Universidade Estadual de Campinas, IMECC - Departamento de Matemática. Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 651, CEP 13083-859, Campinas-SP, Brazil.
Di↵erential and Integral Equations
Volume 25, Numbers 9-10 (2012) , 957–976
SELF-SIMILARITY, SYMMETRIES AND ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR IN MORREY SPACES FOR A FRACTIONAL WAVE EQUATION Marcelo Fernandes de Almeida Universidade Estadual de Campinas, IMECC - Departamento de Matem´atica Rua S´ergio Buarque de Holanda, 651, CEP 13083-859, Campinas-SP, Brazil Lucas C. F. Ferreira Universidade Estadual de Campinas, IMECC - Departamento de Matem´atica Rua S´ergio Buarque de Holanda, 651, CEP 13083-859, Campinas-SP, Brazil (Submitted by: Tohru Ozawa) Abstract. This paper is concerned with a fractional PDE that interpolates semilinear heat and wave equations. We show results on global-intime well-posedness for small initial data in the critical Morrey spaces and space dimension n 1. We also remark how to derive the localin-time version of the results. Qualitative properties of solutions like self-similarity, antisymmetry and positivity are also investigated. Moreover, we analyze the asymptotic stability of the solutions and obtain a class of asymptotically self-similar solutions.
1. Introduction Di↵erential equations of fractional order appear naturally in several fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering by modelling phenomena in viscoelasticity, thermoelasticity, processes in media with fractal geometry, heat flow in material with memory, and many others. The two most common types of fractional derivatives acting on the time variable t are those of Riemann–Liouville and Caputo. We refer to the surveys [21, 22], [33], and [29] in which the reader can find a good bibliography for applications in those fields. Accepted for publication: June 2012. AMS Subject Classifications: 45K05, 35R11, 35R09, 35A01, 35C15, 35B06, 35C06, 35B40, 42B35, 35K05, 35L05, 26A33. M. Almeida was supported by FAPESP 00334-0/2011, Brazil. L. Ferreira was supported by FAPESP and CNPQ, Brazil. 957
Marcelo Fernandes de Almeida and Lucas C.F. Ferreira
Here we are interested in a semilinear integro-partial di↵erential equation, which interpolates the semilinear heat and wave equations, and reads as Z t 1 u(x, t) = u0 (x) + (t s)↵ 1 ( x u(s) + |u(s)|⇢ u(s)) ds, (1.1) (↵) 0 for x 2 Rn , t > 0, where n 1, 1 < ↵ < 2, 0 < ⇢ < 1, (↵) denotes the Gamma function, and x is the Laplacian in the x-variable. This equation is formally equivalent to the IVP for the fractional partial di↵erential equation (FPDE) @t↵ u =
+ |u|⇢ u, in Rn , t > 0,
u(x, 0) = u0 and @t u(x, 0) = 0 in R ,
where @t↵ u = D↵t 1 (@t u) and D↵t 1 stands for the Riemann–Liouville derivative of order ↵ 1. For a Lebesgue-measurable function f and k = b⌘c + 1 with ⌘ 0 (b·c is the floor function), we have that ✓ ◆k Z t 1 @ 1 ⌘ Dt f = f (s) ds. (k ⌘) @t s)⌘+1 k 0 (t Let {G↵ (t)}t form by
where E↵ (z) =
denote the semigroup of operators defined via Fourier trans-
↵ 2 b G\ ↵ (t)f = E↵ ( t |⇠| )f (⇠), zk
is the Mittag–Le✏er function. Taking ↵ = 1 2
and ↵ = 2, the operator G↵ (t) has symbol E1 ( t|⇠|2 ) = e t|⇠| and E2 ( t2 |⇠|2 ) = cos(|⇠|t), respectively, and (1.2) becomes the semilinear heat and wave equations. When 1 < ↵ < 2 the semigroup possesses mixed properties of the heat and wave semigroups (see (2.15)–(2.17)). In original variables, the symbol E↵ ( t↵ |⇠|2 ) corresponds to the fundamental solution K↵ (x, t) of the linear part of (1.2) (see [10]); that is, Z K↵ (x, t) = eix·⇠ E↵ ( t↵ |⇠|2 ) d⇠. (1.5) Rn
The problem (1.2)–(1.3) (or (1.1)) can be formally converted to the integral equation (see [17]) u(x, t) = G↵ (t)u0 (x) + B↵ (u), with B↵ (u)(t) =
G↵ (t
1 (s
⌧ )|u(⌧ )|⇢ u(⌧ ) d⌧ ds,
Self-similarity, symmetries and asymptotic behavior
where R⌘ (s) = s⌘ 1 / (⌘). Throughout this paper a mild solution for (1.2)– (1.3) (or (1.1)) is a function u satisfying (1.6). Fractional di↵erential equations have attracted the attention of many authors. For instance, with di↵erent definitions for @t↵ (or with the same one), the linear version of (1.2), @t↵ u = x u + f (x, t) (or other related linear FPDEs), has been studied in [3, 6, 7, 8, 13, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 21, 35], where the reader can find results about existence, uniqueness, and asymptotic behavior of solutions in Lp -spaces or in spaces of regular (continuous) functions, and results about fundamental solutions and their properties when f ⌘ 0. In many of these references, the studied equation is presented in a time-integral form (like (1.1)), which corresponds to a time fractional derivative notion (see e.g. [10, 11, 13, 35]). On the other hand, there are only a few results for the semilinear equation (1.2), and there is a lack of results in comparison with semilinear heat and wave equations. In this direction we mention the works [17, 27], in which the authors obtained results on global existence