty, (650)8511705. Lovely & immaculate 3BR/2BA w/yard. On beautiful street in West Menlo. Hardwood floors, fireplace. $5,400. Avail. 1/17/05. (650)380-0085 Master BR/1.5BA Enjoy our completely furnished ground floor home with: eat-in kitchen w/convection oven & microwave, JennAir w/grill, spacious LR/DR. Sun porch w/exercycle & treadmill. Garage, W/D, freezer, wine cellar. Incl. linens, china, pots & pans. Near Stanford, library, shopping, industrial park. NS/NP rent incl. cleaning, gardener, cable. (650)868-2606 Menlo Park, 2 Bedroom/1 Bath - $1950
3BR/2BA 2 car garage, FR, LR, DR, fireplace, hardwd floors, private backyard, new kitchen appliances. $2,900 mo. Call (650)450-0559 or (650) 949-2106. 590 Summit Springs Road. Stunning 3BR/2BA home on private wooded 1 acre. Incl. gardener & cleaning 2x week. $5500 mo. Lizbeth Rhodes, Alain Pinel, (650)323-1111 x366
(650)473-9983 ATHERTON: Contemporary 3BR/2BA, cul-de- sac. Hardwood flrs, fireplace, large deck. Las Lomitas Schools. $2850/mo. Incl gardener. Call Agt (650)833-1337 Beautiful 3BR/2BA Newly renovated. Convenient location, great neighborhood. Enclosed porch. N/P, N/S. Lease, $2790/mo. Call 650520-3407 Crescent Park estate Completely remodeled. 3BR/3BA, 2 car garage. 2600 sf. Professionally landscaped 25K sf lot, security gates, indoor/outdoor stereo system. Best schools, walk to downtown. Call (510)579-7135, Owner-Agent EPA: 4BR/3BA EPA: Mandella Estates. lg. home, HWF down, carpet up. W + D, D/W, 2 car gar., gardener. 2286 Pulgas (650)4739983 A Better Property Management Co. Flood Park Area, Charming 2BR/ 1BA, pool, spa, gardener & maintenance included. $2100/mo. Call (408)272-4399 High quality brand new 3BR/2.5BA 2 story. Upgrades: Cherry woodflrs, marble tile, granite counter, fireplace, alarm. Nr. Whisman. N/S/P, $2800. (510)226-8686 or 415-793-8879
[email protected]
MP/PV Border: 3BR/2BA MP/PV Border: 3BR/2BA, appliances, 1/2 mi. to Stanford & 280, nr Dish, Las Lomitas school, grdnr. Pet ok. $2650. Avail. now. (541)420-6195 (541)3821325.
[email protected] MP: 3BR/1.5BA Allied Arts. B>1090 Creek Drive. 2 story traditional home. Hardwood floors throughout. Air conditioned, fireplace, gourmet kitchen with premium appliances, beautiful 1/4 acre park-like grounds & inviting deck. 2 car garage. Best Menlo Park schools. Pet considered. $4000. IT’S A HUMMER PROPERTIES (650)851-7054 See Photos & More ITSAHUMMER.COM MP: 2BR/1.5BA Lrg eat-in kitchen, LR, double garage, new carpets. N/P. $1900/mo. Call (650)854-6953 MP: 3BR/2BA MP: 3BR/2BA, Allied Arts neighborhood. Newly refinished, hrdwd flrs, gas range, off-street parking for 2-3 cars, walk dist. to downtown MP. D/W, W/D, N/S/P. $2275/mo. (434)242-8602 MP: Sharon Heights 4BR/2.5BA. Convenient to shops, schools & HWY 280. Many recent home improvements, formal DR, FR, eat-in kitchen, 2 car garage, 2 fireplaces. No pets. $3500/mo. Alpha Property Mgmt, 650-366-5734 MV: 3BR/2.5BA In convenient location, LR w/FP, DR, FR, kitchen w/appliances inside laundry room with W/D hookups. 2 nice patios. Gardener incl. $2500/mo. Call 650-2245156 MV: 3BR/2BA pets ok. MV: 3BR/2BA pets ok. Gorgeous kitchen, frige, hdwd flrs. W/D hook-up, 2 car garage, auto. irrigation. Downtown area. Avail Jan 1, ‘05. $2350/mo. Call (650)968-2647. PA: 2BR/2BA College Terrace, Sophisticated two-story 2BR/2BA, LR w/beamed cathedral ceiling, fireplace, built-in bookcases, plantation shutters, new hardwood floors & Berber carpet, modern kitchen w/new appliances, family room w/fireplace, lg. master suite w/walk-in wardrobe closet & private deck, basement laundry room, lots of storage, N/S/P. $3200 incl. gardener. Classic Property Services. (650)329-9022
PA: 3BR/2BA 3188 Stelling Dr. Clean furnished or unfurnished home. Lovely garden patio. Spa, DSL. 2 car garage. Gardner & cable included. Available immediately. (650)322-2293 PA: 3BR/2BA Midtown. Quiet area, close to shops, park, schools. Large landscaped yard, remodeled kitchen & BA. HW floors, W/D, A/C. $3200/mo., avail Feb. 1st. 510-206-9769 PA: 3BR/4BA (2 full) Southampton Dr. LR w/frplc, FR, DR, all appl., storage, spa, 2 car garage, gardener incl. Avl. Jan-Aug. $4200. 650321-7241 PA: 4BR/2BA PA: Light & bright, updated 4BR/2BA on large lot. N/S/P. $3900/mo. Agent, 650906-6516,
[email protected] PA: 4BR/2BA Ranch-style home PA: 4BR/2BA Ranch-style home. Family room, living room, eat-in kitchen, 2-car garage, $3000/mo. including gardener. Call agent at (650)833-1337. PA: 5BR/5BA Custom new house. Walk to dwntwn. Walk-in closets, wet bar, 3 frplc’s, LR, DR, FR, sep. laundry, landscaped gated back yard, BBQ & spa. $5850/mo. 408269-2705 PA: Charming 4BR/3BA Formal LR & DR. Eat-in kit. Fenced yard. Old PA, prime location, close to dwntwn. N/S. Pets ok. Avail immediately $4300/mo. Ann Kelly, (650)328-3160 ext 155. PA: Old PA. Charming 1BR/1BA, w/ living room, dinning room, gas frplc, W/D, 1-parking space 241 Seale. utils paid. (408)314-5027 PA: Wonderful North PA home PA: Wonderful, bright, totally renovated, North PA home. 3BR/2BA, FR, frplc. & skylights throughout. All appliances, quiet area, best schools. Lease $3800/mo. N/S/P Suzie (650)4653800. Palo Alto, 3 Bedrooms/2 Baths $$4200/mont PV: 2BR + Office PV: Delightful creekside 2 bedroom + office & 1 bath. Open floor plan with great views from every room. Large deck. Just 5 minutes to hiway 280. Pet considered. $2700 per month. IT’S A HUMMER PROPERTIES. (650)8517054 See photos & more. ITSAHUMMER.COM RWC: 3BR/1.5BA Monte Carmel area. , LR, DR, hrdwd flrs, 2 car garage, yard. 5 min. to 280 and 101. $2300/mo. (650)654-4531 RWC: 4BR/2BA Woodside Plaza. Nice home with large yard, D/W & W/D. NO PETS, N/S. $2100/mo., includes gardener. (415)422-6406. SC: Close to the stars w/great view of Bay Area SC: Close to the stars w/great view of Bay Area, almost new 4BR/3BA, FR, formal DR, family kit, HWF/carpet, 2 story, decks & lawn, 3 car garage., N/S/P $3000/mo. 650-854-2700. Short Term Rental PA: Comfortable home. Midtown location, 3BR/2BA, big yard pets okay. MUST SEE! $1800/mo. Avail. for 8 months. Call (650)269-5560. WDSD: 3BR/2.5BA New. 2 frplc., gourmet kit., LR/FR. 2 car gar. + sep. office. Skyline at Kings Mtn. $3500. (650) 368-8862 or (650)3879970 Woodside, 3 bedrooms/2 baths Charming, safe and peaceful home (furnished) in Woodside Glens⤓10 min. to Stanford. Configured as 3bdrm-2bath or 1bdrm+in-law-apt+office. 2 fireplaces, upper deck+view off lv rm & mstr bdrm, veggie + flower gardens, pond, hot tub, garage,running trails. $3250. Available end of March-ish. 1-yr lease. 650-8514069 or
