SEESA Computer-Literacy Invite

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manual serves as a thorough introduction to personal computers and will familiarise you withall of ... It provides a gre
SEESA Presents:

Professional Business Training For The Smart Business Owner

Skills Training Computers Computers in in the the Workplace Workplace :: A A Beginner's Beginner's Guide Guide Introduction Introduction to to Microsoft Microsoft Windows Windows 7 7& & Microsoft Microsoft Office Office 2010 2010

Time: 09:00-16:00 09:00-16:00 (light (light lunch lunch included) included) Time: PLACE: PLACE:

Casa Labore Labore Building Building 182 182 Watermeyer Watermeyer Street Street Val Val de de Grace Grace Casa

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Loryn Bester Bester || TEL: TEL: 012 012 810 810 2000 2000 || FAX: FAX: 012 012 810 810 2207 2207 || E-MAIL: E-MAIL: [email protected] [email protected] Loryn Due to limited limited seats, seats, only only 1 1 person person per per company company may may register. register. Due to

Our training will also assist you in claiming money back on the Skills Development Levies you pay. You will also be able to complete a thorough Employment Equity Plan should you use our training. SEESA believes in providing training which is not of an academic nature but rather practical so as to provide attendees with workable information.

Technology forms a vital part of our everyday existence and it is continuing to evolve at a rapid pace. Computer literacy is already a key requirement in most occupations. The idea of working with a complex piece of electronic machinery that has the capability to perform a variety of multifaceted tasks may seem daunting at first. This manual serves as a thorough introduction to personal computers and will familiarise you withall of the basics of a computer, giving you an understanding of how computers work and equipping you to best apply it to your professional and personal life. It provides a great foundation for all other computer courses.

Course Outline: 1. The Basics What is a Computer? | Components of a Computer | The System Unit | Storage Devices | Input Devices | Output Devices 2. The Windows Desktop What is an Operating System? | Exploring the Windows Desktop | Using your Mouse | The Start Menu | Desktop Icons | The Notification Area | The Recycle Bin PAGE 1 OF 2

3. Navigating Program Windows Launching a Program | Components of a Window 4. Using the Control Panel Launching the Control Panel | Password Protecting your Computer 5. Customising the Display Personalising your Desktop | Change the Desktop Background | Activate and Customise a Screen Saver | Create a Screen Saver Password 6. Organising Files & Folders What are Files & Folders? | How to organise your Files & Folders | Basic Folder Structure | Viewing and Arranging Files and Folders | Finding a File | Creating and Deleting Files | Creating & Deleting Folders | Renaming a File/Folder | Copy/Move Files | Selecting Multiple Files 7. Help & Support Center Exploring the Help & Support Center 8. Shutting Down Turning off your Computer 9. Basic Microsoft Word 2010 Getting Started | Navigating Word | Creating a New Document | Open an Existing Document | Saving a Document | Close a Document | Typing & Inserting Text | Selecting Text | Deleting Text & Undo | Basic Formatting | Inserting Graphics | Printing a document 10. Basic Microsoft Outlook 2010 Getting Started | Navigating Outlook | Creating & Sending an Email | Add an Attachment | Print an Email | Forwarding an email | Reply to an Email 11. The Internet What is the Internet? | Getting connected | Connecting to the Internet | Browsing the Web | Safety on the Internet Please contact us for Training dates and make a booking for your delegates.

The course is presented by SEESA’s professional and experienced facilitators.

Our highly-affordable and tax-deductible services include: Labour Law, BEE, Skills, Occupational Health & Safety, UIF and Consumer Protection for businesses

SEESA Labour assists businesses with all labour law matters by providing on-site consultations, facilitating access to representation at the CCMA or other bargaining councils, and guaranteeing its legal services. SEESA Labour services include: drafting of employment contracts, chairing disciplinary hearings and incapacity inquiries, facilitating retrenchments, union negotiations etc.

SEESA Consumer Protection assists business owners and suppliers with all consumer related matters by providing advice and draft amendments to consumer related documentation including marketing and sales documentation. SEESA Consumer Protection also provides clients with assistance upon receipt of compliance orders, during tribunal proceedings or with general complaint procedures.

Skills Training SEESA BEE guides businesses in BBBEE (Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment) compliance, verifications and requirements in order to benefit from this legislation.

With SEESA Skills Training you can invest in your employees, by providing comprehensive training that will lead to an increase in your company’s productivity and profitability, whilst also enabling you to claim back a percentage of your Skills Levies paid to SARS. | Toll Free Number: 086 117 3372