for (1.2) with, respectively, small initial data in the critical Lebesgue space n 2 n⇢ p ⇢ L 2 and in a subset of the critical Besov space B˙ p,1 (with p > n⇢ 2 ). The local-in-time existence was also addressed in [17] regardless of the data size. Miao and Yang [27] used certain Lp -space-time estimates due to [17], and their results also provide existence of self-similar solutions. Models with fractional derivatives can naturally connect structurally different groups of PDEs, and their mathematical analysis may give information about the transition (or loss) of basic properties from one to another. Two groups are the parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs, whose well-posedness and asymptotic behavior theory present a lot of di↵erences. For instance, in Lp , weak-Lp , Besov spaces, Morrey spaces, and other ones, there is an extensive bibliography for global well-posedness and asymptotic behavior for nonlinear heat equations (and other parabolic equations); see e.g. [9], [19], [20], [24], [36], and references therein. On the other hand, for nonlinear wave equations, although there exist results in Lp [31, 34], weak-Lp [26, 18], and Besov spaces [32], there are no results in Morrey spaces. The main reason is the loss of decay of the semigroup (and its time derivative) associated to _ _ the free-wave equation, namely ( sin(|⇠|t) |⇠|t ) and (cos(|⇠| t)) . So, it is natural to wonder what would be the behavior of the semilinear FPDE (1.2) in the framework of Morrey spaces, which presents a mixed parabolic-hyperbolic structure. We show that the equation (1.6) is globally well-posed for small initial data in the critical Morrey space Mp,µ with µ = n 2p/⇢. Such spaces contain strongly singular functions and, for instance, they are larger than
Marcelo Fernandes de Almeida and Lucas C.F. Ferreira
Lp and weak-Lp spaces in the critical case p = n⇢ 2 (see (2.8)). There is no inclusion relation between Besov and Morrey spaces with the same scaling. In Remark 3.2, we comment on how to derive a local-in-time version of our well-posedness result and discuss an alternative blow-up scenario. We also investigate qualitative properties of solutions such as self-similarity, antisymmetry (and symmetry), and positivity (see Theorem 3.3). Moreover, we analyze the asymptotic stability of the solutions, and thereby a class of asymptotically self-similar solutions is obtained. Let us comment some interesting technical points. Due to the semigroup property (2.17), further restrictions appear in Theorem 3.1 in comparison with semilinear heat equations. Making the derivative index ↵ go from ↵ = 1 to ↵ = 2, the estimates and corresponding restrictions become worse, and they are completely lost when ↵ reaches the endpoint 2 (see Lemmas 4.2, 4.3, and 4.5). The proof of the pointwise estimate (4.2) shows that the “worst parcel” in (2.17) is the term l↵ (⇠) (see (2.16)). In particular, notice that for ↵ = 1 (heat semigroup) the upper bound on parameter is not necessary; that is, one can take 2 [0, 1). Finally, based on above observations, our results and estimates suggest the following: “the semilinear wave equation (↵ = 2) in Rn is not well-posed in Morrey spaces.” The mathematical verification of this assertion seems to be an interesting open problem. The manuscript is organized as follows. Some basic properties about Morrey spaces and Mittag–Le✏er functions are reviewed in Section 2. Our results are stated in Section 3, and their proofs are performed in Section 4. 2. Preliminary In this section some properties about Morrey spaces and Mittag–Le✏er functions are recalled. 2.1. Morrey spaces. The Morrey spaces and some basic properties of them are reviewed in the present subsection. For further details on theses spaces, the reader is referred to [20, 30, 36, 38]. Let Dr (x0 ) denote the open ball in Rn centered at x0 and with radius r > 0. For two parameters 1 p < 1 and 0 µ < n, we define the Morrey spaces Mp,µ = Mp,µ (Rn ) as the set of functions f 2 Lp (Dr (x0 )) such that µ
kf kLp (Dr (x0 )) C r p , for all x0 2 Rn ,
where C > 0 denotes a constant independent of x0 , r, and f . The space Mp,µ endowed with the norm kf kp,µ =
r>0,x0 2Rn
µ p
kf kLp (Dr (x0 ))
Self-similarity, symmetries and asymptotic behavior
is a Banach space. For s 2 R and 1 p < 1, the homogeneous SobolevMorrey space Msp,µ = ( ) s/2 Mp,µ is a Banach space with norm kf kMsp,µ = (
)s/2 f
Taking p = 1, kf kL1 (Dr (x0 )) stands for the total variation of f on Dr (x0 ) and M1,µ is a space of signed measures. In particular, when µ = 0, M1,0 = M is the space of finite measures. For p > 1, Mp,0 = Lp and Msp,0 = H˙ ps is the homogeneous Sobolev space. With the natural adaptation in (2.2) for p = 1, the space L1 corresponds to M1,µ . Morrey spaces present the following scaling: kf ( x)kp,µ =
kf ( x)kMsp,µ =
where the exponent s
n µ p
n µ p
n µ p
kf kp,µ
kf (x)kMsp,µ ,
(2.4) (2.5)
is called the scaling index. We have that
)l/2 Msp,µ = Msp,µl .
