Security risk of diffractive-imaging-based optical ... - OSA Publishing

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2 State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Information ..... Note that the scope of the proposed method is limited to analyze the security of.
Security risk of diffractive-imaging-based optical cryptosystem Tuo Li1 and Yishi Shi1,2,* College of Material Science and Opto-Electronic Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China 2 State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China * [email protected]


Abstract: The well-known diffractive-imaging-based optical cryptosystem is breached in the paper. The decryption key of the system can be easily accessed by the opponent by using a new type of powerful phase retrieval method. Our result, to our best knowledge, is the first work to show the security risk of the diffractive-image cryptosystem. Meanwhile, we provide a set of numerical simulations to demonstrate the feasibility and robustness of the presented method. ©2015 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (060.4785) Optical security and encryption; (110.1650) Coherence imaging; (100.4998) Pattern recognition, optical security and encryption; (100.2000) Digital image processing

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#242928 (C) 2015 OSA

Received 12 Jun 2015; revised 16 Jul 2015; accepted 29 Jul 2015; published 6 Aug 2015 10 Aug 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 16 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.021384 | OPTICS EXPRESS 21384

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1. Introduction The proposed diffractive-imaging-based optical cryptosystem, first proposed in 2010 [1]. Due to its simple setup and high security, it raises many researchers’ interest in the past five years. At present, multiple works directly using the diffractive-imaging based technique for different encryption targets have been proposed [2–11]. And these techniques may open up a new research perspective for optical image encryption [10]. However, as any optical cryptosystem [12–15], the diffractive-imaging-based cryptosystem could be trusted only if it is able to endure various attacks from the third party under certain conditions [16–24], such as chosen ciphertext attack (CCA) [16], chosen plaintext attack(CPA) [17–19], known plaintext attack(KPA) [20–24] and even ciphertext-only attack(COA) [25]. However, all the existed optical cryptanalysis methods fail to breach the diffractive-based cryptosystem and thus it is thought as security at present. In this paper, we show how an encryption model with the architecture diffractive-imaging is vulnerable to CPA. By using the proposed approach, we demonstrate that the diffractiveimaging-based optical cryptosystem is insecure to CPA and the nearly perfect attack results are given. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give a brief review to the principle of the diffractive-imaging-based optical cryptosystem. Section 3 describes how to perform the cryptanalysis and the simulation attack results are shown. Section 3 tests the feasibility and robustness of the proposed method. In Section 5, the conclusion is given. 2. Principle of diffractive-imaging-based cryptosystem Since there are multiple derivatives of diffractive-imaging-based cryptosystems, we just take attacking the newest diffractive-imaging-based cryptosystem as an example in this paper, which is shown in Fig. 1 [10]. f stands for the primary image to be encoded, and M1, M2 and M3 represent three phase only masks, which are statistically independent. The whole system is illustrated by a collimated monochromatic plane wave with a wavelength of λ. Under the Fresnel approximation, the diffraction intensity distribution recoded by the CCD camera can be expressed as





C ( μ , v) = FrTλ ,z3 FrTλ ,z2 FrTλ ,z1 { f ⋅ M 1 ( x, y )} ⋅ M 2 (η , ξ ) ⋅ M 3 ( p, q )



where | • | denotes a modulus operation. In this article, C(µ, v) is saved as the ciphertext. Till now, the encryption process is finished.

#242928 (C) 2015 OSA

Received 12 Jun 2015; revised 16 Jul 2015; accepted 29 Jul 2015; published 6 Aug 2015 10 Aug 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 16 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.021384 | OPTICS EXPRESS 21385

Fig. 1. Scheme setup of diffractive-imaging-based optical cryptosystem.

