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13 Total Curvature of Branched Complete Minimal Surfaces. 56 ...... rays γ1,γ2,···,γk emitting from q such that any two adjacent rays intersect at q with ..... Let τ : S2 {N} → C be stereographic projection, where N is the north pole. Then ...... R > 0 and an ϵ ∈ (0,1) such that outside the solid cylinder {(x1,x2,x3) ∈ R3 |x2. 1 +x2.
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Lectures on Minimal Surfaces in R3 Yi Fang January 17, 2005

Contents 1 Introduction


2 Definition of Minimal Surfaces


3 The First Variation


4 The Minimal Surface Equation


5 Isothermal Coordinates for Minimal Surfaces


6 The Enneper-Weierstrass Representation


7 The Geometry of the Enneper-Weierstrass Representation


8 Some Applications of the Enneper-Weierstrass Representation


9 Conformal Types of Riemann Surfaces


10 Complete Minimal Surfaces, Osserman’s Theorem


11 Ends of Complete Minimal Surfaces


12 Complete Minimal Surfaces of Finite Total Curvature


13 Total Curvature of Branched Complete Minimal Surfaces


14 Examples of Complete Minimal Surfaces


15 The Halfspace Theorem and The Maximum Principle at Infinity


16 The Convex Hull of a Minimal Surface


17 Flux


18 Uniqueness of the Catenoid


19 The Gauss Map of Complete Minimal Surfaces


20 The Second Variation and Stability


21 The Cone Lemma


22 Standard Barriers and The Annular End Theorem



23 Annular Ends Lying above Catenoid Ends


24 Complete Minimal Surfaces of Finite Topology


25 Minimal Annuli


26 Isoperimetric Inequalities for Minimal Surfaces


27 Minimal Annuli in a Slab


28 The Existence of Minimal Annuli in a Slab


29 Shiffman’s Theorems


30 A Generalisation of Shiffman’s Second Theorem


31 Nitsche’s Conjecture


32 Appendix The Eigenvalue Problem





The theory of minimal submanifolds is a fascinating field in differential geometry. The simplest, one-dimensional minimal submanifold, the geodesic, has been studied quite exhaustively, yet there are still a lot of interesting open problems. In general, minimal submanifold theory deeply involves almost all major branches of mathematics; analysis, algebraic and differential topology, geometric measure theory, calculus of variations, and partial differential equations, to name just a few of them. In these lecture notes our aim is quite modest. We discuss minimal surfaces in 3 R , and concentrate on the class of the embedded complete minimal surfaces of finite topological type. I intend to introduce minimal surfaces with the minimum preliminary requirements. A student who has basic knowledge of differential geometry of curves and surfaces in R3 and of complex analysis will be able to understand and grasp the material supplied in these notes. I hope these notes will introduce one into a very old but still rapidly growing field of mathematics, and via it to go much further. We begin with the definition of minimal surfaces in the setting of parametrised surfaces. We define minimal surfaces as conformal harmonic immersions from two dimensional manifolds to R3 . Then we give the proof of the equivalence of this definition to that that the mean curvature of the surface is zero everywhere. After that, we introduce the first variation of surface area, also in the setting of parametrised surfaces, to show that a surface is minimal if and only if it is a stationary point of the area functional. Then we introduce the minimal surface equation and use it to prove several classical theorems of minimal surfaces, such as the maximum principle, the extension theorem, the reflection and rotation theorem, etc. One of the most important features of the theory of minimal surfaces in R3 , which is quite different from the general case of minimal submanifolds in Riemannian manifolds (even in Rn , n > 3), is the EnneperWeierstrass representation. This representation connects minimal surfaces in R3 to one variable complex analysis. We introduce the Enneper-Weierstrass representation immediately after the necessary preparations and try to use it consistently throughout these notes. The most interesting minimal surfaces in R3 are complete and are divided into two groups according to whether the total curvature is finite or infinite. We mainly discuss complete minimal surfaces of finite total curvature. We prove the classical theorem of Osserman (Theorem 10.8) about such surfaces. Then we further discuss the annular ends of such surfaces. After introducing the concept of flux (a formula based on Stokes’ theorem), we prove a theorem of L´opez and Ros about uniqueness of the catenoid. A major part of these notes is devoted to the work of Hoffman and Meeks about global properties of complete minimal surfaces in R3 . In particular, we introduce the Halfspace Theorem, the Cone Lemma, the standard barriers and the Annular End Theorem, and the partial classification of the conformal type of such surfaces. An annular end of a complete minimal surface is a minimal annulus with compact 1

boundary. In the last part of these notes we discuss minimal annuli. We first introduce results of Osserman and Schiffer, including the isoperimetric inequality for minimal annuli. Then we concentrate on minimal annuli in a slab, proving Shiffman’s theorems and some generalisations. For this we first introduce the second variation of area functional and the concept of stability of minimal surfaces. We finish these notes with Nitsche’s conjecture and two partial results. Recently, Pascal Collin [6] gives a proof of Nitsche’s conjecture, I am regret that I cannot add it to these notes since the proof is quite involved and Collin’s paper has not been published yet. To help readers not familiar with PDE, we include an appendix on the eigenvalue problem of linear second order elliptic differential operators. In these notes, we emphasize the close relation between minimal surfaces in R3 and complex analysis. This makes the theory of minimal surfaces in R3 both much simpler and more beautiful. But the draw back is that the methods are hardly generalisable to the study of general minimal submanifolds in Riemannian manifolds. Nevertheless, by its simplicity and beauty, the complex analysis method, via the Enneper-Weierstrass representation, deserves to be emphasized. Thus we work with isothermal coordinates and whenever possible, we try to express and analyse geometric quantities via the Enneper-Weierstrass representation. Using the Enneper-Weierstrass representation, we are able to give new proofs of the total curvature formula of a complete minimal surface of finite total curvature, and of Shiffman’s second theorem and its generalisations. A very active part of the theory of minimal surfaces in R3 is the construction of new embedded complete minimal surfaces. Minimal surface theory is among the oldest branches in mathematics. For over two hundred years, the only known embedded complete minimal surfaces of finite topology were the plane, the catenoid, and the helicoid. In 1984, Hoffman and Meeks started a new wave of discovery. Infinite embedded complete minimal surfaces were constructed via the Enneper-Weierstrass representation and with the aid of computer graphics. These discoveries stimulated a new wave of active researches in the theory of minimal surfaces in R3 . It is a regret that we cannot discuss in detail the techniques of construction of minimal surfaces in these notes. The interested reader is recommoned to works such as [26], [27], [31], [39], [40], [41], [80]. Some classical topics such as the Plateau problem are not discussed here since there are already many excellent books available, for example, [9], [46], [77], [61], [37], [12]. We also do not discuss the regularity problem, which requires tools from the theory of partial differential equations, see [12]. I would like to express the most sincere thanks to Dr. John Hutchinson, without whose encouragement and support, careful reading and correcting my English expressions in the first several drafts, and wise observations on the mathematical material, these notes could never have been published. These notes are based on lectures given at the ANU for a one-semester fourth year honours course in 1994. I appreciate all of the participants for their enthusiasm in this topic. I would like to thank Dr. John Urbas for pointing out an improved proof of Shiffman’s third theorem. 2

I am much obliged to Prof. Fusheng Wei for supplying the pictures of complete minimal surfaces in these notes. I learned minimal surfaces from Professor David Hoffman. I will never forget his guidance, encouragement and support. Special thanks also go to Professor Neil Trudinger for his support and encouragement. Last, but not least, I would like to thank my wife Lin Han, without whose love, patience and understanding, I could never have finished this job. The author was financially supported by Australian Research Council grant A69131962 during the writing of these notes.



Definition of Minimal Surfaces

Definition 2.1 A minimal surface in R3 is a conformal harmonic immersion X : M ,→ R3 , where M is a 2-dimensional smooth manifold, with or without boundary. Here conformal means that for any point p ∈ M there is a local coordinate neighbourhood (U, (u, v)) on M , such that in U the vectors ∂X X1 := Xu = = ∂u

∂X 1 ∂X 2 ∂X 3 , , ∂u ∂u ∂u


∂X = X2 := Xv = ∂v

∂X 1 ∂X 2 ∂X 3 , , ∂v ∂v ∂v


= (Xu1 , Xu2 , Xu3 ) = (X11 , X12 , X13 )

and = (Xv1 , Xv2 , Xv3 ) = (X21 , X22 , X23 )

are perpendicular to each other and have the same length. Thus Λ2 := |Xu |2 = |Xv |2 > 0, Xu •Xv ≡ 0. Here • is the Euclidean inner product. Such a coordinate neighbourhood (U, (u, v)) is called an isothermal neighbourhood, its coordinates (u, v) are called isothermal coordinates. The word immersion means that for any p ∈ M , X∗ := dX : Tp M → TX(p) R3 is a linear embedding. In the case X is conformal, it means simply that Λ > 0 on M . The word harmonic means that 4X =

∂2X ∂2X + = Xuu + Xvv = X11 + X22 ≡ ~0. ∂u2 ∂v 2

If M is connected, then we say that the surface X is connected. We will only consider connected surfaces. Furthermore, since any non-orientable surface has an orientable double covering, we will only consider oriented minimal surfaces. A homothety of R3 is the composition of a rigid motion and a dilation or a shrinking. Let T be a homothety of R3 , X : M ,→ R3 be a surface. It is easy to see that X is a conformal harmonic immersion if and only T ◦X is. Thus we consider all surfaces in R3 up to a homothety. That is, we do not distinguish the surfaces X : M ,→ R3 and T ◦X : M ,→ R3 . A classical theorem says that any C k immersion, 2 ≤ k ≤ ∞, can have an atlas of isothermal coordinate charts, so that X being conformal is not a special property of minimal surfaces. The important fact which distinguishes minimal surfaces is that under these isothermal charts, X is harmonic. For an orientable surface X : M ,→ R3 , let {(Uα , zα = uα + ivα )}α∈A be an atlas of isothermal coordinates of the same orientation, then {(Uα , zα )}α∈A defines a complex (conformal ) structure on M . 4

Precisely, we will prove that if V is any isothermal coordinate neighborhood, with T the coordinates w = x + iy having the same orientation as z = u + iv on U V , then z◦w−1 : w(U ∩ V ) → z(U ∩ V ) is a holomorphic function. Which is equivalent to saying that the functions u(x, y) and v(x, y) satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations ∂v ∂u = , ∂x ∂y

∂u ∂v =− . ∂y ∂x

To see this, compute ∂X ∂X ∂u ∂X ∂v ∂X ∂X ∂u ∂X ∂v = + , = + . ∂x ∂u ∂x ∂v ∂x ∂y ∂u ∂y ∂v ∂y Since both coordinates are conformal, we get that ∂u ∂x


∂v + ∂x


∂u ∂y



∂v + ∂y



∂u ∂u ∂v ∂v =− . ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y


Thus we have that ∂u ∂u +i ∂x ∂y =

∂v ∂y




∂v − ∂x



  det 

∂u ∂x

∂u ∂y

∂v ∂x

∂v ∂y


∂u − ∂y

∂v ∂v − 2i = ∂x ∂y


+ 2i


∂v ∂v =± −i . ∂y ∂x

∂u ∂u +i ∂x ∂y


∂v ∂v =− −i , ∂y ∂x





∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v  − =− = ∂x ∂y

∂u ∂u ∂x ∂y

∂v ∂v −i ∂y ∂x

∂u ∂u +i ∂x ∂y But if


∂u ∂x

∂y ∂x

∂v ∂y


∂v − ∂x


< 0,

contradicting the fact that U and V have the same orientation. So ∂u ∂u +i ∂x ∂y




∂v ∂v −i , ∂y ∂x

which is the complex form of the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Since M is orientable, we get a complex analytic atlas {(Uα , zα )}α∈A on M , and M is diffeomorphic to a one-dimensional complex manifold. A one-dimensional complex manifold is usually called a Riemann surface. 5

Since any smooth orientable 2-dimensional manifold can be conformly embedded in R , we see that any 2-dimensional smooth orientable surface M is diffeomorphic to a Riemann surface. Moreover, if X is minimal, under this complex structure on M , X is harmonic, hence locally is the real part of a holomorphic mapping. It is here that complex function theory enters and plays an important role in the study of minimal surfaces. Thus when we consider a minimal surface X : M ,→ R3 , we can always assume that M is a Riemann surface with a conformal structure given as above. The easiest global property of minimal surfaces is that if M is a closed Riemann surface (compact manifold without boundary), then there is no minimal immersion X : M → R3 . In fact, since M is compact, each component of X is a bounded harmonic function, and hence must have a maximum value on M . Thus X is a constant by the maximum principle, since M has no boundary. But then X is not an immersion. Another definition of minimal surfaces is that the mean curvature of X : M ,→ R3 vanishes. Remember that the mean curvature H of X is defined by 3

2H = g 11 h11 + 2g 12 h12 + g 22 h22 , where gij = Xi • Xj , hij = Xij • N (N is the Gauss map, i.e., the unit normal vector X1 ∧ X2 /|X1 ∧ X2 |, where ∧ is the cross product in R3 ), (g ij ) = (gij )−1 , see any differential geometry textbook. In case X is conformal, g11 = g22 = Λ2 , g 11 = g 22 = Λ−2 , g12 = g 12 = 0. Thus H=

1 4X •N = 4X X •N, 2 2Λ 2

where 4X is the Laplace-Beltrami operator under the metric (gij ). Remember that 4X is given by 2 X 1

2 ∂ X 1 √ ij ∂  4X := gg = √ g ∂xi j=1 ∂xj Λ2 i=1

∂2 ∂2 + ∂x2 ∂y 2



4 ∂ ∂ , Λ2 ∂z ∂z

where g = det(gij ), (x1 , x2 ) = (x, y), z = x + iy, and ∂ 1 = ∂z 2


∂ ∂ , −i ∂x ∂y

∂ 1 = ∂z 2


∂ ∂ . +i ∂x ∂y

Thus in our case (conformal immersion), X is minimal (hence harmonic) implies that H ≡ 0, which is essentially an equivalent definition of minimal surface. In fact, this definition is easier to generalise to define minimal submanifolds in arbitrary Riemannian manifolds. More precisely, H ≡ 0 implies that X is conformal harmonic under a certain complex structure. To see this, let us recall that for any immersion X : M ,→ R3 , 4X X = 2HN. 6


Since we can always make X conformal, (2.1) shows that X is a minimal surface if and only if the mean curvature is zero. Let us give the proof of (2.1) as a short review of differential geometry. Let us first recall that from the Gauss equation we have 2 X

Xij =

Γkij Xk + hij N,



2 ∂gil ∂gjl ∂gij 1X g kl + − = 2 l=1 ∂uj ∂ui ∂ul




We calculate  1 X ∂  ij √ g gX 4X X = √ j g i,j ∂ui X



g Xij +





g ij Xij +

X ∂g ij i,j


√ 1 X ∂ g ij Xj + √ g Xj ∂ui g i,j ∂ui

X ∂g ij


Xj + i

1 X ∂g ij g Xj . 2g i,j ∂ui

Now we have an identity ∂gkl 1 ∂g = Trace (g kl ) i g ∂u ∂ui




g kl


∂gkl , ∂ui

see the proof in the next section. Thus we have 4X X =


X ∂g ij

g ij Xij +




Xj +

1 X ij kl ∂gkl g g Xj . 2 i,j,k,l ∂ui

We claim that 4X X is perpendicular to the tagent planes, i.e, planes generated by P (X1 , X2 ). In fact, since j gij g jk = δik , we have 4X X •Xm =


g ij Xij •Xm +




X ∂g ij i,j

g ij Γkij gkm +



X ∂g ij i,j


1 X ij kl ∂gkl g g Xj •Xm 2 i,j,k,l ∂ui

Xj •Xm +

gjm +

1 X ij kl ∂gkl g g gjm 2 i,j,k,l ∂ui

1 X ij ∂gil ∂gjl ∂gij = + − g gkm g kl 2 i,j,k,l ∂uj ∂ui ∂ul =

1 X ij g 2 i,j

∂gim ∂gjm ∂gij + − m j i ∂u ∂u ∂u

= 0. 7


X i,j


X i,j

g ij

g ij

∂gjm 1 X kl ∂gkl + g ∂ui 2 k,l ∂um

∂gjm 1 X ij ∂gij + g ∂ui 2 i,j ∂um

Thus 4X X is in the direction of N , and     X X 4X X = (4X X •N )N =  g ij Xij •N  N =  g ij hij  N = 2HN. i,j


Equation (2.1) also tells us that if X is conformal, then 4X is always perpendicular to the corresponding tangent plane of X. Note that equation (2.1) holds for hypersurfaces in Rn , n ≥ 3, our proof is valid in the general case.



The First Variation

Let X : M ,→ R3 be a regular surface and (U, (x, y)) be a coordinate neighbourhood. Let X1 = Xx , X2 = Xy , gij = Xi •Xj , and g = det(gij ). Then √ dA := g dx ∧ dy is a well defined two form on M and dA 6= 0 everywhere. Let f : M → R be a continuous function of compact support, or suppose f does not change sign on M , then the integral of f on M is defined by Z

f :=



f dA.


