Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning, The

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M. Pivec (Ed.), Affective and Emotional Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction – .... The third and final part of the book speaks to the developing technologies related ...... collecting free online learning content associated with an existing conceptual ...... Technology.

The Future of Learning Learning is becoming more and more important as one of the indispensable tools to ensure future prosperity and well-being. This is the case not only for the individual, alone or as a member of a group, but also for organisational structures of all kinds. New learning paradigms and pedagogic principles, new learning environments and conditions, and new learning technologies are being tested in order to find the right combination of parameters that can optimise the outcome of the learning process in a given situation. This book series presents to all stakeholders the latest advances in this important area, based on a sound foundation. Schools, higher education, industrial companies, public administrations and other organisational structures, including providers of learning and training services, including life-long learning, plus all the individuals involved, researchers, students, pupils, citizens, teachers, professors, instructors, politicians, decision makers etc., contribute to and benefit from this series. Pedagogic, economic, structural and organisational aspects, the latest technologies, and the influence from changing attitudes and globalisation are treated in this series, providing sound and updated information, which can be used to further improve the learning process in both formal and informal contexts. Series Editors:

N. Balacheff, J. Breuker, P. Brna, K.-E. Chang, J.C. Cherniavsky, J.P. Christensen, M. Gattis, M. Gutiérrez-Díaz, P. Kommers, C.-K. Looi, C.J. Oliveira, M. Schlager, M. Selinger, L. Steels and G. White

Volume 4 Recently published in this series Vol. 3. Vol. 2. Vol. 1.

E. McKay, The Human-Dimensions of Human-Computer Interaction – Balancing the HCI Equation S. Salerno et al. (Eds.), The Learning Grid Handbook – Concepts, Technologies and Applications M. Pivec (Ed.), Affective and Emotional Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction – Game-Based and Innovative Learning Approaches Related publications by IOS Press:

M. Tokoro and L. Steels (Eds.), The Future of Learning: Issues and Prospects M. Tokoro and L. Steels (Eds.), A Learning Zone of One’s Own: Sharing Representations and Flow in Collaborative Learning Environments P. Kommers (Ed.), Cognitive Support for Learning: Imagining the Unknown T. Hirashima, U. Hoppe and S. Shwu-Ching Young (Eds.), Supporting Learning Flow through Integrative Technologies R. Mizoguchi, P. Dillenbourg and Z. Zhu (Eds.), Learning by Effective Utilization of Technologies: Facilitating Intercultural Understanding

ISSN 1572-4794

Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning

Edited by

Darina Dicheva Department of Computer Science, Winston-Salem State University, USA

Riichiro Mizoguchi The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan


Jim Greer ARIES Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Amsterdam • Berlin • Tokyo • Washington, DC

© 2009 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without prior written permission from the publisher. ISBN 978-1-60750-062-9 Library of Congress Control Number: 2009937771 Publisher IOS Press BV Nieuwe Hemweg 6B 1013 BG Amsterdam Netherlands fax: +31 20 687 0019 e-mail: [email protected] Distributor in the USA and Canada IOS Press, Inc. 4502 Rachael Manor Drive Fairfax, VA 22032 USA fax: +1 703 323 3668 e-mail: [email protected]

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Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning D. Dicheva et al. (Eds.) IOS Press, 2009 © 2009 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


Preface Recent research on web-based educational systems attempts to meet the growing needs and expectations of the education community concerning e-learning efficiency, flexibility, and adaptation by employing ontologies and Semantic Web standards and paradigms. These advanced technologies allow for more intelligent access and management of web information and semantically richer modelling of content, applications, and users. Within the educational field, they motivate efforts to achieve semantically rich, well-structured, standardised, and verified learning content and learning activities that can be shared and reused by others. Conceptualizations, ontologies, the available W3C standards such as XML, RDF(S), OWL, OWL-S and educational standards such as LOM, SCORM, and IMS-LD allow specification of components in a standard way. The standards-based machine-processable semantic descriptions of web resources provide the necessary ground for achieving reusability, shareability, and interoperability of educational web resources and better personalization in educational hypermedia and web-based applications. The notion of Social Semantic Web describes an emerging design approach for building Semantic Web applications which employs Social Software approaches. Social Semantic Web systems usually support collaborative creation, usage and continuous refinement of Semantic Web structures by communities of users. Typically they elicit domain knowledge through semi-formal ontologies, taxonomies or folksonomies. Semantic Web and Social Semantic Web techniques offer new perspectives on intelligent educational systems by supporting more adequate and accurate representations of learners, their learning goals, learning material and contexts of its use, as well as more efficient access and navigation through learning resources. They advance the state-ofthe-art in intelligent educational systems development, so as to achieve improved elearning efficiency, flexibility and adaptation for single users and communities of users (learners, instructors, courseware authors, etc.). Within this context, this book attempts to outline the state-of-the-art in the research on application of ontologies and Social and Semantic Web technologies in e-Learning. It presents a view of the latest theoretical and technological advances, various perspectives of application of Semantic Web and Web 2.0 technologies in e-Learning, and showcases major achievements in this area. Most of the chapters present research and applications stemming out of work reported at the recent editions of the International Workshop on Ontologies and Semantic Web in e-Learning (SWEL).1 The book is aimed as a guide for researchers and developers to gain understanding of the present and future tendencies in the research in this field. It consists of three parts, the first concentrating on Ontologies, the second on Technologies, and the third on the emerging Social Semantic Web. Within these sections of the book, viewpoints and research findings of various authors are organized. The book cannot claim to cover the full breadth of issues in the SWEL domain, but opens up a number of interesting issues and leaves many open problems for future researchers to pursue.



In the first part, ontologies in support of e-Learning are examined, stretched, evaluated, and applied. Rogozan and Paquette tackle the challenging problem of ontology evolution, explaining how ontologies change over time and providing a mechanism and an ontology for describing this evolution. Dicheva and Dichev attack the practical problem of scaling up learning content repositories, pushing the limits of ontological representation schemes. Lillian Cassel investigates the “ontology of all computing” and the efforts of the ACM and others in the process of curriculum mapping based upon a comprehensive ontology of concepts. Three chapters investigate the practical problems of applying ontologies directly to authoring instruction for learners. Mizoguchi et al. look at ontologies underlying instructional and learning theories, formulating such theories into representational and reasoning engines suitable for authoring content. Suraweera et al. focus on ontology support for authoring constraint-based tutors, demonstrating the generality of an ontological approach in automating the development of domain models. Finally, Soldatova and Mizoguchi apply ontologies to the development of assessment examinations. The second part of this book surveys selected areas among the vast set of possibilities for application of Semantic Web technologies to e-learning. Jovanovic et al. demonstrate how instructor feedback can be enhanced with Semantic Web technologies. Libbrech and Desmoulins improve content annotation, representation and searching in a Geometry teaching domain. Melis et al. describe how semantic technologies have been incorporated in ActiveMath, an intelligent tutoring system that has been enhanced with Semantic Web technologies. Radenković et al. present enhancements to generalized testing and assessment systems, while Pasin and Motta present a Semantic Web tool tightly bound to the discipline of Philosophy. And finally, Dzbor and Rajpathak present a Semantic Web-enhanced general platform for search and aggregation of information about authors and content topics. The third and final part of the book speaks to the developing technologies related to the Social Semantic Web. Jovanovic et al. survey this emerging area. Brooks et al. present a number of projects and experiences that broadly explore Semantic Web technologies in social learning contexts. To conclude this volume, Loll and Pinkwart offer a new approach to collaborative filtering that relies on Semantic Web technologies. Current research on the application of ontologies and Semantic Web technologies in e-Learning covers an even greater scope that this diverse set of articles might suggest. Though we provide a selective view of the emerging research, we want to convey a sense of today’s cutting edge in the design, implementation, and evaluation of ontology-aware web-based educational environments and community-centred educational social applications. We hope that this book will provide some new insights and serve as a catalyst to encourage others to investigate the potential of the application of ontologies and Social and Semantic Web technologies for their organisational needs and research endeavours. Darina Dicheva, Winston-Salem State University, USA Riichiro Mizoguchi, Osaka University, Japan Jim Greer, University of Saskatchewan, Canada


Contents Preface Darina Dicheva, Riichiro Mizoguchi and Jim Greer


Part 1. Ontologies for e-Learning Part 1.1. Ontologies as Enabling Technologies Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources in Semantic Web Context Delia Rogozan and Gilbert Paquette


Authoring and Exploring Learning Content: Share Content by Sharing Concepts Darina Dicheva and Christo Dichev


Using a Computing Ontology in Curriculum Development Lillian Cassel


Part 1.2. Ontologies for Authoring Instructional Systems Inside a Theory-Aware Authoring System Riichiro Mizoguchi, Yusuke Hayashi and Jacqueline Bourdeau


Using Ontologies to Author Constraint-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems Pramuditha Suraweera, Antonija Mitrovic, Brent Martin, Jay Holland, Nancy Milik, Konstantin Zakharov and Nicholas McGuigan


An Ontology-Based Test Generation System Larisa N. Soldatova and Riichiro Mizoguchi


Part 2. Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning Part 2.1. Instructional Support and Adaptation Using Semantic Web Technologies to Provide Contextualized Feedback to Instructors Jelena Jovanovic, Dragan Gasevic, Carlo Torniai and Vladan Devedzic


A Cross-Curriculum Representation for Handling and Searching Dynamic Geometry Competencies Paul Libbrecht and Cyrille Desmoulins


Part 2.2. Semantic Web-Based Intelligent Learning Environments Architectures ActiveMath – A Learning Platform with Semantic Web Features Erica Melis, Giorgi Goguadze, Paul Libbrecht and Carsten Ullrich



An Intelligent Framework for Assessment Systems Sonja D. Radenković, Vladan Devedžić and Nenad Krdžavac


PhiloSurfical: An Ontological Approach to Support Philosophy Learning Michele Pasin and Enrico Motta


Comparative Evaluation of ASPL, Semantic Platform for e-Learning Martin Dzbor and Dnyanesh G. Rajpathak


Part 3. Social Semantic Web Applications E-Learning and the Social Semantic Web Jelena Jovanovic, Dragan Gasevic and Vladan Devedzic


Lessons Learned using Social and Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning Christopher Brooks, Scott Bateman, Jim Greer and Gord McCalla


Disburdening Tutors in e-Learning Environments via Web 2.0 Techniques Frank Loll and Niels Pinkwart


Subject Index


Author Index


Part 1 Ontologies for e-Learning

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Part 1.1 Ontologies as Enabling Technologies

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Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning D. Dicheva et al. (Eds.) IOS Press, 2009 © 2009 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved. doi:10.3233/978-1-60750-062-9-5



Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources in Semantic Web Context Delia ROGOZAN 1 and Gilbert PAQUETTE LICEF Research Center, TELUQ, Québec, CANADA

Abstract. Because ontologies evolve over time, their evolution needs to be managed. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a framework composed of two main systems: ChangeHistoryBuilder, which tracks and manages the history of ontology changes, and SemanticAnnotationModifier, which provides a support to maintain the integrity of the ontology-based referencing of resources after the ontology evolution. Both systems are based on a formal specification of types of possible changes in OWL-DL ontologies. In concrete terms, this specification is an ontology of ontology changes. Keywords. Ontology evolution, ontology of ontology changes, tracking changes, managing the ontology-based referencing of resources

Introduction Evolution is a fundamental requirement for useful ontologies. Since ontologies are knowledge theories of a precise domain, they need to evolve because the domain has changed or because problems in the original domain conceptualization have to be resolved [1]. Moreover, in open and dynamic environments such as the Semantic Web, the ontologies need to evolve because domain knowledge evolves continually [2] or because ontology-oriented software-agents must respond to changes in users’ needs [3]. Consequently, ontology evolution is an essential part of research in ontology engineering and in application of ontologies in Semantic Web environments. This chapter explores some important issues of ontology evolution. Three research questions structure this chapter: 1) What is ontology evolution and which are the types of possible changes in OWL ontologies? 2) How can we manage the evolution history by logging changes brought to ontologies? 3) What are the effects of changes on the ontology-based referencing of resources and how can we resolve them?


