Seekers Bible Study - Westminster Presbyterian Church

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Sep 2, 2015 - Do you have a guest room? Sofa sleeper? Air mattress? If you can host a visiting musician for a night, ple
Westminster Presbyterian Church “...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 September 2, 2015

Friends and fellow disciples, I know I should be talking about the start of the program year, and the comprehensive array of groups and classes that you can be a part of to make new friends, find community, and be formed as disciples of Jesus the Christ. There are tons of details about those opportunities in this newsletter, and even more will be available at Rally Day on September 13. But instead I want to talk to you about mission. It is in the Godinspired life FOR others, for God’s world, that we find meaning in our lives, which forms the engine that drives the church. Jesus lived a life “on the go,” constantly confronted with opportunities to preach, teach, and heal; to form relationships and offer both physical bread and the Bread of Life, both physical water and the Living Water. The book of James that Betty preached on last week calls us to a faith that is active and alive. That faith, James tells us, if it has no works – no action – is dead. “The mission of God in Christ,” reads the very beginning of our denomination’s Book of Order, “gives shape and substance to the life and work of the church.” It is in participating in God’s mission in the world that we find true life, life abundant. Inside there are a few ways you can find that life abundant: by supporting the Presbyterian Campus Ministry at NCCU; by making dresses for Haiti; by learning about and praying for the folks who are traveling to Haiti; by offering hospitality to the folks of Music Mission Kiev later this month; by signing up to pack meals in early October with Stop Hunger Now; by learning how we are called to the work of justice and reconciliation with Father Michael Lapsley. After we serve – and often in those acts of service – we are bound together as community and we learn something more about who God is calling us to be. If we don’t find a small group, if we don’t find a class, we burn out pretty darn quickly. But it starts and ends with a fire in the belly to be a part of what God is doing in the world – on college campuses and in shelters, in Kiev and Port-au-Prince. We must serve. We must. So, take some time with this newsletter. Flip through all of the opportunities before you. And then, before you put it down or close the email and move on to the dozens of other things on your list, sign up to help. It is an overwhelmingly busy time of year, as we confront the reality that summer is over and that there is work to do. But, as you schedule and find your rhythm, I want to invite you – nope, I want to challenge you – to allow us here at WPC to help you find what that rhythm will be.

In this Issue Concerns & Celebrations 2 Support Our Ukrainian Guests! 2 Haiti Dress Project 2 October 7 WOW: Stop Hunger Now 3 Thank You, Tracy! 3 Upcoming Inquirers' Class 3 An Evening with Fr. Michael Lapsley 3 Godly Play Returns! 4 we•form kids 4 Fall Women's Retreat 4 Rally Day 5 Adult Church School Classes 5 Women's Spirituality Group 6 WAY Kick-off Breakfast 6 Men's Breakfast Book Study 6 Monday Morning Bible Study 6 Seekers Bible Study 6 Oct. 6 Added to Photo Schedule 7 Music Opportunities at... 7 Join Us, Singers! 7 Donate a Hymnal 7 Youth Ministry News 8 Scotland Pilgrimage 8 Westminster Is Going to Haiti! 8 Faces of Haiti: Jacqui 9 Church Finance Overview 9 A Spiritual Practice for... 9 Afternoon Tea for NCCU PCM 9 Young Adult Get-Together 9 Preaching Schedule 10 Worship Volunteers 10

Summer Worship Services Wrap Up at Westminster The final 10am summer worship service will be held THIS Sunday, September 6. The 8:30 and 11am worship services will resume NEXT Sunday, September 13. Church School and Chancel Choir will resume on September 13 as well. See page 7 for an invitation from the Chancel Choir and learn about what's in store for Church School on page 5.


Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).