¨ p,µ ) by means Let us define the closed subspace of Mp,µ (denoted by M ¨ p,µ if and only if of the property f 2 M kf (·
f (·)kp,µ ! 0 as y ! 0.
Lq (Rn ) ⇢ Lq,1 (Rn ) ⇢ Mp,µ (Rn ),
This subspace is useful to deal with a semigroup of convolution operators when the respective kernels present a suitable polynomial decay at infinity. In general, such semigroups are only weakly continuous at t = 0+ in Mp,µ , ¨ p,µ , as is the case of {G↵ (t)}t 0 . This propbut they are C0 -semigroups in M erty is important in order to derive local-in-time well-posedness for PDEs (see Remark 3.2). Morrey spaces contain Lebesgue and Marcinkiewicz spaces with the same scaling indexes. Precisely, we have the continuous proper inclusions where p < q and µ = n(q p)/q (see e.g. [28] or [1]). In the next lemma, we recall some important inequalities and inclusions in Morrey spaces; see e.g. [20, 36]. Lemma 2.1. Suppose that s1 , s2 2 R, 1 p, q, r < 1, and 0 , µ, (i) (Inclusion) If p q and n p µ = n q , then Mq, ⇢ Mp,µ .
< n. (2.9)
Marcelo Fernandes de Almeida and Lucas C.F. Ferreira n µ p
(ii) (Sobolev-type embedding) If p q, s2 s1 , and s2 then 2 1 Msp,µ ⇢ Msq,µ .
(iii) (H¨ older inequality) If
1 r
1 p
+ 1q and
n µ q ,
+ µq , then f g 2 Mr, and
kf gkr, 6 kf kp, kgkq,µ . (iv) (Homogeneous function) Let ⌦ 2 L1 (Sn n/d. Then ⌦(x/|x|)|x| d 2 Mr,n dr .
= s1
1 ),
(2.11) 0 < d < n, and 1 r
0 such that @kF (⇠) A |⇠|m @⇠ k
for all k 2 (N [ {0})n with |k| [n/2] + 1 and for all ⇠ 6= 0. Then the 0 multiplier operator F (D) on S /P is bounded from Msp,µ to Msp,µm and the following estimate holds true: kF (D)f kMsp,µm C kf kMsp,µ ,
(2.13) 0
where C > 0 is a constant independent of f , and the set S /P is the one of 0 equivalence classes in S modulo polynomials with n variables. 2.2. Mittag–Le✏er functions. This part is devoted to reviewing basic properties for Mittag–Le✏er functions, the symbol E↵ ( t↵ |⇠|2 ), and the fundamental solution K↵ (see (1.5)). These can be found in [10] and [17], when n = 1 and n 2, respectively. The Mittag–Le✏er function E↵ (z) is defined via power series by E↵ (z) =
1 X k=0
zk , (↵k + 1)
where (↵) is the Gamma function. In what follows, we recall some functions which are useful to handle the symbol of the semigroup G↵ (t) (see (1.4)). For 1 < ↵ < 2, let us set 2
a↵ (⇠) = |⇠| ↵ e ↵ , b↵ (⇠) = |⇠| ↵ e
i⇡ ↵
, for ⇠ 2 Rn ,
Self-similarity, symmetries and asymptotic behavior
and l↵ (⇠) =
sin(↵⇡) R 1 |⇠|2 s↵ 1 e s ⇡ 0 s2↵ +2|⇠|2 s↵ cos(↵⇡)+|⇠|4 1 ↵2 ,
if ⇠ 6= 0
if ⇠ = 0.
Lemma 2.3. Let 1 < ↵ < 2, k 2 N [ {0}, and K↵ be as in (1.5). We have that 1 E↵ ( |⇠|2 ) = (exp(a↵ (⇠)) + exp(b↵ (⇠))) + l↵ (⇠) (2.17) ↵ and k 2 @ k K↵ n+k @ (x, t) = K↵ ( x, ↵ t), (2.18) k k @xi @xi for all > 0. Moreover, K↵ (x, t) 0, P↵ (|x|, 1) = ↵K↵ (x, 1) is a probability measure, and 1 kK↵ (·, t)kL1 (Rn ) = , for all t > 0. (2.19) ↵ Proof. Except for (2.18), all properties contained in the statement can be found in [10] and [17] when n = 1 and n 2, respectively. In order to prove (2.18), we use Fourier inversion and (1.5) to obtain Z @ k K↵ (x, t) = eix·⇠ ( i⇠i )k E↵ ( t↵ |⇠|2 ) d⇠ n @xki R Z ↵ ix· py↵ n↵ t ( it 2 y )k E ( |y|2 ) dy =t 2 e i ↵ Rn Z ↵ i px ·y = t 2 (n+k) e t↵ ( iyi )k E↵ ( |y|2 ) dy =t
Rn k ↵ x (n+k) @ K↵ 2 ( p ↵ , 1). k @xi t
The desired identity follows by taking
p = 1/ t↵ in (2.20).