When M is precompact and f ≡ 1, M dA is the area of the surface X : M ,→ R3 . The adjective “minimal” of minimal surfaces comes from the fact that at any point of the surface there exists a neighbourhood such that the surface in that neighbourhood has the least area among all surfaces with the same boundary. To be precise, let Ω ⊂ M be a precompact domain and X : Ω → R3 be a surface. Let X(t) : Ω → R3 , −1 < t < 1 and X(0) = X, such that X(t)|∂Ω = X|∂Ω , and X(t, p) = X(t)(p) is C 2 on Ω × (−1, 1). Such a family of surfaces is called a variation of X. Consider the area functional R

A(t) =


dAt ,

where dAt is the area form induced by X(t). The definition of minimal surface from the point view of the calculus of variations is that for any variation family X(t), dA(t) = 0. dt t=0


We will prove that this is another equivalent definition of minimal surface. Without loss of generality, we may assume that X is conformal. Let p ∈ Ω and p ∈ U ⊂ Ω be an isothermal coordinate neighbourhood of p for X. On U , dAt is expressed as q dAt = det[gij (t)] dx ∧ dy, where z = x + iy is the isothermal coordinate and gij (t) = Xi (t)•Xj (t) (note that z may not be an isothermal coordinate for X(t)). Hence d


Z t=0


dAt =






dAt =


d det[gij (t)] dt


dx ∧ dy

1 Z d det[gij (t)] = {det[gij (0)]}−1/2 dx ∧ dy. t=0 2 U dt 9

We need the formula d det(gij (t)) = det(gij (t)) Trace dt



dgij (t) (g ij (t)) , dt


where (g ij (t)) = (gij (t))−1 . To see this, let (e1 , . . . , en ) be the standard orthonormal basis of Rn . For any n × n matrix A(t), we can write A(t) = (A1 (t), · · · , An (t)) = (A(t)e1 , · · · , A(t)en ), where Ai (t) is the i-th column of A(t). If det A(t) 6= 0, then d det A(t) d = det(A(t)e1 , · · · , A(t)en ) dt dt ! n X dA(t) ei , · · · , A(t)en = det A(t)e1 , · · · , dt i=1 n X

dA(t) = det A(t) det A−1 (t) det A(t)e1 , · · · , ei , · · · , A(t)en dt i=1 n X


dA(t) ei , · · · , A(t)en det A (t) A(t)e1 , · · · , = det A(t) dt i=1 dA(t) det e1 , · · · , A (t) = det A(t) ei , · · · , en dt i=1 = det A(t)

det e1 , · · · ,

n X

dA(t) A (t) dt

dA(t) det e1 , · · · , A−1 (t) = det A(t) dt i=1 i=1

dA(t) A (t) dt







= det A(t)



n X

n X



n X

n X


ej , · · · , en  ji



ei , · · · , en ii

dA(t) = det A(t) Trace A (t) dt





dA(t) −1 = det A(t) Trace A (t) . dt This establishes (3.2). Thus we have d Z 1 Z d det(gij (t)) dAt = [det(gij (0))]−1/2 dx ∧ dy t=0 dt t=0 U 2 U dt 1Z = Trace 2 U


! # q dgij (t) (g ij (t)) det(gij (0))dx ∧ dy. t=0 dt

Since X is conformal, we have g ij (0) = Λ−2 δij . Thus Trace

! ! 2 X X d gij (t) dgij (t) d gii (t) ij (g (t)) = g ij (t) = Λ−2 . t=0 t=0 dt dt dt t=0 ij i=1


Define the variation field E as E(p) :=

dX(t)(p) , t=0 dt

p ∈ Ω.


d gii (t) d(Xi •Xi ) = = 2Ei •Xi . t=0 dt t=0 dt Since (X1 , X2 , N ) is a basis of R3 , where N is the unit normal, we can write E = αX1 + βX2 + γN , where α, β, and γ are C 1 functions defined in Ω. Using N •Xi = 0, γ = E •N , and γΛ−2

2 X

Xii •N = (E •N )(4X X •N ) = 2(E •N )(HN •N ) = 2H(E •N ),


we have Trace

! ! 2 X dgij (t) ij −2 (g (t)) = 2Λ Ei •Xi t=0 dt i=1

= 2(α1 + β2 ) + 2Λ




βΛ22 )


− 2γΛ

2 X

Xii •N


= 2(α1 + β2 ) + 2Λ−2 (αΛ21 + βΛ22 ) − 4H(E •N ). q

det(gij (0)) = |X1 |2 = |X2 |2 = Λ2 , we have

Again since X is conformal,

d Z 1Z dAt = Trace dt t=0 U 2 U =


Div(Λ2 (α, β))dx ∧ dy − 2



! ! dgij (t) ij (g )(t) Λ2 dx ∧ dy t=0 dt

H(E•N )dA0 =



Λ2 (α, β)•n ds − 2



H(E•N )dA0 ,

where n and ds are the outward unit normal vector field and the line element of ∂U in the Euclidean metric respectively. Dividing Ω into a finite number of disjoint isothermal coordinate neighbourhoods Ui , XZ ∂Ui ∩Ω


Λ2 (α, β)•ni dsi = 0

since each arc in ∂Ui ∩Ω appears twice in the summation and with opposite unit normal. Moreover, because α = β = 0 on ∂Ω, we have XZ i



Λ (α, β)•ni dsi =

XZ i

∂Ui ∩Ω


Λ (α, β)•ni dsi +


Z ∂Ω

Λ2 (α, β)•n ds = 0,

where in the last integral n and ds are the outward unit normal vector field and the line element of ∂Ω in the Euclidean metric. Thus we finally have the first variational formula for the surface area functional: Z dA = −2 H(E •N )dA0 . dt t=0 Ω


= 0. On the other hand, if X is a stationary If X is minimal, then H = 0, so dA dt t=0 point for the area functional A(t) (for example, if X has minimal area among all surfaces dA with the same boundary), then dt = 0 for any variation of X. Since E can be any t=0

vector field, dA = 0 forces that H ≡ 0, that is, X is a minimal surface. dt t=0 Finally we will give an area formula for surfaces in R3 . Suppose X : Ω ,→ R3 is an immersion; without loss of generality, we may assume that X is conformal. Let ~n be the unit conormal on X(∂Ω), i.e., ~n is tangent to X(Ω) and is perpendicular to X(∂Ω). Let ds be the line element of X(∂Ω), (e1 , e2 ) be the standard orthonormal basis on Ui in the Euclidean metric. Let ni = ae1 + be2 . The integral Z ∂Ui ∩∂Ω

Λ2 (α, β)•ni dsi

can be rewritten as Z ∂Ui ∩∂Ω


Λ2 (αe1 + βe2 )•(ae1 + be2 ) dsi



∂Ui ∩∂Ω


Λ (aα + bβ)dsi =


Z ∂Ui ∩∂Ω


X(∂Ui ∩∂Ω)

Λ [E •dX(ni )]ds =

Λ−1 [E •dX(ni )]X ∗ (ds)


(E •~n)ds,

X(∂Ui ∩∂Ω)

since E = αX1 + βX2 + γN , dX(ni ) = aX1 + bX2 , X ∗ (ds) = Λdsi , and ~n = Λ−1 dX(ni ). Thus if we do not assume that α and β vanish on ∂Ω, we have the first variation formula Z Z dA = −2 H(E •N )dA0 + (E •~n)ds. dt t=0 X(∂Ω)


Now let a ∈ R3 be any fixed vector; then X(t)(p) = t(X(p) − a) is a variation of X, not fixed on boundary. Clearly E(t)(p) = X(p) − a is the variation vector field independent of t. An easy calculation shows that gij (t) = t2 gij ,

g ij (t) = t−2 g ij ,

hij (t) = t hij .

Hence dAt = t2 dA1 = t2 dA,

H(t) = t−1 H,

where H = H(1), etc. Note that A := Area of X(Ω) =




and A(t) := Area of X(t)(Ω) =


dAt = t2 A.

Since E(t) = X − a, by (3.4) 2A = −2


H[(X − a)•N ]dA +


[(X − a)•~n]ds.



This formula is useful when we derive the isoperimetric inequalities for minimal surfaces.



The Minimal Surface Equation

Sometimes our surface is a graph over a domain Ω ⊂ R2 , i.e., (x, y, z) ∈ X(M ) is expressed as z = z(x, y), (x, y) ∈ Ω. Moreover, locally we can always treat a “small piece” of surface as a graph. Thus we need know the differential equation governing z, the minimal surface equation, in order to derive more information. To derive the minimal surface equation we use the following equivalent form of 4X , 4X X =

2 X

[τi τi X − (∇τi τi )X],



where (τ1 , τ2 )(p) is an orthonormal frame of Tp M in the induced metric by X and ∇τi τi = (Dτi τi )T is the covariant differential, in our case, namely the tangent part of Dτi τi . Our surface can be written as X(x, y) = (x, y, z(x, y)), (x, y) ∈ Ω. Thus Xx = (1, 0, zx ) and Xy = (0, 1, zy ). We will take the upward normal N=

(1 +


1 (−zx , −zy , 1). + zy2 )1/2

We take (τ1 , τ2 ) as !

τ1 = dX −1 

1 + zx2 τ2 = dX −1  1 + zx2 + zy2


1 1 ∂ Xx = , 2 1/2 2 1/2 (1 + zx ) (1 + zx ) ∂x !

zx zy Xy − Xx  = 1 + zx2

1 + zx2 1 + zx2 + zy2



zx zy ∂ ∂ − . ∂y 1 + zx2 ∂x

By (4.1) and (2.1), 

1 ∂ 1 + zx2  2H = (Dτ1 + D τ 2 (1 + zx2 )1/2 ∂x 1 + zx2 + zy2


∂ zx zy ∂  − •N ∂y 1 + zx2 ∂x


zx2 zy2 Xxx Xxx 2zx zy Xxy (1 + zx2 )Xyy + − + •N 1 + zx2 (1 + zx2 )(1 + zx2 + zy2 ) 1 + zx2 + zy2 1 + zx2 + zy2


1 + zy2 2zx zy 1 + zx2 X − X + Xyy •N. xx xy 1 + zx2 + zy2 1 + zx2 + zy2 1 + zx2 + zy2

= =




Since Xxx = (0, 0, zxx ), Xxy = (0, 0, zxy ), and Xyy = (0, 0, zyy ), we have 2H =

h i 1 2 2 (1 + z )z − 2z z z + (1 + z )z . xx x y xy yy y x (1 + zx2 + zy2 )3/2


This can be written as 2H = Div

zx zy Dz ∂ ∂ = + . (1 + |Dz|2 )1/2 ∂x (1 + zx2 + zy2 )1/2 ∂y (1 + zx2 + zy2 )1/2

We get the minimal surface equation (1 + zy2 )zxx − 2zx zy zxy + (1 + zx2 )zyy = 0, or Div

Dz = 0. (1 + |Dz|2 )1/2



In general, if H = H(x, y) is a given function, then the prescribed mean curvature equation is defined as (1 + zy2 )zxx − 2zx zy zxy + (1 + zx2 )zyy = 2H(1 + zx2 + zy2 )3/2 , or Div

Dz = 2H. (1 + |Dz|2 )1/2



Equations (4.2) and (4.4) are second order elliptic equations. We will see that they play an important role in the study of minimal, or more generally, constant mean curvature surfaces. For example, let Ω ⊂ R2 be a C 2 simply connected domain, φ ∈ C 0 (∂Ω). Then (x, φ(x)) defines a Jordan curve (continuously embedded closed curve) Γ in R3 , where x ∈ ∂Ω. We want to find a minimal surface bounded by Γ. So consider the Dirichlet problem  2 2   (1 + uy )uxx − 2ux uy uxy + (1 + ux )uyy = 0, in Ω; (4.6)   u|∂Ω = φ, on ∂Ω. A solution of (4.6) will give us a minimal graph, which is a minimal surface bounded by Γ. From the theory of PDE we know that Theorem 4.1 The Dirichlet problem (4.6) is solvable for arbitrary φ ∈ C 0 (∂Ω) if and only if Ω is convex. See for example, [21], Theorem 16.8. A very important problem in minimal surface theory is the Plateau problem which asks: is there a simply connected minimal surface bounded by a given Jordan curve Γ? In general there are alway solutions to the Plateau problem as long as Γ is rectifiable, that is, has finite arc length. We are not going to discuss the Plateau problem in these notes. There is a general theorem which says that for certain elliptic equations (including the minimal surface equation) the solution is real analytic. A simple proof of this fact 15

for the minimal surface equation (2-dimensional) can be found in [61], §131 on page 125. The proof there uses special isothermal coordinates (see the next section), which shows that for the minimal surface, we do not need to call on the classical isothermal coordinate theorem. One application of real analyticity is that if two minimal surfaces coincide in a piece of surface, then they must be essentially the same. Theorem 4.2 (Extension Theorem) Suppose X : M ,→ R3 and Y : N ,→ R3 are two connected minimal surfaces. If there are open sets U ⊂ M and V ⊂ N such that X(U ) = Y (V ), then X(M ) ∪ Y (N ) is contained in a (perhaps larger) minimal surface.

Proof. We prove that X(M ) ∪ Y (N ) is an immersed surface. To prove this we define A ⊂ X(M ) ∩ Y (N ) such that x ∈ A if and only if there is a small ball B in R3 centred at x and either X(M ) ∩ B ⊂ Y (N ) ∩ B or Y (N ) ∩ B ⊂ X(M ) ∩ B. By our hypothesis, A 6= ∅. We need only prove that A is closed in X(M ) ∩ Y (N ), since then clearly A ∪ X(M ) and A ∪ Y (N ) are both immersed surfaces. First assume that X and Y are embedded. If A is not closed, then there is a point p ∈ (A − A) ∩ X(M ) ∩ Y (N ). Thus there is a sequence {xn } ⊂ A such that limn→∞ xn = p and p ∈ X(M ) ∩ Y (N ). By definition of A, locally X(M ) and Y (N ) coincide at xn , hence X(M ) and Y (N ) have the same tangent plane at xn . Taking limits, we know that X(M ) and Y (N ) have the same limit tangent plane at p ∈ X(M ) ∩ Y (N ). After a rotation and translation if necessary, we can assume that p = (0, 0, 0) and the common tangent plane of X(M ) and Y (N ) at p is the xy-plane. Then in a small disk D in the xy-plane centred at (0, 0), X(M ) and Y (N ) are graphs over domains Ω1 ⊂ D and Ω2 ⊂ D such that (0, 0) ∈ Ω1 ∩ Ω2 . Thus there are u and v satisfying the minimal surface equation on Ω1 and Ω2 respectively, such that (x, y, u(x, y)) represents X(M ) and (x, y, v(x, y)) represents Y (N ). By definition of p, we know that there is an open subset Q ⊂ of Ω1 ∩ Ω2 on which u ≡ v. But u and v are real analytic, so u ≡ v on Ω1 ∩ Ω2 . Hence both u and v can be extended to Ω1 ∪ Ω2 , and represent the same surface. This is a contradiction to the assumption p 6∈ A. Thus A is closed in X(M ) ∩ Y (N ). If X or Y is not an embedding, first consider the local version of the proof, then modify the definition of A at multiple points of R3 , i.e., at points which are images of more than one point of M or of N . The proof then is complete. 2 Definition 4.3 An equiangular system of order k at a point q ∈ C consists of k curved rays γ1 , γ2 , · · · , γk emitting from q such that any two adjacent rays intersect at q with angle 2π/k. Theorem 4.4 Let X : M ,→ R3 and Y : N ,→ R3 be two minimal surfaces and x ∈ X(M ) ∩ Y (N ) be such that X(M ) and Y (N ) at x have the same tangent plane P . Then 16

either X(M ) and Y (N ) are part of a (maybe larger) minimal surface or the orthogonal projection of X(M ) ∩ Y (N ) on P forms an equiangular system of even order k ≥ 4. Proof. By a rotation and translation, we may assume that x = (0, 0, 0) and P is the xy-plane. Then there is a disk D ⊂ P centred at (0, 0) such that X(M ) and Y (N ) are graphs given by u : D → R and v : D → R respectively. Moreover, since P is the common tangent plane, Du = Dv = (0, 0) at (0, 0). Let w = v − u, then by real analyticity, w satisfies w=

∞ X

P (n) (x, y),

k ≥ 2,


where P (n) (x, y) =

n X

∂ nw 1 (0, 0)xi y n−i i x∂ n−i y i!(n − i)! ∂ i=0

is a homogeneous polynomial of degree n. If P (n) (x, y) ≡ 0 for n ≥ 2, then u ≡ v in D. By Theorem 4.2, X(M ) and Y (N ) are part of a (maybe larger) minimal surface. If P (n) (x, y) 6≡ 0 for some n ≥ 2, then let k be the smallest n such that P (n) 6≡ 0. In this case, we say that X(M ) and Y (N ) has k − 1 contact. Now since u and v satisfy the minimal surface equation, we have 4w = 4v − 4u = 2vx vy vxy − 2ux uy uxy − vy2 vxx + u2y uxx − vx2 vyy + u2x uyy = −u2y wxx + (u2y − vy2 )vxx − u2x wyy + (u2x − vx2 )vyy + 2ux uy wxy − 2(ux uy − vx vy )vxy = −u2y wxx + (uy + vy )(uy − vy )vxx − u2x wyy + (ux + vx )(ux − vx )vyy +2ux uy wxy − 2[vx (uy − vy ) + (ux − vx )uy ]vxy = −u2y wxx − (uy + vy )vxx wy − u2x wyy − (ux + vx )vyy wx +2ux uy wxy + 2vx vxy wy + 2uy vxy wx = O(rk ), where r = (x2 + y 2 )1/2 . The last equality comes from the fact that Du = Dv = (0, 0) at (0, 0) and w = O(rk ). By 4P (n) = O(rn−2 ) and

4 w = O(rk ),

we have that 4P (k) = O(rk−1 ). Since 4P (k) is a polynomial of degree at most k −2, it must be the case that 4P (k) = 0, that is, P (k) is a harmonic polynomial. Now P (k) (x, y) = |(x, y)|2 . 19


To see this, note that ∂F ∂G = ; ∂y ∂x thus there is a function E such that ∂E = F, ∂x and  ∂2E ∂x∂y

∂F ∂x


= 

∂E = G, ∂y

∂F ∂y

∂G ∂x

  = 

∂G ∂y

1+p2 W

pq W

pq W

1+q 2 W

   

is positive. Lemma 5.1 Let E ∈ C 2 such that the Hessian of E is positive. Then the mapping x = (x1 , x2 ) → (u1 , u2 ) = (Ex1 , Ex2 ) = u(x) satisfies (v − u)•(y − x) > 0,


for y 6= x in Ω and v = u(y), u = u(x). Proof. Let G(t) = E(ty + (1 − t)x), 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. Then 0

G (t) =

" 2 X ∂E i=1


G (t) =

2 X i, j=1




(ty + (1 − t)x) (yi − xi ),

∂2E (ty + (1 − t)x) (yi − xi )(yj − xj ) > 0, ∂xi ∂xj #

for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. Hence G0 (1) > G0 (0), or X

vi (yi − xi ) >


ui (yi − xi ), 2

which is (5.2). Lemma 5.2 Under the hypotheses of Lemma 5.1, define a map (x1 , x2 ) → (τ1 , τ2 ) = τ, where τi = xi + ui (x1 , x2 ). Then for x 6= y, (τ (y) − τ (x))•(y − x) > |y − x|2 .

Proof. Since τ (y) − τ (x) = (y − x) + (v − u), this comes from (5.2).