September 2, 2015

Concerns & Celebrations

Please remember the following in your prayers this week. The death of Wait Aumann's grandmother Bill Coppridge The birth of Ann & John Dancy's great-grandson Marge Enberg's sister Judy Lamon's friend

Kuno Juergenson Diane Kelly's brother The birth of Grace Mbugua's granddaughter David McQuay's friend Vivian Young's father

Volunteer Opportunities & More at Westminster and Beyond

Support Our Ukrainian Guests! Thursday, September 24

Music Mission Kiev's Kiev Symphony Orchestra & Chorus is on its American tour and had a venue cancel at the last minute. Westminster is stepping up to feed and house the choir for a night, and we need your help! First, we need overnight hosts on September 24 for our 48 guests. Do you have a guest room? Sofa sleeper? Air mattress? If you can host a visiting musician for a night, please sign up at

Dinner Menu

Second, we need you to welcome our Ukrainian guests and get to know them over dinner at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall on Thursday, September 24. There will be a presentation on the work of Music Mission Kiev in Ukraine and a short musical program presented by KSOC after dinner. Dinner is $7 for adults and $5 for children (see menu on right). Get the full schedule and RSVP for dinner by Monday, September 21, at

Roast Pork Loin

Help is needed to cover the cost of dinner for our guests. You can pay for a musician's dinner when you RSVP online. If you can't attend dinner, but would like to pay for a musician's dinner, please RSVP at the link above, but select "Pay for a Musician's Dinner (Free)" and enter the number of musicians you would like to pay for on the "Supplies" page. Finally, we need volunteers to help make dinner happen. Can you help set up tables at 4:30pm, clean up after dinner, wash tablecloths, or make a dessert? Contact Helen Harrison if so ([email protected], 919-768-3595). Westminster is excited to offer warm hospitality to our Ukrainian brothers and sisters who are far from home!

Smoked Turkey Choice of Cranberry or Chipotle BBQ Sauce Rice Pilaf Black-eyed Peas Red Cabbage & Apples Ukrainian Tomato-Cucumber Salad Green Pea Salad Three-Bean Salad Cornbread & Rolls Cornucopia of Homemade desserts

Haiti Dress Project It’s time to make more dresses for little girls in Haiti! WPC is sending a medical team to Haiti in November (see page 8) and we want to send as many dresses as we can with them. Grab some dress kits from the Mission Center lobby, and return the finished dresses by Friday, November 6. Sewing Bees are scheduled for September 19 (9:30am-3pm, Fellowship Hall) and October 17 (10am-4pm, Fellowship Hall). For photos, tutorials, and tips for making the dresses, visit Contact Helen Harrison ([email protected], 919-768-3595) for more information or to be added to our email list. -2-

Westminster Presbyterian Church


Upcoming Inquirers' Class Interested in learning more about Westminster, maybe even becoming a member?

Wednesday, October 7 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall

The next Inquirers' Class begins on Sunday, September 27, in Room 105 at 9:45am. Get to know fellow inquirers, learn about the PC(USA) and WPC's ministry, meet staff, and find out where YOU can fit in!

Our WOW (Westminster on Wednesday) intergenerational gatherings continue this fall with a Stop Hunger Now meal packing on Wednesday, October 7. Food trucks will be on hand starting at 5:30pm for dinner before you start packing meals.

The class will run for seven weeks, meeting September 27, October 4, 11, 18, 25, November 1, and 8. Space is limited so that we might get to know one another well. Contact Barb Schmidt ([email protected]; 919-489-4974, ext. 100) to sign up or learn more.

Sign up to pack meals now at If you can't attend the event, please consider donating toward the cost of the meals using the link above. Each Stop Hunger Now meal only costs $0.29! Stay tuned for additional details and, in the meantime, put October 7 on your calendar!

An Evening with Father Michael Lapsley Friday, September 11, at 7pm in the Music Room

For the fifth year in a row, we'll package 10,000 meals together for hungry children in schools throughout the developing world.

‒ Thank You, Tracy! ‒ After 12 years of faithful service at Westminster, Tracy Fletcher has stepped down from her position as the church’s Finance Clerk. For the past decade, Tracy has been a consistent and diligent worker behind the scenes in the business office, handling the vital tasks of recording pledge payments and aiding with bookkeeping the church’s deposits, handling membership transfers, administering automatic pledge payments, and producing pledge statements. When Barbara Fletcher retired, Tracy was essential in stepping in to fill the void. She deftly handled all of the important financial tasks Barbara had done that enabled the church to still function as a business. We simply could not have continued as seamlessly without her assistance. Tracy isn’t leaving Westminster, just stepping back from her role as an employee. She and her family are still part of the bigger church family here. When you see Tracy, please thank her for the time and energy she's devoted to Westminster. Tracy’s gifts and wit are appreciated by the whole Westminster community, and we will miss having her on staff!

