Security Surveillance & Access Control Systems

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Examples of security requirements are identification of vehicles entering ... As the name implies, CCTV is a system in which the circuit is closed and all the ..... Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of an analog CCTV application over SySTIMAX.
SYSTIMAX® Solutions

Intelligent Building Infrastructure Solutions (IBIS) Security Surveillance & Access Control Systems July 2007

Contents 1.0 Introduction


2.0 CCTV Applications


3.0 CCTV System


4 6

3.1 CCTV Video Signal 3.2 CCTV PTZ Signal

4.0 Digital Surveillance Technology: IP or Network Cameras


5.0 CCTV Application over CommScope IBIS


5.1 Locally Powered Analog Cameras 5.2 Remotely Powered Analog Cameras 5.3 IP/Network Camera

8 10 14

6.0 Access Control Applications


7.0 Access Control Systems


8.0 Access Control Application over CommScope IBIS


9.0 Conclusion



1.0 Introduction Every building has to meet several basic requirements for systems such as security, fire-life-safety, ventilation, lighting, health and comfort. Security comes from the need to protect property, content and personnel. Examples of security requirements are identification of vehicles entering and exiting a car park, controlling access to sensitive or secured areas, and precautions against terrorist bomb threats, robberies and burglaries. Security has become a high profile global issue in the aftermath of the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks and the ongoing terrorist threat. The functions implemented by security systems include the following: • Surveillance - CCTV - Analog - Digital - IP • Detection • Alarms • Access control • Elevator control • Master clock control • Communication and information management Several of these functions are usually integrated with those of other systems. For example, in case of a fire, all doors must be unlocked. Table 1 provides a list of typical devices connected to a security system. CCTV and access control are two of the main applications for security. This paper examines how CommScope IBIS can support these applications.

2.0 CCTV Applications As the name implies, CCTV is a system in which the circuit is closed and all the elements are connected directly. Its name was derived to differentiate the technology from broadcast television which was meant to be an entertainment medium and where any receiver that is correctly tuned can pick up the signal from the airwaves. The most widely known use of CCTV is in security systems. Security guards use CCTV to watch over doors or other points of entry to a building or to observe areas that are vulnerable to break-in or vandalism. The true scope for CCTV applications is almost unlimited. Some other examples are listed below: • Traffic monitoring • Crime, crowd and vandalism control • Production process control • Shoplifting/theft • Aerial photography



Device Types


Closed circuit television (CCTV) Parking areas, exits, entrances, restricted areas, • Analog cameras ceiling or hidden areas. • Network/IP (digital) cameras


Guard tour stations

Mounted to monitor guard during guard tour.

Metallic or magnetic contact closures (digital input devices)

Doors and window openings, and mounted on equipment to activate signal tampering.

Motion/PIR, sound, vibration, and glass breaking detectors

Door, window, floor or ceiling areas as required.

Manual switches for initiating alarms (e.g panic buttons, etc)

Secure areas such as bank teller positions, payroll offices, etc as required.

Audio and visual alarm indicators (e.g siren, lights, speakers, computer console, etc)

Visual indicators in hidden areas such as behind counter. Audio devices in ceiling, security centre, etc. Computer console may be located in security centre.

Card access with magnetic stripe, barcode, proximity or smart card

Secure areas and outside entrances near doors.

Keypad and signature pad access

Secure areas and outside entrances near doors.

Biometric verification (e.g fingerprint reader, retinal/iris scanner, etc)

Secure areas and outside entrances near doors.

Elevator control

Elevator control relay

Usually mounted at top of elevator shaft. Control from security center.

Clock control

Master clock control relay

Mounted on wall, near ceiling or as required.

Time and attendance system

Near doors.