Corresponding Author: Delia Rogozan, LICEF Research Center, 100, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal, Qc., Canada, H2X 3P2; E-mail: [email protected].


D. Rogozan and G. Paquette / Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources

1. Ontology Evolution and Ontology Changes 1.1. Definition of the Ontology Evolution Notion Actual research is far from defining the ontology evolution notion in a consensual way. Thus, for the authors of [4, 5], the ontology evolution signifies the process of applying changes to a unique ontology, while the authors of [6, 7] consider it more as the building and the management of multiple ontology versions. Both interpretations are pertinent in the distributed and dynamic context of the Semantic Web. Consequently, we consider the ontology evolution as the timely modification of an ontology by application of changes to an ontology version (V N ) in order to obtain a new ontology version (V N+1 ), while preserving the ontology consistency and roles. The ontology role refers to the service provided by the ontology and to its usage. For example, in the Semantic Web context, the ontology is used to assure the semantic referencing so that resources can be found by the knowledge they contain [8, 9]. The ontology consistency designates the state where all structural and axiomatic constraints of the ontology model are respected. An ontology change is a modification brought to ontology during the evolution from a version V N to a new version V N+1 . Changes can be elementary or complex. An elementary change is a simple and non-composite change (i.e. addition or deletion of ontology elements). A complex change is a collection of elementary changes, which form together a logical entity whose signification is unique and clearly defined (cf. Table 1). Table 1. Examples of complex changes Complex change

Collection of elementary changes

MergeClasses (C 1 … C N ) into class C

- DeleteClass (C 1 ), …, DeleteClass (C N ) - AddClass (C)

SplitClass C into classes (C 1 … C N )

- DeleteClass (C) - AddClass (C 1 ), …, AddClass (C N )

ModifySuperClass of C, from class A to B

- DeleteSuperClass (A) from (C)

MoveDisjointClass (C), from class A to B

- DeleteDisjointClass (C) from class A

- AddSuperClass (B) to (C)

- AddDisjointClass (C) to class B

Application of changes can induce inconsistencies in other parts of the ontology [10]. For example, merging two classes will cause subclasses and properties to be inconsistent. Resolving that problem can be treated as a request for new additional changes, e.g. subclasses and properties can be either deleted, or attached to some other classes. Thus, a primary change is not a consequence of any change, while an additional one is caused by another change (named parent-change). 1.2. An Ontology of Ontology Changes The notion of “change” is central to ontology evolution. Indeed, to describe evolution it is necessary to specify formally all types of changes that can be applied to ontologies. Regarding the change specification, actual research proposes only taxonomies of elementary changes, although complex changes have a richer semantic [11].

D. Rogozan and G. Paquette / Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources


In this section, we propose an ontology of changes that can be applied in OWL-DL ontologies. This ontology expands the taxonomies described in [12, 13] by adding a typology of complex changes, as well as a number of properties and axioms. We have built this ontology with the MOWL 2 graphical editor developed by a LICEF team. The following table presents some of the basic graphical symbols used by MOWL to represent ontologies. Table 2. An example of some of the graphical symbols used by MOWL to represent ontologies

1.2.1. Classification of Changes in Change Ontology We present here an extract of our ontology; more details can be found in [14]. The Change Ontology consists of two principal hierarchies. The ChangeObject hierarchy specifies the ontology objects that can be changed, i.e. elements used to build OWL ontologies, such as classes, properties or axioms. The ChangeOperation hierarchy specifies the types of changes in OWL-DL ontologies. It consists of two taxonomies, one of elementary changes and one of complex changes, both of them being described further. Operations of Elementary Changes The taxonomy of elementary changes contains the generic changes Add_Change and Delete_Change. The conceptual structure of these generic changes is similar. For that reason, in Figure 1 we illustrate only the classification of additions. The changes that add elements are classified according to their application object: Add_To_Ontology, Add_To_Class, Add_To_Property. From the ‘ontology’ point of view, there are two main changes: Add_Class and Add_Property. From the ‘class’ point of view there are multiple changes: additions of logical axioms (i.e. intersectionOf, complementOf, unionOf), additions of class axioms (i.e. superClass, equivalentClass, disjointWith) or even additions of property restrictions that characterize classes. From the ‘property’ point of view, the main changes operate on the property domain and range as well as on the property axioms (i.e. superProperty, equivalentProperty, inverseProperty). Operations of Complex Changes The taxonomy of complex changes contains the main types of complex changes, which are those that merge, split, modify or move elements of ontologies (Merge_Change, Split_Change, Modify_Change, Move_Change). Other types of complex changes are those that add, delete or modify sub-hierarchies of OWL elements (Subtree_Change). 2 The MOWL is a tool for editing OWL ontologies and for exporting them to XML files compliant with OWLDL (


D. Rogozan and G. Paquette / Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources

Given the number of concepts represented by this taxonomy (more than 50), we present in Figure 2 only the classification of the Modify_Change type.

Figure 1. Classification of elementary changes that add elements to OWL-DL ontologies

Figure 2. Classification of complex changes that modify elements in OWL-DL ontologies

D. Rogozan and G. Paquette / Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources


1.2.2. Change Characterization in Change Ontology To allow a richer characterization of changes, we also defined some properties. Properties of Changes Figure 3 introduces the general properties of change operations. The appliedOn property connects the change operations to ontology objects. The properties haveSource and haveTarget describe the source and the target of change operations. Both properties have as domain a class of type ChangeOperation and as range a class of type ChangeObject or a value rdfs:Datatype. Other properties are introduced, as haveChangeNumber, which well: specifies a reference number that indicates the application order of a change and Figure 3. Properties of change operations haveParentChangeNumber, which declares the reference number of the parent-change. Characterization of Changes by means of Property Restrictions Restrictions on these general properties may be associated to each change operation in order to characterize it formally. Figure 4 shows a part of the characterization of Add_Change, the same method being followed for all other changes.

Figure 4. Part of the characterization of addition changes


D. Rogozan and G. Paquette / Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources

Thus, any operation of type Add_Change is characterized by two general restrictions: an exact cardinality of 0 for the haveSource property, which declares that there is no element as source of an addition change; a minimal cardinality of 1 for the haveTarget property, which declares that the target of any addition change comprises at least one element. The application object is defined by adding restrictions on appliedOn property. These restrictions characterize changes that add elements to the ontology structure (Add_To_Ontology), to a class definition (Add_To_Class) or to a property definition (Add_To_Property). We described in this section an ontology of ontology changes that extends previous classifications. It also adds clear definitions of change operations by means of properties. We can now use this formal theory to support the development of tools for managing ontology changes. We address this objective in the following sections where we propose two interlinked systems for managing (1) the history of ontology changes and (2) the ontology-based referencing of resources after the ontology evolution.

2. Managing the History of Ontology Changes with ChangeHistoryBuilder (CHB) Although the management of ontology changes is one of the key issues in successful applications of evolving ontologies, methods and tools to support it are almost missing [15]. As we underlined in [14], very little research concerning tools for keeping track of ontology changes has been carried out. However, these tools are important to consider for ontologybased referencing of resources since changes affect the way that resources should be handled and interpreted by means of new ontology versions. There are two major approaches for tracking and managing ontology changes. The first one logs changes during ontology evolution [4, 13]. Even if this approach facilitates later retrieval of all performed changes, it presents an important problem: the log-files are stored independently from ontology versions and a tool-oriented language formalizes them. Consequently, these log-files are more difficult to identify, access, and interpret by Semantic Web agents. For that reason, the second approach relies only on a comparison between ontology versions to identify changes [12, 16]. However, it presents a problem as well. It can identify only some elementary changes and therefore, it cannot provide complete information about evolution processes 3 . The ChangeHistoryBuilder (CHB) system overcomes these two problems: it combines the fact of having access to a log that captures the entire semantic of ontology evolution with the fact of identifying changes starting only from ontology versions. It also can deal with complex changes, in addition to elementary ones. To track and manage the history of ontology changes, the CHB system supports a fourstep process, as illustrated in Figure 5.


Knowing that two classes were deleted from V N does not tell us that these classes were merged in V N+1 .

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Figure 5. The fourth-step functioning of the CHB system Legend of the graphical formalism [17] : procedure (oval shape), input/output resource of a procedure (rectangular shape) and actor that carries out the underling procedure (hexagonal shape); link composition (C), specialization (S), precedence (P), input-output (I/P) and regulation (R).

2.1. Capturing Changes during Ontology Evolution (Step 1) The first step aims at logging in a log-file all changes applied during the evolution from V N to V N+1 . To resolve the interpretation problems of log-files generated by different editors, the CHB provides ontology editors with a uniform and common model for logging changes. The CHB model is a set of metadata that aggregates in a common structure all changes [18]. Based on the change ontology, these metadata allow ontology editors to capture specific information about elementary and complex changes, in addition to general information regarding the ontology version. These ontology editors can use the CHB model as a plug-in and thereby generate log-files presenting a normalized and rich description of applied changes. A log-file example of this sort is presented in Figure 6.