On Friday, September 11, Westminster will welcome Father Michael Lapsley from South Africa for a visit and presentation. Fr. Michael was a chaplain to the African National Congress during the anti-Apartheid struggle. In 1990, he lost both of his hands and an eye to a letter bomb from his own government. As we in the United States struggle to navigate ongoing racial trauma and the effects of institutionalized oppression, Fr. Michael's wisdom and experience offer valuable insight and guidance. On a day that recalls violence in our nation, we will gather to learn about the aftermath of violence and ways forward for wounded individuals and a wounded society. All are encouraged to come learn about Fr. Michael's work for peace, healing, and justice at 7pm in the Music Room on September 11. A reception will follow his presentation. Please visit to RSVP for the event by September 8 or call the church office (919-489-4974). Childcare available for age 5 and under by RSVP only. You will be able to hear Fr. Michael on WUNC's The State of Things at noon on September 11. -3-

September 2, 2015

Christian Education news Godly Play Returns! Sunday, September 13

Godly Play is an innovative Montessori-based curriculum that engages children in kindergarten and 1st grade in learning through storytelling, ritual, and hands-on activity. The Godly Play approach teaches classical Christian language in a way that enhances the child’s authentic experience of God based on wonder, creativity, and mystery. Godly Play meets on Sunday mornings during the 11am worship service. Kindergartners and 1st graders go to worship with their families and are excused following the Children's Message. A Godly Play volunteer meets them in the Courtyard to take them to the Godly Play Room (Room G10 on the ground floor of the Mission Center), where parents can pick them up after worship. No RSVP or registration is necessary! This is a wonderful space for kindergartners and 1st graders to learn how to express their faith. Contact Heather Ferguson with questions ([email protected]).

we•form kids


Forming children’s faith through fellowship, service, music, and worship

| 2015 Fall Women’s Retreat |

Every Wednesday from 5-6pm Starting in October

Saturday, September 12 8:30am-3pm Chapel in the Pines (314 Great Ridge Pkwy, Chapel Hill) Led by Rev. Katie Owen Aumann

Faith formation takes a community! It also takes a variety of learning and growing experiences including: play, serving others, prayer, making music and singing, and worshipping together.  The weekly we•form kids program offers a time and place for all of this. We reminds us that in following Christ... • • •

Join us for a retreat to explore the biblical invitation to simplicity and Sabbath. During the retreat we’ll:

We are a community.  We learn and grow together.  We are a small part of something much greater… God’s people! 

• • •

Form reminds us that God is continuing to form and re-form us individually and collectively into a beloved community. 

reflect together on the call as Christians to live simply, practice simple spiritual disciplines that help us honor God and self, and consider how to grow deeper in faith by embracing Sabbath rest.

Retreat Cost: $40 (scholarships available) How to Register: Pick up a retreat flyer in the Mission Center to register or go online to to register and pay.

Each Wednesday afternoon, children in kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to gather in the Courtyard at 5pm. Childcare will be available for children of volunteers age 4 and under. At 6pm, the whole family is invited to gather in the Fellowship Hall for dinner.  

Deadline to Register: Monday, September 7 Questions: Kay Wellemeyer ([email protected] or 919-375-3646)

Put we•form kids on your family calendar for every Wednesday from 5-6pm, and watch for more details! -4-

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Sunday, September 13

9:45am, Fellowship Hall

Celebrate Rally Day on Sunday, September 13! There will be a light breakfast and a chance to learn about the exciting Church School year ahead for all ages at 9:45am in the Fellowship Hall. Church school teachers will be stationed at tables for each class to get to know children and their parents. At about 10:15am, teachers and children will go to their classrooms for the remainder of the Church School hour. Parents and other adults are invited to the Parlor to learn about the classes that will be available for them in the coming months. Get a sneak preview of those classes below!