Telephone, intercom, modem

Communication facilities are usually in the security center. Telephones and intercom units are mounted



Access control

Communication and information management


3.0 CCTV System The starting point for any CCTV system is the camera. At the heart of the camera technology is the CCD (Charge Coupled Device) sensor that converts light into an electrical signal. This electrical signal is then processed by the camera electronics and converted to a video signal output that can then be either recorded or displayed on to a TV monitor which is usually not equipped with a tuner or channel selector. CCTV systems typically involve a dedicated communications link between cameras and monitors. Remote monitoring and recording may also be required along with access to pan, tilt and zoom (PTZ) capabilities for a better look at what may be happening at the remote site (see Figure 1). CCD cameras can be divided into two main categories: analog or digital versions. These can be subdivided further into medium resolution monochrome or color, high resolution monochrome or color, day/night cameras that provide color in the day and monochrome at night. Currently, most CCTV applications use analog baseband composite video. Camera Cameras

Coax cables cable

Video multiplexer/ switcher s

Coax cables cable

Video recorder


Figure 1: Typical CCTV system using traditional coaxial cabling

A multiplexer/switcher allows several camera signals to be recorded onto one videotape. To do this it synchronises the camera signals (in time) and marks each one with a code, allowing every camera to be replayed independently from tape, regardless of how many cameras are recorded on that tape. In addition, each image is stamped with a time and date caption. A simplex multiplexer is one that will record pictures to tape or display multiple pictures on a single monitor. It will not perform both functions simultaneously. When a simplex multiplexer is used to replay tapes, it will stop recording. A duplex multiplexer is one that will record pictures to tape and display multiple pictures on a single monitor simultaneously. A duplex multiplexer will continue to record even when a tape is being replayed. Many multiplexers also provide the ability to view several cameras simultaneously on one or more monitors. This is particularly useful when there are a large number of cameras across a site. The use of video recordings is also common. Its purpose is intended to identify an incident and/or to provide identification evidence of suspects suitable for presentation to the courts. The quality of the recording is vital and depends on the standard and condition of both the videotape and the system used to make the recording. Equipment used must be in good order and regularly, professionally maintained and serviced. It is vital therefore that total integrity of the system is maintained from beginning to end.


Digital storage is the most effective and efficient method of video recording and archiving. In digital recording, each field is divided in to an array of individual points or pixels. A single frame of monochrome video needs about 450KB (Kilobytes) of space for storage and a single frame of color needs about 650KB. This is the uncompressed size. Consequently to store the same number of images as a videotape, a total storage capacity of about 280GB (Gigabytes) would be needed for one camera. This is considerably larger than hard discs and other media generally available and would also be tremendously expensive. Consequently some means of compression is required to reduce the amount of space required without adversely affecting picture quality. This has led to the introduction of digital video recorders (DVRs), which allow video to be recorded in higher resolutions than VCRs and eliminated video tapes, which in turn eradicated the need to physically change the tape. The DVR converts the analog video to digital format and compresses it before storing it on its hard drive. Alternatively, the compressed digital video can be sent over the LAN. However, the use of digital technologies in the security world poses some interesting legal issues and these are discussed in section 4. Another function offered in conjunction with a CCTV installation, is the ability to provide an audio message, via a loudspeaker, when an intruder sets off a detection sensor. Messages are typically designed for each specific location. Research has shown that although people will only obey a written notice to leave in 7% of cases, they will obey an audible command 92% of the time. Proper grounding of video equipment is important. Visible interference such as ‘hum bars’, rolling horizontal lines travelling from the top to the bottom of a monitor, are due to noise currents on the shield of a video connector. They are a common concern with baseband video transmission since the frequency spectrum of the noise often lies within the bandwidth of the video signal. An example would be 50/60 Hz noise due to ground potential differences between power receptacles or between the shield of the video connector and the case of the video equipment. This type of interference can occur with coaxial as well as balanced cabling.

3.1 CCTV Video Signal Figure 2 shows a typical CCTV analog video signal. This is commonly known as the composite baseband video signal because the synchronising and video information are combined into a single signal without a modulated radio frequency carrier. Maximum light will produce a maximum voltage and therefore a white level. No light will produce no voltage and therefore a black level. In between these will be shades of grey, and this is the luminance information of a video signal. In the case of a color camera, the chrominance and color burst signals are superimposed onto the luminance signal to carry the color information. The total voltage produced is 1 volt peak-to-peak (Vpk-pk), from the bottom of the sync pulse to the top of the white level. The luminance portion of the signal is from 0.3 volt to 1 volt (0.7 volt maximum). The bandwidth required to transmit this signal ranges from DC to 8 MHz for the three main video standards: NTSC (National Television System Committee), PAL (Phase Alternate Line) and SECAM (Sequential Color and Memory). The NTSC format was developed in the US and is used in most of the Americas (North/South/Central), Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Philippines. It utilizes a bandwidth of 6 MHz. The PAL format was developed in Europe and is used in most of Europe, Asia and Africa, and utilizes a bandwidth of 8 MHz. The SECAM format was developed in France and is used primarily in France and some eastern European countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Hungary), and also utilizes a bandwidth of 8 MHz. Table 2 provides more details for the three main video formats.