D. Rogozan and G. Paquette / Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources

Figure 6. Example of a log-file based on the CHB model

Despite the figure above, the CHB model is not a linear one. It is organized so that every primary change is represented under a tree-shape that is formed by additional changes. Moreover, this change tree is generated in a flexible way according to evolution strategies applied by ontologists during evolution. 2.2. Formalizing Changes using OC+OWL Language (Step 2) The second step of the logging process supported by the CHB system is the formalization of changes that were captured during the previous step. For this purpose, we developed a formalization language, named OntologyChange (OC), which is based on a minimal number of constructs, labelled oc. When combined to those of OWL [19], these constructs formally describe all types of changes in OWL-DL ontologies. Table 3 shows a concise summary of OC language constructs and Figure 7 illustrates how CHB uses these constructs to formalize changes. Consequently, all semantic web agents or software components, which are able to manipulate the OC+OWL language, can also interpret and reason with the trace of formalized changes that were logged using the CHB model. Table 3. OC language constructs to formalize changes

2.3. Archiving Formalized Changes in the New Ontology Version (Step 3) The third step consists in the archiving of previous formalized changes. The solution proposed by the CHB system is to append to the new ontology version the trace of changes formalized with OC+OWL language. The expression V N+1 Change denotes thus this new

D. Rogozan and G. Paquette / Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources


ontology version with an integrated trace of changes. In this way, V N+1 Change contains in addition to the underlying domain conceptualization, all information about the evolution from V N to V N+1 . Figure 7 presents an example of a V N+1 Change version. In order to preserve the interpretation of V N+1 Change through all OWL compliant tools, the formalized changes are declared inside the owl:versionInfo statement. According to OWL language, this statement gives information about ontology versions without contributing to the logical meaning of the ontology. The resulting V N+1 Change version thus conforms to the OWL language, while offering information about all applied changes.

Figure 7. An example of a V N+1 Change ontology version

2.4. Identifying Changes Starting from the New Ontology Version (Step 4) The fourth step concerns the interpretation of changes after the ontology evolution. The CHB system is able to identify all applied elementary and complex changes, together with their primary-additional relationship, by simply reading the OC+OWL trace contained in the V N+1 Change ontology version. Furthermore, all software agents able to interpret OC+OWL language can also identify changes starting only from V N+1 Change.


D. Rogozan and G. Paquette / Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources

3. Managing Semantic Referencing with SemanticAnnotationModifier (SAM) Ontology evolution can give rise to side effects on the resource referencing and can thus hamper one of the most important features of the Semantic Web: the ontology-based referencing of resources that formally describes the resources content. Consider the example of the ontology evolution from V N to V N+1 and a resource R 1 , which is referenced by the class PedagogicalDesigner belonging to V N . During evolution, this class is merged with another class and consequently, it no longer exists in the new ontology version. This makes resource R 1 no more accessible for requests of type “Give me a resource which is a PedagogicalDesigner”: the access to R 1 is broken via V N+1 . Consider furthermore a resource R 2 that is referenced by two classes Tutor and Researcher. If a disjunction axiom is added between these two classes, then the interpretation of R 2 becomes inconsistent via the new ontology version. However, despite the necessity of managing the effects of ontology changes on the resource referencing, little research tackled this issue. For example, in [2] it was demonstrated that the add changes do not affect the access to referenced data, while changes that delete entities hamper it. Or, the authors of [20] analyzed the effects of elementary changes on the class hierarchy. The authors of [21] analyzed and proved that modifications made on an ontology whose concepts are used to generate metadata may disrupt the metadata semantic. In [22] was proposed the CREAM annotation model together with some recommendations regarding the modification of resource referencing, yet without proposing any concrete solution to that purpose. The authors of [23] presented a rule-based approach to detect and correct inconsistencies of ontology-based semantic annotations. Finally, let us underline that, even if a wide range of referencing tools exists nowadays, none of them is able to support an evolving ontology-based referencing of resources. In this context, the second system that we propose in this chapter is as much innovatory as fundamental. The SemanticAnnotationModifier (SAM) system provides a support for managing the ontology-based referencing of resources after the ontology evolution. In order to present SAM, we start by explaining the notion of semantic referencing on which the system is based. Then, we discuss the operation model of SAM and we explain it through examples. 3.1. Semantic Referencing of Resources by means of UKIs Semantic referencing denotes the description of resources content by means of formal semantic descriptors. These descriptors, named semantic references, are generally knowledge, i.e. classes according to the OWL terminology, belonging to different ontologies. To specify the semantic references, we use the URI general syntax. A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a compact sequence of characters that identifies all kind of objects, whether they are physical (e.g. images, documents, services, actors) or abstract (e.g. concepts in an ontology). It consists of a hierarchical sequence of common components: scheme, authority, path and fragment [24]. In addition, to assert that semantic references identify solely ontology concepts, we introduce the terms Uniform Knowledge Identifier (UKI) and we define it as a URI with two restrictions: the first three components must identify a unique version of an ontology and the last component must identify a unique class inside this ontology version. Thus, as

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illustrated in Figure 8, an UKI is composed of two principal elements: the URI of the ontology version and the name of a class within this version.

Figure 8. An UKI that specifies the reference PedagogicalDesigner within the second version of eLearningOntology

In conclusion, the semantic referencing consists of one or several semantic references associated to resources to describe their content formally, each reference being specified by means of a UKI (cf. Figure 9).

Figure 9. The semantic referencing of a resource

3.2. Operation Model of the SAM System We present the operation model of the SAM system in Figure 10. This model underlines the two main services that SAM offers to users. The first one analyses changes applied to V N to obtain V N+1 . The purpose here is to inform users about changes that hinder the access to referenced resources or that modify their interpretation. The second service modifies the semantic referencing (e.g. UKIs) that is affected by ontology changes. The purpose here is to allow access to all resources via the new ontology version as well as a consistent interpretation of them. Both services are based on data provided by the CHB system, consisting of complete and semantically rich information about elementary and complex changes together with the causality relation existing among them.


D. Rogozan and G. Paquette / Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources

Figure 10. The operation model of the SAM system (see legend of Figure 5)

3.3. Exemplifying the Operation Model of SAM In this section, we exemplify the operation model of SAM. We start by illustrating how SAM analyses the change effects on resource referencing. Next, we present how SAM assists users in modifying this resource referencing. 3.3.1. SAM Analysis the Change Effects on Resource Referencing Users send UKIs to SAM in order to analyse them Let us consider a user who wants to verify if the semantic referencing of a resource collection is affected by the evolution from an ontology version V N to a new version V N+1 . In that purpose, he sends to SAM a file containing the UKIs (i.e. references) associated to these resources. For this first prototype of SAM, we imposed some constraints on the file format: the UKIs file must stem from the same owner; it must be organized as a list; all UKIs must refer to the same ontology version.

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17 SAM interprets UKIs To interpret the UKIs file, SAM decomposes every UKI in order to identify the URI of the V N ontology version together with the name of the class used as reference (cf. Figure 11).

Figure 11 (a). User UKIs file

Figure 11 (b). Decomposed UKIs

Then, it asks CHB for the V N+1 Change and extracts all ontology changes that were applied to V N to obtain V N+1 . Because SAM can interpret the OC+OWL language, it can also ‘understand’ the trace of changes appended to V N+1 Change. Finally, SAM links UKIs to changes by matching each class name specified by UKIs to its corresponding pair in the change trace. SAM analyses change effects on UKIs and the user request UKIs modification Based on UKIs interpretation, SAM presents to user an analysis of changes (cf. Figure 12).

Figure 12. Change visualization and change analysis with SAM


D. Rogozan and G. Paquette / Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources

Firstly, SAM highlights: (1) changes that break the access to resources, in red; (2) changes that give rise to an inconsistent interpretation of resources, in yellow; (3) changes that modify the interpretation of resources (e.g. by modifying the class-parent of the class used as semantic reference), in blue. Secondly, SAM provides the user with an analysis of effects for each underlined change. This analysis 4 consists of three panels. The two first ones deal with the effect of changes on the access to referenced resources or on the consistency of their interpretation. The third one indicates the relation exiting between a class belonging to V N and the same or other class belonging to V N+1 , according to criteria as identity, equivalence, inclusion, generalization, specialization or conceptually different. This last panel is particularly useful for understanding how the meaning of a class used as reference was modified during the ontology evolution. Starting from the change analysis, the user has the possibility to request the modification of resource referencing (i.e. UKIs) that is affected by ontology changes. 3.3.2. SAM Modifies the Resource Referencing SAM modifies the resource referencing affected by non problematic changes This modification concerns the UKIs affected by changes that do not cause either a loss of access to resources, or an inconsistent interpretation of them. Changes of this type are AddEquivalentClass or ModifySuperClass, for example. Thus, to allow access to resources via the new ontology version, SAM modifies only the URI of the ontology version inside UKIs (cf. example bellow). The user has to validate it, even though this modification can be automatically processed.

Figure 13. Modification of the UKI referring to Designer_IMS_LD (cf. evolution example from Figure 15) SAM identifies several solutions for the modification of the resource referencing affected by problematic changes This situation concerns especially the UKIs affected by changes that hamper the access to resources via the new ontology version (e.g. MergeClasses, DeleteClass, SplitClass). In this case, most of classes used as references in UKIs are no more available in V N+1 . To give access to resources, SAM should then modify, besides the URI of the ontology version, the class name in each affected UKI (cf. example bellow).

Figure 14. Modification of the UKI referring to PedagogicalDesigner (cf. evolution example from Figure 15)

However, this modification cannot be automatically processed because several solutions are possible. To detect them, SAM exploits two identification algorithms that we developed in [14]. Since these algorithms are based on the information provided by the V N+1 Change, they are able to deal with all problematic changes. Consider, for example, the 4 As we are focusing on the general functioning of SAM, we are not going to discuss the change analysis in this chapter. Details can however be found in [14].

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change MergeClasses illustrated in Figure 15. SAM is able to detect several classes that can be pertinent for the UKIs modification:  Classes semantically “closed”, such as the ContentPresenter because it includes the meaning of PedagogicalDesigner.  First-level subclasses of classes the name of which must be modified in UKIs. Regarding our example, these subclasses are Designer_MISA and Designer_IMS_LD. They were transferred to another class in V N+1 , after the removal of their parent-class.  Classes to which first-level subclasses were transferred, i.e. CourseManager.

Figure 15. Identification of pertinent classes for the modification of UKIs affected by problematic changes: the MergeClasses example. SAM assists users in modifying UKIs affected by problematic changes Choosing among the solutions identified by SAM is the user privilege; only the user may decide which solution is more appropriated to his context. However, SAM can guide him during the modification process. The Figure 16 presents the interaction between the SAM system and a user who wants to modify UKIs affected by problematic changes (the example of MergeClasses is considered). As shown in this figure, the SAM interface consists of four principal sections. Section 1 indicates the UKIs affected by the change whose analysis was previously explored by the user. Section 2 presents the classes identified as being pertinent for the modification of indicated UKIs. The classes are enumerated in a decreasing order, according to their pertinence degree. Section 3 consists of comments and specific characteristics of classes listed in Section 2. For each class, the “Comments” panel describes the reason why a class was considered by SAM as pertinent. The other panels indicate the subclasses, axioms and properties that were deleted from, transferred or added to the selected class. Finally, Section 4 presents the modified UKIs.