Now by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, |τ (y) − τ (x)| > |y − x|. Note that our transformation (x, y) → (ξ, η) is the form defined in Lemma 5.2. Taking x = (0, 0) we have |τ (y)| > |y| since τ (0) = 0. If Ω = R2 , then the map (x, y) → (ξ, η) is a diffeomorphism from R2 to R2 . 20


The Enneper-Weierstrass Representation

Suppose that X : M ,→ R3 is minimal. Since X is harmonic, on an isothermal neighbourhood (U, (x, y)), φ = (φ1 , φ2 , φ3 ) =

∂X ∂X ∂X −i =2 ∂x ∂y ∂z


is holomorphic. In fact, ∂2X 1 ∂φ =2 = 4 X = ~0. ∂z ∂z∂z 2 Let V be another isothermal neighborhood with coordinate w = u + iv, and let φe =

∂X ∂X −i . ∂u ∂v

On U ∩ V !

∂X ∂X ∂X ∂u ∂X ∂v ∂X ∂u ∂X ∂v φ= −i = + −i + ∂x ∂y ∂u ∂x ∂v ∂x ∂u ∂y ∂v ∂y ! ! ∂X ∂u dw ∂u ∂X −i −i = φe . = ∂u ∂v ∂x ∂y dz


Hence φe dw = φ dz,


which means that φ dz gives a globally defined vector valued holomorphic 1-form. Write ω = (ω1 , ω2 , ω3 ) = (φ1 , φ2 , φ3 )dz = φ dz.


By the definition of φ, X being conformal is equivalent to 3 X i=1

ωi2 =

3 X

φ2i (dz)2 = 0.



The condition that X is an immersion is equivalent to ∞>

3 X i=1

|ωi |2 =

3 X i=1

  ∂X 2 ∂X 2  |φi |2 |dz|2 =  + |dz|2 = 2Λ2 |dz|2 > 0. ∂x ∂y


Remark 6.1 When 3i=1 |ωi |2 = 0 at some point p ∈ M , we call p a branch point of the surface X : M → R3 . At such a point, X ceases to be an immersion. At times we want to study minimal surfaces with branch points, called branched minimal surfaces. For branched minimal surface, since our data φ is holomorphic, we see that branch points are isolated. Thus in any precompact domain there are at most a finite number of branch points. Our main interest is in minimal surfaces without branch points. All minimal surfaces in these notes are branch point free, unless specified otherwise. P


The immersion X can be expressed as X(p) = X(p0 ) +
0 then A(0) is a local minimum. Note that the word local is significant, there are minimal surfaces such that A00 (0) > 0 for any variation family, yet those surfaces do not have minimum area. Hence we define that X is stable if A00 (0) > 0 for all possible variation families X(t), otherwise X is unstable. Sometimes one says X is almost stable if A00 (0) ≥ 0. It is important to express the formula for the second variation of X via the geometric quantities of X. Let (u1 , u2 ) be the local coordinates of Ω. We use the fact that X is conformal harmonic, and write Λ2 = |X1 |2 = |X2 |2 , 4 = D11 + D22 . From (3.3), Z dA(t) = −2 H(t)(E(t)•N (t)) dAt , dt Ω where E(t) = ∂X(t)/∂t, H(t) is the mean curvature of X(t), and N (t) is the Gauss map of X(t). Let E = αX1 + βX2 + γN . Since H(0) = 0 we have Z d2 A(t) dH(t) = −2 (E •N ) dA0 , dt2 t=0 dt t=0 Ω

where we write E = E(0), etc. Now suppose that each X(t) is a C 2 surface, and the first and second fundamental forms are given on an isothermal coordinate chart U by gij (t) = Xi (t)•Xj (t),

(g ij (t)) = (gij (t))−1 ,

Then H(t) = hence

hij (t) = Xij (t)•N (t).

1 X ij g (t)hij (t), 2 i, j

dH(t) 1 X dg ij (t) 1 X ij dhij (t) g = hij + , dt t=0 2 i, j dt t=0 2 i, j dt t=0

where we write g ij (0) = g ij , etc. From X

g ij (t)gjk (t) = δik ,



g ij = Λ−2 δij ,

we see that dg ij (t) dgij (t) = −Λ−4 = −Λ−4 (Ei •Xj + Ej •Xi ). t=0 t=0 dt dt Using h11 = −h22 and X11 •X1 = 21 Λ21 , X11 •X2 = − 12 Λ22 , etc., we have X 1 X dg ij (t) hij = γΛ−4 h2ij − Λ−2 [α1 h11 + (α2 + β1 )h12 + β2 h22 ]. t=0 2 i, j dt i,j

One calculates that 1 X ij dhij (t) 1 X ij dXij (t) 1 X ij dN (t) = •N + g g g Xij • 2 ij dt t=0 2 ij dt t=0 2 ij dt t=0 1 X −2 1 X −2 dN (t) Λ Eii •N + Λ Xii • 2 i 2 i dt t=0 1 −2 Λ 4 E •N, = 2


since 4X = 0. Using 4Xi = 0 and Ni •N = 0, we have 4E •N = 4γ + γ 4N •N + 2[α1 h11 + (α2 + β1 )h12 + β2 h22 ]. Hence

X dH(t) 1 = γΛ−4 h2ij + Λ−2 (4γ + γ 4 N •N ). dt t=0 2 ij

Since h11 = −h22 , ij h2ij = −2 det(hij ) = −2Λ4 K, where K is the Gauss curvature. By (8.2), 4N = 2KΛ2 N , thus P

1 1 dH(t) = Λ−2 (4γ − 2KΛ2 γ) = (4X γ − 2Kγ). dt t=0 2 2 Since the above formula does not depend on the local coordinates, we have the second variation formula for any variation vector field E = αX1 + βX2 + γN , that is A00 (0) = −


γ(4X γ − 2Kγ)dA0 .


We see from (20.1), as in the first variation, that the second variation does not depend on the tangential part of the variation field E. Let Ω be a plane domain, consider the Dirichlet eigenvalue problem for the second order elliptic operator L = 4 − 2KΛ2 ,    Lu + λu = 0, in

 


u = 0,

on 94


The classical theory of eigenvalues (see Appendix) says that there is a sequence λ1 < λ 2 ≤ λ3 ≤ · · · ≤ λn ≤ · · · , λn → ∞ as n → ∞, such that (20.2) has solution if and only if λ = λn for some n ≥ 1. Moreover, we can select smooth φn as the solution of (20.2) when λ = λn (φn is called the eigenfunction corresponding to λn ), such that {φn } is orthonormal in L2 (Ω) and spans W01,2 (Ω). Thus if γ ∈ W01,2 (Ω) ⊂ L2 (Ω) it can be decomposed as γ=

∞ X

an φn .


and if γ is also smooth, then Lγ =

∞ X

an Lφn = −


∞ X

an λn φn .


We have that 00

A (0) = −




γLγ du ∧ du =


∞ X


an φn


∞ X


am λm φm du1 ∧ du2 =

∞ X

a2n λn .



Hence if λn > 0, we will have for any variation vector field E = αX1 + βX2 + γN with smooth γ ∈ W01,2 (Ω), that A00 (0) > 0, and hence locally X has minimum surface area. Of course, if L has a negative eigenvalue, say λ1 < 0, taking γ = φ1 , we have A00 (0) = λ1 < 0, and so X cannot have minimum area. Note that 4X = Λ−2 4 is intrinsically defined on the surface X. Based on the discussion above, we have definition equivalent to that given in the beginning of this section: Definition 20.1 A minimal surface X : Ω ,→ R3 is stable on a precompact domain U ⊂ Ω if the first eigenvalue of LX = 4X − 2K in U is positive. That is, if    LX u + λu = 0, in


 


u = 0,


has a non-trivial solution, then λ > 0. In general, if Ω is not compact, we say that X is stable on Ω if it is stable on any precompact subdomain of Ω.


For a minimal surface X : Ω ,→ R3 , the Gauss map N → S 2 is anti-conformal. We can consider N as a surface though it may have finite branch points. The first fundamental form induced by N is |N1 ∧ N2 |δij = −KΛ2 δij . Hence the S 2 Laplacian 4S induced by N on Ω is 4S = −K −1 Λ−2 4 = −K −1 4X . The sphere metric induced by N then is dS = −KdA0 on Ω. Suppose K < 0 on Ω, then since N is anti-holomorphic, by the area formula, A00 (0) = −


γ(4X γ − 2Kγ)dA0 . = −

Z N (Ω)

#(N −1 (x))γ(4S γ + 2γ)(x)dS(x).

Thus the corresponding operator LS on N (Ω) is LS = −K −1 LX = 4S + 2. If N : U ⊂ Ω → S 2 is one to one, then clearly A00 (0) > 0 if and only if all eigenvalues of 4S on N (Ω) are larger than 2. And the eigenvalue problem becomes    4S u + (2 + λ)u = 0, in

N (U )

 

∂N (U )

u = 0,


It is well known that if the area of N (U ) is less than 2π, then the first eigenvalue of 4S is larger than 2, thus have proved: Theorem 20.2 Let X : Ω ,→ R3 be a minimal surface and U ⊂ Ω be such that N : U → S 2 is one to one and the area of N (U ) is less than 2π. Then X : U ,→ R3 is stable. Since N is locally one to one except at points p such that K(p) = 0, we see that at any point p ∈ Ω such that K(p) 6= 0, there is a neighbourhood U 3 p, such that X : U ,→ R3 is stable. Note that if N is one to one, then Area(N (U )) = −




so if N is one to one on U and the area of N (U ) is less than 2π, then − Barbosa and do Carmo [2] proved: Theorem 20.3 If −



KdA < 2π.

KdA < 2π, then X is stable on U .

In fact, Barbosa and do Carmo proved a stronger version of Theorem 20.3 in [2]: 96

Theorem 20.4 If Area(N (U )) < 2π, then X is stable on U . Theorem 20.3 is stronger than Theorem 20.2 since N is not assumed to be one to one on U . Note that the converse of Theorem 20.3 is not true, there are stable minimal surfaces whose total curvature is less then −2π. See, for example, [61], page 99. Let X : M ,→ R3 be a minimal surface. A Jacobi field is a function u defineded on M such that LX u = 0. Note that each component of N is a Jacobi field. Whenever we have a Jacobi field u on M , we are interested in the nodal set Z := u−1 (0) ⊂ M of u. The reason is that each component of M − Z is a domain (nodal domain) Ω ⊂ M such that on Ω the u does not change sign and it vanishes on ∂Ω. If u is continuous on Ω, then by the properties of eigenvalues (see Appendix) the first eigenvalue of LX on Ω is zero, and any domain Ω0 ⊃ Ω will have negative first eigenvalue. Thus such Ω and Ω0 ⊃ Ω are unstable. By Theorem 20.3, the total curvature of X on Ω is less than or equal to −2π. Similarly, any domain Ω0 ⊂ Ω such that Ω − Ω0 has positive area, will have positive first eigenvalue, and therefore is stable. We will apply these comments in the proof of Shiffman’s theorems. In [4], do Carmo and Peng proved that the only stable complete minimal surface in R3 is plane. This is a generalized version of Bernstein’s theorem, which says that a complete minimal graph (which is stable by Theorem 20.4) must be a plane. Thus all complete non-planar minimal surfaces X : M ,→ R3 are unstable. A measure of how unstable is a surface, is the index. If Ω ⊂ M is precompact, then index(Ω) is the number of negative eigenvalues of LX on Ω, counting the multiplicity. Hence the index is the dimension of the subspace of L2 (Ω) spanned by the eigenfunctions corresponding to negative eigenvalues. The index of M then is defined as index(M ) = lubΩ⊂M index(Ω),


where lub means the least upper bound and Ω is taken over all precompact domains in M. A theorem of Fischer-Colbrie [19] says that a complete minimal surface X : M ,→ R3 has finite index if and only if it has finite total curvature. Let g and η be the Weierstrass data of a complete minimal surface of finite total curvature X : M ,→ R3 and k = deg g. A theorem of Tysk [79] says that index of M ≤ C · k. for some constant C. Tysk [79] proved that C can be taken as C = 7.68183. The number 7.68183 is certainly not optimal, since for a catenoid k = 1 and the index is also 1, see Theorem 27.8. A good problem then is what is the optimal value of C? A guess is that C = 1.



The Cone Lemma

Let Xc be the cone in R3 defined by the equation x21 + x22 = (x3 /c)2 ,

c 6= 0.

The complement of Xc consists of three components, two of which are convex. We label the third region Wc and note that Wc contains P 0 −{0}, where P t = {x3 = t} for t ∈ R. Suppose M ⊂ Wc is a noncompact, properly immersed minimal annulus with compact boundary. Note that as c → 0, Xc − {0} collapses to a double covering of P 0 − {0}. Note also that any horizontal plane or vertical catenoid is eventually disjoint from any Xc , hence eventually contained in Wc , no matter how small c is (by “eventually” we mean “outside of a compact set”). Since any embedded complete minimal annular end of finite total curvature is asymptotic to a plane or a catenoid (a graph with logarithmic growth), it follows that, after suitable rotation, such an end is eventually contained in any Wc . By Jorge and Meeks’ theorem, Theorem 12.1, it is easy to see that a minimally immersed end of finite total curvature with a horizontal limit tangent plane is also eventually contained in every Xc . The Cone Lemma [29] shows that this property implies that the annular end must have finite total curvature if it is proper. Hence after a rotation if necessary, a proper minimal annular end has finite total curvature if and only if it is eventually contained in every Xc . Let A := {z ∈ C | 1 ≤ |z| < ∞}. Theorem 21.1 (The Cone Lemma) Let X : A ,→ R3 be a properly immersed minimal annulus with compact boundary. If M := X(A) is eventually contained in Wc for a sufficiently small c, then X has finite total curvature. In order to prove the Cone Lemma we need to introduce the concept of foliation. Definition 21.2 Let M be a C ∞ manifold of dimension 3. A C k , 1 ≤ k ≤ ∞, foliation of M is a set of leaves {Lα }α∈A in M that satisfies the following conditions: 1. {Lα }α∈A is a collection of disjoint 2-submanifolds. 2.



Lα = M .

3. For all points p ∈ M there exists a neighbourhood U of M and class C k coordinate system (x1 , x2 , x3 ) of U such that Lα ∩ U is empty or is the solution of x3 = constant in U . Before proving Theorem 21.1, we will state a fact about the catenoid. Let C be the unit circle in P 0 centred at (0, 0). Let Ch be the translate of C in the plane P h . There is an h2 > 0 such that for 0 < h < h2 there are two catenoids bounded by C−h and Ch ; one is stable and the other is unstable. While the C−h2 and Ch2 bound only one 98

catenoid. When h > h2 , there is no catenoid bounded by C−h and Ch . It is known that h2 ∼ = 0.6627435. For more details, see for example [60], §515. As we will see later, by Schffman’s second theorem, Theorem 29.2, any minimal annulus bounded by C−h and Ch must be a catenoid. Thus there is no minimal annulus bounded by C−h and Ch when h > h2 . We describe a technical result that will be used in the proof of the Cone Lemma. Let γt be the circle of radius t in P 0 , centred at the origin. Let Ct be the stable catenoid whose boundary circles consists of the vertical translates of γt by (0, 0, ±). Let ∆ be the solid torus bounded by subsets of C2 , C4 , P  , and P − . Note that ∂∆ consists of two planar annuli and the two catenoids C2 and C4 . Let K 0 ⊂ P 0 be the annulus bounded by γ2 and γ4 . Let δ be any smooth Jordan curve in K 0 that is homotopic to γ2 in K 0 . Proposition 21.3 For  > 0 sufficiently small, ∆ can be foliated by compact minimal annuli At , 2 ≤ t ≤ 4, with the following properties: 1. At = Ct , for t sufficiently close to 2 or to 4; 2. Each At meets P 0 orthogonally; 3. A3 meets P 0 in a smooth Jordan curve that converges to δ, in the C 0 -norm, as  → 0. 4. By selecting suitable δ, the foliation of ∆ satisfies the following: for any q ∈ P 0 − {0}, |q| > 4, and any line l through q, we may rotate ∆ around the x3 -axis so that 0q intersects α30 = A3 ∩ P 0 in a point p, where Tp A3 ∩ P 0 is a line parallel to l. This proposition is proved in [29], its proof involves several facts about solutions to the Douglas-Plateau problem. Since we are not going to discuss this interesting problem in this lecture notes, we will skip the proof. Readers who are interested in the Douglas-Plateau problem can refer to [55], [56], [53] and [54]. Proof of Theorem 21.1. We begin by normalizing the problem. Let C(1) be the vertical catenoid with waist-circle of radius 1 and denote by C the compact component of Wc ∩ C(1). Choose c > 0 small enough so that C is a radial graph and foliate Wc by the leaves {t · C}, 0 < t < ∞. For convenience, we write Ct for t · C. Claim 1. After a homothetic shrinking of M (but not of the foliation) and a discarding of a compact subset of M : 1. ∂M ⊂ C1 = C; 2. M ⊂


