Semantic Annotation of Medical Images - Semantic Scholar

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... Siemens Corporate Technology, Erlangen, Germany, bGerman Research Center for Artificial ... Keywords: image parsing, ontological modeling, semantic image annotation. 1. ..... API call with deactivated versus activated query expansion.
Semantic Annotation of Medical Images Sascha Seiferta , Michael Kelma , Manuel Moellerb , Saikat Mukherjeec , Alexander Cavallarod , Martin Hubera , and Dorin Comaniciuc a Integrated Data Systems, Siemens Corporate Technology, Erlangen, Germany, b German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Kaiserslautern, Germany, c Integrated Data Systems, Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ, USA, d University Hospital, Erlangen, Germany.

ABSTRACT Diagnosis and treatment planning for patients can be significantly improved by comparing with clinical images of other patients with similar anatomical and pathological characteristics. This requires the images to be annotated using common vocabulary from clinical ontologies. Current approaches to such annotation are typically manual, consuming extensive clinician time, and cannot be scaled to large amounts of imaging data in hospitals. On the other hand, automated image analysis while being very scalable do not leverage standardized semantics and thus cannot be used across specific applications. In our work, we describe an automated and context-sensitive workflow based on an image parsing system complemented by an ontology-based context-sensitive annotation tool. An unique characteristic of our framework is that it brings together the diverse paradigms of machine learning based image analysis and ontology based modeling for accurate and scalable semantic image annotation. Keywords: image parsing, ontological modeling, semantic image annotation

1. INTRODUCTION The clinicians today deeply rely on images for screening, diagnosis, treatment planning and follow up. Due to the huge amount of medical images acquired at the hospitals, new technologies for image search are needed. Current systems only support indexing these images by keywords which cannot be searched and retrieved for their content. The vision of THESEUS-MEDICO is to provide Web 3.0 technologies to perform semantic search in medical image databases taking formal knowledge from ontologies and the image content into account. A potential scenario could be to list all images from patients with lymphoma, which have not been staged yet. Classical search will fail in this scenario, while semantic search could provide the clinician with a ranked list of images, showing enlarged lymph nodes and an involvement of spleen lesions. With the reasoning facilities of the ontology, search queries can also be expanded,1 such that the search for ’lymphatic system’ results in images labeled with ’spleen’, ’thymus’ or ’lymph node’. With standards such as DICOM SR (structured reports), some commercial systems already started to use ontologies, mostly SNOMED, to label medical images. However, this makes structured reporting necessary, which is not accepted by clinicians yet due to higher efforts compared to conventional natural language reporting and missing automatic tools. The hybrid solution proposed in MEDICO consists of an image parsing system which automatically detects landmarks, segments organs, and maps them to ontological concepts and a context-sensitive annotation tool for the clinician.

2. METHODS 2.1 System Architecture The MEDICO system shows a 3-tier server architecture (see Figure 1). The central processing unit is the Medico Server, which links up all the system modules using CORBA∗ and socket connections. It mediates the access to the data layer, amongst others to an image and report database, e.g., PACS and RIS system, and provides the data displayed in the presentation layer. The Imaging Client provides an intuitive graphical interface for the clinician to semantically annotate images and formulate queries. It currently builds on the open-source framework MITK2 but can easily be replaced by another client application. The Anatomy Browser gives easy access to the Foundational Model of Anatomy 3 ∗

CORBA is a trademark of the Object Management Group, Inc.

Anatomy Browser

Query Interface


Imaging Client






Medico Server


Data Access

RDF triples

Image & Report Database

Annotation Database



Data Repository


Image Parsing System Context Support Navigation Support

Medico Ontology

Meta Data

Figure 1. Overall architecture of the MEDICO system.

(FMA) ontology and is controlled by the Imaging Client and enables fast navigation in CT volumes. Additionally, if configured for Apache Tomcat † the server will support a web based Query Interface. Currently, the server makes use of three services for semantic annotation: • The Image Parsing System (see section 2.2) automatically detects anatomical structures in CT volumes and maps them to concept labels coming from the Medico Ontology. • The Context Support Service implements spatial reasoning which enables the filtering of concepts for the interactive semantic reporting on the basis of image-based contextual information (see section 2.4). • The Navigation Support Service links the Anatomy Browser with the Medico Ontology (see section 2.4). The client applications as well as the Image Parsing System use the Annotation Database and Data Repository for persisting meta data needed by semantic queries. The Data Repository stores large data such as surface meshes which represent organs, image masks, and annotated textual reports. These data are referenced by the Annotation Database.