[email protected] $3250
809 Shared Housing/Rooms All Areas-Roommates.com Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: www.Roommates.com. (AAN CAN) Furnished room San Antonio near Middlefield. Kit, DR, pool, lndry privileges. Male pref. N/S. $699/mo. incl all + dep. Avail. now. (650)494-6601. LA: Room avail in large house Quiet area, prof. M/F home. W/D, gardener, N/S/P, $540/mo. Available now. Call (408)243-7750
Palo Alto Weekly • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Page 35
MARKETPLACE the printed version of
Large Furnished Room With private bath. Private entry. $700 mo., incl. utils. DSL, TV & phone jacks. W/D, lite kitchen privs. (650)326-3424 MP: Room 2BR apt. near Ravenswood & El Camino. Share w/1 F. Pvt. phone line, cable ready. W/D on site, disposal. $735+$550 dep., year lease. N/S/P. Avail. now. (650)3218199
[email protected] MP: Room FURNISHED. Immaculate, lg desk, bookshelf, in lg sunny 3-BR apt. Quiet, clean, frplc, lg kitchen, DSL, 2 cats. N/S/P $675/mo 650-473-0667 MV: MBR. Private BA. Near bus, train, shopping, hiways. Includes utilities, parking, DSL, satellite, cleaning. $695 mo. 650-9064912 Female preferred. PA: Private upstairs room. Share BA & kitchen. Free cable. Hi-spd conn. avail. Walk to dntwn. N/S. $600 + $50 utils. Quiet clean person pref. 650862-2100 PA: Sunny 2BR/2BA. Beautiful CA Ave. neighborhood. All appl., FP, deck, grdnr. Prefer fem. N/S/P. Avail. now to share, $650 + 1/2 utils. (650)3257530 Palo Alto, 1 Bedrooms/1 Baths $$238/week RWC: Room w/pvt. bath In 3BR/2BA house. No pets/drugs/drinking. Female preferred. Please call 650364-7937 home. Or 650-576-8644 cell. Sunny furn. BR In 3BR/1BA house. Shared BA. Light kitchen priviliges, W/D. Phone and TV jacks. $600/mo. (650)326-3424 WOODSIDE: Shared Housing Beautiful estate on 3 acres near village. Pool, stable, & gardens. Large BR with veranda in shared home. $1000. Pets neg. (650)851-4000
810 Cottages for Rent 5 minutes from Stanford. Small 2BR/1BA cottage in prime West Menlo location.Brand new carpets, lndry facility, water & garb. incl. Partial hdwd flrs, small yard. Storage avail, new carpets. $1200. (650)566-5299 Chalet-type cottage Pool & panoramic mountain view. Cathedral ceilings, loft, deck, wall-to-wall carpet, W/D. $1650/mo. Utilities included. Call (650)851-0780 Cottage for Rent Very private 1BR/1BA in Old PA. Large LR w/view of garden. Fenced yard, hardwood floors, AEK, dishwasher, W/D, carport, grdnr incl. Big trees. No pets, N/S. $1,300. 650-326-8279. Downtown carriage house 2BR/1BA, new unit, gas stove, A/C, 1 car park, laundry & refrig incl., fully furn., N/S/P. Corp. rental OK, floor plan avail. 650-400-6203
La Honda: 1BR/1BA Peaceful, quiet, cottage. Only 25 min. from Stanford. Newly carpeted BR, LR, 1BA, kit, radiant heating, new appliances incl. W/D. Deck over looking creek. $1500/mo. 650-854-5439 MP: Charming 1BR Large kitchen , living room, hardwood flrs, beamed ceilings. Garden. Small dog ok. Off street prkng. $1550 + utils. Avl 1/14; maybe before. 650-322-6343 or 650400-5123 MP: Willows. Charming 1BR/1BA. Full kitchen, LR, fenced yard, private driveway. $1100/mo. + utils. N/S, pets negotiable. Available now. Call Ed, (650)3271016 evenings/weekends. WDSD: Studio Separate & cute. Full kitchen, carport. Satellite TV & Util. incl., N/S/P. Avail. 02/01. $850/mo. (650)851-4888
825 Homes/Condos for Sale Buying Or Selling? Save 50% Commission. PA, MP, 3BR, 2BR.$729,000 & up. Kobbeman Properties (650)208-3157 Buying or Selling? Save 50% Commission Properties (650)208-3157
MP: 3BR/2BA Great opportunity, 1800+ sf on 6000 sf lot. Good location, Las Lomitas schools. 2181 Ashton Ave. $975,000. Agent Melissa Pederson, Re/Max Accord, (925)858-1984 www.Homes2Buy.com The site with ALL homes for sale in the Multiple Listing data system covering San Francisco, the Peninsula & surrounding Coastal Regions
830 Commercial/Income Property ATH/RWC: Inexpensive, professional offices; 110 sq ft @ $320/mo and 333 sq. ft. @ $700/mo. Waiting rooms avail. Carpet, utils. & janitorial incl. 1 year lease. (650)208-8624 MP: Newly renovated Allied Arts Retail Shops available. 75 Arbor Rd. Contact Panette Talia, (650)847-2041 MP: Semi-private furnished office space MP: Sand Hill Road. Semi-private furnished office space, shared conference rooms & kitchen. Internet access, copier, & telephone w/voice mail. (650)234-1319 MP: Sublease 1000 sf. Sunny, open office. Built-in desks, small kitchen, lots of parking, many amenities. Convenient location, 3525 Alameda de las Pulgas. $2100 mo. 650218-7501 MV: Soothing massage room for rent.
La Honda: 1BR Charming, large lot, gardener’s dream. Call Delmar Properties, Agent 650-7260954 http://www.cdelmarrentals.com
In Chiropractic office. Great location, friendly atmosphere. Need license. Work as independent contractor. Abundant Life Chiropractic (650)969-8882
Public Notices
Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on January 3, 2005. (PAW January 12, 19, 26, February 2, 2005)
(continued from page 17) PALO ALTO AUTO REPAIR FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 454846 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business as, Palo Alto Auto Repair, 3508 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306: PALO ALTO AUTO REPAIRS, INC. 1408 De Anza Blvd San Mateo, CA 94403 California This business is being conducted by corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on December 27, 2004. (PAW January 12, 19, 26, Feb. 2, 2005)
PATHWAYS SPIRITUAL TEMPLE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 455076 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business as, Pathways Spiritual Temple, 1598 Albatross Dr. #2, Sunnyvale, CA 94087: REV. ELISABETH M. PRESLEYSCHICKEDANZ 1598 Albatross Dr. #2 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 This business is being conducted by an individual.