With the correct phase keys, the ciphertext can be decrypted with high quality by using the decryption algorithm [10]. Here, for brevity, the decryption algorithm is not shown. 3. Cryptanalysis and simulation results 3.1 Attack method In CPA, it is always assumed that attackers are familiar with the encryption algorithm, several skillfully designed plaintexts and its corresponding ciphertexts [17]. Let us assume that Q pairs of plaintexts and ciphertexts {(fq, Cq) | q = 1, 2 …Q} and the diffraction distance z1, z2, and z3 are known. Note that it is also reasonable to acquire the parameters of the encryption architecture of diffraction distance from the point of view of cryptanalysis for CPA [17]. In this section, we try to use these known resources to deduce the key of optical cryptosystem based on diffractive imaging by using the proposed method. From the perspective of mathematics, the proposed approach can be thought as a special case of a new type of multislice ptychographic phase retrieval algorithm [26]. In multi-slice ptychography, the specimen is enlightened by multiple probes, generating multiple diffraction patterns in the Fresnel domain. Since the neighboring probes cover up some common area of the specimen, their diffraction patterns partially carry the common information about the specimen. Using all the diffraction patterns, each slice of the specimen can be recovered. Inspired by the concept of ptychography, we tansformed the problem of attack on diffractive-imaging based cryptosystem into a question of multi-slice ptychographic phase retrieval: The phase keys (M1, M2, and M3) are seen as the specimen to be retrieved; the ciphertexts Ci are viewed as the corresponding diffraction patterns; the chosen plaintexts fi are seen as the probes. Since the core concept of the multi-slice ptychography is that the probes used should be overlapped, the chosen plaintexts should be designed to be overlapped. The algorithm of the proposed attack is described as below: 1. Random guess the function of each key Mi(r) (i = 1, 2 …N) and begin the following iterative process. 2. Compute the exit wave from the first key as

ψ k = f q ⋅ M 1 (r ) e ,1


where k represents the each iteration number, q represents the seuence of plaintext and ciphertext pair. Note that employing the plaintext in different sequence will just affect the convergence speed of the proposed method but not affect the final convergence results [25]. In this paper, we employ the plaintext in sequence since it is a natural way and have a fast convergence.

#242928 (C) 2015 OSA

Received 12 Jun 2015; revised 16 Jul 2015; accepted 29 Jul 2015; published 6 Aug 2015 10 Aug 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 16 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.021384 | OPTICS EXPRESS 21386

Propagate this wave to second key, creating a subsequent incident wave ψ ik,2 = PΔzn ψ ek,1 (r )  , where PΔzn is an angular spectrum propagator over distance Δzn = zn +1 − zn

3. Compute the exit wave from the second key as ψ ek,2 = ψ ik,2 ⋅ M 2 (r ) and propagate this wavefront to the third key to give ψ ik,3 = PΔzn ψ ek,2 (r )  . 4. Continue this multiply-propagate process through subsequent keys until the exit-wave for the final key ψ ek, N has been reached. 5. Propagate this wavefront to the detector to give ψ qk = FrTλ , z ψ ek,N (r )  , where the propagator in this instance is Fresnel propagator over the distance z. 6. Correct the modulus of ψ qk according to the ciphertexts Cq to give

ψ q′ = Cq k




ψk q

7. Back-propagate the corrected wavefront to the plane of the N-th key, giving a revised estimate of ψ e′,kN

ψ ′k = FrTλ , z −1 ψ q′k  e ,N


8. The forward multi-slice calculation must now be unraveled in order to update each key. This is accomplished using an update function that can be posed in terms of three functions and a single constant parameter α as: u [ f (r ), g (r ), Δψ (r ) ] = f (r ) + α

g * (r ) Δψ (r ) g (r )


Where α is a single constant parameter, which is weight factor. The value of α is always between 0.5 and 1.2. Using Eq. (5), the update computation proceeds by the following “update-back propagate” steps: 9. Set Δψ k (r ) = Δψ ′ek, N (r ) − Δψ ek,N (r ) and update the N-th incident wavefront and N-th key according to

ψ i′,kN (r ) = u[ψ k (r ), M N (r ), Δψ k (r )]


M N′ (r ) = u[ M N (r ),ψ ik, N (r ), Δψ k (r )]


i ,N

10. Back propagate the revised incident wave, ψ i′, N (r ) to the (N-1)-th key:

ψ e′,kN −1 (r ) = P−Δz

( N −1)

ψ i′,kN (r ) 