1≤t 0 such that for t ≥ T1 , Ct ∩ M consists of a finite number of closed immersed curves. Since M has one end, each Ct ∩ M , t > T1 , must consist of a single closed immersed curve. By a similar argument as in the proof of Lemma 11.9 and Theorem 12.1, this time using the maximum principle for minimal surfaces, each X −1 (Ct ) is a homotopically non-trivial S Jordan curve in A and A0 = t>T1 X −1 (Ct ) ⊂ A is an annulus. Conformally A0 ∼ =A since they are both equivalent to the punctured disk. S Discarding the compact subsurface M ∩ ( t≤T1 Ct ) we get X(A0 ). Now rescaling by a factor of T1−1 , we satisfy conditions 1, 2, and 3 by denoting M = X(A0 ). We will write A0 as A for convenience. Because M is properly immersed and projection from Wc to P 0 − {0} is also proper, the projection Π◦X : A → P 0 − {0} is a proper map. Claim 2. The mapping Π is a submersion outside of a compact set, provided c > 0 is sufficiently small. Before proving Claim 2, we will show that the theorem follows from it. By Theorem 19.2, the Gauss map N of X either takes on all points of C ∪ {∞}, except for at most a set of capacity zero, or it has a unique limiting value. In the latter case, X must have finite total curvature as remarked in Remark 19.3. But Claim 2 implies that, outside of some compact set B, the Gauss map of X : A − X −1 (B) ,→ R3 will not take values in the great circle S 1 ⊂ S 2 . Since X is proper, X −1 (B) is compact. Taking the connected component W in A − X −1 (B) which is connected to ∞, we infer that the image N (W ) is contained in a hemisphere, so the first case of Theorem 19.2 is precluded. Hence, X has finite total curvature. Proof of Claim 2. In this proof, we will need at several points to restrict the size of c > 0. At each point, we will continue to assume that M ⊂ Wc . Let ∆ := ∆ be the foliated annulus from Proposition 21.3. Reduce the size of c so that the ∆ has its top and bottom boundaries disjoint from Wc . Let K be the intersection of Wc with the vertical cylinder over the disk of radius 4 in P 0 . Note ∆ ∩ Wc ⊂ K. Shrink c > 0 even more if necessary, so that the following is true. If the distance from q ∈ K to P 0


is τ , then the vertical translation of ∆ by τ has the property that its top and bottom boundaries are disjoint from Wc . Suppose now that Π : M → P 0 is not a submersion outside of any compact set. This is equivalent to the statement that the points on M with vertical tangent plane form an unbounded set. In particular, there is a point p ∈ M − K whose tangent plane is vertical. If pˆ is the projection of p onto P 0 , we can assume that |ˆ p| > 4. According to Proposition 21.3, we may rotate M about the vertical axis so that the following holds: p intersects α3 at a point where the tangent line to α3 is parallel to Tp M ∩ P 0 . the line 0ˆ We perform this rotation of M and shrink M so that pˆ actually lies on α3 . Since the original M satisfied the conditions of Calim 1, and the foliation {Ct | 0 < t < ∞} is rotationally symmetric, it follows easily that the modified M also satisfies condition 3 S of Claim 1. We also discard M ∩ t 0 small enough so that the top and bottom boundaries of ∆ ˆ are catenoids. Make Also recall that for t near 2 and 4, the leaves of the foliation of ∆ c smaller, if necessary, to insure that these catenoids are radial graphs. We will now extend Aˆt to be a smooth foliation of a region that contains ∪4≤t 0 smaller if necessary, we may insure that ˆ whose boundaries are concentric circles exterior C is a subset of a stable catenoid C, to Wc on the parallel planes that contain ∂ Aˆ2 . We interpolate between ∂ Aˆ2 and ∂ Cˆ with a smooth family, each member of which is a pair of circles centred on the vertical axis. The vertical distance between circles in each pair is an increasing function of t, 1 ≤ t ≤ 2. Note that each pair of circles bounds a unique stable catenoid. Label that catenoid Aˆt , 1 ≤ t ≤ 2. It is evident that this family may be chosen to insure that S the resulting foliation {Aˆt | 1 ≤ t < ∞} is smooth. By construction, M ⊂ 1≤t 0 sufficiently small, then M has finite total curvature.



Standard Barriers and The Annular End Theorem

The study of ends of complete minimal surfaces leads to the Annular End Theorem of Hoffman and Meeks [29], and its corollaries. Theorem 22.1 (The Annular End Theorem) If M is a properly embedded minimal surface in R3 , then at most two distinct annular ends of M can have infinite total curvature. To prove the Annular End Theorem, we need some preparation. First we introduce the notion of a standard barrier. Definition 22.2 A standard barrier in R3 is one of the following two minimal surfaces with boundary: the complement of a disk in a plane in R3 ; a component of the complement of a simple, closed, homotopically nontrivial curve on a catenoid. We will say that a surface M ⊂ R3 admits a standard barrier if it is disjoint from some standard barrier. We will use the word “eventually” to mean “outside of some sufficiently large compact set of R3 ”. Thus, two surfaces M ⊂ R3 and N ⊂ R3 are “eventually disjoint” if they have compact intersection. It is straightforward to see that M admits a standard barrier if and only if it is eventually disjoint from some standard barrier. Given a standard barrier S and a ball B large enough to contain ∂S, it is clear that S − B divides R3 − B into two components. Two surfaces M , N ⊂ R3 will be said to be separated by a standard barrier if such an S and B can be found so that M and N eventually lie in different components of R3 − (B ∪ S). Two disjoint standard barriers divide the complement of a sufficiently large ball B ⊂ R3 into three components, only one of which contains portions of both barriers on its boundary. A surface M ⊂ R3 that eventually lies in such a component will be said to lie between two standard barriers. After a rotation of R3 , if necessary, the region of R3 between two standard barriers eventually lies in the complement of any Xc = {x21 + x22 = (x3 /c)2 } (in the component that contains P 0 − {0}) for any c > 0, no matter how small. It follows from Theorem 21.1 and Remark 21.4 that: Proposition 22.3 If X : M ,→ R3 is a properly immersed complete minimal surface of finite topology, with compact boundary ∂M , and eventually lies between two standard barriers, then M must have finite total curvature. Our strategy in proving the Annular End Theorem is to trap ends between standard barriers. The next lemma contains the critical technical construction. Before proving the lemma, we introduce the notion of linking number.


Definition 22.4 Let γ be an embedded curve in R3 such that R3 − γ is homotopic to R2 − {0}. The first homology group of R3 − γ is H1 (R3 − γ) ∼ = Z. Let β ⊂ R3 − γ be a closed curve. Then the linking number of β with γ is the homology class of [β] in H1 (R3 − γ). This is an integer, denoted by l(β, γ). If we use the homology group H1 (R3 − γ; Z2 ), then l2 (β, γ) = 0 or 1. Intuitively, if β is a Jordan curve, then l(β, γ) 6= 0 means that any disk D ⊂ R3 , such that ∂D = β, intersects γ. In the homology group H1 (R3 − γ; Z2 ), if γ is a proper curve γ : R → R3 , then l2 (β, γ) 6= 0 if and only if there is a disk D ⊂ R3 such that ∂D = β and D intersects γ an odd number of times. Lemma 22.5 Suppose M is a properly embedded, piecewise-smooth surface that is a smooth minimal surface outside of some ball and that has at least two ends. Let γ : R → M be a proper curve that diverges into two distinct ends of M , depending on whether t → +∞ or t → −∞. Then M admits a standard barrier whose boundary has linking number 1 with γ. Proof. Let B ⊂ R3 be a ball large enough to contain the nonsmooth, nonminimal portion of M , and expand it, if necessary, so that the ends of M in question correspond to distinct components of M −B. If one has such a ball, any larger one will have the same property. We may also choose B so that ∂B intersects M transversally. Suppose that M1 and M2 are the two components of M − B that contain the unbounded components of γ − B. Since the proper arc γ intersects ∂M1 and ∂M2 an odd number of times, we can choose exactly one component of R3 − M whose closure, N , has the following property: the arc γ has odd linking number with any 1-cycle in Int(N ) homologous to ∂M1 in N . Note that ∂M1 is not homologous to zero in N . Let Σ1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Σn ⊂ · · · be an exhaustion of M1 by smooth compact subdomains, ˜ i denote a least-area integral current (roughly speaking, piecewith ∂M1 ⊂ ∂Σ1 . Let Σ 1 wise C minimal surface) in N with boundary ∂Σi , which is Z2 -homologous to Σi (i.e., ˜ i ] in H1 (N ; Z2 )). Since Σi ∪ Σ ˜ i is a boundary in N , Σ ˜ i is orientable. Inte[Σi ] = [Σ ˜ i ∩ Int(N ) is rior regularity of least-area currents (see, for example, [75]) shows that Σ a regular embedded minimal surface. Since ∂N − ∂B has zero mean curvature, the maximum principle and the extension theorem for minimal surfaces imply that either ˜ i ∩ (N − ∂B) is regular and Σ ˜ i ∩ M1 = ∂Σi or Σ ˜ i ⊂ M1 . Standard compactness theoΣ ˜ i } converges to a least-area orientable rems imply that a subsequence of the surfaces {Σ surface Σ ⊂ N with ∂Σ = ∂M1 . Suppose, for the moment, Σ ∩ M = ∂Σ. The surface Σ − ∂B is a stable, properly embedded, orientable minimal surface in 3 R with compact boundary and hence has finite total curvature (see, [57], Theorem 1 as well as [19]). Hence, Σ has a finite number, say n, of ends, and each end is asymptotic to a plane or to a catenoid. Let SR be the sphere of radius R centred at the origin. For R sufficiently large, by Theorem 12.1, Σ ∩ SR consists of n parallel almost-great-circles, each of which is the boundary of one of the annular ends of Σ.


By our choice of N , γ has odd linking number with one of the curves in Σ ∩ SR , and hence has linking number 1 with one of the annular ends of Σ − BR . Call this annular end F . By the weak maximum principle at infinity (Remark 15.3), since F ∩ M = ∅, dis(F, M ) > 0. On the other hand, F is asymptotic to an end, C 0 , of a plane or a catenoid. Hence, C 0 contains a subend, C, whose boundary is a circle that has linking number 1 with γ. Moreover, C is contained in the interior of N . This proves the lemma in the case Σ ∩ M = ∂Σ. In case Σ ⊂ M , the extension theorem implies that Σ = M1 , which means that γ ∩ M1 is eventually contained in a catenoid-type end or a flat end, say C 00 ⊂ Σ. This is, in fact, the easier case and can be treated directly, but we prefer to reduce it to the previous case. We may choose C 00 so that it is as close as desired to a standard barrier. Moving C 00 a small amount in the direction of its limiting normal produces a minimal surface that is disjoint from M1 and its boundary has linking number with γ equal to either 0 or 1. Move in the direction that makes the linking number equal to 1. The maximum principle at infinity shows that if C 00 is moved a small amount, then it is also disjoint from M . We can now apply the argument in the previous case to complete the proof. 2 Corollary 22.6 Suppose M1 , M2 , and M3 are three pairwise-disjoint, properly embedded minimal surfaces in R3 , each of which has compact boundary and one end. Then at least one of the surfaces lies between two standard barriers. Proof. Choose a ball B ⊂ R3 that is big enough to contain i ∂Mi . The ball can S be chosen to intersect Mi transversally. After removal of B ∩ Mi from each Mi , we S may assume that ∂Mi ⊂ ∂B. The curves 3i=1 ∂Mi bound a region S on ∂B with the property that the boundary of at least one component of S touches the boundary of more than one of Mi . We will refer to this component as S and relabel the Mi , if necessary, so that both ∂S ∩ ∂M1 and ∂S ∩ ∂M2 are nonempty. S Let M = S i Mi . We intend to apply Lemma 22.5 to M . Toward that end, choose a proper curve γ : R → M , with γ(R) ∩ S consisting of a single connected arc in S from ∂M1 to ∂M2 . We may assume that γ diverges in M1 (resp. M2 ) as t → +∞ (resp. t → −∞). By Lemma 22.5, there exists a standard barrier disjoint from M whose boundary has linking number 1 with γ. We now expand the ball B to be large enough to contain the boundary of this barrier and discard from each Mi the subset Mi ∩ B. Similarly, let C1 be the component of the barrier exterior to B. C1 is still a barrier for M , and γ has linking number 1 with ∂C1 . Moreover, C1 divides R3 − B into two components. Clearly, M1 and M2 are in different components. Without loss of generality, we may assume that M3 is in the same component as M1 . The curve ∂C1 divides ∂B into two disks. Let D be the disk containing ∂M1 ∪ ∂M3 . We now repeat the construction in the previous paragraph. This time, let S 0 be a region S


of D bounded by ∂C1 ∪∂M1 ∪∂M3 . Since ∂C1 is almost a great circle on ∂B and M1 and M3 are in the same component of R3 − C1 , ∂M1 and ∂M3 are in the same half-sphere bounded by ∂C1 , therefore, S 0 has a component, say S 0 , with boundary points on both ∂M1 and ∂M3 . Let M 0 = M1 ∪ M2 ∪ M3 ∪ C1 ∪ S 0 . Choose a proper arc γ 0 ⊂ M 0 whose intersection with S 0 lies in S 0 and consists of connected arc from ∂M1 to ∂M3 . (Note that , since (∂B − D) ∩ γ 0 = ∅, ∂D = ∂C1 , γ 0 has linking number 0 with ∂C1 .) Lemma 22.5 implies that there exists another standard barrier, C2 , that is disjoint from M1 ∪ M2 ∪ M3 ∪ C1 ∪ S 0 and whose boundary has linking number 1 with γ 0 . Expand B again so that ∂C2 ⊂ B. It is possible to do this so that ∂B meets M transversally. Note that C2 ∩ ∂B is a single closed curve. Again, we discard from M1 , M2 , M3 , C1 and C2 the intersection of those surfaces with B. Therefore, all of these surfaces have their boundaries on ∂B. The barrier C2 divides R3 − B into two regions, as does the barrier C1 . Since they are disjoint, C1 ∪ C2 divides R3 − B into three components. Let T1 (resp. T2 ) be the component of R3 − (C1 ∪ C2 ) whose boundary contains C1 but is disjoint from C2 (resp. contains C2 but is disjoint from C1 ). Let F be the third component, whose boundary contains C1 ∪ C2 . Since γ 0 has linking number 1 with ∂C2 , C2 must separate M1 from M3 . But clearly, M1 ∪ M3 ⊂ T1 ∪ F . Hence, either M1 or M3 lies in F . That is, either M1 or M3 lies between two standard barriers. 2 Remark 22.7 Lemma 22.5 and Corollary 22.6 hold even when the minimal surfaces in question are properly immersed rather than properly embedded. The proofs are essentially the same as the proof of the embedded case. See [50] for these types of arguments. Proof of Theorem 22.1. If M has two or fewer annular ends, there is nothing to prove. If M has three or more annular ends, we apply Corollary 22.6 to any choice of three annular ends of M . It implies that one of them lies between two standard barriers. But by Proposition 22.3, this end must have finite total curvature. Thus, M can have at most two annular ends of infinite total curvature. 2 Corollary 22.8 Suppose M is a properly embedded complete minimal surface in R3 . Then M can have at most two annular ends that are not conformally diffeomorphic to a punctured disk. In particular, if M has finite topology, then M is conformally equivalent to a closed Riemann surface from which a finite number of points, and zero, one, or two pairwise-disjoint closed disks, have been removed. Proof. Since any complete annular end of finite total curvature must be conformally a punctured disk, the conclusion is obvious. 2



Annular Ends Lying above Catenoid Ends

The Cone Lemma (Theorem 21.1) gives a criterion for a minimal surface to have finite total curvature by looking at the picture of its image. In this section we will give another such criterion due to Fang and Meeks [18]. Consider the family of catenoids Ct = {(x, y, z) ∈ R3 | t2 x2 + t2 y 2 = cosh2 (tz)}, for t > 0. We will show that a properly immersed, complete minimal annulus with one compact boundary that lies above some Ct must have finite total curvature. More precisely: Theorem 23.1 Let Wt = {(x, y, z) ∈ R3 | t2 x2 + t2 y 2 ≤ cosh2 (tz), z ≥ 0}. Suppose X: M → R3 is a complete, proper minimal immersion of an annulus with smooth compact boundary such that the image is contained in Wt for some t > 0. Then M has finite total curvature. We will break the proof of Theorem 23.1 into several lemmas. First let us fix the notation. Let C be a catenoid in R3 with the z-axis as symmetry axis. Let W be the closure of the component of R3 − C that contains the z-axis. Let H = {(x, y, z) ∈ R3 | z > 0} and H be its closure. Conformally we can write M = {ζ ∈ C | 0 < r1 ≤ |ζ| < r2 }. The smooth compact boundary of X corresponding to |ζ| = r1 . Complete means that X ◦γ has infinite arc length as γ diverges to |ζ| = r2 . Let A = X(M ). After homothetically shrinking or expanding C and A, we can assume that C is the standard catenoid, i.e., C has the conformal structure of C − {0} and is embedded in R3 as follows: F : C − {0} ,→ R3 F (ζ) =
c := maxζ∈∂M {X3 (ζ)}, then DX3 (ζ) 6= (0, 0). In fact, if DX3 (ζ) = (0, 0), then the tangent plane P of A at X(ζ) is horizontal, hence by Lemma 23.2 A∩P should have an uncompact component, which contradicts that A ⊂ W and X is proper. Now let t > c1 > c. Then γ = X3−1 (c1 ) and γt = X3−1 (t) are compact one-dimensional submanifolds of M and thus are Jordan curves. The annulus At bounded by γ and γt is conformally MR(t) := {1 ≤ |ζ| ≤ R(t)} for some R(t) > 1. Let ft : At → MR(t) be the conformal diffeomorphism.


Solving a Dirichlet problem on MR(t) we have X3 ◦ft−1 (ζ) = c1 +

t − c1 log |ζ|. log R(t)

This shows that for any t > s > c1 , ft (γs ) is the circle |ζ| = R(t)(s−c1 )/(t−c1 ) , hence ft sends As to MR(s) , where R(s) = R(t)(s−c1 )/(t−c1 ) . In particular,

t − c1 s − c1 = . log R(t) log R(s)

Since the modulus of As must be R(s), we know that ft |As = fs . Thus we can define a conformal diffeomorphism f:


At → E := {ζ ∈ C | |ζ| ≥ 1},


such that X3 ◦f −1 (ζ) = c1 + a log |ζ|,


t − c1 , log R(t)

for any t > c1 .

Taking b = c1 and G = X ◦f −1 , we have proved the lemma.