(2.20) ⇤
3. Functional setting and results We shall employ the Kato–Fujita method (see [19]) to integral equation (1.6), which should be understood in the Bochner sense in Morrey spaces. In what follows, we perform a scaling analysis in order to choose the correct indexes for Kato–Fujita spaces. A simple computation by using (1.2) shows that the indexes k1 = 2/⇢ and k2 = 2/↵ are the unique ones such that the function u given by u (x, t) =
u( x,
Marcelo Fernandes de Almeida and Lucas C.F. Ferreira
is a solution of (1.2), for each > 0, whenever u is also. The scaling map for (1.2) is defined by u(x, t) ! u (x, t). (3.2) + Making t ! 0 in (3.2) one obtains the following scaling for the initial condition: u0 (x) ! 2/⇢ u (x). (3.3) Solutions invariant by (3.2), that is, u(x, t) = u (x, t) for all
> 0,
are called self-similar ones. Since we are interested in such solutions, it is suitable to consider critical spaces for u(x, t) and u0 , i.e., the ones whose norms are invariant by (3.2) and (3.3), respectively. Consider the parameters µ = n 2p/⇢ and = ↵⇢ ↵ n2qµ , and let BC((0, 1), X) stand for the class of bounded and continuous functions from (0, 1) to a Banach space X. We take u0 belonging to the critical space Mp,µ and study (1.6) in the Kato–Fujita-type space Hq = {u(x, t) 2 BC((0, 1); Mp,µ ) : t u 2 BC((0, 1); Mq,µ )},
which is a Banach space with the norm
kukHq = sup ku(·, t)kp,µ + sup t ku(·, t)kq,µ . t>0
Notice that the norm (3.6) is invariant by scaling transformation (3.2). From Lemma 2.1, typical data belonging to Mp,µ is the homogeneous function 2 x u0 (x) = ⌦( ) |x| ⇢ , (3.7) |x| n 1 . We refer where 1 p < n⇢ 2 and ⌦ is a bounded function on the sphere S to the book [14, Chapter 3] for more details about self-similar solutions and PDE’s. Our well-posedness result reads as follows. Theorem 3.1 (Well-posedness). Let 0 < ⇢ < 1, 1 < ↵ < 2, 1 < p < and µ = n 2p/⇢. Suppose that n p µ n q µ < 2 and
n⇢ 2 ,
1 ⇢ p 1 ⇢p < < and < q < 1. (3.8) ↵ ⇢+1 q ↵ p 1 (i) (Existence and uniqueness) There exist " > 0 and = (") such that if ku0 kp,µ then the equation (1.1) has a mild solution u 2 Hq , which is the unique one in the ball D2" = {u 2 Hq : kukHq 2"}. Moreover, u * u0 in D0 (Rn ) as t ! 0+ . 1
Self-similarity, symmetries and asymptotic behavior
(ii) (Continuous dependence on data) Let I0 = {u0 2 Mp,µ : kukp,µ }. The data-solution map is Lipschitz continuous from I0 to D2" . Remark 3.2. (i) With a slight adaptation of the proof of Theorem 3.1, we could treat more general nonlinearities. Precisely, one could consider (1.1) and (1.2) with f (u) instead of u |u|⇢ , where f 2 C(R), f (0) = 0, and there is C > 0 such that |f (a)
f (b)| C|a
b|(|a|⇢ + |b|⇢ ), for all a, b 2 R.
(ii) (Local-in-time well-posedness) A local version of Theorem 3.1 holds true by replacing the smallness condition on initial data by a smallness one on existence time T > 0. Here we should consider the local-in-time space Hq,T = {u(x, t) 2 BC((0, T ); Mp,µ ) : lim sup t ku(·, t)kq,µ = 0},
and u0 2 Mp,µ such that lim supt!0+ t kG↵ (t)u0 kq,µ = 0. In particular, this ¨ p,µ (see (2.7)). Thus we need condition is satisfied when u0 belongs to M ¨ p,µ to restrict ourselves to the suitable subspace M Mp,µ , which is the maximal closed one where the group of translations is continuous (see [20, Lemma 3.1]). As already pointed out in subsection 2.1, the main reason for that is the semigroup {G↵ (t)}t 0 is not strongly continuous at t = 0+ on Mp,µ . ¨ p,µ does not contain, in partic(iii) (Alternative blow up) The subspace M ular, homogeneous functions, and so we are not able to obtain local solutions for arbitrary