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Figure 16. Interaction between SAM and users during the modification of UKIs SAM generates the file of modified UKIs Once the user validated the modification of all UKIs, SAM generates a file containing these modified UKIs and sends it to the user.

4. Evaluation and Deployment of CHB and SAM in eLearning Contexts 4.1. Evaluation of CHB and SAM Systems Regarding the systems evaluation, we carried out a technical validation of CHB and SAM with ontologies of small and average size, a diversified set of changes and the UKIs files that respect the specified constraints. We also conducted a qualitative evaluation of CHB and SAM systems according to the utility criterion, i.e. a criterion allowing to identify, for a given context, the interest and the relevance degree of systems features [25]. In our case, the general target context was the Semantic Web. The specific context was that of eLearning systems based on ontologies and on the semantic referencing of resources. We used several techniques while undergoing the evaluation of systems, i.e. thinking aloud method, qualitative questionnaires, interviews and a focus-group. Six participants were then selected. They all have knowledge of OWL ontologies as well as experience in the eLearning fields. The evaluation took place in the LORIT 5 laboratory for observation, test and experimentation of instructional technologies. In order to draw some valid meaning from qualitative data that we collected during systems evaluation, we based our analysis on the method proposed in [26]. Some outcomes of this data analysis are illustrated in Table 4. Other results may be found in [14]. 5 LORIT ( stands for Research Laboratory-Observatory in Tele-learning Engineering.


D. Rogozan and G. Paquette / Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources Table 4. Qualitative evaluation of CHB and SAM systems: some outcomes CHB


The utility was validated for both systems, especially for users that are responsible of the ontology management and of the ontology-based referencing of resources The evaluation participants demonstrated…

The evaluation participants appreciated…

A better understanding of the ontology evolution after the visualization of changes, especially in the case of complex changes

The fact that SAM allows users to control the referencing modification (for problematic changes) The relevance of multiples solutions proposed by SAM

The evaluation participants underlined orientations for future works, such as … Use the integrated trace of changes as a support to the collaborative modification of an ontology

Customize the assistance (or automatism) level of the modification of resource referencing with SAM

Connect a change viewer with an ontology viewer

Make available new means to define new references

4.2. Deployment of CHB and SAM Systems in eLearning Contexts Once the evaluation of CHB and SAM completed, the next step is to deploy these systems in eLearning contexts. To that effect, we have selected the TELOS project that was designed and developed by a LICEF team within the LORNET research network [27]. The Technology Enhanced Learning Operating System (TELOS) aims to enable pedagogical technologists to develop, modify or use eLearning resources within a serviceoriented framework. In TELOS, all types of ‘content provider’, e.g. multi-media document, learning object, learning design, knowledgeable person, are eLearning resources. All these resources are referenced using specific knowledge defined in domain ontologies. The goal here is to allow the search of relevant eLearning resources, the aggregation of resources according to their semantic description and the creation of consistent learning scenarios based on a semantic equilibrium among resources [28]. The ontology-based referencing layer is thus a foundational element of the TELOS framework. Considering that, CHB and SAM systems are necessary to manage the referencing of resources, given that domain ontologies are not fixed entities: at any moment, these ontologies may be modified by TELOS users according to their needs. Therefore, we illustrate in Table 5 the services that will be provided by CHB and SAM, once these modules are integrated into TELOS. Table 5. Services provided by CHB and SAM in TELOS system Services provided by CHB and SAM in TELOS system


Track changes during the modification of TELOS domain ontologies using the MOWL editor


Help distant ontologists to see all changes made on a shared ontology


Draw attention to the potential effect of a change in order to allow users to approve or to cancel it during ontology evolution /modification


Allow the exploration of change history after ontology evolution


Automatically highlight the change effects on resource referencing, given that all resources are stored in TELOS repositories





Automatically update the resource referencing affected by non-problematic changes


Support users in modifying the resource referencing affected by problematic changes



D. Rogozan and G. Paquette / Ontology Evolution and the Referencing of Resources

5. Conclusion We proposed in this article a framework for managing ontology changes and for resolving some of their problematic effects. This framework is composed of three major components: an ontology of changes, a system that tracks changes during ontology evolution (CHB) and a system that supports users in maintaining the semantic referencing of resources (SAM). Building an ontology of ontology changes is an emergent preoccupation in our research domain. We therefore developed a representation of elementary and complex changes that can be applied to OWL-DL ontologies (more than 60 operations were identified and characterized by means of properties). Based on this representation, we conceived and built a first version of the CHB and SAM systems. Concerning the CHB system, we underlined our three principal contributions. Firstly, based on the change ontology, we developed a model that allows ontology editors to capture elementary and complex changes in a uniform manner. Secondly, we proposed the OC language for change formalization. Using a minimal number of constructs, together with those of OWL, this language can represent formally all types of changes in OWL-DL ontologies. Thirdly, we offered a solution to problems of tools oriented log-files access and interpretation. This solution is to append the trace of formalized changes to the new ontology version in a manner that keep this version OWL compliant. Regarding the SAM system, our principal contribution consisted in the exploration of new and essential ideas in the ontology-based referencing domain, i.e. an appropriate modification of resource referencing in order to allow access to all resources by means of the new ontology version. For this purpose, the SAM system offers solutions and guides the users during the process of referencing modification. It maps between the referencing of resources (i.e. UKIs set) and ontology changes in order to identify the affected UKIs. It analyses the change effects on the access and on the interpretation of resources. For UKIs affected by problematic changes, it identifies a set of concepts belonging to the new ontology versions, which can be pertinent for UKIs modification. Finally, it allows users to choose among these different solutions by giving them information about the appropriateness of each identified concept. As we have completed the evaluation of prototypes for both CHB and SAM system, we currently aim to improve these two systems for making them able to treat all types of elementary and complex changes as well as different representation formats of semantic referencing. We also work on a project to integrate them in the TELOS system for eLearning and knowledge management.

References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning D. Dicheva et al. (Eds.) IOS Press, 2009 © 2009 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved. doi:10.3233/978-1-60750-062-9-24


Authoring and Exploring Learning Content: Share Content by Sharing Concepts Darina DICHEVA1 and Christo DICHEV Computer Science Department, Winston-Salem State University Winston Salem, NC 27110, USA

Abstract. We propose an environment that enables authors to create learning repositories by collecting and annotating learning content using a consensually agreed vocabulary and learners to explore the repositories based on relevant staring points for exploration. The authors’ support includes: (i) tools for creating an ontological structure, partially populated with learning resources, to be used as a skeleton for structuring and organizing course related resource repositories, and (ii) help in selecting names for new concepts/topics combined with their subject identification. Besides the conventional querying and browsing support for learners, the focus is on tasks that imply exploratory search requiring extensive navigation on the part of the user. In this context we propose a method for finding good staring points for navigation designed to assist learners in performing openended search tasks in learning repositories. Keywords. Ontology-based courseware, metadata harvesting, ontology mapping

Introduction The volume of publicly available information is growing drastically. This phenomenon opens new avenues and brings new challenges to instructors and learners. Although the Web offers an abundance of learning resources, finding learning materials is a difficult task with unpredictable results. The critical issue hampering the effective use of elearning resources is not the lack of information, but its poor structure and the lack of adequate tools for efficient information retrieval. E-learning repositories, such as Merlot2, SMETE3, and CAREO4, were proposed as key enablers for facilitating the access and utilization of learning resources. An important goal motivating their development was to boost the sharing and reuse of learning materials. Despite the significant efforts though, much of the learning content provided by such repositories 1

Corresponding Author: Darina Dicheva, Winston-Salem State University, 601 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Winston Salem, NC 27110, USA; E-mail: [email protected]. 2 3 4

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failed to attract a sizable and enduring audience. On the other hand, there is growing interest to the new generation of community-centered online repositories [1,2] that demonstrate many useful applications. This implies a need for addressing the impacting factors. Since the aim of this work was to demonstrate the viability of Topic Maps based e-learning repositories, an important objective was to address the factors contributing to the low rate of use of current e-learning repositories. Although general repositories have extensive breadth of coverage, the depth of the material is typically insufficient and the information is frequently not up to date. With the large amount and the variable quality of learning content, the potential users are facing the daunting problem of how to find what they need. As a result, disciplinespecific repositories that are more targeted and with a higher concentration of relevant materials are emerging. One of the factors hindering the success of current repositories is that they rely on authors to provide both the learning materials and the related metadata. Typically, they don’t provide support for automatic metadata creation or ontology extraction. Furthermore,, in many repositories the published learning resources lack a cohesive structure, and when they have, it reflects a particular perspective. This arbitrary structuring, often combined with arbitrariness in selecting topic names, invokes a contrasting parallel with the emerging tendency of using domain ontologies and classification systems that offer standard vocabularies and organization mechanisms. Thus an important missing factor in current educational repositories are enablers for organizing the content based on agreed upon principles and naming conventions. For a learner,, facing a repository with massive volume of resources coming from many individual and institutional collections, an obvious question is: where does one begin? If learners cannot locate learning materials and determine their relevance quickly, the repository is unlikely to be used. Therefore, assistance with selecting a starting point for repository exploration is another feature impacting repository usability. A further problem is that there is a plethora of duplicate content on the web published on different sites. This in turn leads to the problem of co-reference, where different URLs are used to address the same resource. For example, ACM, IEEE, Citeseer and DBLP have different URIs for the same papers and authors. The coreference can present a problem, when there is a need to merge together learning content from disparate information providers by eliminating duplicates. However, identifying duplicates requires comparing resources. Similar problems arise with merging topics. Efficient comparison implies some sort of identifiers, which in turn raises the question of how to create effective subject and resource identifiers. These problems and the related factors indicate the need of new principles for building e-learning repositories. In this chapter we take an integrated approach in addressing the hindering factors in the context of domain-specific learning repositories. The central focus is on the support for harvesting existing structures and for subject identification (as a means for merging and reusing existing repository components), which enables also modular content creation. Though the key ideas are exemplified in an authoring tool extending TM4L [3], their significance is independent of the selected framework. TM4L is an integrated e-learning environment providing authoring and browsing support for creating and using Topic Maps-based e-learning repositories. It utilizes topic maps as overlay semantic structures that encode domain knowledge and connect it to learning resources, which are considered relevant to a specific domain. In this subject-centered architecture, each concept (topic) is a hub for resources possibly


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grouped by additional characteristics, such as resource type (i.e. definitions, code examples, PPT slides, lecture notes, quizzes, articles, etc.) or other LOM attributes. This enables instructors to organize effectively and students to search efficiently course-related learning resources. From an instructor’s perspective, the emphasis of the work presented here is on shareability and reusability of learning content (existing or being created by the instructor). We propose a framework that supports collecting, structuring, and exploration of learning content organized in ontological structures limited to the main concepts covered by a specific course (course ontology) and partially populated with learning resources. Such semantic structures can be used as a skeleton for organizing and merging course related resources. From a learner’s perspective, the emphasis is on enhancing users’ navigation support and assisting users to quickly find an appropriate starting point for exploring relevant information. More specifically, the presented framework provides means for assisting authors and learners in: • • • •

extracting conceptual structures from existing online documents with usable degree of accuracy, collecting free online learning content associated with an existing conceptual structure, selecting consensual names and machine-processable subject identifiers for new concepts/topics to be added to a conceptual structure (course ontology), finding a good starting point for content exploration..

