Secure Generalized Vickrey Auction using Homomorphic Encryption Koutarou Suzuki1 and Makoto Yokoo2 1
NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories, NTT Corporation 1-1 Hikari-no-oka, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, 239-0847 Japan e-mail:
[email protected] 2 NTT Communication Science Laboratories, NTT Corporation 2-4 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0237 Japan url: e-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract. Combinatorial auctions have recently attracted the interest of many researchers due to their promising applications such as the spectrum auctions recently held by the FCC. In a combinatorial auction, multiple items with interdependent values are sold simultaneously and bidders are allowed to bid on any combination of items. The Generalized Vickrey Auction protocol (GVA) can handle combinatorial auctions and has several good theoretical characteristics. However, the GVA has not yet widely used in practice due to its vulnerability to fraud by the auctioneers. In this paper, to prevent such fraud, we propose a secure generalized Vickrey auction scheme where the result of GVA can be computed while the actual evaluation values of each bidder are kept secret. key words : generalized Vickrey auction, combinatorial auction, homomorphic encryption, mechanism design, game-theory. 1 Introduction
Combinatorial auctions have recently attracted considerable attention [7, 15, 18, 19, 28, 29, 36, 37]. An extensive survey is presented in [6]. In contrast with conventional auctions that sell a single item at a time, combinatorial auctions sell multiple items with interdependent values simultaneously and allow the bidders to bid on any combination of items. In a combinatorial auction, a bidder can express complementary/substitutable preferences over multiple bids. For example, in the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) spectrum auction [20], a bidder could indicate his desire for licenses covering adjoining regions simultaneously (i.e., these licenses are complementary), while being indierent as to which particular channel was awarded (channels are substitutable). By supporting the complementary/substitutable preferences, we can increase the participants' utility and the revenue of the seller. The Generalized Vickrey Auction Protocol (GVA) [33], which is also known as the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism, is a generalized version of the
well-known Vickrey auction protocol [34] and one instance of Clarke-Groves mechanism [5, 8]. This protocol can handle combinatorial auctions and has following good theoretical characteristics. Incentive Compatibility: For each bidder, truthfully declaring his/her evaluation values is the dominant strategy, i.e., the optimal strategy regardless of the actions of other bidders. Pareto Eciency: If all bidders take the dominant strategy (i.e., at the dominant strategy equilibrium), the social surplus, i.e., the sum of all bidders' utilities, is maximized. Individual Rationality: No bidder suers any loss by participating the auction. Also, under certain assumptions, we can show that only the GVA can satisfy all of these properties while maximizing the expected revenue of the auctioneer [16]. Although GVA has these good theoretical characteristics, even its simplest form, i.e., the Vickrey auction, is not yet widely used. As discussed in [25], the main diculty of using the Vickrey auction is its vulnerability to an insincere auctioneer. For example, if the highest bid is $1,000 and the second highest bid is $500, then, the payment of the winner becomes $500. However, by fabricating a dummy bid at $999, the auctioneer can increase his/her revenue to $999. Another diculty is that the true evaluation value is sensitive information and a bidder may not want to reveal it [25]. For example, if a company wins in a public tender, then its bidding value, i.e., its true cost becomes public and the company may have diculties in negotiating with sub-contractors. This paper aims to provide a solution to these diculties by developing a secure GVA scheme that utilizes homomorphic encryption. In the proposed scheme, the evaluation value of a bidder is represented by a vector of ciphertexts of homomorphic encryption, which enables the auctioneer to nd the maximum value and add a constant securely, while the actual evaluation values are kept secret. In contrast to the many works on sealed-bid auctions, see Section 1.1, there has not been paper on secure GVA with the following remarkable exception [21]. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 1.1, we discuss related works. In Section 2, we brie y explain GVA. In Section 3, we rst explain the requirements of the auction, then introduce our secure GVA scheme and discuss its security and eciency. In Section 4, we conclude the paper. 1.1
Related Works
Many papers consider secure sealed-bid auction protocols. Kikuchi, Harkavy and Tygar presented an anonymous sealed-bid auction that uses encrypted vectors to represent bidding prices [13]. Harkavy, Tygar and Kikuchi proposed a Vickrey auction, where the bidding price is represented by polynomials that are shared by auctioneers [10]. Kudo used a time server to realize sealed-bid auctions [17].