RINCON SABROSO RESTAURANT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 454432 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business as, Rincon Sabroso Restaurant, 122 N. Rengstorff Ave., Mountain View, CA 94040: EMERITA MACIAS 3126 Fair Oaks Street Moutain View, CA 94040 ARMANDO MACIAS 126 Fair Oaks Street Mountain View, CA 94040 This business is being conducted by husband & wife. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on November 29, 2004. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on December 14, 2004. (PAW Dec. 29, 2004 Jan. 5, 12, 19, 2005 )
VENTAVIA FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 454611 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business as, VentaVia, 3687 Enochs Street, Santa Clara, CA 95051: MAURICE BIZZARRI
Page 36 • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Palo Alto Weekly
PA: Dntwn, 167 Hamilton Ave. 4th flr, 1200 sf. penthouse w/lg deck. (MUST SEE!). Also avail. 2nd or 3rd, 2000 - 4000 sf. $2.50-$2.85 F. SVC. (408)2987474 /
[email protected]
PA: Downtown Prime Suites of 265-1707 sf. On University Avenue/High St. near Stanford and train. Dramatic atriums, extensive windows, high ceilings, quality finishes. 650776-5390 or view photos/floor plans at www.paoffices.com
PA: Office space. South PA: Full service, easy access, great parking, garden environment, rate: $2/sq ft in 2008, rate in 2005 negotiable. Sizes 200 sq ft to 3400 sq ft+. Answering machine or manager at (650) 494-3565
PA: Office/commerical space PA: Office/commerical space. 500 sq. ft., ground floor. $1200/mo. Broker, 650322-4433 ext. 11.
PV: Office spac PV: Office space with 2 cubicles,. reception, conference room. $650/mo. Call Lisa 650-703-8644
840 Vacation Rentals/Time Shares Pajaro Dunes Condo 2BR, 2BA or 1BR, 1BA. On beach, ocean view. Cable TV, VCR, CD, tennis, W/D, Pvt. deck, BBQ. Owner, (650)424-1747
[email protected]
Pajaro Dunes Vacation Rental Pajaro Dunes Beach House. 3BR/3BA + loft. Fully equipped and maintained. Wonderful view of ocean & valley. $525/weekend, $1,395/week. (650)4938478
850 Acreage/Lots/ Storage 20 acre ranches 20 ACRE RANCHES. Repossessions. Last Chance! Near booming El Paso, Texas. $9,995. $95 down/$99 monthly. (10%/216 months) Roads surveyed. Free maps/pictures. Great location. Excellent Timing. Sunset Ranches. 1-800-3439444. (Cal-SCAN) MP: Car Storage Also boat & trailer. Near El Camino Real. (650)326-3230 PA: Double Garage Downtown. Ideal for vintage car storage, very secure, easy 24 hours access, lease. Available now. (650)424-9922
FOGSTER.COM for contact information
(650) 851-0919
860 Housesitting Palo Alto
Professional Services 650 Pets/Grooming & Training
602 Accounting/ Bookkeeping
for SMALL BUSINESS All accounting done in my office MAC or IBM. 650-369-9972
Pet Sitting services by Susan. Licensed, insured & references. 650-323-4000
604 Adult Care Offered Care giver/Care taker/Gardener - Services provided in exchange for room. Avail. immediately. Live-in. References. Please call: Charlie 650-369-1263 Companion, reliable, loving personality. Caregiver, live-in/live-out. Light housekeeping. Flexible hours. (650)771-0127
Home Care Assistance™ We specialize in 24/7 live-in care Offering the exclusive "We Will Be There Guarantee" Never again worry about being left alone All care givers are: experienced, have background checks and are tested for honesty Call Kathy
SKI LAKE TAHOE West Shore 2 charming choices! Homewood 3BR ski in/ski out. Chambers area 3BR charm & comfort, new hot tub. Both avail. weekends & weekly. (650)851-4949
DOG TRAINING CLASSES Certified trainers, starting Jan. 18! Convenient location in MP/ATH 650-352-5DOG (352-5364)
Pet-sitting, Dogwalking. Refs. & Insured. Exceptional care for pets and homes (650)559-0227 LINDA’S CREATURE COMFORTS
When you must leave them, I will love them. Animal visits in your home. Since 1980. Excellent local refs. Linda 650-325-3956 MENLO PARK PET SITTING Book now for the holidays & get
10% OFF!!!!
Steve Miles
ONE DAY DOG TRAINING (that’s right!)
604 Adult Care Offered
420 El Dorado Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94306 PETER WILLIAMS 7837 Bareback Drive Sparks, NV 89436 WILLIAM CROSS 18549 Blythswood Drive Los Gatos, CA 95030 SHEROD E. DEWELL JR. 4307 Woodmere Road Tampa, FL 33609 This business is being conducted by general partnership. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on December 15, 2004. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on December 17, 2004. (PAW Dec. 29, Jan. 5, 12, 19, 2004)
Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on December 27, 2004. (PAW January 12, 19, 26, Feb. 2, 2005)
Nurse/caregiver looking for position for elderly care, stroke & Alzheimer’s. Companion, highly experienced, excel. refs. (650)328-1286; (650)483-0677
MILLER HOUSE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 454168 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business as, Miller House, 2458 W. Bayshore Road #3, Palo Alto, CA 94303: BERNHARD DAMBERGER 2458 W. Bayshore Road #3
HAVE A COURT JUDGMENT YOU CAN’T COLLECT? Call Complete Financial Services 888-676-0300
Lysbeth Goodman, Seasoned bankruptcy attorney. 23 years experience with creditors & debtors in the U.S. bankruptcy court. 877-290-2032.
667 Personal Organizers End the clutter and get organized. Residential organizing by Debra Robinson (650)941-5073
726 Decor/Drapes/ Wallpaper
Call Lucy, (650)330-1873
Colorado Horse Property COLORADO HORSE PROPERTY 5 AC $49,900. Outstanding Rocky Mtn. views. 500 AC open space for recreational use. 4-season recreation, nearby lake. Excellent financing. Call now! 1-866-6965263 (Cal-SCAN)
654 Financial
Service guaranteed
845 Out of Area
ISLAND INKJET SYSTEMS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 454842 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business as, Island Inkjet Systems, 2855 Stevens Creek Blvd. Space #9202, Santa Clara, CA 95050: WAM HOLDINGS, INC 68 San Benito Ave. Atheron, CA 94027 CA This business is being conducted by corporation. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on Deccember 6, 2004. This statement was filed with the County
No phone number in the ad? GO TO
855 Real Estate Services
654 Financial
CHRISTINE’S Wallpapering & Interior Painting Paper Removal/Texturing Wall Prep/Repairs •Since 1982
Lic. # 757074
PM SERVICES We will creatively decorate your home to meet your life style & your budget. Today 1 room make over. Call for free consultation. (650)248-4167
Wallpapering by Trish
BAD CREDIT REPORT? Improve Your Credit Now! Don’t Delay
24 years of experience Free Estimates 949-1820
(800)250-3252 Palo Alto, CA 94303 LEAL E. BALL 2458 W. Bayshore Road #3 Palo Alto, CA 94303 This business is being conducted by husband & wife. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on December 1, 2004. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on December 7, 2004. (PAW Dec. 29, 2004, Jan. 5, 12, 19, 2005 )
Place your Public Notice in the Palo Alto Weekly.