Table 2: Main TV video standards Format

Scanning lines (lines/frame)

Frame rate (fields/sec)

Channel bandwidth (MHz)



50 or 60





7 (< 300 MHz)




8 (> 300 MHz) 8

The CCD is scanned across and down exactly 312.5 times (for a 625-line system) and this creates a video field. A second scan of 312.5 lines is exactly 1/2 a line down and interlaced with the first scan to form a picture with 625 lines. This is known as a 2:1 interlaced picture. The combined 625-line is known as a video frame and made up from two interlaced fields. Typical camera resolution is 350 TV lines, with high resolution cameras producing better than 450 lines. Analog Video Information White Level 0.7 V

1.0 Vpk -p k

Black Blac Level 0.3 V

Chroma Burst Bur s t 64? s = 1 line 64µ

S Sync Pulse

lines 0.02 s = 1 field = 312.5 line

Figure 2: Composite baseband video signal

The quality of a picture will depend on the level of the video signal to the amount of noise present, that is, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the system. Noise in a video is seen as snow or graininess, resulting in a poorly defined image on the monitor or video recording. Table 3 provides a guide as what quality to expect from various SNRs1.

Table 3: Various SNRs and corresponding picture quality SNR (dB)

Picture Quality


Excellent. No noise apparent.


Good. A small amount of noise but picture quality good.


Reasonable. Fine grain or snow in the picture and fine detail lost.


Poor. Picture has a great deal of noise.


Not acceptable. Unusable picture.


3.2 CCTV PTZ Signal In addition to providing composite baseband video, some CCTV cameras require a baseband digital telemetry signal in order to control PTZ functions. Control data signalling formats include EIA-RS422, EIA-RS232, 20 mA current loop or Manchester. These PTZ signals have traditionally been sent on shielded twisted pair cables separate from the video signal which is transported over coaxial cable. Futhermore, some CCTV camera manufacturers superimpose the PTZ control signalling within the vertical blanking interval, i.e. lines 1 to 21 of a 525-lines/frame picture so that the combined video and PTZ signal can be transported over one coaxial cable. Examples of such equipment are Panasonic System 200 WV-CU254 controller with WV-CS304 unitized camera, and PELCO CM6700-MXB video matrix switcher/controller with SD5 SpectraDome camera or PELCO CM9760-MXB video matrix switcher with CM-9760-CXT coaxitron translator and SD5 SpectraDome camera.

4.0 Digital Surveillance Technology: IP or Network Cameras With the advent of IP or Network cameras, the method of installing CCTV system changes dramatically. These IP cameras are plug and play devices as far as the network is concerned. They are easy to integrate into corporate LANs or WANs. There is no need for multiplexing, coaxial cabling, balun adapters, CCTV keyboards, analog VCRs and tapes. An IP camera takes the video, compresses it and sends it over the LAN to a network attached storage (NAS) device, a storage area network (SAN) or a video server. An IP camera is always streaming video across the network, and therefore, is always using bandwidth. Hence a separate or segmented LAN is recommended to avoid bottleneck issues on the main corporate network. However, some IP cameras now incorporate both server and DVR functions and this helps to limit some of the bandwidth impact. The connection to the LAN is via 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet. Pictures from an IP camera can be viewed and the PTZ movement (if available) can be controlled using a PC running a standard browser. Additional features include built-in activity detection function that can be set to trigger an alarm or switch. For example, when there is movement in the field-of-view of the camera, the camera could set off an audible alarm or switch on a lamp or send a signal to lock a door. In addition, the captured image at the time the alarm was triggered can be sent to an email address or FTP server. A high-end IP camera can offer PAL output in addition to IP compressed video. There are many different compression methods that an IP camera can utilise. These include JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group), MJPEG (Motion JPEG), H.263, MPEG (Motion Picture Expert Group: MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4), Fractal and Wavelet. The main difference between them is their bandwidth consumption. Demand for digital surveillance technology is rising rapidly as the cost of commercial applications falls (particularly for storage and maintenance). The quality of digital images is clearly more superior and the flexibility offered in storage and transfer options over traditional analog counterparts is highly desirable. The digital images can also be replayed many times with very little degradation in quality. However, the issue of digital images as legal evidence is in focus as this new technology takes off in the security world. For a court, the key word is ‘traceability’, that is, having a cast-iron audit trail that takes it right back to the original recording. This means that whatever happens to an image, whether it is enlarged, printed, or tampered with, the original remains for a court to examine. In many countries, guidelines are provided to ensure the authenticity of digital images and suitable procedures must be followed in collecting and monitoring what is captured