Accordingly, we propose an approach for modular creation and reuse of ontologybased course material, including a set of heuristics for extracting semantic information from course related HTML documents (transformable into a Topic Map format), an approach of using Wikipedia in the construction of a course ontology as a mediating ontology and source of subject identifiers, and an ontology mapping technique for a stepwise course ontology creation (based on an already created conceptual structure and a proposed new concept). The chapter is organized as follows. In Section 1 we present a view on a course ontology structure that supports the proposed modular creation of learning repositories. In Section 2 we present our heuristics for extracting course ontology components in Topic Maps (TM) format from HTML documents (specified by the author). In Section 3 we present our view on subject identity and its implication to finding and merging relevant information. In Section 4 we present an approach for extracting consensual information from Wikipedia. Section 5 describes our methods for providing users with starting points for their exploration. Section 6 presents an evaluation of the entire approach. Section 7 discusses relevant work and Section 8 offers a concluding discussion.

1. Integrating Learning Repositories with Identifiable Topics Online course resources are frequently organized and rendered around a structure of course topics (course syllabus). Typically, different courses on the same subject exhibit different structures, though with a sizable overlapping of their topics. For example, Table 1 shows course topics from only four (of a larger group) websites found by using Google with the query “Operating Systems” course notes. The high level topics

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Processes, Scheduling, Synchronization, Deadlocks, Memory Management, Virtual Memory, File Systems, and File Structures are overlapping. The listed course syllabi are based on different textbooks: Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles by Stallings and Operating Systems by Tanenbaum and Woodhull. Such course sites are typically accompanied by links to course support materials. Despite the substantial proportion of overlapping topics though, the supporting instructional material for the individual courses (including slides, exercises, examples, tests), is usually diverse. These course topic structures are typically expanded into several levels of topics and subtopics that can be interpreted as a light-weight ontology of the course domain, which we call a course ontology. Course-related instructional resources can then be linked to the topics of this ontology. We view the course ontology as a communication language between instructors and between instructors and learners. This view is in line with the digital library trend of organizing resources in the form of concept-based, subject-specific repositories. We propose to use the observed “course ontology” pattern for structuring learning resources and particularly for consolidating (merging) free course materials in a controlled manner. In particular, when creating or extending a course resource repository, harvesting methods such as those discussed in Section 2 can exploit the adopted course structure pattern. Table 1. Sample TOC of OS courses. Operating Systems Processes Threads Scheduling Synchronization Deadlocks Memory Management Virtual Memory File Systems File Structures

Operating Systems Processes Scheduling Process Synchronization Deadlocks Memory Management Virtual Memory File Systems File System Implementation I/O Systems

Operating Systems Processes Scheduling Concurrency Threads CPU Scheduling Deadlocks Memory Management Virtual Memory File Systems File Structures Distributed systems

Operating Systems Processes Threads Scheduling Synchronization Deadlocks Memory Management Virtual Memory File Systems File Structures Security Distributed Structures Distributed File System

In some cases, course ontologies do not exhibit stability, such as the topical similarity illustrated by Table 1. The following Table 2 lists again the course topics from four websites found by using Google with the query “Web programming” Spring 2007. In this case, the topics listed under the four courses have little in common besides the course titles. This result demonstrates why learners and instructors sometimes can not benefit from the instructional resource repositories, such as Merlot and SMETE. It also illustrates the need of mapping the variety into a manageable and predictable space of topic names. Thus choosing appropriate topic names and relating topics meaningfully is an essential issue in a course ontology creation. Our primary insight here is that Wikipedia can play the role of a shared context between course topic maps’ authors and users and a mediator for subject identification. To incorporate this type of functionality and assist authors in identifying, naming, and relating subjects, TM4L has been extended with means for harvesting consensus information from Wikipedia. Wikipedia, indeed, can provide a rich pool of consensual topic names, topic subject indicators, and topic subject identifiers that can support modular development of domain-specific ontologies (in our case topic maps) and simplify the organization of e-learning repositories. Our


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work on exploiting Wikipedia is focused on three related aspects: mediation in topic naming, subject identification, and course ontologies’ consolidation. Since the primary mechanism for denoting subjects in human/machine discourse is names, we need sharable topic names. Deciding what concepts/topics to include in their course ontology and which are the widely agreed names for the selected topics is a substantial challenge for the authors ([4,5]. We address this challenge by using Wikipedia as a source of “standard” topic names, its articles as descriptive resources (subject indicators), and the resource addresses as subject identifiers (see Sections 3 and 4). Table2. Sample TOC of Web Programming courses.

To support a modular and distributed creation of learning repositories we provide two types of merging – local and interoperable. Local merging can be used for creating repositories by combining course ontologies of the type discussed in relation to Table 1. It assumes that the collections to be merged are available in a Topic Map format and the merging is based on topic names. The second type of merging is based on subject identifiers in URI format. It assumes that the naming and the subject identification mediated by Wikipedia are completed prior to the merging. One possible scenario for a modular learning repository creation is harvestreconcile-merge, where harvesting is based on the methods described in Section 2, while reconciling is based on the approaches described in Sections 3 and 4.

2. Digging the Web for Course Ontology Sketches In the first stage of our scenario, a ‘draft’ topic map is built automatically and offered to the author so that they don’t have to start from scratch but from the proposed draft. The author can accept or delete any of the proposed topic map objects and continue building the topic map by adding new topics, relationships, and resources.

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This aspect of our support for authors in creating course topic maps was motivated by the fact that there is a significant amount of semi-structured information on the web. HTML documents, for instance, are structured for rendering purposes however the structures can be used for extracting some semantic information (by simple parsing the HTML files). For example, list items can be transformed into members of “whole-part” relationships; information items (topics) marked up as “bold” or “italic” can be considered semantically important, etc. Thus our goal was to find out what semantic information can be extracted from the existing HTML markup of web pages and included in a ‘draft’ of the intended course topic map. Since there are no formal rules for extracting semantic information, heuristic approaches are practically feasible. Observations and experiments with various types of semi-structured information in HTML format led us to propose the following heuristic rules5 for draft TM fragment extraction. 2.1. Defining “Page” Topics A ‘draft’ topic map consists of topics and relationships. These objects are extracted by crawling a specified website. In the extraction, we differentiate between two types of topics: topics that reflect the website topology and topics extracted from the text of the web pages. Rule 1: A new topic is created in the topic map for each web page visited by the crawler. We call these topics “page” topics. Rule 2: All the topics created in the process of parsing a specific web page are subtopics of the “page” topic for that page. Rule 3: Naming “page” topics: The “page” topic, corresponding to the entry page for the site, is named with the theme of interest, provided by the user; all other “page” topics are named using the text in the corresponding HTML anchor elements (the anchor tag defines a hyperlink destination). 2.2. Information Extraction from Heading Tags, List Element Tags, and Table Tags Rule 4: Heading represents a topic that is more general than the topics extracted from the text below it (if any). Rule 5: The topics extracted from headings of different levels can be organized in a taxonomy reflecting the headings’ level (1, 2, etc.). Rule 6: Heading tags on a referenced (through an anchor element) web page are considered as structurally related to the “page” topic of the referencing page. Thus the result of parsing heading tags consists of a set of topics named by the text enclosed in the corresponding heading elements and connected to the “page” topic of the referencing page with a specified (by the user) relationship. Rule 7: The topics extracted from list item tags are more detailed (sub-topics) of the topics contained in the list tags. The list-list item relationship between two topics is modeled by a “child-parent”-type relationship. Table of contents presented as a bulleted list in HTML has an isomorphic image in terms of a “whole-part” tree in TM. Rule 8: The topics extracted from the cells of one column in a table are related since they can be considered as values of the same attribute (represented by the column header). 5

The rules are not ordered.


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Rule 9: The topics extracted from the cells of one column in a table are subtopics of the topic corresponding to the column header. The big difficulties in extracting relationships from text are recognized, but we can try capturing at least the relevancy of topics that appear in the same HTML elements: Rule 10: Group the topics extracted from the same HTML element together since this grouping indicates some kind of relatedness of the topics. 2.3. Information Extraction from Course Web Pages Rule 11: Extraction of course topics: Find an anchor element with a name belonging to the set {Course Syllabus, Syllabus, Course Schedule, Course Outline, Course Material, Course Notes, Class Schedule, Class Notes, Material, Lectures, Lecture Schedule, Schedule, Reading List and Schedule, Lecture Notes, Lectures and Reading, Handouts, Description, Logistics}. On the referenced page find a table with a column with a name belonging to {Topics, Lectures, Lecture Topics, Sections}. The topics extracted from that table column are related to the “page” topic of the referencing page with a “whole-part” relationship. Rule 12: Extraction of course resources: If the element from which a topic has been extracted includes an anchor tag containing an URL of a file (PDF, PPT, graphic/video format), extract the URL as a resource for the topic. Rule 13: Extraction of course resources from a table: In the table on the referenced page (see Rule 11) look for a column with a name belonging to {Reading, Reading material, Material, Notes, Comments}. If found and a column cell includes an anchor tag containing an URL of a file (PDF, PPT, graphic/video format, etc.), extract the URL as a resource for the topic extracted from the same table row. The proposed rules have been used to create a TM4L plug-in for topic map fragment extraction (see Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Results screens with: anchor tag extraction circled (left) and list tag extraction circled (right).

3. Subject Identity as a Key to Merging As we already mentioned, choosing appropriate topic names is an essential issue in the topic map construction process. Since selecting names is directly related to subject identification, in this section we present our view on subject identity and its implication to finding and merging relevant information.