Call 326-8216
CITY OF PALO ALTO NOTICE OF A SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING OF THE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD The Architectural Review Board Retreat on Thursday, January 20, 2005 at 8:30 AM, in the Palo Alto Art Center Conference Room, 1313 Newell Rd, California, will include: *
Architectural Review Board Design Awards
Questions. If interested parties have any questions regarding the retreat, please contact the Planning Division at (650) 329-2441. ADA. Persons with disabilities who require auxiliary aids or services in using City facilities, services, or programs or who would like information on the City's compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, may contact (650) 329-2550 (voice) or 650-328-1199 (TDD). Amy French, Manager of Current Planning
Home Services 740 Flooring/Carpeting/Tilin g
748 Gardening/Landscaping
Broken Tiles? Dirty Grout?
*Concrete *Driveway *Sidewalk *Aggregate Brick Work *Flagstone *Landscape *Sprinklers *Free Estimate Call (650)921-6656
Leaky showerpans? messy countertops? 18 yrs exp. cleaning, caulking, repairs, replacements & some installations. John (650)400-3665, (408)530-9756
Sanchez Gardening
NOEMI’S CLEANING Residential & Commercial. 6 Yrs Exp. Great Refs. Free Estimates. Professional, honest & reliable Licensed (650)520-4473
SOTO’S CONSTRUCTION Remodeling: Bath, Kitchen & Tiles Roofing & Concrete. 10 Years Exp. Free Estimates. Lic #31408 (650)208-7748 or (650)327-8901
CLASSIC TILE CO Tile & grout repairs. Over 40 yrs experience, free estimates. Bonded, license #378868 969-3914. Leave message
Orkopina Housecleaning
Remodels • Additions • Custom Homes • Restorations Lic # 830948
Elegant Tile & Natural Stone Installation & Fabrication Call Classic Tile Signatures Free Estimates. 408.266.3662
“The BEST Service for You”
Call (650) 523-4133
Service since 1985 • Meticulous, Quality Work • Laundry/Ironing/Windows/Blinds • Wax/Wall Washing/Construction Clean-Up • Senior/Expecting Mother/Newborn Disc. • Last minute calls (650) 962-1536
Excellent references upon request
JOSE’S JANITORIAL SERVICE Professional House Cleaning, Offices • Window Washing • Commercial • Residential • Husband & Wife • References (650)322-0294
705 Audio/Visual ANTENNA PROS Home entertainment hookups, HDTV Antennas, cable, speakers, phone, audio/video setups, Satellite & Plasma screen TV installations. 650-965-8498.
710 Carpentry
Custom Cabinetry
Kitchens • Bathrooms Wood Work • Furniture Lic # 830948
Call (650) 523-4133 Excellent references upon request
Drafting Service Residential design, drafting, plans, for addition, remodeling, new construction. Tel:650-691 9787
715 Cleaning Services Alejandra’s House Cleaning *Affordable *Attention to Detail *Deep Cleaning *Wash/Iron clothes upon request. (650)298-9761 or (650) 208-6918
Marie Essential Services
I can Great/Trustworthy/15 yrs Exper. • Cleaning • Organizing • Errands • Driver & more • Co. & Res. help • Gardening • 30% disc. 1st service simplify • Quality work • Reasonable rates Free estimates Available M-Sat your life! Call Marie (650) 364-2810
Housecleaning, Laundry, Ironing, Help at parties RELIABLE & HONEST PROFESSIONAL CLEANERS
Lupe’s Cleaning Best Prices in the Bay Area Homes, Apartments, Offices. Windows Great References (650)365-1829 or (650)218-5292
Insured & Bonded
HOME or OFFICE 650-948-2599 Estab. 1982
Flor & Luis Cleaning Service Housecleaning, Laundry & Ironing. 6 years experience. Good references. Reliable, great rates & free estimates. 650-776-9010 or 650-326-1905 HILDAS HOUSECLEANING Homes * Apartments * Offices Laundry & Ironing * Great Exp. Splendid Refs. * Free Estimates. 650-261-1569 or 650-444-3590
25% DISCOUNT for first-time clients
Idelle House Cleaning since 1989 Res. & Co. • Affordable Rates Free Estim. • Excellent Refs. • Senior Discount Environmentally safe products available Licensed & Bonded • Satisfaction Guaranteed
Stewart Construction Co. Remodeling Contractor 23 yrs exp. Bonded & Insured. Lic.# 745186 (408)745-7115
Lic. 020624
TERESA’S HOUSECLEANING Professional, responsible & excellent cleaning srvc. (can do laundry while cleaning). Residential & Co. Janitorial Services. 15 yrs. exp. 650-201-5435
Yesenia’s Housecleaning GREAT JOBS, 10 YRS EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATES & REFS. AVAIL. CALL YESENIA OR JOSE. $15/HR 650-566-1498 CELL 650.814.0637
719 Construction/Remodeli ng
Stucco repair, cracks, & patching. Foundation vents replaced & patched. Interior plaster repair. Texture matching. 35 years. Small jobs only. (650)248-4205
730 Electrical 2 person team. We do the same service as everyone else-but the difference is: “we love to do it!” Steam spot clng avail. Lic.# 28276, Call (650)369-7570 www.FlorLauHousecleaning.com
California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license number on all advertising. You can check the status of your licensed contractor at www.cslb.ca.gov or 800-321CSLB. . Ads appearing in the paper without license. # indicate that the person is not licensed.
Dustless Sys. New install, refinish, repairs. Free estimates. Low rates. Refs. Lic.#712180 (415)664-9783
748 Gardening/Landscaping PACIFIC LANDSCAPING Reliable professional, yard maintenance & landscaping.. In business 18 years. 968-6046 Lic. #736877
Landscaping Renovation • Consulting, Design, Installation • Specializing in all stonework, patio, walls, walks & pools
ALEX ELECTRIC Lic #784136. Free Est. All electrical Alex, (650)366-6924
Fix It Electric Electrical indoor/outdoor lighting Ceiling fan installation Dishwasher installation Service entrance/Breakers & fuses Installation and repair
with your garden & live seasonally
Local References • Lic 595316
Robert Stafford, Inc. • (650) 851-0519 • Leo Garcia Landscape/Maintenance Lawn & Irrig. install, retain. walls. Res & Co maint., tree trim & removal Clean-ups, grdn lighting, cust. arbors Install: fences, decks, flagstone, paver. Free Est. Lic. 823699 (650)369-1477
Weekly, Biweekly & Periodic Maint. Annual Rose, Fruit Tree Pruning, Yard Clean-ups, Demolition, Excavation, Irrigation, Sod, Planting, Raised Beds, Ponds, Fountains, Patios, Decks.
• Remodels • Repairs • Tile • Carpentry • Decks • Elec/Plumbing • Painting Call E. Marchetti for Free Estimate Excellent Local References (650) 347-8359 Lic.#623885
Fax (650) 344-6518 DESIGN/PERMITS One Stop Place for Your Remodeling Design needs. Complete Plans incl. Structural Engineering & Energy Compliance (T-24). ADW (650)969-4980 DRYWALL & PLASTER REPAIR Small Job Specialist 35+ years EXPERIENCE Lic. # 284952, Calif Lic. since 1973 Call Bill (650)321-1577
El Paso Drywall Water damage, acoustic removal & spray, hanging texture paint. Tile, stucco, roofing jobs, remodels & demolition. (408)506-0694 EXPERIENCED DESIGNER Kitchen, Bathroom & home remodel or additions. 23 yrs exper. Architectural degree, drawings done on CAD. Reasonable rates. Call Dan (650)291-4088
Houses, apartments & windows. Commercial & Residential. 10 yrs. exp. Good references. Free Est. Lic. # 29750 (650)364-7342 or (650)465-7694
A&E VARGAS CONSTRUCTION •Fences • Decks • Arbors •Gazebos •Wood Molding •Pressure Washing • Refinishing Lic.# 844438
Ph-Fax: (650)299-9327
Clean-ups Maintenance Planting Sprinkler system Hauling
20 yrs. exp. Lic. #35326 Free Estimates
FREE ESTIMATES (650)367-1420
740 Flooring/Carpeting/Tilin g ALEX TILE & MARBLE Kitchen, Bath, Fireplace, Patio All Tile, Marble, Slate, Stone Work References, Guarantee Lic # 491398, (650)996-9885
JODY HORST Landscape Artist
856-9648 • Design & Installation • Lawn & Irrigation • Clean-up & Plant Maintenance • Rock Garden & Natural Paths Lic. # 725080 • Consulting
Full maintenance Service Estate Service Weekly or Bi-weekly Yard Clean-ups Lawn/Sprinkler Installations
650.219.2580 25% OFF 1st VISIT
Lic. #15778
RAY’S LANDSCAPING Sprinkler sys. Lawns. Maintenance. All types of stone work. Retaining walls. Fences. Since 1980. Lic.#749922.