data u0 2 Mp,µ as in Theorem 3.1 by means of the approach employed in the present paper. These data correspond to self-similar solutions (see Theorem 3.3 below). However, in view of item (ii) of this re¨ p,µ then the local-in-time version of Theorem 3.1 gives a mark, if u0 2 M solution u 2 C([0, Tmax ); Mp,µ ), where Tmax > 0 is the maximal existence time. Moreover, an alternative blow up holds true; that is, there holds either Tmax = 1 or else limt!Tmax ku(·, t)kMp,µ = 1 with Tmax < 1. We refer the reader to [2, 4, 25] for more results about blow up (self-similar or not) for nonlinear di↵usion equations. Let O(n) be the orthogonal matrix group in Rn , and let G be a subset of O(n). A function h is said to be symmetric and antisymmetric under the action of G when h(x) = h(M x) and h(x) = h(M x), respectively, for every M 2 G. Theorem 3.3. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1, we have the following:
Marcelo Fernandes de Almeida and Lucas C.F. Ferreira
(i) (Self-similarity) If u0 is a homogeneous function of degree ⇢2 , then the mild solution given in Theorem 3.1 is self-similar. (ii) (Symmetry and antisymmetry) The solution u(x, t) is antisymmetric (respectively symmetric) for t > 0, when u0 is antisymmetric (respectively symmetric) under G. (iii) (Positivity) If u0 6⌘ 0 and u0 (x) 0 (respectively u0 (x) 0), then u is positive (respectively negative). Remark 3.4. (Special examples of symmetry and antisymmetry) (i) The case G = O(n) corresponds to radial symmetry. Therefore, it follows from Theorem 3.3 (ii) that if u0 is radially symmetric then u(x, t) is radially symmetric for t > 0. (ii) Let M x = x be the reflection over the origin and let IRn be the identity map. The case G = {IRn , M } corresponds to parity of functions; that is, h(x) is even and odd when h(x) = h( x) and h(x) = h( x), respectively. So, from Theorem 3.3 (ii), we have that the solution u(x, t) is even (respectively odd) for t > 0, when u0 (x) is even (respectively odd). The next theorem gives a criterion for the asymptotic stability of solutions and provides a class of asymptotically self-similar solutions. Theorem 3.5. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1, let u and v be two global mild solutions for (1.1) given by Theorem 3.1, with respective data u0 and v0 . We have that lim ku(·, t)
v(·, t)kp,µ = lim t ku(·, t) t!+1
v(·, t)kq,µ = 0
v0 )kq,µ ) = 0.
if and only if lim (kG↵ (t)(u0
v0 )kp,µ + t kG↵ (t)(u0
Remark 3.6. (Asymptotically self-similar solutions) In Theorem 3.5, let v0 = u0 + ' with ' 2 C01 (Rn ) small enough and suppose that u0 is a function homogeneous of degree ⇢2 . We have that ' = v0 u0 satisfies (3.11), and then the solution v(x, t) converges in the sense of (3.10) to the self-similar solution u as t ! +1; i.e., it is asymptotically self-similar. 4. Proofs of theorems We start by recalling an elementary fixed-point lemma whose proof can be found in [9].
Self-similarity, symmetries and asymptotic behavior
Lemma 4.1. Let (X, k · k) be a Banach space and 0 < ⇢ < 1. Suppose that B : X ! X satisfies B(0) = 0 and kB(x)
B(z)k Kkx
zk(kxk⇢ + kzk⇢ ).
Let R > 0 be the unique positive root of 2⇢+1 K R⇢ 1 = 0. Given 0 < " < R and y 2 X such that kyk ", there exists a solution x 2 X for the equation x = y +B(x) which is the unique one in the closed ball D2" = {z 2 X : kzk 2"}. Moreover, if k¯ y k " and x ¯ 2 D2" satisfies the equation x ¯ = y¯ + B(¯ x), then 1 kx x ¯k ky y¯k. (4.1) ⇢+1 1 2 K"⇢ 4.1. Linear estimates. The aim of this subsection is to derive estimates for the semigroup G↵ (t). For that matter we will need pointwise estimates for the fundamental solution K↵ in Fourier variables.