Cachin proposed a sealed-bid auction using homomorphic encryption and an oblivious third party [3]. Sakurai and Miyazaki proposed a sealed-bid auction in which a bid is represented by the bidder's undeniable signature of his bidding price [27]. Stubblebine and Syverson proposed an open-bid auction scheme that uses a hash chain technique [30]. Naor, Pinkas and Sumner realized a sealedbid auction by combining Yao's secure computation with oblivious transfer [21]. Juels and Szydlo improved this scheme [11]. Sako proposed a sealed-bid auction in which a bid is represented by an encrypted message with a public key that corresponds to his bidding price [26]. Kobayashi, Morita and Suzuki proposed a sealed-bid auction that uses only hash chains [31, 12]. Omote and Miyaji proposed a sealed-bid auction that is ecient [22]. Kikuchi proposed an M + 1-st price auction, where the bidding price is represented by the degree of a polynomial shared by auctioneers [14]. Baudron and Stern proposed a sealed-bid auction based on circuit evaluation using homomorphic encryption [2]. Chida, Kobayashi and Morita proposed a sealed-bid auction with low round complexity [4]. Abe and Suzuki proposed a M + 1-st price auction using homomorphic encryption [1]. Lipmaa, Asokan and Niemi proposed a M + 1-st price auction without threshold trust [9]. Omote and Miyaji proposed a M +1-st price auction using p-th residue problem [23]. Suzuki and Yokoo proposed a combinatorial auction that uses secure dynamic programming [32, 38]. In all of these schemes, however, the GVA has not been treated with a remarkable exception [21]. Naor, Pinkas and Sumner [21] proposed a general method for executing any auction protocol including combinatorial auction protocols based on a technique called the garbled circuit [35]. This method does not require interactive communications among multiple evaluators. However, to design a combinatorial circuit to implement GVA is still an open problem and the obtained circuit can be prohibitively large. Therefore, to develop a special purpose scheme for the GVA would be worthwhile. 2 Generalized Vickrey Auction
In this section, we brie y explain the Generalized Vickrey Auction (GVA) protocol. The generalized Vickrey auction is one type of sealed-bid combinatorial auction protocol. Details of the protocol are as follows. Let B = f1; 2;:::;i;:::;bg be the set of b bidders, G = f1; 2;:::;j;:::;gg be the set of g goods, P = f1; 2;:::;k;:::;pg be the set of possible evaluation values. Let B G = fA : G ! B g be the set of bg allocations of goods G to bidders B . (Notice that the allocation where some goods are not assigned to any bidder can be handled by introducing dummy bidder.) Bidding : Each bidder i bids his/her evaluation value (function) bi : B G ! P , i.e., evaluation values for all allocations, in sealed manner. Opening : The auctioneer reveals each sealed evaluation value and computes the allocation A3 2 BG that attains maximum maxA2BG Pi bi(A) of sum of all evaluation values, i.e., social surplus. This allocation is the result of the auction, so the goods are sold according to this allocation. The auctioneer then computes
the payment px of bidder x by the following formula px = X bi(A3x) 0 X bi(A3); i6=x
where A3x 2 BG is the allocation that attains maximum maxA2BG Pi6=x bi(A). Bidder x makes payment px for goods sold to him/her according to allocation A3 . We show that GVA achieves dominant-strategy incentive compatibility, i.e., for each bidder, truthfully declaring his/her evaluation values is the dominant strategy, i.e., an optimal strategy regardless of the actions of other bidders. Assuming that each bidder has quasi-linear utility, i.e., \utility" = \true evaluation value" 0 \payment", bidder x has the following utility ux(bx ) as a function of his/her evaluation value bx
ux(bx) = vx(A3) 0 px = vx(A3) + X bi(A3) 0 X bi(A3x); i6=x