Adult Church School Classes: Fall 2015 Sojourners Leader: Linda Barnett

Bible Roundtable Leader: Eric Wolf

The Sojourners adult Church School class will be exploring spiritual autobiography as a means of enriching our faith journeys and deepening our relationships with one another. We will be using the book "To Be Told" by Dan Allender. His thesis is that "Your life and mine not only reveal who we are, but they also help reveal who God is." Come join us!

The Bible Roundtable class will continue reading "Jesus' Twenty Megatruths" by Herbert Miller. Through study and sharing we will seek a balanced view of the twenty ways Jesus says the kingdom of God helps us live quality lives, even in the midst of a changing world.

The Present Word Leaders: Richard Draffin, Mike Bunch The Present Word Church School class is a Bible-based class using the Present Word quarterly published by the PC(USA). Over a period of about seven years, this literature take us through a survey of the entire Bible. For fall 2015, the theme of the quarterly is "The Christian Community Comes Alive," with 13 lessons from the book of Acts. The class is led by Richard Draffin and Mike Bunch with occasional guest teachers from within the class. In a very real sense, everyone in the class is a teacher in one way or another, as we engage in lively discussions on whatever biblical topic we happen to be discussing. When we say every Sunday morning, we mean it! The Present Word Class meets throughout the year. If it’s Sunday morning and there’s a church service, we’ll be meeting.

Making Sense of Evolution Leaders: James Bear, Thomas Bowen Evolution makes good scientific sense. The question is whether it makes good theological sense as well. Some Christians who find evolution contrary to faith focus solely on the issues of the world's design, but that point of view overlooks the significance of the dramatic narrative going on beneath the surface. In "Making Sense of Evolution," John F. Haught, former chair of the department of theology at Georgetown, suggests that theologians and Darwinian scientists actually share an appreciation of the underlying meaning and awe-inspiring mystery of evolution. If you have ever had conflicted feelings about reconciling evolution and the Bible’s creation stories, or simply want to explore your faith in a scientific context, this class is for you. James Bear, PhD, Associate Professor of Cancer Cell Biology at UNC, and Thomas Bowen, a clinical research specialist at Duke, will facilitate this four-week study. -5-

September 2, 2015

Women's Spirituality Group

Thursdays from 3:30-5pm starting October 1 Parlor This fall the Women's Spirituality Group will be discussing "The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within" by Christine Valters Paintner. Through lectio divina, journaling, and other creative practices, Paintner shows us how to get closer to the heart of God.

Men's Breakfast Book Study 3rd Thursdays at 7am starting September 17 Hope Valley Diner (3710 Shannon Rd) The Men's Breakfast Book Study is a group of men that meets monthly for fellowship, breakfast, and good, faith-filled conversation. The group starts a new study each fall, and men can sign up or step out at that point. This fall, the group will read David Brooks' "The Road to Character." You can purchase the book in a local bookstore or online at All are welcome to join! Please sign up at Contact: Chris Tuttle ([email protected]).

Monday Morning Bible Study

The Strange and Wonderful Book of Revelation Mondays from 10am-12pm starting September 21 Room 105

Men are welcome to join this group. We'll begin our eight-week study on October 1 from 3:30-5pm in the Parlor. Contact Dorothy Pennell ([email protected]) for additional information.

The next Monday Morning Bible Study will look at the strange and wonderful book of Revelation. The study materials will feature acclaimed commentary from Brian Blount, president of Union Presbyterian Seminary. No previous Bible study is required. If you enjoy lively conversation, sharing insights, and growing together in faith and fellowship, you will love this group study. No sign-up is necessary either!

WAY Kick-off Breakfast Wednesday, September 16 9:30am in the Parlor

Contact: Heather Ferguson ([email protected]).

WAY is a Bible study group made up of "young" mothers that meets each Wednesday morning throughout the school year. This group studies, laughs, cries, talks, and prays together. It is a wonderful way to get to know women at Westminster.