11. Set Δψ k (r ) = Δψ e′,kN −1 (r ) − Δψ ek, N −1 (r ) and update the (N-1)-th incident wave and key:

ψ i′,kN −1 (r ) = u[ψ k (r ), M N −1 (r ), Δψ k (r )] i , N −1

#242928 (C) 2015 OSA


Received 12 Jun 2015; revised 16 Jul 2015; accepted 29 Jul 2015; published 6 Aug 2015 10 Aug 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 16 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.021384 | OPTICS EXPRESS 21387

M N′ −1 (r ) = u[ M N −1 (r ),ψ ik, N −1 (r ), Δψ k (r )]


12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 for keys N-2, N-3, until the second key is reached. 13. Set Δψ k (r) = Δψ e′,1k (r) − Δψ ek,1 (r) and update the first key exactly as:

M 1′(r ) = u[ M 1 (r ), f1 , Δψ k (r )]


14. Set M n (r ) = M n′ (r ) for every n. Steps 2-14 repeat until all of the ciphertexts have been addressed, which completes a single iteration of the algorithm. Further iterations follow, until either a terminating condition is met or a fixed number of iterations are completed. Till now, the attack method is finished. To evaluate the performance of the proposed CPA method, the correlation coefficient (Co) between two images A and B is defined as follows: Co =

 ( A



   m n 




− A ) ( Bmn − B )

2  − A)   

2  mn − B )  



where A and B denote the mean value of images A and B. Amn and Bmn are the pixel values at the coordinate (m, n) of images A and B, respectively.

3.2 Attack results We have performed a series of simulations to test the proposed method in MATLAB 2013a environment. Assume that an attacker has obtained 100 pairs of plaintexts and ciphertexts {Pq, Cq| q = 1, 2 …100}. Note that it is common case in cryptanalysis and conforms to the chosen plaintext premise [17]. For simplicity, only four plaintext and ciphertexts pairs are shown in Fig. 2, in which the gray levels are used to denote the different amplitude distributions. Note that the black regions in Fig. 2 indicate where the incident light is totally blocked and the white regions indicate where the incident light is totally transmitted. And the summation of 100 pairs of plaintexts is shown in Fig. 3, which is normalized between 0 and 1. As shown in Fig. 2, the elaborately designed plaintext is overlapped, which satisfies the requirements of the proposed method according to Section 3.

Fig. 2. Chosen plaintext-ciphertext pairs (128 × 128 × 8 bits). (a)-(b), (c)-(d), (e)-(f), and (g)(h) represents the first, second, third and fourth plaintext-ciphertext pair applied in the attack, respectively.

#242928 (C) 2015 OSA

Received 12 Jun 2015; revised 16 Jul 2015; accepted 29 Jul 2015; published 6 Aug 2015 10 Aug 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 16 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.021384 | OPTICS EXPRESS 21388

Fig. 3. (Color on line) Summation of all the known chosen plaintext applied in the proposed attack.

Assume that in the encryption procedure, the three random phase keys of the cryptosystem are shown in Figs. 4(a)-4(c), respectively. The phase distribution of the three phase keys are between 0 and pi. The distance between these three phase keys is 20mm, 30mm, and 50mm, respectively. The constant parameter α in Eq. (5) is set to 1. Note that similar retrieved results can be acquired when the value of α is between 0.5 and 1.2. With the chosen plaintext-ciphertext pairs {Pq, Cq| q = 1, 2 …100}, the three phase keys of diffractive-based cryptosystem (M1, M2, and M3) can be retrieved by using the proposed attack after 100 iterations, which are shown in Figs. 4(d)-4(f). This computation takes about 144 seconds. The cross sections on Figs. 4(c) and 4(f) are given, shown in Fig. 4. We can see that the phase of each pixel on the sections can be well retrieved. To further evaluate the performance of the proposed method, we also provide the convergence curve of the retrieved plaintext with the original one. The Co as a function of the iteration times is shown in Fig. 5. We can see that the Co value climbs nearly to one after 20 iterations, which represents that the key is nearly perfectly retrieved.

Fig. 4. Phase distributions of original and retrieved keys. (a), (b) and (c) are the phase distribution of M1, M2 and M3, respectively; (d), (e), and (f) are the retrieved phase distribution of M1, M2 and M3, respectively.