Sam’s Garden Service
Call (650 ) 328-1155
SUPER YARD WORK Tree Service • Lawn Repair • New Fence • Sod or Seed • General Cleanup Painting • Concrete • Hauling Free Estimates Tim (650)322-7065
Garden design,installation, maintenance & concrete work
Cleo Service & Garden Clean Ups • Hauling • Sprinklers • Garden Maint & New Lawns • Trimming • Pruning Reasonable Rates, Free Est. 650-366-5874
751 General Contracting
GARDEN MAINTENANCE & CLEAN-UPS Tree service. Clean ups. New lawns wth irrigation, Reliable. Great refs. Free Est.. 368-3583; 771-0213
ALKA CONSTRUCTION Remodeling, Additions, Bathrooms, Kitchen, Tile & Marble Work, Electrical & Plumbing, Concrete Driveways, Patios. Lic. #638994. Tel. 704-4224
GARDENING SERVICE Maintenance & clean-ups, new lawns Landscaping & tree cutting/trimming Ramon 510-494-1691/650-576-6242 Excellent References!
General garden service & landscape Irrigation install/repair, sprinkler, micro sprinkler, drip, timer, complete maint., clean-up, new lawn, tree service. Co & Res. 14 yrs exper. Refs. (650)771-3246
lic #330527 • since 1977
✧ Additions and second story ✧ Custom kitchens and bathrooms
(650) 592-1232
General Maintenance Gardening & Landscaping Service
SPECIAL!! 1st. VISIT 20% OFF!! •New Lawns•Hauling •Aeration •Clean-Ups •Rototiling •Concrete •Sprinkler Repair •Barck •Tree Work •Gutters
Maintenance • Garden works Clean ups • Pruning (650)327-6283, evenings JAPANESE GARDENER Pruning, Bonsai Maintenance, Clean-up (650)856-6593, eves.
Lic. #886506
Fences - Decks - Retaining Wall Patio - Outdoor Construction 15 yrs Experience - Reasonable Prices Al (650)853-0824, cell 650-269-7113
General Cleanup, Gardening, Pruning, Trimming, New Lawns, Sprinkler Systems, Thatching & Planting. Free estimates. (650)969-9894
Japanese Gardener
Mention this ad for 10% off first service!
Mader Green Please call Susie Mader
Residential & Commercial Call David B. (650)315-9849
Lawns, sprinkler system, clean up & maintainance. 8 yrs experience Call before 9a.m. and get same day service
By The Hour/By The Project
(650)969-4276 or cell 793-3939
“Current gardener not doing what you want? We will do it!”
738 Fences & Gates
748 Gardening/Landscaping LANDSCAPE CONSULTING
VR & EB Hardwood Floors
• Integrate your house
A Notice to Our Readers:
Available Mon-Sat. $20/hr. 4hrs or more price reduced. Weekly – BiWeekly – Monthly
719 Construction/Remodeli ng
JIMENEZ LANDSCAPING Garden Maintenance, Tree Trimming, Hauling, Spinkler Systems & Masonry. www.jimenezgardens.com
Quality Service Kitchen & Bathroom Renovations Insured & Bonded Lic# 762903
715 Cleaning Services
ADDITIONS Plumbing/Roofing/Fencing Window & Driveways/
Competitive Prices!!!
754 Gutters
CARLSON GUTTER SERVICE “Service Beyond Expectations”
• Gutter Cleaning & Repairs • Pressure Washing • Experienced • Fast Service
(650) 322-5030 10 years experience
Free Estimates
Jose’s Hauling Experts Our careful workers will do the job for you. • •
Demolition Concrete Removal
(650) 722-0908
Home Services continued on next page
Palo Alto Weekly • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Page 37
Home Services (cont.) 754 Gutters
Roof, Gutter, Downspout Cleaning
Also high pressure steam cleaning - wood decks, concrete driveways, brick patios, walkways, stone walls.
758 Handyman/Repairperso n A PROFESSIONAL
CARPENTRY & HANDYWORK • Senior discounts • Rough estimates
Lic. & Ins. 20 yrs experience • Work guaranteed Free estimates • Seniors $25 off
• Referrals
Jim Thomas’ Maintenance Call ( 4 0 8 ) 5 9 5 - 2 7 5 9
20 years of experience
RICH SHAPIRO 650.598.7944
Plumbing, Tile, Carpentry and Electrical work 35 years exp.
758 Handyman/Repairperso n
[email protected]
Residential Commercial FREE ESTIMATE
(650) 570-5274 cell: (650) 465-9163 Handy “Ed” Man A Nermin Sirovica Handyman Service Sheet Rock • Deck • Electric • Fences • Plumbing • Doors & Windows • Painting • Concrete • Woodwork (408)246-7052 7 days a week
All Types Of Home Improvements Carpentry • Plumbing • Elect. •Remodels. Manny (650)766-6290
FREDDYS The Handyman & Dry Walls
Free Estimates!
Sheetrock • Texture Taping • Painting & More Great Jobs & Great Prices!
650-630-5550 Handy Work One Call Does It All! Lots of Area References Licensed & Bonded
HOME REPAIR Bath & Kitchen, Tile & Granite, Decks & Fences, Dry Wall
Insured Lic #807495 Jobs of all sizes and types. 650-969-9111 or 408-399-9111
P.M. SERVICES Small jobs make big business. Specializing in kitchen & bath remodeling. Ask for our bath remodel special. Call now. (650)493-8266, (650)248-4167
760 Hauling Hauling Rototilling Lawn Aerating Dethatching Tractor Work Weed Clearing (650)329-1810
LARGE TRUCKS Dump Runs • Trees LARGE/small JOBS Free Estimate • Insured
Larry’s Handyman Service Various Repairs & Installations
Plumbing (faucets, drains, disposals, toilets, etc.), Screen Doors &Windows, Rain Gutters, Lock Sets, Blinds, Phone & TV Cables, etc. Odd jobs. Quality work. Affordable prices. Senior discounts.
650•856•0831 Palo Alto
(408) 888-0445 No Job Too Big Or Small!
Commercial, Residential, Garage, Basement & Yard Clean-up. Fair prices. (650)361-8773 J&G HAULING SERVICE Misc. junk, office & appliances, garage/storage, etc & clean-ups. Old furniture, refrigerators & freezers. FREE ESTIMATES (650)368-8810
650-327-HAUL cell:415-999-0594 Prompt Service Bobcat Service
767 Movers AARON S MOVING Cal PUC T-189907 Fully insured. Member of BBB Home and office relocation experts. 10 years of experience in Bay Area. Reputable service, Affordable rates. Mention this ad and get $25 in packing materials free. 650.321.4383
Serving the Peninsula since 1975. Insured. Careful, friendly, fast, still owner-operated!