where vx : B G ! P is the true evaluation value (function) of bidder x for goods allocations. The third term does not depend on evaluation value bx , so bidder x wants to maximize the sum ofPthe rst term and the second term. Since A3 P is determined so as to maximize i bi , the sum vx + i6=x bi can be maximized by setting bx := vx . Thus the strategy of bidding the true evaluation value vx is the dominant strategy regardless of the actions of other bidders. Notice that the case of g = 1 is the conventional Vickrey auction (second-price auction). It is clear that if all bidders truthfully declare their evaluation values, the social surplus, i.e., the sum of all bidders' utilities is maximized by allocation A3 , i.e., GVA satis es Pareto eciency. Example : To make the auction comprehensible, we provide the following small example where B = f1; 2g and G = f1; 2g. This means B G = fA1 = (f1; 2g; fg);A2 = (f1g; f2g);A3 = (f2g; f1g);A4 = (fg; f1; 2g)g; where, e.g., (f1; 2g; fg) means goods 1 and 2 are allocated to bidder 1 and no goods to bidder 2. Evaluation values b1 and b2 of bidders 1 and 2 are b1 = (3; 2; 2; 0) and b2 = (0; 2; 0; 3) where f = (a1 ;a2 ;a3 ;a4 ) means f (A1 ) = a1;f (A2) = a2 ;f (A3) = a3 ;f (A4 ) = a4 . We then have b1 + b2 = (3; 4; 2; 3): P We then have maxA2BG i=1;2 bi (A) = 4 and A3 = A2 and p1 = b2 (A4 ) 0 b2(A2) = 3 0 2 = 1 and p2 = b1(A1) 0 b1 (A2) = 3 0 2 = 1: So bidder 1 buys goods 1 at price p1 = 1 and bidder 2 buys goods 2 at price p2 = 1.
3 Secure Generalized Vickrey Auction
In this section, we rst explain the requirements and preliminaries. We then introduce our secure GVA scheme and discuss its security and eciency. 3.1
As discussed in Section 1, to prevent the fraud of the auctioneer and the leakage of sensitive information, declared evaluation values should be kept secret. Secrecy of evaluation value: Only the result of the auction, i.e., allocation of goods A3 and payments pi should be made public while all evaluation values bi must be kept secret even from the auctioneer. 3.2
Let E be a probabilistic public key encryption that provides indistinguishability, homomorphic property, and randomizability. The homomorphic property means that E (a)E (b) = E (ab), and the randomizability means that one can compute a randomized ciphertext E0 (m) only from the original ciphertext E (m), i.e. without knowing either the decryption key or the plaintext. For instance, ElGamal encryption or Paillier encryption [24] have the properties desired, so our auction scheme can be built on these encryption schemes. To compute the result of GVA securely, we have to nd the maximum of prices and add prices without revealing the prices themselves. First, we explain the representation of the price that makes these tasks feasible. Vector representation : We represent price w (1 w n) by vector e(w) of ciphertexts e(w) = (e1 ;:::;en ) = (E (z );:::;E (z );E (1);:::;E (1)); | {z } | {z } w
where E (1) and E (z ) denote the encryption of 1 and common public element z(6= 1), respectively. Here, ord(z) and n are chosen large enough. Because of the indistinguishability of E , we cannot determine w without decrypting each element. Find the maximum : We can nd the maximum of encrypted prices e(wi ) = (e1;i ;:::;en;i ) without leaking any information about the prices that are not the maximum as follows. Consider the componentwise product of all vectors Y e(w ) = (Y e ;:::; Y e ): i 1;i n;i i
Observe that, due to the homomorphic property, the j -th component of this vector has the following form cj = Y ej;i = E (zS(j)) i
where S (j ) = #fi j j wi g is the number of prices that are equal or greater than j . Notice that S(j) monotonically reduces as j increases. To nd the maximum of these prices, we decrypt cj and check whether decryption D(cj ) is equal to 1 or not from j = n to j = 1 until we nd the largest j s.t. D (cj ) 6= 1. This j is equal to maxi fwi g, i.e., the maximum of the prices. Add a constant : We can add a constant c to encrypted price e(w) = (e1;:::;en ) without learning w. By shifting and randomizing e(w ), we can obtain e0 (w + c) = (E (z);:::;E (z );e01 ;:::;e0n0c ) | {z } c
where e0j is a randomization of ciphertext ej . Due to randomization, one can obtain no information about constant c from e(w) and e0 (w + c). Note that we can perform these operations without decrypting e(w) nor learning w. By representing prices using the vector representation, we can nd the maximum of prices and add prices without learning the prices themselves, thus we can securely compute the result of GVA. 3.3
Proposed Scheme