Suppose A0 is the subannulus of A described in Lemma 23.3. Since A and A0 both have finite total curvature or both have infinite total curvature, we will assume, without loss of generality, that A = A0 . Suppose now that A has infinite total curvature. We will exhibit a family of tangent planes Pn of A at G(pn ) such that the component of Pn ∩A containing G(pn ) is compact. Furthermore, for n large enough, Pn ∩ ∂A = ∅. The existence of such tangent planes contradicts Lemma 23.2. For the part of C in H we have the following non-parametric expression: x2 + y 2 = cosh2 z, z ≥ 0. Hence, at any point p = (x, y, z) ∈ C ∩ H, the normal vector is 1 (−zx , −zy , 1), N C (p) = q 1 + zx2 + zy2 where zx = 2x/ sinh 2z, zy = 2y/ sinh 2z, and 1 + zx2 + zy2 = (sinh2 2z + 4 cosh2 z)/ sinh2 2z = [4 cosh2 z(sinh2 z + 1)]/ sinh2 2z = 4 cosh4 z/(4 cosh2 z sinh2 z) = cosh2 z/ sinh2 z. 109

Suppose p = (x, y, z) ∈ C ∩ H. Let θ(p) be the angle such that 1

cos θ(p) = N C (p)•(0, 0, 1) = q

1 + zx2 + zy2


sinh z . cosh z


1 . cosh z Thus sin θ(p) is independent of x and y. We denote it by sin θ(z). For p0 = (x0 , y0 , z0 ) ∈ A ∩ W ∩ H, z0 ≥ 1, consider the solid cylinders sin θ(p) =


1 − cos2 θ(p) =

Lz0 = {(x, y, z) ∈ R3 | x2 + y 2 ≤ cosh2 (z0 + 1)}, Lz10 = {(x, y, z) ∈ Lz0 | z0 − 1 ≤ z ≤ z0 + 1}. If P is a plane passing through p0 = (x0 , y0 , z0 ) and νP is the normal vector of P , define −π/2 ≤ ΨP ≤ π/2 by the formula cos ΨP = |νP •(0, 0, 1)|. Lemma 23.4 If z0 is large and |ΨP |

1 2

and |ΨP |
maxx∈∂A {|x|}, then clearly P ∩ ∂A = ∅. 2 Now we prove Theorem 23.1. Proof of Theorem 23.1. Assume A has infinite total curvature. Let g : E → C∪{∞} be the Gauss map of A composed with stereographic projection. Similarly define g˜ : C − {0} → C ∪ {∞} to be the Gauss map of C composed with stereographic projection. Recall, in fact, that in our original parametrization F of C, g˜(ζ) = ζ for ζ ∈ C − {0}. 110

Since A has infinite total curvature, g has an essential singularity at ∞. Recall that the Gauss map of C is N C (ζ) =

1 (2 a. Since (ζ m · exp b)/g(ζ) has an essential singularity at ∞, there is a divergent sequence {ζn } such that |ζnm · exp b|/|g(ζn )| → 0 as n → ∞. Delete a ray l in C such that l does not contain any ζn . Then on C − l, ζ a is well-defined and |ζ m · exp b| |ζna · exp b| < n →0 (23.4) |g(ζn )| |g(ζn )| as n → ∞. In particular, g(ζn ) → ∞ as n → 0. So θ(F3 (ζna · exp b)) → 0, φ(ζn ) → 0 as n → ∞. We see by (23.3) and (23.4) that φ(ζn ) φ(ζn ) sin φ(ζn ) = • a sin θ(F (ζn · exp b)) sin φ(ζn ) sin θ(F (ζna · exp b))


→ 0,


as n → ∞. Here sin θ(F3 (ζna exp b)) = sin θ(zn ) = 1/ cosh zn , and zn = F3 (ζna exp b) = G3 (ζn ) → ∞ as n → ∞. By Lemma 23.4, we can choose n so large that the tangent plane of A at G(ζn ) does not intersect ∂A. By (23.5), we can also choose n so that φ(ξn ) < 1/16. sin θ(F (ζna · exp b)) 111

It follows from Lemma 23.4 that the tangent plane of A at G(ζn ) will have a compact component that contains G(ζn ). The existence of such a tangent plane contradicts Lemma 23.2. This contradiction proves the theorem. 2 Remark 23.5 Rosenberg and Toubiana [73] have shown that there exist minimally immersed annuli in H with proper third coordinate function which have infinite total curvature. Theorem 23.1 shows that such annuli do not lie above any catenoid.



Complete Minimal Surfaces of Finite Topology

Based on Corollary 24.5, Hoffman and Meeks made the following conjecture in [31]: Conjecture 24.1 Let X : M ,→ R3 be a properly embedded complete minimal surface of finite topology with more than one end. Then X has finite total curvature. With the help of Theorem 23.1, we can give a clearer picture of properly embedded complete minimal surfaces with more than one end. Theorem 24.2 Suppose M is a properly embedded minimal surface in R3 that has two annular ends, each having infinite total curvature. Then these two ends have representatives E1 , E2 satisfying the following: 1. There exist disjoint closed halfspaces H1 , H2 such that E1 ⊂ H1 and E2 ⊂ H2 . 2. All other annular ends of M are asymptotic to flat planes parallel to ∂H1 . 3. M has only a finite number of normal vectors parallel to the normal vector of ∂H1 . Proof. Given two properly embedded minimal annuli A1 , A2 each with compact boundary curve, if A1 ∩A2 = ∅ then there exists a standard barrier between them. This means that there exists a half-catenoid or a plane C such that outside of a sufficiently large ball B the barrier C is disjoint from A1 ∪ A2 and also C ∪ B separates A1 − B from A2 − B. Now consider the two annular ends E1 and E2 of M with infinite total curvature; Theorem 23.1 implies that C must be a plane. Since C is disjoint from E1 ∪ E2 outside of some ball, C ∩ (E1 ∪ E2 ) is compact. Hence, after removing compact subannuli of E1 and E2 , we may choose E1 and E2 to lie in the disjoint halfspaces determined by C. The weak maximum principle at infinity (Remark 15.3) implies that Ei and C stay a bounded distance apart for i = 1, 2. Therefore, the distance from C to E1 ∪ E2 is greater than some  > 0. It follows that we can choose closed disjoint halfspaces H1 , H2 with E1 ⊂ H1 and E2 ⊂ H2 . This proves the first statement of the theorem. Suppose now that E3 is another annular end of M that is disjoint from E1 and E2 . Corollary 22.6 says that at least one of E1 , E2 and E3 lying between two standard barriers. By Proposition 22.3, an end lies between two standard barriers must have finite total curvature. Hence it is evident that E3 has finite total curvature and lies between two standard barriers, and hence between E1 and E2 . If E3 is a catenoid end, then either E1 or E2 lies above a catenoid. By Theorem 23.1, E1 or E2 has finite total curvature, contradicting our hypotheses. Hence E3 is asymptotic to a flat plane P . By the weak maximum principle at infinity the end of this plane P stays a positive distance from both E1 and E2 . This implies that P intersects both E1 and E2 in a compact set and hence E1 and E2 have proper subends that are a positive distance from P . Hence we may assume that Ei ∩ P = ∅ for i = 1, 2. By Theorem 16.1, the convex hulls of 113

E1 and E2 are either a halfspace or a slab since E1 and E2 are not compact. Since Ei ∩ P = ∅ for i = 1, 2, P must be parallel to ∂H1 . Since E3 is an arbitrary annular end different from E1 and E2 , the second part of the theorem is proved. The proof of the third part of the theorem is quite long. Since we are not interested in the problem of image of Gauss map, we skip it here. The interested reader can read the article [18]. 2 We have some direct corollaries of Theorem 23.1. Corollary 24.3 Suppose X : M ,→ R3 is a smooth properly immersed minimal surface with smooth compact boundary and having finite topology. A sufficient condition for M to have finite total curvature is that X(M ) intersects some catenoid in a compact set. If M is embedded, this is also a necessary condition. Proof. If M is embedded, has finite total curvature and compact boundary, then the ends of M have a well-defined tangent plane parallel to a fixed plane P , which we take to be the xy-plane. Furthermore, annular end representatives of M can be √ chosen to be graphs over P , each of some fixed logarithmic growth in terms of r = x2 + y 2 . Any catenoid C with waist circle P ∩ C, and whose ends are graphs over P with logarithmic growth greater than the logarithmic growths of all the ends of M , must intersect M in a compact set. This proves the necessary part of the theorem. Now suppose that C is a catenoid such that B = C ∩ X(M ) is compact. After removing a regular neighbourhood of X −1 (B) from M , we may assume that each component of X(M ) is disjoint from C. Since M has finite topology, we may assume that, without loss of generality, M is connected and X(M ) ∩ C = ∅. Let W and Y be the closures of the components of R3 − C and assume W is the component that contains the symmetry axis of C. Thus either X(M ) ⊂ W or X(M ) ⊂ Y . For the first case we apply Theorem 23.1 (in fact every annular end has a representative contained in the intersection of W with a halfspace). For the second case we can use Theorem 21.1. 2 Corollary 24.4 Let X : M ,→ R3 be a smooth properly embedded minimal surface with smooth compact boundary and having finite topology. Suppose M has two catenoid ends, each a graph over the xy-plane of opposite signed logarithmic growth. Then M has finite total curvature. Proof. In this case we may assume that M has a catenoid end E+ with positive zcoordinate and an end E− with negative z-coordinate. Since M is proper, every end of M eventually is contained in the region above E+ , below E− , or in the region between E+ and E− . As in the proof of Corollary 24.3, all of the ends of M must have finite total curvature. Thus M has finite total curvature since M has only a finite number of ends. 2


Corollary 24.5 Suppose M is a properly embedded complete minimal surface in R3 with at least one catenoid type annular end. Then M can have at most one annular ends that is not conformally diffeomorphic to a punctured disk. In particular, if M has finite topology, then M is conformally equivalent to a closed Riemann surface from which a finite number of points, and zero or one closed disks, have been removed. Proof. One of the two possible infinite total curvature ends of M must lie above a catenoid, hence by Theorem 23.1 it has finite total curvature. This shows that there is at most one end which has infinite total curvature. 2 Remark 24.6 Recently Meeks and Rosenberg [51] proved that if a properly embedded minimal annulus A with smooth compact boundary is contained in a halfspace H ⊂ R3 , say H = {(x, y, z), | z > 0}, then: 1. A ∩ {(x, y, z) | z = c} is a Jordan curve for c > 0. 2. The conformal structure of A is a punctured disk. Combining the above result of Rosenberg and Meeks and Theorem 24.2, we have: Theorem 24.7 If X : M ,→ R3 is a proper complete minimal embedding with more than one annular end and M has finite topology, then there is a closed Riemann surface Sk of genus k such that M∼ = Sk − {p1 , · · · , pn }.



Minimal Annuli

The catenoid is topologically an annulus, and is the only embedded complete minimal annulus of finite total curvature by Theorem 18.1. Since any complete minimal surface has annular end, we want to study minimal surfaces of annular type, with or without boundary. All the results in this section are due to Osserman and Schiffer [70]. First we fix A := {r1 < |z| < r2 } ⊂ C, 0 < r1 ≤ 1 ≤ r2 ≤ ∞ (by Lemma 9.1 and Proposition 9.2 we can always select such a representation of A). Let X : A → R3 be a minimal annulus. Let g and η = f (z)dz be the Weierstrass data for X and φi be as (6.1), i = 1, 2, 3. Let ψi = zφi . Write X = (X1 , X2 , X3 ) and let t = log r = log |z|. We define

1 Z 2π X(r) := X(reiθ )dθ. 2π 0

Lemma 25.1 d2 X(r) = 0. dt2

Proof. d dX(r) 1 Z 2π ∂ ∂ d2 X(r) r = r r = r X(riθ ) dθ 2 dt dr dr 2π 0 ∂r ∂r Z 2π 1 = r2 4 X dθ = 0, 2π 0 !



∂ ∂ ∂ 2 X(reiθ ) r X(reiθ ) + r−2 ∂r ∂r ∂θ2 "

0 = 4X = r


and Z



∂ 2 X(reiθ ) dθ = 0. ∂θ2



Let C = {|z| = 1} ⊂ A. Since C is the generator of the first homology group of A, by (17.7), we can define Flux(X) = Flux(C) = =


φ(z)dz = =




Z 0

φ(re )re dθ =





ψ(reiθ )dθ

φ(z)dz = −i





where ψ = zφ, for any r1 ≤ r ≤ r2 . We have used the fact that since X is well defined,
0, ∂ν where ν is the outward normal to ∂D at p (see [21], Lemma 4, page 34). But this means that the normal is not vertical. This contradiction proves that N is never vertical on the boundary of A. Since X is smooth, g and g −1 are continuous up to boundary (we can see this by g = τ ◦N ); hence by the maximum principle both |g| and |g|−1 are bounded. 2 If a minimal annulus A in a slab satisfies that A(−1) and A(1) are continuous convex Jordan curves, we will call A a convex boundary minimal annulus or CBA. Theorem 27.2 If A is a CBA and Γ = ∂A is smooth, then A ∩ Pt is a strictly convex Jordan curve for every −1 < t < 1. In particular, X : AR ,→ S(−1, 1) is an embedding.

Proof. By Proposition 9.2 we have A = X(AR ) for some R > 1. And by regularity theory, X is smooth up to the boundary. At any point of A(t) = A ∩ Pt , −1 ≤ t ≤ 1, draw a tangent vector to the curve A(t), and let ψ be the angle made by this tangent vector with the positive x-axis. The ψ may be a multivalued function, but we will see that it is harmonic. To see this, consider the unit normal vector ~n of the curve A(t), and its angle with the positive x-axis φ. If we orient the surface such that the normal is inward to the unbounded component of S(−1, 1) − A, then we have ψ = φ + π/2. By Proposition 27.1, g 6= 0 or ∞ on AR , hence the unit normal vector ~n must be g ∈C∼ = R2 in complex form. Because φ = arg g = = log g, φ is harmonic and so is ψ. |g| Now suppose that s is the arc length parameter of the curve A(t) and notice that by (27.2) X −1 (A(t)) = {z : |z| = r = Rt }. Writing z = reiθ , we can calculate the curvature of At as follows: !

d d d dz κ = ψs = φs = (= log g) = = log g = = log g ds ds dz ds ! ! ! 0 0 0 g dz dθ g g = = == izr−1 Λ−1 = r−1 Λ−1 < z . g dθ ds g g Here we have used the facts that on the curve {|z| = r = Rt }, dz = ireiθ = iz, and ds = Λ|dz| = Λrdθ. dθ 133



Since h = < z gg = rΛκ is harmonic and rΛ > 0, we see that if Γ is smooth (in fact C 2,α is enough) convex then h ≥ 0 on ∂AR , and hence by the maximum principle, h > 0 in Int(AR ) and so κ = r−1 Λ−1 h is also positive. Thus A(t) is locally strictly convex. Since Γ = A(1) ∪ A(−1) consists of two Jordan curves, we have Z |z|=R±1

κds = 2π.

By continuity it must be that Z |z|=Rt

κds = 2π for − 1 ≤ t ≤ 1.

This proves that A(t) must be simple. Since κ > 0 on A(t), we conclude that A(t) is a strictly convex Jordan curve for −1 < t < 1. 2 Remark 27.3 We have used the non-trivial regularity theorem which says that if ∂A is C 2,α then X : AR ,→ S(−1, 1) is also C 2,α . See [12] II, Theorem 1, page 33. Theorem 27.4 Let A be a CBA and ∂A be smooth. Then there is a ρ > 1 such that the Gauss map g : AR → C is a conformal diffeomorphism to Ω ⊂ Aρ = {z ∈ C : 1/ρ ≤ |z| ≤ ρ}. Proof. By Proposition 27.1, |g| and |g|−1 are both bounded, and so we need only prove that g is a diffeomorphism. Indeed, by Theorem 27.2, r−1 Λ−1 0, and so g 0 6= 0 in Int(AR ) and hence g is a local diffeomorphism. Consider the set γ = {z : φ(z) = const}. Since arg g = φ = ψ − π/2 is strictly increasing on each {|z| = r} ⊂ Int(AR ) (remember that κ = φs > 0, in fact φ takes every value between 0 and 2π on {|z| = r} exactly once), we see that γ is a smooth Jordan arc connecting {|z| = 1/R} and {|z| = R}. Let ~t be the unit tangent vector of γ and ~n its unit normal vector, such that (~t, ~n) has positive orientation. Then since log g = log |g| + i arg g is holomorphic, we have −~n log |g| = ~tφ = 0 and so ~t log |g| = 6 0 0 on γ, as otherwise we would have g = 0. Thus whenever arg g(z1 ) = arg g(z2 ) and z1 6= z2 , then log |g(z1 )| = 6 log |g(z2 )|, so g(z1 ) 6= g(z2 ). The holomorphic function g is a one-to-one local diffeomorphism, hence is a conformal diffeomorphism. 2 Corollary 27.5 The total Gauss curvature of a CBA is larger than −4π. One interesting corollary of Theorem 27.4 is that Corollary 27.6 If A is a CBA with smooth boundary then the second eigenvalue of LA is positive. 134

Proof. By Theorem 27.4, N is an anti-conformal diffeomorphism. By Corollary 32.7 of Appendix, the second eigenvalue of 4S on (N (AR )) is larger than 2, thus λ2 (A) > 0. 2 Remember that the index of A is Index(A) =


dimVλ (A),

λ 0, hence Index(A) ≤ 1. But if A is unstable, Index(A) ≥ 1, thus Index(A) = 1. If ∂A is only continuous, we define a family of diffeomorphisms of AR into itself by ft (z) = ft (reiθ ) = r1−t eiθ , 0 ≤ t < 1. Then f0 = IdAR , ft (AR ) ⊂ fs (AR ) for 0 ≤ s < t < 1, and limt→1 ft (AR ) = {z : |z| = 1}; thus limt→1 Vol(ft (AR )) = 0. Using the embedding X, we get a family of diffeomorphisms of A into A, ct = X ◦ft ◦X −1 , 0 ≤ t < 1, satisfying ct (A) = A ∩ S(t − 1, 1 − t). Note that by Theorem 29.1 of Section 29, each ct (A), 0 < t < 1 is a CBA and has smooth boundary, we can use Theorem 27.4 and Corollary 27.6. Moreover, we have 1. c0 = identity; 2. ct (A) ⊂ cs (A), for 0 ≤ s < t < 1; 3. limt→1 Vol(ct (A)) = 0. Recall that nullity(ct (A)) = dim V0 (ct (A)). By a theorem of Morse, Simons, and Smale (see [46], p 52) we have that Index(A) =


nullity(ct (A)).