327-5493 771 Painting
Residential/Commercial misc. junk. .Demolition Removal. Home/Office moving. Yard clean-up. Tree trimmings.
Same Day Service Free Estimates (650)274-4510
PALO ALTO TRACTOR Bobcat • Back Hoe Dirt & Concrete Removal Demolition • Trenching
650-464-3055 Lic #780543 • Insured
761 Masonry/Brick
RL KING REPAIR MAINTENANCE Handyman. Carpentry Painting Taping. No Job Too Small. Since 1967 Call Richard 650-363-8403
Commercial & Residential Reasonable & Reliable • Free Estimates • Furniture • Trash • Appliances • Wood • Yard Waste • Construction • Rental Clean-Up • Debris 7 DAYS A WEEK!
Al Trujillo Handyman Service •Int/Ext. Painting •Kit./BA Improv. •Dry Rot, Flooring Install •Homes & Apt. Repairs •Auto Sprinkler, Landscapes, Fences. 20 yrs. Lic. # 58556 (650)561-9524 ALL PHASE HANDYMAN & PAINTING Carpentry. Texture. Stucco. Carpet & Concrete. Sheet Rock. Interior/Exterior. 10 yrs. exp. Free est. Res/Co. Quality preparation. Lic. Carlos (650)630-5225
[email protected] INSTALL • CLEAN • REPAIR Mfr. Lifetime Warranty
HANDYMAN European Craftsmanship
760 Hauling
A. AVI PAINTING Interior/Exterior, Cabinets, Faux Finishes, Lacquer & Paper Hanging Professional Custom Work Lic. #798614 (650)329-0770
QUALITY PREPARATION & FINISH WORK • 24 years experience • Served a 5 yr. apprenticeship in England • www.paintmore.com • Licensed & insured #392875
Classic Masonry • Stone walls, patios & walkways • Custom pool remodeling • All Stone applications • Outdoor Kitchens, Barbecues & Spas • Architectural & Engineering plans
Local References • Lic 595316
Robert Stafford, Inc. • (650) 851-0519 • 764 General Contractors A Notice to Our Readers: California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license number on all advertising. You can check the status of your licensed contractor at www.cslb.ca.gov or 800-321-CSLB. . Ads appearing in the paper without license. # indicate that the person is not licensed.
PAINTING Interior & Exterior Great Refs & Low Rates Lic. 52643 (650) 575-2022
Armando’s Moving Labor Service Homes, Apts, Storages. Specializing in loading/unloading rental trucks, sm/lrg moves. 15yrs svc Bay Area. Armando (650)630-0424, or 341-2164. Lic#14733
Cheapest Hauling, Landscaping & Concrete Residential/Commercial. Demolition Removal. Home/Office Moving. Yard clean-up. Tree trimming. Misc. Junk. Same Day Service!! (650)630-1739
Call ME 1st Stanford Med Student 4 Strapping Pros Gary (650)271-0773
A Notice to Our Readers: California State Law requires that all moving companies be licensed by the Public Utilities Commission. Businesses listed under Moving Assistance are not licensed movers, and do not advertise themselves as such. A mover’s license contains a T or Cal T followed by 6 digits. For further information, call the Contractor's License Board 1-800-321-2752
780 Personal Home Organizers
Got clutter? No time, energy, patience or know-how to tidy that space? Let Clutterboy clear out and organize your Garage or Office. FREE ESTIMATES • HOURLY RATE LOCAL REFERRALS GALORE!
Check us out at
650.799.4149 783 Plumbing Very Reasonable Plumbing Drains Cleaned, Repairs & Installation 20 yrs. Exp. Very Fast & Efficient Service. Call Jimmy, 968-7187
790 Roofing AG HANSEN PLUMBING Specializing in Service and Remodelling 24 Hour Service Lic.#549086 323-4138
SERVICE ROOFING Established 1945 Roof repair specialist • Gutter cleaning Re-roofing • Roof maintenance
24 hr emergency roofing 650-366-8486 • 650-771-1556
796 Tree Care BRUNO FERAZZA TREE SERVICE Expert tree trimming, safe removals. Stump removal. Free estimate. Insured Lic. # 696796. (650)222-3464
Inda’s Tree Service 24 hr. Emergency Service Removal, thinning, shaping, etc. and stump grinding. Free Estimates. Lic. & Insured (408)293 5139, (408)832-0347 or (408)581-2166 pgr
799 Windows
CarefulClean Window Washing Specialists Please check our “A” rating on the Better Business Bureau website @ www.sanmateo.bbb.org • Exterior Pressure Washing • Gutter Cleaning • Deck Refinishing
888-664-9274 650-592-6061
Replacement Specialist Satisfaction Guaranteed
License #623556
(formerly J.A. Font Roofing)
Decorative Paint & Faux Finishes Attention to Detail and Expert Craftsmanship Guaranteed. Call for Free Consultation. (415)516-1480 Lic.#817762 GARY ROSSI PAINTING Licensed (#559953) and Bonded. Free Estimates. Wall Paper Removal. Residential & Commercial 650-345-4245
650.843.0682 ★YOUR CUSTOM★ CHOICE SINCE 1980
Call Stephen
(408) 289-9211 or (408) 802-9338
[email protected]
Valley Roofing • 408.243.1340
To Reach Us: Internet website: www.fogster.com Email:
[email protected] Phone: (650) 3268216 Fax: (650) 326-3958
Italian Painter is Back! 20 years experience Can work immediately! Call Domenico (650)575-9032
775 Paving/Asphalt/Concret e Roe General Engineering Maintenance Asphalt • Paving • Sealing New Construction & Repairs 30 years experience. No job too small. Lic. #663703 (650)814-5572
The Palo Alto Weekly MARKETPLACE is on the INTERNET at URL address:
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2 3 7 0 B r ya n t S t re e t Pa l o A l to
T. /
YOUR HOME – – – – –
This is a Seller’s Market! Inventory is extremely low. Buyers are competing to buy a home. Act now for amazing results! Call me for a free market consultation
O l d Pa l o A l to Located on a lovely tree lined street, this spacious, sunlit home offers a great opportunity to live in desirable Old Palo Alto. The home offers five bedrooms, two baths, plus two half baths. Spacious public rooms of sunken living room, family room, formal dining room and eat-in kitchen occupy the main level, while four good sized bedrooms plus a large master suite are located on the second floor. Offered at $1,649,000
Sharleen Fiddaman “The Key for Your Home” Since 1985
(650) 566-5335 email:
[email protected] www.sharleenfiddaman.com
Pam Page Office 650.323.1111 Direct 650.543.1028
[email protected] apr.com | PALO ALTO 578 University Avenue 650.323.1111
Home Sellers & Buyers Your Greatest Asset Deserves the Greatest Expertise and Services.
Ken DeLeon Provides Great Expertise
Great Services
• Law Degree – U.C. Berkeley (Boalt) – High Honors
• Staging & Property Presentation
• Over $25 million in sales in the last 14 months
• Photographer & Graphic Designer to create ads
• Former Wilson Sonsini Attorney
• Lattes & Food at Open Houses
• Top 3% of Coldwell Banker agents
• Extensive ads in local newspapers
• Real Estate Broker
• Virtual tour & Internet exposure
Ken’s Upcoming Listings – both at $998,000 Crescent Park Charmer – 3 bedrooms, 2 bath home in prime area. Community Center – Spacious 2 bedroom Mediterranean, walk downtown. Call Ken for details or a private showing.