The proposed scheme is as follows. Preparation : Let B = f1; 2;:::;i;:::;bg be the set of b bidders, G = f1; 2;:::;j;:::;g g be the set of g goods, P = f1; 2;:::;k;:::;pg be the set of possible evaluation values. Let B G = fA : G ! B g be the set of bg allocations of goods G to bidders B . For simplicity of description, we denote by E(f ) = ( e(f (A)) )A2BG the vector representation of evaluation value function f : BG ! P . There is an auctioneer that computes the results of the auction. The auctioneer is implemented by plural servers to prevent a malicious auctioneer from learning the evaluation value. Indeed, the decryption to nd the maximum of prices and the addition of random mask constant r in the following protocol are performed in a distributed manner by these servers. For simplicity, we do not describe this explicitly. The auctioneer generates his/her secret and public key of homomorphic encryption E , and publishes the set of possible evaluation values P of the auction, the public key of homomorphic encryption E , and element z (6= 1). Bidding : Each bidder x decides his/her evaluation value function bx : B G ! P , i.e., evaluation values for all allocations. The auctioneer makes b + 1 representations E0 = E(O); E1 = E(O);:::; Eb = E(O ) of constant zero function O(A) = 0. Each bidder x adds his/her evaluation value function bx to representations E0; E1 ;:::; Ex01; Ex+1 ;:::; Eb except x-th representation Ex , while keeping evaluation value function bx secret. After all bidders have done this, the auctioneer has E0
X b );
= E(
= E(
X b ) x = 1; 2;:::;b: i i6=x
First, the auctioneer computes E(Pi bi + R) from E0Pby adding random constant function R(A) = r to mask the value. By using E( i bi + R), the auctioneer nds masked maximum m = maxA2BG ((X bi + R)(A)) = maxA2BG ((X bi)(A)) + r: Opening :
The auctioneer then decrypts the m-th element of vector e((Pi bi + R)(A)) for all allocations A 2 BG , and checks whether the decryption is equal to z or not. If it is equal to z at allocation AP3 2 BG , the auctioneer nds that allocation A3 is the one that maximizes sum i bi of all evaluation values. The allocation is the result of the auction, so the goods are sold according to allocation A3 . The auctioneer then computes the payment px of bidder x as follows. First, the auctioneer computes e((Pi6=x bi )(A3 )+r0) from component e((Pi6=x bi )(A3 )) of Ex by adding random constantPr0 to mask the value. By using this, the auctioneer nds masked maximum i6=Px bi (A3 ) + r0 . Next, the auctioneer computes E( i6=x bi + R0) from Ex by adding random constant function R0 (A) = r0 to maskPthe value. By using this, the auc nds masked maximum maxA2BG (( i6=x bi )(A)) + r0. (This is equal to Ptioneer 3 0 3 i6=x bi (Ax ) + r by de nition of Ax .) The auctioneer then nds the payment px = Pi6=x bi (A3x ) 0 Pi6=x bi(A3 ) by subtracting these masked values. Bidder x pays his/her payment px for goods sold to him/her according to allocation A3 . Example : To make the protocol comprehensible, we explain the case of the example in section 2 where B = f1; 2g and G = f1; 2g. The auctioneer makes E0; E1 ; E2 = (e(0); e(0); e(0); e(0)), then bidder 1 adds evaluation values b1 = (3; 2; 2; 0) to E0 ; E2 and bidder 2 adds evaluation values b2 = (0; 2; 0; 3) to E0 ; E1 . We have E0 = (e(3); e(4); e(2); e(3)); E1 = (e(0); e(2); e(0); e(3)); E2 = (e(3); e(2); e(2); e(0)): The auctioneer adds random constant function R(A) = r = 2 to E0 to yield X b + R) = (e(3 + 2); e(4 + 2); e(2 + 2); e(3 + 2)); E( i i
takes the componentwise product e(3 +2) 1 e(4 +2) 1 e(2+ 2) 1 e(3+ 2), and then decrypts this to nd maxA2BG ((Pi=1;2 bi )(A))+ r = 4+2. The auctioneer then decrypts the (4 + 2)-th element of e(3 + 2); e(4 + 2); e(2 + 2); e(3 + 2) to nd A3 = A2 . The auctioneer adds random constant r0 = 1 to the 2-nd component e(2) of E1 to yield X b )(A3 ) + r0) = e(2 + 1) e(( i and decrypts e(2 + 1) to nd (Pi6=1 bi )(A3 ) + r0 = b2 (A2 ) + r0 = 2 + 1. The auctioneer adds random constant function R0(A) = r0 = 1 to E1 to yield X b + R0) = (e(0 + 1); e(2 + 1); e(0 + 1); e(3 + 1)); E( i i6=x
takes the componentwise product e(0+ 1) 1 e(2+ 1) 1 e(0 + 1) 1 e(3 + 1), and then decrypts this to nd (Pi6=1 bi )(A31 ) + r0 = b2(A4 ) + r0 = 3 + 1. We then have p1 = (301)0(201) = 302 = 1. We also compute p2 = 302 = 1 in the same manner. 3.4
