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IX-10-31. 11-918. QW-404.5, A-Number Essential Variable for GMAW Weld Metal ............ IX-10-33. 11-1339. QW-420, ASTM Materials' P-Number Assignment .


File No.

QW-182, Fracture Tests ............................................................................... IX-10-32


QW-200.4(b) ................................................................................................ IX-10-34


QW-250 ........................................................................................................ IX-10-28


QW-300.3, Simultaneous Performance Qualifications ................................ IX-10-29


QW-404.5, A-Number ................................................................................. IX-10-31


QW-404.5, A-Number Essential Variable for GMAW Weld Metal ............ IX-10-33


QW-420, ASTM Materials’ P-Number Assignment ................................... IX-10-30


QW-452.1(b) ................................................................................................ IX-10-35


QW-452.5 .................................................................................................... IX-10-27



Interpretation: IX-10-27 Subject: QW-452.5 Date Issued: August 1, 2011 File No.: 08-210 Question: Is it the intent of QW-452.5 to permit welder or welding operator fillet weld performance qualification testing to be conducted using test coupon thicknesses greater than 3/8 in. thick? Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: IX-10-28 Subject: QW-250 Date Issued: August 1, 2011 File No.: 09-558 Question (1): Is it the intent of the Code that Variables QW-403.6, QW-406.3, QW-409.1, QW-410.9, and QW410.10 apply when specified in QW-250 for P-No. 10H materials? Reply (1): No. Question (2): Is it the intent of the Code that Variable QW-407.4 apply when specified in QW-250 for P-No. 10H materials? Reply (2): Yes.

Interpretation: IX-10-29 Subject: QW-300.3, Simultaneous Performance Qualifications Date Issued: August 1, 2011 File No.: 10-339 Question: Is it the intent of Section IX, QW-300.3 to permit an AWS standard welding procedure specification adopted by a contractor to be used in lieu of a PQR to support the range of variables for a single WPS proposed for use in conducting simultaneous welder performance qualification testing? Reply: Yes.


Interpretation: IX-10-30 Subject: QW-420, ASTM Materials’ P-Number Assignment Date Issued: August 1, 2011 File No.: 10-1189 Question: Is it the intent that material produced under an ASTM specification shall be considered to have the same P-Number or P-Number plus Group Number as that of the P-Number or P-Number plus Group Number assigned to the same grade or type material in the corresponding ASME specification (e.g., SA-240 Type 304 is assigned P-No. 8, Group No. 1; therefore, A 240 Type 304 is considered P-No. 8, Group No. 1)? Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: IX-10-31 Subject: QW-404.5, A-Number Date Issued: August 25, 2011 File No.: 11-918 Background: A procedure qualification test coupon was prepared and tested, which included a chemical analysis of the weld metal. The chemical analysis results were as follows: C: 0.08%, Cr: 0.044%, Mo: 0.14%, Ni: 1.48%, Mn: 1.45%, Si: 0.19%. Question (1): Does this chemistry meet an A-1 classification? Reply (1): No. Question (2): Does this chemistry meet an A-10 classification? Reply (2): Yes.

Interpretation: IX-10-32 Subject: QW-182, Fracture Tests Date Issued: August 25, 2011 File No.: 11-939 Question (1): Is it required by QW-182 that the sum of all rounded indications (regardless of diameter) be considered in addition to the sum of the lengths of inclusions in determining the 3/8 in. (10 mm) maximum allowed for acceptance? Reply (1): Yes. Question (2): Is it permissible to apply the porosity size limitation of 1/32 in. or greater as specified in QW191.1.2.2 (b)(3) to a ½ in. (12 mm) welded coupon to the fracture test acceptance criteria of QW-182? Reply (2): No.

Interpretation: IX-10-33 Subject: QW-404.5, A-Number Essential Variable for GMAW Weld Metal Date Issued: November 14, 2011 File No.: 11-1339 Question (1): According to QW-404.5, may the A-Number of GMAW weld metal be established from the chemical analysis of a weld deposit prepared according to the filler metal specification when the shielding gas used for the chemical analysis was different from that used in the procedure qualification? Reply (1): No. Question (2): According to QW-404.5, may the A-Number of GMAW weld metal be established from the chemical analysis of a weld deposit prepared according to the filler metal specification provided the shielding gas used for the chemical analysis was the same as that used in the procedure qualification? Reply (2): Yes. Question (3): Are the GMAW rules in QW-404.5 for establishing A-Numbers also applicable to FCAW? Reply (3): Yes.


Interpretation: IX-10-34 Subject: QW-200.4(b) Date Issued: December 8, 2011 File No.: 10-1966 Background: PQR A is welded with SMAW to join 5/8 in. (16 mm) thick plates with 5/8 in. (16 mm) of SMAW deposit. PQR B is welded with GTAW and SMAW to join 5/16 in. (8 mm) thick plates with 1/8 in. (3 mm) of GTAW and 3/16 in. (5 mm) of SMAW deposit. PQR C is welded with GTAW to join 3/16 in. (5 mm) thick plates with 3/16 in. (5 mm) of GTAW deposit. Question (1): Do PQRs A and B qualify the combination WPS for a base metal thickness range of 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) to 1¼ in. (32 mm) when impact testing is not required? Reply (1): No. Question (2): Do PQRs A and B qualify the combination WPS for a base metal thickness range of 1/16 in. (5 mm) to 1½ (38 mm) when impact testing is not required? Reply (2): No. Question (3): Do PQRs A and B qualify the combination WPS for a maximum deposit weld metal thickness range of ¼ in. (6 mm) for the GTAW process and 1¼ in. (32 mm) for the SMAW process? Reply (3): No. Question (4): Do PQRs A and C qualify the combination WPS for a maximum deposit weld metal thickness range of 3/8 in. (10 mm) for the GTAW process and 1¼ in. (32 mm) for the SMAW process? Reply (4): No. Question (5): Do PQRs A and C qualify the combination WPS for a base metal thickness range of 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) to 1¼ in. (32 mm) when impact testing is not required? Reply (5): No. Question (6): Do PQRs A and C qualify the combination WPS for a base metal thickness range of 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) to 1½ in. (38 mm) when impact testing is not required? Reply (6): No. Question (7): Do the provisions in QW-200.4(b) affect the responses to the above questions? Reply (7): No.


Interpretation: IX-10-35 Subject: QW-452.1(b) Date Issued: December 8, 2011 File No.: 11-2030 Question: Regarding QW-452.1(b) for performance qualification, is “Maximum to be welded” equivalent to “Unlimited”? Reply: Yes.