If ct (A) is almost stable then 0 is the first eigenvalue of ct (A), so by Corollary 32.9 of Appendix, nullity(ct (A)) = dim V0 (ct (A)) = 1. For any s > t, cs (A) ⊂ ct (A) is a proper subdomain, so λ1 (cs (A)) > λ1 (ct (A)) = 0 and nullity(cs (A)) = 0. If ct (A) is unstable and nullity(ct (A)) > 0, then 0 is at least the second eigenvalue of ct (A), contradicts Corollary 27.6. Hence we have proved that at most one t ∈ (0, 1) can be such that nullity(ct (A)) = 1 and for the other t we must have nullity(ct (A)) = 0. We conclude that Index(A) ≤ 1. But if A is unstable, Index(A) ≥ 1, thus Index(A) = 1. 2 135

Theorem 27.8 The index of the catenoid is 1. Proof. Let C be the catenoid given by Example 14.2. C(t) := C ∩S(−t, t) is a CBA for t > 0. Thus index(C(t)) ≤ 1. Since any precompact domain B in C − {0} is contained in some AR , it follows X(B) ⊂ X(AR ) = C(log R). By the definition of index of C, see (20.3), we have index(C) ≤ 1. Since g(z) = z is one-to-one we know by Section 20 that any precompact domain Ω ⊂ 2 S − {(0, 0, 1), (0, 0, −1)} such that the first eigenvalue of 4S , λ1 (Ω) < 2, corresponding to an unstable precompact domain on C. Since the first eigenvalue of 4S on S 2 is 0, there are plenty precompact domains in S 2 − {(0, 0, 1), (0, 0, −1)} with the first eigenvalue less than 2, a consequence of the fact that λ1 is continuously dependent on domains. Thus C is not stable and index(C) ≥ 1. 2



The Existence of Minimal Annuli in a Slab

Given two Jordan curves Γ1 , Γ2 in R3 , does Γ := Γ1 Γ2 bound a minimal annulus? This is called the Douglas-Plateau problem which is a generalisation of the original Plateau problem. If the answer to the Douglas-Plateau problem for a given Γ is yes, then we can ask that how many such minimal annuli are there? These are very hard and interesting problems. Generally, they are attacked with concepts and techniques, such as those from the geometric measure theory which are quite different from the classical setting as in our notes, One classical result due to Douglas says that if A1 and A2 are the areas of least area minimal disks bounded by Γ1 and Γ2 respectively, and S

inf{Area(S)} < A1 + A2 , then there is a minimal annulus bounded by Γ. Here the infimum is taken over all surfaces of annular type bounded by Γ. See [13], or [9]. In many cases the answers to the Douglas-Plateau problem are no. One example is that of two coaxial unit circles C1 and C2 . If the distance d between their centres is large then C1 ∪C2 cannot bound a catenoid, and therefore as Shiffman’s second theorem (Theorem 29.2) shows, C1 ∪ C2 cannot bound a minimal annulus. When Γ1 and Γ2 are smooth convex planar Jordan curves lying in parallel (but different) planes, the Douglas-Plateau problem has a very satisfactory answer. The combined result of Hoffman and Meeks [28], and Meeks and White [53], says, S Let Γ = Γ1 Γ2 . Then there are exactly three cases: 1. There are exactly two minimal annuli bounded by Γ, one is stable and one is unstable. 2. There is a unique minimal annulus A bounded by Γ; it is almost stable in the sense that the first eigenvalue of LA is zero. This case is not generic. 3. There are no minimal annuli bounded by Γ. 4. Moreover, if A is a minimal annulus bounded by Γ, then the symmetry group of A is the same as the symmetry group of Γ. We are not going to discuss the Douglas-Plateau problem in these notes. Rather, we would like to point out some necessary conditions on Γ if it bounds a minimal annulus. The next theorem is due to Osserman and Schiffer [70], we follow their proof. Theorem 28.1 Let δ1 , δ2 , c, d be positive numbers satisfying c2 + d2 2


≥ δ1 + δ2 .



Let Γ1 and Γ2 be closed curves in R3 . Let D1 := {x ∈ R3 | x21 + x22 < δ12 , x3 = 0}, D2 := {x ∈ R3 | (x1 − c)2 + x22 < δ22 , x3 = d}. Then if Γ1 ⊂ D1 and Γ2 ⊂ D2 , there does not exist any minimal annulus spanning Γ1 and Γ2 . More generally, the same conclusion holds if we replace Di by Di0 , i = 1, 2, where ) ( 2  c 0 3 2 2 D1 := x ∈ R x1 − x3 + x2 ≤ δ1 , x3 ≤ 0 , d (

D20 :=

) 2  c x ∈ R3 x1 − x3 + x22 ≤ δ22 , x3 ≥ d .


Remark 28.2 Note that Γ1 or Γ2 need not be Jordan curves. Moreover, the theorem is true for minimal annuli in Rn where n ≥ 3, with the same proof, see [70]. Suppose Γ1 ⊂ P0 and Γ2 ⊂ Pd . Let C1 and C2 in P0 and Pd be the smallest circles which enclose Γ1 and Γ2 respectively. Let their radii be δ1 and δ2 . The vertical distance between the centres of C1 and C2 is of course d. Let c be the horizontal distance between the centres of C1 and C2 . Since we can alway adopt coordinates such that C1 and C2 are the boundaries of D1 and D2 in Theorem 28.1, we conclude that if Γ1 and Γ2 span a minimal annulus then !1/2 c2 2 +d ≤ δ1 + δ2 . (28.2) 2 In case Γ1 and Γ2 are Jordan curves, this is a result of Nitsche, see [63]. To prove Theorem 28.1 we need a lemma. Lemma 28.3 Let u be harmonic in an annulus A := {r1 ≤ |z| ≤ r2 }. Suppose b ≥ a, and lim inf u(reiθ ) ≤ a, lim sup u(reiθ ) ≥ b. r→r r→r2


Then for r1 < r < r2 ,




b−a ∂u iθ (re )dθ ≥ 2π . ∂r log(r2 /r1 )

Proof. Given  > 0, let v := u − a −

b−a− r log . log(r2 /r1 ) r1


Then v is harmonic in A, and lim inf v(reiθ ) ≤ 0, r→r1

lim sup v(reiθ ) ≥ .



Choose 0 , 0 < 0 < , such that Dv 6= 0 on the level curve C := {z ∈ A | v(z) = 0 }. Then C must consist of one or more analytic Jordan curves. But if any subset C 0 of C bounds a domain Ω ⊂ A, the function v would be constant on Ω, hence in the whole A, which contradicts (28.3). Thus C consists of a single curve not homologous to zero. Choose δ such that r1 < δ < min |z|. z∈C

Then C is homologous to the circle |z| = δ, and hence Z C

Z ∂v ∂v ds = ds. ∂n |z|=δ ∂n

But v ≥ 0 outside C and v = 0 on C. Therefore ∂v/∂n ≥ 0 on C, where ∂/∂n is the exterior normal derivative. Thus 2π

Z 0

Z ∂v ∂v iθ (δe )δ dθ = ds ≥ 0. ∂r C ∂n

Using the explicit expression for v, we obtain Z 0

∂u iθ b−a− (δe )δ dθ ≥ 2π . ∂r log(r2 /r1 )

Since u is harmonic, the expression on the left side is independent of δ, hence this inequality holds on every circle |z| = r. Since  was arbitrary, the lemma is proved. 2 Proof of Theorem 28.1. Suppose X : A = {r1 ≤ |z| ≤ r2 } ,→ R3 is a minimal annulus such that X is a parametrisation of Γi , i = 1, 2. We shall show that |z|=ri

(28.1) cannot hold. We define a function u(z) in A by 2

c u(z) = X1 (z) − X3 (z) d 

+ X22 (z).


Using the fact that Xi ’s are harmonic, one can calculate that     c 2 c 2 4u = 2 φ1 − φ3 + |φ2 |2 = 2 φ1 − φ3 + |φ1 + φ3 |2 d d

by (6.5). We assert next that if b is an arbitrary real number then min{|w − b|2 + |w2 + 1|} = 139

b2 + 1, 2


where the minimum is taken over all complex numbers w. Namely, setting w = b + reiθ gives |w − b|2 + |w2 + 1| = r2 + |b2 + 2breiθ + r2 e2iθ + 1| ≥ r2 + b2 + 1 + 2br cos θ + r2 cos 2θ = b2 + 1 + 2br cos θ + 2r2 cos2 θ = b2 + 1 + 2r2 cos θ +

b 2r



b2 b2 ≥ + 1. 2 2

This gives a lower bound which is actually attained when w = b/2. This proves (28.5). Returning to 4u, we therefore have  φ c 2 1 4u = 2|φ3 |2  − +



φ1 φ3


 "  # c 2  + 1 ≥ + 2 |φ3 |2 .


Using the notation 1 Z 2π u(reiθ )dθ, U (t) = 2π 0

t = log r,

we find, as in the proof of Lemma 25.1, that c2 + 2d2 Z 2π d2 U 1 Z 2π 2 iθ r 4 u(re )dθ ≥ |ψ3 (reiθ )|2 dθ. = dt2 2π 0 2πd2 0


But 2π

Z 0

|ψ3 (reiθ )|2 dθ ≥

Z 0



|ψ3 (reiθ )|dθ iθ




∂X3 (re ) dθ ∂r

Z 0

0, V (t) has a minimum at t = t0 , where b t0 = − = T 2a

1 δ22 − δ12 − . 2 2B !


It follows that t0 > 0 ⇔ δ22 − δ12 < B, t0 < T ⇔ δ22 − δ12 > −B. Thus 0 < t0 < T ⇔ |δ22 − δ12 | < B.


We consider two cases, according to whether (28.19) does or does not hold. If it does not hold, then B ≤ |δ22 − δ12 | = |δ2 − δ1 ||δ2 + δ1 | < |δ2 + δ1 |2 .


On the other hand, if (28.19) does hold, then, by virtue of (28.16) and the fact that U (t) > 0 for all t, V (t0 ) ≥ U (t0 ) > 0. 141

But by (28.17) and (28.18), b2 + δ12 > 0 4a ⇔ b2 < 4aδ12 ⇔ (δ22 − δ12 ) − 2B(δ22 + δ12 ) + B 2 < 0

V (t0 ) = −

⇒ B < (δ22 + δ12 ) +


(δ22 + δ12 )2 − (δ22 − δ12 )2 = (δ2 + δ1 )2 .

Comparing with (28.20), we see in both cases we must have B < (δ1 + δ2 )2 . But going back to the definition (28.13) of B, we see that under the assumption that a spanning surface exists, inequality (28.1) must be violated. This proves the theorem. 2



Shiffman’s Theorems

Recall that we defined a CBA as a minimal annulus A ∈ S(−1, 1) such that A(1) = A ∩ P1 and A(−1) = A ∩ P−1 are continuous convex Jordan curves. In the article [76] published in 1956, Max Shiffman proved three elegant theorems about a CBA. They are as follows: Theorem 29.1 If A is a CBA, then A ∩ Pt is a strictly convex Jordan curve for every −1 < t < 1. In particular, X : AR ,→ S(−1, 1) is an embedding. Theorem 29.2 If A is a CBA and Γ = ∂A is a union of circles, then A ∩ Pt is a circle for every −1 ≤ t ≤ 1. Theorem 29.3 If A is a CBA and Γ = ∂A is symmetric with respect to a plane perpendicular to xy-plane, then A is symmetric with respect to the same plane. We are going to prove the three Shiffman’s theorems by means of the EnneperWeierstrass representation. We have already proved a weaker version of Theorem 29.1, namely Theorem 27.2 Let us first prove Theorem 29.1. We follow the proof of Shiffman. We will write the immersion as X = (x, y, z). For any ζ = reiθ ∈ AR , since X is conformal, by (27.1) we have 1 . x2θ + yθ2 = r2 (x2r + yr2 ) + (log R)2 The immersion X : AR ,→ S(−1, 1) satisfies x2θ + yθ2 ≥

1 . (log R)2


Since X is continuous on AR , A(1) and A(−1) are convex and hence rectifiable. Moreover, x(R, θ) and y(R, θ) are functions of bounded variation. Thus xθ (R, θ) and yθ (R, θ) exist almost everywhere. Let I denote the set on which xθ (R, θ) and yθ (R, θ) both exist. We will first prove that: Lemma 29.4 For any θ ∈ I, lim xθ (r, θ) = xθ (R, θ), lim yθ (r, θ) = yθ (R, θ),



and x2θ (R, θ) + yθ2 (R, θ) ≥


1 . (log R)2



Proof. Let x and y be harmonic functions defined over the disk DR := r ≤ R with boundary values given by x(R, θ) and y(R, θ) respectively. The functions x(r, θ)−x(r, θ) and y(r, θ) − y(r, θ), being harmonic in AR and having the boundary value 0 on r = R, can be extended across r = R by reflection. Thus xθ (r, θ) − xθ (r, θ) → 0, yθ (r, θ) − y θ (r, θ) → 0, as r → R. Let P be the Poisson kernel of DR , P (Reiφ , reiθ ) =

R2 − r 2 1 . 2π R2 + r2 − 2Rr cos(φ − θ)

Then the harmonic function x can be expressed as x(r, θ) =


x(R, φ)P (Reiφ , reiθ )dφ.


Differentiating, we have xθ (r, θ) =


x(R, φ)


Z 2π Z 2π ∂P ∂P dφ = − x(R, φ) dφ = P dx(R, φ). ∂θ ∂φ 0 0

It follows, as in the proof of theorem of Fatou (see [59] pages 198 -200) that lim xθ (r, θ) = xθ (R, θ)


on I. Similarly for yθ . From (29.1) it is obvious that (29.3) is true.


Consider the harmonic function ψ(r, θ), the angle of the tangent vector of A ∩ Pt with the positive x-axis. We denote the angle defined by the tangent direction at A(1) by ψ(R, θ) on I. Because of the convexity of A(1), ψ(R, θ) is a monotonic function of θ on I of period ±2π. We can assume that the period is 2π, and we shall call the orientation described on A(1) as θ varies from 0 to 2π the positive orientation of A(1). The following lemma will be proved. Lemma 29.5 The period of ψ(r, θ) is exactly 2π, and lim ψ(r, θ) = ψ(R, θ)


for θ ∈ I.

The single valued function ψ(r, θ) − θ is a bounded harmonic function in AR . Proof. Consider the convex curve A(1). Select a point Q1 on A(1) at which there is a unique supporting line L of A(1), and let Q3 be a point on A(1) where a line parallel to L, but not coinciding with L, is a supporting line of A(1). Select a direction not included among the directions of all the supporting lines of A(1) at the point Q3 and let Q2 and Q4 be two points of A(1) at which there are supporting lines, distinct from 144

each other, in this direction. The numbering is such that Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 occur in the positive orientation around A(1). Consider these four supporting lines as taken in the positive direction in describing A(1), and let angles made by them with the positive x-axis be α1 , α2 , α1 + π, α2 + π, respectively, where α1 < α2 < α1 + π < α2 + π. Let the points on the circle r = R which are mapped onto Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , be denoted by q1 , q2 , q3 , q4 , respectively. On the circle r = R denote the open arc from q1 to q3 (taken in the positive orientation and therefore including q2 ) by B1 , the open arc from q2 to q4 by B2 , from q3 to q1 by B3 , and from q4 to q2 by B4 . Finally, let Ci be a closed arc on r = R contained in Bi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, such that the Ci together cover r = R. Note that (xθ , yθ ) = (x2θ + yθ2 )1/2 (cos ψ, sin ψ), (yθ , −xθ ) = (x2θ + yθ2 )1/2 (sin ψ, − cos ψ). Consider first the function Y1 (r, θ) = y(r, θ) cos α1 − x(r, θ) sin α1 ,


which is a harmonic function of (r, θ) in AR . Then ∂Y1 (r, θ) = ∂θ = = =

yθ (r, θ) cos α1 − xθ (r, θ) sin α1 (yθ , −xθ )(r, θ)•(cos α1 , sin α1 ) (x2θ + yθ2 )1/2 (sin ψ, − cos ψ)•(cos α1 , sin α1 ) (x2θ + yθ2 )1/2 sin(ψ − α1 ).


On the arc B1 of r = R, the function Y1 (R, θ) is a monotonically increasing function of θ, since the arc B1 corresponds to the portion of A(1) from Q1 to Q3 ; thus α1 ≤ ψ ≤ α1 + π. In analogy to the proof of Lemma 29.4, the formula for ∂Y 1∂θ(r,θ) is ∂Y 1 (r, θ) = ∂θ






P dY1 (R, φ)


where CB1 is the complement of B1 . The first integral in (29.6) is ≥ 0 for all (r, θ), since Y1 (R, φ) is an increasing function of φ in B1 ; the second integral in (29.6) approaches 0 as (r, θ) approaches an interior point of B1 . Thus lim


∂Y 1 (r, θ) ≥ 0. ∂θ


∂Y1 (r, θ) ≥ 0. ∂θ


It follows that likewise lim




Take a positive  and 1 = (log R)−1  such that α2 − α1 α1 + π − α2 δ = arcsin  < min , . 2 2 

By (29.7) there is a region R1 in AR , enclosing C1 , for which ∂Y1 (r, θ) > −1 , (r, θ) ∈ R1 . ∂θ From (29.1) and (29.5) we therefore see that sin(ψ − α1 ) > −

in R1 .


Selecting a determination of ψ at a particular point of R1 , we have −δ < ψ − α1 < π + δ

in R1 .


A similar argument applies to each of the other arcs B2 , B3 , B4 of the circle r = R, with α2 , α1 + π, α2 + π, respectively, replacing α1 in (29.4)-(29.9). On B2 the function Y2 = y cos α2 − x sin α2 is an increasing function of θ, leading to the result lim



∂Y2 (r, θ) ≥ 0. ∂θ

There is, therefore, a region R2 of AR , enclosing C2 , for which ∂Y2 (r, θ) > −1 , (r, θ) ∈ R2 . ∂θ And we have, analogously to (29.8), sin(ψ − α2 ) > −

in R2 .

But this means, from (29.9), begin with an already determined ψ in the region common to R1 , R2 , that −δ < ψ − α2 < π + δ in R2 . Similar arguments apply successively to the determination of the regions R3 , R4 and of the corresponding inequalities for ψ: −δ < ψ − (α1 + π) < π + δ in R3 ,

−δ < ψ − (α2 + π) < π + δ in R4 .


