crafts in the Veneto: distribution by class of rural areas(*) and by class of standard output. Agri-tourism. Class of rural areas. Up to 10.000 Euros From 10,000 to ...
RIZZO L.S., “Exploring multifunctional agriculture in the Veneto. A focus on broadening processes”, SEMESTRALE DI STUDI E RICERCHE DI GEOGRAFIA (Università di Roma «La Sapienza»), Special issue “New dynamics and trends in European rural spaces” (the issue contains the papers presented at the IV EUGEO CONGRESS «Europe, what’s next ? Changing geographies and geographies of change», Rome, 5-7/9/2013, session 27), pp. 93-104; ISSN: 1125-5218 (peer reviewed long article).
ADDITIONAL TABLES (vis-à-vis those included in the published article)
Table - Veneto: proportion of “agri-tourism” of total cases of farms that diversify in the six broadening activities considered in the study. BROADENING: activities analysed and number of cases found Teaching farms NonHandicrafts Fixing up of Agriagricultural parks tourism contractual and gardens work 142 187 229 47 400 1,120 % of agriturismi of the total of cases of diversification in the 52.71% Veneto in the broadening activities listed above Source: 6th Census of Agriculture (2010). Data processing by Luca Simone RIZZO. Recreational and social activities
Total (cases)
Table – Agri-tourism, teaching farms, non-agricultural subcontracting, maintenance of parks and gardens and crafts in the Veneto: distribution by class of rural areas(*) and by class of standard output. Agri-tourism Class of rural Up to 10.000 Euros From 10,000 to 20,000 From 20,000 to Over 100,000 areas Euros 100,000 Euros Euros Totals A1 7 8 24 20 49 63 267 171 Totals B1 8 18 83 39 Totals B2 10 17 97 68 Totals C 26 29 77 39 Totals D Totals 100 135 548 337 Teaching farms Class of rural Up to 10.000 Euros From 10,000 to 20,000 From 20,000 to Over 100,000 areas Euros 100,000 Euros Euros 2 1 8 3 Totals A 6 12 45 29 Totals B1 2 6 18 9 Totals B2 2 3 12 12 Totals C 4 2 5 6 Totals D Totals 16 24 88 59 Non-agricultural contractual work Class of rural Up to 10.000 Euros From 10,000 to 20,000 From 20,000 to Over 100,000 areas Euros 100,000 Euros Euros 0 0 4 5 Totals A 24 14 40 16 Totals B1 12 10 31 11 Totals B2 1 5 10 5 Totals C 9 9 17 6 Totals D Totals 46 38 102 43 Fixing up of parks and gardens Class of rural Up to 10.000 Euros From 10,000 to 20,000 From 20,000 to Over 100,000 areas Euros 100,000 Euros Euros 0 0 5 8 Totals A 13 19 101 48 Totals B1 12 12 86 29 Totals B2 9 2 18 12 Totals C 9 4 9 4 Totals D Totals 43 37 219 101 Handicrafts Class of rural Up to 10.000 Euros From 10,000 to 20,000 From 20,000 to Over 100,000 areas Euros 100,000 Euros Euros Totals A 11 2 3 1 Totals B1 9 1 4 1 Totals B2 1 0 3 0 Totals C 5 3 2 1 Totals D Totals 26 6 12 3 Source: 6th Census of Agriculture (ISTAT, 2010). Data processing by the Luca Simone RIZZO. (*) For the analysis we used the classification of rural areas used for the RDP of the Veneto Region 2007-2013.
Wishing to give an example: the Commune of Verona – the Provincial capital – is very vast and it too comprises agricultural sites, both flat and hilly; the latter consist of vineyards, olive groves and copses. Altogether one can find over 40 agriturismi in the various boroughs.