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Identification of a subject is involved when one wants to say something about that subject or when we try to comprehend what was said about it. An example of this type of duality can be seen in the information world where content creators and content consumers need to communicate. In the area of learning content authoring, we view a topic map as a form of communication between a content author and learners. From this viewpoint, we attempt to analyze the different aspects that subject identities and their names in particular can play in organizing e-learning repositories. The focus is on interchange of information between humans through machines. In this context we address both sides of the dual system and propose some solutions intended to assist the content creators as well as content consumers in dealing with problems typical for digital repositories. Topic maps [6, 7] as a means for encoding knowledge use special symbols known as topics to represent the subjects of interest in the world. The topics act as proxies for the subjects of the real world allowing asserting statements about them. However, different topics may refer to the same thing. Topic maps are designed to be merged together, so there is a need to be possible to say that two topics coming from different sources refer to the same thing and therefore can be merged. In the Topic Maps model this is done with Published Subject Indicators and Public Subject Identifiers (PSI). Technically, an URI can be used as a reference to a resource acting as a subject indicator to unambiguously identify the subject represented by a topic to a human being. In fact, the referred resource describes the represented topic. A subject identifier is a locator that refers to a subject indicator and is assumed to uniquely identify a topic (subject). The implicit assumption is that equal symbols (URIs) represent the same subject. As a result, if two subjects share the same URI they are considered identical. However, it is unrealistic to assume that it is possible to make everyone use exactly the same URI to refer to equivalent entities, particularly in a web environment. It is unlikely to achieve such a goal with administrative and organizational measures. In the following we will try to justify our claim based on the semiotic triangle [8, 9]. The semiotic triangle consists of the following three elements (see Fig. 2): • • •

referent - the specific object of the real or abstract world, we want to talk about, concept - the idea of the object, that a human has in his mind of the referent, symbol - an expression of the concept that is used to communicate with others.

Figure 2. The semiotic triangle.

Every referent possesses a number of individual characteristics. However, a user considers only the relevant characteristics and ignores the rest. The sum of the relevant characteristics of a referent is called concept. This is the user’s idea that reflects the inner image of the relevant object, which every human creates unconsciously. It is subjective and depends on the context of the user. For example, for a manager in a


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company producing dairy products, a cow is a source of milk, but for a biologist, cows are domesticated ungulates, a member of the subfamily Bovinae of the family Bovidae. Considering the relationships between these elements, we note that there is a direct relationship between the referent and a concept, because the concept is a subset of the overall characteristics of the referent. There is a less direct relationship between the concept and the symbol. At the end, arbitrary symbol can be chosen, which (from the perspective of the creator) is suitable to encode the concept. Thus, such a process is inherently indeterminate and yields an unpredictable result. Furthermorethere is only an indirect relationship between symbol and referent. This implies that it is impossible to determine how any given symbol refers to any given object of relevance. In the topic maps context, because the symbol (PSI) selection is not independent of its creator and because the relation between the referent and the PSI is indirect, it is uncertain that two Subject Identifiers represent the same referent (subject). Pragmatically, since we can not describe a subject completely, it is impossible to make a subject and its description absolutely identifiable. There will always be a case when subject descriptors have to be interpreted in a particular context for deciding on the subject meaning. On the other hand, the responsibility of giving a PSI to a resource lies with the creator and they will typically assign PSIs based on the web domain over which they have control. Without authoritative control, this may result in a proliferation of “synonymous” PSIs. Taking into account the computational cost of storing and determining when different PSIs refer to the same resource, we propose to use Wikipedia articles as subject descriptors and their URIs as subject identifiers. According to the Topic Maps specification, a subject descriptor is a resource that is intended by the topic map author to provide an unambiguous indication of the identity of a subject. Thus, topic maps’ subject indicators can be viewed as concept descriptors in semiotic terms. This new viewpoint suggests the following conceptual strategy for choosing PSI: before deciding on your subject descriptor, check in the bank of potential subject descriptors for a match with your concept descriptor. If we assign Wikipedia the role of such a bank of potential subject descriptors, this statement translates in the following simple rule: if a Wikipedia article matches your concept descriptors, then select this article as a subject indicator and its URI as a subject identifier. The idea here is to facilitate and unify the process of creating subject identifiers without any authoritative oversight by providing established sources of potential subject descriptors playing also the role of carriers of subject identifiers. The benefit will be in minimizing the unnecessary proliferation of PSIs, reducing the number of subject identifiers for the same subject, and consequently facilitating topic maps merging.

4. Using Wikipedia for Course Ontology Construction and Subject Identification We suggest that Wikipedia, due to its fast growing reputation as a universal knowledge repository and rapidly expanding usage [10, 11], is very suitable to play the role of the bank of common descriptors, that is, of a source of consensual subject names and definitions. Wikipedia page titles can be considered as consensual topic names. Relevant concepts can be extracted from a page text (for example, corresponding to terms with hyperlinks). Relationships between topics can be found in some layout elements, such as tables and bulleted lists, at the price of some further analysis. In

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particular, summary tables that list key facts about the subjects can yield meaningful relationships. Ideally, the topic map designer would enter a tentative topic name, which TM4L will transform into a Wikipedia search query. The result will be a single page whose title matches exactly the query (which means that the page describes the target topic). As a side effect, the topic becomes a part of the Wikipedia’s broader-than, narrowerthan lattice. This approach however fails when the topic name doesn’t match any page title. In such a case, a standard solution would be to take the top-ranked page returned by a Wikipedia keyword-based search. This however is not always the best choice, since the page corresponding to the intended subject may be ranked well below the top. To eliminate the incidental candidate pages, we propose to apply a NLP-inspired disambiguation technique [12]. It assumes that the graph structures provided by both Wikipedia and the topic map will sustain matching-based disambiguation reasoning similar to what is now an accepted practice in ontology mapping [13]. Our intuition is that the target page from Wikipedia (the optimal hit) will be surrounded by other pages of high relevance to the overall subject of the topic map. Therefore, when assessing the relevance of a particular page we should also reflect its neighborhood, for example, by counting the relevant pages laying in the vicinity of a candidate. However, in strict graph-theory terms, the neighborhood of a page, that is, the set of pages connected to it by incoming or outgoing links, might be large and will necessarily comprise semantically unrelated pages (for example, the Operating Systems page has a link to the US Government page). Thus, exhaustive neighborhood exploration would be expensive. For the same reason as above, the relevant neighbor pages should not be expected to appear themselves in the candidate lists of the query targeting the initial topic (the focus of the search). Since a neighbor will score well with respect to a query focused on its own topic, we propose to launch a limited number of peripheral queries to capture the pages relevant for the neighbor topics from the topic map (ancestor, sibling and descendant topics). Thus, we hypothesize that a good discriminator between the optimal hit and the irrelevant candidates will be the number of neighbor pages listed under the candidates by peripheral queries. Our hypothesis is rooted in the broad coverage of Wikipedia: we expect that within an average topic map a substantial number of topics will have an equivalent Wikipedia page. Thus, the optimal hit of the focus should be recognizable as a strong hub in the Wikipedia graph limited to the pages in the candidate lists for the focus and side queries. The basic claim supporting our approach is that performing topic search within Wikipedia, not page-wise, but neighborhood-wise, increases substantially the chances to detect the optimal hit. We use graph-matching techniques to establish a correspondence between the two neighborhood structures. Intuitively, the right page to return, the optimal hit, will be both relevant with respect to the keywords (but not necessarily the most relevant one) and also will be linked by hyperlinks to some pages of higher relevance to the focus topic or to neighbor topics. The optimal hits for neighbor topics should be “in the semantic vicinity” of the optimal hit of the focus topic. This means, there will be either direct links, or hyperlink paths of small size (few links). One may also hypothesize that the optimal hits of two neighbor topics will belong to the same category, or of two different categories that will rapidly join into a common category above them (typically in one upward move). The goal of the proposed algorithm is to find the optimal hit among the candidates in the candidate page list. The task tackled is a specific case of ontology mapping, i.e.,


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mapping the topic map ontology onto the rich and complexly structured Wikipedia knowledge repository. In this case the mapping has a focus, a specific topic that limits its scope to a small neighborhood in the topic map. The images of the topics, i.e., the Wikipedia articles, however, need not be neighbors due to the immensely richer structure of Wikipedia compared to an educational topic map. Hence, instead of subgraph isomorphism between both structures, we look for the best matching of a page cloud from the candidate lists against the topic neighborhood (seen as a pattern). The quality of the matching depends on intra-cloud similarity rather than on topic-topage scores. Indeed, the optimal hit is the page maximizing its overall semantic relatedness to other pages from the side lists, which reflects the intuition that the neighborhoods in topic maps are semantically cohesive. With regard to semantic relatedness of pages, we exploit the category structure of Wikipedia. Thus, the semantic relatedness of two pages is a function of the shortest path-lengths to a common semantic category. Formally, let P1 and P2 be two distinct Wikipedia pages, then their relatedness ratio is: Rel(P1,P2 ) = 1 − min

C ∈Cat WP

path c (P1,PC ) + path c (P2 ,PC ) 2depth (PC ) + path c (P1,PC ) + path c (P2 ,PC )

where CatWP is the set of all categories, PC is the page of the category C, depth(PC) is the length of the shortest path from the page of the root category in Wikipedia Categories to PC, and pathc() the length of the shortest path between two pages comprising only category links. The above measure is further constrained by excluding links to/from non-semantic categories, i.e., those related to Wikipedia management (for example, Categories requiring diffusion). A threshold for distances is used to force zero relatedness whenever the distances between pages and common categories are too high. Thus the absence of a good candidate matching the focus topic can be explicitly communicated to the user. Details about the proposed algorithm can be found in [12].