We discuss here the security issue of our auction. First, because of the indistinguishability of encryption E , we can learn nothing about price p from its representation e(p) without decrypting each element. In our scheme, the auctioneer is implemented by plural servers to prevent a malicious auctioneer from learning the evaluation values. Since the decryption to nd the maximum of evaluation values is performed in a distributed manner by these servers, no malicious auctioneer can decrypt illegally to learn about evaluation values. Since the addition of random mask constant r is also performed in a distributed manner by these servers, no malicious auctioneer can learn random mask constant r. Therefore, our scheme can hide most of the information of the evaluation values. In our scheme, however, some information is leaked, since a random mask value is added over the integers, unlike the perfect secrecy achieved by addition in a nite group. So our scheme leaks some information besides the result of the auction, i.e., allocation of goods A3 and payments p1;p2;:::;pb. 3.5
We discuss here the communication and computational complexity of our auction. Here, the number of auctioneers, bidders, goods, and possible evaluation values, are denoted by a, b, g, and p, respectively. Table 1 shows the communication pattern, the number of communication rounds, and the volume per communication round in our scheme. The communication cost is linear against the number of evaluation values p, so it may impose a heavy cost for a large range of evaluation values, the same as most of the existing schemes. The cost is also exponential against g, so it may impose a heavy cost for a large number of goods, however this is inevitable for combinatorial auction. Since communications from bidder Bj to auctioneer Ai is required only in the bidding phase, our scheme achieves the \bid and go" concept. Table 2 shows the computational complexity per bidder and per all auctioneers in our scheme. The complexity of each bidder and all auctioneers is linear against the number of evaluation values p, so it may impose a heavy cost for a large range of evaluation values, the same as most of the existing schemes. The cost is also exponential against g , so it may impose a heavy cost for a large number of goods, however this is inevitable for combinatorial auction. Our proposed scheme requires that each bidder declare his/her evaluation values for all bg possible allocations. This is inevitable to implement GVA for general cases. However, for many auctions in the real world, we can assume the following two conditions.
Table 1. The communication complexity of our scheme. pattern round volume bidding bidder $ auctioneer b O (b 2 bg 2 bp) opening auctioneer $ auctioneer a 2 bp O (b 2 bg )
Table 2. The computational complexity of our scheme. one bidder auctioneers
computational complexity O (b 2 bg 2 bp) O (a 2 b 2 bg 2 bp)
No allocative externality, i.e., each bidder only concerns with the goods that are allocated to him/her and he/she is indierent to the allocations of other bidders. { Free disposal, i.e., goods can be discarded without any cost. In this case, a bidder needs to declare his/her evaluation values only for the set of goods in which he/her is interested, so we can reduce the number of allocations from bg to 2g . This means that auctions involving a large number of bidders are feasible, and we can use the secure dynamic programming scheme proposed in [32, 38]. {
4 Conclusion
In this paper, we proposed a secure GVA scheme that hide the evaluation values of bidders by utilizing homomorphic encryption. In our scheme, the evaluation value of a bidder is represented by a vector of ciphertexts of homomorphic encryption, which enables the auctioneer to nd the maximum value and add a constant securely, while the actual evaluation values are kept secret. One limitation of the proposed scheme is that each bidder needs to declare his/her evaluation values for all possible allocations. Although this is inevitable to implement GVA for general cases, as discussed in Section 3.5, by restricting possible evaluation values of bidders, we can use more ecient methods. We are currently developing a secure GVA scheme that combines the ideas introduced in this paper and the secure dynamic programming protocol [32, 38]. Acknowledgments
The authors thank the anonymous referees for their useful comments.
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