S. Palanisamy Asst.Professor Dept.of.EEE BIST,Bharath University Chennai,India.
[email protected]
S. Senthil Kumar
J. Lakshmi Narayanan
Asst.Professor Dept.of.E&I
BIST,Bharath University Chennai,India.
[email protected]
Abstract--Wireless based industrial automation is a prime concern in our day-to-day life. The approach to Zigbee Based Wireless Network for Industrial Applications standardized nowadays. In this paper, we have tried to increase these standards by combining new design techniques to wireless industrial automation. The personal computer based wireless network for industrial application using Zigbee can be adopted at micro and macro Industries, it has various types of Processors and Microcontrollers. Here Microcontrollers, Temperature Sensors, Zero crossing detector, Voltage regulators are used. The system is fully controlled by the Personal Computer through Visual Basics GUI (Graphical User Interface).The GUI is developed based on application by the user. All the processor and controllers are interconnected to personal computer through Zigbee. The Personal Computer will continuously monitor all the Data from remote processing unit and compare with value preloaded process structure. If any error is found the personal computer takes necessary action. Here star topology four node Zigbee network is tried. The first Zigbee is connected to the personal computer it acts as full function devices and is used to send and receive data from other nodes. The second, third and fourth Zigbee are reduced function devices and they are used to control the speed of DC motor, temperature control and lamp illumination control respectively. All the Zigbee’s are interconnected with processing unit through RS232 protocol.
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BIST, Bharath University
Chennai Tamil Nadu, India.
[email protected]
Ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions Ability to cope with node failures Mobility of nodes Dynamic network topology Communication failures Heterogeneity of nodes Large scale of deployment Unattended operation Node capacity is scalable, only limited by bandwidth of gateway node.
Here we examine the details on data broadcast algorithms for the 802.15.4 based Zigbee network standard and their applicability[1]. Zigbee network is used to creating control networks for power electronics and drives applications. Special focus is given on transmitting and receiving data from multiple Zigbee transreceivers by using suitable Zigbee and power electronics components.
Keywords: Wireless Communication; Zigbee Network; Secured data transmission; Dual bridge D.C Motor Control; Closed loop temperature control; Illumination control using TRIAC.
Figure 1. Block Diagram of the overall system
In this paper, it is proposing employ Zigbee transmit and receive data between computer and microcontrollers. Figure 1 shown that four independent Zigbee trans receiver star network, which is used to control the direction and speed of two DC motors through Dual H-Bridge converter[2][3], Illumination control through TRIAC[4] and closed loop water path temperature control[5]. One Zigbee is connected to personal computer which is used to receive and transmit data from the remaining three Zigbees. All Zigbees are communicating to external devices through serial port by using RS232 protocol [6]. User can control and monitor the entire network by using computer and Visual Basic based GUI.
In recent years, wireless sensor networks have become widely spread in many areas including industrial data transfer and process control applications. Some of these applications outgrow the traditional communication model applied to wireless sensor networks according to which data is flowing towards a single receiver (sink). In the case of industrial data acquisition systems more than one receiver is a viable model. The Unique characteristics of a wireless sensor networks are •
Limited power they can harvest or store
___________________________________ 978-1-4244 -8679-3/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE
II. WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Wireless communication is the transfer of information over a distance without the use of electrical conductors or wires. The distances involved may be short (a few meters as in television remote control) or long (thousands or millions of kilometers for radio communications).It encompasses various types of fixed, mobile, and portable two-way radios, cellular telephones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and wireless networking. Here we use the wireless network for industrial data communication. A. Zigbee Protocol
Figure 2. Zigbee protocols stack.
C. Collision Avoidance Zigbee specifies a collision-avoidance algorithm similar to 802.11b, each device listens to the channel before transmitting in order to minimize the frequency of collisions between Zigbee devices. Zigbee does not change channels during heavy interference, instead it relies upon its low duty cycle and collision-avoidance algorithms to minimize data loss caused by collisions. If Zigbee uses a channel that overlaps a heavily used Wi-Fi channel up to 20% of all Zigbee packets will be retransmitted due to packet collisions. .