5. Finding a Starting Point for Content Exploration Finding a good starting point is a critical step for successful browsing. It is desirable to start navigating a repository from a place that allows reaching the relevant learning content with a few clicks. Indeed, the search can be improved if we switch from keyword search to more semantic driven search, combined with subsequent browsing. This implies not just returning a set of resources containing the search keywords but placing the user in a relevant location, i.e. at a starting point for further exploration for resources. A topic map version of such query-initiated-navigation is implemented in TM4L. In the proposed approach, querying is seen as a means to identify starting points for navigation, and navigation is guided based on information supplied in the query. Note that topic maps based on consensual naming conventions, such as the one described in the previous section, facilitate and improve the accuracy of the query process. Our motivation came from studies reporting that users often supplement querying with extensive manual navigation [14] and observations that open-ended search tasks entail a significant amount of manual navigation [15]. Moreover, many users prefer to

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navigate rather than “jump” to a target document, as doing so enables them to understand the surrounding context, a process known as orienteering. An additional motivation came from our view on subject identity as formed by the (unique) set of subject’s relationships with other subjects. For example, if we hear the terms “Process Management”, “Memory Management” and “File Systems”, a reasonable prediction would be that this is a discussion about Operating Systems. But if we perceive the terms “Paging”, “Resident Set”, “Page Replacement”, “Demand Paging” and “Thrashing”, we would guess that the discussion is on Virtual Memory. Exploratory search typically entails browsing resources grouped around related subjects. Therefore, when the users are able to describe their exploratory interest in terms of related subjects, the latter can be used for finding a promising area for exploration. 5.1. Aiding Repository Exploration Loosely speaking, good starting points for exploration are groupings of documents that permit easy navigation to many documents matching the user’s need, via tracing one or more short paths. In the next section we discuss an algorithm for selecting a starting point for exploration. It takes as an input a set of topics (entry topics), and outputs a collection of topics qualified as starting topics for a topic map exploration. The latter are found through their relationships with the entry topics. There are different ways to specify a subject. In our case, we are interested in information objects (articles, tutorial, handouts, etc.) describing the subject. When the users are able to describe their exploratory interest in terms of related subjects, it would be helpful to provide them with assistance in the form of a navigational strategy for the area of exploration as illustrated in Fig. 3. Assume that in an interactive mode the user submits a sequence of topics, intended as an initial entry for computing the starting point for browsing. For an input list {“Critical Sections”, “Mutual Exclusion”} the user will be presented with the segment containing the topics “Synchronization”, “Critical Sections”, and “Mutual Exclusion” as a starting point for exploration, that is, with the minimal sub-graph containing the topics from the input list. For the list of topics {“Scheduling Criteria”, “Synchronization”, “Critical Section”} the user will be presented with the starting list {“Scheduling Criteria”, “Scheduling”, “Processes”, “Synchronization”, ”Critical Sections”}, etc. Processes


Scheduling Criteria


Scheduling Algorithms

Critical Sections


Mutual Exclusion

Figure 3. Partial topical structure of Processes.


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5.2. Identifying Starting Points A topic map can be represented as a graph G(T, A) of topics T and associations A. The task of finding a starting point for exploration based on a user’s entry topic list can then be formulated in terms of finding the minimal sub-graph containing the list of the entry topics. More precisely, given a graph G(T, A) the aim is to identify a sub-graph Gm of G that meets the following conditions: 1. Gm contains all nodes from the Entry list (the user input). 2. Gm should be minimal, that is, should contain as less nodes as possible. 3. Gm should be connected (if possible). In the following description of the algorithm we denote by Trv = Traversed(T) = (T1, T2, … , Tk) the set of all topics Ti which are directly associated by any association A to topic T; that is, each Ti is a neighbor of T with respect to an association A. The algorithm maintains the following data structures: Path(start_node, end_node, length, path) is an object that stores a path between two nodes as well as its length, start node, and end node. Input is a list that holds the user input and remains unchanged throughout the execution of the algorithm. Entry stores a modifiable copy of Input. Open is a list of topics in the topic map, which are yet to be examined. Closed is a list of topics that have been already examined. The Open list acts like a queue. This has a danger that the search space may be too large. Thus a depth limit is placed to prevent this. Accordingly, d(j) denotes the depth of node j and p(j) denotes the predecessor of node j within the Best First Search (BFS) search tree. 1. FOR each topic ti in Input (1 0.1 for all solutions and F (1, 31) = 0.71, p > 0.4 for solutions with six or more assessments. Since both variants provided sufficient results and did not differ significantly, we used the combined results of both variants (D+N) in the following.

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2.5.3. Heuristics Quality vs. Self-Assessment To investigate whether the heuristics outperforms the participants’ self-assessments (research question 3), we compared their average deviation to the experts’ grades.

Figure 6. Average deviation between system’s quality heuristics and participants’ self-assessment

As shown in Figure 6, the heuristics outperformed the participants’ selfassessments when three or more assessments were available for a solution. A t-test showed that this result is statistically significant (p < 0.05 for solutions with at least 4 assessments). 2.5.4. Task Group Dependency Finally, we looked at the differences of the heuristics’ quality between the four different task types (research question 5). As Figure 7 illustrates, the system provided satisfying results in all task groups, however it took more peer assessments for text summaries and for knowledge tests with possibility to guess. An ANOVA however showed that the differences between the task types were not statistically significant (p>0.5).

Figure 7. Results of system’s quality heuristics depending on task group

2.6. Discussion Overall, the pilot study confirmed our expectations. The collaborative filtering heuristics provided acceptable quality assessments for participants’ solutions when enough, i.e. four to five, assessments were available. Confirming findings in literature

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[11], [16], the participants’ self-assessments were qualitatively beaten by the peer assessments. The heuristics turned out to be adequate for different types of tasks, starting from well-structured knowledge tests, where solutions could be checked automatically, to ill-defined tasks like interpretations of rather complicated texts. Contrary to our expectations, both variants (D and N) were on a similar quality level – so it did not make a difference whether peer grades were given on a coarse grain scale or on a fine grain scale. One possible explanation for this might be the fact that, while variant N did not allow for “medium” ratings, students in variant D tended to prefer less extreme scores (like 0.7 to 0.9 for good solutions and 0.3 to 0.1 for bad solutions). This finally led to a need for more assessments in variant D to achieve extreme scores of 0.8. One aspect of the heuristics that was not confirmed by our study is related to the base rating. In section 2.1.1, the heuristic’s base rating was described: Based on the assumption that a student who can classify the quality of a given solution correctly is able to provide a high-quality solution himself, the base rating assigns a first quality score to a student’s solution even though it has not been reviewed by peers yet. Unfortunately, our analysis showed that this goal could not be fully achieved. Figure 8 shows the average deviation between the base rating and the human grading for both system variants. We compared it to a default initial value of 0.5 which results in an average difference to the human grading of 0.305 in variant D 0.29 in variant N. As the diagram shows, the base rating delivered comparable results to a default initial value in variant N and even worse results in variant D. Thus, theoretically, the base rating formula could have been replaced by a constant to improve system’s quality.

Figure 8. Comparison between base rating quality and default initial values, measured by average deviation to the human grading

But the base rating formula can be improved. In the study it became apparent that the major weakness of the base rating lies in its lack of achieving extreme (especially extremely low) scores. In variant D, there were 142 solutions which got a human grading of < 0.5. However, there were only 14 solutions which got a base rating of less than 0.5. In variant N, this effect was less extreme but still observable (137 to 86). The main reason for this effect can be found in the combination of alternative solutions. The problem lies is the following: Assume a participant got three solutions with quality ratings of 1.0, 0.67 and 0.0. Based on the worst imaginable assessment, i.e. 0.0, 0.0 and 1.0, the base rating results in:

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1 3 ¦ (| wi  qi ) 3i 1


1 | 1.0  0.0 |  | 0.67  0.00 |  | 0.0  1.0 | | 0.11 3


Thus we know that it is not possible to achieve a lower score than 0.11 for the base rating in this constellation – this gets worse the more medium the quality ratings of the solutions to be graded are. In variant D, this problem is amplified by the participants’ trend to avoid extreme assessments (as discussed before). Concretely, the lowest base rating achieved in our study in variant N was 0.14, and it was 0.31 in variant D. Hence here is potential for improvements.

3. The CITUC System Based on the promising results of the lab study, our next step was to develop an elearning system for practical use to test the heuristics in a more realistic setting. The resulting system called CITUC (Collective Intelligence @ Technical University of Clausthal) was intended to support students in their preparation for a final exam without increasing the workload of tutors. 3.1. System Modifications To improve the base rating (cf. section 2.6), the algorithm was changed in a way that allows for achieving extreme scores independently of the quality ratings of the alternative solutions to be graded (even if they are near to 0.5). Thus we modified the base rating formula in the following way: bnew


| wi  qi | 1 n ¦ n i 1 max( q i ,1  qi )


The advantage here is that it is possible to achieve extreme scores due to the linear scaling. Therefore, base ratings from 0.0 or 1.0 are always possible. To illustrate this: Assume there are solutions with quality ratings of q 1 = 0.35, q 2 = 0.6 and q 3 = 1.0. The worst ratings a user might make here are w 1 = 1.0, w 2 = 0.0 and w 3 = 0.0. In the old base rating this would have led to a base rating b old : bold


1 3 1 ¦ (| wi  qi ) 1  3 | 0.35  1.0 |  | 0.6  0.0 |  | 1.0  0.0 | 0.25 3i1


This user would thus have got a far too high base rating score (0.25) with respect to his poor assessments. The new base rating b new corrects for this: bnew


1 3 (| wi  qi |) ¦ 3 i 1 max(qi ,1  qi )

1 § | 0.35  1.0 | | 0.6  0.0 | | 1.0  0.0 | · ¸ 1  ¨¨   3 © max(0.35;0.65) max(0.6;0.4) max(1;0) ¸¹



Another starting point for improvements is to offer the option to skip tasks if a student is not able to provide at least a basic solution. This appeared repeatedly in the lab study for the task type 3: knowledge tests without possibility to guess. Here, it was

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possible to get a high base rating by lucky guessing. This led to mistakes in the system’s heuristic which lasted until enough peer assessments were available to filter this failure out. To exemplify: In some cases, solutions like “no idea” got a high base rating due to “good guessing”. This then led to a low base rating for other participants who correctly assessed this solution as bad. This propagation of mistakes could have been avoided by giving a possibility to skip tasks. In our concrete use case for CITUC (helping with the preparation for a final exam), a required sequential working through tasks would be misplaced. The problem described here was solved by allowing students a free choice among tasks to work on. Based on the results presented in section 2.5, the number of solutions which had to be assessed by students was set to 5 to get a more reliable quality rating. We also opted for using the system variant D because this provided slightly better results in ill-defined tasks (text interpretations) and results of similar quality in the other categories. 3.2. CITUC System Description CITUC was implemented as a web based system using PHP and a relational database for data storage. In addition to the “core functions” of entering and assessing solutions, the system offered facilities to comment solutions, to exchange private messages (for private call backs to comments) and e-mail notifications as awareness messages once new tasks, messages or comments were available or if there were new solutions for tasks that a student had already completed. After the login to the system by an anonymous identification number, the portal presented students some personalized awareness messages and a menu with options what to do next (see Figure 9).

Figure 9. CITUC: User-interface with awareness information

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The most important point in the menu is the work on the tasks. After selecting it, the user will get a list of all tasks that the system offers (set up by a tutor or by other users) so that he can choose which task he wants to work on. After providing a solution for the task (see Figure 10), the user will see alternative solutions from other students, anonymously presented. Analog to the study’s variant D, he has to assess these these solutions on a scale from 0 (poor) to 10 (good). In addition, he has the possibility to add comments to each solution to help the respective author of the presented solution to recognize his possible mistakes (see Figure 11).

Figure 10. CITUC: Working on task

For each completed task, the user can take a look at all other solutions with their quality ratings and their comments for the respective task. Here, it is possible for the users to communicate via private messages or to add further comments.