Lemma 4.2. Let 1 ↵ < 2 and 0 < 2. There is C := C(↵, , n) > 0 such that i @k h 2 |⇠| E ( |⇠| ) C |⇠| |k| , (4.2) ↵ @⇠ k for all multi-index k 2 (N [ {0})n with |k| [n/2] + 1 and for all ⇠ 6= 0. Proof. In view of (2.17), the symbol E↵ ( |⇠|2 ) is composed of two parcels, namely 2 i⇡ 2 i⇡ 1 1 I↵ (⇠) = exp(|⇠| ↵ e ↵ ) + exp(|⇠| ↵ e ↵ ) (4.3) ↵ ↵ and Z sin(↵⇡) 1 |⇠|2 s↵ 1 e s l↵ (⇠) = ds (4.4) ⇡ s2↵ + 2|⇠|2 s↵ cos(↵⇡) + |⇠|4 0 2 1 Z sin(↵⇡) 1 exp( |⇠| ↵ s ↵ ) = ds, (4.5) ↵⇡ s2 + 2s cos(↵⇡) + 1 0 2
where the change s 7! |⇠| ↵ s ↵ was used from (4.4) to (4.5). For > 0, we have that 2|k| ⇤ 2 @k ⇥ ⇡ |⇠| I↵ (⇠) C(|⇠| |k| + |⇠| + ↵ |k| ) exp(|⇠| ↵ cos( )) C |⇠| |k| . k ↵ @⇠ (4.6) On the other hand, Z 1 i @k h g(⇠, s) |⇠| l↵ (⇠) C ds, 2 + 2s cos(↵⇡) + 1 s @⇠ k 0
Marcelo Fernandes de Almeida and Lucas C.F. Ferreira
where g(⇠, s) =
(|k| 1)
+ |⇠|
2 ↵ ) ↵
s ↵ + |⇠|
(|k| 2)
⌘ |k| 2 ↵ 1 2 + · · · + |⇠| |⇠|( ↵ )|k| s ↵ exp( |⇠s 2 | ↵ ) ⇣ 2 2 1 2 = |⇠| |k| |⇠| + |⇠| |⇠| ↵ s ↵ + |⇠| |⇠|( ↵ )2 s ↵ ⌘ |k| 2 1 2 + · · · + |⇠| |⇠|( ↵ )|k| s ↵ exp( |⇠s 2 | ↵ ) 2 4 ⇣ 1 1 ↵+ 1 ↵+ = s 2 |⇠| |k| ⇠s 2 + ⇠s 2 + ⇠s 2 2|k| + ↵
+ · · · + ⇠s 2
Therefore, i @k h |⇠| l (⇠) C |⇠| ↵ @⇠ k
exp( |⇠s 2 | ↵ ) Cs
2 ↵ )2 ↵
s 2 ds C |⇠| s2 + 2s cos(↵⇡) + 1
, (4.7)
because < 2. Now the estimate (4.2) follows from (4.6) and (4.7). ⇤ In the sequel we prove key estimates on Morrey spaces for the semigroup {G↵ (t)}t 0 . Lemma 4.3. Let 1 ↵ < 2, 1 < p q < 1 , 0 µ < n, and 2. There exists C > 0 such that for all f 2 Mp,µ .
↵ n µ ( p 2
kG↵ (t)f kq,µ Ct
n µ ) q
n µ p
n µ q
0 such that kG↵ (t)u0 kHq Lku0 kp,µ ,
for all u0 2 Mp,µ .
Proof. It follows from (4.8) that sup kG↵ (t)u0 kp,µ + sup t kG↵ (t)u0 kq,µ t>0 t>0 ⇣ ⌘ n µ ↵ n µ ( ) q C ku0 kp,µ + sup t 2 p ku0 kp,µ = Cku0 kp,µ , t>0
and then we get (4.11).
4.2. Nonlinear estimates. Firstly, let us recall the nonlinear parcel in (1.6) given by Z t Z s B↵ (u)(t) = G↵ (t s) R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )|u(⌧ )|⇢ u(⌧ ) d⌧ ds. (4.12) 0
Before estimating B↵ we recall a real-number inequality. Given ⇢ > 0, there is C > 0 such that |a |a|⇢
b |b|⇢ | C|a
b|(|a|⇢ + |b|⇢ ), for all a, b 2 R.
Lemma 4.5 (Nonlinear estimate). Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.1, there is a positive constant K such that kB↵ (u)
for all u, v 2 Hq .
B↵ (v)kHq Kku
vkHq (kuk⇢Hq + kvk⇢Hq ),
Proof. The proof is performed in two steps. First step. We start by estimating the norm k · kq,µ . Thanks to Lemma 4.3, H¨ older’s inequality (2.11), and the inequality (4.13), we obtain kB(u)(t)
Marcelo Fernandes de Almeida and Lucas C.F. Ferreira
kG↵ (t s) R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )[f (u(⌧ )) f (v(⌧ ))] d⌧ kq,µ ds 0 0 Z t Z s 1 C (t s) k R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )[f (u(⌧ )) f (v(⌧ ))] d⌧ k q ,µ ds ⇢+1 0 0 Z t Z s C (t s) 1 R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )kf (u(⌧ )) f (v(⌧ ))k q ,µ d⌧ ds ⇢+1 0 0 Z t Z s C (t s) 1 R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )ku vkq,µ (kuk⇢q,µ + kvk⇢q,µ ) d⌧ ds,
where R↵ (s) = s↵
(↵), f (u(⌧ )) = |u(⌧ )|⇢ u(⌧ ), and
= ↵2 ( n q µ
n µ q/(⇢+1) )
↵⇢ n2qµ . Now we define ✓(s) by Z s ✓(s) = R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )ku(⌧ ) v(⌧ )kq,µ (ku(⌧ )k⇢q,µ + kv(⌧ )k⇢q,µ ) d⌧ (4.16) 0 Z s = R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )⌧ (⇢+1) ⌧ ku(⌧ ) v(⌧ )kq,µ (⌧ ⇢ ku(⌧ )k⇢q,µ + ⌧ ⇢ kv(⌧ )k⇢q,µ ) d⌧, =
and rewrite (4.15) as kB(u)(·, t)
B(v)(·, t)kq,µ C
The function ✓(s) can be estimated as Z s ✓(s) R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )⌧ (⇢+1) d⌧ ku 0
s) 1 ✓(s) ds.
vkHq (kuk⇢Hq + kvk⇢Hq ).