on camera. In the UK, digital images unlike analog ones are 6 WHITE PAPER SECURITY SURVEILLANCE & ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS covered by the Data Protection Act which is very detailed about the way data must be handled and stored. By falling within the remit of this Act, digital recordings are therefore governed by very stringent guidelines and controls. Fortunately, digital technology also has the capacity for encryption and security coding so that an electronic audit trail involving file coding of digital images can be provided. Creating an audit trail would reduce the chances of undetected tampering of images. A permanent record of the data that cannot be amended is another possibility, for example, the use of write-once read many times’ (WORMS) disk. It seems certain that the increasing popularity of digital surveillance technology means its widespread use and acceptance as evidence is inevitable. The responsibility for proving the traceability, reliability and authenticity of the surveillance images is with the organisation that captures, processes and modifies it. A suitable audit trail is essential and a careful approach needs to be taken to the way the image is captured, stored and maintained.

5.0 CCTV Application over CommScope IBIS CommScope Intelligent Building Infrastructure Solutions (IBIS) is a modular, flexible cabling infrastructure system that supports voice, data, video and building automation systems (BAS) by providing a robust and cost effective connectivity for all of a building’s BAS and communication systems. IBIS utilizes twisted pair and/or fiber optic cables to provide connectivity in an open architecture environment. The traditional way for implementating CCTV applications is to use coaxial cables with the cameras being powered locally. Furthermore, if PTZ cameras are required, the baseband digital telemetry signals (for controlling the PTZ functions) have traditionally been transported over shielded twisted pair cables. However, the traditional coaxial/shielded twisted pair cabling can be replaced with a more structured and flexible approach using SYSTIMAX cabling. The CCTV cameras can either be locally or remotely powered depending on the types of cameras and the powering requirements. The advantages of supporting CCTV applications with CommScope IBIS are: • Simplifies the cabling and containment requirements. • Eliminates ground loop noise on the cabling (This type of noise is very common in coaxial cabling, especially when long distances are involved). • Provides for easy migration to newer digital surveillance technologies such IP or network cameras. • Makes it easier for the IT group to manage as this group begins to assume responsibility for all security functions The input/output impedance of a baseband video connection on analog cameras is 75 ohms unbalanced. The conversion of a 75-ohm unbalanced interface to a 100-ohm balanced twisted pair interface will require the use of a balun (Balanced-to-Unbalanced) adapter. This adapter also provides the impedance matching function. It is extremely important that the impedances of the signal source, balun adapter, cabling and load are approximately the same. Any severe mismatch will produce unpleasant and unacceptable effects in the quality of the picture. These effects can include ghost images and ringing on sharp edges. Two balun adapters are required for each link.


5.1 Locally Powered Analog Cameras Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of an analog CCTV application over SYSTIMAX GigaSPEED XL/GigaSPEED X10D cabling. Figure 3a shows an application using a fixed camera and Figure 3b for a PTZ camera. The PTZ telemetry signal is transmitted on one or two pair of the 4-pair cable (depending on the telemetry signal required). The 75 ohm unbalanced composite analog video signal is converted to a 100 ohm balanced signal using a balun adapter and transmitted over another pair of the 4-pair cable. Please verify supportable distances and shared sheath capability with respective adapter/equipment vendors. SYSTIMAX Cable Fixed Camera