Therefore, in the portion common to R4 and R1 , the value of ψ returns to its initial value plus exactly 2π, or the period of ψ is exactly 2π. The regions R1 , R2 , R3 , R4 , together form a neighbourhood of the circle r = R in AR . 146

A similar argument as the above applies to the inner circle r = 1/R and A(−1). By continuity, ψ has period 2π for every 1/R ≤ r ≤ R. Let θ be a value in the set I and take the limit of ψ(r, θ) as r → R. By (29.2), (29.3) the limit of ψ(r, θ) is ψ(R, θ) modulo 2π. But the inequalities (29.8), (29.9), (29.10) show that the limit must be exactly ψ(R, θ). The lemma is proved. 2 We can now establish the inequality ψθ (r, θ) > 0


everywhere in the interior of AR . Let G = G(R, φ, r, θ) be the Green’s function for the annular ring AR , with singularity at (r, θ). In its dependence on φ and θ, G is a function of φ − θ. We have ∂G ds (29.12) ∂ν ∂AR Z Z ∂G ∂G = [ψ(R, φ) − φ]R dφ + [ψ(R−1 , φ) − φ]R−1 dφ, −1 ∂ν ∂ν r=R r=R

ψ(r, θ) − θ =


[ψ(r, φ) − φ]

where ν is the inward normal. This follows by considering the analogous formula for an interior annular ring, and performing the passage to the limit. Differentiating (29.13) with respect to θ, using ∂(∂G/∂ν)/∂θ = −∂(∂G/∂ν)/∂φ, and intergrating by parts, we find Z Z ∂G ∂G R ψθ − 1 = R−1 d[ψ(R, φ) − φ] + d[ψ(R−1 , φ) − φ] −1 ∂ν ∂ν r=R r=R or Z Z ∂G −1 ∂G R dψ(R, φ) + R dψ(R−1 , φ), ψθ = r=R−1 ∂ν r=R ∂ν since Z Z Z ∂G ∂G −1 ∂G Rdφ + R dφ = ds = 1. r=R ∂ν r=R−1 ∂ν ∂AR ∂ν Since ∂G/∂ν > 0 and ψ(R, φ), ψ(R−1 , φ) are monotonic increasing functions of φ of period 2π, inequality (29.11) is obtained. Thus each A(t) is a closed strictly convex curve and has total curvature 2π, so it must be a Jordan curve. Therefore, X must be an embedding. Theorem 29.1 is proved. 2 Theorem 29.2 is a special case of Theorem 30.1 in the next section, so we will postpone the proof until then. Instead we will prove Theorem 29.3 next. Proof of Theorem 29.3 : We can assume that ∂A is symmetric with respect to the xz-plane. By Theorem 29.1, each A(z) is a strictly convex Jordan curve for −1 < z < 1; hence there are exactly two points on A ∩ Pz at which the supporting lines of A(z) are perpendicular to the xz-plane. Varying z we get two curves on A, say α1 and α2 . Let P be the orthogonal projection on the xz-plane. The A consists of two pieces of graphs on the domain Ω = P (A) ⊂ xz-plane, thus we have (x, yi (x, z), z), i = 1, 2. Moreover, ∂Ω = Γ1 ∪ Γ2 , where Γ1 is the projection of A(1) ∪ A(−1) and Γ2 = P (α1 ∪ α2 ). It is clear that on Γ2 the graphs (x, yi (x, z), z) are perpendicular to the xz-plane. 147

Now assume that A(1) and A(−1) are strictly convex. Reflecting the graph generated by y2 about the xz-plane we get a minimal graph generated by y˜2 = −y2 : Ω → R. On Γ1 , we have y˜2 = y1 by the boundary symmetry. A theorem of Giusti ([22] Lemma 2.2) says that if (x, y1 (x, z), z) and (x, y˜2 (x, z), z) are perpendicular to the xz-plane on Γ2 and y1 ≥ y˜2 on Γ1 , then y1 ≥ y˜2 on Ω. Since y1 = y˜2 on Γ1 , we have y1 = y˜2 in Ω. If A(1) or A(−1) is not strictly convex, then by continuity of the surface, we know that for any  > 0 there is a δ > 0 so small that y1 (x, 1 − t) ≥ y˜2 (x, 1 − t) −  and y1 (x, −1 + t) ≥ y˜2 (x, −1 + t) −  for 0 < t < δ. Thus on Ω ∩ {(x, z) − 1 + δ < z < 1 − δ}, y1 ≥ y˜2 . Letting  → 0, we have y1 ≥ y˜2 in Ω. Changing the role of y1 and y˜2 , we have y1 = y˜2 in Ω. But y1 = y˜2 means that A is symmetric about the xz-plane, the proof is complete. 2



A Generalisation of Shiffman’s Second Theorem

Shiffman’s second theorem says that if a minimal annulus is bounded by circles in parallel planes, then every level set is a circle. In [25], it is proved that the same conclusion is true if we replace the boundary circles in Theorem 29.2 by parallel straight lines and assume A is properly embedded. Furthermore, Toubiana [78] has proved that if two non-parallel straight lines lie in distinct parallel planes then they cannot bound any proper minimal annulus in the slab bounded by the planes. In this section we will give a generalization of the results stated above, with a unified proof. Theorem 30.1 Suppose A ⊂ S(−1, 1) is a minimal annulus in a slab and A(1) = A ∩ P1 , A(−1) = A ∩ P−1 are straight lines or circles. 1. If both A(1) and A(−1) are circles, then A(t) = A ∩ Pt is a circle for −1 < t < 1. In particular, A is embedded. 2. If at least one of the A(1) and A(−1) is a straight line and A is properly embedded, then A(t) = A ∩ Pt is a circle for −1 < t < 1. Remark 30.2 The first part of Theorem 30.1 is exactly Shffiman’s second theorem, Theorem 29.2. We will see that the second part of theorem 30.1 implies the results in [25] and [78]. Let A ⊂ S(−1, 1) be a proper minimal annulus such that A(1) = A ∩ P1 and A(−1) = A ∩ P−1 are straight lines or circles and ∂A = A(1) ∪ A(−1). In the case that there is only one straight line, we will always assume that A(1) is the straight line. Then the interior of A is conformally equivalent to the interior of AR = {z ∈ C : 1/R ≤ |z| ≤ R}, for some 1 < R < ∞. In fact the interior of A is conformally equivalent to {z ∈ C : ρ < |z| < P, 0 ≤ ρ < P ≤ ∞}, for some ρ and P . Since A has 1-dimensional boundary ∂A whichqis separated by the interior of A, it follows 0 < ρ and P < ∞. Hence if R = P/ρ > 1 then Int(A) ∼ = Int(AR ). There is a conformal harmonic immersion X : AR − C ,→ S(−1, 1), where C is a subset of ∂AR and X({|z| = R}−C) = A(1), X({|z| = 1/R}−C) = A(−1). If A(1) and A(−1) are both circles, then C = ∅; if only A(1) is a straight line, then 149

C ⊂ {|z| = R}; if A(1) and A(−1) are both straight lines, then C ∩ {|z| = R} = 6 ∅ and C ∩ {|z| = 1/R} = 6 ∅. When C 6= ∅ we assume that X is a proper embedding. The Enneper-Weierstrass representation of A is X(z) =
0 such that when 1 − δ1 < z < 1, Pz ∩ A is compact. By Lemma 23.2, the tangent plane of A at any point of A ∩ Pz is not parallel to the xy-plane. In particular, dX 3 6= 0 on (X 3 )−1 (z). Thus (X 3 )−1 (z) is a 1-dimensional submanifold of AR consists of smooth loops. If it has more than one loop or any loop is homologically trivial, then using the maximum principle we can show that A is contained in a plane. Thus (X 3 )−1 (z) is a homologically non-trivial smooth Jordan curve. Similarly, if A(−1) is a straight line, then there is a δ2 > 0 such that when −1 < z < −1+δ2 , (X 3 )−1 (z) is a homologically non-trivial smooth Jordan curve. Let A0z be the closed annulus bounded by (X 3 )−1 (z) and (X 3 )−1 (−z), for 0 < 1 − z < min{δ1 , δ2 }. Clearly A0z is compact and A0z = X −1 (A ∩ S(−z, z)) . Since A ∩ Pz is compact for −1 < z < 1, by Lemma 23.2, the extended Gauss map g of Y does not equal to zero or ∞ in a neighbourhood of AR except at p or q. For any sequence zn → p, since p 6∈ A0z for 1 − δ1 < z < 1, zn 6∈ A0z for almost all zn . Thus X 3 (zn ) must converge to 1. Similarly, for any sequence zn → q, X 3 (zn ) must converge to −1. Thus the third coordinate function X 3 can be continuously extended to the whole AR such that X 3 ||z|=1/R = −1 and X 3 ||z|=R = 1. 2 The harmonic third coordinate function X 3 satisfies X 3 ||z|=1/R = −1 and X 3 ||z|=R = 1 and −1 < X 3 |Int(AR ) < 1. Hence we have X3 = and

∂X 3 d ω3 = f (z)g(z)dz = 2 dz = ∂z dz

Thus f (z) = and

1 log |z|, log R

  ω1 =         ω2 = 

      ω = 3


1 1 1 log z dz = dz. log R log R z

1 1 , log R zg(z)

1 1 log R 2z

1 g

− g dz

1 i log R 2z

1 g

+ g dz

1 1 dz, log R z


and X can be represented as Z p 1 1 i 1 X(p) = < (1/g − g), (1/g + g), dz + V. log R 1 2z 2z z


∞ X 1 = bn z n . g(z) = an z , g(z) n=−∞ n=−∞



∞ X


Then by (27.3), (30.2) gives a minimal annulus if and only if =(b0 ) = =(a0 ), 0, to prove κθ ≡ 0 we only need prove that v ≡ 0. Since !2 ! 1 g0 d g0 z −z z 2 g dz g is holomorphic, we have 

zg 0 g

!2  ∂  = −4

zg 0 g


gg 0 g0 +8 z (1 + |g|2 )2 g


d g0  −z z . dz g

∂2H ∂2  1 4H = 4 = −4 ∂z∂z ∂z∂z 1 + |g|2 |g 0 |2 (1 + |g|2 ) − 2g 0 ggg 0 = 4 (1 + |g|2 )3 

−8|g 0 |2  1 |g|2 − 1 = (1 + |g|2 )2 2 |g|2 + 1

zg 0 g

−gg 0 ∂z (1 + |g|2 )2 !

zg 0 g


d g0 z dz g



By (7.1) and (7.3),  2 1 Λ = |f |2 1 + |g|2 , 4 2

hence we have

4|g 0 | K=− |f |(1 + |g|2 )2 "



1 8|g 0 |2 = − K|f |2 (1 + |g|2 )2 = −2KΛ2 . 2 2 (1 + |g| ) 2

Thus 4H = 2KΛ2 H.


Taking the imaginary part, we have 4v = 2KΛ2 v.


Remember that 4A = Λ−2 4AR = Λ−2 4. If Γ = A(1) and A(−1) are straight lines or circles, then κθ ≡ 0 on ∂AR − C. Hence on AR , v satisfies    4A v − 2Kv = 0,  


v|∂AR −C = 0,

We want to prove that v is continuous on AR and v|∂AR ≡ 0, i.e., v is an eigenfunction corresponding to the eigenvalue zero. When A(1) and A(−1) are circles this is certainly true. The next lemma shows that it is always true. Lemma 30.5 Let A be as in Theorem 30.1, p, q be as in Lemma 30.3, and v be as defined in (30.7). Then v is continuous on AR and v|∂AR = 0. 153

Proof. Without loss of generality, we can assume that p = R. By Lemma 30.3, we can assume that the Gauss map g has limit zero at p = R and g can be extended to a holomorphic function g˜. Let ζ = z − R on a disk Dρ centered at z = R, we have ˜ = ζ n h(ζ), g˜(z) = (z − R)n h(z) ˜ is a holomorphic function on Dρ and h(R) 6= 0. where h By definition, v = =H and 1 |g|2 − 1 H(z) = 2 |g|2 + 1

zg 0 g


d −z dz

zg 0 g


1 = 1− 2 |g| + 1


zg 0 g


1 − 2

zg 0 g


d −z dz

zg 0 . g !

˜ Note that For convenience, we will write g and h instead of g˜ and h. ζ


g 0 (z) z g(z)


is holomorphic on Dρ and since |g|2 = |z − R|4 |h(z)|2 = |ζ|4 |h(z)|2 , 1 1 1− 2 ζ 1 + |g|2



∞ ∞ X 1 X k+1 2k 2 (−1) |g| = ζ (−1)k+1 |ζ|4(k−1) |h(z)|2k ζ 2 k=1 k=1

is a C ∞ complex function in a neighborhood of R. Thus 1 Ψ(z) := 1 − 2 |g| + 1


zg 0 g


1 1 g 0 (z) 2 = 2 1− ζ z ζ 1 + |g|2 g(z) !


is a C ∞ complex valued function near z = R. If we can prove that 1 Φ(z) := − 2

zg 0 g


d −z dz

zg 0 g


is holomorphic in a neighbourhood of R, then H is a C ∞ complex valued function in a neighbourhood of R. In particular, v = =H is C ∞ in a neighbourhood of R, and thus v(R) = 0 since on |z| = R and z 6= R we already know that v(z) = 0. Since R corresponds to an embedded flat end, and that end intersects P1 at a straight line, we have n = 2 by Proposition 11.14. Hence z

g 0 (z) 2R h0 (z) = +2+z , g(z) z−R h(z)

or z

∞ g 0 (z) a−1 X = + ak ζ k , g(z) ζ k=0

where a−1 = 2R and a0 = 2 + R


h0 (R) . h(R)

Moreover g 0 (z) z g(z) d g 0 (z) z z dz g(z)





∞ a2−1 2a−1 a0 X + bk ζ k , + ζ2 ζ k=0

∞ X a−1 R a−1 + (ζ + R) kak ζ k−1 , − ζ2 ζ k=1

and !2

1 g 0 (z) d g 0 (z) − z −z z 2 g(z) dz g(z) ∞ ∞ 2 X 1 a − 2a−1 R a−1 a0 − a−1 1 X − bk ζ k − (ζ + R) kak ζ k−1 . − = − −1 2 2 ζ ζ 2 k=0 k=1 !

Since a−1 = 2R, a2−1 − 2a−1 R = 0. We would like to prove that a−1 a0 − a−1 = 0 and thus Φ is holomorphic near z = R. The a0 can be calculated as follows. The Weierstrass representation for the extended surface S is    1 1 1  ω = − g dz  1 log R 2z g      

ω2 =  

      ω = 3

i 1 log R 2z

1 g

+ g dz

1 1 dz, log R z

as commented after Lemma 30.3. Let C be a loop around z = R in a small disk. Then since X : {z : 1/R < |z| < R3 } − {R} → R3 is well defined and X(z) =


By (30.5), we conclude that the total curvature of A is larger than −4π. Assume {p} = C ∩ {|z| = R} and {q} = C ∩ {|z| = 1/R}, i.e., A(1) and A(−1) are both straight lines. Then let Dρ1 and Dρ2 be two disks centered at p and q with radii ρ and let Mρ = AR − (Dρ1 ∪ Dρ2 ). Since p and q correspond to embedded ends, Λ has order 2 at p and q. Thus Z

K dA +

Z ∂Mρ

κg ds +


(αi + βi ) = 0,


where αi and βi are the exterior angles at ∂Dρi ∩ ∂AR , and obviously lim (αi + βi ) = π.


Again by the same argument as in Theorem 13.4, noting that Λ has poles at p and q, we have Z lim κg ds = π. ρ→0 ∂Dρi ∩AR

Since A(1) and A(−1) are straight lines, lim


ρ→0 ∂Mρ −∪∂Dρi

κg ds =

Thus we have K(A) = lim


ρ→0 Mρ


κg ds = 0.

K dA = −4π. 2

The proof of theorem 30.1 is complete. Note that the proof of K(A) ≥ −4π only used the fact that A is embedded in a neighbourhood of the straight line boundary. Thus we see immediately that 157

Corollary 30.7 Suppose that A ⊂ S(−1, 1) is a proper minimal annulus. If A(1) = A ∩ P1 is a straight line and A is embedded in a neighborhood of A(1), and A(−1) = A ∩ P−1 is a circle, then each A(t) = A ∩ Pt is a circle for −1 < t < 1. In particular, A is embedded. Proof. We only need point out that we can still use the four-vertex theorem, even though some level sets A(t) may not be Jordan curves. It is shown in [36], that all curves which have exactly two vertices are curves which have exactly two simple loops, on each loop the curvature is positive or negative and hence its total curvature must be 0. Note that A(−1) has total curvature 2π. Since A(t) is a closed curve for −1 ≤ t < 1, by continuity every A(t) has total curvature 2π. Hence the four-vertex theorem is applicable to A(t) for −1 ≤ t < 1. 2 Corollary 30.8 Suppose that A ⊂ S(−1, 1) is a proper minimal annulus. If A(1) = A ∩ P1 and A(−1) = A ∩ P−1 are straight lines and A is embedded in neighbourhoods of A(1) and A(−1), then each A(t) = A ∩ Pt is a circle for −1 < t < 1. In particular, A is embedded. Proof. We have X 3 = log |z|/ log R. Let  > 0 such that on {R −  < |z| ≤ R} X is an embedding. Then A(t) is a Jordan curve when log(R − )/ log R < t < 1. Thus we can still use the four-vertex theorem. 2 Remark 30.9 Corollaries 30.7 and 30.8 are slightly better than Corollary 1 in [17]. There do exist properly immersed minimal annuli in S(−1, 1) whose level sets are not circles, see [78]. Since all minimal surfaces foliated by circles must be a part of a Riemann’s example, we have proved that: Corollary 30.10 Let L1 ⊂ P1 , L−1 ⊂ P−1 be two parallel straight lines. If Γ = L1 ∪L−1 is the boundary of a properly embedded minimal annulus A in S(−1, 1), then A is one of Riemann’s examples. Finally, we have a non-existence theorem: Corollary 30.11 Let L1 ⊂ P1 , L−1 ⊂ P−1 be two non-parallel straight lines. Then Γ = L1 ∪ L−1 cannot bound a properly embedded minimal annulus in S(−1, 1). Corollary 30.10 is the main theorem of [25], in which it is proved via elliptic function theory. Corollary 30.11 is a result of Toubiana [78]. The proof of Theorem 30.1 is adapted from [17].