Making the change of variables ⌧ = zs and afterwards s = t!, we get Z t Z s (t s) 1 R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )⌧ (⇢+1) d⌧ ds (4.19) 0 0 Z t Z 1 1 # =C (t s) s (1 z)↵ 2 z (⇢+1) dz ds (4.20) 0 0 Z 1 #+ 1 +1 = Ct (1 !) 1 ! # d!, (4.21) 0
where # = ↵ #+
(⇢ + 1) and 1
(⇢ + 1)
µ 2q
+1= ⇢
(⇢ + 1) =
Self-similarity, symmetries and asymptotic behavior
The convergence of the beta functions appearing in (4.20) and (4.21) follows at once from the hypotheses on parameters. Therefore Z t Z s 1 (t s) R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )⌧ (⇢+1) d⌧ ds = Ct . (4.22) 0
It follows from (4.17), (4.18), and (4.22) that sup t kB(u)(t)
B(v)(t)kq,µ K1 ku
vkHq (kuk⇢Hq + kvk⇢Hq ).
Second step. Here we deal with the norm k · kp,µ . Notice that we can 1 choose r > 1 such that 1r = p1 + q/⇢ . Then kB(u)(t) B(v)(t)kp,µ Z t Z s C (t s) 2 R↵ 1 (s ⌧ ) k|u v| (|u|⇢ + |v|⇢ )kr,µ d⌧ ds 0 0 Z t Z s C (t s) 2 R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )ku vkp,µ (kuk⇢q,µ + kvk⇢q,µ ) d⌧ ds (4.24) 0 0 Z t Z s 2 = (t s) R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )⌧ ⇢ ku vkp,µ (⌧ ⇢ kuk⇢q,µ + ⌧ ⇢ kvk⇢q,µ ) d⌧ ds 0 0 Z t Z s C (t s) 2 (s ⌧ )↵ 2 ⌧ ⇢ d⌧ ds ku vkHq (kuk⇢Hq + kvk⇢Hq ) 0
= K2 ku
vkHq (kuk⇢Hq
kvk⇢Hq ),
where 2 = ↵2 ( n p µ n r µ ) = ⇢ ↵ = 1 , and we have proceeded similarly to (4.20) from (4.25) to (4.26). In view of (3.6), the inequalities (4.23) and (4.26) together imply the desired estimate (4.14) with K = K1 + K2 . ⇤ 1
1 ⇢ 4.3. Proof of Theorem 3.1. Part (i). Let R = 2⇢+1 , 0 < " < R, K " and = L , where L > 0 and K > 0 are the constants obtained in Lemmas 4.4 and 4.5, respectively. Taking y = G↵ (t)u0 , Lemma 4.4 yields
kykHq = kG↵ (t)u0 kHq L ku0 kp,µ ",
because ku0 kp,µ . Thanks to the inequality (4.14), we can take X = Hq in Lemma 4.1 and conclude that there exists a global mild solution u 2 Hq for (1.1), which is the unique solution satisfying kukHq 2". The convergence u(t) * u0 in D0 (Rn ) follows similarly from standard arguments found, for instance, in [37].
Marcelo Fernandes de Almeida and Lucas C.F. Ferreira
Part (ii). Let u and v be two mild solutions with initial data u0 and v0 belonging to I0 , respectively. We can use (4.1) and Lemma 4.4 to estimate 1 ku vkHq kG↵ (t)u0 G↵ (t)v0 kp,µ 1 2⇢+1 K"⇢ 1 L = kG↵ (t)(u0 v0 )kp,µ ku0 v0 kp,µ , ⇢+1 ⇢ ⇢+1 1 2 K" 1 2 K"⇢ as desired. ⇤ 4.4. Proof of Theorem 3.3. Part (i): Let (x, t) = G↵ (t)u0 . Using that u0 is homogeneous of degree ⇢2 and (2.18), it is not too difficult to check that 2 2 (x, t) = (x, t) = ⇢ ( x, ↵ t), for every > 0. Also, we have that [B↵ (u, u)] = B↵ (u , u ), for all > 0, 2 2 where [⌦(x, t)] stands for ⇢ ⌦( x, ↵ t). It follows that u is a solution for (1.6) because u is a solution. Due to the fact that the norm in Hq is scaling invariant, we have that ku kHq = kukHq 2". From the uniqueness result contained in Theorem 3.1 (i), it follows that u(x, t) ⌘ u (x, t), for every > 0; that is, u is self-similar. Part (ii). Let M 2 G and u0 be antisymmetric. Using that M is orthogonal, the property u0 (M x) = u0 (x) can be expressed in Fourier variables as u c0 (⇠) = [u0 (M x)]^ (⇠) = u c0 (M 1 ⇠). (4.27) Again denoting (x, t) = G↵ (t)u0 , we obtain from (4.27) that [ (M x, t)]^ (⇠) = E↵ ( t↵ |M =
⇠|2 )c u0 (M
E↵ ( t↵ |⇠|2 )c u0 (⇠) =
\ (x, t)(⇠),
which shows that G↵ (t)u0 is antisymmetric for each fixed t > 0. Similarly, we can show that B↵ (u) is antisymmetric whether or not u is also. So, employing an induction argument, one can prove that each element uk of the Picard sequence u1 (x, t) = (x, t) uk (x, t) = (x, t) + B↵ (uk
(4.28) 1 )(x, t),
k = 2, 3, . . .
is antisymmetric. Since uk ! u in Hq , then the sequence (4.28)–(4.29) also converges (up a subsequence) for almost every x 2 Rn and t > 0. It follows that u(x, t) is antisymmetric for t > 0, because pointwise convergence preserves antisymmetry. We finish this part by observing that the proof of the symmetric property is analogous.