Power Supply

Cross Connect

AC Outlet Video Switching/ Control Unit

Monitors Balun

Power Supply AC Outlet

(Figure 3a: Fixed Camera) SYSTIMAX Cable



Breakout M102S MB

PTZ Camera


Power Supply AC Outlet

Cross Connect

Video Switching/ Control Unit


Breakout M102S MB


(Figure 3b: PTZ Camera) Figure 3: CCTV application over SYSTIMAX cabling with separate video and PTZ signal


Figure 4 shows a schematic diagram of a CCTV application over SYSTIMAX GigaSPEED XL/ GigaSPEED X10D cabling where the PTZ signal is superimposed within the composite video signal. This application typically requires balun adapters that are different from those shown in Figure 3. Again, please verify supportable distances with respective adapter/ equipment vendors. SYSTIMAX Cable

Video + Telemetry

Balun PTZ Camera

Power S upply AC Outlet

Cross Connect

Video Switching/ Control Unit



Figure 4: CCTV application over SYSTIMAX cabling with combined video and PTZ signals


5.2 Remotely Powered Analog Cameras A analog CCTV cameras can also be powered remotely as shown in Figure 5. In this case, the distances supported will depend not only on the types of cameras (whether they are color or black & white), but also on the input voltage and power ratings of the cameras. Table 4 provides the maximum operating currents and temperatures for SYSTIMAX cables and Table 5 provides similar requirements for connector and connecting hardware as specified in IEC 60603-7-4. SYSTIMAX Cable Fixed Camera



Breakout M102S MB

Cross Connect

Video Switching/ Control Unit



Breakout M102S MB

Power Supply AC Outlet

Figure 5: CCTV application over SYSTIMAX cabling with remote powering

Table 4: Maximum Operating Currents and Temperatures for SYSTIMAX cables Max. Operating Temperature

Max. Current for a Single Conductor (A)

Total Max. Current (A)

25º C


3.36 (4-pair cable)

25º C


21.0 (25-pair cable)1

60º C


1.68 (4-pair cable)

60º C


10.5 (25-pair cable)1

Note 1: For more than 4-pair and at 25º C, the formula is I ≤ (N x 0.42), where N is the number of conductors (1 pair = 2 conductors). For 60º C, the calculated current is halved. 10

Table 5: Maximum Operating Currents and Temperatures for Connectors and Connecting Hardware as per IEC 60603-7-4 Max. Operating Temperature

Max. Current for a Single Conductor (A)

25º C


55º C


In addition to the current and voltage limiting capabilities of a 24-AWG cabling channel, the maximum distance supported will also depend on the voltage drop across the cabling. This in turn depends on the DC resistance of the cabling which is given in Table 6.

Table 6: Maximum DC Resistance and Operating Temperatures for SYSTIMAX cabling Max. Operating Temperature

Max. DC Resistance2 (ohms per meter per pair)

20º C


25º C


55º C


60º C


Note 2: The correction factor for DC resistance at temperature T is given by RT = R20 * [1 + 0.00393 * (T - 20)]

The voltage drop requirement will depend on the type of cameras used. Fixed cameras typically require 12 VDC (or 24 VAC) input voltage and a maximum of 0.5 A current. Table 7 provides the maximum voltage-drop distances that can be supported for fixed cameras with various current requirements, assuming a maximum temperature of 25º C, a minimum camera input voltage of 12 VDC and a remote supply voltage of 24 VDC. For a distance of 100 m the maximum current draw is 0.627 A. Also, to prevent current overload on the cabling, a minimum distance of 42 m is necessary (Shorter distances can be supported by using a smaller remote supply voltage). The power is carried on a spare pair.

Table 7: Fixed camera support at 25º C Fixed Cameras (Maximum operating temperature of 25º C) 2-Wire Circuit (pair 1) Current (mA)

Maximum Distance in meters For 12 VDC Minimum at Camera (Assuming a 24VDC supply at remote)


















42 11

Table 8 provides information for a maximum temperature of 60º C. For a distance of 100 m the maximum current draw is 0.553 A. Also, to prevent current overload on the cabling, a minimum distance of 74 m is necessary. If shorter distances are to be supported, the power can be carried on two spare pairs. In this case the minimum distance requirement is 37 m.