Nitsche’s Conjecture

Conjecture 31.1 (Nitsche) Let A ⊂ R3 be an embedded complete minimal annulus such that A ∩ Pt is a Jordan curve for t1 < t < t2 , where −∞ ≤ t1 < t2 ≤ ∞. Then A must be a catenoid. In particular, t1 = −∞ and t2 = ∞. Nitsche made this conjecture in [62], it is still open. We only know that the conjecture is true under certain extra hypotheses, In this section we will give two such theorems. The first one, Theorem 31.2, is due to Nitsche [62]; the proof given here is essentially Nitsche’s proof. Theorem 31.2 If each A ∩ Pt is a starshaped Jordan curve for t1 < t < t2 , then A is a catenoid. Proof. By a translation we may assume that t1 < 0, t2 > 0. Let 0 < a < t2 and let A ∩ S(0, a) be a compact minimal annulus with Jordan curve boundary. By Lemma 9.1 and Proposition 9.2, its conformal structure is

AR(a) = {z ∈ C 1 ≤ |z| ≤ R(a)}, where R(a) > 1. Let X(a) : AR(a) → R3 be the conformal embedding. Then we know that the third coordinate X(a)3 must be a log |z|. X(a)3 = log R(a) Let 0 < a < b < t2 . The moduli of AR(a) and AR(b) are R(a) and R(b) respectively. Since A ∩ S(0, a) ⊂ A ∩ S(0, b), we have R(a) < R(b) and thus AR(a) ⊂ AR(b) . We have X(b) : AR(b) → R3 such that X(b)3 =

b log |z|. log R(b)

It must be that X(b)3 |AR(a) = X(a)3 , thus b log R(a) = X(b)3 (R(a)eiθ ) = X(a)3 (R(a)eiθ ) = a, log R(b) which implies that b a = . log R(b) log R(a)


Now let 0 < a1 < a2 < · · · < an < · · · t2 and limn→∞ an = t2 ; we have AR(a1 ) ⊂ · · · ⊂ AR(an ) ⊂ · · ·. Let R = limn→∞ R(an ) ≤ ∞. Then the conformal structure


of Int(A ∩ S(0, t2 )) is the interior of AR and the conformal embedding is given by X : Int(AR ) → R3 and X3 (z) = c log |z|, where c=

an >0 log R(an )

is well defined by (31.1). Let g : AR → C be the Gauss map of A ∩ S(0, t2 ). As before, we have η = dz/zg(z) and the angle of the outward unit normal of A ∩ Pt with the x-axis is given by ψ(r, θ) = = log g(z), where z = reiθ such that t = c log r. Thus ψ is a multivalued harmonic function. Since each A ∩ Pt is a Jordan curve for 0 ≤ t < t2 , we have ψ(r, θ + 2π) = ψ(r, θ) + 2π, which implies that = log(g(z)/z) is a well defined harmonic function in AR . Thus h(z) := log gz is a well defined holomorphic function, and g(z) = zeh(z) .


The Laurent expansion of h is h(z) =

−1 X

an z n +


∞ X

an z n = h1 (z) + h2 (z);


thus h1 is holomorphic in {|z| > 1} ∪ {∞} and h2 is holomorphic in |z| < R. If =hi is bounded for i = 1, 2, then 0 is a real constant, and A must be a catenoid. The proof is complete. 2 One observes that if A has finite total curvature, then K(A) = 2π(χ(A) − 2) = −4π. Corollary 14.6 then tells us that A must be a catenoid. Since A has two annular ends, it is enough to prove that each end has finite total curvature. By Theorem 23.1, we know that if A is properly embedded and if one end of A is above a catenoid, then that end has finite total curvature. Thus if A is a counter-example to Nitsche’s conjecture, either it is not properly embedded or one of its two ends is neither above nor below any standard catenoid type barrier. Given the level sets are Jordan curves, such a surface is very hard to imagine its existence. The second theorem is due to G. D. Crow [11], which shows that uniformly bounded Gauss curvature implies finite total curvature for complete minimal surfaces of conformal type S 2 − {p, q}. Theorem 31.3 Let X : M = S 2 − {p, q} ,→ R3 be a minimal immersion satisfying: 1. |K| < C (M is of bounded Gauss curvature); 2. The immersion is given by X = (X 1 , X 2 , X 3 ) and is such that the limits as z → p and z → q of X 3 (z) exist uniformly as extended real numbers. Then M is of finite total curvature. In particular, if M is embedded then M is a catenoid. Proof. We only need prove that M has finite total curvature. First by Remark 16.4, |K| bounded implies that the convex hull of X(M ) is R3 . Thus X 3 (z) → ±∞ as z → p or q and the two limits must be different. So without loss of generality we may assume that M = C − {0} and X 3 (z) = c log |z|. The Weierstrass data for X then is g and η = (1/zg(z))dz and the Gauss curvature is given by 4|z||g||g 0 | K(z) = − (1 + |g|2 )2 162



To prove that M has finite total curvature it is enough to prove that g has no essential singularity at either 0 or ∞. Let h = g 2 and r = |z|, then K can be written as 2r|h0 | K=− (1 + |h|)2



Now |K| is bounded implies that 2r|h0 | < C. (1 + |h|)2 Since

1 2 1 ≤ ≤ , 2 2 (1 + |h|) 1 + |h| (1 + |h|)2 |K| is bounded implies that |z||h0 | < C. 1 + |h|2 The next lemma shows that if h has an essential singularity at ∞, then h cannot miss any value in C ∪ {∞}. But X 3 (z) = c log |z| means that the Gauss map g must miss 0 and ∞ in M , since if g(z0 ) = 0 or ∞ then |z| = |z0 | would not be a level set. Since h = g 2 , we know that g does not have an essential singularity at ∞. If h has an essential singularity at 0, using ζ = 1/z, and observing that |z||h0 (z)| < C, 1 + |h(z)|2

∀z ∈ C − {0} if and only if

|z||h0 (1/z)| < C, 1 + |h(1/z)|2

∀z ∈ C,

Thus by the above argument, h and hence g could not have essential singularity at 0 either. Thus g is a meromorphic function on C ∪ {∞} and hence M has finite total curvature as mentioned in Remark 19.3. 2 Lemma 31.4 Let h be a meromorphic function in a neighbourhood U of ∞, and suppose h has an essential singularity at ∞. Suppose h satisfies the inequality |z||h0 (z)| < ∞. lim sup z→∞ 1 + |h(z)|2 Then h cannot omit any value. Proof. ([48], pages 7 and 8) Let γ be a simple divergent path in U tending to ∞. Then α is said to be an asymptotic value of h at ∞ if h(z) → α as z → ∞ along γ. Suppose h omits the value α. Then by Iversen’s Theorem ([65], page 4), α is an asymptotic value at infinity along a simple divergent path γ. By the above theorem, h is normal in U slit along the path γ. By Theorem 2 of [47], page 53, and the remark that follows, h converges uniformly in U − γ toward α, no matter of which way z goes to ∞. This contradicts the hypothesis that h has an essential singularity at z = ∞. Hence h cannot omit any value. 2 163

Remark 31.5 Under the conditions of Theorem 31.3, if A := X(M ) ∩ Pt is a Jordan curve, then X is an embedding, so A must be a catenoid. Moreover, by [51] and [85], if A satisfies the condition of Nitsche’s conjecture and the Gauss curvature is bounded, then conformally A is S 2 − {p, q}. Thus Nitsche’s conjecture is true if the Gauss curvature is bounded.



Appendix The Eigenvalue Problem

In order to discuss the stabilities of a minimal surface, we need some general knowledge of the (Dirichlet) eigenvalues of a self-adjoint second order elliptic operator. Let Ω ⊂ Rn be a bounded domain and L be a self-adjoint second order elliptic operator Lu = Di (aij Dj u + bi u) − bi Di u + cu, where (aij ) is symmetric. We suppose that L satisfies aij (x)ξi ξj ≥ λ|ξ|2 , ∀x ∈ Ω, ξ ∈ Rn , X

|aij (x)|2 ≤ Λ2 , 2λ−2

n  X


|bi (x)|2 + λ−1 |c(x)| ≤ ν 2 , ∀x ∈ Ω,



for some constants Rλ, Λ, ν > 0. Define (u, v) = Ω uv dx, and a quadratic form on H = H(Ω) = W01,2 (Ω) by L(u, v) =


(aij Di uDj v + bi uDi v + bi vDi u − cuv)dx = −(Lu, v).

The ratio J(u) =

L(u, u) , u 6≡ 0, u ∈ H, (u, u)

is called the Rayleigh quotient of L. By (32.1) and (32.2) we see that J is bounded from below. In fact, writing b = P 1 (b , · · · , bn ) and |b|2 = i |bi |2 , we have L(u, u) =


(aij Di uDj u + 2bi uDi u − cu2 )dx

1 λ|Du|2 + 2λ−1 |b|2 u2 + cu2 dx 2 Ω (by (32.1) and Schwarz0 s inequality)  Z  1 ≥ λ|Du|2 − λν 2 |u|2 dx (by (32.2)) Ω 2 !Z λ −1 2 C − λν |u|2 dx (by Poincar´e0 s inequality). ≥ 2 Ω


λ|Du|2 −


Hence we may define λ1 = inf J. H


We claim now that λ1 is the minimum eigenvalue of L on H; that is, there exists a non-trivial u ∈ H such that Lu + λ1 u = 0 and λ1 is the smallest number for which this is possible. To show this we choose a minimizing sequence {um } ⊂ H such that ||um ||L2 = 1 and J(um ) → λ1 . 165

By (32.3) and ||um ||L2 = 1, we have λZ |Dum |2 dx ≤ 2λν 2 + L(um , um ) ≤ 2(λν 2 + |λ1 |), 2 Ω hence {um } is bounded in H. Thus by the compactness of the embedding H → L2 (Ω), a subsequence, which we still note as {um } itself, converges in L2 (Ω) to a function u with ||u||L2 = 1. Since Q(u) = L(u, u) is quadratic, we also have for any l, m, u l − um ul + um Q +Q 2 2 

1 = (Q(ul ) + Q(um )). 2

Since u l + um Q 2 

we have

u l + um u l + um , = L 2 2     u l + um u l + um ul + um ul + um ≥ (inf J) , = λ1 , , H 2 2 2 2 

ul − u m Q 2 Again by (32.3), 

u + u 2 1 m l 2 → 0. (Q(ul ) + Q(um )) − λ1 L 2 2

Z λZ 2 2 |D(ul − um )| dx ≤ L(ul − um , ul − um ) + 2λν |ul − um |2 dx 2 Ω Ω   u l − um ≤ 4Q + 2λν 2 ||ul − um ||2L2 → 0, 2

and so we see that {um } is a Cauchy sequence in H. Hence um → u in H, and moreover Q(u) = λ1 . Let v ∈ H and consider J(u + tv) =

Q(u) + 2tL(u, v) + t2 Q(v) L(u + tv, u + tv) = . (u + tv, u + tv) (u, u) + 2t(u, v) + t2 (v, v)

By (32.4), we have 0=

dJ(u + tv) 2L(u, v)(u, u) − 2(u, v)Q(u) = = 2[L(u, v) − λ1 (u, v)], t=0 dt (u, u)2

i.e., Z Ω

(aij Di uDj v + bi uDi v + bi vDi u − cuv − λ1 uv)dx = 0.

Integrating by parts we obtain Z h Ω





Dj a Di u + b u − b Di u + cu + λ1 u vdx = 166


(Lu + λ1 u)vdx = 0.

By the arbitrariness of v ∈ H, we must have Lu + λ1 u = 0. On the other hand, suppose v ∈ H satisfies Lv + σv = 0 (such a σ is called an eigenvalue and v is called an eigenfunction corresponding to σ). Then 0=


(Lv + σv)vdx = −L(v, v) + σ(v, v).

We have σ = J(v) ≥ inf J(u) = λ1 , H

and thus λ1 is the minimum eigenvalue. Let λ be an eigenvalue, the eigenspace Vλ corresponding to λ is defined by {u ∈ H | Lu + λu = 0}. If we arrange (as we will always do) the eigenvalues of L in increasing order λ1 , λ2 , · · ·, and designate their corresponding eigenspaces by V1 , V2 , · · ·, we may characterize the eigenvalues of L through the formula

λm = inf{J(u) u 6≡ 0, (u, v) = 0, ∀v ∈ {V1 , · · · , Vm−1 }}.


We summarize the above in the following result. Readers can refer to the books [21] (Theorem 8.37, p 214) and [10] (Chapter V, especially page 424 ). Theorem 32.1 Let L be a self-adjoint operator satisfying (32.1) and (32.2). Then L has a countably infinite discrete set of eigenvalues, Σ = {λm }, given by (32.5). Whose eigenfunctions span W01,2 (Ω). Furthermore, dim Vm < ∞ and limm→∞ λm = ∞. We also need the Harnack inequality, Theorem 32.2 (See [21] Corollary 8.21, page 199) Assume L satisfies (32.1) and (32.2), u ∈ W 1,2 (Ω) satisfies u ≥ 0 in Ω, and Lu = 0 in Ω. Then for any Ω0 ⊂⊂ Ω we have sup u ≤ C inf0 u, Ω


where C = C(n, Λ/λ, ν, Ω0 , Ω). Theorem 32.3 Given v1 , · · ·, vk−1 ∈ H, let µ = inf{J(u) | u ∈ H, u 6≡ 0, (u, vi ) = 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ k − 1}. Then we have λk ≤ µ. Proof. Take φi as the i-th eigenfunction corresponding to the i-th eigenvalue λi , 1 ≤ i ≤ k. We can assume that φi ’s are orthonormal in L2 (Ω). We can select k constants d1 , · · ·, dk , not all zero, such that k X i=1



φi vj dx = 0, 1 ≤ j ≤ k − 1. 167

Let ci = di ( kj=1 d2j )−1/2 and define f = m i=1 ci φi . Then (f, f ) = (f, vi ) = 0 for 1 ≤ i ≤ k − 1. By the definition of µ we have P


µ ≤ J(f ) = L(f, f ) =

k X

c2i λi

≤ λk


k X


2 i=1 ci

= 1, and

c2i = λk .


2 Theorem 32.4 Let Ω1 , · · ·, Ωm be pairwise disjoint domains in Ω. Considering the eigenvalue problem for each Ωi and arrange all the eigenvalues of Ω1 , · · ·, Ωm in an increasing sequence v1 ≤ v2 ≤ · · · then we have λk ≤ vk for k ≥ 1.

Proof. Choose ψi to be the eigenfunction corresponding to vi in the related domain and extend ψi by 0 such that ψi ∈ H = W01,2 (Ω) for 1 ≤ i ≤ k. We can assume that the ψi ’s are orthonormal. For any h1 , · · ·, hk−1 ∈ H, as in the proof of Theorem 32.3 P we can select ci not all zero, and f = ki=1 ci ψi such that (f, f ) = 1 and (f, hj ) = 0 for 1 ≤ j ≤ k − 1. If we select hi as the i-th eigenfunction corresponding to λi , then by Theorem 32.3 and (32.5), λk ≤ J(f ) = L(f, f ) =

k X

c2i vi ≤ vk .


2 Combining the above with the Harnack inequality, we have an immediate corollary: Corollary 32.5 If Ω0 ⊂ Ω, and the eigenvalues of L on H(Ω0 ) are λ01 , λ02 , · · ·, then λ0m ≥ λm , m = 1, 2, 3 · · · . If Ω0 ⊂ Ω is a proper subdomain, i.e., Ω − Ω0 contains an non-empty open set, then λ0m > λm , m = 1, 2, 3 · · · .

Remark 32.6 We have neglected the boundary regularity of subdomains in the theorems, but it is true that if u on Ω0 satisfies Lu + λu = 0 and u|∂Ω0 = 0, then u ∈ W01,2 (Ω0 ) ⊂ H. See [5], page 21. 168

Let Σ = S 2 and L = 4Σ be the sphere Laplacian, Ω = Σ and ∂Ω = ∅. Then it is well known that λ1 = 0 and λ2 = 2. Hence we have Corollary 32.7 Let Ω ⊂ Σ be a proper domain, then the second eigenvalue of the sphere Laplacian on Ω is larger than 2. Let um be the m-th eigenfunction corresponding to the m-th eigenvalue λm . Define the nodal set of um as Zm = {x ∈ Ω : um (x) = 0}. Theorem 32.8 ([10], p 452) Zm divides the domain Ω into no more than m subdomains. Proof. Suppose Zm divides Ω into more than m subdomains; label them as Ω1 , Ω2 , S Sk · · ·, Ωk , k > m, and let Zm i=1 Ωi = Ω. Since um does not change sign on each Ωi , 1 ≤ i ≤ k, Harnack’s inequality tells us that um 6≡ 0 on Ωi (in fact, the nodal set has measure zero). Hence for each Ωi , 1 ≤ i ≤ m, we can define a vi ∈ H by vi = um on Ωi , and vi = 0 elsewhere. Define w = ||vi ||L−12 vi , then (wi , wi ) = 1. We see that wi satisfies Lwi + λm wi = 0. Since Ri i m Ω wi wj dx = δj , {wi }i=1 is linearly independent. For the m − 1 eigenfunctions u1 , · · ·, um−1 in H corresponding to the first m − 1 eigenvalues, as in the proof of Theorem 32.3, we can select m constants c1 , · · ·, cm , not all zero, such that m X




wi uj dx = 0, 1 ≤ j ≤ m − 1,

m m 2 2 and m j=1 cj = 1. Define φ = i=1 ci wi ; then (φ, φ) = i=1 ci = 1 and (φ, ui ) = 0 for S 0 0 1 ≤ i ≤ m − 1. Let Ω0 = Int m i=1 Ωi ; then φ ∈ H(Ω ) ⊂ H(Ω). Notice that Ω is a proper subdomain of Ω, since the Ωi are nonempty subdomains of Ω for m + 1 ≤ i ≤ k. By (32.5) we have




λm ≤ J(φ) = L(φ, φ) = − = −

m X i=1

c2i λm



φLφdx = −

wi2 dx =

m X


ci cj


wi Lwj dx

c2i λm = λm .


Hence φ is an eigenfunction corresponding to the m-th eigenvalue, but φ|(Ω − Ω0 ) ≡ 0 contradicts Harnack’s inequality. This contradiction proves the theorem. 2 Corollary 32.9 The first eigenfunction φ1 corresponding to the first eigenvalue does not change sign in Ω. All other eigenfunctions must change sign in Ω. Moreover, dim Vλ1 = 1. Proof. φ1 does not change sign by Theorem 32.8. This also shows that the eigenfunctions corresponding to the first eigenvalue must be either positive or negative, but two of them cannot orthogonal to each other, thus dim Vλ1 = 1. Let φi be the i-th eigenfunction where i > 1, then by (φ1 , φi ) = 0 we know that φi has to change sign in Ω. 2 169

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