Self-similarity, symmetries and asymptotic behavior
Part (iii). We will only prove the statement concerning positive solutions, because the one about negative solutions follows similarly. Let uk be the sequence (4.28)–(4.29). From Lemma 2.3, we have that u1 (x, t) = G↵ (t)u0 = K↵ (·, t) ⇤ u0 , with positive kernel K↵ (x, t) 0. Hence if u0 0 with u0 6⌘ 0 almost everywhere in Rn , then u1 (x, t) > 0 in Rn , for each t > 0. Moreover, B↵ (u) 0 whenever u(x, t) 0. Therefore, an induction argument on k shows that uk (x, t) > 0, for all k 2 N. We have already seen in the last proof that (up a subsequence) uk ! u for almost every x 2 Rn and t > 0. Therefore the limit u(x, t) 0 for almost every x 2 Rn and t > 0. But, since u satisfies (1.6), we get u = u1 (x, t) + B↵ (u) u1 (x, t) > 0, for almost every x 2 Rn and t > 0. ⇤ 4.5. Proof of Theorem 3.5. We only show that (3.11) implies (3.10), because the converse statement follows analogously. Subtracting the integral equations satisfied by u and v, and then taking the norms t k · kq,µ and k · kp,µ , we obtain t ku(·, t)
v(·, t)kq,µ t kG↵ (t)(u0
:= t kG↵ (t)(u0
and ku(·, t)
v(·, t)kp,µ kG↵ (t)(u0
v0 )kq,µ + t kB↵ (u) v0 )kq,µ + I1 (t)
v0 )kp,µ + kB↵ (u)
kG↵ (t)(u0
B↵ (v)kq,µ (4.30)
B↵ (v)kp,µ
v0 )kp,µ + I2 (t).
Recalling that kukHq 2" and kvkHq 2", and the inequality (4.15), we can estimate the term I1 (t) as I1 (t) Z t Ct (t
(4.32) s
s) 1 R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )ku(⌧ ) v(⌧ )kq,µ k |u(⌧ )|⇢ + |v(⌧ )|⇢ kq,µ d⌧ ds 0 0 Z t Z s ⇢ 1 t 2(2") C (t s) R↵ 1 (s ⌧ )⌧ (⇢+1) ⌃1 (⌧ ) d⌧ ds, 0
where ⌃1 (⌧ ) = t ku(⌧ ) v(⌧ )kq,µ and 1 = (4.24), the integral I2 (t) can be estimated as Z t Z s I2 (t) (2⇢+1 "⇢ )C (t s) 2 R↵ 1 (s 0
where ⌃2 (⌧ ) = ku(⌧ )
↵⇢ n2qµ . Similarly, in view of ⌧ )⌧
v(⌧ )kp,µ and
⌃2 (⌧ ) d⌧ ds,
Marcelo Fernandes de Almeida and Lucas C.F. Ferreira
Now setting ⌃(⌧ ) = ⌃1 (⌧ ) + ⌃2 (⌧ ) and making the changes ⌧ = sz and s = t in (4.32) and (4.33), we get I1 (t) + I2 (t) (2⇢+1 "⇢ )C + (2
" )C
⇢+1 ⇢
0 Z 1
↵ 1
↵ 1
1 (1
⌃(t z) dz d
1 (1
⌃(t z) dz d .
Notice that lim supt!+1 ⌃(t) < 1 because u, v 2 Hq . We claim that ⇧ := lim sup ⌃(t) = 0,
which is equivalent to (3.10). To see this, we take lim supt!+1 in (4.34) to get Z 1 lim sup[I1 (t) + I2 (t)] (2⇢+1 "⇢ )C (1 ) 1 ↵ 1 (⇢+1) d t!+1
⇥ lim sup t!+1
+ (2⇢+1 "⇢ )C
⇥ lim sup t!+1
" )C
⇢+1 ⇢
+ (2⇢+1 "⇢ )C
⌃(t z) dz
(1 0 ⇣Z 1
= (K1 + K2 )(2
1 (1
R↵ )
1 (1
0 1
0 1
↵ 1
) )
d ⇢
z)z ↵ 1
⌃(t z) dz
↵ 1
0 ⇢+1 ⇢
d Z 1
1 (1
1 (1
" )⇧.
⌘ dz ⇧
⌘ dz ⇧ (4.37)
Thanks to the inequalities (4.30), (4.31), and (4.37) and the hypothesis (3.11), we obtain ⇧ lim sup(t kG↵ (t)(u0 t!+1
v0 )kq,µ + kG↵ (t)(u0
v0 )kp,µ )
+ lim sup[I1 (t) + I2 (t)] t!+1
0 + (K1 + K2 )(2⇢+1 "⇢ )⇧ = (2⇢+1 "⇢ K)⇧,
which leads us to ⇧ = 0, because 2⇢+1 "⇢ K < 1.
(4.39) ⇤
Self-similarity, symmetries and asymptotic behavior
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