Figure 11. CITUC: Assessment of alternative solutions

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As indicated before, the system offers students to enter tasks. This option was included to allow students to enter problems they may have had encountered during their exam preparation (to see how other students deal with these problems). Nevertheless there is a roles management: the system differentiates between administrators, tutors and students. The first two groups have access to all tasks with their solutions and comments (see tutor area in Figure 9). 3.3. Research Questions In our research, we focused on the investigation of the following questions: 1. 2.

To what extent is the heuristics’ quality rating ready for use in practice? Does a usage in a real context confirm the results from the previous lab study? Does the system have the potential to replace classical tutorials for exam preparation? Is the student’s motivation to use the system on a voluntary basis sufficient, (usage frequency) is CITUC considered as helpful by the users (usage quality), and does it actually help students (effectiveness)?

3.4. Study Description The CITUC system was used in the course “Business Information Systems II: Modeling of Information Systems” at Clausthal University of Technology in summer 2008. The course was attended by Business Information Systems students as well as Management and Economics students in the first semesters. The system was made available after a short introduction in the last course lecture. It was available for approximately six weeks until the day of the course exam. The participation was voluntary. To motivate the students to use CITUC, e-mail reminders were sent at intervals of 2 weeks. 98 users were finally registered in the system, 85 students took part in the final exam. Overall, there were 50 tasks in the system: 22 of them were known to the students since they were taken from previous tutorials (they were put in to familiarize the students with the system) and 27 new tasks were explicitly marked as exam preparation tasks. One task was entered by a student. A few days before the final exam, the participants were asked to fulfill an online survey to assess the CITUC system. 29 of the 98 students participated in this. 3.5. Results The following sections summarize the results of the system’s evaluation parted according to the research questions, i.e. (1) performance of the heuristics in real settings, (2a) usage frequency of the system, and (2b) system’s quality and effectiveness. 3.5.1. Performance of the Heuristics To investigate the heuristics’ classification performance, we looked at the 30 worst and 30 best solutions (according to the system’s quality rating). Among the 30 worst solutions, there were 83% “spam”, i.e. solutions like “foo”. These “spam” answers were given by students who, apparently, wanted to look at other student’s solutions (and had to provide their own one to do so). Therefore we can note that the heuristics is

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capable to filter out this kind of spam successfully. The remaining other solutions, in the “poorest 30” were classified correctly as being of low quality, too. Within this “poorest 30” set, the mean value of the quality ratings was m=0.087 (sd=0.034) and the mean value of the according base rating was m=0.238 (sd=0.179), which indicates that the base rating was improved as compared to the lab study. A similar picture was drawn when looking at the top 30 solutions. Among them, there was a single spam solution with a high base rating, which could be ascribed to excellent guessing on the student’s side, but this solution did not receive any other assessments of other students until the end (it was one of the last ones entered), so that the base rating was the only available score. The other 29 solutions in the “top 30” set were classified correctly and received 5 assessments each. The mean quality rating value in this set was m=0.914 (sd=0.025). The mean value of the base rating was m=0.747 (sd=0.139). Thus, the heuristics confirmed the results of the lab study, but now even the base rating provided very good classifications. 3.5.2. Frequency of Use As Figures 12 and 13 show, the system was used mainly during the last 1.5 weeks before the final exam. The last day before the exam had most logins (see Figure 12) and most provided solutions (see Figure 13) at the last day before the final exam. The small peaks in the system’s use in the first days of use as well as after two weeks can be explained by the reminder emails. We conclude from this usage pattern that a pure voluntary use of the system was – at least within this course – a sufficient motivation for the students to use the tool during the exam preparation phase (yet not throughout a longer period).

Figure 12. CITUC: Logins per day

Figure 13. CITUC: Provided solutions per day

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Figure 13 also shows the main advantage of the system as compared to the existing approaches (PG, SWoRD): Even solutions which were posted at the last day got feedback via comments and system ratings. Thus, nearly all students (but the last one) received feedback until the “last minute”. 3.5.3. Students’ Opinions The results of the online survey show that the students found the system useful. They graded it with m=3.89 (sd=0.766, n=26) on a scale from 1 (very useless) to 5 (very useful). The question about the usefulness of the comment function drew a similar picture (m=3.556, sd=0.974, n=27). To the question if the CITUC system is a good preparation for the final exam 18 students voted for “yes”, while 3 students voted for “no”. It is important to note that the latter ones did not use the system at all, i.e. they registered to the system, but did not work on even one single task. A question about usability of the system resulted in an average value of m=3.704 (sd=0.993, n=27). We noticed that not all students understood the sense of the system. A few of them thought in the “traditional” pattern where students work on a task and after that a tutor corrects their solutions or at least presents sample solutions. These students repeatedly asked for sample solutions, even if there were solutions in the system with an excellent score and content. Only after a written confirmation of a tutor that the online solution provided by another student was correct, they believed in it. So they wanted a clear sign that a solution is some kind of sample solution. 3.5.4. Tutor’s Opinion An interview with the course tutor showed that he believed that his workload was approximately equal to before (where he held classical tutorials instead of feeding tasks into CITUC), but the main advantage in the CITUC system was the possibility to handle more tasks than in a 90 minutes tutorial. In the tutor’s opinion, the utility of CITUC was confirmed. Furthermore, he stated that the system allowed for addressing specific weaknesses “on the fly” during the course, which is not always possible in classical tutorial groups which have to be planned in advance. Concerns were mentioned by the tutor with respect to of solution assessment: He was not sure about whether students would also provide high-quality assessments if the tasks were more complicated and the solutions were longer. In our current setting we could not confirm or falsify this point, because most of the tasks were rather short. 3.5.5. System Effectiveness Out of the 98 registered users in the CITUC system, 79 took part in the final exam. Overall there were 85 participants in the final exam, i.e. 6 participants did not register in the system. The achieved average score of all participants were 3.282 3 , the average result of the CITUC users was 3.266 and there were no significant differences between students majoring in different topics. The correlation between the number of logins to the system and the exam’s results was r=-0.1546, while it was r=-0.1504 between provided solutions in the system and exam’s results. Both values suggest a trend in the desired direction (higher grade of use would lead to a better exam’s result), but are clearly not statistically significant. 3

1 = A (very good), 2 = B (good), 3 = C (satisfying), 4 = D (sufficient), 5 = E (insufficient)

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We investigated deeper and classified the users into active (more than average use) and passive users (no usage or less than average usage) dependent on their grade of activity. Furthermore we divided the active users into three subgroups, i.e. low, medium and high, as shown in Table 2. Table 2. CITUC user classification by means of their rate of use

Classification passive use active use

Rate of Use low medium high

Characteristics < 7 solutions, 4 logins • 7 solutions, 4 logins • 14 solutions, 8 logins • 28 solutions, 16 logins

# 53 11 24 10

Out of the 45 active users, 44 took part at the exam. 41 passive users participated in the exam (35 of 53 with system logins, plus 6 who never logged in). The average result of the active users was 2.993 (sd = 1.344) compared to the passive users’ result of 3.57 (sd = 1.42). Thus the latter clearly achieved a worse result. Again, this is not statistically significant, but still a noteworthy trend. The failure rate was analogue: 20.4% of the active users failed in the exam, as compared to 45.71% of the passive users. Clearly, these findings are of correlational (not causal) nature, and the exam results depends on multiple factors beyond CITUC usage, but these results might be seen as indication that the system has some educational value.

4. Conclusion The CITUC system, presented in this paper, is an example of a system which allows a student group to collaboratively build knowledge by classifying and annotating various (student provided) solutions to problems. CITUC uses CF algorithms in combination with peer reviews to address tutor workload issues in learning environments. In a controlled lab study, the CITUC heuristics provided ratings of sufficient quality (as compared to expert provided grades) and outperformed the participants’ self assessments significantly when four or more assessments for each solution were available. The heuristics also proved its suitability for daily use beyond the limit of the study and provided persuasive classification results of student solutions in a field study. It thus has application potential for Social Semantic Web systems. Problems were identified in a lack of motivation to use the system among the students (apart from the last 2 weeks before the exam) as well as in the use of backdoors to get access to other students’ solutions without providing content oneself. CITUC was assessed as helpful by the students and by the tutor, and an active usage of CITUC was correlated with better exam results.

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Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning D. Dicheva et al. (Eds.) IOS Press, 2009 © 2009 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


Subject Index ASPL 219 assessment systems 178 authoring 136 authoring support 77 collaborative filtering 279 comparative analysis 219 competencies 136 computer science education 44 computing disciplines 44 constraint-based tutors 77 cross-curriculum search 136 curriculum development 44 description logics 178 digital narratives 197 domain models 77 educational technology 279 e-learning 117, 219, 245, 260 folksonomies 117 information retrieval 136 instructor-directed feedback 117 intelligent learning environments 245 intelligent tutoring systems 77 internationalisation 136 knowledge access 219 knowledge exploration 219 learning management system 96 learning resources 136 lessons learned 260 managing the ontology-based referencing of resources 5

metadata harvesting 24 model driven architecture 178 multilinguality 136 ontological engineering 59 ontology(ies) 44, 77, 96, 117, 136, 197 ontology evolution 5 ontology mapping 24 ontology of learning and instructional theories 59 ontology of ontology changes 5 ontology-based courseware 24 peer review 279 philosophy 197 semantic annotation 117 semantic e-learning 159 semantic web 178, 197, 245, 260 semantically annotated learning content 159 social semantic web 245, 260 social web 245 test generation 96 theory-aware authoring system 59 tool evaluation 219 topics 136 tracking changes 5 Web 2.0 260 web services 159 Wittgenstein 197

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Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning D. Dicheva et al. (Eds.) IOS Press, 2009 © 2009 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


Author Index Bateman, S. Bourdeau, J. Brooks, C. Cassel, L. Desmoulins, C. Devedžić, V. Dichev, C. Dicheva, D. Dzbor, M. Gasevic, D. Goguadze, G. Greer, J. Hayashi, Y. Holland, J. Jovanovic, J. Krdžavac, N. Libbrecht, P. Loll, F. Martin, B.

260 59 260 44 136 117, 178, 245 24 v, 24 219 117, 245 159 v, 260 59 77 117, 245 178 136, 159 279 77

McCalla, G. McGuigan, N. Melis, E. Milik, N. Mitrovic, A. Mizoguchi, R. Motta, E. Paquette, G. Pasin, M. Pinkwart, N. Radenković, S.D. Rajpathak, D.G. Rogozan, D. Soldatova, L.N. Suraweera, P. Torniai, C. Ullrich, C. Zakharov, K.

260 77 159 77 77 v, 59, 96 197 5 197 279 178 219 5 96 77 117 159 77

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