Seekers Bible Study 2nd Mondays at 7:15pm starting September 14 Parlor

WAY is very flexible on time and participation, and it is very laid back. Some members work part-time, and we have children of all ages, so no one is ALWAYS there!

Seekers, a WPC Bible study for women, will begin a new book this fall: Kate Braestrups’ "Beginner’s Grace: Bringing Prayer to Life." 

The study meets weekly on Wednesdays from 9:3011am in the Youth Suite. Childcare is provided for children age 5 and under.

The Rev. Dr. Braestrup is a chaplain for the Maine Warden Service. As a pastor and author, a widow who has remarried, a mother and stepmother, and much more, she brings a fresh perspective to spirituality with humor. Her insights into prayer may lead us to new heights in our spiritual walks. Learn more about her at

Current participants: We will meet on Wednesday, September 9, at 9:30am in the Youth Suite to plan for the kick-off. Contacts: Dexter Meath ([email protected]) or Carrie Tuttle ([email protected]).

Contact: Betty Berghaus ([email protected]; 919-4894974, ext. 108). -6-

Westminster Presbyterian Church

October 6 Added to Photo Schedule To date, we've had 197 individuals, couples, and families schedule appointments for photos to go in Westminster's 2015 church photo directory! There are 70+ members who've not yet made their appointments, so we've added Tuesday, October 6, to the schedule. Here's an overview of what appointment spots are still available: • • •

Wednesday, September 16: 1 appointment open Thursday, September 17: 2 appointments open Friday, September 18: 4 appointments open

• •

Monday, October 5: 8 appointments open Tuesday, October 6: 30 appointments open

Visit or call the church office (919-489-4974) to schedule your appointment today. Photo Session Hosts are needed to guide people to their photography appointments on September 16, 17, 18, 19, October 5 and 6. Visit to sign up or email Kim Garcia ([email protected]).

Music news

Donate a Hymnal It’s not too late to donate a hymnal in honor, memory, and celebration of loved ones and friends! As you may have noticed, bookplates marking the donations that many of you have so generously given have made their way into our new hymnals during the summer (thanks to Ellen Vogel and a faithful crew of volunteers!).

Music Opportunities at the 8:30 Service This season, we hope to schedule at least one special offertory per month for early worship. In order to do this most effectively, we need singers and instrumentalists who are regulars at 8:30 worship to join us in a variety of small ensembles. On October 18, for example, we will be doing a wonderful Scarlatti choral piece, and our goal is to have at least 8 singers (2 per voice part). If you are a singer who has been operating incognito at the early service for years, here is your chance to be part of the incredible music opportunities at Westminster!

If you haven’t yet dedicated a hymnal, please know that it is not too late. You can still do so at or pick up a donation form in the Mission Center. Hymnals are $25 each.

Other dates through the season have already been set, and the field is wide open in terms of ensemble type as well as music to be sung or played. Interested? Need more information? Please contact Monica Rossman ([email protected]; 919-489-4974, ext. 113).

Donating a hymnal is a great way to send out love and gratitude in a lasting way. Your gift will be put to good use in years to come as Westminster’s congregation continues to make a joyful noise in worship. Thank you for your generosity!

Join Us, Singers! Westminster’s Chancel Choir begins its 2015-2016 season with a rehearsal in the Music Room on Thursday, September 10, from 7:30-9:15pm. We welcome new singers at any time, but the start of a new season is a great time to join. There are many excellent reasons to sing in the Chancel Choir: • As a choir member, you offer a truly valuable service to the church. • By sharing your musical gifts, you are privileged to enjoy a great variety of wonderful music and rich fellowship on a regular basis. • Choir members are hard-working, fun-loving, and caring people. Your life is sure to be enriched by joining this spiritually and musically rich group of friends! We look forward to welcoming you as we make a joyful noise to the Lord! Contact Monica Rossman with any questions ([email protected]; 919-489-4974, ext. 113). -7-

September 2, 2015

youth ministry news

save the date

Youth Kick-off is right around the corner! All youth are invited to come out on Sunday, September 13, with your whole family to start our year off. We'll gather in the Fellowship Hall and around the church campus from 5:30-7:30pm for: • • • •


a potluck meal a time to meet youth advisors games for youth and siblings a parent meeting to go over calendars, the plan for the year, and any questions you have