2.2 Image Parsing The objective of the image parsing system is to automatically annotate anatomical structures in medical images. The parsing is done hierarchically, enabling the system to detect 32 landmarks and segment 8 organs on a Pentium Xeon, 2.66 GHz, 3GB RAM in about less than a minute, taking contextual information into account, for details cf.4 New anatomy is easily incorporated since the framework can be trained and handles the segmentation of organs and the detection of landmarks are handled in a unified manner. The technology is based on Marginal Space Learning (MSL)5 which uses a sequence of learned classifiers to estimate the position, orientation, and †

Apache Tomcat is a trademark of the Apache Software Foundation.

scale of the organs and the position of the landmarks. Each learned classifier is a Probabilistic Boosting Tree6 (PBT) with 3D Haar-like7 and steerable features.5 The process chain of the image parsing system is illustrated in Figure 2. It consists of two main parts: the Discriminative Anatomical Network (DAN) and the database-guided segmentation module. The purpose of the

Database-guided Segmentation Discriminative Anatomical Network (DAN)

Rigid Organ Detection





Organ Refinement



landmark priors

Figure 2. The process chain of the integrated image parsing system.4

DAN is to give an estimate about the scale of the patient, the portion of the volume visible, and to detect a set of | 16 landmarks. To obtain a fast and robust system, the landmarks are connected in a graph (network). Information regarding the location of each landmark is propagated through the graph, which not only speeds up detection, but also increases detection accuracy. The database-guided segmentation module uses the output of the DAN for the detection of the position, the orientation, and scale of the organs visible in the given volume portion. By the use of boundary classifiers the organs are subsequently delineated. The precision of the organ segmentation within the image parsing system was evaluated with cross-validation using a mesh-to-mesh error metric (see Table 3). The organ segmentation accuracy is depicted in Figure 4 which shows projections through the 3D volume with overlayed segmentation and ground truth contours. In terms of detection speed, the approach using the anatomical network, yielded a speedup of about 50%, compared with one using detectors individually. The landmark detection has been trained and cross-validated using up to 591 annotated volumes per landmark. The average detection rate is 89.3% and it takes about 20 sec to process a full body CT volume. organs heart liver spleen kidney right kidney left lung left lung right bladder

annotated volumes 457 346 203 199 197 166 163 141

mesh to mesh error, 3-fold C.V. [mm] 1.30 1.07 2.14 1.03 1.15 2.64 2.35 1.35

segmentation time [s/vol] 3.55 6.00 9.90 0.40 0.40 1.70 1.80 1.00

Figure 3. Evaluation measurements (left) and segmentation results on a full body CT volume in ensemble view (right).

2.3 Ontological Modeling The rational of the MEDICO Ontology 1, 8 is to reuse background knowledge already represented in medical ontologies such as the FMA3 and terminologies like RadLex9 and the International Classification of Diseases



right lung


Figure 4. High quality segmentations of some selected organs. The green contour represents the manual annotation of the 7. Evaluation of the Ontological Model structure, i.e., ground truth. Overlayed is the red contour obtained from automatic segmentation in CT volumes.

version 10

Semantic annotation and search within THESEUS MEDICO are based extensively on the MEDICO ontology hierarchy. Below we will just give a short overview about its components. For a more detailed description the cover reader is refered todimensions [Moeller2009a]of and to the annotation. description in Deliverable (ICD-10). Each of them different image D.7.2. "Report detailing the overall system design and specification". ‡

Figure 5 shows an overview of the components of the MEDICO ontology hierarchy . We follow Gruber’s definition10 for the term ontology that an ontology is a formal specification of a (shared) conceptualization. 7.1. Overview of the MEDICO Ontology Hierarchy Ontologies are usually structured in various layers or levels, based on the assumption that those at higher Figure 18 shows among an overview of the components the MEDICO hierarchy. follow at lower levels. We levels are more stable, shared more people, andofthus changeontology less often thanWethose Gruber's definition [Gruber1995] for the term ontology that an ontology is a formal specification of a differentiate between three aspects or dimensions of medical annotation. For anatomy we use the FMA, whereas (shared) conceptualization. Ontologies are usually structured in various layers or levels, based on the the concepts for the visual that manifestation of anareanatomical entityamong on an image from the modifier and assumption those at higher levels more stable, shared more people,are and derived thus change less often than those at lower levels. Following [Semy2004], we distinguish representational imaging observation characteristic sub-trees of RadLex. We consider the disease aspect as the interpretation of ontologies, upper-level ontologies, mid-level ontologies, and low-level or domain ontologies. An OWL the combination ofmodel the previous usinghierarchy ICD-10.can Thebegeneration an OWL model for the ICD-10 is described of this two ontology browsed of online at Further details can be found in the publications cited in1 above.

Figure 18 Overview of the components of the MEDICO ontology hierarchy. Figure 5. Medico Ontology.

The Representational Ontology defines the vocabulary with which the other ontologies are represented and can vary for the ontology to include; examples are RDF/S11 and OWL. The Upper Ontology is a domain-independent ontology, providing a framework by which disparate systems may utilize a common knowledge base and from which more domain-specific ontologies may be derived.12 It describes concepts like time, space, organization, person, and event which are the same across all domains. The Information Element Ontology bridges between Bed Evaluation abstract concepts Test defined in the (Version: upper 31.10.09) ontology and domain specific concepts specified in the domain ontologies.13 Page 26 of 42

See˜moeller/ontologies/medico-browser for an online OWL model of the this ontology.