Ken DeLeon (650) 380-1420
[email protected] www.kendeleon.com
Palo Alto Weekly • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Page 39
SAMIA’S NEWSLETTER Real Estate Market Update and Forecast PALO ALTO MARKET ACTIVITY Year 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997
Year-end Invent. 36 44 76 74 35 17 44 N/A
Year 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997
Year-end Invent. 32 47 78 48 27 20 N/A 40
Year 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997
Year-end Invent. 29 25 28 26 15 10 14 N/A
No. of Sales 565 535 509 392 558 549 535 566
Median Price $1,150,000 900,000 925,000 860,000 969,000 715,000 628,000 561,000
%Change +28% -3% +7% -11% +35% +14% +12% N/A
Avg. DOM 30 44 43 47 22 27 29 28
MENLO PARK MARKET ACTIVITY No. of Sales 468 503 463 368 398 493 435 427
Median Price $975,000 849,000 843,000 800,000 870,000 695,000 605,000 550,000
%Change +15% +0.7% +5% -8% +25% +15% +10% N/A
Avg. DOM 30 45 37 48 22 28 31 34
ATHERTON MARKET ACTIVITY No. of Sales 102 95 76 75 95 117 98 110
Median Price $2,950,000 2,175,000 2,397,000 2,750,000 3,848,000 1,838,000 1,550,000 1,450,000
%Change +36% -9% -13% -29% +109% +19% +3% N/A
Avg. DOM 78 100 65 67 35 46 57 59
*Statistic souces are provided by RE infolink, deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
Selected Transactions for 2004:
$4,000,000 Represented Buyer $2,100,000 Represented Seller
• Local home sales prices climbed to a record high in 2004, defying analyst expectations that the housing market will be losing altitude. • The median price for a single-family home in 2004 was $1,150,000 in Palo Alto (up 28% from 2003), $975,000 in Menlo Park (up 15% over 2003), and $2,950,000 in Atherton (up 36% over 2003). • The rise in home prices does not indicate a housing bubble but rather supply and demand as a result of favorable market fundamentals, low interest rates, and solid economic recovery. • Market fundamentals predict another strong year for the real estate market. • The Federal Reserve Bank may increase interest rates during the course of 2005, but the 30-year fixed rate is not expected to exceed 7% in 2005 which will help preserve favorable market conditions. • Job growth will likely continue this year as rising demand will force companies to hire more employees, which will bolster consumer confidence and result in economic expansion. • At the end of 2004, housing inventory was at the second lowest level since the year 2000. As a result, multiple offers can be expected on properties at the start of the new season. • In a recent study, baby boomers accounted for nearly three-quarters of home sales in California in 2004. 40% said interest rates prompted them to buy a bigger home, 25% said they sold their property in anticipation of interest rate increases and 15% said they sold to cash out of the market. The real estate market will likely see the effect of this segment for years to come. • Median sale prices are expected to rise in 2005, but to lesser extent than in 2004. Sales are expected to decline slightly.
$1,385,000 Represented Seller
$2,550,000 Represented Buyer $1,895,000 Represented Buyer
Knowledge is power. My knowledge and experience make my clients’ real estate dreams a reality. EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE
SAMIA CULLEN International President’s Elite
Direct (650) 752-0708 Cell (650) 384-5392 Serving the local market since 1994
www.samiacullen.com Page 40 • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Palo Alto Weekly
HANNA SHACHAM Top 1% of Coldwell Banker, Nationally & Internationally
(650) 752-0767 •
[email protected]
of all Coldwell Banker agents Santa Clara County 2000 #6 Worldwide (85,000 agents) 2000 #1 of all Palo Alto agents 2003
Hanna Shacham’s Current Listings 70 Barry Lane, Atherton, Listed for $15,700,000
13920 Mir Mirou Court, Los Altos Hills, Listed for $5,750,000
24130 Hillview Road, Los Altos Hills, Listed for $10,750,000
11655 Jessica Lane, Los Altos Hills, Listed for $2,895,000
69 Santiago Avenue, Atherton, Listed for $10,000,000
39 Sneckner Court, Menlo Park, Listed for $3,195,000
1431 Greenwood Avenue, Atherton, Listed for $3,495,000
1360 Concord Avenue, Los Altos, Listed for $3,295,000
For a virtual tour please visit
www.HannaCB.com or call Hanna at 650.752.0767
Hanna Shacham’s SOLD — Representing Buyers in 2004 (partial list) LD SO
Atherton - Listed for $5,500,000
Atherton - Listed for $5,950,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $2,795,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $2,498,000
Atherton - Listed for $4,500,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $1,850,000
Atherton - Listed for $4,495,000
Los Altos - Listed for $3, 679,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $1,650,000
Los Altos - Listed for $1,498,000
no photo available Los Altos - Listed for $1,328,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $1,295,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $928,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $949,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $699,000
Hanna Shacham’s Listings SOLD in 2004 (partial list) LD SO
Atherton - Listed for $5,495,000
Los Altos Hills - Listed for $1,895,000
Emerald Hills - Listed for $1,295,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $5,300,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $2,695,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $2,375,000
Los Altos - Listed for $1,849,000
Los Altos - Listed for $1,229,000
Los Altos Hills - Listed for $1,695,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $975,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $2,195,000
Los Altos - Listed for $1,649,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $1,549,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $849,000
Palo Alto - Listed for $829,000
Palo Alto Weekly • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Page 41
Splendid Brand New Estate n sti g
267 Santa Rita Ave. Palo Alto • 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths, 2 half-baths • 2 studies, family room & media room • Over 4300sf (per drawing) on 3 levels • Uniquely designed “glass floor” entry • Generous use of granite & marble, handcrafted stonework, designer fixtures and custom colors • Chef’s kitchen with commercial grade appliances • Virtual tour: Californiamoves.com/Julie.Lau
Asking price: $3,800,000
SHERRY BUCOLO Office 650.543.1060 Direct 650.207.9909
[email protected]
CLASSIC HOME WITH PARK VIEWS Ideally situated in one of Palo Alto’s most treasured neighborhoods, Evergreen Park, just a few blocks to Stanford University and near downtown California Avenue with shopping, cafes, train depot and Mollie Stones. This charming, delightful home offers a great floor plan featuring 2 spacious bedrooms plus a den or office with closet, two car garage, hardwood floors, paned windows and brick fireplace with mantle. The formal living, dining areas and sunny eat-in kitchen boast wonderful sweeping lawn views of Peer’s Park. The home and property shows beautifully – freshly painted inside and out, new fencing, landscaping and great curb appeal – all in move-in condition. Top Palo Alto Schools. This is truly a special property! Offered at $1,195,000
w Ne
se ou . 16 H n en , Ja Op day n Su
Visit Sherry’s web site paloaltofinehomes.com
JULIE YU LAU International President’s Elite
Office: (650) 752-0745 Cell: (650) 208-2287
apr.com | PALO ALTO 578 University Avenue 650.323.1111
187 Byron Street, Palo Alto un t/S
S n e p
Begin the new year in this thoroughly remodeled Craftsmanstyle home located within a few blocks of restaurants, shops, Johnson park and excellent Palo Alto schools. This well designed 3bedroom, 2-bathroom home boasts a rare blend of character and modern comfort. A gracious entry leads into the elegant living room with original coffered ceiling, wainscoting, wood burning fireplace and window seat. Pocket doors separate the living room and formal dining room. The large kitchen features granite counter tops, gas stove, and ample storage. The sunlit family room with vaulted ceiling opens onto a secluded garden. French doors, skylights, crown moldings, hardwood floors and large 2-car garage add to the luxury of this sophisticated home.