Please be sure to bring: • • • • •

Potluck food -- Last names A-G: fruits, veggies, sides; H-T: main dishes; U-Z: desserts Calendars Checkbooks to register for events School/extracurricular schedules so your advisors and youth families know what's happening in your lives Insurance cards to fill out liability forms (forms can be filled out in advance at and

Scotland Pilgrimage Interest Meeting Wednesday, September 30, at 7pm

In the summer of 2014, WPC youth and advisors had a powerful experience on a spiritual pilgrimage to Scotland. As they came back and told stories, the natural question arose: Can adults do this, too?

Westminster Is Going to Haiti! We are SO EXCITED to be starting our on-site ministry in Haiti! On November 14, the first team of volunteers from Westminster will leave to spend a week working in a clinic in Port-au-Prince. The team consists of: •

YES! The adults who went to Scotland with our youth have formed a planning team, and a proposal was approved by the Christian Education Committee to begin planning a trip to Edinburgh, Glasgow, and the isle of Iona. This pilgrimage will be focused on our time in Iona, bracketed by worship in both St Giles' and Glasgow Cathedrals. St Giles' was at the heart of the Reformation in Scotland, and Christians have been worshipping in Glasgow Cathedral every Sunday morning for 800+ years. Iona, settled by St. Columba in 563, is a small island on the western coast of Scotland. Columba established a monastery there shortly upon his arrival and, with the exception of a few seasons of Viking raids, it has been the home of religious communities of varying stripes, most recently an ecumenical Christian community called The Iona Community. The tentative dates for this trip are April 15-25, 2016, and we estimate a cost of around $4,000, including airfare (deposits likely due at the end of October). There will be an interest meeting on Wednesday, September 30, at 7pm in Room 105, and we’ll talk more about how the trip will work then.

• • •

three physicians (Woody Warburton, Richard Draffin, Jim Snapper) four nurses (Kay Wellemeyer, Jules Taylor, Jamie Howell, Jane Johnson) a pharmacist (Neal Nichols) a physical therapist (Katie Walker)

Pat Gunter, Dorene Palermo, and Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman will go in supporting roles. The clinic is part of Haiti Outreach Ministries, which was founded by Pastor Leon Dorleans, who visited Westminster in April. The team will be providing medical services to people in the surrounding community. More importantly, they will be building relationships with everyone they meet. We will be taking medications and supplies, as well as more pillowcase dresses for the little girls who live nearby (see page 2). Global Missions is beginning to discuss plans for a second trip in late spring. It will not be a medical trip, and if you are interested, please contact Dorene ([email protected]), Pat ([email protected]), or Taylor ([email protected]). All adults are welcome on the second trip, no matter what your specific skills might be! - 68 -

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Faces of Haiti: Jacqui

Church Finance Overview

by Pat Gunter

Throughout the summer, Westminster will highlight the people and groups of Haiti.

Westminster will share an overview of its finances in the newsletter each month. Contact Office Manager Elizabeth Takla with questions ([email protected]; 919-489-4974, ext. 122).

Jacqui is one of those individuals who is truly larger than life. She is a Brit with a booming laugh and a heart as big as the outdoors. She came to Haiti almost 30 years ago as a missionary and decided to stay. Now she is the closest thing that Haiti has to a travel agent. Everyone knows Jacqui! Her clients are mostly mission groups and, what she calls, the diaspora – those Haitians who left after the earthquake and return periodically to visit family and friends. She is also a walking Haitian history book.

Budget Actuals through August 2015 Income $657,750 Expense $715,514 As we enjoy the summer months, please remember your pledge. Westminster faithfully distributes benevolences every month. Making your pledge payments throughout the summer months helps enable us to do so.