Here the annotated images and reports are referenced. The Clinical Ontology specifies concepts particular to a domain of interest, e.g., the concepts nurse, doctor, patient, and the medical case. The ontological model assumes the medical image being decomposed into regions. Figure 6 depicts an example for spleen lesions. Ovals denote properties, rectangles denote classes. The image decomposition is done by the image parsing system or by the clinician himself using the manual image annotation tool (see section 2.4). The region is semantically described with class ImageRegion and is connected via the property hasAnnotation to multiple ImageAnnotation instances. We differentiate between three medical aspects or dimensions of ImageAnnotation. For anatomy we use the FMA (Anatomical Entity) while visual characteristics are based on the modifier and imaging observation characteristic sub-trees of RadLex (Image Observation Characteristic). Disease aspects are interpreted as a combination of the previous two and annotated with ICD-10 terms (Disease). Additionally, the name of the user responsible for the annotation is stored within an instance of the Annotator class. In the spleen lesion example, we have ImageAnnotation={multifocal, hypodense lesion, large, spleen}.



Anatomical Entity Image Observation Characteristic

spleen (FMA) multifocal large hypodense


ImageRegion hasAnnotation


hasComponent annotatedBy hasDiseaseAnnotation


Dr. Doe


lymphoma (ICD-10)

Figure 6. Semantic annotation of image regions with the MEDICO ontology.

2.4 Semantic Image Annotation Workflow Due to the vast number of anatomical structures and their pathological changes, the image parsing system is not yet able to fully capture the content of arbitrary medical images yet. In addition, available data from previous examinations or from non-image based databases, e.g., the anamnesis and laboratory findings, should be incorporated. Accordingly, manual image annotation remains an important complement, which enables the clinician to correct, to validate or to extend the automatically generated annotations. The workflow for semantic annotation is given in Figure 7. Image Parsing System Detect Landmarks

Segment Organs

Clinician supported by context-sensitive system Assign Concepts

Correct & Validate

Extend Annotation

Figure 7. The proposed workflow for semantic annotation.

The image parsing system detects the landmarks, segments the organs and automatically assigns ontological concepts. The mapping between anatomy and ontological concept is intrinsic by design, as the detector locates a specific anatomical structure with an apparent concept class. Subsequently, the user corrects or validates these findings and decides if he wants to adopt a validated landmark or organ, i.e., it will be added to the list of the user specified regions, or create a new region. These specified regions will then be labeled with concepts from the Medico Ontology. The labeling itself is not trivial since the user can select from about 80000 FMA and 5000 Radlex terms. We address this problem with two strategies; first, we provide the user with a powerful search mechanism, based on regular expressions, which additionally filters the items by currently visible body region (this is deduced from the landmarks) and provides a context-sensitive selection mechanism, e.g., in the case of the spleen lesion, the user marks the lesion within an organ with some comprised drawing tools and the lesion is associated with the spleen and automatically labeled with ’spleen’ and ’hypodense lesion’. For lesions outside organs, the system analogous searches for the nearest detected anatomical region or manually specified region for labeling, e.g., if the user marks a lymph node, the system associates it with the nearest structure and suggests the lymph node region. These spatial relations required an extension of the FMA and an algorithm to map measured distances into concepts, for details cf.14 The appropriate lymph node region is determined by atlas matching computing a warped volume using automatically detected landmarks. As warping function we use Thin Plate Splines.15

3. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Figure 8 shows the customized graph-based FMA visualization of the Anatomy Browser. The browser links to the Medico Imaging Client and enables fast navigation within 3D full body volumes; Figure 9 illustrates the context-sensitive annotation tool build into the Medico Imaging Client.

Figure 8. The Anatomy Browser of the Medico system.

The system is currently under intensive investigation by our clinical partner. By now, we annotated 30 patients with lymphoma disease. The aim is to have more than 100 patients annotated soon which will enable meaningful semantic search. The execution time for the semantic search is about 16 ms, with semantic query expansion about 50 ms. The processing time was evaluated running batch tests with 200 randomly chosen concepts from the FMA. During these tests we compared the processing time for executing a semantic search API call with deactivated versus activated query expansion. Though, the search slows down it allows us to

Figure 9. The ontology-based context-sensitive annotation tool within the Medico Imaging Client. It links image regions, such as landmarks and organs, with the appropriate passages in the report text via concepts from the common annotation list (right).

provide much more powerful queries, such as ’Cardiovascular system’ which results in volumes labeled with heart and arteries concepts. Future work, will involve improving the context-sensitive support of the system in labeling, checking the feasibility of the graphical user interface, and testing the semantic annotations with various semantic queries. Here, we aim answering queries for patients showing similar findings to those of a reference patient, or finding matching patient when a WHO disease classifications is given.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS MEDICO is part of the THESEUS Program funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology under the grant number 01MQ07016. We especially thank David Liu, Bogdan Georgescu and Yefeng Zheng from Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ, USA, for providing us with the landmark, liver and heart detectors.

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