#242928 (C) 2015 OSA

Received 12 Jun 2015; revised 16 Jul 2015; accepted 29 Jul 2015; published 6 Aug 2015 10 Aug 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 16 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.021384 | OPTICS EXPRESS 21389

Fig. 5. Convergence curve of the original keys with the retrieved keys.

Then the retrieved decryption keys are applied to decrypt the intercepted ciphertext shown in Fig. 6(a). The decryption result is shown in Fig. 6(b). Moreover, the recovered key is applied to decrypt many other ciphertext images and the similar results can be obtained (The Co value is close to one). These perfect attack results indicate validity of the proposed method.

Fig. 6. (a) Unknown ciphertext, (b) attack result by using the retrieved keys.

4. Feasibility and robustness of the proposed method

Firstly, the shape diversity of the chosen plaintext has been tested for optical attack. In the above example, the shape of the plaintexts applied in the attack is chosen as circular aperture shown in Fig. 2. In this section, we replace the plaintexts in Fig. 2 (circular aperture with black background) with the plaintexts in Fig. 7 (arbitrary images with black regions). Note that the black regions in Fig. 7 indicate where the incident light is totally blocked, and the gray-scale image regions indicate where the incident light is partially transmitted (different gray levels represents different transmittances). From the Fig. 7, we can see that gray-scale images are overlapped, which also satisfies the core requirement of ptychography. Consequently, the three phase keys of the diffractive-based cryptosystem (M1, M2, and M3) can be retrieved by applying the proposed attack. After 100 iterations, we can obtain the high quality phase key similar to those present in Fig. 4, which are not shown for brevity. This computation takes about 144 seconds. From the above results, we can see that the requirement of the proposed method is that the plaintext should be overlapped no matter what shape the chosen plaintext is. It indicates that the diversity of the shape of the chosen plaintext provides a freedom of the plaintexts designing.

#242928 (C) 2015 OSA

Received 12 Jun 2015; revised 16 Jul 2015; accepted 29 Jul 2015; published 6 Aug 2015 10 Aug 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 16 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.021384 | OPTICS EXPRESS 21390

Fig. 7. Chosen plaintext-cipertext pairs (128 × 128 × 8 bits). (a)-(b), (c)-(d), (e)-(f), and (g)-(h) represents the first, second, third and fourth plaintext-ciphertext pair applied in the attack, respectively.

Secondly, the robustness of the proposed CPA method has been proved. As the ciphertexts {Cq| q = 1, 2 ….100} used in the attack may be contaminated by noise in practical case, the performances of proposed method are tested in the noise condition. The random noise is generated by ({Mean[|Ci|]}/SNR)*V, where Mean denotes a mean value of the ciphertext, V is 2D variable randomly distributed in a range of [-0.5, 0.5] and SNR represents the signal-tonoise ratio [3, 27]. Figures 8(a)-8(d) are decryption results after 200 iterations when the ciphertexts {Cq| q = 1, 2 ….100} are contaminated with noise (SNR value 20, 10, 5, and even 1, respectively). These results demonstrate that the method is robustness.

Fig. 8. Robustness of the proposed attack method when the ciphertexts are contaminated by noise, (a)-(d) are decryption results when the ciphertext with random noise (SNR = 20, 10, 5, 1).

Note that the scope of the proposed method is limited to analyze the security of conventional diffractive-imaging cryptosystem; it cannot include the one-time pads system which updates key for each image [24]. In other words, as long as the system is not the onetime pads system, the analysis of the proposed method is available. 5. Conclusion

We demonstrate that there is security risk in the diffractive-imaging based cryptosystem. To our best knowledge, this should be the first work to attack the diffractive-imaging system. A set of numerical simulation results have demonstrated that the diffractive-imaging based cryptosystem is vulnerable to the CPA scheme. This work may motivate further researching how to enhance the security of the diffractive-imaging based cryptosystem. Acknowledgments

The authors quite appreciate the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. This research was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61350014 and 61307018).

#242928 (C) 2015 OSA

Received 12 Jun 2015; revised 16 Jul 2015; accepted 29 Jul 2015; published 6 Aug 2015 10 Aug 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 16 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.021384 | OPTICS EXPRESS 21391