— A Spiritual Practice for Relating with Love and Compassion — Saturday, October 24

Do you want to live life loving your neighbor as you love yourself? Do you want to stop judging? Do you want to take the log out of your own eye before you remove the splinter from someone else’s eye? As Christians, we want to follow Christ and find it difficult at the same time. We know how we are called to live; it’s the how to do it that eludes us. There is a spiritual practice, developed by Marshall Rosenberg, designed to support you in living with yourself and others with love and compassion. It is applicable in all human interactions – parenting, marriage, work, families, you name it. Eileen McAvoy will present an introduction to this practice on Saturday, October 24, from 10am-12pm in the Youth Suite. Come learn about it and see if it is something you want to pursue.

Afternoon Tea benefitting North Carolina Central University's

Presbyterian Campus Ministry Treat yourself or a friend to a lovely afternoon tea! Beautiful tables, tasty delicacies, good conversation, and a worthy cause – what could be better? Join us on Sunday, September 27, from 3 to 4:30pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Young Adult Get-Together Saturday, September 19 3-5pm at Duke Gardens

Put Saturday, September 19, on your calendars! The young adults of WPC will meet at Duke Gardens on the big lawn for fellowship and fun. Bring picnic food to share and your own drinks. We will plan young adult events for the fall so bring your calendars, too. RSVP to Taylor at [email protected].

Tickets are $25. Contact Mary Beck Sutton, Betsy Mangum, or Kathryn Bunch for tickets.


September 2, 2015 Westminster Presbyterian Church 3639 Old Chapel Hill Rd Durham, NC 27707 Phone: 919-489-4974 Fax: 919-493-4553 [email protected] The next WPC newsletter will be published on September 16. The deadline to submit material is September 9. To submit material for publication, contact Communication Coordinator Kara Pearce ([email protected]; 919-489-4974, ext. 101). The newsletter is emailed. If you prefer to receive a paper copy by mail, please contact Kara Pearce.

Preaching Schedule September 6 - Communion Sunday Preaching: Chris Tuttle September 13 - Rally Day Preaching: Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman September 20 Preaching: Chris Tuttle September 27 - Birthday Sunday Preaching: Betty Berghaus

Worship Volunteers for September 6, 13*, 20, and 27 *Worship services at 8:30 and 11am will resume on Sunday, September 13. ACOLYTES 9/6 Rachel High, Keenan Day 9/13 Ava Nichols, Stella Joyner 9/20 Logan McElroy, Grace Ferguson 9/27 Carson Ruffing LECTORS 9/6 Anna Meyer 9/13 8:30 Lee Murphy 11:00 Tom Meyer 9/20 8:30 John Graham 11:00 Lynn Leusbuscher 9/27 8:30 Linda Van Gombos 11:00 Patrick Lang OFFERING COUNTERS 9/6 Mike & Kay Rosenmarkle 9/13 8:30 Carl & Adella Boxberger 11:00 Blair & Laura Chesnut 9/20 8:30 John High, Bill Whitt 11:00 Alex & Mary Denson 9/27 8:30 Ryowon Kim & Peter Scilipote 11:00 Bill & Jeff Young

USHERS 9/6 John & Ruth Caccavale; Anne Sherman, Jeff, Allison & Catherine Laufenberg 9/13 8:30 David, Kathleen, David & Carter Lapp 11:00 Jim Walker; Monica, Lauren & Ella Nichols, Volunteers Needed 9/20 8:30 Andy & Shirley Collins, Donald & Shirley Rufty 11:00 Shelley Bainter, Emmy & Jimbo Huckabee; Chris, Molly & Henry McLaughlin 9/27 8:30 Bo Ferguson, Volunteers Needed 11:00 Volunteers Needed NURSERY Monthly Coordinator: Dexter Meath Every Sunday: Infant - WPC Nursery Staff 9/6 2-3: Danielle & Zach Bishop; 4-5: Katie Hanczaryk, Volunteer Needed 9/13 2-3: Volunteers Needed; 4-5: Leah Oviedo-Sauls, Volunteer Needed 9/20 2-3: Jennifer & Mike Feiler; 4-5: Cindy & Ray Soloe 9/27 2-3: Volunteers Needed; 4-5: Volunteers Needed SOUND TECHNICIANS September 8:30 Doug Wellemeyer 10/11:00 Blair Chesnut

Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).