TERRY RICE 650.543.1062
[email protected]
Serving Silicon Valley
Offered at $1,675,000
apr.com | PALO ALTO 578 University Avenue 650.323.1111 Page 42 • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Palo Alto Weekly
Home Seller Symposium Saturday, January 15, 2005 from 10:00 am to noon 431 Florence Street Downtown Palo Alto
(Florence St is between University and Lytton Avenue)
Reservations accepted (650-380-1420) and Walk-ins Welcome A Continental Breakfast Is Provided
Home Seller Symposium Providing: • 10 Strategies to Maximize Your Home’s Sales Price • Estate Planning Techniques to Lessen Your Tax Burden • Economic Forecast for Real Estate in 2005 • A Silicon Valley Housing Market Update Ken DeLeon, Esquire Elizabeth Everitt Senior Financial Specialist Princeton Capital
Coldwell Banker-President’s Elite Former Wilson Sonsini Attorney 650.380.1420
Palo Alto Weekly • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Page 43
PALO ALTO QUEEN ANNE VICTORIAN $4,950,000 6 BR 2.5 BA Beautiful architecture, immaculate, open living space, bonus 1 BR 1 BA separate unit, full attic and basement, lush landscaping. PA schools. A must see! BRENDAN LEARY 325.6161
PALO ALTO FABULOUS NEW ESTATE $3,800,000 5 BR 3 BA Quality built brand new eatate-like home in Old Palo Alto. Features 5 bedrooms, 2 studies, 3 full baths, 2 half baths, family room plus media room. JULIE LAU 325.6161
REDWOOD CITY CONTEMPORARY HOME $2,195,000 4 BR 3.5 BA Excellent 2 level flrplan, on 20,000SF lot. Gated community, gracious living space throughout, hrdwd flrs, marble tile, 3 car gar, lush rear yrd w/deck. BRENDAN LEARY 325.6161
ATHERTON 8 BR 8 full BA + 2 half Remarkable French Estate 15000sf of living space on 1+ ac of lndscpd grnds. Impeccable detail throughout. Renowned Designer/Developer Creative Habitat Hanna Shacham 325.6161
9 BR 7 BA One of the most enviable properties in Atherton, if not entire Peninsula. Approx 11,000 sf. Landscaped by John McLaren of Golden Gate Park fame. Dianne and David Hamren 324.4456
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LOS ALTOS $3,295,000
5 BR 4 BA Gorgeous 5000+sf home on 13,000+sf lot. Dramatic architecture, spacious living areas & stunning finishes are just some highlights of this grand home. Hanna Shacham 325.6161
3 BR 3 BA Excellent location near Foothills Park, ideal homesite. Remodel or build new. 3398*SF home on 2.7* acre parcel. 6995*MFA 10490*MDA (*Per co records) John Lauer 325.6161
4 BR 3 BA Beautiful home in picturesque setting on 1+ acres. Master Bath w/Jacuzzi, Large FR w/bar, pool, hot tub/spa. Sweeping vistas of hills and city lights Hanna Shacham 325.6161
ELEGANT CUSTOM HOME 5 BR 5.5 BA Recently completely remodeled w/enormous great rm w/slab granite kitchen & overlooking lg garden area w/pool. 2 spacious MBR stuies+detached cottage. Elaine White And Don Diltz 324.4456
4 BR 3.5 BA Excellent 2 level flrplan, on 20,000SF lot. Gated Community, gracious living space throughout, hrwd flrs, marble tile, 3 car gar, lush rear yrd w/deck Brendan Leary 325.6161
2 BR 1 BA Good location, close to shopping and easy access to commute routes. Features some upgrades, home is 790SF, lot is 4,992SF (per county records). Maria Prieto 325.6161
5 BR 3.5 BA Excessively remodeled home on nearly 4 acres w/ fine finishes throughout. Grand, spacious living areas. resort-like grounds w/pool. Palo Alto schools. Hanna Shacham 325.6161
5 BR 4.5 BA Almost 10,000SF lot in prime community center. Sumptuous touches & fine detail throughout. Designed by renowned SF Architect David Ramer. Hanna Shacham 325.6161
Build your dream house here! Fabulous location @ Prestigious Blue Oaks Development. Beautiful views of the bay, windy hill and Mt Diablo in the dist. Denise Monfette 325.6161
6 BR 4 BA + guest house. Over 2 acres. Beautiful, secluded property near country club. Magnificent grounds w/rose arbor, creek, bridges, waterfalls, pool, & spa Hanna Shacham 325.6161
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5 BR 3 BA Quality built brand new estate-like home in Old Palo Alto. Features 5 bedrooms, 2 studies, 3 full baths, 2 half baths, family room plus media room. Julie Lau 325.6161
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3 BR 1.5 BA Great home with legal bonus studio features hardwood floors and fireplace. New iron fence, 2 car garage, approx 1170SF of living space on 6142SF lot. Maria Prieto 325.6161
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5 BR 4 BA Turn of the century hm in a park-like setting close to the Circus Club. Meticulously updated. 3-car gar w/1BR apartment, wine cellar & exercise rm. Hugh Cornish 324.4456
6 BR 2.5 BA Beautiful architecture, immaculate, open living space, bonus 1BR/1BA separate unit, full attic and basement, lush landscaping. PA schools. A must see! Brendan Leary 325.6161
6 BR 6 full BA + 2 half Remarkable 9,200 sf of living space plus 2 BR, 2BA Guest House & large pool house on 1.33 acres of landscaped grounds. Impeccable detail throughout. Hanna Shacham 325.6161
2 BR 1.5 BA Good location, close to downtown, tranquil residential neighborhood. Great opportunity for inverstors. Land value only. Lot is apprx 3352SF per county Fabiola Prieto 325.6161
MENLO PARK 411 POPE ST $969,000 2 BR 2 BA Charming home with many upgardes on a large lot in a top Willows location. See virtual tour at www.bestofpaloalto.com Open house on Sat/Sun VIC SPICER 325.6161
5 BR 4 BA 5222SF Masterful Mediterranean. State-of-the-art design, exquisite finishes, 3-car garage, fantastic cul-de-sac location, 15000sf lot, nearby creek. Hanna Shacham 325.6161
4 BR 3 BA Beautifully remod & updated. Current owners preserved the integrity of original design. Aprx 3100sf on 13,500sf lot. 1BR apartment above 1-car garage. Lyn Jason Cobb 324.4456
SWEET REMODELED RANCH! $998,000 4 BR 3 BA With 2 complete master suites, large combo kitchen/FR and all updated, it’s easy to see why this is won’t last! With the Las Lomitas Schools too! Linda Umbach 324.4456
Page 44 • Wednesday, January 12, 2005 • Palo Alto Weekly
2 BR 2 BA Charming home with many upgrades on a large lot in a top Willows location. See virtual tour at www.bestofpaloalto.com Open house on Sat/Sun. Vic Spicer 325.6161
2 BR 2 BA Beautiful penthouse unit w/views of pool and garden. 2bd/2ba, corian counters, washer/dryer. Heated pool, spa. Age 55+. Dianne and David Hamren 324.4456
3 BR 2 BA With lovely landscaped yard and fully fenced pool. Wonderful Freeway Access. 3/2 with 2 Car Garage, large lot. Leslie Pappas 325.6161