Table 8: Fixed camera support at 60º C Fixed Cameras (Maximum operating temperature of 60º C) 2-Wire Circuit (pair 1) Current (mA)

Maximum Distance in meters For 12 VDC Minimum at Camera (Assuming a 24VDC supply at remote)



















PTZ cameras without heaters typically require 24 VDC (or 24 VAC) input voltage and a maximum of 1.5 A current (PTZ cameras with heaters must be locally powered). Since PTZ cameras normally require higher input current, it is highly recommended that the power is carried on two spare pairs. In this case, the applications are restricted to those that have the PTZ telemetry signals on one pair only. Table 9 provides the maximum voltage-drop distances that can be supported for PTZ cameras with various current requirements, assuming a maximum temperature of 25º C, a minimum camera input voltage of 24 VDC and a remote supply voltage of 36 VDC. Also, to prevent current overload on the cabling, a minimum distance of 42 m is necessary.

Table 9: PTZ camera support at 25º C PTZ Cameras (Maximum operating temperature of 25º C) 4-Wire Circuit 3 (pairs 1 & 2) Current (mA)

Maximum Distance in meters For 24 VDC Minimum at Camera (Assuming a 36 VDC supply at remote)















Note 3: The current shown is for each pair. For each conductor, the current is halved. 12

Table 10 provides information for a maximum temperature of 60º C. To prevent current overload on the cabling, a minimum distance of 74 m is necessary.

Table 10: PTZ camera support at 60º C PTZ Cameras (Maximum operating temperature of 25º C) 4-Wire Circuit 4 (pairs 1 & 2) Current (mA)

Maximum Distance in meters For 24 VDC Minimum at Camera (Assuming a 36 VDC supply at remote)













Note 4: The current shown is for each pair. For each conductor, the current is halved.

If the calculated voltage-drop distance is greater than those specified by the respective adapter/equipment vendors, then the distances specified by the respective adapter/equipment vendors will take precedence. Note that Tables 7 to 10 are applicable for DC power and voltages. However, if the camera AC power and voltage are given, then the formula is given by P = VIcosϕ, where P is the average power V is the rms voltage I is the rms current ϕ is the power factor Hence the power factor is required to calculate the required current. However, most electricity utility suppliers will aim to achieve a power factor of 1. Typical power factor range is between 0.95 and 0.99. 13

5.3 IP/Network Camera Figure 6 shows an IP/Network camera connectivity over SYSTIMAX GigaSPEED XL / GigaSPEED X10D cabling. The connection to the camera is via 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet. Many of these cameras are also IEEE 802.3af compliant, i.e. they are Power-overEthernet (PoE) enabled. The maximum distance supported is 100 meter (from Ethernet switch to camera, consisting of 90-meter horizontal cabling and a total of 10-meter cords). UTP Cable



Cross Connect

Administrator PC

NAS device

PoE enabled Switch

Figure 6: IP/network camera application over SYSTIMAX cabling

6.0 Access Control Applications The key purpose of access control is to deny the physical presence of an unauthorized person inside a restricted area. It can also improve employee safety and productivity by preventing unrestricted traffic to different areas of a building. The owner of a building can also tell who is coming and going through the establishment, and this information can be recalled at a later time since the system can store the information in a database. The security industry utilizes a vast array of card and reader technologies. This ranges from the very basic (barcode) to the most sophisticated (biometric). Most access control applications can be integrated to CCTV surveillance systems, paging systems, energy management systems and fire-life-safety systems.

7.0 Access Control Systems A typical Access Control system consists of a controller (sometimes referred to as the control panel) connected to several card (e.g proximity2, magnetic stripe, Weigand3 or smart card4) or biometric (e.g fingerprint, iris/retinal scan) readers, keypads or signature pads, badge printer, a motion/PIR (passive infrared) detection system, optional guard tour readers, and an optional photo identification system (see Figure 7). 2 Traditional proximity card uses 125 kHz frequency. 3 Wiegand technology is widely recognized and field proven for over 18 years. A Wiegand card has a code strip which contain specially treated vicalloy wires. 4 Smart cards use the newer 13.56 MHz contactless technology and have read/write capabilities. Compliant to either ISO 14443 (proximity card - e.g MIFARE developed by Philips) or ISO/IEC 15693 (vicinity card). 14