Zigbee is a wireless network protocol specifically designed for low data rate sensors and control networks. The applications that can benefit from the Zigbee protocol are building automation networks, home security systems, industrial control networks, patient monitoring, remote metering etc . Zigbee uses the IEEE 802.15.4 physical and MAC layers to provide standard-based, reliable wireless data transfer[7]. Zigbee adds network structure, routing, and security to complete the communication suite. On top of this wireless engine, Zigbee profiles provide target applications with the interoperability and intercompatibility required to allow similar products from different manufacturers to work seamlessly. IEEE 802.15.4 provides three frequency bands for communications. Zigbee also uses a DSSS radio signal in the 868 MHz band (Europe), 915 MHz band (North America), and the 2.4 GHz ISM band (available worldwide). In the 2.4-GHz ISM band sixteen channels are defined; each channel occupies 3 MHz and channels are centered 5 MHz from each other, giving a 2-MHz gap between pairs of channels. Zigbee uses an 11-chip PN code, with 4 information bits encoded into each symbol giving it a maximum data rate of 128 Kbps. The physical and MAC layers are defined by the IEEE 802.15.4 Working Group and share many of the same design characteristics as the IEEE 802.11b standard.
III. HARDWARE PLATFORMS OVERVIEW An evaluating hardware was developed with Maxstreem, xbee pro Zigbee module, it consumes only 2mW and 1.25 mW power at active and sleep mode. It is compatible to transfer data upto 400 Meter range at 250Kbps. Zigbee pro communicate based on DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) and it’s very suitable to Mesh, point-to-point and point-to-multipoint networks. it also gives 3V CMOS UART option to interface External devices like,microcontroller,sensors and etc.Xbee pro manufacturer provide XTU software package to programme the xbee module.
B. Zigbee Protocol Features • • • • • • • • • • •
Low duty cycle - provides long battery life Low latency Support for multiple network topologies: static, dynamic, star and mesh Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) Up to 65,000 nodes on a network 128-bit AES encryption - provides secure connections between devices Collision avoidance Link quality indication Clear channel assessment Retries and acknowledgements Support for guaranteed time slots
Figure 3. Photo images of Zigbee Module
Here P89V51RD2 microcontroller is used to process individual systems and personal computer is used in monitoring and control station[8][9]. Both of the microcontrollers and personal computer are interfaced with Zigbee module through UART port.L298 dual full-bridge driver is used to control the speed, direction of DC motors and also it saves motor from high current and short circuits. LM 741 based Zero crossing detector circuit is used to find zero crossing time of input supply For incandescent lamp illumination control.The control programme is developed based on the zero crossing time and percentage of
illumination . The role of Microcontroller is to generate firing pulse for TRIAC and communicating control and monitoring unit through Zigbee module based on user input.
Figure 7 .D.C motor Speed vs Time.
Figure 4. Complete circuit diagram of Speed and Direction control of DC Motor.
Figure 8.Zigbee data transfer rate vs Distance in meter.
When the control commands are received from the monitoring station, immediately microcontroller process the command and give respective control signal to associately connected power module. Here we are using L298 dual H bridge controller for controlling D.C motor.The ‘TRIAC’ for controlling incandescent lamp and electromagnetic relay for controlling a heater. The total time taken to complete the user command is the sum of transmitting time(tr) and delay time (td) is shown in the Figure 7 and the graph between time and motor speed.Transmission time occurred due to transmission of data between Zigbees.Delay time is occurred due to slow response of the microcontroller. Delay time can be minimized by selecting a high speed controller. The transmission time based on environment and distance between the transreceiver. Rate of data transmission and distance between the transreceivers is shown in the Figure 8.It’s clearly shows that the data transmission decreases when the distance between the two transreceivers will increase.
Figure 5.Photoimage of working model.
IV. CONCLUSION Industrial users should consider the type of monitoring and control applications that are suitable for LR-WPAN technology such as Zigbee. Reliability, security and performance are potential challenges when designing and deploying wireless technologies and factors such as EMI/RFI and multi-path fading in industrial environments can be specific issues to consider. Zigbee provides proper network topology, and it overcomes all problems in industries caused due to environmental issues[10]. We tested Zigbee networks in various environmental conditions by using four node star network for industrial applications like speed and direction control of D.C motor, Illumination control of incandescent lamp and closed loop water path temperature control. It was seen that error free proper
Figure 6.Firing pulse to L298 Dual bridge at 25%, 50%,75% and 100% respectively.
communication was established between the processing unit and monitoring unit. In future we can also test other Zigbee networks for proper wireless data communication.
[10] S. Ananthi, R. Hariprakash, V.Vidya Devi and K. Padmanabhan “Spread Spectrum Communication Using Wavelets of Signal for More Security”, Proc. of the Advanced International conf. on Telecommunications, (AICT/ICIW2006), pp. 87,19-25 Feb’ 06 at Guadelope, (0-7695-2522-9/06 © 2006 IEEE).
[8] [9]
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