Biometrics are automated methods of recognising a person based on physiological or behavioural characteristics. Among the features measured are face, fingerprints, handwriting, iris, retinal and voice. Biometric technologies are becoming the foundation of an array of highly secure identification and personal verification solutions. As the level of security breaches increases, the need for highly secure identification and personal verification technologies is becoming apparent. Using biometrics for personal authentication is becoming convenient and considerably more accurate than current methods such as using passwords or PINs. This is because biometrics links the event to a particular individual (a password or token may be used by someone other than the authorised user), is convenient (nothing to carry or remember), accurate (it provides for positive authentication), can provide an audit trail and is becoming socially acceptable and inexpensive. It can also be integrated with other technologies such as smart cards. An Access Control system can sound alarms and keep transactions when abnormal events occur. It is also capable of recording all the personnel In/Out transactions for reference or for monitoring purposes. Optional features include door prop monitoring with digitally recorded voice messages (this will encourage users to keep monitored doors closed reducing nuisance alarms), infrared sensor beams to detect tailgating, guard tour (tool to help manage the security guards by defining sequence of tour points that a guard must visit, maximum time between points, etc), RFID key tags and mantraps5.

Access Controller

Exit switch

Card reader

Card reader and keypad

Exit switch

Figure 7: Typical Access Control system 5 A mantrap is a system of multiple doors with controlled interaction. Sometimes referred to as airtrap or security interlock. 15

8.0 Access Control Application over CommScope IBIS Most of the Access Control systems utilize RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 or Wiegand protocols between the controller and the card readers. The distances supported will depend on the vendor’s equipment. The Wiegand protocol is a 3- to 6-wire protocol that provides 26- or 34bit code format. Table 11 gives the Wiegand interface signals. The communication protocol between the controller and the central console server is usually 10/100 Mbps Ethernet but RS-485 protocol may be used by some existing legacy systems. Most Access Control systems also provide remote monitoring capabilities using modems and are usually linked to police control centers. In some countries, installers of these remote systems may require accreditation from certain national associations. For example, in the UK, these companies may be required to be NACOSS (National Approval Council for Security Systems) approved. NACOSS was formed in conjunction with the Home Office, the police and the insurance industry to enforce the standards by which these installers operate.

Table 11: Wiegand Interface Wiegand Interface Red LED Green LED GND Data1 Data0 Power +

A typical security door will require the following connectivity: • Connection from controller to a card reader (some card readers may require more than 4-pair connectivity) • Connection from the controller to the door lock -- Door strike (usually solenoid operated) for electric strike locks -- Door electromagnet for electromagnetic door locks • Connection from the controller to the exit push button • Optional connection from the controller to (break glass) emergency door release button Hence a minimum of 4 outlets are required for connecting a security door to the controller. A typical configuration will have several card readers connected in a multipoint bus topology to a controller. There should be no more than 5 BAS devices in a multipoint bus for each branch as per ANSI/TIA/EIA-862 requirements. For additional design guidelines, please refer to the latest issues of following documents: • CommScope IBIS general design guidelines • CommScope IBIS test configuration template and building control devices templates & guidelines 16

The mapping of access control signals to the 8-pin modular jack pinouts is important in order to ensure consistency and ease of problem troubleshooting/resolution. CommScope IBIS recommends the use of ANSI/EIA/TIA-568B T568B pin assignment. The allocation of access control signals to the 8-pin modular jack pinouts is shown in Table 12. It should be noted that some vendor equipment might require additional signalling such as compensation signals. These signals should therefore be assigned to the appropriate unused pairs/pins.

Table 12: Access Control Applications and Active Pair Pair






















Data 0 (Clock)



Data 1 X (Card Information) LED


+ Power


GND (Ground) Door Strike Power Door Strike Common


9.0 Conclusion Every building requires some form of security in order to protect property, content and personnel. However, since the aftermath of September 11 terrorist attacks, security has become a global high profile issue and is in the forefront of every facility manager’s agenda. Surveillance and access control are two of the main applications for security and these applications can be easily supported over SYSTIMAX cabling. Visit our Web site or contact your local CommScope representative for more information. © 2011 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. This document is for planning purposes only and is not intended to modify or supplement any specifications or warranties relating to CommScope products or services. MI-97 07/11